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Page 2: The PaleoBurn Fat Loss Journal - Amazon S3 · The PaleoBurn Fat Loss Journal What you have in your hands is one of the best tools I know of for ensur-ing that you lose the fat that

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The PaleoBurn Fat Loss Journal

What you have in your hands is one of the best tools I know of for ensur-ing that you lose the fat that you want to lose.

By printing these pages out and keeping a record of your progress each week, you will be reinforcing powerful habits and bringing focus to an area of your life that has lacked focus and knowledge.

It has been proven time and time again that what we focus on…improves.

I have intentionally kept this journal simple. There is no need to compli-cate things that are not complicated. If you will follow the principles in the PaleoBurn program and stick with it you will lose fat.

The intent is that you will print out this journal and put it into a binder and keep it with you. Where the PaleoBurn ebook is your reference manual for the program and should be referenced as needed, this Fat Loss Journal is a little different. It should be kept close at hand at all times and updated each week during your end of week evaluation of your prior week’s results.

Think of this Fat Loss Journal as YOUR detailed plan for implementing the principles within the PaleoBurn Fat Burner System.

The most important thing you can do right now is to print this journal out and complete the first two sections.

Let’s begin…

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Part 1:Preparing For Success

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My Reason Why

It is very important that you identify the real reasons that you want to lose fat. These powerful underlying reasons are what drive us and serve to motivate us…when we are consciously aware of them. That is what the following exercise is intended to do. It will help you uncover the deepest reasons why you feel you must lose the fat on your body.

I can tell you from my own personal experience; when I connected with my ‘reason why’ it made all the difference in the world. I suddenly had unstoppable willpower. There was NOTHING that would keep me from losing every bit of fat I intended to lose.

The reason this works so well is that I tied a meaningful ‘reason why’ to my efforts. I didn’t want to only look good…I wanted to be an example for my kids. Those are two very different types of motivation.

Losing weight so that I could be an example for my kid’s felt bigger than just me.

It felt like a mission.

And I don’t know about you, but feeling like you are on a mission is very motivating.

In the spaces below I want you to list as many reasons why you want to lose weight as possible. I want you to keep writing until you cannot think of more. Seriously, I want you to write for a minimum of 10 minutes.

What you will find is that the first set of reasons is pretty much canned responses like “I just want to have more energy”, or “I want to look good in my new jeans while going dancing”. That’s a good start. But I want to you to keep writing until you have gotten past those types of answers.

I want you to keep writing until you get a little choked up…until you get a knot in your throat. That’s when you know you are getting to the good stuff.

Use additional sheets of paper if you need to.

Start writing now…

My reason why is: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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If you have completed the ‘reason why’ exercise then I want you to write it out here so that you can come back to it and review it each week. This will be your most powerful ally and friend as you go through the program. It will keep you going when you are feeling like you are being pulled back into old habits. It will give you strength.

My Ideal Body

One very powerful tool you can use to help you stay motivated and on track is to create a vivid, detailed picture of the ideal body you are going to create.

This is not just some feel good exercise, but rather a way to help you create a very specific kind of goal that will have a much higher chance of becoming reality.

By being very specific about your ideal body, you will tap into the ‘goal achieving’ regions of your brain and will find that it is easier to achieve this goal than you may have thought before. When faced with the choice of whether to have that extra portion, or that sugary dessert, you will be surprised how you will start having more and more will power to say no to items not in line with your new lifestyle.

You probably have some questions about this process, so I’ve collected a few of the most common questions here:

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Q: When should I complete the Ideal Body Worksheet?

A: Complete the Ideal Body Worksheet AFTER you have completed the Reason Why Worksheet. You will be much more focused and get a better result by having completed the Reason Why Worksheet first.

Q: How long will it take to complete the Ideal Body Worksheet?

A: This is up to you. It could be a quick 5-minute exercise, or you could really put some thought into it and it might take 30 minutes. I do know that the more effort you put into it, the better your results will be.

Q: Should I ever update my Ideal Body Worksheet?

