the origin of himalayan anatexis and inverted metamorphism:...

The origin of Himalayan anatexis and inverted metamorphism: Models and constraints T. Mark Harrison*, Marty Grove, Oscar M. Lovera, E.J. Catlos, Jessica D’Andrea Department of Earth and Space Sciences and Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567, USA Abstract The key to comprehending the tectonic evolution of the Himalaya is to understand the relationships between large-scale faulting, anatexis, and inverted metamorphism. The great number and variety of mechanisms that have been proposed to explain some or all of these features reflects the fact that fundamental constraints on such models have been slow in coming. Recent developments, most notably in geophysical imaging and geochronology, have been key to coalescing the results of varied Himalayan investigations into constraints with which to test proposed evolutionary models. These models fall into four general types: (1) the inverted metamorphic sequences within the footwall of the Himalayan thrust and adjacent hanging wall anatexis are spatially and temporally related by thrusting; (2) thrusting results from anatexis; (3) anatexis results from normal faulting; and (4) apparent inverted metamorphism in the footwall of the Himalayan thrust is produced by underplating of right-way-up metamorphic sequences. We review a number of models and find that many are inconsistent with available constraints, most notably the recognition that the exposed crustal melts and inverted metamorphic sequences not temporally related. The generalization that appears to best explain the observed distribution of crustal melts and inverted metamorphic sequences is that, due to specific petrological and tectonic controls, episodic magmatism and out-of-sequence thrusting developed during continuous convergence juxtaposing allochthonous igneous and metamorphic rocks. This coincidental juxtaposition has proven to be something of a red herring, unduly influencing attention toward finding a causal relationship between anatexis and inverted metamorphism. # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The extent to which we understand any evolutionary process is governed by how well we know the timing of events. Although fundamental age relationships for the most significant igneous and metamorphic activity in the Himalaya were to a large extent unknown until recently, a remarkable number and variety of contrast- ing tectonic models were proposed in the absence of such constraints to explain important tectonic features of the mountain belt. A common point of departure for many models seeking to account for the juxtaposi- tion of inverted metamorphic sequences in the footwall of the Main Central Thrust (MCT) beneath higher grade rocks that host a belt of Tertiary leucogranites (Figs. 1 and 2) was to assume that recrystallization adjacent to the MCT and anatexis were temporally re- lated. The development of in situ dating methods that can overcome certain limitations of conventional methods (e.g., Harrison et al., 1995a, 1997a) produced results that challenged this widely held assumption of Himalayan tectonics and suggest to us a rather dier- ent history for the region (e.g., Harrison et al., 1998b). In this paper, we summarize the petrological, geo- chronological, and structural constraints on the evol- ution of the Himalayan range and describe recent developments which indicate that the inverted meta- morphic sequences formed during Late Miocene slip along the MCT and is thus unrelated to Early Miocene recrystallization and anatexis above the thrust. This recognition leads to our favored model (i.e., Harrison et al., 1998b), which we describe in this Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 17 (1999) 755–772 1367-9120/99/$ - see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S1367-9120(99)00018-8 * Corresponding author.

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Page 1: The origin of Himalayan anatexis and inverted metamorphism: … · 2004-02-26 · tic sediments and the Cambrian–Eocene Tethyan

The origin of Himalayan anatexis and inverted metamorphism:Models and constraints

T. Mark Harrison*, Marty Grove, Oscar M. Lovera, E.J. Catlos, Jessica D'Andrea

Department of Earth and Space Sciences and Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567,



The key to comprehending the tectonic evolution of the Himalaya is to understand the relationships between large-scalefaulting, anatexis, and inverted metamorphism. The great number and variety of mechanisms that have been proposed to

explain some or all of these features re¯ects the fact that fundamental constraints on such models have been slow in coming.Recent developments, most notably in geophysical imaging and geochronology, have been key to coalescing the results of variedHimalayan investigations into constraints with which to test proposed evolutionary models. These models fall into four general

types: (1) the inverted metamorphic sequences within the footwall of the Himalayan thrust and adjacent hanging wall anatexisare spatially and temporally related by thrusting; (2) thrusting results from anatexis; (3) anatexis results from normal faulting;and (4) apparent inverted metamorphism in the footwall of the Himalayan thrust is produced by underplating of right-way-up

metamorphic sequences. We review a number of models and ®nd that many are inconsistent with available constraints, mostnotably the recognition that the exposed crustal melts and inverted metamorphic sequences not temporally related. Thegeneralization that appears to best explain the observed distribution of crustal melts and inverted metamorphic sequences isthat, due to speci®c petrological and tectonic controls, episodic magmatism and out-of-sequence thrusting developed during

continuous convergence juxtaposing allochthonous igneous and metamorphic rocks. This coincidental juxtaposition has provento be something of a red herring, unduly in¯uencing attention toward ®nding a causal relationship between anatexis andinverted metamorphism. # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The extent to which we understand any evolutionaryprocess is governed by how well we know the timingof events. Although fundamental age relationships forthe most signi®cant igneous and metamorphic activityin the Himalaya were to a large extent unknown untilrecently, a remarkable number and variety of contrast-ing tectonic models were proposed in the absence ofsuch constraints to explain important tectonic featuresof the mountain belt. A common point of departurefor many models seeking to account for the juxtaposi-tion of inverted metamorphic sequences in the footwallof the Main Central Thrust (MCT) beneath highergrade rocks that host a belt of Tertiary leucogranites

(Figs. 1 and 2) was to assume that recrystallization

adjacent to the MCT and anatexis were temporally re-

lated. The development of in situ dating methods that

can overcome certain limitations of conventional

methods (e.g., Harrison et al., 1995a, 1997a) produced

results that challenged this widely held assumption of

Himalayan tectonics and suggest to us a rather di�er-

ent history for the region (e.g., Harrison et al., 1998b).

In this paper, we summarize the petrological, geo-

chronological, and structural constraints on the evol-

ution of the Himalayan range and describe recent

developments which indicate that the inverted meta-

morphic sequences formed during Late Miocene slip

along the MCT and is thus unrelated to Early

Miocene recrystallization and anatexis above the

thrust. This recognition leads to our favored model

(i.e., Harrison et al., 1998b), which we describe in this

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 17 (1999) 755±772

1367-9120/99/$ - see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

PII: S1367-9120(99 )00018 -8

* Corresponding author.

Page 2: The origin of Himalayan anatexis and inverted metamorphism: … · 2004-02-26 · tic sediments and the Cambrian–Eocene Tethyan

paper in some detail, that appears to reconcile the newtiming constraints with the large pool of knowledgegained from earlier geophysical measurements and therock record. We then return to previously proposed

models to evaluate the extent to which they are con-sistent with current geologic evidence. In general, we®nd that many of these hypotheses are either incom-pletely supported by, or inconsistent with, the recently

Fig. 1. Geological map of the Himalaya and Southern Tibet. Ages for granites identi®ed by numeral are obtained from U±Th±Pb monazite

dates. Sources of data are: (1) Gangotri: 22.420.5 Ma, Harrison et al. (1997b); (2) Shivling: 21.920.5 Ma, Harrison et al. (1997b); (3)

Manaslu: 22.920.6 Ma (Larkya La phase), 19.320.3 Ma (Bimtang phase), Harrison et al. (1999); (4) Makalu: 2321 Ma; SchaÈ rer (1984); (5)

Shisha Pangma: 20.220.2 Ma and 17.320.3 Ma, Searle et al. (1997); (6) Nyalam: 17.220.9 Ma; SchaÈ rer et al. (1986); (7) Gonto-La: 12.520.5

Ma, Edwards and Harrison (1997); (8) Dolpo: 17.620.3 Ma, Harrison et al. (1999); (9) Lhagoi Kangri: 15.1205 Ma, SchaÈ rer et al. (1986); (10)

Maja: 9.520.5, SchaÈ rer et al. (1986); (11) Zanskar (not shown): 20.020.5 Ma, Noble and Searle (1995). Location of thermobarometry transects

detailed in Fig. 3 are indicated by letters A through I.

