the orthodox vision - october 2014 issue #296

The Official Monthly Publication of Holy Trinity ISSUE NO. 296 WWW. HOLYTRINITYBRIDGEPORT. ORG OCTOBER 2014 Oct 9 Oct 11 Oct 1 Oct 6 Oct 18 Oct 23 Oct 26

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The Official Monthly Publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Bridgeport, CT


Page 1: The Orthodox Vision - October 2014  Issue #296

The Official Monthly Publication of Holy Trinity


Oct 9 Oct 11 Oct 1 Oct 6

Oct 18

Oct 23

Oct 26

Page 2: The Orthodox Vision - October 2014  Issue #296

October 2014


Strict Fast Fish Allowed Wine and Oil Allowed Dairy,Eggs, and Fish Allowed


Wednesday of the

2nd Week

Holy Protection of

the Theotokos Ananias of the 70

2 Thursday

of the 2nd

Week / Mar-

tyrs Cyprian

and Justina , Martyrs Rusti-

cus and Eleu-


3 Friday of

the 2nd Week

Dionysios the


John the Chozebite of Cae-



Saturday of the

2nd Week

Hierotheus, Bp. of

Athens Domnina the Mar-


5 Martyr Chariti-

na / Methodia of

Cimolus /


CIAL for Par-


at St Nicholas,

Park Ave. 1:00pm

6 Apostle


Martyr Eroti-


7 Philoptochos


Tuesday of the

3rd Week Martyrs Sergius

and Bacchus

Hieromartyr Pol-ychronus

8 Senior

Citizens 1:00pm /

Paraklesis -

6:00pm & Bible

Study 7:00 pm

Wednesday of the

3rd Week

Righteous Pelagia Virgin Pelagia

9 PTO 7:00



James, Son of Alphaeus


and Athana-sia


Friday of the 3rd


Martyrs Eu-

lampius & Eu-lampia

Righteous The-


11 Hellenic Cul-

tural 7:00 pm

Saturday of the

3rd Week Philip of the 7 Dea-


Theophanes the Confessor

12 Sunday of

the 7th Ecu-

menical Coun-


Martyrs Probus, Andronicus, &


Simeon the New Theologian

13 Monday

of the 4th


Carpus, Papy-

lus, Agathod-orus, & Aga-


Benjamin the Deacon

14 Tuesday of

the 4th Week

Martyrs Nazari-

us, Gervasius,

Protasius, & Celsus

Cosmas the Hag-



& Daughters 7:00


Wednesday of the

4th Week Hieromartyr Luci-


Righteous Sabinus


Longinus the




ING 6:30pm

Friday of the 4th

Week Prophet Hosea

Martyrs Cosmas

and Damian of Arabia

18 St. Nicholas –at the WORLD




Luke the Evange-

list Martyr Marinus the


19 3rd Sunday

of Luke

Prophet Joel

Martyr Varys

PTO Brunch

after services

20 Parish



Monday of

the 5th Week Great Martyr


Gerasimus of Cephalonia


Tuesday of the

5th Week

Hilarion the

Great Christodoulus,


of Patmos

22 Senior

Citizens 1:00 pm

Paraklesis -

6:00pm & Bible

Study 7:00 pm

Wednesday of the

5th Week

7 Youths of Ephe-sus

23 James

(Iakovos), the

Brother of the

Lord Patriarch Ig-



Friday of the 5th


Great Martyr Are-

thas Martyr Sebastian


Saturday of the

5th Week

Martyrs Marcian &

Martyrius Tabitha the Merci-


26 6th Sunday

of Luke


of the Earth-

quake Demetrius the


General Assem-bly

27 Great Martyr



Abp. Of Con-stanstinople

28 Holy Protec-tion of the The-


Martyrs Ter-

rence & Eunice

29 Greek

School Program

5:00 pm

Wednesday of the

6th Week

Martyr Anastasia

Abramius the Re-cluse

30 Thursda

y of the 6th


Cleopas &

Artemas of the 70

Martyrs Zeno-

bius & Zeno-bia


PTO Halloween

party—6 to 8

Friday of the 6th

Week Stachys and Com-

panions of the 70

Epimachus of Alexandria

Sunday October 5 - Antigone Hatzis Leventis, 3 years

Sunday October 12- Sally Perna, 1 year

Κπξηαθή 5 Οθησβξίνπ - Αληηγφλε Υαηδή Λεβέληε, 3 ρξφληα

Κπξηαθή 12 Οθησβξίνπ- Ζαραξνχια Πέξλα, 1


Έτεηε ζηείλει ηην

ζσνδρομή ζας για

ηο 2014;




2014 STEW-



Page 3: The Orthodox Vision - October 2014  Issue #296

OCTOBER 2014 3

―Today the Cross of the Lord is carried forth, and the faithful

fervently greet it, receiving

healing of soul and body, and of

every infirmity. Let us embrace it with joy and fear: in fear of our

sins, for we are unworthy; but in

joy for the salvation which He who was crucified on it gives the

world, in His great mercy, Christ

the Lord‖ ~ Doxastikon Elevation

of the Holy Cross: sixth tone

W e begin the Church

calendar with the commemoration of the

Feast of the Universal Exaltation

of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross on September 14. This

Feast commemorates the finding

of the Holy Cross of our Lord by Saint Helen, when she visited Jerusalem in the year 326 to venerate holy

places related to the life, ministry, Crucifixion and

Resurrection of Christ. Confirmed as the Precious

Cross by the healing of a dying woman who touched it, the Cross was venerated by Saint Helen and by all

present, proclaiming ―Lord have mercy,‖ as the

Patriarch Makarios lifted it up for all to see (Encyclical

of Archbishop Demetrios).

Even though historically the Cross was an

instrument of indignity and torture, it has been

transformed into a symbol of God’s love for humanity. As Archbishop Demetrios states in his Encyclical for

the Feast, ―We lift up the Cross, because while it was

used as an instrument of torture and indignity, it brought honor and glory to God. It was used as a

means of ending life, but it became an entrance to

eternity. It was used as a violent weapon, but for believers it became a symbol of hope and victory.

Instead of death, our Lord through the Cross brought

us life and abundance of life.‖ Thusly, the Cross has

been a symbol of hope throughout the ages, for all Christians suffering persecution and enduring sacrifice

for their faith. In the Gospel, our Lord admonishes us

that ―whoever wants to be my disciple must deny himself and pick up his Cross and follow me

(Matthew 16:24). ― The Cross is symbolic of our Lord’s

suffering and the sacrifice of

His life for all of us.