A: Yes, as you go through the PaleoBurn program you may find that your definition of your ideal body changes a little bit. That’s ok. This worksheet is meant to be YOUR ideal body, not someone else’s. Sometimes it takes a while for you to know what you want your ideal body to look like. Feel free to come back to this worksheet and update it from time to time.

Q: What do I need to have with me to complete the Ideal Body Work-sheet?

A: Just this worksheet printed out, a pen or pencil, a quite place, an open mind and a few minutes of your time.

What is an Ideal Body?What I mean when I say ‘Ideal Body’ is a very simple concept.

What do you really want to look like…


What do you really want to be able to DO?

You see, our bodies are great to look at (or will be soon!) but they also serve a functional role.

We want to include both of these perspectives in our Ideal Body definition.

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What Do I Really Want To Look Like?

Remember, it is not what Hollywood says a man or a woman should look like. It is not what People Magazine says you should look like. It’s not what your parents or your spouse says you should look like.

Instead, it’s what you want to look like. Just you. That is the only person that gets to have an opinion while going through this process.

I hope that is refreshing.

I want you to let go of any pressure you may have to look or feel a certain way.

Instead, I want you to only be concerned with what you know…deep down…what your potential really is and what you want to be able to do with your new body.

It’s important to begin by agreeing that we all have built into us a certain potential based on our height, our ancestry, our bone structure, and even our personal history (accidents, injuries, etc.).

But don’t think of this in a limiting way at all! In fact, I want this to be inspiring to you. Because your potential is far greater than you probably realize.

You see, we all already have beautiful bodies underneath the fat that we have let accumulate. Due to some neglect we’ve let them fall into disrepair a little bit. But we are about to correct that and restore you to your full potential.

The human body is one of the most beautiful creations in the Universe. When it is in a healthy state, nothing really compares. Like I’ve men-tioned to you before, you are truly a work of art waiting to be revealed.

What Do I Want To Be Able To DO?

The second perspective I want you to consider is the type of activities that you want your new body to allow you to perform. Many of us had to give up certain activities as we put on weight. I had to give up one of my fa-vorite activities-racquetball. My knees just couldn’t take the added weight anymore and started to break down, ending up in a torn meniscus.

As you put down in words your Ideal Body I want you to take into ac-count what your new body is going to allow you to DO, not just how it will look. You’ll see what I mean as you go through the worksheet below.

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One last thing…

The questions I’m going to be asking you are meant to lead you into discovering what your ideal body looks like in more detail than you have probably thought about before. This is for a reason. It may seem like I’m asking strange questions at first, but trust the process. I think you’ll like the result.

I find this exercise fun to do and I think you will to.

Let’s begin…

The first thing I want you to do is to get somewhere quiet. Try to find a place where you can be uninterrupted for a few minutes and focus on the questions below.

The quality of your answers will depend on how much you can listen and hear your own inner voice. So try to find a peaceful, quiet spot with no distractions.

Next, I want you to take a minute, just one single minute; to breathe deeply and let your brain get the benefit of all that oxygen you’ll be pull-ing into your lungs. This not only is very relaxing, but it will energize you and help you focus.

Go ahead and close your eyes and take long slow deep breathes for one full minute.

Now, if you took a minute to breathe deeply you are already experiencing how good that makes you feel! If you skipped that little exercise…well…you can still do it now. Trust me, it’s worth it.

Now, I want you take your pen or pencil and answer the following ques-tions with the first things that come to mind. There are no right or wrong answers here; this is your ideal body worksheet and no one will ever see this sheet of paper but you. Paper is cheap and so is ink…so write away with wild abandon!

Step One: Becoming Aware of My Body Type

Body types are generally classified into three major types. Each type has its strengths and weaknesses.

Endomorphs: generally round, not much muscle tone, big boned. These people tend to put on fat all over their body.

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Ectomorphs: generally thin bone structure with little natural muscle. These people were probably very skinny prior to putting on fat.

Mesomorphs: generally muscular, with medium bone structure. Many mesomorphys are natural athletes and can put on muscle easily. Due to their athletic nature they also may have relied on a high metabolism to keep fat under control during their youth. Now, via poor choices and reduced activity level they can become as fat as any other body type. They usually still have great muscle development underneath their fat right now.