Fig. 2. Generalized cross section through the central Himalaya illustrating the juxtaposition of the major lithostratigraphic units across the major

Himalayan faults, inverted metamorphism, and plutonic belts (modi®ed from Schelling and Arita (1991) and Zhao et al. (1993)). See Fig. 1 for

key to abbreviations for faults.

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derived timing constraints. The picture that emergesfrom this review is of continuous Himalayan conver-gence being manifested as episodic phenomena (e.g.,out-of-sequence thrusting, intermittent magmatism)while creating geological relationships with a high po-tential for imparting misleading clues (e.g., juxtaposi-tion of anatectic rocks against apparent invertedmetamorphic sequences).

2. Review of Himalayan geology

2.1. Indo-Asian collision

Because of the initially irregular continental marginsof India and southern Asia, the period between their®rst contact and ®nal suturing was undoubtedly pro-tracted. Sedimentological evidence indicates that thenorthwest tip of India had collided with Asia at 050Ma (e.g., Le Fort, 1996; Rowley, 1996) and both con-tinents appear to have met along the full length of a03000 km long suture by about 40 Ma (Dewey et al.,1988). Paleomagnetic evidence indicates that the Indo-Australian plate has moved northward by26002900 km relative to the Eurasian plate since thistime (Dewey et al., 1989; Le Pichon et al., 1992). Inthat same interval, southern Tibet moved north withrespect to Eurasia by 20002600 km (Besse andCourtillot, 1988) suggesting something less than1000 km underthrusting of India beneath Asia.

Immediately prior to the onset of the Indo-Asiancollision, the northern boundary of the Indian shieldwas likely a thinned margin on which Proterozoic clas-tic sediments and the Cambrian±Eocene Tethyan shelfsequence were deposited (Le Fort, 1996). South-di-rected thrusts within the Himalaya, including theMCT, Main Boundary Thrust (MBT), and the MainFrontal Thrust (MFT) (Gansser, 1964; Bouchez andPeà cher, 1981; Arita, 1983; Le Fort, 1986; Burbank etal., 1996) appear to sole into a common decollement,the Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT) (Zhao et al.,1993; Nelson et al., 1996; Brown et al., 1996). In gen-eral, the MCT places high grade gneisses of Indian ori-gin, the Greater Himalayan Crystallines (GHC), ontop of the Lesser Himalayan Formations (LHF), com-prised largely of intermediate grade schists and phyl-lites. The protoliths of the Lesser HimalayanFormations and Greater Himalayan Crystallines areinterpreted, respectively, to be Middle and LateProterozoic clastic rocks (Parrish and Hodges, 1996).Dating studies (e.g., Parrish and Hodges, 1996; Vanceand Harris, 1999) suggest that high grade metamorph-ism ®rst a�ected the protolith of the GreaterHimalayan Crystallines during an Early Tertiary, orEohimalayan, phase of crustal thickening (Le Fort,1996). The MBT juxtaposes schists of the Lesser

Himalayan Formations against unmetamorphosedMiocene±Pleistocene molasse (Siwalik Group), and theMFT is presently active within Quaternary sediments.Estimates of the amount of slip along the MHT basedon balanced cross section reconstruction's (Schelling,1992; Srivastava and Mitra, 1994; DeCelles et al.,1998) are consistent with a displacement of about500 km.

The Greater Himalayan Crystallines are juxtaposedagainst lower-grade Tethyan shelf deposits by theSouth Tibetan Detachment System (STDS) (see Figs. 1and 2). Although it is widely assumed that slip on theSTDS and MCT occurred at least in part simul-taneously (Burch®el et al., 1992; Hodges et al., 1992;Searle et al., 1997), no evidence has yet been documen-ted requiring such a relationship (cf. Vance et al.,1998). Constraints on the timing of thrusting along theMCT are that its hanging wall was deforming at 022Ma (Hodges et al., 1996; Coleman, 1998) and a broadshear zone below the GHC was active between about8±4 Ma (Harrison et al., 1997a). Brittle faulting withinthe MCT hanging wall at ca 3 Ma has also beenreported (e.g., Macfarlane, 1993). It is generallyassumed, but not certain, that the MCT was inactiveduring the Middle Miocene development of the MBT(Burbank et al., 1996). Whether or not slip along theMCT overlapped with displacement on the STDS isuncertain. The clearest constraint on the timing of dis-placement along the STDS is that the exposed detach-ment fault near Gonto-La (Fig. 1) was active at12.420.4 Ma (Edwards and Harrison, 1997).Although extensional structures cut by the Manasluintrusive complex (Guillot, 1993) must be older than23±19 Ma (Harrison et al., 1999), the relationship ofthe STDS to this body remains uncertain. Reports thatthe STDS north of Mt. Everest is cross-cut by anEarly Miocene granite (Hodges et al., 1992; Harrisonet al., 1995a) have proven to be in error (Murphy andHarrison, 1999), probably due to a sampling mishap.The ages of ductiley deformed granite sills in this areaare consistent with Middle Miocene slip on the STDS(SchaÈ rer et al., 1986; Hodges et al., 1998; Murphy andHarrison, 1999).

2.2. Inverted metamorphism

The juxtaposition of the Greater HimalayanCrystallines and Lesser Himalayan Formations acrossthe MCT is associated at most locations in theHimalaya with an increase in metamorphic grade withhigher structural position (i.e., shallower depth) (Figs.2 and 3). The Greater Himalayan Crystallines varysubstantially in thickness across the Himalaya. Forexample, hanging wall thickness increases from about2 km in the Kali Gandaki to 20 km in central Bhutan,probably due to (1) variable initial thickness, (2) the

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MCT cutting up section at certain locations, and (3)

imbrication within the MCT hanging wall. In the cen-

tral Himalaya, where the structural thickness of the

Greater Himalayan Crystallines is typically 8±12 km,

the inverted metamorphic section reaches sillimanite

grade (Fig. 2). Thermobarometric studies of the

Greater Himalayan Crystallines indicate a general

decrease in pressure with increasing distance above the

MCT (Fig. 3). Typically, pressures of 7±8 kbar were

achieved adjacent to the MCT (kyanite grade),

whereas peak pressures at the structurally highest

levels were only about 3±4 kbar (sillimanite grade).

Metamorphism within the Lesser Himalayan

Formations (Fig. 2) increases from zeolite to kyanite

grade over a north±south distance of 020 km. The

region approximately bounded by the garnet isograd

in the Lesser Himalayan Formations and the hanging

wall gneisses of the Greater Himalayan Crystallines is

typically characterized by a highly sheared, 4±8 km

thick zone of distributed deformation with a top-to-

the-south shear sense, referred to as the `MCT Zone'(Fig. 2). Note that this de®nition is distinct from thequestion of whether an inverted metamorphic ®eld gra-dient exists within the MCT hanging wall at certain lo-cations (e.g., Davidson et al., 1997).

2.3. Himalayan leucogranites

An apparently unique feature of the Himalayanrange is the presence of two roughly parallel granitebelts, the High Himalayan leucogranites (HHL) andthe North Himalayan granites (NHG) (Fig. 1). TheHigh Himalayan leucogranites form a discontinuouschain of sills exposed adjacent to the STDS (Fig. 1).Magmatic temperatures have been estimated at ca700±7508C (Montel, 1993). The North Himalayangranite belt runs parallel to, and 080 km to the northof, the High Himalaya and is composed of about oneand a half dozen generally elliptical-shaped plutons.Exposed plutons of the northern belt appear in general

Fig. 3. Distribution of pressures and temperatures calculated from mineral equilibria versus structural distance from the MCT for samples col-

lected along transects indicated on Fig. 1. Sources for the data shown are as follows: A, Kali Gandaki River (Hodges et al., 1996); B, Modi

Khola (Kaneko, 1995); C, Darondi Khola, grey (Catlos et al., 1997), black (Hodges et al., 1988); D, Burhi Gandaki (Hodges et al., 1988), E,

Langtang, grey (Inger and Harris, 1992), black (Macfarlane, 1995); F, Nyalam (Hodges et al., 1993); G, Dudh Kosi (Hubbard, 1989); H, Everest

(Hubbard, 1989); I, Arun, black (Pognante and Benna, 1993), grey (Brunel and Kienast, 1986). In general, pressures within the Greater

Himalayan Crystallines decrease from 6±8 kbar at the MCT to values of 3±4 kbars close to the STDS. Temperatures within both the Greater

Himalayan Crystallines and Lesser Himalayan Formations tend to be0600±7008C at the MCT but vary widely elsewhere.