In recent times, the Cross reminds us of the tremendous

sacrifice of those who lost

their lives during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Those who lost their lives

during the terrorist attacks made a tremendous sacrifice

for the freedom that we are all

able to enjoy living in this

great country. Our Lord says, ―Greater love has no one then

this; to lay down one’s life for

one’s friends.‖ (John 15:13) The privileges we enjoy have

come with a cost, which have

been paid for by those who sacrificed their lives on September 11 and all those in our military who

continue to sacrifice their lives to protect our freedoms.

We also celebrate the Feast of the Cross by

remembering September 11 and by giving thanks to those who sacrificed their lives and to their families.

As Archbishop Demetrios states, ―On this feast, the

elevation of the Cross is a beautiful and mighty witness of the Gospel of truth and love. This feast is also a call

to each of us to look to the Cross and to turn the eyes

of our soul towards the Cross and to lift it up for others

to see. We lift up the Cross when our homes and families become a dwelling of Christ. We lift up the

Cross for all to see the power of faith and grace when

we live in a way of the Cross, that is when we sacrifice for the will of God and the needs of others, when we

live in love and humility, and our lives constantly show

the way to Christ.‖

I say this to you, brethren, with the Church of St.

Nicholas in mind, which was right across the street

from Ground Zero and destroyed on that day. No one

was inside the church when it collapsed; nonetheless, a community suffered a deep wound on that day losing

its place of worship. By the grace of God, the Church

(Continued on page 4)

We Lift Up The Cross

by Father Andreas Vithoulkas

“Fear and faith have something in common. Both ask us to believe something that we cannot see.”

Page 4: The Orthodox Vision - October 2014  Issue #296

OCTOBER 2014 4

Σ ήκεξνλ πξνέξρεηαη

ν ηαπξφο ηνπ

Κπξίνπ, θαη πηζηνί εηζδέρνληαη απηφλ εθ πφζνπ, θαη

ιακβάλνπζηλ ηάκαηα ςπρήο ηε

θαη ζψκαηνο, θαη πάζεο καιαθίαο. Απηφλ αζπαζψκεζα

ηε ραξά θαη ησ θφβσ, θφβσ δηα

ηελ ακαξηίαλ, σο αλάμηνη φληεο. Υαξά δε δηα ηελ ζσηεξίαλ, ήλ

παξέρεη ησ θφζκσ, ν ελ απηψ

πξνζπαγείο Υξηζηφο ν Κχξηνο, ν

έρσλ ην κέγα έιενο. Δνμαζηηθφλ Ύςσζεο ηνπ

Σηκίνπ ηαπξνχ.

Ο επηέκβξηνο είλαη ν κήλαο

πλεπκαηηθήο αλαδσνγφλεζεο θαη

αλαλέσζεο γηα φινπο ηνπο Οξζφδνμνπο Υξηζηηαλνχο. Είλαη ν

κήλαο ηεο αξρήο ηνπ Νένπ

Εθθιεζηαζηηθνχ Έηνπο. Μεηά απφ

ηηο θαινθαηξηλέο δηαθνπέο, ηαμίδηα, εθδξνκέο, πνιχηηκν ρξφλν κε ηηο

νηθνγέλεηέο καο, θαινχκεζα λα

μεθηλήζνπκε ηελ θαζεκεξηλή καο ξνπηίλα, δειαδή: εξγαζία, ζρνιείν,

θαη θπζηθά λα πεγαίλνπκε ζηελ

Εθθιεζία. Είκαζηε έηνηκνη λα

πάξνπκε ζνβαξά ηελ πξνζεισκέλε «θνζκηθή» δσή καο, αιιά θαη ηελ

πλεπκαηηθή θαη εθθιεζηαζηηθή δσή


Σηκνχκε ηελ γηνξηή ηεο

Τςψζεσο ηνπ Σηκίνπ ηαπξνχ.

Γηνξηάδνπκε ηελ αλεχξεζε ηνπ Σηκίνπ ηαπξνχ ηνπ Κπξίνπ καο

απφ ηελ Αγία Ειέλε φηαλ εθείλε

επηζθέθζεθε ηελ Θεξνπζαιήκ ην έηνο 326 γηα λα πξνζθπλήζεη ηνπο

Αγίνπο Σφπνπο πνπ ζρεηίδνληαλ κε

ηελ δσή, ηελ δηαθνλία, ηελ ηαχξσζε θαη ηελ Αλάζηαζε ηνπ

Υξηζηνχ. Αθνχ δηαβεβαηψζεθε φηη

ή η α λ ν Σ ί κ η ν ο η α π ξ φ ο

ζεξαπεχνληαο κηα εηνηκνζάλαηε γπλαίθα ε νπνία αθνχκπεζε ηνλ

ηαπξφ, ν ηαπξφο πξνζθπλήζεθε

απφ ηελ Αγία Ειέλε θαη φινπο ηνπ παξεπξηζθνκέλνπο. Καζψο ν

Παηξηάξρεο Μαθάξηνο ηνλ

αλχςσζε γηα λα ηνλ δνπλ,

α λ α θ ψλ ε ζ αλ φινη «Κχ ξ ηε ειέεζνλ».

Ο ηαπξφο, ζχκβνιν πφλνπ θαη

ήηηαο, δηα ηνπ Υξηζηνχ θαηέζηε

ζ χ κ βνι ν ει π ίδ α ο θα η ζξηάκβνπ. Αληί ζαλάηνπ, ν

Κχξηνο, δηα ηνπ ηαπξνχ, καο

ράξηζε δσή θαη πεξίζζεπκα

δσήο. Παξφιν πνπ ν ηαπξφο ρξεζηκνπνηήζεθε σο κέζν

αθαηξέζεσο δσήο, θαηέζηε

είζνδνο ζηελ αησληφηεηα. Υξεζηκνπνηήζεθε σο κέζν

βίαο, αιιά γηα ηνπο πηζηνχο

θαηέζηε φπιν αιεζηλήο εηξήλεο.