I want you to think about what body type you naturally have. There is nothing inherently good or bad about these body types. But it is impor-tant that you start to become aware…

My best guess of my body type is: _______________________________.

In addition to understanding your body type, I want you to also think about things you love or loved to do in the past.

An activity that I loved and want to be able to again is: _________________________________________________________________________.

Now, I want you to think about something for a minute. Have you ever seen someone famous and thought to yourself, “Hey they have basically the same body as me!” Now, you may be a little heavier than that person right now or maybe not, but the idea here is to identify someone who has the same underlying body type as you AND is already in great shape.

This doesn’t have to be a perfect match…just something close.

Someone who is famous that has my same basic body type is: ___________________________________________________________________.

Ok, now I want you to find some pictures of that person on the Internet. Just go to Google and search for their name, then click ‘Images’ on the sidebar on the left. That should bring back a lot of photos of the person you are thinking of.

Bring up a few photos that are most inspiring to you and that represents the type of body you want to have when you have completed the Paleo-Burn program.

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Now, study the person for a minute. Pick out photos that show great legs, great arms, great stomach or great chest examples. Notice what it is about each of these photos that you like.


Ok, next think about yourself now having legs, stomach, arms, and chest just like in the photos.

Remember to trust this process…this will help you imagine exactly what you want your new body to look like. The more clear and detailed the image of your new body that you can create now, the more likely it is that you will be able to create it.

Trust the process, because the more you put into this exercise, the deeper the image of your ideal body will be impressed into your memory. This is important for reasons I’ll talk about later.

For now, go ahead and answer the following questions as if you are now transported into the very near future..

Imagine yourself 90 days from now….

You have diligently and persistently completed the PaleoBurn program and have lost every bit of fat that you wanted to lose. You are very satis-fied and very happy with your new body and the new possibilities that this success has opened up for you.

In fact, you have rewarded yourself with a trip to your favorite vacation spot to celebrate your new body.

As you think about your ideal vacation spot, imagine your favorite spot there. Think about the temperature of the air and what time of day it is right now.

What are you wearing as you walk past a mirror and smile as you see your new body? In fact, you hardly recognize yourself you have changed so much.

Do you have a tan? How dark is it?

You smile again and lift up the front of your shirt slightly to reveal your toned, flat stomach. Go ahead and describe exactly how that will FEEL once you lose all your fat and run your hand across you mid-section: __________________________________________________________

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What does your ideal stomach LOOK like? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

As you look down from your mid-section, you decide to take a seat at a nearby table and notice how differently your legs look now. Write down how your ideal legs look now. Are they thin? Muscular? Tanned? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

You reach across the table for a pen and some paper and notice your toned arms. What do your biceps look like? Are your arms sleek and lean, or are they muscular and powerful? Write down what your ideal arms look like now. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Now that I’ve reached my fat loss goal, my favorite body part is my: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The last thing I want you to do in this section is to think about how achieving this new Ideal Body will help you achieve your ‘Reason Why’.

These two concepts are very powerful, and deeply linked.

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My Favorite PaleoBurn Foods

It’s been said that we tend to settle into eating patterns where we eat the same basic foods over and over again. I know this is true for me. I read recently that we typically eat the same 15-20 meals throughout our entire life!

What I’d like you to do now is to use the PaleoBurn Food List (either the .pdf or the live tool in the members area) to pick out your favorite Pa-leoBurn Foods. There are many delicious ones to choose from in several categories.

By looking them up and listing them here you will be overcoming one of the many hurdles that people who want to lose fat run up against; what to eat!

This little bit of pre-planning will really help. Let’s do it now…

My Meat and Egg Favorites: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My Vegetable Favorites: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My Favorite Fruits: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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My Favorite Nuts: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My Favorite Spices: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My Favorite Oils: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My Favorite Drinks: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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My Favorite PaleoBurn Recipes

Now that you have had a chance to go through the many food choices on the PaleoBurn Fat Burner System, you are ready to look through the PaleoBurn Fat Burner Cookbook and find the recipes that look great to you. We have over 75 recipes in the cookbook in several categories, so you will be able to find some excellent choices.

