the pace chronicle - volume i, issue xx - march 21, 2012

VOLUME I, ISSUE XX PACE UNIVERSITY, PLEASANTVILLE/BRIARCLIFF MANOR, NY WWW.PACECHRONICLE.NET WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 2012 STUDENT ASSOCIATION 2012-2013 ELECTION EDITION KAYLA TURNER CONTRIBUTOR KAYLA.D.TURNER@PACE.EDU Letter from the Student Association President Follow The Pace Chronicle on Twitter: @PaceChronicle FOR PRESIDENT: BRIAN KEEGAN BRIAN.E.KEEGAN@PACE.EDU MELANIE LONDONO MELANIE.J.LONDONOPAYCO@PACE.EDU THE CANDIDATES FOR EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT OF JUDICIAL AND COMPLIANCE: CHARLES LINK CHARLES.R.LINK@PACE.EDU KATHLEEN MELHORN KATHLEEN.R.MELHORN@PACE.EDU FOR VICE PRESIDENT OF PROGRAMMING: JANIKE BRADSHAW JANIKE.L.BRADSHAW@PACE.EDU SARAH CROGHAN SARAH.E.CROGHAN@PACE.EDU ANTHONY FANELLI ANTHONY.L.FANELLI@PACE.EDU MARIEL MEJIA MARIEL.MEJIA@PACE.EDU TAFASHA PITT TAFASHA.C.PITT@PACE.EDU FOR VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE: FOR VICE PRESIDENT OF UNITY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE: DANIELLA WILLOCKS DANIELLA.D.WILLOCKS@PACE.EDU EBONY TURNER EBONY.TURNER@PACE.EDU TANIA DEPALMA TANIA.D.DEPALMA@PACE.EDU FOR VICE PRESIDENT OF ADMINISTRATION: ASHLEE RUIZ ASHLEE.N.RUIZ@PACE.EDU HARRISON C. DAVIES HARRISON.C.DAVIES@PACE.EDU MATTHEW INDIK MATTHEW.B.INDIK@PACE.EDU POSITION STATEMENTS FROM YOUR STUDENT ASSOCIATION PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES BRIAN KEEGAN MELANIE LONDONO Hello Pace University! My name is Melanie Londono, I’m a junior political science major with a minor in law and communications and I am running for Student Association (SA) President for the 2012-2013 academic year. In my last three years I have assumed many leadership positions that I believe will provide me sufficient experience for this role. At Pace, I have been a Resident Assistant (2010-2012), Orientation Lead- er (2011), President of Nu Zeta Phi, Vice President of Formal Recruitment for Uni- versity Panhellenic Council, President of Dow Hall Council (2009-2011), AALA- NA Mentor, and a Head Delegate for the Pace-Westchester Model United Nations team. Additionally, I’ve held on-campus jobs such as tour guide and a technical assistant in Mortola Library. While at Pace, I’ve maintained aca- demic excellence by maintaining my scholarship and awarded Deans List hon- ors. Qualities that I possess that would make me an excellent candidate are my abilities to remain consistent and fair, de- sire to develop an idea or person to reach maximum potential, and my commitment to the university and its greatness. My ability to be a mediator and an un- biased person has been a key element for organizations I have been a part of to re- main stable and conflict-free. My desire to develop has shown through improve- ments in my own sorority through new plans for growth and higher standards. My commitment and passion to the uni- versity has kept me improving the uni- versity through my small efforts by being a student leader. I am running for this position because I’m active student participant who un- derstands what the student body yearns for and needs to improve the university student experience. I have also been on the receiving end of hearing student needs as a Resident Assistant and helping seek an- swers to issues. I hope to continue this on the larger scale by being a part of SA. If elected SA President, I will make it a priority to improve communication to stu- dents who may not be actively involved in organizations and therefore are unaware of opportunities that the university has to of- fer. It is necessary to have a larger portion of the student body to be active in student government, university organizations, and administrative offices. As a member of Greek Life, I understand the importance of mending the relationship of the governing boards to SA as it is ben- eficial to Greek and non-Greek students. It would be my duty to serve the student body in any way I am able to and be your voice. I am so proud of Pace and I hope that I can add to this experience for other stu- dents. After four years serving in Student As- sociation (SA), with two of those years in service as Vice President of Finance, I am uniquely suited to serve as President of SA for the 2012-2013 Academic Year. I have seen many successes and failures on the part of SA in the past four years, and I have the most experience with how to handle both. I have been a major part of the tremen- dous advancements in SA of the past two years, and I have a very good feel for the direction the organization is taking. I have been actively involved in the current at- tempts to continue restructuring SA to better represent and serve the needs of the student body as a whole. I am more familiar with the constitution, policies, and procedures of SA than anyone else could possibly be. I am, therefore, better suited than anybody else to continue the process of improve- ment. One of my major visions for the future of SA is the implementation of a unified means of planning and promoting events on campus. I would like to guide the ex- ecutive board and senate to initiate a pro- cess by which all events are planned and prepared through a single unified system to ensure better variety and a better distribu- tion of events throughout the year. I would also like to see the continuation of the steps taken by the current Vice President of Programming to improve the means of communicating information to the student body because I know this has always been something we have struggled with. Finally and perhaps most importantly I am familiar with the roles of the executive board. I am very comfortable with exactly what is in- volved with each position. As the forefront of the executive board, the President needs to be able to step quick- ly into the role and facilitate the transition and immediate progress of the board. This requires that the candidate be not only fa- miliar with each member’s role in the ex- ecutive board but with the direction and current activities of SA as a whole. For the sake of everything that has been started in the past two terms, we need a President who is absolutely aware of where everything currently stands. To the student body here at Pace University, I invite you to take part in selecting the your voices for this up- coming 2012-2013 academic school year. This month marks the start of our Student Associa- tion (SA) 2012 Elections, which I can proudly say fea- tures 15 exceptional student leaders. Standing up and out to speak and debate throughout this month is a group dedicated members of the Pace community who recognize needs for improvement in our campus and student life, or maybe these are students who simply feel compelled to give back to our commu- nity in some way. It is even possible that both the former and the latter motivate these candidates. Either way, as a student leader that is more than grateful for the oppor- tunity my peers have given me to serve as President, I can justifiably say that each of these candidates are just as devoted to Pace as I am. Written on the ballot will be a list of diverse list of candidates who all have something different to of- fer. Before you cast your vote, be sure to carefully and thoughtfully select the candidates that best exemplify what you look for in a leader—better yet, what you de- serve in a leader. Next month my term will come to a bittersweet end. Thank you again for allowing me this opportunity to stand with you as well as stand for you since I was sworn in last spring, speaking also for the rest of my executive board. Furthermore, I thank you in advance for allowing this next executive board to represent you, confident that they will perform even greater than their predecessors.