Δηα κέζνπ ησλ αηψλσλ ν

ηαπξφο ήηαλ ζχκβνιν ειπίδαο γηα

φινπο ηνπο ρξηζηηαλνχο πνπ ππφθεξαλ βαζαληζηήξηα θαη

δίλνληαο ηελ δσή ηνπο γηα λα

θξαηήζνπλ ηελ πίζηε ηνπο. ην επα γγέι ην ν επ αγγει ηζ ηήο

Μαηζαίνο ιέγεη: «φπνηνο ζέιεη λα

γίλεη καζεηήο κνπ, πξέπεη λα απαξλεζεί ηνλ εαπηφλ ηνπ θαη άξεη

ην ηαπξφ ηνπ θαη λα κε

αθνινπζήζεη ιέγεη ν Κχξηνο». Ο

ηαπξφο είλαη επίζεο ζχκβνιν πνπ ζα καο ππελζπκίδεη ηελ ζπζία

άιισλ γηα εκάο.

ηελ ζεκεξηλή επνρή ν ηαπξφο καο ππελζπκίδεη ηελ

κεγάιε ζπζία απηψλ ησλ

αλζξψπσλ πνπ έραζαλ ηελ δσή

ηνπο ζηελ ηξνκνθξαηηθή επίζεζε ηεο 11εο επηεκβξίνπ 2001.

Έδσζαλ ηελ δσή ηνπο γηα ηελ

(Continued on page 5)

“Life is flying by.You don’t have time to waste another minute being negative,

offended or bitter. If someone did you wrong, get over it and move forward. “

ηοσ π. Ανδρέα Βσθούλκας

of St. Nicholas at Ground Zero will be resurrected, and the groundbreaking will take place on Saturday,

October 18. God willing, we will be able to participate

with Archbishop Demetrios in this momentous event of

the rebuilding of St. Nicholas as a commemorative shrine to those who lost their lives but also as a place of

worship and prayer for future generations.

In light of the events of September 11 and the

destruction and rebuilding of St. Nicholas church, as we

begin the new Ecclesiastical year, we should keep our church and community in our prayers and strengthen

our bond and commitment to her more than ever. We

should feel extremely blessed that we have such a thriving community and beautiful church building in

which to worship

September is the month for spiritual rejuvenation and renewal for all Orthodox Christians, getting our souls fit

once again for the upcoming Ecclesiastical New Year.

After a full summer of vacations, traveling, picnicking and spending time with family, it's time to get back into

the routine of work, school and, of course, church. We

are ready to become more serious and committed to our "worldly" lives, but also to our spiritual and church


Page 5: The Orthodox Vision - October 2014  Issue #296

OCTOBER 2014 5

“You are not defined by your past. You are prepared by your past.”

ειεπζεξία ηελ νπνία εκείο απειαχλνπκε ζ απηή ηελ

κεγάιε ρψξα.

Γηνξηάδνπκε ηελ ενξηή ηνπ Σηκίνπ ηαπξνχ ελζπκνχκελνη ηελ 11ελ επηεκβξίνπ, θαη δίλνληαο

επραξηζηίεο θαη επγλσκνζχλε ζε απηνχο πνπ

ζπζηάζηεθαλ θαη ζηηο νηθνγέλεηέο ηνπ. Όπσο ιέγεη ζηελ εγθχθιηφ ηνπ ν Αξρηεπίζθνπνο Δεκήηξηνο, πςψλνπκε

ηνλ ηαπξφ γηα λα δνπλ φινη ηελ δχλακε ηεο πίζηεσο

θαη ηεο ράξηηνο φηαλ δνχκε ζχκθσλα κε ηνλ ηξφπν ηνπ ηαπξνχ, δειαδή φηαλ θάλνπκε ζπζίεο γηα ην ζέιεκα

ηνπ Θενχ θαη ηηο αλάγθεο ησλ άιισλ, φηαλ δνχκε κε

αγάπε θαη ηαπεηλφηεηα θαη φηαλ νη δσέο καο δείρλνπλ

πάληνηε ηνλ δξφκν ηνπ Υξηζηνχ.

Καζψο μεθηλνχκε ην λέν εθθιεζηαζηηθφ έηνο, είζε λα πξνζεπρεζνχκε γηα ηηο νηθνγέλεηέο καο, θαινχκαζηε

λα ππνζηεξίμνπκε ηελ εθθιεζία καο γηα ηηο άθζνλεο

επινγίεο ηνπ Κπξίνπ καο δηα ηεο ιαηξείαο, ηεο

πξνζθνξάο, πξνζεπρήο θαζψο δείηε ζηελ ράξε ηνπ Θενχ.

Άο έρνπκε ππφςε καο ηελ Εθθιεζία ηνπ Αγίνπ

Νηθνιάνπ, πνχ ήηαλ απέλαληη απφ ην ζεκείν κεδέλ θαη θαηεζηξάθε απηή ηελ εκέξα.

Με ηελ δχλακε ηνπ Θενχ ε Εθθιεζία ηνπ Αγίνπ

Νηθνιάνπ ζα αλνηθνδνκεζεί θαη έρνπκε ηελ ηειεηή ησλ ζεκειίσλ (εγθαίληα) ηεο Νέαο Εθθιεζίαο ην άββαην 18

Οθησβξίνπ. Θενχ ζέινληαο φινη ζα παξεπξεζνχκε καδί

κε ηνλ Αξρηεπίζθνπν Δεκήηξην γηα ηελ αλνηθνδφκεζε

ηνπ Αγίνπ Νηθνιάνπ, κέξνο ιαηξείαο θαη πξνζεπρήο γηα ηηο κειινληηθέο γελεέο.

(Continued from page 4)

A s the year is moving to

full swing, both Sun-day school and Greek

school are on their way. On Mon-

day, September 8th, in cooperation with the Council of Churches a

coordinated event was held at

Trumbull Gardens. With the help

of the Daughters of Penelope and The order of AHEPA, we intro-

duced some Greek recipes for the

residents to make. Pastichio, mousaka, tiropita, and spanakopita

were prepared by Philoptochos ,

which we brought and served. AHEPA donated six boxes of sou-

vlakia, which we cooked at the

Gardens. A total of 100 residents

joined expo, and children partici-pated in fun activities. Raffle

prizes were donated by the PTO

and the DOP. There was a total of eleven people who volunteered at

this event, including two


On October 17th, we will be holding our annual Wine and Food

tasting Fall event. For information

or tickets, please call the office at 203-374-5561, Kalli T. at 203-926

-0137, or Sylvia at 203-814-2131.

Join us for a great time and some delicious Greek wines. A few

days after this event, on October

26th, we will have our General

assembly meeting, where we will have nominations for parish coun-

cil positions, nominate the election

committee, and present our pro-posed budget.

