the patch, april 2014: tips to increase your facebook reach, +post are google+ ads, and play it like...

The Patch Social media new features updates for marketers April 2014 Facebook organic reach stops falling… and a few tips to make it increase again! +Post is the first ad format on Google+ Lots of data to know if your content rules on LinkedIn President Obama is on Quora. Your CEO should too 1

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Again, quite an active month in the social media world, with important updates and new opportunities for both brands and individuals seeking to improve their personal branding online. Facebook's organic reach has been a hot topic in 2013. Read: they have made your content reach less of your fans to make you pay for ads. Yes, it's a bit of a racket, and yes, it's still pretty interesting to do it as the targeting of fans is more and more precise and relevant, and if you run a valuable (for fans) content marketing strategy, you will be rewarded with higher engagement and sales. Plus, we give you two cool tips to increase your reach (Mention other Pages and repeat twice each post as it won't overlap more than 30% of fans) LinkedIn has also done two cool things. The first one is more data for your personal profile. It's always rewarding to know who's viewed your profile. It's even better when you can extract trends on the long-run, as well as tips from LinkedIn to increase your visibility. More and more, don't wait to change jobs to be proactive on LinkedIn, which is becoming quite a powerful publishing platform. Last but not least, Google+ is launching +Post, an advertising format which pushes your content on Google+ and possibly 2m websites. With, of course, the power of Google products, so why not give it a try on a series of content? The rest of the updates on Foursquare "tap to tweet" ads, Pinterest Gifts feature or Twitter new Promoted Accounts in Search are in the Slideshare.


Page 1: The Patch, April 2014: Tips to increase your Facebook reach, +Post are Google+ Ads, and play it like Obama on Quora


The PatchSocial media new features updates for marketers

April 2014

• Facebook organic reach stops falling… and a few tips to make it increase again!

• +Post is the first ad format on Google+• Lots of data to know if your content rules on LinkedIn• President Obama is on Quora. Your CEO should too

Page 2: The Patch, April 2014: Tips to increase your Facebook reach, +Post are Google+ Ads, and play it like Obama on Quora


Peak of the monthFacebook Ad spend in Asia almost inexistent

It means anyone doing FB Ads in Asia can be way more visible than competition ;-)

Page 3: The Patch, April 2014: Tips to increase your Facebook reach, +Post are Google+ Ads, and play it like Obama on Quora


FacebookNew look for Facebook Timeline

A new streamlined look for Facebook Pages with some consequences for brands:

• Tabs, the easy access to contests, apps or iframes, are less visible on the left side

• More static information fill up the left side of your Timeline

=> Important only in appearance. FB is now 70% mobile, and none of these changes impact mobile versions of Facebook. Focus on content and its distribution through targeted ads

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FacebookAutoplay video ads available soon

Facebook rolls our Autoplay video ads by late April: • Format is 15 seconds as expected

(same as Instagram: play natively and do your ads there!)

• Ads Autoplay but keep silent unless user click on this: be bold on visuals to get this click

• Day-parting will be available so that you chose when to promote your video ad

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FacebookFacebook organic reach stable after 2013 drops

Facebook reach now on plateau after two sharp decreases last year:

• After two drop in 2013, the reach of your Facebook page posts is now stable between 5% and 15%

• Free tip #1 to counter this drop: mention other Pages (you need to Like them as a Page before) in your posts, they will appear on these Pages to, reaching other users

• Free tip #2: repeat each post twice, with, say 2-3 days of difference. You will overlap max 30% of people who could have viewed the first edition.







Page #fans

July ‘13 Oct ‘13 Jan ‘14 Mar ‘14

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Google+Google+ launches new ad format: +Post

Google+ launches +Post ad format:

• Any content you publish on Google+ can now be promoted, but it will be so outside of Google+, on the 2m websites of Google Display Network

• Ad are expandable, meaning they will expand upon clicking to include any comments and social

elements you originally have on the post on Google+

=> So work first to get a nice visual post on Google+ (Hangout, Video, Picture…), get social interactions on it and then promote it as +Post

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Google+Using Google+ in a social media strategy

A good wrap-up found of what you can do with Google+ on Bandt blog

• It's not "Google's Facebook": (almost) no ads, no storytelling power... but a platform which integrates all of Google products, from Youtube to Gmail and Android

• Google+ is a customized experience: you can add any of your follower or following in "Circles", and then address specific content to these segments.