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to have been intruded at relatively shallow depths into

the Tethyan cover rocks and well above the STDS (Le

Fort, 1986). They di�er from the HHL in their empla-

cement style (Figs. 1 and 2) and possibly higher melt-

ing temperatures (>7508C), suggested by non-eutectic

compositions and high light rare earth contents

coupled with low monazite inheritance (Debon et al.,

1986; SchaÈ rer et al., 1986; Montel, 1993; Harrison et

al., 1997b).

Assessment of the crystallization age of Himalayan

granites is complicated by the minimum melt character

of these magmas. Heterogeneous 87Sr/86Sr and143Nd/144Nd initial ratios (e.g., Le Fort et al., 1987)

have, with rare exception (Deniel et al., 1987), pre-

cluded whole rock isochron dating. 40Ar/39Ar dating

of Himalayan granite or their contact aureoles yield

either ca 15±19 Ma cooling ages or older dates which

re¯ect contamination by excess 40Ar (e.g., Copeland et

al., 1990; Guillot et al., 1994; Harrison and Mahon,

1995). U±Pb dating of zircon and monazite are com-

plicated by the low solubilities of these phases in leuco-

granite magmas (Harrison and Watson, 1983; Montel,

1993), the likelihood of their containing an inherited

component (Copeland et al., 1988), and the possibly of

U loss from monazite (R. Parish, personal communi-

cation, 1999). Igneous monazites commonly incorpor-

ate signi®cant 230Th during crystallization resulting in

the production of unsupported 206Pb�. However,208Pb/232Th ion microprobe dating of monazite does

not su�er from problems of disequilibrium Pb� and

Fig. 4. Schematic illustrations of the four di�erent models proposed to explain the relationship of inverted metamorphism and/or anatexis to

large-scale faulting within the Himalaya. (a) Type 1: Inverted metamorphism developed within the footwall of the MCT and anatexis in the

hanging wall are spatially and temporally related by thrusting. This illustration, modi®ed from Huerta et al. (1996), shows an inverted meta-

morphic geotherm forming as a result of the transfer of radiogenic crust from the footwall of a subduction zone to the hanging wall. The direc-

tion of material transport is shown by the line with the arrowhead, and the shaded region corresponds to crust accreted to the hanging wall.

Isotherms are shown in 8C. (b) Type 2: Thrusting results from anatexis. The illustration shows the interpretation of Nelson et al. (1996) of a par-

tially molten Tibetan middle crust that is being actively extruded southward. In this interpretation, the Greater Himalayan Crystallines is an ear-

lier extruded equivalent. (c) Type 3: Anatexis results from normal faulting. This ®gure illustrates the change in the depth±temperature conditions

in the footwall of a normal fault. The initial depth, ZA, is associated with temperature TA. Following slip on the normal fault, the depth is sub-

stantially reduced to ZB, but the e�ect of heat advection results in only minor cooling to temperature TB. If (ZA,TA) is immediately above the

solidus of a vapor absent equilibria (e.g., muscovite dehydration melting), the passage to (ZB,TB) induces partial melting (see inset). (d) Type 4:

Apparent inverted metamorphism in the footwall of the MCT is produced by deformation of two right-way-up metamorphic sequences. This il-

lustration, modi®ed from Hubbard (1996), shows the e�ect of deforming a normal metamorphic sequence across a broad shear zone. Note that

for the topography shown (solid curve), the bedrock exposure corresponds to a monotonic, left to right, increase in metamorphic grade.

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the high spatial resolution of the measurement methodgenerally permits the question of homogeneity of cal-culated ages to be explicitly examined. What we con-sider to be the reliable crystallization ages ofHimalayan leucogranites, many of which are derivedfrom recent ion microprobe Th±Pb monazite dates, areenumerated in the caption of Fig. 1. Plutons from theHigh Himalayan leucogranite belt vary in age from24.0 to 17.2 Ma, but most the large granite bodiescomprising the majority of the leucogranite wereemplaced during two pulses at 2321 Ma and 1921Ma (Harrison et al., 1998b). Crystallization ages forgranites we assign to the North Himalayan belt rangefrom 17.6 to 9.5 Ma. Note, however, that classifyingHimalayan granites into two discrete belts may be mis-leading in that temporally contiguous, northward pro-pagating melting (Harrison et al., 1997b) couldproduce spatially discontinuous patterns due to vari-able exposure.

2.4. Models relating inverted metamorphism, anatexis,and faulting

A variety of models have been proposed to explainthe relationship of inverted metamorphism and/or ana-texis to large-scale faulting within the Himalaya (Fig.4). Models that assume that anatexis and invertedmetamorphism are spatially and temporally related toeach other and result from slip on the Himalayanthrust system include melting induced by thermalrelaxation following nappe emplacement accompaniedby ¯uid in¯ux from the subducting footwall (e.g., LeFort, 1975), frictional heating during thrusting (e.g.,Arita, 1983; Molnar and England, 1990; England etal., 1992, England and Molnar, 1993), radioactiveheating alone or combined with other sources underprolonged deep crustal residence (e.g., Molnar et al.,1983), and accretion of highly radioactive crust to theMCT hanging wall coupled with high denudation (e.g.,Royden, 1993; Huerta et al., 1996). The origin of theNorth Himalayan granites has not been so inextricablytied to the development of Himalayan faulting, buttheir relative youth has been ascribed to a low rate of¯uid in®ltration across the MCT (Le Fort, 1986) andheat focusing by thermal refraction o� low thermalconductivity Tethyan metasediments (Pinet andJaupart, 1987). The second type of model proposesthat thrusting within the Himalaya is caused by melt-ing rather than vice versa. In this view, regions of thecrust thermally weakened by melting are the locus ofdeformation the leads to large-scale faulting (e.g., Bird,1978; Nelson et al., 1996; Davidson et al., 1997).While these models generally do not propose mechan-isms for the origin of inverted metamorphism, Bird(1978) did allow for the possibility that preexisting iso-grads had been recumbently folded (e.g., Frank et al.,

1973). A third class of models also makes no predic-tions regarding the development of inverted meta-morphism but proposes that anatexis is due todecompression resulting from slip on the STDS ratherthan to thrusting (e.g., Harris and Massey, 1994). Thefourth model type is primarily concerned with theinverted metamorphism and assumes no causal re-lationship between anatexis and faulting. These modelsinfer that the distribution of metamorphic assemblagesresulted from subsequent deformation (e.g., Hubbard,1996). We return to these models later to assess theircompatibility with recently derived constraintsdescribed below.

3. Recent developments

3.1. Inverted metamorphism

Despite the common assumption of a causal linkbetween anatexis and inverted metamorphism acrossthe MCT, the timing of recrystallization of the LesserHimalayan Formation rocks in the MCT footwall hadnot, until very recently, been directly dated. Harrisonet al. (1997a) utilized the observation that detritalmonazite is generally destabilized in pelitic rocksduring diagenesis but reappears under lower amphibo-lite grade conditions (e.g., Kingsbury et al., 1993) toestablish the timing of garnet-grade metamorphisma�ecting the Lesser Himalayan Formations in the cen-tral Himalaya. Allanite is the principal host of LREEin the Lesser Himalayan Formations schists at chloriteand biotite grades, but reacts to form monazite nearthe garnet isograd (05008C). Using the 208Pb/232Th ionmicroprobe method (Harrison et al., 1995a), monazitegrains, including one encompassed by a mm-sized gar-net, were dated at 5.620.2 Ma. Thermobarometry in-dicates that garnet growth occurred at a P±T of 6±8kbar and 5502308C. As the garnet and monazite iso-grads are nearly coincident in temperature (i.e.,05008C; Kingsbury et al., 1993), Harrison et al.(1997a) concluded that garnet growth in the presentlyexposed rocks occurred at a depth of 025 km at 06Ma. Additional Th±Pb monazite dating in the LesserHimalayan Formations from the central and GarhwalHimalaya (Catlos et al., 1997, 1999) all yield LateMiocene ages, indicating that this recrystallizationevent was widespread across the Himalaya. K±Ar micaages from N±S transects across these regions decreasefrom 20±16 Ma in the upper MCT hanging wall to 6±3 Ma within and adjacent to the MCT Zone (Hubbardand Harrison, 1989; Copeland et al., 1991; Metcalfe,1993).