Καζψο ην Νέν Εθθιεζηαζηηθφ

έηνο βξίζθεηαη ζε πιήξε εμέιημε – ην Καηερεηηθφ θαη Ειιεληθφ καο

ζρνιείν ήδε άξρηζαλ. Σελ

Δεπηέξα 8 επηεκβξίνπ ζε

ζπλεξγαζία κε ην πκβνχιην ησλ Εθθιεζηψλ πξαγκαηνπνηήζεθε

κηα ζπληνληζκέλε εθδήισζε ζην

Trumbull Gardens. Με ηελ βνήζεηα ησλ Θπγαηέξσλ ηεο

Πελειφπεο θαη ηεο Αρέπα

εηζαγάγακε νξηζκέλεο ειιεληθέο

ζπληαγέο θαγεηψλ γηα ηνπο θαηνίθνπο εθεί λα θάλνπλ.

Παζηίηζην, Μνπζαθά, Σπξφπηηα θαη παλαθφπηηα είραλ εηνηκαζηεί

απφ ηηο θπξίεο ηεο Φηινπηψρνπ. Η

Αρέπα δψξηζε έμη θνπηηά απφ

ζνπβιάθηα πνπ καγεηξεχηεθαλ εθεί. πλνιηθά 100 θάηνηθνη απφ

η ν T r u m b u l l G a r d e n s

παξεπξέζεζαλ, θαζψο ηα παηδηά πνπ ζπκκεηείραλ δηαζθέδαζαλ θαη

παίξλνληαο δψξα πνπ δψζεζαλ

απφ ην ΡΣΟ θαη ηηο Θπγαηέξεο ηεο Πελειφπεο. πλνιηθά έληεθα

άηνκα απφ ηε ελνξία καο έιαβαλ

κέξνο ζπκπεξηιακβαλνκέλσλ θαη

δχν παηδηά ηεο Γθφγηα. ηηο 17 Οθησβξίνπ ζα έρνκε

ηελ εηήζηα εθδήισζε θαγεηνχ θαη

θξαζηνχ. Γηα πιεξνθνξίεο θαη ηηθέηα παξαθαιψ ηειεθσλήζηε

ζην γξαθείν ηεο εθθιεζίαο – 203-

374-5561 ή ζηελ χιβηα 203-814-2131 ή ζηελ Καιιηφπε 203-926-

0137. Ειάηε καδί καο γηα λα

απνιαχζεηε ηα λφζηηκα θαγεηά

θαη ειιεληθά θξαζηά. ηηο 26 Οθησβξίνπ ζα έρνπκε

ηελ γεληθή ζπλέιεπζε, ζα έρνπλ

ηελ επθαηξία φζνη επηζπκνχλ λα ζέζνπλ ππνςεθηφηεηα γηα ην

ελνξηαθφ ζπκβνχιην, ζα νξίζνπκε

ηελ Εθνξεπηηθή Επηηξνπή θαη ζα

παξνπζηάζνπκε ηνλ εηήζην πξνυπνινγηζκφ ηεο ελνξίαο καο.

Our Parish

by Constantinos Vlamis , Parish Council President

Page 6: The Orthodox Vision - October 2014  Issue #296

OCTOBER 2014 6

“People can call you many different things, but you are not what they call you. You are what you answer to.”

W ith the start of the

Ecclesiastical year, we would like to take this opportunity

again to welcome old and new

members. It is with great excitement, exuberance, and love

that we start the year, and as

always, we need your help to make

this year another success.

There are many fun activities

planned, not only for the children, but for the adults as well. They are

a great time to relax and get to

know one another and an opportunity for our children, and us

adults, to begin relationships that

will hopefully last a lifetime.

On the first day of Sunday

School, it was nice to see

Mr. Hallas welcoming everyone

and seeing them off to the

classrooms. The Executive boards of both the

PTO and the GOYAns were blessed

by Pater Andreas on the first day of Sunday School. Afterwards, a

luncheon for the parish was donated

by Phani Biros, in memory of her

late husband, whose forty day memorial service was on that day.

O Theos na ton anapafsi.

With the help of Lourdes

Pertesis, we had an Ice Cream

Social for the children of the Greek School, after which, they had the

Agiasmo by Pater Andreas. It was a

treat. Please keep reading our

emails, as we have a lot of events and activities coming up. Starting

in October, we have ―Smores

Under the Stars‖ on the 6th. On October 12th, we are meeting at

Jones’ Tree Farm (Pumpkin Seed

Hill) in Shelton for a hayride, corn

maze, and pumpkin picking, and on the 19th we are hosting our annual

―Fall Harvest Brunch,‖ where this

year the kids will again decorate a pumpkin, and on the 31st, we are

having a ―Happy Halloween

party‖ (no pagan or scary costumes please). Please respond to rsvp for

the smores night, jones tree farm

trip, and the Halloween party as it is

best if we can get a head count and plan accordingly.

For November, we will be baking our delicious Tsourekia and have

our Holiday Raffle starting.

As always your help is needed and appreciated.

―Coming together is the

beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is

success.‖ ― Henry Ford


by Effie Vlamis, President

O ur season is here! Practices begin October 14th

and sign-ups are before practice each evening

per the schedule below:

Tuesday Basketball : JV/Varsity 7:30 to 8:30 / Wednesday Volleyball : 6:30 to 7:30 -JV, 7:30 to 8:30

Varsity / Thursday Basketball: Farm 5:30 to 6:15,

Youth 6:00 to 7:00, JV/Varsity7:00 to 8:30 / Basketball divisions (boys and girls): Farm Team

Ages 7 and under / Youth Division Players must be

age 10 or younger on 7/31/2014—Players must have a birthday 8/1/2003 or later.

Junior Varsity Division boys must be age 13 or

younger on 7/31/2014. Boys must have a birthday

8/1/2014 or later. Girls must be 14 or younger on 7/31/2013. Girls must have a birthday 8/1/1999 or later.

Varsity Division Players must be age 17 or younger

on 7/31/2014. Players must have a birthday 8/1/1996 or later.

Coming soon: Calling all basketball alumni! We are

looking for former basketball players who played in the

league ‖back in the day,‖ and can help us discover more

details about the league’s history and milestones. If you know anyone who played in the league all way the back

to when it was at the YMCA and then Park Ave, please

let us know! We are working on a special program to honor our league’s history and those who helped shape

what it is today.

Player of the Month: This is a new program that will kick off this season. Please stay tuned for more de-

tails soon!

