the north-carolinian. (fayetteville, n.c.) 1840-10-24 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 17. · trophies, figures,...

THE NOHtTM - Dress the Grave of tliy Friend NEW GOODS. MISS BINGHAM A load would rush tipon my heart, Miscellaneous. WE have received and opened our FALL ani WINTER GOODS, which comprised large and extensive assortment of From tht Quebec Mercury. - LP.T &OODS, Hardware and Cuttlery, TOGLnkL resuris her School on Monday, the 5th Octfcer. Sbe will teach al the En- glish branches of Education, which nro taught in any of the FEMA ,B SEMINARIES, in Fay- etteville. Also, rawing, Painting and Fancy Needle-wor- k. M-- ic and French, will be taught by an accomplihei French lady, who speaks the best pronunciation -- the Court language of France. She has also enj iged an experienced teacher in Latin. - September 10, lajO B2-- 6t Georgi Illustrated irROSPF.CTU ol a new work to be enti- - Boots and Shoes, Fur and Wool Hats, Fur and Seal Caps, Cotton and Wool Cards, Tuscan and nlain TO MY FRIENDS And the Public Generally. : Subscriber has taken the Store on Hoy THE next door to Mr E. Fuller, recent-- occupied by D. B. Robinson, & Co., aud he will be glad to see his former friends and cuatomcis when ihe come to town. He has received by the last ar- rivals a full supj ly of FALL and WINTER GOODS, CONSISTING OF Sugar and Coffee, Alum and Liverpool Salt, Hats aud Shoes, Nails and Trace Chains, Hardware and Cutlery, Stuple Dry Goods, Crockery, &c. &c. &c. The above articles will be sold Low for C ASH, or exchanged for country produce. C. CAISON. Fayetteville, Oct. 10, 1840. 85-3t- pd oirdw uuiiucio, luixi .nu , v rapping 1 per, Drugs and Patent Medicines. Also Ijk .' " in a series of H A Hhds- - prto llico Sugar, JL V 80 Bags Rio Coffee, 30 Boxes Raisins. Without a smile lrom thee. " "Where could I meet a lamp so fair 'In Nature's open passage With thee the barbarous flower compare And own my grief assuage? "Forgive my bore, this nasty lay, And let its numbers he Sweet monitors that daily dry, Shall bid thee think of me! J. S. "Wh!ii I had read over this diabolical masa of stuff. I flew into an uncontro'labln rage. In the blindness of mv chagrin, I depreciated the judge- ment of Miss Emily; I thought very person could see the errors and 4'tect them as readily as I did; and I said to my young friend that she must have been very stupid or inattentive, not to see how the poem ought to read. This roused in her bosom 'all the blood of the BrinkenhoffH.' She handed me my hat and pointed significantly to the door. I went out at the opertare thus indicated, and have never darkened it Bince. Emily now is the Connecticut school master, wha blows the pitchpipe and leads the choir on Sunday in her father's church. 'This was my first passion and my last, except that into which I have, been roused every time I have sent a piece to be published. Yet I still love to console my dreary bachelorship by writing and seeing my thoughts in print; but I despair of ever seeing them rightly uttered. Fate, in that regard is against me, and probably always will be. JOHN SMITH. MISSES JAXtiT! & J. B. STftIPSON'3 SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, 1AYETTEVILLE, N. C. original pieties on teel; w ith letter-pre- ss de- scriptions. The plan of publis "ing in successive numbers, pictorial works, illusjrative of the scenery ol countries, has lonj? fcen a popular one in Eu- rope, and is rapidly gaining lavor in our own country. Thf ruonosition ti issue such a work, devot Liberty Point Fayetteville, opposite THE ROWAN STREET. Loaf and Lump Sugar, Collins' and King's Axes, 5 hhds. Crockery, 75 Kegs Nails, 50 Sides of Sole Leather, "Which are offered at very low prices for CASH, o1 on time lor approved paper. NOTT & STARR. . November 23, 1839. 39-- tf C0FFEEL SUGAR, MOLASSES &.SII AD.- - he Subscriberwill open hiaSchool for the recep ed in the scenery oj Georgia, although novel, will undoubtedly fiijil universal favor, and be regarded as it is by he editor, a plan at once felicitous and feasible." There is much scenery tion of Young Men and Boys, on Inursday the JACKSON HOTEL. May 4. 10 (y) Gardner and McKetlian, CARRIAGE MAKERS. in mil- - Si:it. is riot sumasssed in beauty and sublimity, by that of any other State in the Union. The upper counties, abound in scents, which need only to lu known, to command the the 1st. Day ol October next. Each Term consists of eleven weeks, and four Terms in the year. Tuition in common English studies," per Term, $3 do Classical do S nd a caarge of 25 cents for incidental expenses. E. TRIPP. September 19,1810. 