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It's the Student Association Election Edition of The Pace Chronicle. The special 20th edition, Volume I presents the position statements of all 15 Pace students running for a position on the Student Association executive board.


Page 1: The Pace Chronicle - Volume I, Issue XX - March 21, 2012

Volume I, Issue XX Pace unIVersIty, PleasantVIlle/BrIarclIff manor, NY Wednesday, march 21, 2012

Student ASSociAtion 2012-2013 election edition

Kayla Turner


[email protected]

Letter from the Student Association President

Follow The Pace Chronicle on Twitter: @PaceChronicle

For PresidenT:brian Keegan

[email protected]

Melanie [email protected]

The CandidaTes

For execuTive vice PresidenT oF Judicial and comPliance:

Charles [email protected]

Kathleen [email protected]

For vice PresidenT oF Programming:JaniKe braDshaw

[email protected]

sarah [email protected]

anthony [email protected]

Mariel [email protected]

taFasha [email protected]

For vice PresidenT oF Finance:

For vice PresidenT oF uniTy and social JusTice:

Daniella [email protected]

ebony [email protected]

tania [email protected]

For vice PresidenT oF adminisTraTion:

ashlee [email protected]

harrison C. [email protected]

Matthew [email protected]

PosiTion sTaTemenTs from your sTudenT assoCiaTion PresidenTial CandidaTesBrian Keegan melanie londono

Hello Pace University! My name is Melanie Londono, I’m a junior political science major with a minor in law and communications and I am running for Student Association (SA) President for the 2012-2013 academic year.