Our banner program its that time of year again, ask

any committee member for more information about this sponsorship opportunity.

Athletic Department

by Chris Danas , Director

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OCTOBER 2014 7

“God has put people in your life so that you can be a blessing to them. Don’t live to get. Live to give.”

Σν Ειιεληθφ καο ρνιείν άξρηζε θαί θέηνο ηελ Δεπηέξα 8


Σελ Δεπηέξα 15 επηεκβξίνπ είρακε αγηαζκφ γηα ηελ λέα

ζρνιηθή ρξνληά απφ ηνλ πάηεξ

Αλδξέα θαη νη θπξίεο ηνπ ΡΣΟ

είραλ δεμίσζε γηα φινπο ηνπο παξεπξηζθνκέλνπο.

Καισζνξίδνπκε ηνπο κηθξνχο

καο καζεηέο ηνπ λεπηαγσγείνπ θαη πξψηεο ηάμεο θαη θπζηθά φινπο

ηνπο λενθεξκέλνπο, καδί κε ηνχο

γνλείο ηνπο θαη ηνπο επρφκεζα πγεία θαη θαιή πξφνδν.

Επίζεο επρφκεζα ζηηο δαζθάιεο

καο, γνλείο, καζεηέο, καζήηξηεο,

βνεζνχο, πγεία, ππνκνλή, επηκνλή, θαιή θαη πξννδεπηηθή ζρνιηθή


Σν ζρνιείν καο πξνζπαζεί κε θάζε ηξφπν λα δηδάμεη θαη λα

δψζεη ζηα παηδηά καο ηελ

ειιελ νρξ ηζ ηηαλ ηθή α γσγή,

κφξθσζε, ραξαθηήξα, ζπλείδεζε, ηξφπνπο, πνιηηηζκφ, γιψζζα,

ζξεζθεία, ηζηνξία, ηξαγνχδη θαη

ρνξφ θαη γεληθά κε φηη ζρεηίδεηαη κε ηελ ειιελνξζφδνμε ρξηζηηαληθή

καο πίζηε θαη θαηαγσγή.

Καιή ζρνιηθή ρξνληά ζε φινπο! Our Greek School is open to

children of our parish from ages

five years old and up.

We would like to welcome the new kindergarten and first grade

and new students along with their

parents and wish them health and

much success. Also to wish our students,

parents, teachers, helpers and

friends, much health, and a good and productive school year.

Our children should feel proud

for their Religion, Heritage and language, and our Greek School

does exactly that.

On behalf of the Greek School

staff, I would like to wish all of you a healthy and prosperous

school year. Again, WELCOME!

Η Παηδεία θάλεη ην ιαφ εχθνιν

λα ηνλ νδεγήζεηο, αιιά δχζθνιν

λα ηνλ παξαζχξεηο. Εχθνιν λα ηνλ θπβεξλήζεηο, αιιά αδχλαην λα ηνλ



ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ by Eleni Limberis , Director

O ur Sunday school started with great success, many

new students enrolled.

I'm so happy to see a lot of children coming to learn the Orthodox Faith

and Religion.

Your children will be coming home with their books every Sunday.

I would like parents to sign any

work/assignment so I know that a

parent has seen what was reviewed in class that day.

We have many exciting events

coming up in October, including: Meet and Greet with parents (date to

be announced) and a didactic service

on October 12th. This means that there will be 2 Services performed: the Liturgy upstairs

with Fr Serge and one downstairs with Fr Andreas. This

type of service is explained as it goes on so the children

will get a better understanding of what happens during

the Divine Liturgy. It is very im-portant for all children to be in at-

tendance that day.

We also have our Halloween par-ty on October 31st, sponsored by

Sunday school and PTO. Please see

the flyer in this issue for more infor-mation.

I would like to thank Joanne Bo-

gardus for working with the students

to learn the hymns of the Church. We are planning to have the children

singing with the Choir on the Sun-

days that they are scheduled to stay upstairs for the Liturgy.

I would also like to thank Vicky

Andriotis for her help with various projects in Sunday school.

Thank you and please try to arrive at church on time.

If any one has any concerns or questions please feel free

to contact me.

Sunday School

by Tom Hallas, Director

Saint Philip

Page 8: The Orthodox Vision - October 2014  Issue #296

OCTOBER 2014 8

“You have to make up your mind at the start of the day that nothing that comes your way will steal your joy.”

H o p e

everyone is

enjoying the

fall season!

The DOP are continuing their

philanthropic work with the

kickoff of some of our most

important act ivit ies and

continued support for the

Trumbull Gardens Community


The Lets Keep them Warm

Drive has begun and is one of

the most favorite and impactful

activities for our chapter and for

our local community. Gloves,

hats and scarves, and new socks

are given to the needy

t hr o ug ho u t t he g r e a t e r

Bridgeport area through close to

a dozen charities being supports.

Please consider supporting this

effort in any way you can. If

your business or office can have

a collection box on site, please

contact the DOP.

Our annual Turkey Raffle,

which supports the awarding of

scholarships, will be held on

November 24th. Five turkeys

will be raffled off, and tickets

are only $1!

We will be continuing our

support of the Council of

Churches and the Trumbull

Gardens Community Alliance.

Monthly events are in the

works , with the next being a

cooking workshop.

Our chapter will be attending

the district conference this

month in Norwich. We are

happy to announce that

Theodora Fatibene has been

given the district’s Estia Award

for her service and contribution

to our chapter. The Estia Award

celebrates someone who

embodies the DOP spirit and

helps keep the chapter going.

Congratulations Theo!

Look for information coming

about our Annual Christmas

Wreath and Basket sale.

Our next meeting will be on

October 15th. If you wish to

become a member of our group,

please reach out to me or to any

member for more information.

Please visit us at http://

ho lyt r in it ybr idgepor t .o r g /

daughters.html. Our chapter

e m a i l i s

daughters@holytrinitybridgepor Lastly, ―Like‖ us on

Facebook at Daughters of

Penelope - Bridgeport "Hermes"

Chapter 41, District 7. Please

consider being a part of the

Daughters of Penelope. We

would love to have you!