82-2- t. admiration o all who love the beauties oi na luif. Mneh nfihp scenerv of the North, is in pSL Icrior to our own, but is yet visited by thousands simply because it has been written, sung and "li.iniyp.l " hi :mthi)iK and travellers, until its " TlcUmofaProofReMler. FOVL MURDER tJATH BEEI DONE. I.O- - here'b THEprooI Old Play. Oh,' for the good old times pi typopraphy when operatives in the art could render the an- cients when Caxton translated "Ye Seyge of Troye" from the language of. Greece. Would that, in this latter age, when Champollion has deciphered the hierogliphics of Egypt when the spirit of inquiry is every where abroad some one might be found who could continue to shelter from typical aggression a w riter for the preea! ,, the victim of a proof reader, l he blunders of others, and not my own, have placed me in a state oi feeling akin to purgatory. Ever since I began toe have ior a beard, I have been more or less afflicted with the caeocthe scribendi, and I flatter myself that I have not always been unsuccessful in my writings. But my printed efforts have neither been honorable to my genius nor grateful to my vanity. "On the contrary, they have been quite the reverse." I have had the sweetest poems turned into thrice sudden stupidity; sentences in prose, on which I doated in manuscript have been peru- sed in a deep perspiration, and with a positive loathing, in print. All this has arisen from a conspiracy which seems to have been lormed against uYe by all the typographical geir.letnen of the country. It is "true 1 write what Mrs Malapmp might call an "intelligent hand;" fur, to the pitiful minutes for crossing t's and dot- ting i's, I never could descend- - I have olten given directions to publishers, that if a word is otherwise past fipdingout, they should count, the matks but theplan failed, as have indeed all mv plans for correct habits of thought be- fore the public. If this narrative shall prove to be correctly printed, it will be the first article from my pen that has ever met with such an honor, and I shall be proportionably pleas- ed. Like all other mortals, I am penetrable to the arrows of C npid. My heart is not encased with the epirdemis of a rhinocerous, or the bull hides of Ajux consequently I arn what they call in romances a sus- ceptible person. When I was nineteen, I fell in love and as I found prose too tame a medium, too ataid a drapery for my thoughts, what could 1 do but exp res9 to my fair one my paesion in song? Sh was a beautiful creature "a d. licious arrange- ment of flesh and blood" a country parson's daughter, ith excelhnt tastes and accomplishments. She was fond of poetry and so was I. This cir- cumstance srtit my fancy a wool gathering for trophies, figures, and emblems. Young ladies have a passionate admiration for gtnius, and 1 determin- ed to ehow that I was not deficient in that particu- lar; that I belonged of right to those who merited the saying, llpoeta nastitur nonfit.'' During the epring of 13 , I was at'acked with a perfect in- continence of rhyme. My lady love was always my theme. B'Jt of alt my compositions, none satis- fied me save the following, which I produced with great time, labor, and studious care. I think poor- ly enough of it now. Mr Neal would call it twat-tl- e, and eodo I. TO EMILY B . "Dear girl! an angel sure thou art, The muse of every spell What Brings one transport to my heart, And bids my bosom swell. "And oh, carnation on thy cheek Its richest lustre lends : SO Bags Rio, 25 Bags Cuba, '20 Bags Laguira, f'-- W' 10 B3gs Old Java, J 10 Hhds. Sugar, 10 Hhds. Molasses, 5 Barrels of Sliail. For Sale by GEO. McKEILL: November . 1S39. S7-- tf AVE now on hand, and for Sale at very Re- duced Prices, Terms-p- cr Session ot twenty-tw- o weeks. ENGLISH, including Orthography, Histo- ry, Geography, Grammar, Arithmetic, and Writing, - - - - $ 3 00 Natural Philosophy, Botany, Geometry, Al- - gebra,Chemistry,Astronoiny,Composilionf 16 00 EXECUTOR'S SALE. to a provision of the last Will and PURSUANT of James Watkins, dee'd.. the undersigned will expose to public sale on the pre- mise?, about six or seven miles north of Wadosbo-rough- , i" the county of Anson, N. C, on Wednes-dayth- e 21st October next, all that valuable tract of land, on which the dee'd. formerly resided, contain- ing upwards of one thousand acres, with a lare plantation in tolerable repair, well adapted to the raisins of cotton, corn, wheat, oats, peas and pota- toes ; with a large, new, and well constructed dwillinr, and all necessary out buildings on it, al 10 00 3 Carriages, 4 Barouches, 3 very light four wheel Buggies, 2 Buggy Gigs, 4 Sulkeys on a new plan, 8 Spring Wagons, three very 10 00 25 00 25 On 3 00 FALL & WINTER GOODS. r rencn iDnuage, ... Drawing and Painting Music on Piano Forte, -- " Guitar, Use of Instrument, - ... FANCY WORK, including the art of mak- ing Was Finit and Flowers, Shell Work, Embroidery, each per