the omaha daily bee. (omaha, nebraska) 1875-01 …...the principal excitement at lin-coln ¬ at the...

THE OMAHA BEE I ' , JAN 19 , 1875- .U1T1CUL . EAFEK OF 1UH LiTY. , THE OJUUA 1UILT Bt'E- U .ervolto fuwcrilrs by " ' " ? tcecJiy every emng. I5 ' 1" * "I * . r,400 or- iliijonlli Isjittd ) M C tetn cenuiwree ljuiilfi jindiSOOi-wmjiiiiuB , ° raS trrrgularillia. . * * " ! A11 tu U ut - . oUK will . receive i.rouJit | 'Dt1 r jjiK will I* uKlwd to * , y Wefnra- IS - .n pc-r uniuti. 400 " C . .tmtlu- .IHH . Ouim l jun hch HIM oj ; k.r the LAUUEtl cucuUtuin ja tbe city , and is , htitlcre , U.e best aB l cheapest mhertielcg . LbcxJ nbtl ( a- covta JUTES OK ADVKKTlilxe. adTeitiNaflenU , 0- ctaie i er line : local p-r line ; by tbe inomb , 10 ceuU. o- df ertuciceiit iBt trt d (or leu thin 60 ceiite- .jjposiai . notices , 10 cenu per ILao ; single Int r- tioc - , out less than 25 cento- .Trc . Ui.t abi TU <euentsinuninta.ial >ly be paid lor lu udriinct , limits tor sUmdlng edriTiuementa > 'j specl- central. ! . All Legal Notices , Statement *, Tabular Work , etc. , requiring cartful reri on by copy orproyl lobe funuibed , inutl be handed in before ten o'clock A. U. to inst-re iiieution the auie day- .hpuual . tmd Local aJYcrtiwaeiiU betore two o'cofx . K- .AjfircrUsoaenta . udore one o'clock r. X. , An.hdftTtUimcnU { or the WiKKLY BEK- mujt"be Luidud in before Monday coon , { or the Mine vcxrk'a Isriu. AM ) llETAinUKE OF- Pnlou Pudfl - AKKIV1. ' . ! * Ihr "Jln luM- ABB. . K AT OMAH- A.Jhls . ii the only line running Pullman Hotel. ? *) , KocU I> l n l 4: 6.MA.M.- .S15P.31. . . . . - s- Clilcnso &: Nort ! we t.rn.5- 1CA.M. . . 'lOr-IO < ' . . s-15 1 : M. lft'j- Er. . row . V-d t - undayi cxccptcd.- Minda . Una.- City , St.JP.V- ornliiR . EP- Opcnlug and Clortae- Omaha. . earns . . . . Chicago nod all EasU-rn cities , Kebratka City , llaticroutb Council BlufL nd Burllng- toi - ;, dueutltiaii uir.cKiiCiet 47Ja. m. nd- p. . m.- St. . . Louli and St. Joseph , due at IGtCr ) lu m- .jind . . 7 p. m. ; do. cs at 1:15 p. m. and 4:30 a. 13- .OdreoptD riundnyBlromlZtol p. m.- ft . r. YOST , rmtmulcr.- rOADVKICTIr . I RSI ne- "tArlO BKK iHUiore- f r - * c cDAICiT * >JIinn iioiilile tjint of nay oilier dally ' * _ * Hj erwublUbMl Pcycke Bros. , theJeatling ojster ; dealers , defy all competition v They , sell A. Booth's Oval Brand oysters lower than any other house in the _ citv. " Fei 2tf Oft AHA BREVlliES. The 6nly train from the East yester-iay , the Chicago anil Rock . Jsland , was-one hour lato. The Omaha City Baud Concert at Thiele's Hall this evening promises to be a line aflair.- A . man named Ozier yras fined the usual -amount at the Police Court yesterday morning lor drunk ¬ enness. t"- Fifteen persons joined the Con- Tjjregalicnal - Church Sunday Hye- by profession of the faith and bap- tism ¬ , and letter.- A . dispatch was received at Gov- ernment ¬ Headquarters yeskrday- ttating that it was forty degrees bc- lowjrero - Ft. Laramie , and that a fearful snow storm was pre- vailing. - . . The Lincoln Daily Ulade of Saturday says : "We had the plea- sure ¬ of listening to afcpcechof ten- or fifteen Senator Spaun , of Douglas county , in the Senate this morning. The senator Is a fine and able speaker , " Major Croft , it is said , is labor- ing ¬ under an attack of temporary insamtybrought about b the elope- ment ¬ of his daughter. He was picked up Saturday night while Twmu'enng 'about the streets , jn a crazy manner , and taken to his Lome and cared for. The "Old Folks Concert" takes place at the Presbyterian Church "Wednesday night. Judging from . - the programme , which is very com- " * , there will be considerable amusement afforded at the enter- tainment ¬ , as well as really fine mu- sic. ¬ . Tliis concert is for the benefit ot the Ladies' Relief Society. That monte trick , which was reported to have been turned in ( Council "Bluffs ! , as has since bee ? ! certained by Marshal Snowdcn. Fifty dollars vras returned to the vic- tim ¬ by Jim "Wilson and three fin- gercd - Jack , the monte-men , upon fu'eiLg Eolicied so to uo by an Omaha relative of the "sucker. " Dick has, beyond a doubt , the ' nobbiest turnout in the city. His horse is a handsome bay , able to make his mile in 2:40 , which will do for a roadster yetan "Infant" In- years. . His cutterrecently obtained , vfrom >tew York , is a beauty , while _ CiBis road-wagon , also from the cast , * eclipses anything of the kind in- town. . The outfit is complete , and cannot he excelled in Omaha , either for style or speed. Come again , Dickrai d give US another sleigh- ride'around - the block. Colonel firaves was examined last Saturdaj * , before Judge Pea- body - , on the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses , and was discharged. He was defended by C. H. Erown , and prosecuted by- X.. H. Burnham for the complain- ng - witness. , John Ro6ink.- A . thoroughbred Indian attend- ed ¬ the Baptist Sunday School Sun- day ¬ afternoon. Tnis is an item that will do to send to those of your Eastern friends who imagine that the Indians camp on the principal streets , and that buffalo roam through the outskirts of the city.- A . gentleman who arrived from Washington bunday tells a "good- un" on Senator Hitchcock. Sena- ator - Logan was talking with Sena- tor ¬ Sherman about the "making- up" of a certain committee , and in- quired ¬ of Sherman if he knew a- very weak man that they could tack on the committee. "Yes, " replied Sherman , "put on Hitchcock. " On Saturday morning two men named Taggart and Harney , em- ployes ¬ at the Smelting "Works , had some-words about" their work. In the afternoon Taggart , without a word of warning , struck Harney with a bar of iron twice over the head , and kicked him once in the face , badly injuring his nose. The blows on the head , too , were very severe , making ugly wounds. Tag ¬ gart was arrested and fined SC.OO at- tnc Police Court. Yestcrdaymornhig- Harney's injuries were found to he- of a very s erious nature. He is ly- ing ¬ at his home insensible , and it Li not certain that he wl'l ' recover. These facts becoming known to Judge Wilbur heimmedlately issued a warrant , under the State law , for the arrest of Taggart for an assault with a deadly weapon- .Personal. . . J. JNr. Campbell , of Choyeune , is- at the Grand Central , ContingentCongressman O'Hawcs returned from Washington Satur- day ¬ evening. John Eat'on , of Lincoln , spent yectepday at the Metropolitan , and left for Chicago yesterday afternoon. Major George Doane , of the Gov- ernment ¬ Headquarters , returned yesterday , from a two month's visit at the Eafjf. The following are thg arrivals at the Metropolitan Hotel : Kerea Valle , Mo ; Wm H Bart- lettpMrs - W E Eartlett , Mrs A F Lufkin , Boston ; F C Filler , city ; B H Mills , Boston ; .H P' Payne , Cheyenne ; N J Sharp.R MS ; Mrs Foley and t Louis ; C Stafford Chicago ; Mrs C Dodge and children , Keb ; S V Graves , Glen- wood , Iowa ; J Joquist , Reno , Nevada ; . George W Brewster, Placerville , California ; W M Mad- .den - . , Chicago ; Peter Taylor and wife , California ; OyanWie , Alba- ny ¬ , N " , ' W 68anaors % , city ; F E- Gemhardt , St Louis ; ; Blajce , Omaha } George Christ , Des Molnes ; H MVard , John MiUer , Schuyler ; J W Ro ebank , SMiNjjake City ; George A' 'Crawford , * Douglas countyy ' * f.fl * Imported GERMAN" Canaries , I am belling splendid siiigcra at SO , * $7 , and S3. Females, $2, $2 50 , and $3 each. American Canaries , sing- crS - ? ? 4 and S5. .Females , SI 50. Go safe by e p * ss ; shipping cage free.- JVb . birds sent C. p. f ), Send cash- .EBERHART'S . "gA AR. " Scott-Siddons. This talented lady , who has upon the occasions of her previous appear- ances ¬ in Omaha , always been greet- ed ¬ with crowded houses , wjll'un- doubtedly draw an amliencq- as ever this evening'at the XcadenJyof Miusic. A program me- of the utmost brilliancy , will be pre ¬ sented. It will embrace a comedy entiled , ".My Love Letters , " written especially for Mrt , Sid- dons , by the eminent author , Ar- thur ¬ Matthison , of Drury Lane , London. In this comedy MIA Sid- dons makes a change of cosfnmes , which , by the way , are sailltoboj be most elegant and expensive ever worn by any lady on the Alnerican- stage. . Reserved seats may bp ob- tained ¬ at Eberhart's. The Chicago Post says that "Ibid lovely and warm hearted lady gave $500 from her own private purse to the unhappy sufferers of ebrnska , and , although the act. will hardly- raiseherhigherthanshestoodhuforp , it will != erve to confirm the good opinion which has been held by those who were less intimately ac- quainted. ¬ . " The Union Pacific Eailroad Tux C&se- s.J.C.Cowin . yesterday reet'ivcd the following telegram from Washing- ton ¬ : WASHINGTON , Jan. IS- .J. . C.-Gowin : Tn the McShane cases dfrreo aP- firmed. - . [ Signed ] D. W. MIDDL TON. This will result in the pa } .lent of- a large amount of taxes to l .0 vari- ous ¬ counties in this State through which the Union Pacific . .ailroad- runs. . ( Communicated. ) Depredations on School I.adi. January ! 1 , 1875- .EDIIOR . BCE. " ie school lands in the"tilth west part of Douglas county , i deem it- my duty to let the public know it. About the Sith of December , 1S74 , about a dozeutcanis with twice as many men , made a raid on the woods , and have been cutting and hauling away timber ever since. About § 1,000 worth has thus bten- stolen. . Some steps aught to be im- mediately ¬ taken to stop thes depre- dations. ¬ . Yours truly, TAX-1 AY JR. styles of .Now York and Philadelphia made Shoes just received , at Henry Dohlo & Co. ' *, Farnh'am St. , bet. 12 and 13- .jaulS . 2k i ' . - , OFF FOR LINCOLN.