the parish of resurrection-ascension · 2020-05-29 · the acts of the apostles indicates that the...

The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374 (718) 424-5212 Mass Schedule– Livestreamed on our website and Facebook page until further notice 9:00am Monday-Saturday 11:00am English 12:30pm Spanish

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Page 1: The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 2020-05-29 · The Acts of the Apostles indicates that the Spirit’s palpable presence sent them out of the room ... Avisos serán publicados

The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374

(718) 424-5212

Mass Schedule– Livestreamed on our website and Facebook page until further notice

9:00am Monday-Saturday

11:00am English 12:30pm Spanish

Page 2: The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 2020-05-29 · The Acts of the Apostles indicates that the Spirit’s palpable presence sent them out of the room ... Avisos serán publicados


Dear Friends, What does Pentecost mean to you? In some ways, we can tend to celebrate it as a past event. It surely was a dramatic, life-changing event for those early disciples who experienced this outpouring of the Spirit after the Resurrection of Jesus. It seemed to give the disciples a new courage and inspiration, a boldness to declare the Good News of Jesus, without fear of rejection or persecution. The Acts of the Apostles indicates that the Spirit’s palpable presence sent them out of the room where they had gathered into the streets, where foreign visitors heard them and understood their message. It also declares that 3,000 were added to their number that day, as great conversions happened. But do we celebrate the Pentecost feast just to commemorate that great past event? No, the Church is promised that same gift of the Spirit today. The Spirit among us calls us to action, to boldness, to speak fearlessly of God’s action in our lives today. The Spirit calls us to mission, as we work to build up God’s kingdom. The big question is: how are we responding to the Spirit? How does this parish respond to the Spirit, both in word and deed? Perhaps especially during this time of pandemic, we are called to find new ways to be Christ’s Church in the world, bringing his message of healing and peace. May the Spirit of God continue to touch our hearts, convert us to a deeper faith, and give us confidence to pro-claim God’s word to others. Peace and blessings, Father Tom +++++ Queridos amigos, ¿Qué significa Pentecostés para nosotros? De alguna manera, quizás podemos celebrarlo como un evento del pasado. Ciertamente fue un evento dramático que cambió la vida de aquellos primeros discípulos que experimentaron ese fulgor del Espíritu Santo después de la resurrección de Jesús. Parecía haber dado a los discípulos un nuevo valor y una nueva inspiración, la valentía para declarar las Buena Nueva de Jesús, sin temor al rechazo o a la persecución. Los Hechos de los Apóstoles indican que la presencia palpable del Espíritu los envió hacia afuera del aposento donde se habían reunido a sa-lir a las calles, donde los visitantes extranjeros los escucharon y entendieron su mensaje en su propio idioma. También nos dice que se agregaron 3.000 a su número ese día, ya que ocurrieron grandes conversiones. ¿Pero nosotros, celebramos el Día de Pentecostés solo conmemorando ese gran evento como un hecho del pa-sado? No, como iglesia, se nos ha prometido el mismo don del Espíritu aquí y ahora. El Espíritu Santo que habi-ta entre nosotros nos llama a la acción, a la valentía, a hablar sin miedo de la obra de Dios en nuestras propias vidas actualmente. El Espíritu nos llama a la misión, mientras trabajamos para construir el reino de Dios. La gran pregunta es: ¿cómo estamos nosotros respondiéndole al Espíritu Santo? ¿Cómo responde nuestra pa-rroquia al Espíritu, tanto en palabras como en hechos? Quizás especialmente durante este tiempo de pandemia, estamos llamados a encontrar nuevas formas de ser la Iglesia de Cristo en el mundo, llevando su mensaje de sanación y de paz. Ojalá que el Espíritu de Dios continúe tocando nuestros corazones, convirtiéndonos a una fe más profunda y dándonos la confianza que necesitamos para proclamar la Palabra de Dios a los demás. Paz y bendiciones, Padre Tom

Page 3: The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 2020-05-29 · The Acts of the Apostles indicates that the Spirit’s palpable presence sent them out of the room ... Avisos serán publicados

MAY 31, 2020


Our students in 4th and 5


grade continue to immerse themselves in literature despite being apart. Students in grade 4 are learning all about tall ta-les—Mike Finn, Sally Ann Thun-

der Ann Whirlwind Crockett and Pecos Bill (which was a question on Jeopardy last week!). Students access the stories using a website called EPIC. Using the same site, students in Grade 5 are reading The Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson. In their Zoom meetings students go into Breakout Rooms to have small group discussions about their book. Even though our doors are closed, school is open!


The remainder of the 2020 Mass book is open for your intention requests. To reserve your Mass inten-

tions, kindly call the rectory (718) 424-5212 to speak with Debbie Gross.

