the od process

EFFORTS BY ENIGMATIC SD The OD Process is based on the action research model which begins with an identified problem or need for change. The process proceeds through assessment, planning of an intervention, implementing the intervention, gathering data to evaluate the intervention, and determining if satisfactory progress has been made or if there is need for further intervention. The process is cyclical and ends when the desired developmental result is obtained. The OD process begins when an organization recognizes that a problem exists which impacts the mission or health of the organization and change is desired. It can also begin when leadership has a vision of a better way and wants to improve the organization. An organization does not always have to be in trouble to implement organization development activities. 1

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Page 1: The OD PROCESS


The OD Process is based on the action research model which begins with an identified problem or need for

change. The process proceeds through assessment, planning of an intervention, implementing the intervention,

gathering data to evaluate the intervention, and determining if satisfactory progress has been made or if there is

need for further intervention. The process is cyclical and ends when the desired developmental result is


The OD process begins when an organization recognizes that a problem exists which impacts the mission or

health of the organization and change is desired. It can also begin when leadership has a vision of a better way

and wants to improve the organization. An organization does not always have to be in trouble to implement

organization development activities.

Once the decision is made to change the situation, the next step is to assess the situation to fully understand it.

This assessment can be conducted in many ways including documentation review, organizational sensing, focus

groups, interviewing, or surveying. The assessment could be conducted by outside experts or by members of the



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After the situation is assessed, defined, and understood, the next step is to plan an intervention. The type of

change desired would determine the nature of the intervention. Interventions could include training and

development, team interventions such as team building for management or employees or the establishment of

change teams, structural interventions, or individual interventions.

Once the intervention is planned, it is implemented.

During and after the implementation of the intervention, relevant data is gathered. The data gathered would be

determined by the change goals. For example, if the intervention were training and development for individual

employees or for work groups, data to be gathered would measure changes in knowledge and competencies.

This data is used to determine the effectiveness of the intervention. It is reported to the organization’s decision-

makers. The decision-makers determine if the intervention met its goals. If the intervention met its goals, the

process can end, which is depicted by the raising of the development bar. If it did not, the decision is made

whether to continue the cycle and to plan and carry out another intervention or to end it.

The process of Organisational Development comprises of follows steps and they are:-

1. Initial Diagnosis

2. Data Collection

3. Data Feedback

4. Selection of Interventions

5. Implementation of interventions

6. Action planning and problem solving

7. Team Building


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8. Inter-Group Development 

9. Evaluation and Follow up

1. Initial Diagnosis: The initial diagnosis refers to finding the inadequacies within the organisation that can be

corrected by OD activities then it is necessary to find out the professionally competent persons within

organisation to plan and execute OD activities. The outside consultants can be also employed to help in

diagnosing the problems and diagnosing OD activities. The consultants adopt various methods and that

primarily includes interviews, questionnaires, direct observation, analysis of documents and reports for

diagnosing the problem.

2. Data Collection: The survey method is employed to collect the data for determining organizational climate. It

also helps in identifying the behavioural problems that are rising in the organisation. 

3. Data Feedback: The collected data are analyzed and reviewed by various work groups that are formed for this

purpose. It is done in order to intervene in the areas of disagreement or confrontation of ideas or opinions. 

4) Selection of Interventions: The interventions can be described as the planned activities that are introduced

into the system to achieve desired changes and improvements. The suitable interventions are to be selected and

designed at this stage. 


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5) Implementation of Interventions: The selected intervention should be implemented progressively as the

process is not a one shot, quick cure for organisational problems. Consequently, it achieves real and lasting

change in the attitudes and behaviour of employees.

6) Action Planning and Problem Solving: To solve the specific and identified problems by using the collected

data, groups prepare recommendations and specific action planning. 

7) Team Building: The consultants explain the advantages of the teams in OD process and encourage the

employees throughout the process to form into groups and teams. 

8) Inter-group Development: After the formation of groups/teams, the consultants encourage the inter-group

meetings, interaction etc. 

9) Evaluation and follow up: The organisation should evaluate the OD programmes and should find out their

utility, and develop the programmes further for correcting the deviations. The consultants make great

significance to the organisation in this respect. The entire steps in the OD processes should be followed by the

organisation in order to derive full range of OD benefits.


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Organization Development Process in Social Organization

1. Understanding Social Organization/Non Profit Organization

Today Organizational development in social sector has assumed a great significance as

more and more we move from Survival syndrome to look and search of sustainability .A

non profit organization or so called A non-governmental organization (NGO) or

association that acts outside of institutionalized political structures and pursues matters of

interest to its members by lobbying, persuasion, or direct action. The term is generally

restricted to social, cultural, legal, and environmental advocacy groups having goals that

are primarily non-commercial.

Hence a great deal is being struggled how a non-commercial attempt can look like

entrepreneurial in nature. ASEED-Asian Society for entreprenuership education and

development , one of the leading social organization with 15 years of experience at the

grassroot as well as intermediary role holder, is one of an example which has evolved

products and services which is struggling the make a difference in the OD process in the


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development sector. The Genesis of IDMAT-International Institute of Development

Management- An Academy of ASEED is one of the attempt in fostering the Institutional

Building processes in the country and beyond in the sector.