I recommend flipping through the cookbook and writing down 3-4 of your favorite recipes in each of the following categories:

Breakfast Recipes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Snack Recipes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Dessert Recipes: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Main Course Recipes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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My PaleoBurn Shopping List

Another nice thing you will notice on the PaleoBurn program is that your grocery shopping trips get simplified and much easier. After you select your favorite foods and your favorite recipes, you can assemble a basic grocery list that you can use over and over again.

I’ve included a few of the staples of the PaleoBurn program in the list below. These are the items that make up the majority of MY shopping list, but feel free to add to this list based on what your choices were in the above sections (Favorite Foods and Favorite Recipes).

Basic Staples:

Meat and Eggs: Eggs Tuna Salmon Shrimp Beef Chicken

Vegetables: Avocados (technically a fruit) Broccoli Cauliflower Celery Lettuce SpinachSquashes Tomatoes (technically a fruit)Salsa (loaded with good veggies)

Fruit: Apple Lemons Strawberries Blackberries Blueberries Nuts: Almonds Pistachios Walnuts

Spices: Salt (sea salt is best) Pepper (black) Garlic Cumin

Oils:Coconut Oil

Drinks: Water Green Tea Coffee

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Part 2:Tracking Your Weekly


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How to Use This Section

This section of the Fat Loss Journal is where you will do your planning each week and record your results. I have provided a full seven-day plan as described in the PaleoBurn Fat Burner System. Here is how it works:

You will do your planning and track your progress on a seven-day sched-ule. This allows you to work the system for six full days, then rest on the seventh day and evaluate your results. Based on the results of the evalua-tion, you will make adjustments and plan the next week; then the seven-day cycle starts again.

This is a highly effective way to lose fat AND make sure that you are always on track. There will be no guessing along the way if you use this tool as I describe it below.


Each week you will print out a new fresh copy of Section 2 of this manual and then put those new pages into your binder. To be clear, Section 1 is meant to be done when you begin the program, and Section 2 is to be completed once every seven days and will keep growing as long as you are working the program and want to lose fat.

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Day One: Glycogen Loading Day

Description: You will be resting from any workouts today and also using this day to replenish your body with fuel. This is considered a ‘reward day’ or a ‘free day’; meaning that you can eat anything you want on this day in preparation for the week ahead. By loading you muscles with glycogen via heavier carb consumption today, you will be ensuring you have ample energy for the week ahead.

Be wise with this day, however. Do not overstuff yourself and do not gorge. Eat a normal amount of food and enjoy your favorite desserts and entrees.

Refer to the PaleoBurn Fat Burner System ebook for detailed information on Day One.

Results: You will begin the day by weighting yourself on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, immediately after your have used the restroom. Record your weight here: ___________________

Next, you will use the Body Fat Calculator located inside the PaleoBurn mem-ber’s area to determine your current body fat percentage. Record your current body fat % here: _____________________

Now multiply those two numbers to get your total body fat in pounds: Current Weight x Body Fat % = _____________________ pounds of body fat.

Now, subtract this number from your current body weight to get your lean body mass like this: Current Body Weight - Pounds of Body Fat = _______________ lean body mass.

You now have the two magic numbers you need to determine EXACTLY how to adjust your nutrition for the coming week. You have Current Body Weight and Lean Body Mass.

Actions: Consult Appendix A: How To Interpret Your Weekly Results in this document to see what adjustments need to be made and then complete your plans for Days Two thru Six for the upcoming week.

That’s it for Day One!

PS: of course, if this is your first day on the program you will wait until next week to have results to compare with. For now, just record your body weight, body fat, and lean body mass.

Date: ___________

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Day Two: Fasting or Very Low Carb Day

Description: Day Two is about maximum fat burning, and to do that we need to create both a caloric deficit (meaning you require more calories than you consume today) AND a state of low insulin. We do this by limiting food intake in a very safe and strategic way…via a planned fast. However, much of the actual fast takes place while you are sleeping, so it’s not as bad as it first sounds.

If you do not want to implement the fasting strategy, you can also implement a very low carb strategy. Instead of a complete fast, you simply fast from all carbs. Only eat meat and and fats.

