the parish church of st barnabas, · pdf file · 2017-09-28the parish church of st...

1 The Parish Church of St Barnabas, Swanmore St Barnabas, Swanmore – Making Christ known in our community through care for all, welcoming hospitality and worship for all ages Gluten free wafers are available. Please speak to the sidespeople if you would like one (In church unless otherwise stated) Sunday 1 st October Harvest Festival 8.00 Eucharist 10.00 Family Eucharist Hymns 9, 161, 557, 530, 138, Beauty for Brokenness 18.00 Songs of Praise - welcome to SMC Friends Tuesday 3 rd 10.00-11.00 Pause to Pray, wherever you are Saturday 7 th 10.30 MU Coffee Morning, Paterson Centre 12.00 Midday Prayers Wednesday 4 th 9.15 School’s Worship on Wednesday – Harvest Festival led by Y3 11.00 Eucharist 19.00 Pat. Centre & Barnaby’s sub-group meeting, Barnaby's Thursday 5 th 8.15 Morning Prayer Sunday 8 th Oct 17 th after Trinity 8.00 Eucharist 10.00 Parish Eucharist inc. Sunday Club Welcome to St Barnabas If you would like more information about our church please speak to Claire (the Vicar), or one of the many people helping out. Information can also be found on our website: Please do join us for tea or coffee after the service Barnaby’s opening hours this week: Tue, Wed: 2pm – 4.30pm Thu, Fri: 9am – 12 & 2pm – 4.30pm Sat: 10am – 1pm

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The Parish Church of St Barnabas, Swanmore

St Barnabas, Swanmore – Making Christ known in our community through care for all, welcoming hospitality and worship for all ages

Gluten free wafers are available. Please speak to the sidespeople if you would like one

(In church unless otherwise stated)

Sunday 1st October Harvest Festival 8.00 Eucharist 10.00 Family Eucharist Hymns 9, 161, 557, 530, 138, Beauty for Brokenness

18.00 Songs of Praise - welcome to SMC Friends

Tuesday 3rd 10.00-11.00 Pause to Pray, wherever you are

Saturday 7th

10.30 MU Coffee Morning, Paterson Centre 12.00 Midday Prayers

Wednesday 4th 9.15 School’s Worship on Wednesday – Harvest Festival led by Y3 11.00 Eucharist 19.00 Pat. Centre & Barnaby’s sub-group meeting, Barnaby's Thursday 5th

8.15 Morning Prayer

Sunday 8th Oct 17th after Trinity 8.00 Eucharist 10.00 Parish Eucharist inc. Sunday Club

Welcome to St Barnabas If you would like more information about our church please speak to Claire (the Vicar),

or one of the many people helping out. Information can also be found on our website:

Please do join us for tea or coffee after the service

Barnaby’s opening hours this week:

Tue, Wed: 2pm – 4.30pm Thu, Fri: 9am – 12 & 2pm – 4.30pm Sat: 10am – 1pm


WE GATHER The Greeting & Welcome: The Lord be with you And also with you Our Gifts: We hold up our harvest gifts & We look up to the roof – and beyond to the sky….. Thank you, loving God, for your goodness that blesses us, and the earth. You are generous. Thank you, God We look around at one another and beyond the church walls Thank you, loving God, for the people who made this food and those who will share in it. You are generous. Thank you, God We look at the floor and the earth beneath it Thank you, loving God, for our village, this church and for your faithful love over many generations. You are generous. Thank you, God Hymn: No. 9 – All Creatures of our God and King During this hymn our harvest gifts will be brought forward


The prayer of the day – to offer our thanks for the gifts we offer: Creator God, you make all things and give us the earth and the seasons, the rain, the sun and the wind; we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your goodness and care, and for giving us enough to eat

in the harvest of the land. Please also give us wisdom and good sense to use this harvest well, to honour you and to help those who are not so well off.