- A . BigCrcwd ol Oniahosses Leave .This Horning for the Capital to Attend the Senaro- rial - Fight. The principal excitement at Lin- coln ¬ at the present time is the fight for the United States Senatorship , which will be decided within the next two or three days The train for Lincoln yesterday ing was crowded with carpetbag- gers ¬ from Omaha , all going down to take a hand in the fight. Among the passengers we noticed Senator Rustin and Senator Spaun , accompanied by Mrs Spauu. Contingent Congressman O'Hawes was on. board , as happy as a big sunflower , having just returned from Washington. He considers his prospects of obtaining a .seat in Congress as almost certain.- Hon. . . John I. Realck went down to "hoop it up, " as he himself ex- pressed it. The Merchants' Club was repre- sented ¬ by its secretary , Hon. Charles Rediok.- D.AV. . . Hitchcock , of Chicago , the general pass'r agent of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy railroad , and Harry Douel , the Omaha agent of the same road , and J. W Morse , the general western passenger agent , were the happiest men on the train. They didn't _ care whether school kept or not ; alt they wanted was to see the sport , and have some fun "mit der poys. " Postmaster Yost , P. Vandervoort , United States District Attorney Ne- ville ¬ , John B. Furay , Col. Watson B. Smith , and United States Deputy Marshall Ball , were at the head of a little brigade who were going down to fight mit Dundy. Frank J. Ramge , the fash- ionable ¬ merchant tailor , was ragged out in his best styfr , and went down with an eye to business. A great many suits of clothes will be bet on the Senatorial election , and Frank pro- poses ¬ to fill his order book , and , like any other artist , take the measures on the spot. John McCormick was provided with a supply of blankets , no doubt being afraid that the accommoda- tions ¬ at Lincoln for the carpetbag- gers ¬ would be rather thin- .Amont . the others whom we no- ticed ¬ on board , were County Com- missioners ¬ McArdle and Kedfield ; George N Crawford , Jonas Gise , Marfeh Kennard , SHRice , Andy McAusland , C A Baldwin , Ed Mc- Sbaiie - , J ,E Eoyd , CC Housel , J G Jacobs , Mr. Pritchet , County Treasr- urerAlthaus , City Treasurer John- ston ¬ , W H IjamsE A Alten , Dan Parmalee , Governor Saunders , George. W Frost , Doctor Graff , E B Chandler , T C Short , Mr Megeath , Union Pa- - commissioner O F Davi. * , John T Clark , Judge Dudley , Gee Thrall , all of Omaha ; Judge Davis , of Blair , and E K Valentine , of West Point , and Louis May , of Fre- mont ¬ , A Card frora Marshal Snowdcn.- T . "" In regard to that inontetrick that was reported to have been turned in Omaha last week , I have taken pains to find out about it , and find that it , was turned In Counci Bluffs, has - beeivq > trick turned inVQmahs sinfcfi 'last spring , "uo'r wont lie. " ' " Ai.d . In regard to that fire at Dei- lone's - last week ; there Were only two policemoa on duty from midnight till daylight there arp only eight all told five ontill midnight. There has to be n- day force and a night force ; the night force stay on one night and half of the next. The two policemen that were on'at that time were August Williams and Ja- c6bSvartzlander - , two of the May ¬ or's appointees. All I have to say is.that , it is a matter of impossibili- ty ¬ for a stock' man to malco Berk- shire ¬ pig out of windspitters.- W. . . P. SNOWDKN- .Religious. . . * The babenifciit of the United Pres- byterian ¬ Church , corner 18th and California streets , will be opened and warmed every day this week from 3 toS o'clock p. in. , and from 7 to 9 p. m. , for prayer and religious conversation. Brethren interested , and all who teek to know the truth and way of salvation are cordially invited to be- present. . The Cathedral "Clock" Conceit- .On . Thursday , February 4th , a grand concert will be given at- Croightou Hall , for the purpose of- raibing funds wiI ( : which to purchase a clock for the Catholic Cathedral tower. TLis clock will have illu- "minated - dials , eo that it can be seen at night from.anj-'dire tloiiYt will be a public benefit , and tlferefore the concert should be made a financial success. Musically wo know it will be a success , as it will be under the direction ot Pror. Decker , Prof- .Blankenfeldt . , and Prof. Hoffman. The Cathedral choir , the Mamner- chor - , the City Band , aiid the best musical talent of the city , both in- strumental ¬ aiid vocal , will. tajf- fpart" The following prominent citizens have consented to act on the gener- al committee : C o Chase , mayor , Ezra Millard , Herman Ivountze , Alviu Saunderv- Geueral Ord , General G DRuggles , H C Morgan. John Lee , WM Bush- man ¬ , John A Creightou , Thomas Rlley , Frank Delloue , Frederick Dellone , Rev Byrne, Professor Kel- lom - , J McCrary , L Reed.GH Haar- man , A C Althaus , J B Redfield , J 41 McArdle , G Thrall , V Burkley, Fred Metz , A Cahn , Chas ii lirutli , J Congdon J Wakely , PP Shelby. FOR SALE CHEAP. One Full Cabinet Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine , with all the latest improvements. Itisnew has never been run. Inquire at the BEE ofiioe. auglT-tf COUNTY COMMISSIONERS.S- ATUHDAY . , January 10. The board met pursuant to ad ¬ journment- .PresentCommissioners . McArdle , Knight and Redfield. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.- Dr. . . McClelland , county physician , reported 30 paupers remaining in the poor house. The following appointments were made : Fred. jLiogeuiann , assessor for Jefferson precinct ; John Hallen- beck , justice of the peace for Millard precinct , and the bonds of said offi- cers ¬ were approved ; also the official bond of Fred. Logemann , constable for Jefferson precinct. The proper petition and bond having been presented , license lor the sale of liquor at the barracks , in Saratoga precinct , was ordered issued to Fritz Marti for six months from Dec. 241874. Two bridge bonds , Nos. 9G and 97 , each lor $1,000 , issued July 1st , 1871 , to the Union Pacific railroad company , having been redeemed , were burned- .At . 4 o'clock p. m. , proposals for services as physician and furnish- ing ¬ medicine for inmates of jail and poor house , were opened. The contract for one year was awarded to Dr. S. D. Mercer , at $30 per month , he being the lowest bid ¬ der. The following accounts were al- lowed ¬ : J A Creiphton ; , adm'r , rent of Probate Court room for December , 1874 $ 40 00- L S Reed , cash paid for post- age ¬ , etc 12 45- F C Festner , stationery 8 80 Byron Reed & Co , witness fees assigned 4 00- E B Willis , coroner's witness fee 1 00 Pratt & Elliott , coal for poor 22 00- Ellingwood & MnCune , gro- ceries ¬ 13 40 Andrew Murphy , black- smithing - 8 25 Gee W Homan , livery 100 Fred Schroeder , on account building bridges 50 00 Adjourned to Saturday , January 23d. LEWIS S. REUD , County Clerk. Colonel J. K. H. Patnoi. Colonel J. IS. H. Patrick , who is now prominently mentioned as a candidate for the United States Senate , is , as we all Know , an old resident of Omaha , and one of our most respected citizens. Politically , Mr. Patrick has , during the past four years , been Independent. Four yaars ago he iupported the Republi- can ¬ legislature , and , we understand , he announces his intention to act with the administration if elected , and will doubtless do so. The American Newspaper Direc- tory ¬ Is an epitome of newspaper his ¬ tory. It is also regarded is an offi- cial ¬ register of circulations. This feature , require ? the closest scruuity- to prevent It from leading to abuses. The plan , a'dopted by the publishers of the Directory , to se.cure correct and trustworthy reports , s rigid in its requirements and adhered to with impartiality , Successful pub- lishers ¬ , who have something to gain by a comparison , are generally prompt , not only to send reports lu conformity , but give Mes is Geo.- P. . . Rowell & Co. such information as enables them to "weed out unsub- stantiated ¬ statements of pretenders in journalism. The popularity of the thegeneral confidence in its accuracy and good faith are attested by the immense hodj' of ad- 'vertjsemcnts - ' it receives. CLEARING SALE ' -OF DRY GOODS.- A. . . CRUICKBHANK & CO. , Preparatory to'enla'rgement of store , will close out their entire. stock at prices without regard to cost , so that a' quick and ' rapid sale will ' be effec- 'ted. - . : D.ome8tj9 Goods at New York prices : . 4-4 Fruit of the Loom , 12jc. 4-4 Lonsdale , ( genuine ) 12Je. 4-4 Lonsdale finish , lOJc. 4-4 Unbleached Muslin , 8Jc.- A. . . ORUICKSHANK& CO. , Cor. 14th and Farnham st. , j4wl .Omaha , Neb. STEP in prettyof ten in the French Coffee House. Splendid Coffee and excellent Beef Steak is pleasant to have in this bad winter time- .janlCsat . mon&thurs3t DYEING , c eauing ana repairing done in the neatest manner , at the STEAM DYE WORKS , 10th St.Let. Farnham and Douglas apr28t f- .SEWING done cheaper than the cheapest. Plain sewing , dress and shirt making ; cutting and fitting a- specialty. . Ladies' wrappersand un- derwear ¬ constantly on hand. All orders promptly attended to by- Mrs. . Kline, 04 Howard street , be- tween ¬ 12th and 13th , north side- .Janl2l6 . Sealed Proposals- .NEB.RELIEFAND . AID SOCIETY , ! OMAHA , Jan. llth , 1875, J Sealed proposals ill be received at the office of the Secretary until one o'clock j > . m. , on the 20th inst. , for the following amount of supplies for the grasshopper sufferers , to be delivered at the Society's ware- house ¬ in this city : 487,500 Ibs corn meal , in 100 Ib 17,500 ILs flour, in 100 Ib sacks. Bids will be received lor all or any portion of the above amounts. Deli- very ¬ must be completed oa or before the 4th day of February. Payment will be made on deli ¬ very. The Executive Committee reserve the right to reject any or all bids.By order of the Ex. Committee.J- NO. . . T. TROUT , U. S. A. , jlStolO Secretary.