In my last three years I have assumed many leadership positions that I believe will provide me sufficient experience for this role. At Pace, I have been a Resident Assistant (2010-2012), Orientation Lead-er (2011), President of Nu Zeta Phi, Vice President of Formal Recruitment for Uni-versity Panhellenic Council, President of Dow Hall Council (2009-2011), AALA-NA Mentor, and a Head Delegate for the Pace-Westchester Model United Nations team. Additionally, I’ve held on-campus jobs such as tour guide and a technical assistant in Mortola Library.

While at Pace, I’ve maintained aca-demic excellence by maintaining my scholarship and awarded Deans List hon-ors.

Qualities that I possess that would make me an excellent candidate are my abilities to remain consistent and fair, de-sire to develop an idea or person to reach maximum potential, and my commitment to the university and its greatness.

My ability to be a mediator and an un-biased person has been a key element for organizations I have been a part of to re-main stable and conflict-free. My desire to develop has shown through improve-ments in my own sorority through new plans for growth and higher standards. My commitment and passion to the uni-versity has kept me improving the uni-versity through my small efforts by being a student leader.

I am running for this position because I’m active student participant who un-derstands what the student body yearns for and needs to improve the university

student experience. I have also been on the receiving end of hearing student needs as a Resident Assistant and helping seek an-swers to issues. I hope to continue this on the larger scale by being a part of SA.

If elected SA President, I will make it a priority to improve communication to stu-dents who may not be actively involved in organizations and therefore are unaware of opportunities that the university has to of-fer. It is necessary to have a larger portion of the student body to be active in student government, university organizations, and administrative offices.

As a member of Greek Life, I understand the importance of mending the relationship of the governing boards to SA as it is ben-eficial to Greek and non-Greek students. It would be my duty to serve the student body in any way I am able to and be your voice.

I am so proud of Pace and I hope that I can add to this experience for other stu-dents.

After four years serving in Student As-sociation (SA), with two of those years in service as Vice President of Finance, I am uniquely suited to serve as President of SA for the 2012-2013 Academic Year.

I have seen many successes and failures on the part of SA in the past four years, and I have the most experience with how to handle both.

I have been a major part of the tremen-dous advancements in SA of the past two years, and I have a very good feel for the direction the organization is taking. I have been actively involved in the current at-tempts to continue restructuring SA to better represent and serve the needs of the student

body as a whole. I am more familiar with the constitution, policies, and procedures of SA than anyone else could possibly be. I am, therefore, better suited than anybody else to continue the process of improve-ment.

One of my major visions for the future of SA is the implementation of a unified means of planning and promoting events on campus. I would like to guide the ex-ecutive board and senate to initiate a pro-cess by which all events are planned and prepared through a single unified system to ensure better variety and a better distribu-tion of events throughout the year. I would also like to see the continuation of the steps taken by the current Vice President of Programming to improve the means of communicating information to the student body because I know this has always been something we have struggled with. Finally and perhaps most importantly I am familiar with the roles of the executive board. I am very comfortable with exactly what is in-volved with each position.

As the forefront of the executive board, the President needs to be able to step quick-ly into the role and facilitate the transition and immediate progress of the board. This requires that the candidate be not only fa-miliar with each member’s role in the ex-ecutive board but with the direction and current activities of SA as a whole.

For the sake of everything that has been started in the past two terms, we need a President who is absolutely aware of where everything currently stands.

To the student body here at Pace University, I invite you to take part in selecting the your voices for this up-coming 2012-2013 academic school year.

This month marks the start of our Student Associa-tion (SA) 2012 Elections, which I can proudly say fea-tures 15 exceptional student leaders.