Assuming that slip along the MCT had terminatedduring the Early Miocene, Harrison et al. (1997a)explained the pattern of geochronological results as

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Fig. 5. Schematic illustration of tectonic development of the Himalayan thrust system (vertical exaggeration 6:1). Active faults are shown as bold

black lines while abandoned faults are indicated with bold gray lines. Symbols shown correspond to sample positions described in detail in

Harrison et al. (1997a, 1998b). Open and closed symbols indicate initial and ®nal positions for the time interval shown. (a) Possible 25 Ma distri-

bution of the protoliths of Greater Himalayan Crystallines (GHC) and Lesser Himalayan Formations (LHF) with respect to Indian cratonic

margin after Eohimalayan thickening from ca 50±25 Ma. Future site of the High Himalayan leucogranite (HHL) source region is shown at 25

Ma. (b) Thrusting along the Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT) ¯at and Main Central Thrust (MCT) decollement from 25±15 Ma. Note that this

fault system forms immediately above refractory rocks of the Indian craton. (c) Thrusting along MHT ¯at and MBT ramp from 15±8 Ma.

Abandonment of the MCT ramp at 15 Ma causes accretion of upper LHF rocks to the hanging wall. (d) Out-of-sequence thrusting in the high

Himalaya from 8±6 Ma involving upper LHF (approximately equivalent to reactivated MCT thrust ramp). (e) Activation of MCT-I and further

development of MCT Zone (6±2 Ma) leads to accretion of lower LHF rocks to hanging wall. (f) Abandonment of the MCT zone at 2 Ma.

Southward transfer of displacement to MFT ramp/MHT decollement. Present predicted positions of HHL and North Himalayan Granite

(NHG) source regions are shown by regions shaded white.

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due to thrust reactivation during the Late Miocene. Abreak back from the MBT to the MCT, presumed tohave steepened as a result of post-Early Miocene de-formation (Fig. 5d), could re¯ect a stress increase inthe hinterland resulting from an increase in elevationof the Tibetan Plateau during the Late Miocene(Harrison et al., 1995b) or readjustment of the thrustwedge following signi®cant erosional and/or tectonicdenudation of the hanging wall (Dahlen, 1984). EarlyMiocene slip along the MCT emplaced gneisses of theGreater Himalayan Crystallines over the LesserHimalayan Formations along an initially well-de®nedfault resulting in burial metamorphism of the latter.After a period of either inactivity or slip at relativelylow rates during the Middle Miocene, renewed defor-mation resulted in development of the broad under-lying MCT shear zone during the Late Miocene, andultimately accretion of metamorphosed rocks of theLesser Himalayan Formations to the hanging wallduring Late Miocene±Early Pliocene time. In thisview, the inverted metamorphism within this portionof the Himalaya largely re¯ects tectonic juxtapositionof two temporally unrelated, right-way-up meta-morphic sequences. Results of numerical modeling(Harrison et al., 1997a) demonstrated that isotopic andpetrologic constraints are met by assuming that theMCT fault reactivated at 8 Ma with a slip rate ofabout 20 mm/yr, followed by activation of the MCTZone and accretion of garnet grade Lesser HimalayanFormations rocks between 6±4 Ma. While the thermalevolution of the MCT zone predicted by this modelsatis®es both the Th±Pb age results from monazite in-clusions preserved within garnet and the observed dis-tribution of K±Ar mineral ages (Harrison et al.,1997a), it remains possible that reactivation of theMCT ramp initiated somewhat earlier than ca 8 Ma,or that it remained active (e.g., Henry and Copeland,1999) at reduced rates throughout the MiddleMiocene.

3.2. Origin of the two Himalayan leucogranite belts

One of the principal implications of the recognitionthat recrystallization of the MCT footwall is a LateMiocene phenomenon, and thus not temporally relatedto production of the Early Miocene High Himalayanleucogranites, is that anatexis of the GreaterHimalayan Crystallines need not be restricted to theMCT ramp (cf. England et al., 1992). Harrison et al.(1997b) explored an alternative model that ascribedthe spatial and temporal variations of granite emplace-ment to continuous slip on a shallow dipping decolle-ment that cuts through crust previouslymetamorphosed during the Eohimalayan phase (LeFort, 1996) of collision. They assumed that, immedi-ately prior to collision, the northern Indian margin re-

sembled Fig. 5a, and that during the Eohimalayanstage, the Greater Himalayan Crystallines protolithunderwent high grade recrystallization and anatexis(see Peà cher, 1989; Hodges et al., 1994, 1996; Parrishand Hodges, 1996; Edwards and Harrison, 1997;Coleman, 1998; Vance and Harris, 1999). As a conse-quence, metamorphism and anatexis in the GreaterHimalayan Crystallines protolith would produce astrati®ed paragenetic sequence in which dehydrationand partial melting reactions caused grade to increaseregularly with depth (Harrison et al., 1997b).

The 2-D thermal evolution models of Harrison et al.(1997b) demonstrated that a shear stress of 30 MPaalong a shallow dipping fault that cuts through ametamorphically strati®ed crust is su�cient to producetwo horizontally separated granite belts. Assumingthat the present-day Himalayan convergence rate of20 mm/yr (Bilham et al., 1997) is appropriate to theperiod 24±10 Ma, the model predicted that a phase ofanatexis would begin almost immediately, providedthat the thermal structure developed during theEohimalayan phase had not signi®cantly decayed.Refrigeration of the shear zone near the fault ramp,coupled with the propagation of the melting fronttoward the ramp, causes the ®rst predicted phase ofmelting to cease at020 Ma. A second phase of meltingbegins when temperature exceeds the higher tempera-ture melting reaction at 18 Ma and continues until 12Ma. Model predictions regarding horizontal separationof the belts, their age contrast and emplacement stylesappear to broadly accord with observation.

3.3. A uni®ed model for Himalayan metamorphism andanatexis

The generally good match between geologic obser-vation and predictions of the models proposed for theorigin of the inverted metamorphic sequences(Harrison et al., 1997a) and the two granite belts(Harrison et al., 1997b) demonstrated the physicalplausibility of these mechanisms, but stops well shortof constituting conclusive evidence of their validity. Infact, evaluating each of these models in isolation pro-vides an unjusti®able degree of freedom Ð i.e., thetemperature distribution and structural developmentpredicted by the two granite model at ca 8 Ma shouldbe consistent with initial conditions of the modelwhich successfully predicts the pattern and age ofinverted metamorphism. This problem can be furtherconstrained by incorporating estimates of the totalamount of slip along the MHT over the past 25 Ma.This requirement, and the recognition that the earliermodels had incorporated an overly simplistic meltingmodel (Harrison et al., 1997b) and geothermal struc-ture (Harrison et al., 1997a), led Harrison et al.(1998b) to link the model for generation of the paired

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granite belts with the development of the invertedmetamorphic sequences. They adopted the assumptionof Harrison et al. (1997b) that footwall rocks under-lying the basal decollement consisted of refractoryIndian basement that was not susceptible to partialmelting at the temperatures <7608C, which has thee�ect of limiting anatexis to hanging wall rocks over-lying the basal decollement.

Harrison et al. (1998b) were able to take advantageof several recent advances in understanding of thestructure of the collision zone to further constrainboundary conditions, model variables, and aspects ofthe geometric evolution of the Himalaya. The generalstructural framework was based on results of seismicre¯ection pro®ling in southern Tibet which show theHimalayan thrusts soling into a shallow (098) dippingdecollement (Zhao et al., 1993; Nelson et al., 1996;Brown et al., 1996). The magnitude of shorteningwithin the Greater Himalayan Crystallines, LesserHimalayan Formations, and Sub-Himalaya haverecently been estimated from balanced cross sections(e.g., Schelling, 1992; Srivastava and Mitra, 1994) thatsuggest that about half of the ca 1000 km of shorten-ing between the Indian Shield and southern Tibet(Chen et al., 1993; Patzelt et al., 1996) has beenabsorbed within the Himalaya. Geodetic measurementsindicate that the present convergence rate across theHimalaya is 2021 mm/yr (Bilham et al., 1997). Thetiming of activation of the MBT and MFT are broadlyknown (Schelling and Arita, 1991; Burbank et al.,1996) and the age of both granite belts and recrystalli-zation of the MCT footwall are reasonably wellknown (Harrison et al., 1997a,b).