course, - Incidental Expenses, - beauty has become universally known and ap- preciated. It is desirable that attention should he directed to our own resources of the pictur- esque in natural scenery, ami when this is done, tourists will speedily our own afld Northern rentier our beautiful views as immortal as our language. The South is charged with general indiffer- ence to the progress of Literature and the Fine Arts; and probably the strongest foundation for the charge is found in her inaction in enter- prises calculated to Ibster these objects. The publication of ihe proposed work will, it is be- lieved, be an effective blow at this foundation, and a step towards the establishment of our literary reputation, to which end much honora- ble effort is now directed. A third consideration, and the last which will now be urged, is the intrinsic value of such a publication as "Georgia Illustrated." It will embody the representations ol the be-ui- t iiisl and sublime in our Slate scenery, at.o afiord all, at a trilling expenee, exact pictures oi our moun- tains, vallics, cataracts, public buildings &. ., 1vlnV.l1 lliev mav or may not otherwise behold, lio- - ht, c Subscriber has iust received his FALL THE WINTER GOODS, consisting of & large and ceneral assortment of 4 Chain, do. 10 00 50 -- DTJT GOOES. Groceries and Cuttlery Crokery-War- e, Hats, Shoes, Bon- - School will commence on the second Monday (12th) of Oct. ber, at Mrs. BROWiS'S, (known as the Mumfftrd House) Gillespie street. Mrs Brow.n, with whom the teachers will reside, can accommodate young ladies with comfortable board, at S10 per month. so, will he sold, a great many valuable articles of household and kitchen furniture, farming utensils and plantation tools, together with some cattle, hos and sheep. A credit until 1st January 1842 will be given. Bond, with two cr more unquestionable se- curities will be required of purchasers. Wm. A. MORRIS, Executor. September 18th, 13 10. 83-- 3: Tho Favettevil'e Observer will copy twipp, and forward his account to mo at Dinmond Hill, Anson co. N. C. V. A. M Plantation FOR SALE. Lets, &c. &c. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine their work, as I hey feel confident, they can make their work as well, and sell it as low as it can be had from any legular Northern Establish- ment. All work made and sold by thorn is warranted 12 months, and w ill he repaired without charge, if tliev fad by had workmanship or materials. Repairing neatly executed at short notice, and on reasonable terms. Orders thankfully received, and promptly attend- ed to. Fayetteville, August 1, 1S-10- . 56-- tf. Which he will sell at the LOWEST PRICES for CASH, oron time to pui-ctun- l customers, at his old Stand, fcouth r.ast corner ot Aiailtet square. PETER P. JOHNSON. November 23, 1839. 23-- tf but which", in either case, would afford peculiar pleasure. The proposed work will be executed in n EXECUTORS' SALE. The subscribers having been appointed Execu- tors to the last will and testament of STEPHEN HOLLLNCS WORTH, deceased, late of Bladen county, wil, by virtue of authority vi sted in tin m under said Will, expose lor tali at the lute residence of said il ceased, in said county, all the perishable estate of said deceased, consisting of horses, imihs, cattle, sheep, &c, &c, o:i a credit of fix months. Purchasers will be required to give bond and ii, l. ciir prlur ! :itiv Kirni ar tiete.ral work til il re execuieu nu T I lie i try. ue piates wi ENTERTAINMENT, CIIEAPKU TITAN EVER. NEW ARRANGEMENT. .3t appeal to the true Democracy. steel, hv eminent engravers lrm original dra w- ings, made expressly for lite purpose, by Mr T T IJE SUBSCRIBED has a wis-- to move to the West, and ofl;jrs fur s.ilc his plantation where HE SUKSJltliiri.K,naving neen satistactorw engaged for more than three years in atteudiii: Addison Kiehanls, "I" Augusta. 1 he engravings will be accompanied with letter-pres- s deseup- - approved security, b tore any ot t lie property wil On the first of August next, a nw saiies of the political Reformer will he comim need. It will be he di livered. The sale will take place on the 20th to a Bearding Home, tions, preparetl !or the work, ami in this de iv.rini.,1 ila -- .! secure, as lar as possi- - torwnriled to subscribers in all parts of the Union, weekly, at the unpreeedinted low price ot" tw nty- - I of nur best aay oi October, jss-iu- . GEO. T. R A R K S DALE, ROBT. MEL VI N, Executors. So ts Feels encouraged o say to - the public, that iw HOUSE and STABLES are well furnished for tin reception and accommodation of those who may bi .vr'ro It. nn nniflS Will be snared to hve c ins, each, until tne I ri s uenlial e.ecuon live copies f r one do lar w cuty-ll- m e topics for F.ftv copies fWr Si- - Tho very extensive circu!aTion which the Reformer has already rcc ivfd, enables moke the work a perfect gem of its kind, to the pleased to call. f.ndthrit n mnv meet n welcome recent ion not SPUING VALE ACADEMY, Sampson county-- , Km C. the nronrie'or to put it at tr.js unur-u.'