the past two weeks at langley park primary...

Dear Families, January is nearly over and I cannot believe your next Newsletter will coincide with our half term break. We are all looking forward to some spring like weather I’m sure! New Build Despite the terrible weather building work has continued and in my last communications with the team this week I have been assured once again that the works are on track for ‘decant and occupation’ in time for us to open our doors in September! Here are some pictures of work in action: Year 1 Choir. Letters have been sent home today regarding the launch of the Year 1 choir next week. Choir will be led by our wonderful Brit School graduate Miss Daniels. Watch this space for updates! Parents Forum Last call for anyone who would be interested in joining the Parents Forum. I will be sending out emails next week to confirm dates for meetings. If you are interested please can you email the school office: [email protected] and put Parents Forum in the subject box. Parent Survey Sadly, we have had very few responses to our Parent Survey that was advertised in the newsletter last week. Should you still wish to complete it on-line, here is the link which you should be able to click through directly from this PDF document. Safeguarding We have recently subscribed to Digital Parenting magazine which is an online safety guide for families. It is distributed through schools and is a partnership between Parent Zone and Vodafone. It contains advice from teachers, parents and experts on subjects which affect children of all ages and their parents. We will let you know when the first batch of free magazines arrive in school. As mentioned in our last newsletter, we now have a Safeguarding Information board inside reception, so do take 5 minutes to have a look when you are next in school. The past two weeks at Langley Park Primary School

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Page 1: The past two weeks at Langley Park Primary · during your Parents Evening appointment, you will have the opportunity to

Dear Families,

January is nearly over and I cannot believe your next

Newsletter will coincide with our half term break. We

are all looking forward to some spring like weather

I’m sure!

New Build

Despite the terrible weather building work has

continued and in my last communications with the

team this week I have been assured once again that

the works are on track for ‘decant and occupation’ in

time for us to open our doors in September!

Here are some pictures of work in action:

Year 1 Choir.

Letters have been sent home today regarding the

launch of the Year 1 choir next week. Choir will be led

by our wonderful Brit School graduate Miss Daniels.

Watch this space for updates!

Parents Forum

Last call for anyone who would be interested in

joining the Parents Forum. I will be sending out emails

next week to confirm dates for meetings. If you are

interested please can you email the school office:

[email protected] and put Parents Forum

in the subject box.

Parent Survey

Sadly, we have had very few responses to our Parent

Survey that was advertised in the newsletter last

week. Should you still wish to complete it on-line,

here is the link which you should be able to click

through directly from this PDF document.


We have recently subscribed to Digital Parenting

magazine which is an online safety guide for families.

It is distributed through schools and is a partnership

between Parent Zone and Vodafone. It contains

advice from teachers, parents and experts on subjects

which affect children of all ages and their parents.

We will let you know when the first batch of free

magazines arrive in school.

As mentioned in our last newsletter, we now have a

Safeguarding Information board inside reception, so

do take 5 minutes to have a look when you are next in


The past two weeks at Langley Park Primary School

Page 2: The past two weeks at Langley Park Primary · during your Parents Evening appointment, you will have the opportunity to

School Council & The School Council Art


The school council have been busy thinking about

school trips and things they would like to do over the

next term. Watch this space as we work hard to put in

place some of their ideas. They now have their own

page on the school website so please do take a look.

In the most recent meeting the children asked about

having more opportunities to do creative art projects

and they asked if they could raise money for

additional art materials for the school. I promise you

this was unprompted!

There will be an art prize for the overall winner which will be chosen by the School Council and Ms Starr. All pictures will be displayed on parents evening for everyone to admire!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Kindest regards,

Ms Starr Interim Head of School

Reception We have explored the world of dinosaurs and begun

to be pirates, with an emphasis on storytelling and

rhyme. The children have been very enthusiastic to

take on different roles using their imaginations to

great effect! In maths we have been counting objects

to twenty and beyond as well as recognising and

ordering numbers to twenty. Next week we will be

focusing on sequencing events and stories as well as

learning about time and clocks. We will also be

making pirate ships to try and float so we would

appreciate any clean reclaimed materials that you

have at home being sent in such as plastic bottles,

yogurt pots and boxes.

We are planning to celebrate Chinese New Year with

our children the week before half term. This will

include some food tasting. We are aware of allergies

and intolerances already on the list but if you have

any concerns about this please let us know. Also, if

your family is celebrating at home, we would love to

know all about it and if you would like to come in and

talk to us, please let your teacher know. We are also

looking for any wooden chopsticks to use for the

children’s learning.

Just a reminder, we are always amazed by the

children’s fantastic achievements at home, so please

keep sending in your ‘wow cards’ for us to read out in

class and add to their learning journeys. In addition,

during your Parents Evening appointment, you will

have the opportunity to add a speech bubble to your

child’s learning journey. This will enable you to make a

supportive comment about their learning in school.

We will share these comments with your child.