- GEO. . . H. ± * ETEESOif , tne pionee cigar manufacturer, keeps con- stantly ¬ on hand the very best brands of cigars , and also " '.one Jack , Fruits and Flowers , and "Durham" Smoking Tobacco. 211 Douglas street.- mayGeodlv . BLACK ALPACAS A SPECIALTY AT CKUICKSUASK'St OCtSOeodtf LINCOLN. The Insane Asylum Controversy.- I . I Correspondence of tha BEE ) LINCOLN, Jan. 181875. EDITOR OJIAHA BEE : "WHO LIED. " Some time since a Lincoln corres- pondent ¬ of the BEE stated that much dissatisfaction existed in this community because of the appoint- ment ¬ of Dr. ( ? ) Scott as Superin- tendent ¬ of the Insane Asylum. He- . a reason for such dissatis- faction ¬ , the report in circulation here , namely , that Dr. Scott was not a practicing physician , and it was feared that he was incompe- tent ¬ for the position. An insurance agent , one McMurtry , was quick to pronounce all such insinuations false , and in his sweeping denuncia- tions ¬ of those who had spoken rela- tive ¬ to the subject , he branded the correspondent as a liar. The cor- respondent ¬ spoke neither for or against Dr. Scott ; ho simply stated facts. This noisy champion of Mr- .Scott'8 . talked so much , however , that I concluded to investigate the matter and ascertain who lied.- 3B. . . SCOTT'S SIDE OF THE QUESTION. The people of the State want to know whether this man is capable or not. With this end in view , 1 have carefully inquired concerning the points in controversy , and will give Mr. Scott's version first , then the opposite view , reserving the right to judge which I consider the strongest.- Mr. . . Scott wishes it distinctly un- dersood - that he is not the pet candi- date ¬ of Stout , Kennard & Co. Fur- ther ¬ , he is satisfied that this "hue and cry" is raised against him at the instance of the above mentioned firm , and for no other reason than that his appointment did not serve to accomplish certain political ends- .It . is also claimed that as one of the trustees of the Asylum he did good work : that he is better ac- quainted ¬ with the wants of the in- stitution ¬ than any other man , and is fully competent. Finally , it is said he is houestajgood Christian gentle- man ¬ , but through misfortunes some- what ¬ embarrassed1 financially , and that this appointment would help him out. THE OTHER SIpE. The fir t and only legitimate question for me to solve is his com ? petency. I care nothing for per- sonal ¬ wrangles , but when a wrong Is perpetrated upon the- people of this State , or upon a public officer , a journalist in possession of the facts fail to discharge his duties when he neglects to expose the wrong.- Dr. . . Scott was asked by a phy- sician ¬ of this city , where he receiv- ed ¬ his medical education. The re- ply ¬ was , at the Lynn Medical Col- lege ¬ , Chicago. A letter to the Sec- retary ¬ of tiat { Jnstitutionj asking if such h man ever gra'dtiate'd there , was answered in the negative. A diploma does not signify that a man is piaster pf his profession by any means. But it does signify'that he has ha ( | the opportunity to obtain &ojne theoretica.1 knowledge. Shicp- no proof of that nature caii hje had , we must examine his record as a practicing pbysiciau , MrSpott came to Lincoln in the year 18GO. He purchased an inter- est ¬ } n a drug store , which business he eontfiiMed for a year. Deposing of his interest in this business , he engaged in real estate and Insurance in company with Mr. McMurtry , who claims to have influenced Gov- .Furnas . sufficient to secure his ap- pointment. ¬ . He continued } u the real estate business uutil last-fall , when ne went to Atchisou , Kansas , and engaged | n the business of ship- ping ¬ wnortleberries , blackberries , and the like , to a northern market. Thus five years have passed with no practice or study. It is asked , does it look reasonable that "a phy- sician ¬ of acknowledged skill and ability in his profession , " should travel over the country , picking up- a living in this hand-to-mouth sort of manner ? He has no diploma to show that he has ever studied ; he has no record , for eight years , at least , to show that he ever practiced. Such are the. objections urged by the people generally , while the med- ical ¬ fraternity prb'tes't a'gainsti'en masse. Now if Dr. Scott's reputation is handled in this manner on personal grounds , it is a pusillanimous war ¬ fare. If, on the other hand , he is assuming to know what he does not , and for a paltry salary , because a- retiripg pxpputjve | s BO careless as- no't fo examine into his competency , is desirous of practicing his igno- rance ¬ on the most unfortunate of all , it is simply infamous- .If . he was'fuithful as , Trustee , he did his duty no more , no lefs. Pos- .sibly . Stout and Howard favor him , and possibly some one else. He is- a Christian gentleman. That is not denied But for his fidelity to the church , and for his forensic efforts in b'elialf of sinners from the pulpit , he will be rewarded in heaven. Mr. Scott has not yet shown his qualifi- cations ¬ : he must produce them. When he shows his fituess , he re- pells - all insinuations. Unless he does , it Is a piece of quackery wthr | out parallel , and he should be con- demned ¬ as an adventurer of the boldcs't kind. GABE- .WORKINGMEJS . , STOP PAYING RENT , and buy a house , by making month- ly ¬ payments. Houses und lots bought and sold , property rented , and money loaned , by- J. . N. FISHER & Co. , ___0dd Fellows Block- .nov27eoiltf . LABORERS' I NION JNo. 1 , meet first pnd third Tuesday each month , jit Blacksmiths' and Mechanics'- Hall. . . JanCIf REAL ESTATE. FISHER & Co. , Block , are now re-SJIyto ouy and sell RealEstafiTbf every descrjpt'on. ' Terms , easy. Quick sales and small profits. Give them a call- .nov25eodtf . TYPE A Font of Bourgeois Type , of which th'9 is a sample , weighing COO its. This type has been in use on the Daily BEE less than one year , and is nearly as good as new. For terms &c. , address E. ROSEWATEK , Publisher of the B- FLEISCHMAN'S _ COMPRES- SED ¬ YEAST , MICHIGAN AP- PLES ¬ , BUTH'S OYSTERS , WHITEFISH AND TROUT. 3 ? VAH. . GLADSTO .N E & CO. 1 set24tf Indian Curiosities at No. ; 170- Farnham street , corner llth street. may 7tf. * Douglas County Bible Society. The annual meeting of the Doug- las ¬ County Bible Society will be held at the office of Rev. Dr. Stewart to- morrow ¬ (Tuesday ) afternoon , at 4- o'clock. . A full attendance is de- sired. ¬ . . Rsv. T. B. LEMON , Pres't.- SAM'L . BURNS , Sec'y.- To . the ladles of Omaha- .We . wish to say that we are clos- ing ¬ out all wool merinos at 60 and 65 cents ; all wool Empress cloth at- 35cents ; all wool berge , good styles and extraordinary value , for 50 cents ; ah1 wool Cashmeres at 50 cents ; im- itation ¬ camels haircloth at 35 cents ; plaids for children and other dress goods at 15,18 , 20 and 25 cents- .CHENE . BROS. COLD SILK , A few pieces left at 1.50 ; usual price in New York city is 200. A- very handsome black silk at $1 65 ; good at 1.50 ; black silk cloaking velvet at $6.00- .Extraordinary . bargains in ladies ties at 25 cents ; ribbons , hosiery , underwear , blankets and house fur- nishing ¬ goods at New York City prices- .We . hope no lady will come to our store , after this advertisement has been withdrawn from the columns of the BEE , and tell us that we have not got what we advertise. It wUl pay you to visit our store often dur- ing ¬ the next ten days , as we are de- termined ¬ to close out a great many goods we still have on hand , let them bring what they may ; 265 Douglas , 2d door from 15th street- .janlStf . W. M. BusmrAN 9 Best fine out , Simpson's , Creigh- tou ¬ Block. novlOeodtf- BYEKS' is the place for cheap Boots ; sewed , $12 ; pegged , $ S. Opposite P. O. jan6eodtf FURS BELOW NEW YORK PRICES ATA. . HUBERMAN'S.- nov21tf . McKelligou-a card on second page , Iune2-tf THE CAUSE OF TEMPERANCE fiijds one of its most insidious and dan- gerous ¬ foes in the many socalled- "tonics" and "appetizers , " made of cheap whisky and refuse liquors , finished up to suit depraved appe- tites ¬ under the name of medicine.- DK. . . WALKER'S CALIFORNIA BIT- TEKS - are none of these. They are not a beverage , but : a genuine medicine , purely vegetable , pre- pared ¬ from California herbs by- regtdar physician. For a.11 diseases of the stomach , liver , kidneys , blad- der ¬ , skin and blood , tliev arp an In- fallible ¬ mid.uurivqled reme- dy.STOVS . . E. F. COOK , 637 14th St. , between DoQglu Dcd ? ; Manufacturer of Tin Copper and Shwt Iron Ware , and dealer In Cooking and Heating stoves stamped. Jananncd and French War on- and. . Tin Hoofing , Gutters nd.Si'outlns ana Work -lone an- dEATH & HANS EN , Wholesale Dealers n Leaf ; Tobacco , Manufacturers o- tO I OA. . IR , S , AND DEALER IN- Tobaccoi Pipes , &c , , &c , 1G3 Bet. 10th &llth , Oxiaa.3 . < , JXTo J3. octl- tfUOTON MARKET B. A. HARRIS , 637 Fifteenth Sreet ,[bet. ! Douglas and DcOgs- BEEF , POBK , Mutton and Veal , " Fish , Poultry , Game , tug2g lv AND L. WuOBVVOKTli , 238 Douglas St. Omaha Ne- b.WAG01T . t Wood Stock , WAGON HABDWARE , Pateat WleelB , Finished Qeariag , ic- .xles . , Springs Thimble Skeino HARDWOOD LUMBER , Carriages , Hacks and Buggies StcntclmcUer Wagon Dep- ot.SPENCER'S . Eruit and _ Coniectiqnary- i - . 13th nptt Leaveinror- lhHotTs FEITZ HAPHEH, Prop'r.- No. . . 170 Douglas Street , corn r lltb , Om IK- Nebraska. . Board by ttx-iiayor week- .iune . IT OMAHA MARULK IVORKtf , 15th tt , bet. Dodga aid Cap , aye. , Omaha , Ne- brOJD. . Dealer In and manufacturer of Italian and American Monuments , lleadstonea , Mantels , Hearths , Furniture Tops , &c. , Ac- . superiority for Material and Mechani- cal ¬ Finub , and guarante laUsfattlon , l>siijns and prices furnistetl free of charge. Solicit jour patronage. Orders through njail will re- ceive ¬ year prompt attention. lao- llEDVVAlliJ &UEUJL.3I- AO1STETL . OF THE DKPAKTED.