.t.- cheap rate only at home but also abroad. Conditions. "Georgia Illustrated," wlli be Located (equi-distan- t) 7 miles from Clinton and issued in monthly parts, in the riuarto firm, a! It will continue, as hcretorore, to advocate t!i pure principle of Jefferson ian D. inocrac-y- , adhering to the o'd republican landmarks of our political f.ii'.h, wilh undeviatinjr fidelity. No eff rts will b- - spared in All the STAGES arrive at, and depart froia ir.y ft 5 nor annum in advance, or at 50 cents for arsaw. .Wale ami Jfrmate Jteyntrtmentg. each imrt. navable n delivery. House, where seats are secured, and no exertioaa spared to "ive ceneral satisfaction to passensers. end avoring to disabuse the public mind of the mon- strous perversions of our political opponei ts, and in WE have the pleasure to announce to the public, that the exercises ot this Institution commenced nn Each part will contain two highly finished emrra vino-- s of Georgia Scenery, accompanied My residence is on the corner of Gillespie street, the lot formerly occupied by Mrs. Barge, convenient And thy blue eyes fotever speak A welcome to thy friends. 'Alas! if fate should bid us part. Life would be nought with me ; A load would rest upon my heart, Without a smile lrom thee. 'Where shall I meet a leaf so lair In nature's open page? With thee the beauteous flower compare, Monday the 5th inst., under the superintendence of prror.tinr to tne u n i'i risea judgment i an inieui with letter-pres- s desci iptions and historical facis, he now resides, hin? between the wa'ers of Car- ver's and AlcPhcrSiin's Crei-ks- about 7j mill's noitli of Fayetteville. There is about 75 acrns of clean d land, and all under a 2ood fonee, and about 4 or 5iJ aeres of the same newly clear d, and in gond fix to produce wi ll. There are on the place, a lar;e ilwel-liTi- g house, kitchen, and all o'her necessary and con- vent' nt out Any person vihin:r to buy a healthy and coni"rt3b'e ttirm, may come anil exam- ine for themselves. Thei" is also a cre k running through 'he land with water sulficient to saw thro' the winter and Spring. GARDNER JARROTT. Fayetteville, Oct. 1, 1S4U. 84-t- f Scliool for YOUNG LADIES. MISSES JANE and JESSIE B. SIMPSON, open a School for Young Ladies, in Fayetteville, on the second Monday in October. Per Session, consIsiTi''iveiirj.LMu nuniu. Elementary Department S3 First Class 1C French Language JO Drawing and Painting 10 Music 23 Use of Piano 3 Contingent Expenses 50 cts. irent iieoi'le, t:io?e savins truths which alone can printed on large and beautiful type on the finest continue us in our upward and onward career of to the market, and. near tne State liank. Mrs. E. SMITH. Favetteville, August -- 24, 1839. 26-- tf mi uu mis mc icijjj, wnose quaiiiic itions to manage such a Seminary, we have had a fair oppor- tunity of testing, as they have both tausrht for us paper, the whole cuvelopeu in a neatly printed cover. nati nal glory. The Reformer will stead.Iy and zealously advo IcjpThe Rareieh Jlejrister, Wilminnlon Adver since last winter, and given general satislaction to Anv individual who will obtain and forward tiser, ChePaw Gazette and Salisbury Watchman,! all connected with the school. Mrs McNeill, (for I - . r . i , . . . .. . cate the of ftlaitin Van Buren to the Presidnncv, and as zealously oppose the pretensions will insert the above 3 months, and forward their ac--l And e'en my grief assuage ? ibs uisseii,; orougni wun ntr, lrom her of the imbecile, superannuated old man. who has native Stio V,.rl.- - i.i,-- w;mn,-.,,'rr- f V six advanced" subscriptions, shall be entitled to a copy of the work. Clubs may receive twelve Critics r.rrr00 n either case btate, and a graduate of our own Cniversilv. II been put in nonllSJLy-f--14tJij"l- i ifnce, by th discharged the duties or Tutor in the same for a counts to this othce. JJist Received. StkS Hhds. prime retailing Molasses price at w hich it is proposed to be published, wi Communications and subscriptions must be toessioD, and is well qualified for the instruction of And let its numbers be Sweet monitors, that day by day, Shall bid thee think of me ! "This nroduction I sent to the village newspaper. enable all those whose means are limited to become addressed, POST PAID, to the editor, Wm. youth, who, wish to prepare for College, (this beins patrons ot the paper. Our democratic friends arc C. Richards, Penfield Georgia. 