The model of Harrison et al. (1998b) also employs aramp-¯at geometry to simulate crustal thickening andassumes that the initiation of the Himalayan thrustsystem was localized at the boundary between theGreater Himalayan Crystallines and the Indian craton.The slip history they utilized is schematically depictedin Fig. 5. Thrusting begins after the crust has beenthickened in response to 025 m.y. of Eohimalayancrustal shortening (Fig. 5a) and proceeds at a constantslip rate of 20 mm/yr. The resulting 250 km of short-ening in the hanging wall is accommodated as follows:slip occurs on the MHT/MCT ramp between 25±15Ma (Fig. 5b), on the MHT/MBT ramp between 15±8Ma (Fig. 5c), and on the MHT and various faultramps de®ning the MCT zone between 8±2 Ma (Fig.5d±f).

Using a shear stress of 30 MPa, Harrison et al.(1998b) calculated the amount of heat produced bydissipation and partitioned this thermal energybetween heating the rocks and melting. They describedmelt production by an experimentally-determined re-lationship for melt fraction as a function of tempera-ture appropriate for an intercalated sequence of

muscovite-rich (relatively fertile) and plagioclase-poor(relatively infertile) lithologies (e.g., Gardien et al.,1995).

The assumption that the onset of partial meltingdoes not appreciably lower rock shear strength is fun-damental to the Harrison et al. (1998b) model. Thisbehavior is indicated when dislocation creep is thedominant mechanism and strain rate is low relative tothe rate of melt migration. Studies of texturally equili-brated materials indicate that plastic deformation cansqueeze excess melt from the rock leaving the defor-mation rate essentially una�ected (e.g., Dell'Angeloand Tullis, 1988; Rushmer, 1996). At strain ratesappropriate to Himalayan convergence across anarrow shear zone (e.g., 10ÿ11 to 10ÿ12/s) and tem-peratures of 07508C, shear stress values of approxi-mately 10 MPa are predicted from empirical ¯ow lawsfor both partially molten (e.g. Rutter, 1997) and solidquartzo-feldspathic materials (e.g., StuÈ we andSandiford, 1994).

The restricted time interval over which low-tempera-ture melting occurs in the Harrison et al. (1998b)model agrees well with observed span of HHL ages.Although HHL ages vary from 24±17 Ma, the ma-jority of the melt was produced at 2321 Ma(Harrison et al., 1998b). Moreover, the agreement ofmodel predictions with the known crystallization agesof North Himalayan granites (17±10 Ma) is equallygood. The apparent success in matching the apparentseparation distance between the HHL and NHG of ap-proximately 80 km (Fig. 1) is the direct result of anarbitrary assumption regarding the position of theramp/¯at and the prior history of Eohimalayan melt-ing. The volume of magma calculated by the model isbroadly consistent with the03% exposure of leucogra-nites in the Himalaya (Le Fort et al., 1987) and thephysical attributes of the two magmatic belts agreereasonably well with the melting model of Harrison etal. (1998b). For example, the relatively viscous meltsproduced in the lower temperature melting reaction (ca7408C) are consistent with the emplacement of theHHL as syntectonic sills and dikes rather than diapirs.The magmas formed by the higher temperature reac-tions (>7608C) predicted for the NHG are reasonablyexpected to be su�ciently buoyant and thermally ener-getic to ascend as diapirs into the middle crust, con-sistent with the character of the NHG belt. The ramp-¯at model is consistent with the observation that theGreater Himalayan Crystallines immediately above thepresent exposure of the MCT (Fig. 5f) did not experi-ence temperatures high enough to cause widespreadmelting (Barbey et al., 1996). Migmatization higher upsection may re¯ect imbrication of the GreaterHimalayan Crystallines (e.g., Davidson et al., 1997),the advection of magmatic heat associated with leuco-granite emplacement into shallower crustal levels, or a

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nearly isothermal middle crust (e.g., Hodges et al.,1988) in which the geotherm is steeper than the dP/dTslope of the melting reaction. With respect to this lat-ter point, the available thermobarometric data (Fig. 3)and transition from kyanite to sillimanite with increas-ing structural position appear inconsistent with theexistence of inverted metamorphism in the GreaterHimalayan Crystallines, at least within the centralHimalaya.

Harrison et al. (1998b) found that varying certainmodel parameters could dramatically e�ect predictedmelting histories. For example, small di�erences in in-itial temperature distribution (10's of 8C) signi®cantlyaltered calculated melt volumes, and reducing the ¯owstress within the shear zone below 10 MPa essentiallyeliminated melting due to biotite breakdown and fore-stalled initial melting at locations appropriate to theHHL for several million years. In contrast, the e�ectof increasing the dimensions of the shear zone in themodel permits the melting of increasingly largervolumes of rock.

Temperature±time histories and peak pressures andtemperatures predicted by the Harrison et al. (1998b)model as a function of structural distance from theMCT generally agree reasonably well with measuredvalues. In addition to producing kinematic and ther-mal histories consistent with the available thermochro-nology and geothermometry for the MCT zone, thefault±bend±fold geometry employed in the Harrison etal. (1998b) model also accounts for the observed vari-ations of metamorphic conditions within the MCThanging wall (e.g., Hodges et al., 1988).Thermobarometric results from the MCT hanging wallindicate that shallower crustal levels are exposed to thenorth. Such paleobarometric variation is consistentwith rotation produced by the fault±bend±fold geome-try (Ruppel and Hodges, 1994; Harrison et al., 1997a)and indicates an apparent lithostatic gradient of 00.27kbar/km within the hanging wall (Hodges et al., 1988).

4. Evaluation of evolutionary models linkingdeformation, magmatism, and metamorphism

The spectacular nature of the mountain belt contain-ing the highest peaks on our planet has drawn a tre-mendous amount of interest to Himalayan geology.Despite this attention, we caution that what is learnedfrom the Himalayan range may possess limited valueas a general model for orogeny. For example, the pat-tern of crustal displacements in response to the Indo-Asian collision is inconsistent with simple permu-tations of end-member tectonic mechanisms (e.g.,Indian or Asian underthrusting, continental injection,mantle delamination, delayed underplating, orogeniccollapse, lateral extrusion, intra-arc thickening), but

instead requires a complex, time-dependent transferamong several of these processes, often with multiplemechanisms operating simultaneously (Kong et al.,1997; Harrison et al., 1998a). The tremendous amountof attention that has been directed at understandingthe petrologic evolution of the Himalaya belies the factthat the two mechanisms most often called upon toproduce crustal melting, footwall anatexis followingoverthrusting (e.g., England and Thompson, 1984) andunderplating of ma®c magma (e.g., Huppert andSparks, 1988), have rarely been invoked to explainHimalayan anatexis (cf. Bird, 1978). Furthermore, sig-nature geologic features of the Himalaya appear to beunique to that range. For example, we are unaware ofany other mountain range that contains parallel beltsof leucogranites of contrasting age. Although our goalin understanding the tectonic development of theHimalaya cannot be to develop a general model fordirect export to other mountain belts, recoveringdetails of the geologic evolution should permit us tobetter understand what factors control changes in tec-tonic regime.

The models that have been advanced to explain therelationship of inverted metamorphism and/or anatexisto large-scale faulting within the Himalaya are charac-terized by their originality and ingenuity. However,several can clearly be seen to fail tests of their predic-tions in light of recent observations. In this section, wecritically examine the four general groups of models ofHimalayan petrogenesis: (1) inverted metamorphismdeveloped within the LHF and anatexis of the GHCare spatially and temporally related by thrusting; (2)thrusting results from GHC anatexis; (3) GHC ana-texis results from normal faulting; and (4) apparentinverted metamorphism in the LHF is produced by de-formation of two right-way-up metamorphicsequences.