Daughters of Penelope by Kathy Yiannoulis , President

O n Spetember 8th, the Bridgeport Chapter of AHEPA participated in the first community out-

reach programs at the Trumbull Garden Apartments in

Bridgeport. AHEPA, together with other church organi-

zations and in conjunction with the Bridgeport Council of Churches, assisted in a ―healthy eating‖ expo at the

Trumbull garden Apartments. Thank you to AHEPAns

James Yeotsas, Gus Vlamis, and Andy Poniros for their help in cooking souvlaki at the ―Healthy Eating Expo.‖

Each month, AHEPA will be assisting at monthly

events held at the Trumbull Gardens Community Center.

Our Chapter also recently enjoyed an evening of fellow-ship with our annual barbeque at the Sealodge on

Southport Beach. It was an beautiful night at the beach.

Thank you to Philip Georgas for working the grill to

perfection that evening

To become a member of AHEPA please contact us at

203-394-8001 or [email protected]


by John Bochanis , President

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OCTOBER 2014 9

”Replace those thoughts of worry with thoughts of faith, hope, and victory.”

I am very happy to greet you all, with love, hope, enthusiasm and ready for action this coming year

αγαπεκέλεο κνπ θηινπησρίλεο! I have to thank

you very much that you voted for me to attend the Clergy - Laity Convention of 2014. I really saw and learned a

lot in three days, working from 7am to 9pm, with 30-60

minutes for Lunch in between. We have many things to discuss during our member-

ship Potluck Dinner in October. At this point, I would

like to remind everyone to read the July issue of the Vi-

sion to see what the accomplishments of Philoptochos are through the year. If you like helping others, this is

your organization.

Μηα ιατθή παξνηκία ιέεη: Σν έλα ρέξη πιέλεη ην άιιν θαη ηα δπφ ην πξφζσπν! When you help Philoptochos,

Philoptochos is able to help others.

Thank you again for your support. Even if you can not attend our meetings, your participation in the many

daily functions is always appreciated. Our regular meet-

ings are the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00PM.

Keep the following days on your calendar to help or to enjoy the Philoptochos Events.

October 17th: Wine and Food Tasting November 2nd: Philoptochos’s NAME DAY

November14-15th: Festival of Trees

BAKE SALE for Thanksgiving Please place your orders

promptly. November 30th: Father Andrea’s Name Day

December 14th: Loukoumades. The proceeds go to Ho-ly Cross College

Orders for Christmas: Please place your orders prompt-

ly. January 11, 2015: Trays for National Philoptochos, Ho-

ly Cross and St Basil.

February 12, 2015: ΣζηθλνΠέκπηε from 6-11PM Greek Taverna Style Dinner

February 14, 21, 28th 2015: Φπρνάββαηα

February 15th, 2015: Loukoumades for Charities

March 15th, 2015: Lenten Luncheon March: Easter Bake Sale: Please make your orders

promptly. Thanks.

April 25th, 2015: Fund Raising( Details later on) April - Easter Baskets for the Needy. Please be Gener-

ous as you Always are. Thank you.

May 9th, 2015: Festival of Tables May29, 30, 31st, 2015: Holy Trinity's Festival

November and December are our months to make

baskets for the needy. Please start early with your dona-

tions of food and coats for them. Earlier this summer, the Rescue Mission storages were emptied by thieves

("επηδέμηα ρέξηα!") twice, and they no longer have many

things to distribute to the poor. Please be generous again , as you always are. Thank you very much.

For any changes or additions, please check every

month's Vision in the Philoptochos section.

From our beautiful Greece with love, Lena.


by Lena Protopapas , President

―Let us sing together!‖

A nother new year has begun

and our faithful choir is up

and singing. We have some new music in store for us and are eager

to get started. To go along with our

new music, the choir could use some new members. We realize that not eve-

ryone knows Greek but that is not a

problem. The words are written in

English phonetics.

Please feel free to come and say hello to

a choir member during coffee hour. We

are always happy to answer any questions you may have. So, if you enjoy singing,

we would like to welcome you as a new

member of Holy Trinity’s beautiful choir. We meet most Tuesday evenings from

6:00-8:00 p.m. in the choir loft. Please

call our remarkable choir director, Phoebe Leask, at 203-258-9160. But,

don’t hesitate! Now is a good time to

come and learn our new music together.

We hope to see you soon!

Choir by Carol Vaniotis

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OCTOBER 2014 10

A s we begin our Ecclesiastical Year, we would like to welcome back our

Choir. Please consider joining this

dedicated group of parishioners. They will have a Coffee Hour and Silent Auction So-

cial on October 5. Their goal is to eventu-

ally have an icon of St. Romanos painted the Hymnographer in the Choir Loft. Let's

all support them.

Also, it was great to see our children

back in Sunday School under the direction of Tom Hallas, new Director, and his staff of volunteers.

They are planning many new changes as the year pro-

gresses. Also, Greek School started, and it is wonderful to see our youngsters learn our Greek language, culture,

traditions, dances and songs. This will help to perpetuate

our Greek Heritage. It is not too late to register for both of these Schools.

We would like to congratulate the following groups

who recently received their Oath of Office:

P. T. O. Officers: - President: Effie Vlamis, Vice Presi-dent: Anna Papanikolaou, Treasurer: Maria Gountas, Re-

cording Secretary: Irene Manalis, Corresponding Secre-

tary: Sophia Hallas, Historian: Christina Hasiotis. As the P.T.O. works for our children all year long, we

wish them good luck and much success in all their future


GOYA Officers: - Co-Presidents: Eleni Demestihas and Chrysoula Vlamis Vice President: George Kolitsas

Treasurer: Katerina Hasiotis Recording Secretary: Nikki

Hasiotis How wonderful to see our youth participate in this group.

For those of you planning to get married, Seminars on

marriage preparation will be held in Con-necticut and New York. Take advantage of

these Seminars as you prepare for your

journey with your spouse. Contact Father Andreas for dates.

We welcome to our Parish a delightful

young couple Domingo and Stephanie Dafonte. We also would like to congratu-

late them on the birth of their baby girl ,

Alexis Marie.

Congratulations to Michael and Abbey Delales on the birth of their second child, a baby boy.

The proud grandparents are Mickey and Dolores

Delales , now celebrating and enjoying their 6th grand-child. The great-grandfather is Jim Kaklamanos. Na sas


Congratulations to Doris and Theodore Servetas, who recently celebrated their 62nd Wedding Anniversary. We

wish them many more with good health.

Perastika and get well wishes are extended to Katerina

Hasiotis, recovering from back surgery. Congratulations to Peter and Helen Filipidis on the

engagement of their daughter Marimina. Congratulations

to Tilemachos and Barbara Tsoupas on the engagement of their daughter Sophia. We wish both couples "happy


How nice to recently see in Church Anne Kissel, a for-

mer parishioner, now making her home in Florida. Anne came back to Holy Trinity to be present at the baptism of

her new grandson. Na sas zisse.