20 Bbls. Mackerel, now landins-- and for earnestly requested to use their exertions in procur one of tho primary objects of the school,) and, also, to fit young men for the business of teaching. sale by Ueo. aicAtlLU ing subscribers, which they will please hand to their I waited a long week to see it appear. Finally, the imoortant Wednesday arrived. I hastened to the fX3Thc first part, containing an engraved title page and vignette, with two views, and fetrict attention will be paid to the morals of the nu ALSO pils. Board can be had convenient to the school at office but the affair was not published. I glanced rosimasier, wur. tne request that he should iorward them to Washington city, o Portsmouth, Va., to Qh Firkins Superior Grayson BUTTEK, v700 lbs. BUCK WHEAT FLOUR. letter-pres- s descriptions, will be issued on the first of November, 1810, and subscriptions 5jt per month. This Institution is situated in a with a hurried eye over the damp sheet, and Ibund a fayetteville, September 2, IS 10. 80-- tf healthy resion ofcountry. i neopniius e editor and proprietor. July, 1840. should be forwarded prior to that time. G. McN. 42 if. The Academic year is divided into two Sessions Dec. 14, 1839 Editors who publish anil call attention LIST OP LETTERS, to Ibis prospectus, by forwarding a copv o BARRELS N. O. MOLASSES a eo FISH! their paper to the editor, will be entitled to the Splendid article. REMAINING in the Post Office at Fayetteville, on tne isi NjioDer ioiu. work. September 6, 1S40. SO-- y For sale bv . March 23, 1S40. geo. McNeill. 5S-t- f. oi hvc montb.3 each. TER.MS. PER SESSIOJV. Male Department. Spelling, Reading, Writing, Oral Aiithme- - tic, and Parley's Geography, Written Arithmetic, Geography and English Grammar, Latin and Greek Languages, Philosophy, Algebra and the Higher Branches of $8 00 Boxes Smoked HERRINGS, tlyoo lbs. DRY COD. for sak by GEO. Mc-NEIL- Sept. 14, 1840. 55 tf. CROCKERY. DOZEN TEAS, 350 doz. Plates, 10 00 12 00 Female Department. NEW GOODS. THE Subscriber has received his Fall and Win supply of Goods, embracing agencral as ortment of Miss Mary Carrol Lewis Cannon Williant E. Carver Allen J. Cameron E. G. Crump D Duncan Dove F Faircloth, Arthur G Grice, James Ciillis, Ce.l. It. Geddie, John Gibhs, Mis3 Sophia M. Godwin, Jonathan Godwin, Henry c Gipson, Miss Joanna JamesB. Anderson F. C. Armstrong Matthew Autery B William F. Brown D. Baker Miss Eliza J. Bebeo Henry A. Bizzcll Mrs. Bubara Buie Henry Bizzcll l Buttler Calvin Bass John Ballaad Doct. It. N. Blake C John Cowper, Jr J ust received and for salo by ' PETER April 20, 1S39. JOHNSON. a-- tf First Class, including the Common English branches, Second Class, including the above and needle work. embroid;rv. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Bladen County. J Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Jlugusl Term, 1840. George T. Barksdale and John A. Russ, vf. John Alexander Campbell. Original Attachment.' Levied on sundry notes in the hands of Jas. Childs. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Jno.A. Campbell, the Defendant in this case is not an inhabitant of this State. It is therefore ordered, that publication be made in tho North Carolinian for six weeks, notifying said Defendant to appear at the next Term of said Com t, at the Court House in E'izabethtown.on the 1st Monday in Nov. next, and plead, answer of replevy to said at 16 00 8 00 12 50 Third class, including the above, and Natur Shoes and Boots, Hats and Caps, Hard Ware and al nuosopny, Unemistry, History, Botany and Cfimransitinn utiery, irocKery and Ulass V are, Wines and Fourth Class, including tht aUiwa arA A! liquors, L.rocenes ot alt kinds, Patent Medicines, Paints and Dye Stufls. Hatters materials. &c. &c John M. Carver The Stock is very heavy, Merchants are invited to H M eeora, Geometry, Intellectual Philosophy, Geography of the Heavens, Moral Science Rhetoric, Logic and French, also Draw-in- s. Paintin." and Or!ntn1 Tlntinf, i c no can ana examine tor themselves. South Carolina Harris, Charles Meshaw, James monty trill be taken at par if utid when the Henderson,Mrs EiizabethMillar, James TCgLANK WARRANTS, Deeds, (common) Sheriff's Deeds, Constables Ca. Sa. Bonds, Do Delivery do Appeal Bonds, ' Equity Subpoenas, Superior Court Fi. Fa. County Court Sci. Fa, to re- vive judgment. County Court SuhprEhas, Superior Court Warrants, Bonds for Col'rd. Apprentices. For sale at this Office. tachment, otherwise Judgment will be rendered Music on Piano Forte accompanied with the Housten, Owen Minis, Samuel tiiooas are ootigtl, G. B. ATKINS, Oct. 26 183!). 35tf. Font Jluy-JUo- unt against him. Witness, David Lewis. Clerk of said Court, at Hooev, John J. Harper, Jerome B. TWitB 20 00 TRUSTEES. October 6th, 1S40. 