4.1. Type 1: Anatexis and inverted metamorphism arespatially and temporally related by thrusting

Type 1 models assume a causal relationship betweenanatexis within the Greater Himalayan Crystallinesand the inverted metamorphic sequence (Fig. 4a). Thegeneral requirement of these models is an extraordi-nary source of heat to maintain high temperatures inthe GHC to permit melting while Indian underthrust-ing cools the hanging wall from below. Although mosttype 1 models thus share a common ¯aw (i.e., theunderlying assumption that anatexis and the exposedinverted metamorphic sequences are temporally re-lated), aspects of the processes they invoke may be ap-plicable to originally contiguous, though now widelyspaced, footwall and hanging wall rocks of theHimalayan thrust system.

The ®rst modern type 1 model was Le Fort's (1975)

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proposal that thermal relaxation following thrustingalong the MCT heated the footwall su�ciently toinduce dehydration reactions. When these ¯uids wereintroduced into the still hot hanging wall, they ¯uxedthe gneisses producing the leucogranite melts.Anticipating that this mechanism alone was notcapable of creating a lateral thermal gradient highenough to create the apparent inverted metamorphismwhile maintaining hanging wall temperatures su�cientfor anatexis to occur, Le Fort (1975) introduced shearheating to this role. As noted above, the fact thatGHC melting and LHF recrystallization in the pre-sently exposed section are not temporally related obvi-ates the need for high hanging wall temperaturesduring thrusting along the ramp. Furthermore, thenecessity of introducing ¯uids to produce conditionsappropriate for melting has been challenged on at leasttwo grounds. Harris et al. (1993) noted that the highRb/Sr ratios of Himalayan leucogranites relative totheir assumed GHC source rocks precludes water-satu-rated melting and instead favors muscovite dehy-dration melting (e.g., Thompson, 1982). Speci®cally,the comparatively small proportion of Rb-rich micarelative to Sr-rich feldspar consumed in water-satu-rated melting could not produce elevated Rb/Sr ratioswhereas modally more signi®cant breakdown of mus-covite during dehydration melting has the potential todo so. Moreover, recent experimental results show thatwater-saturated melting of Himalayan source rocksunder likely crustal conditions yield melts of trondhje-mitic composition (PatinÄ o Douce and Harris, 1998)that are unlike the leucogranite compositions observed.

The basic elements of the Le Fort (1975) model (i.e.,synchroneity of anatexis and inverted metamorphism,¯uid-present melting, shear heating) were subsequentlyadopted by numerous workers, but perhaps no moreenthusiastically than by Phillip England and his co-workers who developed this problem quantitatively ina series of papers extending over 17 years (e.g.,Graham and England, 1976; Molnar and England,1990; England et al., 1992, England and Molnar,1993). The argument stressed in these papers is thatthe observed thermal structure requires shear stressesalong the MCT in the range 100±1100 MPa (Englandand Molnar, 1993). These values, however, appear tofar exceed an upper bound for ductile shearing of afew 10's of MPa inferred from paleopiezometry (e.g.,Engelder, 1993), laboratory deformation experiments(e.g., Rutter, 1997), or tectonic modeling (e.g., Kongand Bird, 1996). Moreover, relative to the wet meltingconditions they assumed, even higher shear stressesthan those advocated by England and co-workerswould be required to create conditions suitable forvapor absent melting of metapelitic source rocks.

Other workers who were critical of the requirementthat extraordinarily high shear stresses (i.e., e100

MPa) be maintained in hydrated crustal rocks at liqui-dus temperatures (e.g., Bird, 1978; Molnar et al.,1983), but who nonetheless accepted a causal linkbetween melting and inverted metamorphism, soughtother possible sources of heat to explain Himalayanpetrogenesis. One possible heat source, suggested bythe relatively high U and Th concentrations of theHimalayan gneisses, is radioactivity. Molnar et al.(1983) explored this avenue and found that, coupledwith the generally high heat ¯ow inferred for northernIndia (e.g., Rao et al., 1976; cf. Gupta, 1993), radio-active heat generation of several mW/m3 could createconditions conducive to melting after several ten's ofmillions of years of continental subduction. Royden(1993) examined the steady-state e�ect of accretinghighly radioactive material from an accretionary prismto the hanging wall of a subduction zone under con-ditions of rapid erosion and concluded that this scen-ario could explain Himalayan anatexis and theapparent inverted geothermal structure. Huerta et al.(1996) further investigated the time-dependent e�ectsof erosion and accretion of heat producing elementson the thermal structure of orogenic systems. Theydirectly compared the results of the model following32 m.y. of evolution to the MCT thrust zone and con-cluded that this scenario may have exerted a ®rst ordercontrol on the thermal and metamorphic evolution ofthe Himalayan orogen. Henry et al. (1997) adopted themain elements of the Royden (1993) model with anemphasis on understanding the e�ect of the thermalstructure on Himalayan topography. Limitations ofthese continuous accretion±erosion models, such as thepredication of widespread exposure of rocks fromdepths far greater than recognized, can be circum-vented by addition of a thrust ¯at in the model (e.g.,Henry and Copeland, 1999). However, in addition tothe unsupported assumption that a high (ca 58C/km)horizontal thermal gradient was maintained on theMCT ramp during the Early Miocene, implications ofthis variant of the type 1 model (i.e., Royden, 1993;Huerta et al., 1996, 1998; Henry et al., 1997) appearinconsistent with two fundamental characteristics ofHimalayan anatexis; the synchronous appearance ofthe voluminous HHL magmas and their isotopic char-acter.

The large plutons of the Garhwal, Manaslu, andMakalu regions, which comprise the majority of leuco-granite exposed along the western and central HighHimalaya (Le Fort et al., 1987), appear to have beenemplaced at 2321 Ma (SchaÈ rer, 1984; Harrison et al.,1997b). No older plutons of comparable size havebeen documented. Given that ten's of millions of yearsare required by the radiogenic heating/rapid erosionmechanism to create conditions suitable for melting,this model would appear not to predict the synchro-nous appearance of melting across the collision front.

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Such behavior is more consistent with a mechanismthat produces localized thermal anomalies, such asshear heating.

The second potential weakness of the radiogenicheating/rapid erosion model (e.g., Royden 1993;Huerta et al., 1996) is the requirement that signi®cantmaterial transfer occur from the footwall of theHimalayan thrust to the hanging wall. As describedearlier, the MCT marks the boundary between theMiddle Proterozoic Lesser Himalayan Formations andLate Proterozoic Greater Himalayan Crystallines.These two rock types can be clearly distinguished onthe basis of detrital zircon ages (Parrish and Hodges,1996) and isotopic composition (Deniel et al., 1987;Derry and France-Lanord, 1996). For example, theLesser Himalayan Formations are characterized by anaverage 87Sr/86Sr 1 1.1 whereas the GreaterHimalayan Crystallines range only from 0.73±0.78(France-Lanord and Le Fort, 1988; Guillot, 1993).Had lower plate rocks continuously accreted to theMCT hanging wall, the distinctive isotopic characterof the LHF and GHC, as well as the granites derivedfrom the GHC, would not be expected to persist to thepresent. While this speci®c objection precludes thelarge-scale addition of material to the hanging wallfrom the LHF, the general principle of the model maystill be valid (i.e., accretion coupled with rapid erosionis restricted to within the GHC).

Although radioactive heat generation has also beensuggested as a contributing cause for the melting ofthe North Himalayan granites (e.g., Pinet and Jaupart,1987), this proposal is not subject to the timing con-straints imposed by the 2321 Ma age of the HHLnor does it involve accretion of LHF material.