Refer to the PaleoBurn Fat Burner System ebook for detailed information on Day Two.

Day Two Planning Checklist: 1. Record the time of your last meal on Day One. This will be the starting point of your fast.

2. Be sure you go to bed early enough the night prior so that you get 8-9 hours of solid sleep.

3. Have plenty of water on hand as well as any herbal teas that you would like to use to help you get through the short fasting phase.

4. Plan your workout time in advance. Select which workout you will com-plete based on the table located in Appendix B of this document.

Day Two Results: My Day Two fast began at: ________________pm the night before. I was able to get _______________hrs of solid sleep. I stopped my fast and resume eating at ___________________pm on Day Two:

Day Two Assessment: Did you plan today’s schedule in advance? ______________________________ Did you consume the proper amount of BCAAs before and after today’s work-out? __________ Did you make it at least 16 hours on your fast? ___________________________Did you drink plenty of fluids today? __________________________________On a scale of 1 to 10 how difficult was the fasting today?______________What could you improve upon about today’s results? __________________________________________________________________________ Did you complete today’s workout? _____________________________

Date: ___________

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Day Three: Low Carb Day

Description: Day Three’s goal is to keep your carbohydrate intake between 75 and 100 grams. This is not a workout day but you should incorporate a short walk or other activ-ity to keep yourself active.

Refer to the PaleoBurn Fat Burner System ebook for detailed information on Day Three.

Day Three Planning Checklist: 1. Be sure you go to bed early enough the night prior so that you get 8-9 hours of solid sleep.2. Have plenty of water on hand as well as any herbal teas. 3. Plan your meals in advance. Go to the grocery store to get the needed supplies, if necessary.

Day Three Results: I was able to get ____________hrs of solid sleep last night. (goal is at least 8hrs)

Today my total carbohydrate intake was: __________grams. (goal is under 100g)

Today I drank ___________________oz of water. (goal is ½ body weight in oz.)

Day Three Assessment: Did you plan today’s schedule in advance? ________________________

Did you drink plenty of fluids today? ____________________________

Did you take a walk or perform some other form of light movement? ___

Did you consume plenty of fibrous vegetables today? ________________

Did you stay away from foods that are not on the PaleoBurn Food List? __________________

What was you mood like today? ________________________________

What was your energy level like today? ___________________________

What could you improve upon about today’s results? ________________

What did you do really well today? ______________________________

Date: ___________

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Day Four: Low Carb Day

Description: Day Four’s goal is to keep your carbohydrate intake between 75 and 100 grams. This is a workout day so choose a workout based on the chart in Appendix A of this document.

Refer to the PaleoBurn Fat Burner System ebook for detailed information on Day Four.

Day Four Planning Checklist: 1. Be sure you go to bed early enough the night prior so that you get 8-9 hours of solid sleep.

2. Have plenty of water on hand as well as any herbal teas.

3. Plan your meals in advance. Go to the grocery store to get the needed sup-plies, if necessary.

4. Plan your workout in advance. Know what time and where you will be doing your workout. Set your alarm.

Day Four Results: I was able to get _________ hrs of solid sleep last night. (goal is at least 8hrs)

Today my total carbohydrate intake was: _______ grams. (goal is under 100g)

Today I drank _____________ oz of water. (goal is ½ body weight in oz.)

I completed the following workout today: ______________________________

Day Four Assessment: Did you plan today’s schedule in advance? ______________________________

Did you drink plenty of fluids today? __________________________________

How did you feel during your workout today? ___________________________

Did you consume plenty of fibrous vegetables today? ______________________

Did you stay away from foods that are not on the PaleoBurn Food List? ______

What was you mood like today? ______________________________________

What was your energy level like today?__________________________________

What could you improve upon about today’s results? ______________________

What did you do really well today? ____________________________________

Date: ___________

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Day Five: Moderate Carb Day

Description: Day Five’s goal is to slightly increase your carb intake and provide you with some extra energy for the next two days. This is not a workout day but you should incorporate a short walk or other activity to keep yourself active.

Refer to the PaleoBurn Fat Burner System ebook for detailed information on Day Five.