86-- 4t The Observer will nlono ;. tw -- I office in Elizabethtown, the first Monday in August, Anno Domini 1810, and Clth of American Indenen- - Hawley, lsau WAGONS, MULES, and. HOR Hollingsworth, Col. S. SES For Sale. . ..... J' ' v.. u . MJW UUU. V lour insertions. ue"--e- . UJX.IIJ lW is, Ulerk. Sejt. 26, 1S40. a 84-6- t Hammonds, Albert Holder, George V. g First rate Mules, 6 years old, capable of ' periormmjr nam service, ana of quick ac tion, wun a first rate timber U aovin and trear, FOR SALE. A PAIR of Good Carriage Horses, very gentle, and well broke to harness. SCHOOL. THE SUBSCRIBER, at the- - sussestion of friends, an2 in accordance wTth l, 3I1LL STONES. lor 50(1 dollars. 4 ffood artm Horses, Tim notice at last, commencing with tnree ttars turned up and down. It read thus: "The tribute to Emily by J. S. is unavoidably postponed until our next, by a press ot advertise- ments, for which we are thankful since we do that kind of business, as likewise all sorts of job work, on the most reasonable terms, blanks, cards, hand- bills, and other legal documents, being executed by us at the shortest notice. Not to digress, however, we would say to J. S. let him cultivate his talents ; he has tremendous powers, but he writes a bad hand. He should make his penmanship like his poetry perfect." "I had the curiosity to look into the advertising columns to see what envious things of traffic had displaced my Iin s. There were but three adver- tisements, a sheriff's sale, a stray cow, and a wife eloped from bed and board. I read the sheriffs notice with that deep interest which these documents usually excite. It discoursed of lands, messuages, and tenements, designated by a line beginning at tho north west corner of Mr Jenkins' cow housa running thence, north, seventy-fiv- e chains, fourteen links ; thence, east, twenty-nin- e chains, eleven links, to a stake and 6tones ; and so on to the end of t!;e chapter- - "Yet the notice filled me with exceeding great delight. I sent it to Emily : I told her that J. S. was myself, but begged her not to mention it to a third person. She kept her secret as women usually do ; in three days it was all over town that I had a piece, that I had made out of my head, coming forth la the next week's newspaper, addressed to Emily BrinkenhofT". "Never did seven days roll more slowly round than the week's interval which followed the forego- ing notice, in the publication of the 'Elucidator of Freedom, and the Tocsin of the People. When it did finally come out, I sent Emily an affectionate n.jte, with a copy of the paper, assuring her that the poem contained mv Teal sentiments. I determined not to read it myself until I visited her in the even- ing. By great self denial I kept my resolve, and when the young moon arose, bent my steps towards the mansion of my mistress. "She received me coldly. I was surprised and abashed. 'What is the matter, Em?' I tenderly inquired ; 'did you get my billetdoux and the verses to-da- y 7' Yes they came sare. WeII, how did you like them? The note was kind and good, but the verses were foolish, ridiculous nonsense.' J was thunderstruck. I asked to see the paper. Emily rose and handed it to me; and, sitting down by the vine clad window, patted ber little toot an- grily os the floor. ' - " I opened the Elucidator and Tocsin, and read my poem. - Solomon of Jerusalem! what inhuman butchery ! diotcy! But I will give the effusion as it was printed, 'and shame the devil? TO EMILY B- - . "Dear girl ! an angel sour thou art, V The mule of every spe II ; 'That brayes o'er trumpets to my heart, And bid my bosom swell. "And oh i darnation o'er thy cheek " ' Its rudest blister bends : And thv blear eyes for ever apeak A welcome to thy friends. ' - "Alas t if late should bind us fast, - Xife would be rough with me : Johnson, A. Jackson, Travis, Johnson, Samuel Jones, Mrs Mary Jones, Nathan THE Subscriber naving recently opened a new of suoerior srit. is nrenared to furnish Mason, Foster Noore, William Morris, Joseph Morrell, C. J. Mitchell, G. H. Murphy, W. D. - O Ochiltree, Mrs Eliza Ann P Pookum, David Plummer, Zachariah Penney, Philip Perry, Edward R Rhodes, Thomas Ri ves, Robt. E. Revels, Mrs Patty Rouse, John S Sterling, James Springs, Mrs Mary Slocuin, Stephen H. pressed by others, intends to open a SO HOOr. in Also ber Wagon and (rear, for $350, and a heavy road Wajron, for $75--ve- ry strong. Also, 100,000 Morus Multicaulis or New' Chinese Mulberry Trees for sale, deliverable next fall at any number of Stones, either at the anarrv or at the this twn, for instruction in the common branches of ENGLISH EDUCATION, and thn PR KiVrH A GOOD Baroucha with Harness complete. Ap-p!j?- to H. ERAMBERT. Green St. K -- z cents per loot lor the root and main slem, Fayetteville, Oct. 13, 1840. 