- Ho. . . 49810th St , tetween Firaiin & Haraey. Will by the aid of guardian spirits , obtain lot any one a Tiew ol tne past , present and la- la - re. JJo ten charged in cases cf ticfcneu , SPSCIAT , NOTICES.X- OTICE. . . Advertisements of To l t. For Sale , Loit , Wants , Found , Boarding , *. , will be Inserted in the c columns ones for TEN CEKTSper line : each subsequent insertion , FIVE CEF1S per line. The first Insertion never less than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS AVASTI- M.WANTKD . By a youns lady , first-class in a pi-irate lamily one with piano preferred. AdJresjJ. D. , BKK offic- e.nt . _ WANTED B a thoroughly competent situation as bookkeeper. Ad- dress ¬ FISHhBACO. , jlStf Odd Fellows' Block. WANTED To txchange , first-class city Lincoln , for good piano , or fur horse , buggy and harm . J.U. W. MITCHELL , j3f ! Bral Estate Office , Odd Fellows Bi'k. WAnTED -Tlireo or four Rood men , with to $1,000 capital , to engage in- a fir t-ela s manufacturing intemt , to be insti- tuted ¬ in this city. For further information. circulars ic..c.iim INTELLIGENCE OFFICE , jJStf Odd Fellows' B'ock. WANTED A few pupils to learn therc- artistic art of T zidetmy Terms reasonable. MR. E. NAUTKE- .jan6eod2w . 507 12th street. KOllT- T'OR SALE Desirsble county bands of Neb. , JJ bearing ten per cent , interest. BANK , Janl3-10t Omab *. Neb. SALE Fort Scott Coal , at Hainan's Tailor shop , s. e. torner llth and F rn- bam. - . J. IS. A1U.OLO- .FOU . SALE Something new for tup parlor ' a self-operating fountain for gold tub. Call and tec it at the China Tea More , corner IGthand Chicago sts. janT w FOR SALE A bran-new Whcolcrt WlUon Cabinet sewing machine lur S9O , at the BhK office- tf Acar-lo'd Apple" , Wine Saps and Missouri Jppius guaranteed good and sound at Merrltt's Ucbtaurant , 153 Farnham- strict.. det29 1m PATENT nidllT rOK SALE A patent on u.achiut-s , of a late Issue , very new and note ! , ottered very cheap fer cash by the inTcntor , who is compelled to tell or ci- cbacgefor - any kind of plopc ty which can be- turnei into cash, even at a treat ; sacrifice. Fi r particulars , call and examine a working model , at from seven to uiuu o'clock p. m , at No. 700- 17lh St. , Ouihlu. EDVA1.D W11MAN. J2lin FOR ijsaT ( , T710P. RENT Housj with fire rooms , on ISth 1 ! bt. Kent 510. Inquire at- ll.TAGGEK , jaslitf 131 Farnham St. , up stairs. 17 > 0r. KENT Furnished room , W Jackson JJ street , bet. JOth aud llth. jni5-3t HOUSE FOR KENT :3d and California.- S. . . A.TAVLUU fcCO- decSOt- fLjTOUE FOE BENT-9tti near Jackson. O S. A. TAYLOR A CO dec 0tf- rWE RENT Brick Store Cor. Fifteenth and Capitol Avenue , also offices- .oct21atl . J. G. JACOBS. KENT. Suite of rooms suitable for bou&eVceuing. near to business ; nod yard , d-teru and well. Enquire at f dld dee26tf - " LOST. LOST On 10th or Farnham streets , an ear ¬ . The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at this ctHce orCtntral Hotel , near depot. * lt LOjT Somewhere between railroad shots cqnerlOth and Farnham sts. , a la- dv' - roluk furcollar. The finder wul be suita ¬ bly rewarded by leaving it at rny offiC" , ror. 9th and Fariihaui $ ts. N. F. EXGLIbU , Jr. " " T'k't As't U. P. li. B LOST By burglar who robbed my house Dec.1th , one gold ear-ring , black enameled , with gold fringe pendant , callable renard to findet. L. U. KOrUY , decSO tf U. P Telegraph Office- .6r . eight men can get eood board , and on accommodating terms , by inquiring at COB 13th st. MRS. ffl. A. MU.LEH- .jlS'lw . O UR NEW STAMPING POWDER stamps rlectly t-ci f: t on any kind of goods. By ictucj * . PALMER'S STAMPING DEPOT jan54t No. 225 Farnham st. taken by the piece at reduced ratts SEWING nl business men. Dresso and cloaks made In latest styles. Particular attention given to the manufVeture of gentle ¬ men's shirts and children's clothes by Mrs. BELLE B HOOKS, fashionable dre s , shirt , and cloak maker , 556 Ninth street , between Doug ¬ las street and Capitol avenue. janl-itf 1ANE ANU PERFOKATED EOTTOMED- J CIIAIIIS made and repaired , very cheap , by John Thume , n. w. corner 13ih and Jackson. With very little rent and suia'l expenEca , I- am enabled to do work cheaper lUan any other establishment In thfe city * . CaU'and see me be- Jore - gc-iog to auy largo expense. jaal2.w- mHE REGULAR SEil'-ANNUAL MEtT- J - _ ing ot shareholders of the Mechanics' Mining and "ineltinj ; Co. , for the election of officers , and otlt"X business , will be held at the Uurant Engine Ilouta Tuesday.- January 19th , at 7:30 : p. m. E. K. LON G, ian2-7t PrcsIJeut > Q.pAHrNEHSIHP I have this day ad- J - mlttcd iuto partnership C. II. Guiou The business will bo continued under the firm name of Foster A Guiou. All notes and accounts aue me mu. t be settled immediately.- WM. . . M. FOSTER. Omaha , Jan. 1st , 1775. Jan8d2w MONEY TO LOAN. Call at law office of D. , room 8 , Vlsscher's Block dec23 tf- rpAKEN UP-On tne 'JOth Kov. . one blatk J. heifer, three yaars old , and one white- ued - red luilcU cow , Dec. 6th. The owners of- thesirne will prove pruj-er.y , pay charges , and take them away. A. M. CLAKK , dlO-ltew-Ow * West Ojiah- a.M . onay loaned on Watcncs , Gun *, Jewelry , an J Coining bought add sold. (Opposite Bee Office.) sp7-Jlm 1. Buckingham , ATTORNEY ILJLW , 242FAENHAM8TBFE'1 , Omaha - - Neb , janlGtf AMTJaE31EHTS- .TIIK . : OF THE SEASON , 7 he Fascin- atingSCOTTSIDDONS ! ( Just Keturned from Enrope. ) WILL APPEAR ATTHE Music ONE NIGST OJN.LT, . Tuesday Evening , January IQlh , In a Prograramn of New and unexampled brilliancy , embracing a petite comedy , written for her by iUthnr Mutthisjn , Lstj. , cf Drury Lane , London , entitled My Love Letters- HONORABLE CAROLINE MAUVERS ,( with change of costume } , .MARY SCOTT-SIDD JNS , 8 EJJE : A Laly's Boudoir. TIME : The Present. Tickets .... ... . .. _. .. . . .. ... . _ SI 00 , No extra charge for reserved teats at fcbc- rhart's - Bazir , ou and after Thursday inoruln ; . jan4-4t Dr. Lathe's Celebrated 1XDIAS" F1KE KINDLER , Manufactured and sold by AE. . ROGERS. Orders personally or by postal card left at 511- 10th street will be promptly filled. It kindles Coal In THREE MINUlEa I I sell what kin- dles ¬ THIRTY FIRES for 25 cts , and deliver It- to any part of thecity free of charge. tfS lt Is selling in all eastern cities in immense quan- tities. ¬ . jan3 1m United States Hotel COK. DOUGLAS AND TENTH STREETS- .rftHE . UNDERSIGNED respectfully annonn- 1 - cea that he has purchased and refitted the above Hotel , and Is now ready to accommodate the i ublic , with board by day or week , at reoj- onall - rates. WILLIAM LEHB , Prop- .iuv22 . ' 7 * 1 IMPROVED FAMILY SEWING MACHINES Silk Twist , linen , Tones , needles , MA.CHINE OIL &c.- 3I. . . rhIne $ Leased on Xon.ltlr In ial ) uf * . _ ' .; THE SSN6EH MANF'G CO , NO. 2 DOUGLAS STREET , O1TAHA . ITASON , Agent , J. J. BROWN & BBO. , WHOLESALE GROWERS.A- gents . for the Oriental Powder Co. . STSFXE & JOHNSON , WHOLESALE GROCERS SIMPSOA'S IU.OCK 538 and 54O aToi&rtdenth. Street , BET. DOUGLAS AND . . rnchl32y MORGAN & GALLAGHER.SUCC- tSSOES . TO CBEIGHTON JOO MORGAN WHOLESALE GROCERS , Agents for HAZARD POWDER CO. , @ No. L3& Farnham Street , COA aprSdly 3E3IA. - USTEIB WHITNEY , BAUSERSIAN & COv WHOLESALE GROCERS XTo. 247 Douglas Street , AGENTS JXB Til *: DDPOST POWDER CO. CLARE : & FRENCH , SALE ( tROCERS ! AJVD DEALERS IN Canned Goods , Dried Truits , Green Fruits in Season. JO 1 ORDERS SOLICITED ND PROMPTLY FILLED. ESTABLISH !!. !) ' w 1- S5PUNDT , MEYER & RAAPKE.VHO- LMALE , - . DEALEBS I- NFANCY Teas , Spices , Tobacco and Cigars. 212 FarnLam Street , - - Omaha r.lplil * odvl . __ .- OtFort Oalhoun Mills , , IBTESIEJI } & 3Iaiiufjctared with Great Care from the Best Grain. General Depot, Cor. 14tn & DodgaEL- AJtt J. J. BROWN & BRO. , WHOLESALE DEALEES IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS , mays-iy Notions * and Boots and Shoes.- G . , . . 288 Dodge Street , 2d Door East of 16th Street. I keep constantly on baud the finest stock ot Broad Cloth , Cassimercs and , am prepared to make up in the most Luhlucablt styles , acd to suit tha most Vesting fastidious watca , i lowest possible pr- icesShelf afjbt Heavy Hardware IRON , STEEL , NAILS , WAGON STOCK , ' . AND Threshrrs , Harvcbters , Hcupera, Mowers. Drills , Seeders. Corn-plantu * Plows , Cultivators , Hay-rakes and Wagons. 242 Douglas St. , - Omana TTeTa- mchSl * JOBBERS OF DRY 1 OODS , HOSIERY , GLOYE3 andSOTlOM *. 231 FarxLhasa Street , HENBY HGRIffBERGER. find Old Kentucky Importp-lu'ooJs a Special tf. ToMweinriockT v. jLvi _ . uniL.A. , TsTTiTT - . h9vl ! and TheBurliJgtouand Missouri Hirer Oallrnftd Cj.ol-ri ' nl Ian * t low price* onlGyrarc- redltatfipc. . , aA "Mi a bonus premium of 20 percent , un ill * nmountof ta purchase , if half tbe land is cultivated , wltnin two years Iruiu date > < purrha-c __ _ LtAUGE DEDUCTONS FOH CASH PAYMENTS. North of ? latte , lojp Fork and Elkhorn ValltT- heB.AM.B. . K. Co. willteLalwut OOOCOO aerAioKpl-iilidu-az.nsaiida rlcullurallax _ wali nrjterolojnlry , at troaj tlmf to 7.00 per. acre on long crijlt. ! il South of ti Pbtte The Com | any ownei a large body o'the bcitballnNib . M . > - eiiby and aliacciit to ItsrallroiJ and In theUr aitand l std - ppn Stale , aa also amonsB Dublican Valley. ForclrculariaadlulMulir p - I- tPliny - o Moore , General Ag 'nt. Office South ac- Opp'siin ihe Union Depot , nl And in C. B. & Q. oflice , Grand Centra ! Hote- OMAHA' L NEB