Day Five Planning Checklist: 1. Be sure you go to bed early enough the night prior so that you get 8-9 hours of solid sleep.

2. Have plenty of water on hand as well as any herbal teas.

3. Plan your meals in advance. Go to the grocery store to get the needed sup-plies, if necessary.

Day Five Results: I was able to get _________ hrs of solid sleep last night. (goal is at least 8hrs)

Today my total carbohydrate intake was: _______ grams. (goal is under 150g)

Today I drank _____________ oz of water. (goal is ½ body weight in oz.)

Day Five Assessment: Did you plan today’s schedule in advance? ______________________________

Did you drink plenty of fluids today? __________________________________

Did you take a walk or perform some other form of light movement? _________

Did you consume plenty of fibrous vegetables today? ______________________

Did you stay away from foods that are not on the PaleoBurn Food List? ______

What was you mood like today? ______________________________________

What was your energy level like today?_________________________________

What could you improve upon about today’s results? ______________________

What did you do really well today? ____________________________________

Date: ___________

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Day Six: Low Carb Day

Description: Day Six’s goal is to keep your carbohydrate intake between 75 and 100 grams. This is a workout day so choose a workout based on the chart in Appendix A of this document.

Refer to the PaleoBurn Fat Burner System ebook for detailed information on Day Four.

Day Six Planning Checklist: 1. Be sure you go to bed early enough the night prior so that you get 8-9 hours of solid sleep.

2. Have plenty of water on hand as well as any herbal teas.

3. Plan your meals in advance. Go to the grocery store to get the needed sup-plies, if necessary.

4. Plan your workout in advance. Know what time and where you will be doing your workout. Set your alarm.

Day Six Results: I was able to get _________ hrs of solid sleep last night. (goal is at least 8hrs)

Today my total carbohydrate intake was: _______ grams. (goal is under 100g)

Today I drank _____________ oz of water. (goal is ½ body weight in oz.)

I completed the following workout today: ______________________________

Day Six Assessment: Did you plan today’s schedule in advance? ______________________________

Did you drink plenty of fluids today? __________________________________

How did you feel during your workout today? ___________________________

Did you consume plenty of fibrous vegetables today? ______________________

Did you stay away from foods that are not on the PaleoBurn Food List? ______

What was you mood like today? ______________________________________

What was your energy level like today?__________________________________

What could you improve upon about today’s results? ______________________

What did you do really well today? ____________________________________

Date: ___________

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Day Seven: Moderate Carb Day

Description: Day Seven’s goal is to keep your carbohydrate intake between 75 and 100 grams. This is not a workout day but you should incorporate a short walk or other activ-ity to keep yourself active.

Refer to the PaleoBurn Fat Burner System ebook for detailed information on Day Seven.

Day Seven Planning Checklist: 1. Be sure you go to bed early enough the night prior so that you get 8-9 hours of solid sleep.

2. Have plenty of water on hand as well as any herbal teas.

3. Plan your meals in advance. Go to the grocery store to get the needed sup-plies, if necessary.

Day Seven Results: I was able to get _________ hrs of solid sleep last night. (goal is at least 8hrs)

Today my total carbohydrate intake was: _______ grams. (goal is under 150g)

Today I drank _____________ oz of water. (goal is ½ body weight in oz.)

Day Seven Assessment: Did you plan today’s schedule in advance? ______________________________

Did you drink plenty of fluids today? __________________________________

Did you take a walk or perform some other form of light movement? _________

Did you consume plenty of fibrous vegetables today? ______________________

Did you stay away from foods that are not on the PaleoBurn Food List? ______

What was you mood like today? ______________________________________

What was your energy level like today?_________________________________

What could you improve upon about today’s results? ______________________

What did you do really well today? ____________________________________

Date: ___________

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You now have a complete system for not only planning, but tracking your fat loss success! Remember, the more you focus on your fat loss efforts by recording your daily activities, the more it becomes ingrained into your way of life; until it eventually is just second nature. Using this simple but effective tool (the Fat Loss Journal) is an incredibly easy way to make sure the fat comes off!