4.2. Type 2: Himalayan thrusting is caused by melting

In contrast to type 1, this class of model proposesthat thrusting within the Himalaya is caused by heat-ing/melting rather than being a consequence of it. Bird(1978) argued that mantle lithosphere delaminationbeneath the Himalaya was a plausible consequence ofcontinental collision. One e�ect of delamination wouldbe to uplift the crust immediately above the regionwhere the mantle lithosphere had been removed. Thisin turn would create a large strain at the edge of thedelaminated region making it a likely site for for-mation of a large-scale thrust. As asthenospheric heatdi�uses upward, the thrust propagates into the newlyweakened crust. Although Bird (1978) showed quanti-tatively that this model could produce su�cient heatto produce synchronous anatexis and inverted meta-morphism over a period of 5±10 Ma, it is now clearthat crustal melting and metamorphism in the exposedMCT footwall occurred at widely separated times(Harrison et al., 1997a).

On the basis of seismic re¯ection pro®ling along asouthern Tibetan graben, Nelson et al. (1996) advo-cated a reversal of roles for thrusting and anatexis.They interpreted bright spot anomalies beneath theYadong±Gulu rift as indicating that the Tibetanmiddle (15±20 km) crust is partially molten, and specu-lated that the region between the MCT and STDS isthe earlier extruded equivalent (Fig. 4b). The variationin age among the Himalayan granites is interpreted tore¯ect a semi-continuous record of this partially mol-ten, mid-crustal layer. The Nelson et al. (1996) modelrequires temperatures su�cient for muscovite dehy-dration melting (i.e., 07508C; Harris and Inger, 1992)at a depth of 15 km, but, because the seismogenicmantle beneath southern Tibet is constrained to be07508C (Ruppel and McNamara, 1997), the crustwould have to be essentially isothermal. The generallyhigh heat ¯ow (Francheteau et al., 1984) and uppercrustal residence of the Curie isotherm (Nelson et al.,1999) in southern Tibet are both consistent with elev-ated temperatures within the middle crust. The exist-ence of anomalously warm conditions beneathsouthern Tibet throughout the Miocene and persistinguntil present-day appears to be explicable by the pre-viously described continuous accretion±erosion models.For example, the nearly isothermal structure requiredby the Nelson et al. (1996) model from 15 km depth tothe base of the crust is similar to that predicted at 20Ma for the seemingly reasonable case of a convergencerate of 15 mm/yr, an erosion rate of 1 mm/yr, and aradioactive heat production of 2.5 mW/m3 (Henry etal., 1997). However, this model requires uniformlyrapid erosion from a region equivalent to the 0200-km-wide zone between the trace of the Himalayanthrust system and the Indus Tsangpo suture.Moreover, the model geometry predicts increasinglydeep levels of exposure to the north. In fact, the levelof exposure throughout the vast majority of this regionis greenschist grade with only minor amounts(<15 km) of post-Oligocene exhumation indicated formuch of this area (e.g., Ratschbacher et al., 1994). Thedeep crustal exposures are largely restricted to theGHC, which forms a rather narrower (i.e., 5±100 kmwide) aperture than required by the Henry et al. (1997)model and occurs at the opposite side of the wedge(i.e., to the south) than predicted. The fact that theTethyan sediments have not been completely removedfrom atop the heat producing element enriched Indiansupracrustal section represents a severe shortcoming ofthis model.

The model of Nelson et al. (1996) has been chal-lenged on several fronts. Makovsky and Klemperer(1999) concluded that the bright spots do not representmelts, but rather regions containing on the order of10% aqueous ¯uids. Owens and Zandt (1997) foundthat the seismic velocity structure and magnitude of

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Poisson's ratio beneath southern Tibet indicate a gen-erally cold crust and explained this as due to theunderthrusting of the Indian craton beneath southernTibet. The broadly coherent stratigraphy within theGHC (Le Fort, 1996) appears inconsistent with theextrusion model of Nelson et al. (1996). Basementrocks uplifted on the ¯ank of the Yadong±Gulu riftare in essence a window into the Tibetan middle crust.While this terrane contains leucogranites that wereintruded immediately prior to the initiation of detach-ment faulting at 08 Ma, reconnaissance-scale obser-vations are not suggestive of widespread, in situ partialmelting at that time (Pan and Kidd, 1992; Harrison etal., 1995b; D'Andrea et al., 1999). Isotopic tracersfrom these Middle Miocene granitoids indicate the pre-sence of a ca 2 Ga component (D'Andrea et al., 1999),in contrast to the protolith of crustal melts from else-where in the Lhasa Block which are characterized byca 1 Ga neodymium model ages (Harris et al., 1988).

Lincoln Hollister and his co-workers (e.g., Swappand Hollister, 1991; Hollister, 1993; Davidson et al.,1997) have emphasized the role of anatexis in localiz-ing strain to approximately doubly thicken the GHCin the Bhutan Himalaya. Davidson et al. (1997) con-cluded that the advection of heat by thrusting and syn-tectonic migration of leucogranites from the base ofthe GHC contributed to the formation of an invertedmetamorphic ®eld gradient within the MCT hangingwall. While possibly valid for the Bhutan region, struc-tural elements unique to that region (e.g., theKakhtang thrust, >20 km thickness of the GHC)(Gansser, 1964) may restrict their model from beinggeneralized to much of the rest of the Himalaya.

4.3. Type 3: Himalayan anatexis results fromdecompression melting during slip along the STDS

A third class of model (Fig. 4c) links anatexisdirectly to decompression melting related to slip on theSTDS rather than to thrusting (e.g., Harris et al.,1993), although the development of the STDS may ul-timately be a response to thickening via the varioussplays of the MHT (e.g., Burg et al., 1984). Thismodel is super®cially attractive because of the positivedP/dT of vapor absent equilibria, particularly for reac-tions involving muscovite, coupled with the large verti-cal displacement inferred across the STDS (Burch®el etal., 1992).

Nigel Harris and his co-workers (e.g., Harris andInger, 1992; Harris et al., 1993; Harris and Massey,1994; PatinÄ o Douce and Harris, 1998) used a varietyof approaches, including trace element modeling andexperimental petrology, to establish that mostHimalayan anatexis occurred by ¯uid absent reactionsrather than via water-saturated melting. This view hassubsequently been widely accepted (e.g., Guillot and

Le Fort, 1995; Searle et al., 1997; Davidson et al.,1997; Harrison et al., 1998b). However, the correlativeproposal of Harris and co-workers that muscovite de-hydration melting was triggered in the Himalaya bytectonic decompression rather than by heating appearsproblematic to us for the following reasons: (1) theextremely rapid and large magnitude denudation thatare required by the minor e�ect that decompressionhas on melting likely source rock compositions; (2) thedi�culty of producing multiple anatectic phases viadecompression; and (3) the lack of de®nitive timingconstraints linking slip on the STDS with anatexis.

The depth dependence of muscovite dehydrationmelting in the lower crust of 03.78C/km (Huang andWyllie, 1973) is small relative to the geotherm expectedat these depths (015±208C/km). Biotite dehydration iseven less of a factor since dP/dT slopes of relevantbreakdown equilibria are even steeper. Consequently,decompression melting is a relatively ine�cient processwhen compared to anatexis on a thrust ¯at driven bymodest dissipative heating (Harrison et al., 1998b).For example, to produce a melt fraction of rock bydecompression melting comparable to that resultingfrom 1 m.y. of subhorizontal 20 mm/a slip (Bilham etal., 1997) at 30 MPa shear stress requires 030 km ofdenudation over 1 m.y (Harrison et al., 1999). Thee�ect produced by slower denudation is negligible. Forexample, Harrison et al. (1998b) found that incorpor-ating a denudation rate characteristic of that documen-ted for the Himalaya (01 mm/a; e.g., Henry et al.,1997) into a model evaluating the conditions requiredfor melting along an MHT-type thrust ramp (see Zhaoet al., 1993) did not perceptibly increase the melt frac-tion.