86-- 5t King, Mrs. F. E. LANGUAGE, to commence on Alonday, the 28th September. It is also his intention to onen nn vn;n- - ri store of C. J. Orrcll, Fayetteville. The quality ot the Jtfoore county Stones is so well known as not to need description, and the Subscriber will wa- rrant all stones sold by him. If they should not prove to be good, another pair will be furnished without charge. The price is lower than wai iiiiut-- u genuine, ana in rood order lor plan tinp;. Address at Fayelieville, N. C. JONATHAN EVANS, Jr. May 16,1840. 64 tf. NOTICE ia herehv rivn that D ...:n Dnnk' irrPDUirn r....i ' . . lv'lna Lumsden, Sr. William .... un accomodation of such as mav be engaged in business mirsmta Hnnn ii,. j... be presented to the Legislature of North Carolina, at its next for the Session, erection of a new county, to be COmDOSed of narta nf Hiin,li.,l,.J Al Mc Persons wishing to purchase, can apply in per and who may wish to improve themselves in those McRae, Roderick Chatham and Wake counties, to be called Blakelt! A NEW SCHOOL. son, or by lotter addressed to Carthage, Jioorc county, N.C. with description of the size wanted. JVlcLennon, Wm. A. otewart, Alexander exercises. ROBERT P. THOMSON. Fayetteville, Sept. 12, 1840. 8l-4- t. McKin, Rev. J. S. M.M.Smith, Mrs Margaret JUfcllN EsTiSYv ART, Agent for Petitioners. October 10, 1840. 86-- 3t ON Monday the 5th of October, the subscriber will open in this town, a school for bovs . t. : i i . . ,. . . J ? ivicL.earin, Mrs Mary Smith, Stephen JT . IT McKinnon. John Moore t- - unty, April 20, 1S39. 8 tf- - PI am FORTES.""" McDougald, William G-31- T. "frOLPSo Fayetteville Oct. 1840. NOTICE is herebv iven )it nnlinn f iAn will McLean, Miss Ann Flat Branch, t be made to the next Legislature, for a charter to the Cross Creek Manufacturing Company, bv A GOOD assortment of Piano Fortes may eo 1 qu,r found for sale at the Female Sun omiin, vvi nam Smith, Malcolm W. Starling, John Smith, Thomas Sellars, James Stills, Elizabeth Strickland, Jacob T Thompson, James A. Tayler, Samuel, Tailer Thompson, Archibald w nary. li.n e of the PRINCIPALS of the ShM- - BENBOW, & Co. " 84 7t. wiieic mc vuiiuus orancncsoi cnnnsn and Olassieal studies will be taurht. The charge for Tuition will be S10 25, per term, for all engaged in Classi- cal studies and the higher branches of English, or $11 per annum. For the ordinary branches of En- glish studies the charge will be $3 25 per term, tuition in all cases to be paid in advance, and no student received for less than a term. The year will commence on the 5th of October, and close early in August, with no intervening vacation ex- cept an occasional recess ot a few days. No deduc- tion will be made for absence unless by special agreement Having taken a commodious hmioo liN ARY , or of Coi.. S. T.HAW'LEY. McKethan, John McDonald, Daniel McLeod, William McLean, Archibald McLean, Murdoch McMillan, D. L. McDougald, Dougald McSwain, Miss Isabella FayettevilIe;Nov. 30 1S39. 40 tf- - This tlwrough-bre- d V.rginia Horse, colt of old will not be n.n.o.l ev.ii c Loco Foco Timlicr and Lumber Asency- - FRICTION MATCHES. nrceTort3nif27l5,ab!e' l 7 50 cents. No extra charge w.ll be made for mares, or persons sent wilh them, for one day at each t!m ,. m. McMillan, Weorel, Washington Angus I Robeson conntv. f Rlfh GROSS, HOLMES' Improved Fric- - DJr linn Mniehp iust raooi.mrl 1 r... Til E subscriber will attend to the sate of LUMBER, &c. in the Town of Wilmington, jVorth Carolina, for all persons who may favor him with theircommission. He plec'gt' himself to procure forthem at all times thehighe5' rricesfor such articles as they may trust to h's management. He isi n no way connected with the SleamMills. or their Arreut: and wil l?ive the best the subscriber will accommodate a number of board- ers at $140 per annum, including lodcrinff, room fuel and lights. - r . SIMEON COLTON ' McLcran, John W. MeLeod. John . , j . ivwi.cui ci I :ij 11 j i sale by the Gross or Dozen, a superior article, and M..nBI T Pfl . Tl rw I.TI, W llhams, Andrew Wooten, Mrs Elizabeth Williams, Adam, Wright, Hiram Wood, L. Williams, Robert owner will not be liable for escapes or accidents, and every necessary attention will be paid eul H,S PUre b,0d at such moderate terms ought to encouraged He is here by accident and not for speculation. His owner ill fl ti,.fc. McMillan, Charles McMillan, John Fayetteville, August 13, 1840. 76-t- f Fayetteville Observer and Wil A constant sunnlv of th hnv bent nn Camp, J will be sold low, to sell again. ful to those disposed to encmim. seourityfor the faithlu Jdischar'ge ol hisdutie5 Aertiser will please copy four weeks. r ayettevuie, September 5, 1S40 ; . 80-t- f 11U - JOHN McRAE, P. M. Fayettevle, October 1st, 1840. 84-- 3t JNO. W. POWELL. Leesvill, Robeson Co., N. C. 12th Sept. 1840.-4- 1 BLANK CHECKS jbr sale at this OFFICE Wilmington, N. C. Feb. 83, 1839. l'tf