Standing up and out to speak and debate throughout this month is a group dedicated members of the Pace community who recognize needs for improvement in our campus and student life, or maybe these are students who simply feel compelled to give back to our commu-nity in some way. It is even possible that both the former and the latter motivate these candidates. Either way, as a student leader that is more than grateful for the oppor-tunity my peers have given me to serve as President, I can justifiably say that each of these candidates are just as devoted to Pace as I am.

Written on the ballot will be a list of diverse list of candidates who all have something different to of-fer. Before you cast your vote, be sure to carefully and thoughtfully select the candidates that best exemplify what you look for in a leader—better yet, what you de-serve in a leader.

Next month my term will come to a bittersweet end. Thank you again for allowing me this opportunity to stand with you as well as stand for you since I was sworn in last spring, speaking also for the rest of my executive board. Furthermore, I thank you in advance for allowing this next executive board to represent you, confident that they will perform even greater than their predecessors.

Page 2: The Pace Chronicle - Volume I, Issue XX - March 21, 2012

Prof. mIchael Perrota

Faculty advisor

[email protected]

michael oleagaeDitor-in-ChieF

[email protected]

rose Fava

Managing eDitor

eriKa Bellido

web eDitor

The Pace Chronicle is published by Trumbull Printing: (203) 261-2548

Written and edited by the students of Pace University, The Pace Chronicle is published weekly during the academic year. Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of adminis-tration, faculty, and The Pace Chronicle staff.

The Pace Chronicle encourages re-sponses to the opinions expressed herein, and welcomes letters and com-ments. The Pace Chronicle cannot guar-antee publication of letters to the editor or unsolicited manuscripts, and reserves the right to edit or comment editorially on them.

Appearance of an advertisement in The Pace Chronicle does not imply endorsements by the members of the editorial board, the advisor, or Pace University of the products or services offered. All photos and copyrights re-served unless otherwise indicated. Sub-scription and advertising rates available upon request.

The Pace Chronicle, Pace University

861 Bedford Road, Pleasantville, N.Y. 10570Phone: (914) 773-3401

[email protected]

TaFasha PiTT

layout eDitor

shIga sunny


edItorIal staff

contrIButorKayla turner

[email protected]


sTudenTassociaTion Page 2 2012-2013 electIon edItIon march 21, 2012


KaThleen melhorn

Charles linK

PosiTion sTaTemenTs from The exeCuTive viCe PresidenT of JudiCial & ComPlianCe CandidaTesI was always told I am a leader.I know how to help others and in times

of need I keep my head straight and con-tinue with the task at hand. I always finish whatever I start, whether it may be an essay or rewriting a constitution for an organiza-tion on campus. I put my full 100 percent into what I do and do not accept mediocre results. I always use the resources at my disposal to reach my goal; whenever I need help I’m not afraid to ask for it. The biggest achievement of my life had me use all of these traits to reach it.

I am an Eagle Scout and to get there was no easy task. It takes hard work and dedica-tion, pulling all of your resources, and hav-ing a game plan. Achieving this rank gave me the knowledge to effectively lead people to a common purpose or goal. I have shown

this around campus through the many executive boards I have been on.

I’ve been the secretary for both the Interfra-ternity Council and Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity. I am also the senator for the Future Educators As-sociation and a Featured Reporter for The Pace Chronicle. Last semester I was also the Presi-dent of Martin Hall Council.

I know how to lead and time manage which is what I need for my future occupation as an educator.

I might only be a sophomore but my time spent here at Pace has prepared me for a lifetime and I know the institution still has more it could teach me.

My name is Charles Link, and I am a sopho-more education major, and I am ready to be your next Executive Vice President of Judicial Com-pliance of Student Association.

I came to Pace with my sneakers tied tight and a dream. No direction of how to get there, just a vision of the product, But as Harold A. McAllindon once said, go not where a path may lead, but go where there is no path, and leave a trail.