Mrs Kelly and Miss Blundell

Year 1 Year 1 have had another full on week! Maths has been another carousel of fun. This week the learning has been based around '1/2 of'. The children have been looking at halving shapes and quantities and have used their reasoning skills to explore odd and even numbers. In Literacy, Traction Man has found some new side-kicks in the form of classroom and home objects coming to life! We've had some evil chairs with sharp, pointy teeth and even....a POISONOUS toothbrush! The children have once again been expanding their creative minds and developing their narrative skills. Through IPC we conducted our own scientific experiments, testing the distance cars can travel on a variety of materials. The children were able to make predictions and analyse their results. Junk modelling request. Please can we have any junk modelling you have spare (Cereal boxes, egg crates, yoghurt pots etc.). Thank you in advance. Have a great Weekend, Year 1 Team Miss Borg and Miss Osmond

School Council Art Competition!

£1 entry Fee

Open to whole school

Closing date Thursday 1st February

Subject: A picture of the Winter Olympics

The picture can be in paint, felt tips, crayon,

pencils or whatever you choose!

Please bring into school with the entry fee

before our closing date.

All proceeds will be distributed equally between each class.

Page 3: The past two weeks at Langley Park Primary · during your Parents Evening appointment, you will have the opportunity to

Term Dates 2018 -2019

Langley Park Primary School

Autumn Term 2018

Staff Training Days: Monday 3rd & Tuesday 4th September 2018 School Starts: Wednesday 5th September 2018

School breaks up: Friday 19th October 2018 Half Term 22nd October to 26th October 2018

Staff Training Day: Monday 29th October School Starts: Tuesday 30th October 2018

School breaks up: Friday 14th December 2018*

Spring Term 2019 School Starts: Monday 7th January 2019

School breaks up: Friday 15th February 2019 Half Term 18th February to 22nd February 2019

School starts: Monday 25th February 2019 School breaks up: Friday 5th April 2019*

(Good Friday 19th April 2019 / Easter Monday 22nd April 2019)

Summer Term 2019 School Starts: Tuesday 23rd April 2019

(Bank Holiday 6th May) School Breaks up: Thursday 23rd May 2019

Staff Training Day: Friday 24th May 2019

Half Term 27th May to Friday 31st May 2019 School Starts: Monday 3rd June 2019

School breaks up: Tuesday 23rd July 2019*

* The last day of each full term will finish at the earlier time of 1.40pm for all children.

Dates and Times may be subject to change – we will inform you as soon as possible if any changes are required.

Page 4: The past two weeks at Langley Park Primary · during your Parents Evening appointment, you will have the opportunity to

PTA News

Dear all,

With half-term fast approaching, we wanted to

provide you all with a brief update on what your PTA

have been doing to support our amazing school. As

you are all aware, we raised a grand total of £2,081.51

through the various activities and events held in 2017.

A great achievement and a big thank-you, once again,

to everyone involved. Following on from our

discussions with the school, it has been decided that

part of the funds raised will go towards the setting up

of a House System for LPPS. In addition, we shall be

investing in some music equipment. More detail and

information to follow soon so please watch this


We hope our fundraising efforts will continue into

2018. To this end, we aim to hold a range of

fundraising events over the spring and summer terms

and want to include as many families as possible.

Events planned for this term

include a much anticipated Quiz

Night and an Easter raffle.

Of course, we are open to any ideas you may have

and encourage you to come forward to discuss with

any member of our PTA. Alternatively, feel free to pop

any suggestions into our dedicated post box in our

school reception area.

As our school expands, and with the New Build now

underway, we will soon be looking to grow our PTA. A

number of you have expressed an interest in being

part of our Committee or supporting the work of our

PTA in other ways. We will shortly be advertising for a

Publicity Officer to help promote the work of the PTA

- we shall communicate to you all again soon via

email, newsletter and through social media with

details of this role. A reminder to please follow us on

Facebook at The Friends of Langley Park Primary

School – Beckenham!

With best wishes from your PTA.


Overall attendance - year to date = 96.18%

Overall attendance 13th Jan – 26th Jan = 95.9%

13/01/17 – 26/01/18

Robins: 95% Lates: 0.7%

Puffins: 96.9% Lates: 0.8%

Hummingbirds: 95.5% Lates: 1.6%

Nightingales: 96.1% Lates: 1.0%

Gold Certificate Awards

Last week’s Golden Certificates:

Robins Puffins

Holly Charlotte

Raphael Edward

Hummingbirds Nightingales

Amaline Millie

Toby Raffi

This week’s Golden Certificates:

Robins Puffins

Shivani Olivia

George Ralph

Hummingbirds Nightingales

Rihanna Emma

Noah Ethan

Dates for your diaries

Tuesday 6th February – 3.30pm – 6.00pm

Parents’ Meetings

Wednesday 7th February – 3.30pm – 7.00pm

Parents’ Meetings

Thursday 8th February – 3.30pm – 6.00pm

Parents’ Meetings

Friday 9th February – Break up for Half Term

Monday 19th February – Return to school

Thursday 1st March – World Book Day

Wednesday 21st March – World Poetry Day

Thursday 22nd March – Yr 1 choir performing

at LPSB Gala Concert

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 020 8639 5300