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Page 1: The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1875-01 …...The principal excitement at Lin-coln ¬ at the present time is the fight for the United States Senatorship, which will be decided


' , JAN 19 , 1875-





U .ervolto fuwcrilrs by " ' " ?tcecJiy every emng. I5 '1"* "I* . r,400 or-

iliijonlliIsjittd ) M C tetn cenuiwree ljuiilfijindiSOOi-wmjiiiiuB ,°

raS trrrgularillia. **"!A11 tu U ut-. oUK will. receive i.rouJit| 'Dt1r jjiK will I* uKlwd to

* , y Wefnra-



.n pc-r uniuti.400 " C ..tmtlu-


Ouim l jun hch HIM oj ;k.r theLAUUEtl cucuUtuin ja tbe city , and is ,

htitlcre, U.e best aB l cheapest mhertielcg.

LbcxJ nbtl ( a-

covtaJUTES OK ADVKKTlilxe.

adTeitiNaflenU , 0-

ctaiei er line : local

p-r line ; by tbe inomb , 10 ceuU. o-

df ertuciceiit iBt trt d (or leu thin 60 ceiite-



notices , 10 cenu per ILao ; single Int r-


-, out less than 25 cento-


Ui.t abi TU <euentsinuninta.ial >ly be

paid lor lu udriinct,limits tor sUmdlng edriTiuementa >'j specl-



.All Legal Notices , Statement* , Tabular

Work , etc. , requiring cartful reri on by copyorproyl lobe funuibed , inutl be handed inbefore ten o'clock A. U. to inst-re iiieution theauie day-.hpuual

.tmd Local aJYcrtiwaeiiU betore two

o'cofx . K-


udore one o'clock r. X. ,An.hdftTtUimcnU {or the WiKKLY BEK-

mujt"be Luidud in before Monday coon , {or theMine vcxrk'a Isriu.


Pnlou Pudfl -


' .! * Ihr "Jln luM-




ii the only line running Pullman Hotel.

?*) , KocU I> l n l 4:


.. .. -s-

Clilcnso &: Nort ! we t.rn.5-



. 'lOr-IO< '.. s-15 1: M. lft'j-Er.. row . V-dt - undayi cxccptcd.-Minda


Una.- City, St.JP.V-




Opcnlug and Clortae-Omaha..


. . . .Chicago nod all EasU-rn cities , Kebratka

City , llaticroutb Council BlufL nd Burllng-


-; , dueutltiaii uir.cKiiCiet 47Ja. m. nd-

p. . m.-


. Louli and St. Joseph , due at IGtCr) lu m-


7 p. m. ; do. cs at 1:15 p. m. and 4:30 a. 13-

.OdreoptD riundnyBlromlZtol p. m.-


r. YOST , rmtmulcr.-



I RSI ne-

"tArlO BKK iHUiore-


r - * c cDAICiT*>JIinn iioiilile tjint of nay oilier dally



* Hj erwublUbMl

Pcycke Bros. , theJeatling ojster;

dealers , defy all competition v They

, sell A. Booth's Oval Brand oysters

lower than any other house in the_ citv.


Fei 2tf


The 6nly train from the Eastyester-iay , the Chicago anil Rock

. Jsland , was-one hour lato.

The Omaha City Baud Concert

at Thiele's Hall this eveningpromises to be a line aflair.-



man named Ozier yras fined

the usual -amount at the Police

Court yesterday morning lor drunk ¬


t"-Fifteen persons joined the Con-



Church Sunday Hye-

by profession of the faith and bap-



, and letter.-



dispatch was received at Gov-



Headquarters yeskrday-

ttating that it was forty degrees bc-


- Ft. Laramie , and

that a fearful snow storm was pre-



. .

The Lincoln Daily Ulade of

Saturday says : "We had the plea-



of listening to afcpcechof ten-

or fifteen Senator Spaun ,

of Douglas county , in the Senatethis morning. The senator Is a fine

and able speaker ,"

Major Croft , it is said , is labor-



under an attack of temporaryinsamtybrought about b the elope-


of his daughter. He was

picked up Saturday night whileTwmu'enng 'about the streets, jn a

crazy manner , and taken to his

Lome and cared for.

The "Old Folks Concert" takes

place at the Presbyterian Church"Wednesday night. Judging from

. - the programme , which is very com-" * , there will be considerable

amusement afforded at the enter-



, as well as really fine mu-



. Tliis concert is for the benefit

ot the Ladies' Relief Society.

That monte trick , which wasreported to have been turned in

( Council "Bluffs !, as has since bee?!

certained by Marshal Snowdcn.

Fifty dollars vras returned to the vic-



by Jim "Wilson and three fin-



Jack , the monte-men , upon

fu'eiLg Eolicied so to uo by an Omaha

relative of the "sucker. "Dick has, beyond a doubt ,

the ' nobbiest turnout in the city.

His horse is a handsome bay , able

to make his mile in 2:40 , which will

do for a roadster yetan "Infant" In-

years. . His cutterrecently obtained

,vfrom >tew York , is a beauty , while

_ CiBis road-wagon , also from the cast ,

* eclipses anything of the kind in-

town. . The outfit is complete , andcannot he excelled in Omaha , either

for style or speed. Come again ,

Dickrai d give US another sleigh-



the block.

Colonel firaves was examinedlast Saturdaj*, before Judge Pea-


, on the charge of obtainingmoney under false pretenses , andwas discharged. He was defendedby C. H. Erown , and prosecuted by-

X. . H. Burnham for the complain-


witness. , John Ro6ink.-



thoroughbred Indian attend-


the Baptist Sunday School Sun-


afternoon. Tnis is an itemthat will do to send to those of yourEastern friends who imagine thatthe Indians camp on the principalstreets , and that buffalo roamthrough the outskirts of the city.-



gentleman who arrived fromWashington bunday tells a "good-

un" on Senator Hitchcock. Sena-ator

-Logan was talking with Sena-


Sherman about the "making-up" of a certain committee , and in-


of Sherman if he knew a-

very weak man that they could tackon the committee. "Yes," repliedSherman , "put on Hitchcock. "

On Saturday morning two mennamed Taggart and Harney , em-



at the Smelting "Works , hadsome-words about" their work. Inthe afternoon Taggart, without aword of warning , struck Harneywith a bar of iron twice over thehead , and kicked him once in theface , badly injuring his nose. Theblows on the head , too , were verysevere , making ugly wounds. Tag ¬

gart was arrested and fined SC.OO at-

tnc Police Court. Yestcrdaymornhig-Harney's injuries were found to he-

of a very s erious nature. He is ly-


at his home insensible , and it Li

not certain that he wl'l' recover.These facts becoming known toJudge Wilbur heimmedlately issueda warrant , under the State law , for

the arrest of Taggart for an assaultwith a deadly weapon-




J. JNr. Campbell , of Choyeune , is-

at the Grand Central ,

ContingentCongressman O'Hawcsreturned from Washington Satur-day


evening.John Eat'on , of Lincoln , spent

yectepday at the Metropolitan , andleft for Chicago yesterday afternoon.

Major George Doane , of the Gov-


Headquarters , returnedyesterday , from a two month's visitat the Eafjf.

The following are thg arrivals atthe Metropolitan Hotel :

Kerea Valle , Mo ; Wm H Bart-lettpMrs


W E Eartlett , Mrs A FLufkin , Boston ; F C Filler, city ;

B H Mills , Boston ; .H P' Payne ,

Cheyenne ; N J Sharp.R M S ; MrsFoley and t Louis ; CStafford Chicago ; Mrs C Dodge andchildren , Keb ; S V Graves , Glen-wood , Iowa ; J Joquist, Reno ,

Nevada ; . George W Brewster,

Placerville , California ; W M Mad-


-. , Chicago ; Peter Taylor andwife , California ; OyanWie , Alba-


, N ", ' W 68anaors

%, city ; F E-

Gemhardt , St Louis ; ; Blajce ,

Omaha } George Christ , Des Molnes ;

H MVard , John MiUer , Schuyler ;

J W Ro ebank , SMiNjjake City ;

George A' 'Crawford ,* Douglas

countyy ' * f.fl*Imported GERMAN" Canaries ,

I am belling splendid siiigcra at SO ,*

$7 , and S3. Females, $2, $2 50 , and$3 each. American Canaries , sing-



? ?4 and S5. .Females , SI 50. Go

safe by e p* ss ; shipping cage free.-



birds sent C. p. f), Send cash-


"gA AR. "


This talented lady , who has uponthe occasions of her previous appear-ances


in Omaha , always been greet-


with crowded houses , wjll'un-

doubtedly draw an amliencq-as ever this evening'at theXcadenJyof Miusic. A program me-

of the utmost brilliancy , will be pre ¬

sented. It will embrace a comedyentiled , ".My Love Letters , "written especially for Mrt, Sid-dons , by the eminent author , Ar-


Matthison , of Drury Lane ,

London. In this comedy MIA Sid-dons makes a change of cosfnmes ,

which , by the way , are sailltoboj bemost elegant and expensive everworn by any lady on the Alnerican-

stage. . Reserved seats may bp ob-



at Eberhart's.The Chicago Post says that "Ibid

lovely and warm hearted lady gave

$500 from her own private purse to

the unhappy sufferers of ebrnska ,

and , although the act. will hardly-

raiseherhigherthanshestoodhuforp ,

it will != erve to confirm the good

opinion which has been held by

those who were less intimately ac-



. "

The Union Pacific Eailroad Tux C&se-



yesterday reet'ivcd thefollowing telegram from Washing-ton





C.-Gowin :Tn the McShane cases dfrreo aP-



. [Signed ]D. W. MIDDL TON.