With some kindness, appreciation, time, inspiration, and empathy, or KATIE for short, I have discovered how to do just that. In my last three years at Pace I have been a mentor and mentee of African American Latino and Native American (AALANA) program, Vice President of Administration for both Students of Caribbean Awareness and WPAW radio station, Student Associa-tion (SA) Senator for WPAW, an Associate Justice for SA, a member of the Unity and Social Justice Committee, Programming Chair and Vice President of Administration for Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc., and a member of many other student organiza-

tions.I molded myself into the person I aspired

to be. I received and emitted kindness and ap-preciation, managed my time, was inspired and learned how to empathize.

If I am elected to be your Executive Vice President, I promise to give the student body a chance to become that dream they seek through involvement in campus affairs and opportunity to make a change - a change to happen not only within themselves but the campus population as well. By providing a voice to the voiceless and a chance for students to receive the help they de-serve to have, I will be that resource and repre-sentation the student body needs.

The students of Pace deserve to have their ideas and opinions understood. I will ensure their influence creates an impact, and educate as best I can to create a legacy. I plan to do this in business attire though, not sneakers.

PosiTion sTaTemenTs from The viCe PresidenT of finanCe CandidaTes

mariel meJia

anThony fanelli Hello, my name is Anthony Fanelli and I am running for the position of Vice Presi-dent of Finance.

I am a sophomore accounting and fi-nance major and have a great knowledge of the area in which the position entails. I am an active student leader; assuming the responsibilities of an Associate Justice for Student Association (SA), Townhouse Hall Council President, and an active Brother of Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity.

As Vice President of Finance, I promise to work together with the Senate and your organizations as a whole to ensure that the student body at Pace benefit.

The current budgetary structure is ef-fective, but I want to create and expand on

the productivity of allocating funds in terms of when and how. I will work hard in creating unity through communication that is essential for our school to function properly and smoothly.

I am the best candidate for this position be-cause working hard is the customary; which is attributed by good values and positive ethics that were instilled throughout my life. My leader-ship skills, knowledge, and time management have enabled me to motivate others. Not only do I bring all these qualities and attributes to this position, but also my dedication to execute is unsurpassable.

As the Vice President of Finance, I promise to gain your trust and faith. Thank you for your time and consideration.

My name is Mariel Mejia. I am a junior pursuing a major in business management with a minor in biology.

I am exceptionally involved on campus. I served as the President of the Organization of Latin American Students (OLAS) my sophomore year, and continue to be an ac-tive member of the organization. I am also part of the national biological honor society Tri-Beta, and Programming

Committee. This past summer I had the pleasure of being part of the fantastic S.O.A.R. 2015 staff as an Orientation Lead-er. I am currently the first Finance Intern for the office of Student Development and Campus Activities.

I have always had undying hunger to be part of the progressive movement that is Pace University.

I consider myself to be very relatable and amicable. I enjoy laughing, but that is

not to be confused with my undeniable work ethic. My favorite thing to do is meet new people because I believe that every-one as a story to share. I may be a bit of a control freak at times, but I am always open to new ideas. I am outspoken, self-driven, and hard working. I consider my-self futuristic because I am always think-ing about what to do next and how I will achieve that goal.

If elected by my peers as Vice Presi-dent of Finance, my first order of business will be to create programs that will pro-mote a greater sense of accountability on behalf of the organizations’ treasurers. I believe that treasurers’ responsibility goes above and beyond just filling out Budget Management System forms. I fully intend to help treasures become more tactful in budgeting when requesting funds from the Student Activity Budget.

Tafasha PiTT Tony Robbins once spoke the great words, life is a gift, and it offers us the privi-lege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more. To be-come more, is to continuously strive to ac-complish ones dreams and goals.

My desire to be part of the Student Asso-ciation (SA) Executive Board as Vice Presi-dent of Finance stems from an early appre-ciation for math, which in turn, developed into a love for accounting.

Having majored in public accounting for the majority of my college undergradu-ate experience, it would bring me no further satisfaction than to not only further my thirst of this subject, but to also serve my peers as Vice President of the student body. It is as a result of my heavy involvement on campus (a Peer Educator, a Programming Commit-

tee member, a Pace Yourself Ambassador, an executive of the Desi Heritage of South Asians organiztion, the Layout Editor and Art Director of The Pace Chronicle news-paper, and more) that I have gained the qualities and skills needed for this posi-tion.

My dedication, hard work, consisten-cy, dependability, and professionalism are only a few qualities that I hold and believe are key for this position. My thirst to be involved in the student body and my will-ingness to learn will help in achieving and maybe even surpassing the objectives set forth in this position.

If given the opportunity to become Vice President of Finance, I will work closely with the SA Executive Board and the Student Development and Campus

Furthermore, I plan to help students become more familiar with OrgSync and the various tools it offers that can help to allocate necessary expenses and ensure, not only the future financial success of each organization’s agency account, but less reliance on the Activity Fees. I be-lieve this will lighten the load of Student Association (SA) meetings and ultimate-ly ensure that the allocation of the Stu-dent Activity Budget is distributed more effectively and efficiently.

I would like to leave you with a quote I hold near and dear by Clare Boothe Luce that will hopefully give you a bet-ter sense of who I am and what I stand for. Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one will say, “She doesn’t have what it takes,” they will say, “Women don’t have what it takes.”

Activities staff to improve our current budgeting system. I will go above and beyond the call of duty to make sure that the needs of all student organizations and the student body is met.

To be placed in the position of Vice President of Finance for the 2012- 2013 academic year would be the start of mak-ing my goals and aspirations into reality. With this opportunity, I ensure you that I will never give up as I dedicate my time and qualification, to make tangible the objectives and ambitions set forth. Work-ing towards this opportunity for the larg-er portion of my college career has been a difficult task, but as Winston Churchill once said, “Difficulties mastered are op-portunities won.”

Page 3: The Pace Chronicle - Volume I, Issue XX - March 21, 2012



sTudenTassociaTion Page 3 2012-2013 electIon edItIon march 21, 2012

PosiTion sTaTemenTs from The viCe PresidenT of Programming CandidaTes

JaniKe BradshawEver since I was younger, I have had a dedicated spirit and would put my all into any task that I did.

From the age of five, I developed a passion for dancing and have been com-mitted to it ever since. Dance has taught me a lot in life such as perseverance, self-control, and time management. Traveling between different dance class-es as well as being involved in school, almost every second of my day had to be scheduled. I feel like the skills that I have learned while studying the art of dance can be applied to the position of Vice President of Programming because both require creativity, adaptability, and patience.

As I’ve gotten older and haven’t been able to dance as much as I would like, this position would be a new way for me to channel all of my positive energy.

I’ve been working on Programming Committee since freshman year, but the last two years have really influenced me to seek a position of greater involvement in the committee. I have been implicitly involved in the planning and execution of many of the events in the past two years, such as Homecoming, Annual Spring Concert, Welcome Back Week, and much more.

I believe that my in-depth experiences as a member of the Programming Com-mittee since my freshmen year gives me

an insight into what the position entails. I have many fresh ideas and would transi-tion smoothly into the role of Vice Presi-dent of Programming, which would be beneficial for the committee on a whole.

I believe I will be able to lead the Pro-gramming Committee in a direction that would encompass the entire student body effectively and efficiently. As a member of the committee I am aware that there is a vast population of the student body that is left uninvolved every school year.

As Vice President of Programming, my goal will be to reach the entire student population and have them engage and participate in the various campus events hosted each year.

sarah CroghanAs your future Vice President of Pro-

gramming, I am confident in my ability to manage this position and the commit-tee that falls under it.

As a member of the Student Associa-tion (SA) Executive Board, I will push for an amendment of the SA Constitu-tion to reduce the amount of the SA Bud-get that is allocated to this position.

From a positional standpoint, I would like to look into revising the current Pro-gramming Model to broaden the param-eters that programs need to meet. Also,

the type of programming that this office has been focusing on in the past needs to change. Instead of proceeding with events that will overshadow the success of other organizations, more events will be used to fill in the gaps by means of di-versity and timing.

Lastly, the spring concert has become an annual event that is expensive and could be better attended by the Pace com-munity. Should I be voted into the posi-tion of Vice President of Programming, I will look into alternatives that would

be more popular and less expensive than what has been done in the past.

It has already been brought to my at-tention that the student body is looking for events and programs that are new and innovative, compared to the standard events that the Pace community sees each year. By electing me as Vice President of Programming, you are opening the door to evolve how programming is done here at Pace.

PosiTion sTaTemenTs from The viCe PresidenT of uniTy & soCial JusTiCe CandidaTes

daniella willoCKsDo you really take time to read daily email blasts and hallway filled with fly-ers?

Dont you hate when the school has amazing events and you miss it because you never heard about it?

Well if I, Daniella Willocks, am elected Vice President of Unity and So-cial Justice you will never miss a fun event again!

I plan to increase communication be-tween students, organizations, and the University by creating a Pace phone ap-plication. The application will initially launch with basic information, including schedule, class schedule, and most im-portantly which events are happening on

campus. I think this will increase commu-nication because while the Pace website has a lot of information, it can sometimes be overwhelming to navigate.

OrgSync is also supposed to make it easiest for organizations to promote their events; however it is not well known or readily used by students. The current way that the university communicates with students about events is confusing because daily email blasts and hallways filled with advertisement do not persuade students to get involved in an activity. In-stead it makes students ignore events.

I imagine my legacy to be the begin-ning of a more innovative way of com-munication between what the student

body wants and what the Pace Student Association (SA) can provide.

Do you sometimes feel that you are in a bubble at Pace?

I wish Pace generated more aware-ness and interest in global issues, such as the European crisis, or the US presiden-tial election.

A more proactive Pace is what I want to strive for.

If elected I will pop the bubble that Pace may find themselves in, opening their eyes to bigger national and world-wide issues.

Vote for Daniella Willocks for Vice President of Unity and Social Justice!

eBony Turner

The Pace student body is in desperate need of a community devoted to fostering equality amongst students that leaves no one behind, re-gardless of their background.

Part of being in a position of leadership dedi-cated to this goal is building and encouraging an environment that allows for students to be, feel,

and express who they are and to speak their mind in a mature and responsible manner. Our society will grow with or without us, but I’d much rather we do it together.

So, vote for Ebony Turner for your Vice Presi-dent of Unity and Social Justice for 2012-2013.

Hello Pace University! My name is Tania DePalma, and I am currently a junior here at Pace majoring in political science with a minor in prelaw and peace and justice studies.

Pace has consistently provided me with opportunities of personal growth and development. Throughout my three years, I have flourished as a student leader on campus through becoming ac-tively involved in various positions such as being an Orientation Leader for the S.O.A.R 2015 program, currently be-ing Public Relations Chair as a sister of Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated and Senator for the National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations. I am also a delegate of Pace-Westchester’s

Model United Nations and have been involved with organizations such as AS-PIRE, the Peer Educator Program, and the Programming Committee in the past.

I have continuously been a dedicated, responsible, and reliable student fully committed to enriching the experience of all Pace students on campus. I enjoy remaining informed and involved with the issues that greatly affect our society today as young college students and al-ways seek to enlighten those around me because I firmly believe that through uni-ty, anything is possible. I strive to build strong relationships with my peers. I am goal oriented and continually innovate and reach new heights and that is what I aspire to do with this position.

I hope that through this position I am able to provide the campus with an aware-ness of the political, social, and economic issues we face as the future generation. I look forward to bridging the gap between various student organizations and bring-ing students of all walks of life together whether it be Greeks and non-Greeks, students of various cultures, races, and sexual identities, and even creating more student-faculty alliances.

I am confident that if elected for this position, I can seek to increase Pace’s di-verse atmosphere and bring forth a uni-fication of the Pace community like no other.

Tania dePalma

YOU! Can write.YOU! Can photograph.YOU! Can report.

It may land you a future editor title with The Pace Chronicle! The Pace Chronicle Elections: Monday, April 23, 9 p.m.,

3rd Floor of Willcox Hall.

Page 4: The Pace Chronicle - Volume I, Issue XX - March 21, 2012


sTudenTassociaTion Page 4 2012-2013 electIon edItIon march 21, 2012

PosiTion sTaTemenTs from The viCe PresidenT of adminisTraTion CandidaTes

ashlee ruiz For Pace University, Ashlee Ruiz is the best person for Vice President of Ad-ministration.

I have been actively involved on this campus as a member of numerous orga-nizations, as well as a leader within them upon arriving here as a freshman.

Through these experiences, I have been able to witness firsthand some of the flaws of our student organizations and how they are run. I may have not had much a say as a general member, but when I became Vice President of Finance for the Organization of Latin American Students (OLAS) things changed. I real-ized from that point forward that even if I did not have the power to make chang-es, I would pass the message that thing

needed to be done. Everything can use a little improve-

ment and I want to be the one to make it happen. I have accepted the challenge.

What makes me the best person for this position?

I have always been told I am a good listener, and I hope my fellow students would come to feel this way as well. I will be an outlet for students to come to with their worries, and I will help them in any way I can. I realize that I am no Super Woman, therefore if I cannot help them, I will make it my duty to find them the help they desire.

Pace is a school for the students and by the students; whilst in my position as Vice President of Administration, I will

carry out my duties while keeping this idea in mind.

I am well aware that students at Pace strive to be involved and when things do not go according to plan they worry about what the outcome will be. If I am elected, I am more than willing to be their go-to person even if my position does not ask that of me.

To my peers, I want to remind you all that I am on the exact same playing field as you and that if I am elected I plan to sit in my position just this way. I will re-member that you are all the reason I have my own desk in the Student Development and Campus Activities office, and that al-though my name is in front I am merely the voice for all of you.

harrison C. daviesBeing on the Student Association (SA) Executive Board gives one the ability to serve the Pace municipal in an immensely high capacity and incalcula-bly influential manner.

I look forward to working with all the organizations on campus and build-ing a better sense of community where everyone feels inclined to get involved in some sort of method.

A main focus would no doubt be to work with the organizations to build better communication in several outlets including marketing, bookkeeping, and the transition process.

Having neared completion of over two-thirds my academic credit hours, I feel that I have been very involved in the Pace community since when I first started here my freshmen year. Firstly getting involved as the Vice-President of North Hall, where my team was awarded “Hall of the Year,” and then continuing on to an executive board position as the President and Senator of the Residence Hall Association where I have served for two consecutive years, wherein I was awarded the 2011 Pace Pride Award for Outstanding Organization President, as well as have attended several conferences

and workshops in student leadership, and served on several committees including the 2010-2011 Student Association Con-stitutional Review Committee, giving me a factual understanding of the policies, operations, and regulations which govern our SA.

I want to join, not only the SA Execu-tive Board of 2012-2013, but in a sense join all the past Executive Boards be-cause I plan to build off of all the work they have done, while still bringing my own personal goals as well.

My name is Matthew Indik, and I am running for the position of Vice Presi-dent of Administration for the 2012-2013 Student Association (SA) Execu-tive Board.

I’m currently a sophomore education major with a concentration in mathemat-ics. I am currently involved on campus as an Associate Justice in SA, a mem-ber of the Organization of Latin Ameri-can Students (OLAS), and an AALANA mentor.

The qualities that I possess in order to become an effective member of SA are: respect, professionalism, impartial,

and passion. Each of these values are very impor-

tant in order to become an effective stu-dent leader, for one must demonstrate each of these qualities on a daily basis, especially when dealing with certain mat-ters that can affect the student body.

If given the opportunity to become the Vice President of Administration, I want to become a representative of those stu-dents who may not be heard as loudly as others. I want to create a bond of unity within the Pace community that cannot be broken. I also want to develop and strengthen the communication between

students, staff, and faculty at Pace.Communication is a key element to

success as an effective student leader. As an Associate Justice, I have hands on ex-perience with each organization currently on campus; therefore, I want to help the secretary of each organization with any questions or concerns that they may have regarding their position or about what needs to be done to become an effective student leader.

My overall goal is to help the people of Pace become united as one, for we are stronger as a team.

maTThew indiK