If we see the total universe of development sector, its growing, its huge. A decade old

UN report on global governance estimated that there are nearly 29,000 international

NGOs. National numbers are even higher: The United States has an estimated 2 million

NGOs, most of them formed in the past 30 years. Russia has 65,000 NGOs. India has

more than 2 million NGOs. Dozens are created daily. In Kenya alone, some 240 NGOs

come into existence every year. We can just examine the numbers now!! Hence there is

demand for OD but has its own challenges. Before we get into the core of the matter, lets

reflect on the journey the social sector has experienced.

2. Journey towards Institutional development process: Dev. Sector.

Though voluntary associations of citizens have existed throughout history, NGOs along

the lines seen today, especially on the international level, have developed in the past two

centuries. One of the first such organizations, the International Committee of the Red


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Cross, was founded in 1863. International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is the

world's largest group of humanitarian NGOs.The phrase "non-governmental

organization" came into use with the establishment of the United Nations Organization in

1945 with provisions in Article 71 of Chapter 10 of the United Nations Charter for a

consultative role for organizations that are neither governments nor member states.

Globalization during the 20th century gave rise to the importance of NGOs. Many

problems could not be solved within a nation. International treaties and international

organizations such as the World Trade Organization were perceived as being too centred

on the interests of capitalist enterprises. In an attempt to counterbalance this trend, NGOs

have developed to emphasize humanitarian issues, developmental aid and sustainable

development. A prominent example of this is the World Social Forum which is a rival

convention to the World Economic Forum held annually in January in Davos,

Switzerland. The fifth World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in January 2005 was

attended by representatives from more than 1,000 NGOs

Evolutionary stages of development NGOs & Institution Building


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Three stages or generations of NGO evolution have been identified by Korten’s (1990)

Three Generations of Voluntary Development Action. First, the typical development

NGO focuses on relief and welfare, and delivers relief services directly to beneficiaries.

Examples are the distribution of food, shelter or health services. The NGO notices

immediate needs and responds to them. NGOs in the second generation are oriented

towards small-scale, self-reliant local development. At this evolutionary stage, NGOs

build the capacities of local communities to meet their needs through 'self reliant local

action'. Korten calls the third generation 'sustainable systems development'. At this stage,

NGOs try to advance changes in policies and institutions at a local, national and

international level; they move away from their operational service providing role towards

a catalytic role. The NGO is starting to develop from a relief NGO to a development


There are also numerous classifications of NGOs. The typology the World Bank uses

divides them into Operational and Advocacy :

The primary purpose of an operational NGO is the design and implementation of


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development-related projects. One categorization that is frequently used is the division

into 'relief-oriented' or 'development-oriented' organizations; they can also be classified

according to whether they stress service delivery or participation; or whether they are

religious and secular; and whether they are more public or private-oriented. Operational

NGOs can be community-based, grass root,national or international.

The primary purpose of an Advocacy NGO is to defend or promote a specific cause. As

opposed to operational project management, these organizations typically try to raise

awareness, acceptance and knowledge by lobbying, press work and activist events.The

institution needs and demands of each categary may be different, though with large


3 . Organization & Institution Building - Needs & demand: Experiential


OD is commonly applied to the various aspects of an organization. In social sector, in particular Five

key points of OD use can be articulated:.

i) Defining/repositing organizational Purpose

(ii)Evolving management strength & capabilities


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(iii) Strategic Interventional & Management

iv) Value Creation as social change agents.

vi) Partnership and Convergence

4. A Social Sector Facilitator for Organizational development:

It may be a news for the corporate and other world that many Non-profit

organizations do not establish a formal Human Resources (HR) function due to

having a small number of staff and /or trying to achieve efficiencies. Rather,

organizational staffs, whose responsibilities lie within other areas are responsible

for performing HR activities – such as recruitment, training, performance

reviews, design and delivery of benefit programs and termination. Most

typically, the finance staff, office manager or other administration staff performs

HR duties.

While this may be the best option for small organizations, at a certain point the

size of the organization necessitates a separate, dedicated Human Recourse

function. HR services is key to creating a sense of cohesion and identity in order


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to bring Organizational development.Hence ,the organizational development

process has to be seen as a strategic partner in the work of the institutes in order

to develop balance systems needs and people concerns. To achieve this, focus

should be on demonstrating the three essential values that an effective OD

facilitator must embody;


B) Competence

C) Compassion;

Authenticity is grounded in honesty, openness and follow-through -in other

words by “walking the talk”. Through this OD facilitator builds relationships

and its reputation. This takes time.

Competence is doing something well and exhibiting knowledge and skill. To be

effective facilitator must demonstrate competence in everything it does.

Compassion is showing care and concern for the organization, its employees and

stakeholders. Facilitator must exhibit unwavering compassion and care in all


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situations specially in the social sector.

5. Challenges and Way ahead:

Areas for development in current OD practice in social sector can be summed up in five themes:

1. Setting Context

2. Authority & Power balance

3. Enhancing role in developmental intervention

4. Strengthening NGO structures and enhancing accounta-bility to the Community

5. Creating a experimentation driven organization