the pediatric heart congenital heart disease chd is a type of defect or malformation in one or more...


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Slide 2 Slide 3 The Pediatric Heart Slide 4 Congenital Heart Disease CHD is a type of defect or malformation in one or more structures of the heart or blood vessels that occur before birth CHD affects 8-10 out of every 1,000 children Approximately 500,000 adults in the U.S. have congenital heart disease Slide 5 Congenital Heart Disease Symptoms in Adults Shortness of breath Limited ability to exercise Symptoms in Children Can be detected prenatally Usually detected by the presence of a heart murmur, but not all CHD has a murmur, and not all murmurs are pathological!!! Slide 6 The Evaluation of the Heart History Physical Examination Electrocardiogram Chest radiograph Echocardiogram and further evaluation by a cardiologist (cardiopulmonary stress test, 24- hour Holter monitor, ambulatory EKG, cardiac catherization, etc Slide 7 The History Ask about timing (at rest or activity-related), onset, and termination (gradual versus sudden), precipitating and relieving factors Infants: Cyanosis, squatting, loss of consciousness, tachypnea, diaphoresis, poor weight gain Older children: Dizziness, syncope, exercise intolerance, dyspnea on exertion, diaphoresis Slide 8 Acrocyanosis vs. Cyanosis Slide 9 The Physical Exam Visual assessment of activity (agitation or lethargy) Skin perfusion and skin color Vitals: heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure (in all four extremities), and oxygen saturation Dysmorphic features Cardiovascular exam Slide 10 Cardiac Defects in Syndromes Down syndrome: AVSD Turner syndrome:Bicupsid aortic valve, coarctation Marfan syndrome:MVP, MR, dilated aortic root Fetal alcohol syndrome:VSD, ASD Maternal rubella:PDA, PPS Slide 11 Down Syndrome Slide 12 Marfan Syndrome Slide 13 Cardiovascular Exam Inspection & Palpation Chest conformation (left precordial bulge from longstanding cardiomegaly) Increased precordial activity A diffuse point of maximal impulse A precordial or suprasternal notch thrill A palpable pulmonary (P2) at upper LSB Slide 14 Cardiovascular Exam: Points of Auscultation Slide 15 Cardiovascular Exam Auscultation The first heart sound (S1) is the sound of atrioventricular (AV) valve closure is best heard the lower left sternal border The second heart sound (S2) is the sound of semilunar valve closure is best heard at the upper left sternal border. S2 has a variable split (A2 and P2), that varies with respiration, non-variable can be cardiac disease Slide 16 Cardiovascular Exam Auscultation The third heart sound (S3) is the sound of rapid filling of the left ventricle, it occurs in early diastole, after S2, and is medium- to low-pitched, usually only heard in the supine position. The fourth heart sound (S4) is associated with atrial contraction and increased atrial pressure, its low-pitched, prior to S1 and usually not audible Slide 17 Cardiovascular Exam Auscultation Ejection clicks are high-pitched, related to dilated great vessels or valve abnormalities Occur anytime during systole: early, mid, or late Early clicks at the mid LSB are from the pulmonic valve Aortic clicks are best heard at the apex Slide 18 Cardiovascular Exam Auscultation Murmurs should described by the following characteristics Location and radiation Relationship to cardiac cycle and duration Intensity Quality Variation with position Slide 19 Cardiovascular Exam Location of pathology RUSB Aortic valve stenosis LUSB ASD Pulmonary valve stenosis LLSB VSD inc AVSD Apex MR/MS/MVPS Aortic stenosis Slide 20 Cardiovascular Exam Relationship to the cardiac cycle and duration Systolic Crescendo/decrescendo Pansystolic Throughout systole or the same intensity Diastolic Continuous Systolic Ejection ASD Coarctation Pansystolic VSD MR/TR Diastolic MS/TS Continuous PDS/AVM Slide 21 Cardiovascular Exam Intensity of murmur Grade 1: soft, heard with difficulty Grade 2: soft, but easily heard Grade 3: loud without a thrill Grade 4: loud with a precordial thrill Grade 5: loud with a thrill heard with edge of stethoscope Grade 6: loud with thrill and stethoscope off chest Slide 22 Cardiovascular Exam Quality of murmur: harsh, musical, or rough; high, medium, or low in pitch Variation with position: audible when the patient is supine, sitting, standing, or squatting Slide 23 Extracardiac Exam Arterial Pulse: Rate and Rhythm Quality and Amplitude of Pulse Arterial Blood Pressure Extremities Abdomen Slide 24 Extracardiac Exam Rate and Rhythm Rhythm should be regular, or with a phasic variation with respiration (sinus arrhythmia) is normal Resting Heart Rates Kawasaki Disease Diagnostic criteria Fever for more than 5 days and at least four of: Bilateral painless, nonexudative conjunctivitis Lip or oral cavity changes (eg, lip cracking and fissuring, strawberry tongue, and/or inflammation of the oral mucosa Cervical lymphadenopathy (> 1.5 cm in diameter and usually unilateral Polymorphous exanthem Extremity changes (redness and swelling of hands and feet with subsequent desquamation) Slide 43 Kawasaki Disease Slide 44 Slide 45 Other non-diagnostic findings GI Vomiting diarrhea, gallbladder hydrops, elevated transaminases Blood Elevated ESR or CRP, leukocytosis, hypoalbuminemia, mild anemia in acute phase and thrombocytosis in subacute phase (usually second or third week of illness) Renal Sterile pyuria, proteinuria Slide 46 Kawasaki Disease Other non-diagnostic findings, cont. Respiratory Cough, rhinorrhea, infiltrate on chest radiograph Joint Arthralgia and arthritis Neurologic Mononuclear pleocytosis of cerebrospinal fluid, irritability, facial palsy Slide 47 Kawasaki Disease Cardiovascular complications Myocarditis Pericarditis Valvular heart disease (usually mitral or aortic regurgitation) Coronary arteritis (range from mild transient dilation to large aneurysm of coronary arteries) Slide 48 Kawasaki Disease Atypical Kawasaki Patients with fever for at least 5 days, But fewer than four of the diagnostic features, And coronary abnormalities by echocardiography Slide 49 Kawasaki Disease Coronary artery lesions Range from mild transient dilation to large aneurysms of coronary arteries Aneurysms rarely occur before day 10 of illness Untreated patients have a 15-25% risk of developing coronary aneurysms Those at greatest risk are males, less than 6 months of age, and not treated with IVIG Slide 50 Kawasaki Disease Coronary artery lesions Detected by two-dimensional echocardiography Most resolve in 5 years As aneurysms resolve, stenosis or obstruction can occur, up to 19 % Giant aneurysms (>8mm) are less likely to resolve, and nearly 50% become stenotic Acute thrombosis can occur, resulting in myocardial infarction, fatal in 20% of cases Slide 51 Kawasaki Disease Immediate management Referral to Pediatric Emergency Department IVIG and aspirin therapy Echocardiograms immediately, at 2 weeks, and 6-8 weeks Slide 52 Kawasaki Disease Long term management Depends on risk stratification of cardiac disease present No cardiac disease, no f/u needed after 1 year Transient ectasia, no f/u needed after 3-5 years Single small-medium aneurysm, aspirin (asa) therapy until abnormality resolves and f/u for 10 years Giant aneurysm or multiple small-medium aneurysm, long-term asa +/- warfarin and f/u for 20 years Coronary artery obstruction, long-term asa +/- warfarin +/- calcium channel blockers and f/u every 6 months Slide 53 Rheumatic Heart Disease Group A B-hemolytic streptococcal infection of the upper respiratory tract is the trigger in predisposed individuals 30-50 new cases are seen each year Host susceptibility via immune response genes occurs in 15% of the population Peak age of risk in the US is 5-15 years More common in girls and African Americans Slide 54 Rheumatic Heart Disease The immune response Sensitization of B lymphocytes by streptococcal antigens Formation of antistreptococcal antibody Formation of immune complexes that cross-react with cardiac sarcolemma antigens Myocardial and valvular inflammatory response Slide 55 Rheumatic Heart Disease: Modified Jones Criteria for Diagnosis Major manifestations (2 major or-) Carditis Polyarthritis Sydenham chorea Erythema marginatum Subcutaneous nodules Plus Supporting evidence of preceding streptococcal infection must be present Minor Manifestatiions (1 major and 2 minor) Clinical Previous rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease Polyarthralgia Fever Laboratory Acuter phase reaction: elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reative protein, leukocytosis Prolonged PR interval Slide 56 Rheumatic Heart Disease Syndenham chorea Emotional instablity and involuntary movements, including ataxia, slurring speed, self-limiting Polyarthritis Large joint swelling (knees, hips, wrists, elbow, and shoulders) Erythema Marginatum Subcutaneous Nodules Slide 57 Rheumatic Heart Disease Erythema MarginatumSubcutaneous nodules Slide 58 Rheumatic Heart Disease Treatment of acute episode Anti-infective therapy Benzathine penicillin or Penicillin V Erythromycin Anti-inflammatory therapy Asa and corticosteroids in severe cases Therapy of CHF Bedrest If CHF is present Slide 59 Rheumatic Heart Disease Treatment after acute phase Prevention of reccurence 3-5 years of therapy Penicillin G IM every 3-4 weeks or daily antibiotic therapy Rheumatic Heart Disease Most common in the US is mitral insufficiency Second common in the US is aortic insufficiency Others Mitral valve stenosis seen 5-10 years after episode Aortic stenosis seen in older adults Slide 60 Cardiomyopathy Dilated cardiomyopathy- most frequent caused by myocarditis, long-standing untreated tachyarrhythmias, left heart obstructive lesions, congenital abnormalities of the coronary arteries, anthracycline toxicity, genetic and metabolic disease Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Most common cause is familial Leading cause of sudden cardiac death!! Diffuse point of maximal impulse!! Restrictive cardiomyopathy- Rare Slide 61 References The Harriet Lane Handbook, A Manual for Pediatric House Officers, 18 th Edition by The Harriet Lane Service Childrens Medical and Surgical Center of The John Hopkins Hospital Current, Diagnosis and Treatment in Pediatrics, 18 th Edition by Hay Jr, et al. Slide 62 References Pictures The Pediatric Heart: Cyanosis Acrocyanois: Cyanosis: Dysmorphic features Downs syndrome: dont-add-up/ dont-add-up/ AVSD: Points of Auscultation: Slide 63 References Pictures Kawasaki Disease little boy: strawberry tongue: syndrome-disease-diagnosis-treatment syndrome-disease-diagnosis-treatment syndrome picture: pictures/ rash: Slide 64 References Erythema marginatum Subcutaneous nodules Marfan: