the outsiders

The Outsiders By: S.E Hinton Created by: Serina Salser

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Post on 21-May-2015




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Page 1: The outsiders

The Outsiders

By: S.E HintonCreated by: Serina Salser

Page 2: The outsiders

PonyBoy Curtis

PonyBoy Cutis is a sensitive boy with two brothers who really don’t

understand, along with everybody else they try to but no one really

understands as good as Johnny did…

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Johnny cade

Johnny cade the pet of the gang. He is super close to Pony and Dally, Johnny loves them so much that he would do anything for them and that’s just what he dose. When the Socs with

the rings almost kills Pony.

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Dallas Winston

Dallas Winston is the guy that the other gangs envy, but cares about everyone. He lends a hand

to anyone who needs one, He is close to the Curtis and cade family and gets them in some

trouble also.

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Dairy & Soda

The older more protective brothers who both dropped out of school to

support there younger brother, PonyBoy. Soda try's to understand

pony but is unsuccessful. Dairy is the older, stronger brother and dose not

understand anything that pony is dealing with. Pony and Diary fight

all the time about the smallest of stuff. When Dairy goes to far.

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Johnny, pony, and Tewbit walked two soc’s girls home from the movies when they run into there boyfriends. The only thing that kept the greasers and the soc’s from fighting was cherry valence, the boys walk home no problem. slowly Tewbit separated from Johnny and Pony. Johnny and Pony are sitting in the lot, talking about how life is not so fair to them, and slowly fall asleep in the lot. 1:00 A.M Pony wakes up and rushes over to his house afraid to arrive with dairy waiting for him. It was a brother battle with soda defends Pony as always. Dairy snapped he could not take how pony and soda always stuck up for each other , he pushed pony. He couldn’t believe what he just did. Pony ran out and him and Johnny ran away . Not knowing what to do they both sat in the park trying to cool off. When some drunk Soc’s came to teach them about “Talking to ther girlfriends” and ends with a huge fight, with the soc’s trying to kill them Jhonny had no choice but to kill the soc’s.

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What now?

With no were to go they turn to Dally, and tell them the whole story, about the soc’s and dairy. Dally dose what he can

to help by giving him 50 bucks and a gun,(just in case the cops find them.) he gives them directions to a old abandoned church. They try to make the most of it. Until dally gives them the ok to leave. They use the 50 dollars to get disguises. The week is over and dally comes to the rescue with some money for Dairy Qeen. on the way back from DQ they realize that the church was on fire, and eminently try and go help the kids that have just arrived. The fire is so bad Johnny and Pony try to go

help them. The fire injures Johnny and Dally the most and have to go to the hospital.

Soda and dairy are alarmed were pony is and rush to the hospital to reunite with there brother.

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•Were two teams fight for there territory.•First one who runs loses •No weapons

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Soda and Pony reunited happily and smoothly, not so much with dairy and Pony. The look on dairy's face said how he really felt bad about his actions. After they got things straightened out thing ran like usual in the curtis house hold just with less fights.

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Rumble time

The rumble went on and the greesers were to tough for the soc’s. the soc’s ran first so the greesers won there territory back for good.

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Super cool!!!!!

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I recommend this book to anyone want a true classic with drama and adventure, who ever reads this will enjoy it and wish it didn’t end the way it did. This book will shock you in every way.