This will result in the pa} .lent of-

a large amount of taxes to l .0 vari-


counties in this State throughwhich the Union Pacific . .ailroad-

runs. .

(Communicated. )

Depredations on School I.adi.January ! 1, 1875-




"ie school lands in the"tilth west

part of Douglas county , i deem it-

my duty to let the public know it.About the Sith of December , 1S74 ,

about a dozeutcanis with twice asmany men , made a raid on thewoods , and have been cutting andhauling away timber ever since.

About § 1,000 worth has thus bten-

stolen. . Some steps aught to be im-



taken to stop thes depre-



. Yours truly,TAX-1 AY JR.

stylesof .Now York

and Philadelphiamade Shoes

just received ,

at Henry Dohlo & Co. '*,

Farnh'am St. , bet. 12 and 13-


2k i ' . - ,




BigCrcwd ol Oniahosses Leave.This Horning for the Capital

to Attend the Senaro-



The principal excitement at Lin-coln


at the present time is the fightfor the United States Senatorship ,

which will be decided within thenext two or three days

The train for Lincoln yesterdaying was crowded with carpetbag-gers


from Omaha , all going down totake a hand in the fight.Among the passengers wenoticed Senator Rustin and SenatorSpaun , accompanied by Mrs Spauu.Contingent Congressman O'Haweswas on. board , as happy as a bigsunflower , having just returnedfrom Washington. He considershis prospects of obtaining a .seat inCongress as almost certain.-


. John I. Realck went downto "hoop it up," as he himself ex-pressed it.

The Merchants' Club was repre-sented


by its secretary , Hon. CharlesRediok.-



. Hitchcock , of Chicago , thegeneral pass'r agent of the Chicago ,

Burlington & Quincy railroad , andHarry Douel , the Omaha agent ofthe same road , and J. W Morse , thegeneral western passenger agent ,

were the happiest men on the train.They didn't _

care whether schoolkept or not ; alt they wanted was tosee the sport , and have some fun"mit der poys."

Postmaster Yost , P. Vandervoort ,

United States District Attorney Ne-


, John B. Furay , Col. WatsonB. Smith , and United States DeputyMarshall Ball , were at the head of alittle brigade who were going downto fight mit Dundy.

Frank J. Ramge , the fash-



merchant tailor , wasragged out in his best styfr,and went down with aneye to business. A great manysuits of clothes will be bet on theSenatorial election , and Frank pro-



to fill his order book , and , likeany other artist , take the measureson the spot.

John McCormick was providedwith a supply of blankets , no doubtbeing afraid that the accommoda-tions


at Lincoln for the carpetbag-gers


would be rather thin-.Amont


the others whom we no-


on board , were County Com-


McArdle and Kedfield ;

George N Crawford , Jonas Gise ,

Marfeh Kennard , SHRice , AndyMcAusland , C A Baldwin , Ed Mc-


, J ,E Eoyd , C C Housel , J GJacobs , Mr. Pritchet , County Treasr-

urerAlthaus , City Treasurer John-ston


, W H IjamsE A Alten , DanParmalee , Governor Saunders ,

George. W Frost, DoctorGraff , E B Chandler , T C

Short , Mr Megeath , Union Pa-

commissioner O F Davi.* ,

John T Clark , Judge Dudley , GeeThrall , all of Omaha ; Judge Davis ,

of Blair , and E K Valentine, ofWest Point, and Louis May , of Fre-mont



A Card frora Marshal Snowdcn.-T


In regard to that inontetrick thatwas reported to have been turned inOmaha last week , I have takenpains to find out about it , and findthat it, was turned In Counci Bluffs,

has -beeivq > trickturned inVQmahs sinfcfi 'last spring ,

"uo'r wont lie. " '"

Ai.d. In regard to that fire at Dei-



last week ; there Were only twopolicemoa on duty from midnighttill daylight there arp only eightall told five ontill midnight.There has to be n- day force and anight force ; the night force stay onone night and half of the next. Thetwo policemen that were on'at thattime were August Williams and Ja-


, two of the May ¬

or's appointees. All I have to sayis.that, it is a matter of impossibili-


for a stock' man to malco Berk-


pig out of windspitters.-W.






The babenifciit of the United Pres-



Church , corner 18th andCalifornia streets , will be openedand warmed every day this weekfrom 3 toS o'clock p. in. , and from7 to 9 p. m. , for prayer and religiousconversation.

Brethren interested , and all whoteek to know the truth and way ofsalvation are cordially invited to be-

present. .

The Cathedral "Clock" Conceit-



Thursday , February 4th , agrand concert will be given at-

Croightou Hall , for the purpose of-

raibing funds wiI( : which to purchasea clock for the Catholic Cathedraltower. TLis clock will have illu-


dials , eo that it can be seenat night from.anj-'dire tloiiYt willbe a public benefit , and tlferefore theconcert should be made a financialsuccess. Musically wo know it willbe a success, as it will be under thedirection ot Pror. Decker , Prof-.Blankenfeldt


, and Prof. Hoffman.The Cathedral choir , the Mamner-


, the City Band , aiid the bestmusical talent of the city , both in-


aiid vocal , will. tajf-

fpart"The following prominent citizens

have consented to act on the gener-

al committee :

C o Chase , mayor , Ezra Millard ,

Herman Ivountze , Alviu Saunderv-Geueral Ord , General G DRuggles ,

H C Morgan. John Lee , W M Bush-


, John A Creightou , ThomasRlley , Frank Delloue , FrederickDellone , Rev Byrne, Professor Kel-



, J McCrary , L Reed.GH Haar-man , A C Althaus , J B Redfield , J

41 McArdle , G Thrall , V Burkley,

Fred Metz , A Cahn , Chas ii lirutli ,

J Congdon J Wakely , P P Shelby.

FOR SALE CHEAP.One Full Cabinet Wheeler and

Wilson Sewing Machine , with allthe latest improvements. Itisnewhas never been run. Inquire at theBEE ofiioe. auglT-tf




, January 10.The board met pursuant to ad ¬


.McArdle ,

Knight and Redfield.The minutes of the last meeting

were read and approved.-Dr.

.. McClelland , county physician ,

reported 30 paupers remaining inthe poor house.

The following appointments weremade : Fred. jLiogeuiann , assessorfor Jefferson precinct ; John Hallen-beck , justice of the peace for Millardprecinct , and the bonds of said offi-


were approved ; also the officialbond of Fred. Logemann , constablefor Jefferson precinct.

The proper petition and bondhaving been presented , license lorthe sale of liquor at the barracks ,

in Saratoga precinct , was orderedissued to Fritz Marti for six monthsfrom Dec. 241874.

Two bridge bonds , Nos. 9G and97 , each lor $1,000 , issued July 1st ,1871 , to the Union Pacific railroadcompany , having been redeemed ,

were burned-.At

.4 o'clock p. m. , proposals for

services as physician and furnish-ing


medicine for inmates of jail andpoor house , were opened.

The contract for one year wasawarded to Dr. S. D. Mercer , at $30per month , he being the lowest bid¬

der.The following accounts were al-



J A Creiphton; , adm'r , rentof Probate Court room forDecember , 1874 $ 40 00-

L S Reed , cash paid for post-age


, etc 12 45-

F C Festner , stationery 8 80Byron Reed & Co , witness

fees assigned 4 00-

E B Willis , coroner's witnessfee 1 00

Pratt & Elliott , coal for poor 22 00-

Ellingwood & MnCune , gro-ceries


13 40Andrew Murphy , black-


8 25Gee W Homan , livery 100Fred Schroeder , on account

building bridges 50 00Adjourned to Saturday , January

23d. LEWIS S. REUD ,

County Clerk.

Colonel J. K. H. Patnoi.Colonel J. IS. H. Patrick , who is

now prominently mentioned as acandidate for the United StatesSenate , is , as we all Know , an oldresident of Omaha , and one of ourmost respected citizens. Politically ,

Mr. Patrick has , during the past fouryears , been Independent. Fouryaars ago he iupported the Republi-


legislature , and , we understand ,

he announces his intention to actwith the administration if elected ,

and will doubtless do so.

The American Newspaper Direc-


Is an epitome of newspaper his ¬

tory. It is also regarded is an offi-


register of circulations. Thisfeature , require ? the closest scruuity-to prevent It from leading to abuses.The plan , a'dopted by the publishersof the Directory , to se.cure correctand trustworthy reports , s rigid inits requirements and adhered towith impartiality , Successful pub-


, who have something to gainby a comparison , are generallyprompt , not only to send reports luconformity , but give Mes is Geo.-



. Rowell & Co. such informationas enables them to "weed out unsub-


statements of pretendersin journalism. The popularity ofthe thegeneral confidencein its accuracy and good faith areattested by the immense hodj' of ad-


' it receives.






Preparatory to'enla'rgement ofstore ,

will close out their entire. stock atprices without regard to cost , so thata' quick and

'rapid sale will' be effec-


. :D.ome8tj9 Goods at New York

prices :.4-4 Fruit of the Loom , 12jc.4-4 Lonsdale , (genuine ) 12Je.4-4 Lonsdale finish , lOJc.4-4 Unbleached Muslin , 8Jc.-




Cor. 14th and Farnham st. ,

j4wl .Omaha , Neb.