Reminder: If you wish to place an ad in the monthly Vision, please contact the Church office.

“Pray, relax, let go, and let God do the rest.”

Around the Parish

by Stella Capiris

W elcome back to a fresh new

year! Congratulations to

the 2013-2014 board of GOYA: President - Eleni Demestihas and

Chrysoula Vlamis, Vice President

– Vasili Papanikolaou, Recording Secretary Nikki Has iot is ,

Corresponding Secretary – Eleni

Manesiotis, and Treasurer -

Katerina Hasiotis.

We have a full year of events planned and welcome those in

grades 7-12 to join us.

If you know of anyone who would like to join, please

encourage him/her to do so.

We had a great turnout and a

great time at Holiday Hill. Thank

you to those that came and spent

the day with the surrounding GOYA’s and us. And we like to

thank all those who supported our

picnic; your support is very much appreciated. We ask for continued

support throughout the year.

Remember that GOYA is the future our church!


by Eleni Demestihas & Chrysoula Vlamis, Co-Presidents

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OCTOBER 2014 11

Submitted by Vicky Andriotis, Source: Saxild E.The Divine Liturgy Activity Book. Yonkers:OCEC, 1996. Print.

Kids’ Corner

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OCTOBER 2014 12

Submitted by Vicky Andriotis, Source: Saxild E.The Divine Liturgy Activity Book. Yonkers:OCEC, 1996. Print.

Kids’ Corn


Page 13: The Orthodox Vision - October 2014  Issue #296

OCTOBER 2014 13 Kids’ Corner

Submitted by Vicky Andriotis, Source: Saxild E.The Divine Liturgy Activity Book. Yonkers:OCEC, 1996. Print.

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OCTOBER 2014 14




T he icon of the T h e o t o k o s

(which means

Birthgiver of God, or

Mother of God) is very familiar to us.

She is most always

seen with her son, Jesus, because we

know her greatness

comes only through

Christ. She is a human being,

just like us, who was

chosen to give birth to God due to her

pure life style. She

points to her son with her right hand, and

Jesus, being God,


He is usually holding a scroll in His

other hand that is not

opened, to show that His mission is just

beginning. The stars

on the Virgin's veil represent her purity, virginity, and goodness. She is referred to as "wider than the Heavens", and the stars that adorn her convey that symbolism as well.

The colors of the Virgin Mary's vestments are usually always the same. The inner is blue (representing her hu-

manity), and the outer cloak is a dark red (representing the holiness she was given as the Mother of God). In this icon

with His mother, Jesus is usually depicted in gold (as a sign of His royalty).

See if the icon of the Virgin in your Church matches this description. Then, make your icon to match!

Kids’ Corn


Color i

n the Ic


Submitted by Vicky Andriotis, Source: Toscas D. Where Does God Go for Summer Vacation?New York. YO, 1991. Print.

Page 15: The Orthodox Vision - October 2014  Issue #296

One of the long term goals of the choir is to have the rear wall of the choir loft painted with the icon of St. Romanos, The Hymnographer. It may take a few years to reach our goal but we are moving closer every year. We have funds earmarked for this purpose, both from past fundraisers and from donations made by the families of choir members that have passed away. Thanks to your support, the proceeds from our auc-tion will help us to complete our project in the church.


Thanks to many contributors and supporters we will be offering exciting baskets and containers filled with an assortment of gifts for people of all ages! It’ll be easy to find the auction items. Just look for the balloons. You can buy tickets during the coffee hour from our strolling helpers or at the auction Tables. Each basket will have a value of at least $75. We are grateful to the organizations who have donated these beautiful baskets and look forward to see-ing everyone enjoying our Coffee Social and participating in our Silent Auction!

Tickets will be 5 for$10 or 20 for $20.


3rd Annual

Coffee Hour Social and SILENT Auction

Sunday, October 5TH

Hosted by

Holy Trinity Sr. Choir


“Friends of the Choir”

Join us for fun, food, music and fabulous prizes!

Page 16: The Orthodox Vision - October 2014  Issue #296
Page 17: The Orthodox Vision - October 2014  Issue #296

12:00 p.m.

Join His Eminence

Archbishop Demetrios of America and the Holy Eparchial Synod

to mark the official start of the rebuilding of

Saint Nicholas National Shrine at Ground Zero

More details to follow.

N EW YORK – A Ground Blessing ceremony for the St. Nicholas National Shrine at the World Trade Center is set for Saturday October 18, 2014 at 12:00 p.m. The ceremony will include a combined prayer service of blessing of

the site (aghiasmos), a doxology (a service of thanksgiving) and a memorial service for the victims of the terrorist

attacks of September 11, 2001.

The small Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Nicholas, which was established in 1916, was completely obliterated on

Sept. 11, 2001 when the South Tower fell. The new Saint Nicholas National Shrine will be rebuilt only a short distance

away at 130 Liberty Street, overlooking the 9/11 Memorial.

His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America will preside at the historic event with the participation of the hierarchs

of the Holy Eparchial Synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. It will be attended by dignitaries and officials of the City of New York, officials of the States of New York and New Jersey, chaplains and interfaith representatives, fami-

ly members of victims of 9/11, representatives of Archdiocese institutions and organizations and many faithful Orthodox


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11, 2012 17, 2012

18, 2012

To Order: Call either Holy Trinity– 203.374.5561, Kalliope– 203.926.0137, or Lena Protopapas– 203.929.1582 by November 16, 2014

Pick up: Saturday, November 22, 2014 between 10:00 am and 1:00pm or Sunday, November 23, 2014

$8/ loaf

Page 21: The Orthodox Vision - October 2014  Issue #296

The Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

4070 Park Avenue

Bridgeport, CT 06604

Dear Parishioner,

Our Society invites you to join our vital philanthropic organization. We would like you to know about our various activ-

ities that realize our mission to aid the poor who need the help of our Church, to promote the charitable and benevolent

purpose of the Archdiocese, to preserve and perpetuate the Orthodox Christian concepts and to participate in the life of our Greek Orthodox community. A partial list of our activities are:

At the National and Diocesan level:

Visits and sponsorships at St. Michael's Home for the Aged in Yonkers, NY Contributions to the Holy Cross/Hellenic College Scholarships Provide for the physical needs of the children

of Saint Basil's Academy Raise funds for the Cancer Fund and the General Medical Fund

At the local Bridgeport level:

Support to Center for Women in Bridgeport for abused women & children Drives to aid the Evergreen Network for victims of AIDS & HTV Service to the Merton House in Bridgeport

where we cook & provide meals Collection of donations for the Bridgeport Food Bank

At the Parish level:

Assist parishioners in need

Donate funds for Altar and Kitchen needs

Decorate the Parish Gold Room for each season

Serve the community at Sunday fellowship hours

Bake and volunteer for our annual Greek Festival

Complete various Church projects and aid national emergencies & disasters, here and abroad

As you can easily see, there is a variety of initiatives in which your particular talents can contribute to our mission. We

encourage you to call us to discover how this dynamic group can fulfill your personal goals of participating in the life of our Greek Orthodox Community.