Please note, the summer Sunday Mass schedule (8am, 11am, 12:30pm) runs from July5 through Sep-

tember 6th (Labor Day weekend). Our regular Sunday schedule resumes on September 13th.


The Wine & Hosts and Altar Candles are available for your intention requests from July through De-


The Sanctuary Lamp, Candles at the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, St. Patrick, St. John Vianney,

and Flowers at the Blessed Mother are only available from September through December at this time.



El resto del libro de Intenciones para Misa del 2020 está abierto para que ya hagan sus solicitudes de

Misas. Para reservar sus intenciones de misa, por favor llamen a la rectoría (718) 424-5212 para ha-

blar con Debbie Gross. Recuerden que el horario de misa dominical de verano (8am, 11am, 12:30 pm)

es del 5 de julio al 6 de septiembre (fin de semana del Día del Trabajo). Nuestro horario regular de Mi-

sas dominicales se reanuda el 13 de septiembre.


El Vino y las Hostias así como las Velas del Altar están disponibles para sus intenciones de julio a di-ciembre. Sin embargo, la lámpara del santuario, las velas de la Santísima Virgen María, San José, San Patricio, San Juan Vianney y las Flores de la Santísima Virgen solo están disponibles de septiem-bre a diciembre en este momento.

Page 4: The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 2020-05-29 · The Acts of the Apostles indicates that the Spirit’s palpable presence sent them out of the room ... Avisos serán publicados

Welcome back home

The church will open for silent, individual prayer. It will be open Sundays to Fridays from 8

Am to 12 noon. It will be closed on Saturdays.

For everyone’s safety:

-Please do not enter the church if you are sick or have been in contact with someone

who is sick

-Do not enter the church if you have a compromised immune system

-Masks are required for ages 3 and above at all times

-Keep social distancing –at least 6’ apart

-No more than 10 people present in the church at any given time

-Only one person at a time allowed in the bathroom

Please Note:

-At this time, please enter through the handicap ramp on Eliot Avenue

-The Blessed Sacrament Chapel will be closed

-Masses will continue to be offered on-line only, no public Masses as of yet

-No gatherings of any kind are allowed at this time

-No groups or ministry meetings at this time

-Updates will continue to be posted on our website and Facebook page

-Any questions, please call the rectory

We are very happy to welcome you back home at our parish, your spiritual home!

Bienvenidos a casa

La iglesia estará abierta para oración individual en silencio. Estará abierta de Domingo a

Viernes de las 8 AM hasta el medio día. Estará cerrada los días sábados.

Para la seguridad de todos:

No entre a la iglesia si está enfermo o si ha estado en contacto con alguien que está


No entre si tiene un sistema inmunológico de alto riesgo

Mascarillas son requeridas para todos los mayores de 3 años en todo momento

Mantenga distancia social – 6 pies aparte

No más de 10 personas presentes en la iglesia en ningún momento

Solamente se permite una persona a la vez en el baño

Por favor tome nota:

Por ahora, por favor entren por la puerta de la rampa en Eliot Avenue

La Capilla del Santísimo Sacramento estará cerrada

La Santa Misa continuara por internet solamente, no has Misas con feligreses todavía.

No se permiten reuniones en grupo en este momento

No habrán sesiones o reuniones de ningún ministerio por ahora

Avisos serán publicados en nuestro sitio web y pagina de Facebook

Si tienen alguna pregunta, por favor llamen a la rectoría

Estamos muy contentos de darles la bienvenida a nuestra parroquia, su hogar espiritual!

MAY 31, 2020

Page 5: The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 2020-05-29 · The Acts of the Apostles indicates that the Spirit’s palpable presence sent them out of the room ... Avisos serán publicados

Rectory Hours: office closed to the public until further notice, receptionist available remotely Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, Saturdays 9am-1pm Rectory: (718) 424-5212 61-11 85th Street, Rego Park, NY 11374

Pastoral Staff Rev. Thomas G. Pettei, Pastor Rev. Richard Conlon, Parochial Vicar Msgr. Robert J. Thelen, Parochial Vicar Rev. Basilio Monteiro, Weekend Presider Mr. Emanuel Bologna, Director of Music Mrs. Joann Heppt, Academy Principal Mr. Jason Velazquez, Faith Formation/Pastoral Out-reach Mrs. Ana Puente, Pastoral Associate Mr. James Shearer, Youth Minister

Rectory Staff Debbie Gross, Receptionist [email protected], or ext 10 Heather Belon, Bookkeeper [email protected], or ext 12 Cathy Mesa, Tuition Officer/ Receptionist [email protected], or ext 16

Resurrection-Ascension Catholic Academy (718) 426-4963 [email protected]

The Sacrament of Baptism takes place once a

month*. Please call the Rectory for schedules and in-

formation on registration.