STEP in prettyof ten in the FrenchCoffee House. Splendid Coffee andexcellent Beef Steak is pleasant tohave in this bad winter time-



DYEING , c eauing ana repairingdone in the neatest manner , at the


10th St.Let. Farnham and Douglasapr28t f-

.SEWING done cheaper than thecheapest. Plain sewing , dress andshirt making ; cutting and fitting a-

specialty. . Ladies' wrappersand un-


constantly on hand. Allorders promptly attended to by-

Mrs. . Kline, 04 Howard street , be-


12th and 13th , north side-


Sealed Proposals-



AID SOCIETY , !OMAHA , Jan. llth , 1875, J

Sealed proposals ill be receivedat the office of the Secretary untilone o'clock j> . m. , on the 20th inst. ,for the following amount of suppliesfor the grasshopper sufferers , to bedelivered at the Society's ware-house


in this city :

487,500 Ibs corn meal , in 100 Ib

17,500 ILs flour, in 100 Ib sacks.Bids will be received lor all or any

portion of the above amounts. Deli-


must be completed oa or beforethe 4th day of February.

Payment will be made on deli ¬

very. The Executive Committeereserve the right to reject any or all

bids.Byorder of the Ex. Committee.J-


. T. TROUT , U. S. A. ,

jlStolO Secretary.-



. H. ±*ETEESOif , tne pioneecigar manufacturer, keeps con-


on hand the very bestbrands of cigars , and also "'.oneJack , Fruits and Flowers , and"Durham" Smoking Tobacco.211 Douglas street.-





The Insane Asylum Controversy.-



I Correspondence of tha BEE )


"WHO LIED. "Some time since a Lincoln corres-


of the BEE stated thatmuch dissatisfaction existed in thiscommunity because of the appoint-ment


of Dr. (? ) Scott as Superin-tendent


of the Insane Asylum. He- a reason for such dissatis-faction


, the report in circulationhere , namely , that Dr. Scott wasnot a practicing physician , and itwas feared that he was incompe-tent


for the position. An insuranceagent , one McMurtry , was quick topronounce all such insinuationsfalse , and in his sweeping denuncia-tions


of those who had spoken rela-


to the subject , he branded thecorrespondent as a liar. The cor-respondent


spoke neither for oragainst Dr. Scott ; ho simply statedfacts. This noisy champion of Mr-.Scott'8

.talked so much , however ,

that I concluded to investigate thematter and ascertain who lied.-



The people of the State want toknow whether this man is capableor not. With this end in view , 1have carefully inquired concerningthe points in controversy , and willgive Mr. Scott's version first , thenthe opposite view , reserving theright to judge which I consider thestrongest.-


. Scott wishes it distinctly un-dersood

-that he is not the pet candi-


of Stout , Kennard & Co. Fur-ther


, he is satisfied that this "hueand cry" is raised against him at theinstance of the above mentionedfirm , and for no other reason thanthat his appointment did not serveto accomplish certain political ends-


is also claimed that as one ofthe trustees of the Asylum he didgood work : that he is better ac-quainted


with the wants of the in-


than any other man , and isfully competent. Finally , it is saidhe is houestajgood Christian gentle-man


, but through misfortunes some-what


embarrassed1 financially , andthat this appointment would helphim out.

THE OTHER SIpE.The fir t and only legitimate

question for me to solve is his com ?

petency. I care nothing for per-sonal


wrangles , but when a wrongIs perpetrated upon the- people ofthis State , or upon a public officer , ajournalist in possession of the factsfail to discharge his duties when heneglects to expose the wrong.-


. Scott was asked by a phy-sician


of this city , where he receiv-ed


his medical education. The re-ply


was , at the Lynn Medical Col-


, Chicago. A letter to the Sec-retary


of tiat{ Jnstitutionj asking ifsuch h man ever gra'dtiate'd there ,was answered in the negative. Adiploma does not signify that a manis piaster pf his profession by anymeans. But it does signify'that hehas ha (| the opportunity to obtain&ojne theoretica.1 knowledge. Shicp-no proof of that nature caii hje had ,we must examine his record as apracticing pbysiciau ,

MrSpott came to Lincoln in theyear 18GO. He purchased an inter-est


} n a drug store , which businesshe eontfiiMed for a year. Deposingof his interest in this business , heengaged in real estate and Insurancein company with Mr. McMurtry ,who claims to have influenced Gov-.Furnas


sufficient to secure his ap-pointment.


. He continued } u thereal estate business uutil last-fall ,when ne went to Atchisou , Kansas,and engaged |n the business of ship-ping


wnortleberries , blackberries ,and the like , to a northern market.

Thus five years have passed withno practice or study. It is asked ,does it look reasonable that "a phy-sician


of acknowledged skill andability in his profession ," shouldtravel over the country , picking up-a living in this hand-to-mouth sortof manner? He has no diploma toshow that he has ever studied ; hehas no record , for eight years , atleast , to show that he ever practiced.

Such are the. objections urged bythe people generally , while the med-ical


fraternity prb'tes't a'gainsti'enmasse.

Now if Dr. Scott's reputation ishandled in this manner on personalgrounds , it is a pusillanimous war¬

fare. If, on the other hand , he isassuming to know what he does not ,and for a paltry salary , because a-

retiripg pxpputjve |s BO careless as-no't fo examine into his competency ,is desirous of practicing his igno-rance


on the most unfortunate ofall , it is simply infamous-


he was'fuithful as, Trustee , hedid his duty no more , no lefs. Pos-.sibly

.Stout and Howard favor him ,

and possibly some one else. He is-

a Christian gentleman. That is notdenied But for his fidelity to thechurch , and for his forensic effortsin b'elialf of sinners from the pulpit ,he will be rewarded in heaven. Mr.Scott has not yet shown his qualifi-cations


: he must produce them.When he shows his fituess , he re-pells

-all insinuations. Unless he

does , it Is a piece of quackery wthr|out parallel , and he should be con-demned


as an adventurer of theboldcs't kind.






and buy a house , by making month-ly


payments. Houses und lotsbought and sold , property rented ,

and money loaned , by-

J. . N. FISHER & Co. ,

___0dd Fellows Block-.nov27eoiltf


LABORERS' I NION JNo. 1 , meetfirst pnd third Tuesday each month ,

jit Blacksmiths' and Mechanics'-Hall. . . JanCIf


Block , are now re-SJIyto ouy and sellRealEstafiTbf every descrjpt'on.'

Terms , easy. Quick sales andsmall profits. Give them a call-



A Font of Bourgeois Type , ofwhich th'9 is a sample , weighing COO

its. This type has been in use onthe Daily BEE less than one year,and is nearly as good as new.

For terms &c. , addressE. ROSEWATEK ,

Publisher of the B-







3? VAH. . GLADSTO .N E & CO.1 set24tf

Indian Curiosities at No.; 170-

Farnham street , corner llth street.may 7tf.


Douglas County Bible Society.

The annual meeting of the Doug-las


County Bible Society will be heldat the office of Rev. Dr. Stewart to-


(Tuesday ) afternoon , at 4-

o'clock. . A full attendance is de-



. Rsv. T. B. LEMON , Pres't.-SAM'L

.BURNS , Sec'y.-



the ladles of Omaha-


wish to say that we are clos-ing


out all wool merinos at 60 and65 cents ; all wool Empress cloth at-

35cents ; all wool berge , good stylesand extraordinary value , for 50 cents ;

ah1 wool Cashmeres at 50 cents ; im-itation


camels haircloth at 35 cents ;

plaids for children and other dressgoods at 15,18 , 20 and 25 cents-



A few pieces left at 1.50 ; usualprice in New York city is 200. A-

very handsome black silk at $1 65 ;

good at 1.50 ; black silk cloakingvelvet at $6.00-


bargains in ladiesties at 25 cents ; ribbons , hosiery ,

underwear , blankets and house fur-


goods at New York Cityprices-


hope no lady will come to ourstore , after this advertisement hasbeen withdrawn from the columnsof the BEE , and tell us that we havenot got what we advertise. It wUlpay you to visit our store often dur-ing


the next ten days , as we are de-


to close out a great manygoods we still have on hand , letthem bring what they may ; 265Douglas , 2d door from 15th street-


W. M. BusmrAN9

Best fine out , Simpson's , Creigh-tou


Block. novlOeodtf-

BYEKS' is the place for cheapBoots ; sewed , $12 ; pegged , $S.

Opposite P. O. jan6eodtf




McKelligou-a card onsecond page , Iune2-tf

THE CAUSE OF TEMPERANCE fiijdsone of its most insidious and dan-


foes in the many socalled-"tonics" and "appetizers ," made ofcheap whisky and refuse liquors ,

finished up to suit depraved appe-tites


under the name of medicine.-DK.




-are none of these. They are

not a beverage , but : a genuinemedicine , purely vegetable , pre-pared


from California herbs by-regtdar physician. For a.11 diseasesof the stomach , liver , kidneys , blad-


, skin and blood , tliev arp an In-


mid.uurivqled reme-




E. F. COOK ,637 14th St. , between DoQglu Dcd ?;Manufacturer of Tin Copper and Shwt Iron

Ware , and dealer In

Cooking and Heating stovesstamped. Jananncd and French War on-

and. . Tin Hoofing , Gutters nd.Si'outlns anaWork -lone an-

dEATH & HANS EN ,Wholesale Dealers n Leaf ; Tobacco ,

Manufacturers o-


Tobaccoi Pipes , &c , , &c ,


Bet. 10th &llth ,

Oxiaa.3 . < , JXTo J3.octl-


637 Fifteenth Sreet , [bet.! Douglas and DcOgs-


Mutton and Veal ," Fish , Poultry , Game ,

tug2g lv AND


238 Douglas St. Omaha Ne-b.WAG01T



Wood Stock,

WAGON HABDWARE ,Pateat WleelB , Finished Qeariag , ic-



, Springs Thimble Skeino


Carriages , Hacks and BuggiesStcntclmcUer Wagon Dep-



Eruit and _ Coniectiqnary-

i- . 13th nptt Leaveinror-





. 170 Douglas Street , corn r lltb , Om IK-

Nebraska. . Board by ttx-iiayor week-.iune


OMAHA MARULK IVORKtf ,15th tt , bet. Dodga aid Cap , aye. , Omaha , Ne-

brOJD. .Dealer In and manufacturer of Italian and

American Monuments , lleadstonea , Mantels ,

Hearths , Furniture Tops , &c. , Ac-

superiority for Material and Mechani-cal


Finub , and guarante laUsfattlon , l>siijnsand prices furnistetl free of charge. Solicitjour patronage. Orders through njail will re-


year prompt attention. lao-







. 49810th St, tetween Firaiin & Haraey.