Remember: Each week you will print off pages 19 through 25 (digital version found in the members area)and put them into your binder (get a simple three ring binder anywhere) so that you can fill them out each day. Then, on Day One of the next week you begin the cycle again by evaluating your results and planning the new week. It really works!

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27© 2012 Primal Health, LP

Appendix A: How To Interpret Your Weekly Results

The following table clearly shows all the possible outcomes that could occur after one week on the PaleoBurn program. Consult this table so that you know exactly what adjustments to make to your diet to keep the fat burning.

Body Fat % Scale Weight Result AdjustmentStayed the same Stayed the same No progress was

madeMake sure you are under 100g carbs on Low Carb days and consider being more strict on your fasting day. If still no change consider reducing Low Carb days to 75g of carbs or under. Consider reducing total calories by 20%.

Stayed the same Increased You gained muscle but did not lose any fat.

Since the goal of this program is to lose fat you should make sure you are keeping your carbs below 100g per day. If you are already doing that, consider going below 75g per day.

Stayed the same Decreased You lost muscle but did not gain any fat.

Make sure you are working out as described and also taking BCAA supplements to protect your muscles.

Increased Stayed the same You lost muscle and gained fat

Make sure you are working out and provid-ing enough intensity in your workouts. Check your carb consumption and make sure you are at or below 100g of carbs per day. If you are and still having this issue, go to 75g of carbs per day.

Increased Increased You gained fat Carb control is a must. Make sure are under 100g of carbs pre day. If you are, reduce to 75g carbs per day. Reduce overall calories per day by 20%.

Increased Decreased You gained fat and lost muscle.

Carb control is a must. Make sure are under 100g of carbs pre day. If you are, reduce to 75g carbs per day. Reduce overall calories per day by 20%. In addition, make sure you are doing the exercises and increase intensity.

Decreased Stayed the same You lost fat and gained muscle. Very rare feat!

No changes needed. This will rarely hap-pen.

Decreased Increased You lost fat and gained muscle. Very rare feat!

No changes needed. This will rarely hap-pen.

Decreased Decreased You lost fat and pre-served your muscle! Congratulations!

No changes needed. You are doing it perfectly!

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28© 2012 Primal Health, LP

Appendix B: How to Plan Your Workouts

In the PaleoBurn program there are several workouts provided in the member’s area. The following chart will help you know which workout to do on which days. Please note that this is just to get you started. As you get more experience you can start to put your own workouts together based on what you are learning and what works for you.

If you are a complete beginner and need a simple workout to get started with, use the following Beginner Workout Schedule:

For those with a little bit of workout experience or who want more of a challenge, use the Intermediate Workout Schedule shown below.

All of these workouts are described in detail in the PaleoBurn Fat Burner System manual and are available as videos that you can follow along with inside the PaleoBurn member’s area.

Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4

Day 1 Rest Rest Rest Rest

Day 2 Beginner Workout #1 Beginner Workout #1 Beginner Workout #1 Beginner Workout #1Day 3 Rest Rest Rest RestDay 4 Beginner Workout #2 Beginner Workout #2 Beginner Workout #2 Beginner Workout #2Day 5 Rest Rest Rest Rest

Day 6 Beginner Workout #3 Beginner Workout #3 Beginner Workout #3 Beginner Workout #3Day 7 Rest Rest Rest Rest

Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4

Day 1 Rest Rest Rest Rest

Day 2 Intermediate Workout #1: Leg Blast

Intermediate Workout #4: Dynamic Upper Body

Intermediate Workout #7: Iso metric and Stretching

Intermediate Workout #3: Smart Cardio Training

Day 3 Rest Rest Rest RestDay 4 Intermediate Workout

#2: Upper Body BlastIntermediate Workout #5: Dynamic Lower Body

Intermediate Workout #1: Leg Blast

Intermediate Workout #4: Dynamic Upper Body

Day 5 Rest Rest Rest Rest

Day 6 Intermediate Workout #3: Smart Cardio Training

Intermediate Workout #6: Core

Intermediate Workout #2: Upper Body Blast

Intermediate Workout #5: Dynamic Lower Body

Day 7 Rest Rest Rest Rest