the patriot act

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Post on 29-Jun-2015



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  • 1. The Patriot Act By : Austin Russell

2. Why Care About the Patriot Act? FormallyKnown as the USA PATRIOT ACT.Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001. This made it so the us law enforcement agencies restrictions were dramatically reduced. 3. When did this happen? September 11, happened that year. Noah, the gaur, was born,the first individual of an endangered species to be cloned.WikipediaWaslaunchedon the internet. U.S. President George W. Bush announces his limited support for federal funding of research on embryonic Stem cells. . 4. The Patriot Act 5. PeopleInvolvedWith The Patriot Act PRESIDENT George W. Bush-Signed the Bill Congress-Passing the Bill 6. The Reason For Passing The Patriot Act The reason that Congress Pass the bill and the president signed the it was it was the year of 9/11. Most people wherescaredof another attack. And 7. Political Cartoon This cartoon show who in the 1775 Patriots wanted people to have liberties or death, and in 2006 patriots wanted people to give up liberties or they'll be dead.` 8. Patriot Act Video Clip 9. Questions 3 1.)What got the Patriot Act passed? 2.)Why was itquestionable? 3.)When will the act ever end? 10. Song clip 11. Hyperlink To A Web Page About the Patriot Act 12. Conclusion