In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord

Amen Saying Sorry Harvest makes us aware of how much we have to enjoy, but it also makes us aware of how often we fail to take care of the world and those around us. It’s also the beginning of Autumn, a time when the leaves fall, reminding us that sometimes we need to let go of things so that new things can happen. We remember all the wrong choices we have made, the things we couldn’t be bothered to do, and the things we did on purpose that have hurt other people, hurt ourselves and hurt God. Loving God, we can be selfish, greedy and wasteful of all that you have given us. Sometimes we even forget to say thank you. Lord, have mercy Lord, have mercy


Sometimes we ignore the needs of others. Christ, have mercy Christ, have mercy Sometimes we just can’t be bothered to do the right thing Lord, have mercy Lord, have mercy But we are sorry and ask that you forgive us. May the Father of all mercies cleanse us from our sins, and restore us in his image, so that we might become more like Jesus Christ. Amen The Peruvian Gloria: No. 161


Reading 1: Exodus 23 v 14-17 (the Contemporary English version) A reading from the book of Exodus

Celebrate three festivals a year in my honour. Celebrate the Festival of Thin Bread by eating bread made without yeast, just as I have commanded. Do this at the proper time during the month of Abib, because it is the month when you left Egypt. And make certain that everyone brings the proper offerings. Celebrate the Harvest Festival each Spring when you start harvesting your wheat, and celebrate the festival of Shelters each Autumn when you pick your fruit.

This is the word of the Lord Thanks be to God


Hymn: No. 557 Who put the colours in the rainbow?

Gospel Reading: Luke 12 v 22-30 (the Contemporary English version)

Hear the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke Glory to you, O Lord Jesus said to his disciples: I tell you not to worry about your life! Don’t worry about having something to eat or wear. Life is more than food or clothing. Look at the crows! They don’t plant or harvest, and they don’t have storehouses or barns. But God takes care of them. You are much more important than any birds. Can worry make you live longer? If you don’t have power over small things, why worry about everything else? Look how the wild flowers grow! They don’t work hard to make their clothes. But I tell you that Solomon with all his wealth, wasn’t as well clothed as one of these flowers. God gives such beauty to everything that grows in the fields, even though it is here today and thrown into a fire tomorrow. Won’t he do even more for you?

This is the Gospel of the Lord Praise to you, O Christ



What we believe: No. 530

Prayers for others:

Sharing the Peace:

Blessed are those who are peacemakers. They shall be called children of God. We meet in the name of Christ and share his peace. The peace of the Lord be always with you. And also with you.


Hymn: No. 138 For the fruits of his creation There will be a money collection during this hymn for the work of the Disasters’ Emergency Committee (DEC), for their work with people in Yemen, who, after a long civil war are suffering from famine and Cholera

WE REMEMBER The Lord is here His Spirit is with us Lift up your hearts We lift them up to the Lord Let us give thanks to the Lord our God It is right to give thanks and praise Father, you made the world and love all you have created. You gave your Son Jesus Christ to be our Saviour. On the night Jesus was betrayed, at supper with his friends he took bread, and gave you thanks; he broke it and gave it to them, saying: This is my body, broken for you. Eat it to remember me. Father, we do this in remembrance of him; his body is the bread of life. At the end of supper, taking the cup of wine, he gave you thanks and said; Drink this all of you. This is my blood, which is shed for you for the forgiveness of all your sins.


Father, we do this in remembrance of him; his blood is shed for all.

Send your Holy Spirit upon us and upon this bread and wine that they may be to us the body and blood of your dear Son.

As we eat and drink these holy gifts, make us one in Christ.

With your whole Church throughout the world, and with the angels and archangels, we sing your hymn of praise:

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

The Lord’s Prayer

As Christ taught us, so we pray

Our Father in heaven, hallowed by your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. for the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen


We break this bread to share in the body of Christ. Though we are many, we are one body, because we all share in one bread. Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, grant us peace. God’s holy gifts for God’s holy people Jesus Christ is holy, Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Amen. All are welcome at God’s feast and at God’s altar!


We have celebrated harvest, brought our gifts, shared bread and wine together, sung our hymns and remembered our God. As we go out into the world, to our homes, our places of work and leisure and to our schools, may God help us to live our lives as people of the harvest, to share and to give, to bless and to love, through Jesus, our friend and Saviour. Amen.



Blessing Hymn: Beauty for Brokenness

Beauty for brokenness, hope for despair, Lord in the suffering, this is our prayer:

bread for the children, justice, joy, peace; sunrise to sunset, your kingdom increase.

Shelter for fragile lives, cures for their ills,

work for the craftsmen, trade for their skills; land for the dispossessed, rights for the weak,

voices to plead the cause of those who can't speak.

Chorus: God of the poor, friend of the weak

give us compassion we pray! Melt our cold hearts, let tears fall like rain,

come, change our love from a spark to a flame.

Refuge from cruel wars, havens from fear; cities for sanctuary, freedoms to share.

Peace to the killing-fields, scorched earth to green, Christ for the bitterness, his cross for the pain.


Rest for the ravaged earth, oceans and streams

plundered and poisoned, our future, our dreams. Lord, end our madness, carelessness, greed;

make us content with the things that we need.



Lighten our darkness, breathe on this flame until your justice burns brightly again, until the nations learn of your ways,

seek your salvation and bring you their praise

Chorus x2


Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord In the name of Christ. Amen


Next week’s readings are Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20, Philippians 3:4b-14 and Matthew 21:33-end Harvest Festival today! All non-perishable food donations to be given to the Meon Valley Food Bank. All monies collected will be given to the Disasters Emergency Committee, an ‘umbrella’ organisation for many charities, such as Christian Aid, the Red Cross and so on, for their work in supporting those in Yemen who are victims of the famine and cholera outbreak there. Wednesday Morning 11am Eucharist Due to people dying, moving away or suffering from increasing age and frailty, numbers at this service have seen a sharp decline in recent months (sometimes no one turns up - or just 1 person), so much so that the on-going viability of a mid-week service every week is under threat. Over the years this service has been important to so many of you as it offers a quiet and reflective opportunity for fellowship, prayer and communion in the middle of the week. I would love for it to be able continue every week so would encourage you to give it a try, take just 35-45 minutes out of your busyness on a Wednesday morning and encounter God and friendship from fellow worshippers. Thank you. Claire


Last call for confirmation classes! Please contact Claire if you are interested or would like to find out more – 01489 808968 or [email protected] . I hope to begin classes in mid-October. PCC Minutes - the minutes from the July 20th meeting are now in the folder at the back of church. Meon Valley Food Bank Thank you for all your kind donations. We have now been able to help 1096 people which would not be possible without your faithful support. The items needed for the coming week are: tinned meat meals, tinned potatoes, stock cubes, tinned vegetables (please no sweetcorn) and rice pudding. With Love from the Meon Valley Food Bank Team. Seventh Bishops Waltham Deanery Newsletter - September 2017 is now available for you to read on the notice board in the Link. Wanted Any unwanted, white tablecloths for the classroom worship tables in the Primary School. Tablecloths must be white, in good condition, minimum size 36" square. Please see Jill if you can help. Thank you.

Churchyard working party Our next session will be on Sat 14th Oct, from 9am - 12.30 Please add this date to your diaries. You don't have to be there for the duration - every 1/2 hour counts. Thank you in anticipation of a good turn-out. Every blessing, Bill Jones.

Pause to Pray! Remember to Pause to Pray every Tuesday between 10am and 11am. It is not another prayer meeting but instead is an invitation to you to pray at some point in that hour wherever you are.

MU are holding a Coffee Morning on Saturday 7th October at 10.30am in the Paterson Centre. There will also be a bric-a-brac stall. All the proceeds will go to the world-wide work of MU. Please note the start time is 10.30am not 10am as advertised in the Swanmore magazine.


Diocese of Portsmouth Healing Day 9.30am-3.30pm on Saturday 18th November 2017 at Portsmouth. A day for all interested in Christian Healing within our Diocese. Explore healing ministry through a variety of workshops. Includes Healing Service led by the Bishop of Portsmouth, opening talk by Revd John Ryeland, Director of Christian Healing Mission, London. Other contributors include Revd Dr Russ Parker, former Director of Acorn Christian Healing Foundation. See notice board in link for further information and how to book a place.

The Good News Library Christian Christmas Cards, 2018 diaries and calendars, and a full stock of the usual greetings cards and notelets will be on sale at Shirrell Heath Methodist's Coffee Morning next Thursday 5th October from 10 – 11.30am. For people who are not able to go to Shirrell Heath, they will also be on sale here in the Link after the 10am service on 8th October.

For our daily prayers

All those who live in Mislingford Road, Holywell and Westfield Drive. Those we know who are unwell including : Patricia Joyce, Val Green, Albert Rogers, Clare Burton, Derek Lord, Peter Angelis, Trevor Nutland and Fred and Sally and their unborn child, who has been diagnosed with heart problems.

Please send all items for 8th October pew leaflet by Wed 4th afternoon to

[email protected] or [email protected]