Will by the aid of guardian spirits , obtainlot any one a Tiew ol tne past , present and la-


re. JJo ten charged in cases cf ticfcneu ,




. Advertisements of To l t. ForSale , Loit , Wants , Found , Boarding , * . , willbe Inserted in the c columns ones for TENCEKTSper line : each subsequent insertion ,FIVE CEF1S per line. The first Insertionnever less than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS




By a youns lady , first-classin a pi-irate lamily one with

piano preferred. AdJresjJ. D. , BKK offic-e.nt

._WANTED B a thoroughly competent

situation as bookkeeper. Ad-dress


FISHhBACO. ,jlStf Odd Fellows' Block.

WANTED To txchange , first-class cityLincoln , for good piano , or fur

horse , buggy and harm .J.U. W. MITCHELL ,

j3f! Bral Estate Office , Odd Fellows Bi'k.

WAnTED -Tlireo or four Rood men , withto $1,000 capital , to engage in-

a fir t-ela s manufacturing intemt , to be insti-tuted

¬in this city. For further information.

circulars ic..c.iimINTELLIGENCE OFFICE ,

jJStf Odd Fellows' B'ock.

WANTED A few pupils to learn therc-artistic art of T zidetmy

Terms reasonable. MR. E. NAUTKE-.jan6eod2w

.507 12th street.


T'OR SALE Desirsble county bands of Neb. ,JJ bearing ten per cent , interest.

BANK ,Janl3-10t Omab *. Neb.

SALE Fort Scott Coal , at Hainan'sTailor shop , s. e. torner llth and F rn-


. J. IS. A1U.OLO-



SALE Something new for tup parlor' a self-operating fountain for goldtub. Call and tec it at the China Tea More ,corner IGthand Chicago sts. janT w

FOR SALE A bran-new Whcolcrt WlUonCabinet sewing machine lur S9O , at

the BhK office- tf

Acar-lo'd Apple" , Wine Sapsand Missouri Jppius guaranteed good and

sound at Merrltt's Ucbtaurant , 153 Farnham-strict. . det29 1m

PATENT nidllT rOK SALE A patent onu.achiut-s , of a late Issue , very

new and note ! , ottered very cheap fer cash bythe inTcntor , who is compelled to tell or ci-cbacgefor

-any kind of plopc ty which can be-

turnei into cash, even at a treat; sacrifice. Fi rparticulars , call and examine a working model ,at from seven to uiuu o'clock p. m , at No. 700-17lh St. , Ouihlu. EDVA1.D W11MAN.


FOR ijsaT( ,

T710P. RENT Housj with fire rooms , on ISth1! bt. Kent 510. Inquire at-

ll.TAGGEK ,jaslitf 131 Farnham St. , up stairs.

17 > 0r. KENT Furnished room , W JacksonJJ street , bet. JOth aud llth. jni5-3t

HOUSE FOR KENT :3d and California.-S.



fLjTOUE FOE BENT-9tti near Jackson.O S. A. TAYLOR A CO

dec 0tf-

rWE RENT Brick Store Cor. Fifteenth andCapitol Avenue , also offices-

.oct21atl.J. G. JACOBS.

KENT. Suite of rooms suitable forbou&eVceuing. near to business ; nodyard , d-teru and well. Enquire at f dld

dee26tf - "


LOST On 10th or Farnham streets , an ear¬. The finder will be rewarded by

leaving it at this ctHce orCtntral Hotel , neardepot. *lt

LOjT Somewhere between railroad shotscqnerlOth and Farnham sts. , a la-


roluk furcollar. The finder wul be suita ¬bly rewarded by leaving it at rny offiC" , ror. 9thand Fariihaui $ ts. N. F. EXGLIbU , Jr." " T'k't As't U. P. li. B

LOST By burglar who robbed my houseDec.1th , one gold ear-ring , black

enameled , with gold fringe pendant , callablerenard to findet. L. U. KOrUY ,

decSO tf U. P Telegraph Office-



eight men can get eood board , andon accommodating terms , by inquiring at

COB 13th st. MRS. ffl. A. MU.LEH-.jlS'lw



t-cif: t on any kind of goods. By


jan54t No. 225 Farnham st.

taken by the piece at reduced rattsSEWING nl business men. Dressoand cloaks made In latest styles. Particularattention given to the manufVeture of gentle¬

men's shirts and children's clothes by Mrs.BELLE B HOOKS , fashionable dre s , shirt , andcloak maker , 556 Ninth street , between Doug ¬

las street and Capitol avenue. janl-itf

1ANE ANU PERFOKATED EOTTOMED-J CIIAIIIS made and repaired , very cheap ,

by John Thume , n. w. corner 13ih and Jackson.With very little rent and suia'l expenEca , I-

am enabled to do work cheaper lUan any otherestablishment In thfe city *. CaU'and see me be-


gc-iog to auy largo expense. jaal2.w-


-_ ing ot shareholders of the Mechanics'

Mining and "ineltinj ; Co. , for the election ofofficers , and otlt"X business , will be held at theUurant Engine Ilouta Tuesday.- January 19th ,at 7:30: p. m. E. K. LON G ,

ian2-7t PrcsIJeut

> Q.pAHrNEHSIHP I have this day ad-


mlttcd iuto partnership C. II. Guiou Thebusiness will bo continued under the firm nameof Foster A Guiou. All notes and accountsaue me mu. t be settled immediately.-


. M. FOSTER.Omaha , Jan. 1st , 1775. Jan8d2w

MONEY TO LOAN. Call at law office of D., room 8 , Vlsscher's Block

dec23 tf-

rpAKEN UP-On tne 'JOth Kov. . one blatkJ. heifer, three yaars old , and one white-ued

-red luilcU cow , Dec. 6th. The owners of-

thesirne will prove pruj-er.y , pay charges , andtake them away. A. M. CLAKK ,

dlO-ltew-Ow * West Ojiah-



onay loaned on Watcncs , Gun *, Jewelry ,an J Coining bought add sold.

(Opposite Bee Office.)sp7-Jlm

1. Buckingham ,


Omaha - - Neb ,janlGtf




: OF THE SEASON ,7 he Fascin-


(Just Keturned from Enrope. )



Tuesday Evening , January IQlh ,In a Prograramn of New and unexampled

brilliancy , embracing a petite comedy , writtenfor her by iUthnr Mutthisjn , Lstj. , cf DruryLane , London , entitled


change of costume } ,.MARY SCOTT-SIDD JNS ,

8 EJJE : A Laly's Boudoir.TIME : The Present.

Tickets . ... . . . .. ._. . ... .. . . . . _ SI 00 ,No extra charge for reserved teats at fcbc-


Bazir , ou and after Thursday inoruln ;.jan4-4t

Dr. Lathe's Celebrated


Manufactured and sold by AE.. ROGERS.Orders personally or by postal card left at 511-

10th street will be promptly filled. It kindlesCoal In THREE MINUlEa I I sell what kin-dles


THIRTY FIRES for 25 cts , and deliver It-to any part of thecity free of charge. tfS lt Isselling in all eastern cities in immense quan-tities.


. jan3 1m




UNDERSIGNED respectfully annonn-1

-cea that he has purchased and refitted the

above Hotel , and Is now ready to accommodatethe i ublic , with board by day or week , at reoj-onall

-rates. WILLIAM LEHB , Prop-


' 7 * 1

IMPROVED FAMILY SEWING MACHINESSilk Twist , linen , Tones , needles ,




. rhIne $ Leased on Xon.ltlr In ial) uf * ._



. ITASON , Agent ,

J. J. BROWN & BBO. ,



for the Oriental Powder Co. .



538 and 54O aToi&rtdenth. Street,BET. DOUGLAS AND

. .rnchl32y




No. L3& Farnham Street,COAaprSdly



WHOLESALE GROCERSXTo. 247 Douglas Street ,




Canned Goods , Dried Truits , Green Fruits in Season.JO 1 ORDERS SOLICITED ND PROMPTLY FILLED.




NFANCYTeas , Spices , Tobacco and Cigars.

212 FarnLam Street , - - Omahar.lplil * odvl .__ .-

OtFort Oalhoun Mills,, IBTESIEJI } &

3Iaiiufjctared with Great Care from the Best Grain.

General Depot, Cor. 14tn & DodgaEL-

AJttJ. J. BROWN & BRO. ,


STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS ,mays-iy Notions * and Boots and Shoes.-


, . .

288 Dodge Street , 2d Door East of 16th Street.I keep constantly on baud the finest stock ot Broad Cloth , Cassimercs and ,am prepared to make up in the most Luhlucablt styles , acd to suit tha mostVestingfastidious


ilowest possible pr-



Heavy HardwareIRON , STEEL , NAILS , WAGON STOCK , '.


Threshrrs , Harvcbters , Hcupera, Mowers. Drills , Seeders. Corn-plantu *Plows , Cultivators , Hay-rakes and Wagons.

242 Douglas St. , - Omana TTeTa-mchSl *


231 FarxLhasa Street ,


find Old Kentucky Importp-lu'ooJs a Special tf.

ToMweinriockT v. jLvi_. uniL.A. , TsTTiTT -.


andTheBurliJgtouand Missouri Hirer Oallrnftd Cj.ol-ri ' nl Ian * t low price* onlGyrarc-

redltatfipc. . , a A "Mi a bonus premium of 20 percent , un ill * nmountof tapurchase, if half tbe land is cultivated , wltnin two years Iruiu date > < purrha-c __ _


North of ? latte , lojp Fork and Elkhorn ValltT-

heB.AM.B. . K. Co. willteLalwut OOOCOO aerAioKpl-iilidu-az.nsaiida rlcullurallax _wali nrjterolojnlry , at troaj tlmf to 7.00 per. acre on long crijlt. ! il

South of ti PbtteThe Com | any ownei a large body o'the bcitballnNib . M . > - eiibyand aliacciit to ItsrallroiJ and In theUr aitand l std - ppn Stale , aa alsoamonsB Dublican Valley. ForclrculariaadlulMulir p - I-

tPliny- o

Moore , General Ag 'nt. Office South ac-Opp'siin ihe Union Depot , nl

And in C. B. & Q. oflice , Grand Centra ! Hote-OMAHA'