Join us to return to God a portion of the time, talents and resources you have received.

Sincerely, Phani Papachristos at 203-380-0566 The Membership Committee Maria Cook at 203-375-9329

Christine Vlastaris at 203-929-3573

Philoptochos Membership Form 2014—2015

Page 22: The Orthodox Vision - October 2014  Issue #296

©2014 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Bpt. Ct Publishing &Design-Vicky Andriotis-09/17/2014

The Official Monthly Publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 4070 Park Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604

“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every Creature. ” Mark 16:15

Sylvia Bal 814-2131 Michael Bouloubasis 336-2116 Stella Capiris 259-7344 Phil Georgas 257-7452 Periklis Gountas 690-1765 Petros Karayiannis 631-258-3933

A. J. Metsopoulos 292-6418 Chris Papachristos 380-0566 Pericles C. Rountos 268-7173 Peter Tsimbidaros 334-2578 Constantine Vlamis 268-5464

Parish Council Newsletter Editor Vicky Andriotis

Newsletter Staff

Eleni Limberis Father Andreas

Vithoulkas Vicky Andriotis

HISTORIAN & ARCHIVES ROOM S. Capiris 203-259-7344



HOSPITAL MINISTRY S. Kapetaneas 203-926-1751

JR. CHOIR J. Bogardus 203-736-6501

LOVE 1 ANOTHER M. Mourizakis 203-373-0580

MAINTENANCE G. Hatzis 203-260-5359

L. Tsouris 203-334-2781

NURSING HOME MINISTRY S. Capiris 203-259-7334

OLYMPIANS (GOYA) F. Papachristos 203-380-0566

P. T. O. E. Vlamis 203-685-5464

pto@holytrinitybridgeport. org

PARISH COUNCIL Constantine Vlamis 203-268-5464

parishcouncil@holytrinitybridgeport. org


philoptochos@holytrinitybridgeport. org


PUBLICITY COMMITTEE E. Vaniotis 203-374-0013

publicity@holytrinitybridgeport. org

SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE S. Karagiannis 203-820-1975

SENIOR CITIZENS V. Hatzis 203-268-7231

STEWARDSHIP A. J. Metsopoulos 203-292-6418

Stewardship@holytrinitybridgeport. org

SUNDAY SCHOOL T. Hallas 203-522-5022

sundayschool@holytrinitybridgeport. org



V. Andriotis

vicky@holytrinitybridgeport. org

ALTAR DIRECTOR P. Bozikis 917-692-2317

AHEPA J. Bochanis 203-254-7595

AROUND THE PARISH S. Capiris 203-259-7344

aroundtheparish@holytrinitybridgeport. org

ATHLETIC DIRECTOR C. Danas 860-916-3777



BOOKSTORE V. Andriotis

vicky@holytrinitybridgeport. org

CANTOR G. Bakes 203-374-8561

CHOIR P. Leask 203-258-9160

choir@holytrinitybridgeport. org

CULTURAL ASSOCIATION V. Hatzis 203-268-7231

culturalassociation@holytrinitybridgeport. org

COUNCIL OF CHURCHES S. Kapetaneas 203-926-1751

DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE K. Yiannoulis 203-372-6591

daughters@holytrinitybridgeport. org

ECCLESIARCH D. Trigonis 203-374-0725

FORCC E. Vaniotis 203-374-0013

GOYA E. Demestihas 203-380-2923

C. Vlamis

GREEK SCHOOL E. Limberis 203-371-6305

greekschool@holytrinitybridgeport. org

GREEK SCHOOL DANCE GROUP E. Limberis 203-371-6305



Church Office

Eleni Limberis Email: Email@holytrinitybridgeport. org

Office: 203. 374. 5561 Fax: 203. 374. 5770 Hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 4:00pm

Sundays after Services: 12:00pm-1:00pm

On the Web -www. holytrinitybridgeport. org Bookstore Online -bookstore. holytrinitybridgeport. org

Shopping– shop. holytrinitybridgeport. org On Facebook—www. facebook. com/holytrinitybridgeport

On Twitter – www. twitter. com/holytrinitybpt

Father Andreas Vithoulkas, Presbyter fatherandreas@holytrinitybridgeport. org

phone: 917-334-4192


Weekdays & Saturdays Orthros 8:30 am / Liturgy 9:30 am


Orthros 8:45am/ Liturgy 10:00 am

Ώρες Λειτοσργίας Κσριακής ‘Όρθρος: 8:45 πμ / Θεία Λειτοσργία: 10:00 πμ

Page 23: The Orthodox Vision - October 2014  Issue #296

DeJesus Dental Group Cosmetic, Family & Implant Dentistry

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MAHER & MURTHA LLC 528 Clinton Ave

Bridgeport, CT 06605 Phone: (203) 367-2700

Cell: (631)258-3933

MY SMILE Orthodontics Maria Karayiannis,DMD

865 River Road, Suite 307 Shelton, CT 06484

Phone: 203-538-5014 fax:203. 538. 5001

www. MySmileCT. com

Call the Office and place your ad

today! 203. 374. 5561

Call the Office and place your ad

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Tomlinson’s Restaurant 1400 Noble Ave, Bridgeport

Tel. 335-5296

Nicholas Vlamis Constantinos Vlamis- Owners

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5 River Road Wilton River Park

A celebration of Hellenic Heritage and Dance: November

14th, 15th & 16th, 2014 at St. Demetrios in Astoria, Queens.

Go to: ,

for more information.

Page 24: The Orthodox Vision - October 2014  Issue #296

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 4070 Park Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604 Address Service Requested