• Google+ Communities (think of groups) are where people gather to discuss a common topic. Useful to get insights and take part in non-branded conversations

• Google+ is a SEO factor you cannot avoid. Anything you do there has a privileged place back in Google Search.

• New Google+ "+Post" Ad format allow any content you publish to be an ad which will be shown both in G+ and 2m websites

Check out how Cadbury, Ferrari and Android play with Google+

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TwitterTwitter launches Promoted Accounts ad in Search

Twitter ads Promoted Accounts in Search (after you could see them in your Timeline):

• You cannot (oddly) choose which keywords to be promoted on, Twitter will manage it with its algorithms

• It's a good idea to run these ads during a crisis management, to promote your "official voice" when people look for the info (think of #mh370 and Malaysia Airlines)

• The highly engaged users you can reach with this type of ads are 72% more likely to convert as buyers

Search box

Promoted result

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TwitterTwitter adds “Fave People” feature for better readability

Twitter "Fave People" feature could be its killer app:

• Twitter Timeline is notoriously crowded and barely readable

• By "faving" other users, you constitute more easily lists of people you want to read about

• Great tool for curation and monitoring of influencers you want to follow

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Twitter4 pictures in 1 on Twitter

Twitter adds new features to make it even more social and visual:

• You can now tag up to 10 friends on a picture shared on Twitter. Don't do it too much, it can be perceived as pretty spam

• Brands can now publish 4 pictures in 1 tweet, so you can be more creative and play with visual, which people share more anyways

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LinkedInMore data and advice on “who’s viewed your profile”

LinkedIn improves the "who's viewed your profile" page:

• You have now easy to read data on the type of people/position who saw your profile (recruiters, sales managers...)

• LinkedIn also provides you with tips to get more views on your profile

• Do use LinkedIn a lot for your personal branding, as it's checked very often even out of a recruiting context, do remember you can also apply to be an influencer there

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LinkedInComparative data on how your content fares

Two features on LinkedIn to help you know better your audience and message relevance:

• Content Marketing Score analyzes the impact of posts, for brands as well as Influencers

• Trending Content will show advertisers what their target audience is reading most to adjust its own messages

=> It's better to be a brand on LinkedIn, and you can be a better brand by following these insights to craft future content that matches people’s interests (not necessarily yours)

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PinterestPinterest ads available late April 2014

Pinterest rolls out its ad service late April 2014

• Like Instagram, the first client would need to spend $1-2m to be "first there”

• CPMs would be about $30-40, meaning a premium ad offering (for reference, CPM is about $0.6 on Facebook, $3-4 on Twitter, $5-10 on LinkedIn, $10+ on Youtube)

• Targeting can reach Categories (Food, Travel...), Location, Device, Age, Level of activity

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PinterestNew “Gifts” section for products only

Pinterest launches a "Gifts" section on desktop and mobile with only things you can buy:

• After opening "Explore" on a selection of categories such as Travel or Food, it's another move from Pinterest to act as a curator/aggregator of a specific type of items

• Unlike "Explore" sections, Gifts will display a price range (from $ to $$$$, eg <$50 to >$200)

=> Retailers can implement Gifts by adding metadata (see Pinterest for Developers) on their website, so that products can be featured (or promoted) in this Gifts section

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FoursquareNew “Gifts” section for products only

Foursquare launches "Tap to Tweet" ad format this April 2014:

• You can promote a message to users checking-in (= saying "I'm here!") in a location, so that they would share this message to their Twitter account

• Your message should include a ready-to-tweet message (with your campaign #hashtag, for instance)

• Price tag is $100k to begin with, but as other new ads, this price should be more affordable with time and a good combo to target early adopters

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QuoraPresident Obama is there. Your management?

Quora, the topic-based Q&A social network, sees Obama join as a verified member to answer topics on the Affordable Care Act:

• If you don't know Quora, think of a mix of a higher-end Yahoo Answers and Wikipedia, people can ask & answer anything and upvote results, the content is in most cases very qualitative

• If you are a CEO, and/or have a target of tech early adopters (hello startup founder & CTO/CMO!), you should be on Quora

• Just like any other social network, practice Quora like you practice gym: once in a week, an hour or two of answering & sharing your answer will build you a reputation on the long-run

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Agence Tesla, a social media agency in Singapore and [email protected]

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