The Sacrament of Marriage- please call the Rectory

for scheduling*. According to Diocesan policy, ar-

rangements must be made six months in advance.

*Baptisms, Weddings, Confirmations and First Com-

munion are postposed. New dates will be published

when they become available.

Pastoral Outreach/ Religious Education/Faith For-

mation please kindly call Jason Velazquez at (929)

274-1627, or email [email protected].


Parish Goal: $76,106 Pledged: $40,429 Paid: $31,248

Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the

Most Holy Sacrament.

I love You above all things, and I desire to receive

You into my soul.

Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacra-

mentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace You as if You were already there and

unite myself wholly to You.

Never permit me to be separated from You.

Oración para la Comunión Espiritual

Creo, Jesús mío, que estás real

y verdaderamente en el cielo

y en el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar.

Te amo sobre todas las cosas

y deseo vivamente recibirte

dentro de mi alma,

pero no pudiendo hacerlo

ahora sacramentalmente, ven al menos

espiritualmente a mi corazón.

Y como si ya te hubiera recibido,

te acojo y me uno del todo a Ti.

Señor, no permitas que jamás me aparte de Ti.


Page 6: The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 2020-05-29 · The Acts of the Apostles indicates that the Spirit’s palpable presence sent them out of the room ... Avisos serán publicados

MAY 31, 2020

Today is Pentecost Sunday (A) REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS

The Sick and/or Hospitalized: Vahide Atlas, Colleen Breheny, Peggy Brennan, Stephanie Bojarski, Kurt Burger, Richard DeNardo, Ida Fer-nandes, Steve Ferrugio, Msgr. Vincent Fullam, Jackie Hanley, George J. Harms, George M. Harms, James Leung, Mary Loughnane, Mary El-len Lustberg, Nora Lydon, Mary May, Brian McCa-be, Jr, Patrick McCabe, Paula Narva, Dolly Serna Ocampo, Brendan Phelan, Grace Radonicic, Frank Rahill, Maureen Rahill, Barbara Ravert, Joel Rive-ra, Mary Sammon, Madeline Silecchia, Jason Swinburne, Rose and Carmela Tantillo.

Deceased: Blanca Maria Espinoza de Lazo

Monday, June 1st -Cyril Phelan (ann), req by his wife and family’

Tuesday, June 2nd -Joseph Loughnane, req by Bridie Grogan and family

Wednesday, June 3rd -Sister Maureen Bernius, req by Angela McCarthy

Thursday, June 4th -Jimmy Creighton, req by Joan Franco

Friday, June 5th -for the victims of the pandemic

Saturday, June 6th -For the people of the parish -Ray Scacalossi, req by his wife, Carol -MaryEllen Fitzpatrick, req by her daughter Kathleen Fitzpatrick -Patrick Fitzpatrick, req by his sister Kathleen Fitzpat-rick -Walter and Zita Panas, req by Tina and Marie Panas Sunday, June 7th – The Most Holy Trinity (Ex 34: 4b-6, 8-9 2 Cor 13:11-13 Jn 3:16-18) -Maureen Sawey, req by John and Anna Skretkowski -Stella Klmapfer, req by the Klampfer family and her loving grandchildren Samuel and Ophelia -Eileen Dillon, req by Mary Shanahan and family -Mercedes Marie Martinez, Jose Martinez, and Apollo Martinez, req by their family


The Wine and Hosts will be used this week in

loving memory of the victims of the pandemic.

The Altar Candles will be lit this week for the

health and intentions of all those affected by

the pandemic.

To make a donation to our church, just text the word ‘Sunday’ to 517-500-5212 to easily make your gift. You can also just point your camera at this QR code for a quick link: As always, you are in our prayers! CONTRIBUTIONS MADE VIA ONLINE GIVING THIS WEEK: $1,789. THANK YOU!

Para hacer una donación a nuestra iglesia, envíe un mensaje de texto con la palabra "Sunday" al 517-500-5212 para hacer fácilmente su donación También puede enfocar su cámara hacia este código QR para un enlace rápido: Como siempre, oramos por usted! CONTRIBUCIONES REALIZADAS A TRAVÉS DE LA DONACIÓN EN LÍNEA ESTA SEMANA: $1,789. ¡Gracias!

We would like to thank our parishioners

that have either mailed or dropped off

their tithing envelopes. Thanks to your

dedication and generosity we deposited

$9,752 last week! God bless you!

Page 7: The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 2020-05-29 · The Acts of the Apostles indicates that the Spirit’s palpable presence sent them out of the room ... Avisos serán publicados