Episodic melting by decompression is particularlyproblematic. Recently, several studies have documen-ted cases of protracted anatexis at certain locations inthe Himalaya (e.g., Searle et al., 1997; Harrison et al.,1999). Harrison et al. (1999) assessed the feasibility ofdecompression melting in producing the two pulses ofmagmatism at 2321 and 1921 Ma documented tohave built the Manaslu intrusive complex. Using a nu-merical thermal model, they calculated P±T±t paths inthe footwall source region at horizontal distances of 5,10, and 20 km from a normal fault dipping at 308.After introducing a pressure dependence to Harrisonet al.'s (1998b) melting model, they found that while a10% initial melt could be obtained for source regionslocated >10 km from the fault given a slip rate of20 mm/yr (i.e., a 10 mm/yr denudation rate), lowerslip rates or positions closer to the normal fault didnot result in conditions appropriate to melting. For lo-cations far from the fault, it was found that an initial,rapid decompression followed relatively shortly there-after by a second, similarly rapid pulse of exhumationcould create temporally distinct melting episodes. For

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example, a vertical component of slip of 10, 2.5 and10 mm/yr for the time intervals 0±1, 1±3 and 3±4 m.y.,respectively, produces two melting phases separated by4 m.y. However, the extreme (and improbable) denu-dation rates required by the model to produce the twotemporally distinct melting episodes would create wide-spread exposure of rocks originating from 10±12 kbardepths. Such high pressure assemblages are not recog-nized within or adjacent to the Manaslu intrusive com-plex (Fig. 3), in the nearby HHC gneisses, or, withminor exceptions, elsewhere in the Himalayan range.

In addition, timing constraints that de®nitively linkslip on the STDS with anatexis are lacking. Presently,there is little direct evidence that the STDS was activebetween 24±19 Ma when the majority of the HHLformed. Although earlier reports from north of Mt.Everest indicated otherwise (e.g., Hodges et al., 1992;Harrison et al., 1995a), the timing of ductile defor-mation related to the STDS is only constrained tohave occurred in the interval 17±14 Ma (SchaÈ rer et al.,1986; Hodges et al., 1998; Murphy and Harrison,1999).

4.4. Type 4: Inverted metamorphism is due totransposition of right-way-up metamorphic sequences

A few investigators have emphasized the role of ret-rograde transposition of a normally zoned meta-morphic sequence to create the inverted pattern ofisograds developed beneath the MCT (Fig. 4d).Models have been proposed that involve ductile fold-ing of pre-existing isograds (Searle and Rex, 1989;Grujic et al., 1996), imbricate thrusting (Arita, 1983;Brunel and Kienast, 1986), and ductile shearing of anexisting zone right-way-up metamorphic sequence(Hubbard, 1996). Although each of these mechanismscan explain the creation of an apparent inverted meta-morphic sequence, this category of models has gener-ally been viewed as either inconsistent with geologicalconstraints (e.g., Peà cher, 1989) or of limited import-ance (e.g., England et al., 1992). Field relations alonehave not been able to select between model types 1and 4 and, until recently, no dating method had beendeveloped capable of establishing the timing of foot-wall recrystallization.

Although the above mentioned mechanisms standapart from type 1 models in rejecting the role of thehanging wall as heat source in producing the invertedmetamorphic sequences, they have also tended toassume that peak metamorphism recorded in the hang-ing wall and footwall occurred simultaneously. Therecognition that recrystallization of the MCT footwallis a Late Miocene phenomenon (Harrison et al.,1997a), and thus not temporally related to productionof the Himalayan leucogranites, and the corollary thatGreater Himalayan Crystalline anatexis need not be

restricted to the MCT ramp, has largely removed theneed for exceptional heat sources as proposed by type1 models. While essentially all models described abovecan explain the generation of leucogranite in the hang-ing wall, none can account for hanging wall anatexisand footwall metamorphism being separated in timeby more than 10±15 Ma (e.g., Harrison et al., 1997a;Catlos et al., 1997, 1999). As described in the previoussection, this requirement led us (Harrison et al., 1998b)to propose that inverted metamorphism within thefootwall was created and later juxtaposed against thegranite source region in the hanging wall.

A rather di�erent approach was taken by Jamiesonet al. (1996) who proposed a mechanism by which anapparent inverted metamorphic sequence could be pro-duced in the absence of an inverted crustal isotherm.Their model assumes a highly speci®c geometry inwhich the orogen is characterized by a strain singular-ity at the point where the subducting mantle litho-sphere detaches from the thickening crust. Thiscon®guration produces two symmetrical, oppositelydipping, intra-crustal thrusts referred to as the pro-and retroshear zones. One consequence of crustalthickening in this geometry is the tectonic juxtaposi-tion of widely di�ering initial positions that reach peakmetamorphic grade at varying times and locationswithin the orogen. Jamieson et al. (1996) comparedmodel predictions with P±T data from the MCT zoneof central Nepal and concluded that an inverted crus-tal thermal gradient was not required to explain theinverted metamorphic sequence which instead couldresult from di�erential horizontal transport and exhu-mation of deep-seated metamorphic rocks. They didnot speci®cally address the origin of crustal melting orthe fate of the Indian lithosphere that previouslyunderlay the Himalaya.

Jamieson et al. (1996) acknowledge that their modelchallenges conventional wisdom in positing the MCTas a retroshear of opposing vergence to that of thesubduction zone, usually assumed to be south-directedas India thrusts beneath southern Asia. Rather, theysuggest that the Asian mantle was subducted beneathIndia during the period in which they assumed theMCT zone formed. Although their model is provoca-tive in showing how an inverted metamorphic sequencecould be dynamically created in the absence of aninverted crustal geotherm, we have signi®cant reser-vations regarding their view of its application to theHimalaya. First, we question whether present geologicand geophysical data are compatible with either sub-duction geometry. Seismic evidence appears to supporta north-dipping Moho beneath the Himalaya (e.g.,Nelson et al., 1996; Owens and Zandt, 1997; Henry etal., 1997). Although the Jamieson et al. (1996) modeldoes predict diachronous peak metamorphism, the pat-tern is inconsistent with the bimodal timing constraints

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(Harrison et al., 1997a) that have been brought tolight subsequently. Although Jamieson et al. (1996) donot o�er candidates for the proshear in a centralHimalayan context, the Renbu±Zedong Thrust (Fig. 2)has the appropriate geometry. However, present timingconstraints (Quidelleur et al., 1997) suggest that it wasinactive between 24±18 Ma and 8±4 Ma when theMCT is known to have accommodated signi®cant dis-placement (Hodges et al., 1996; Coleman, 1998;Harrison et al., 1997a).

5. Summary

A tremendous amount of information that is funda-mental to understanding the Neogene tectonic and pet-rogenetic evolution of the Himalaya has becomeavailable over the past several years. Constraints de-rived from these investigations include: (1) the proto-liths of the Lesser Himalayan Formations and GreaterHimalayan Crystallines are, respectively, Middle andLate Proterozoic clastic rocks that ®rst underwent highgrade metamorphism during the Eohimalayan phase ofcollision; (2) deformation was occurring in the pre-sently exposed hanging wall of the MCT ramp duringthe Early Miocene; (3) the major phase of leucogranitemagmatism in the High Himalayan belt occurred bydehydration melting between 24±22 Ma; (4) recrystalli-zation within the inverted metamorphic sequencesexposed in the MCT footwall occurred between 8±4Ma; (5) the Himalayan thrust faults all sole into ashallow dipping decollement termed the MainHimalayan Thrust (MHT); (6) a minimum of0250 kmof post-collision slip was been accommodated alongthe MHT; and (7) the present rate of convergenceacross the Himalaya is 2021 mm/yr.

The numerous models that have been advanced toexplain the relationship of inverted metamorphismand/or anatexis to large-scale faulting within theHimalaya fall into four general groups: (1) invertedmetamorphism developed within the footwall of theMCT and anatexis in the hanging wall are spatiallyand temporally related by thrusting; (2) thrustingresults from anatexis; (3) anatexis results from normalfaulting; and (4) apparent inverted metamorphism inthe footwall of the MCT is produced by deformationof two right-way-up metamorphic sequences. We haverevisited these various proposals in light of the recentlyderived constraints described above and found most tobe seriously ¯awed, in many cases because the assump-tion that inverted metamorphism and anatexis are syn-chronous is incorrect. The hypothesis that best appearsto explain all observations is a variant of the type (4)model in which continuous convergence is manifestedby episodic magmatism and out-of-sequence thrusting.


This research was sponsored by grants from theNational Science Foundation. We thank Professors LeFort and Upreti for inviting this contribution, andNigel Harris, Leigh Royden and Peter Bird for helpfulreviews.


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