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Page 1: The North-Carolinian. (Fayetteville, N.C.) 1840-10-24 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 17. · trophies, figures, and emblems. Young ladies have a passionate admiration for gtnius, and 1 determin-ed

THE NOHtTM -Dress the Grave of tliy Friend NEW GOODS.MISS BINGHAMA load would rush tipon my heart,Miscellaneous. WE have received and opened our FALL ani

WINTER GOODS, which comprisedlarge and extensive assortment ofFrom tht Quebec Mercury. -

LP.T &OODS,Hardware and Cuttlery,

TOGLnkL resuris her School on Monday,the 5th Octfcer. Sbe will teach a l the En-

glish branches of Education, which nro taught inany of the FEMA ,B SEMINARIES, in Fay-etteville. Also, rawing, Painting and FancyNeedle-wor- k. M-- ic and French, will be taughtby an accomplihei French lady, who speaks thebest pronunciation -- the Court language of France.

She has also enj iged an experienced teacher inLatin. -

September 10, lajO B2-- 6t

Georgi IllustratedirROSPF.CTU ol a new work to be enti- -

Boots and Shoes, Fur and Wool Hats, Fur and SealCaps, Cotton and Wool Cards, Tuscan and nlain

TO MY FRIENDSAnd the Public Generally. :

Subscriber has taken the Store on HoyTHE next door to Mr E. Fuller, recent--

occupied by D. B. Robinson, & Co., aud he will beglad to see his former friends and cuatomcis whenihe come to town. He has received by the last ar-

rivals a full supj ly of


Sugar and Coffee,Alum and Liverpool Salt,Hats aud Shoes,Nails and Trace Chains,Hardware and Cutlery,Stuple Dry Goods,Crockery, &c. &c. &c.

The above articles will be sold Low for C ASH,or exchanged for country produce. C. CAISON.

Fayetteville, Oct. 10, 1840. 85-3t- pd

oirdw uuiiucio, luixi .nu , v rapping 1

per, Drugs and Patent Medicines.

AlsoIjk .' " in a series of

H A Hhds- - prto llico Sugar,JLV 80 Bags Rio Coffee,30 Boxes Raisins.

Without a smile lrom thee. "

"Where could I meet a lamp so fair'In Nature's open passage

With thee the barbarous flower compareAnd own my grief assuage?

"Forgive my bore, this nasty lay,And let its numbers he

Sweet monitors that daily dry,Shall bid thee think of me! J. S.

"Wh!ii I had read over this diabolical masa ofstuff. I flew into an uncontro'labln rage. In theblindness of mv chagrin, I depreciated the judge-ment of Miss Emily; I thought very person couldsee the errors and 4'tect them as readily as I did;and I said to my young friend that she must havebeen very stupid or inattentive, not to see how thepoem ought to read. This roused in her bosom 'allthe blood of the BrinkenhoffH.' She handed me myhat and pointed significantly to the door. I wentout at the opertare thus indicated, and have neverdarkened it Bince. Emily now is the Connecticutschool master, wha blows the pitchpipe and leadsthe choir on Sunday in her father's church.

'This was my first passion and my last, exceptthat into which I have, been roused every time Ihave sent a piece to be published. Yet I still loveto console my dreary bachelorship by writing andseeing my thoughts in print; but I despair of everseeing them rightly uttered. Fate, in that regardis against me, and probably always will be.




original pieties on teel; w ith letter-pre- ss de-

scriptions.The plan of publis "ing in successive numbers,

pictorial works, illusjrative of the scenery olcountries, has lonj? fcen a popular one in Eu-

rope, and is rapidly gaining lavor in our owncountry.

Thf ruonosition ti issue such a work, devot Liberty Point Fayetteville, opposite THEROWAN STREET.

Loafand Lump Sugar,Collins' and King's Axes,5 hhds. Crockery,

75 Kegs Nails,50 Sides of Sole Leather,

"Which are offered at very low prices for CASH, o1on time lor approved paper.

NOTT & STARR. .November 23, 1839. 39-- tf


he Subscriberwill open hiaSchool for the receped in the scenery oj Georgia, although novel,will undoubtedly fiijil universal favor, and be

regarded as it is by he editor, a plan at oncefelicitous and feasible." There is much scenery

tion of Young Men and Boys, on Inursday the

JACKSON HOTEL.May 4. 10 (y)

Gardner and McKetlian,CARRIAGE MAKERS.

in mil- - Si:it. is riot sumasssed in beauty andsublimity, by that of any other State in theUnion. The upper counties, abound in scents,which need only to lu known, to command the

the 1st. Day ol October next.Each Term consists of eleven weeks, and four

Terms in the year.Tuition in common English studies," per Term, $3

do Classical do S

nd a caarge of 25 cents for incidental expenses.E. TRIPP.

September 19,1810. 82-2- t.

admiration o all who love the beauties oi naluif. Mneh nfihp scenerv of the North, is in pSLIcrior to our own, but is yet visited by thousandssimply because it has been written, sung and"li.iniyp.l " hi :mthi)iK and travellers, until its


here'b THEprooI Old Play.Oh,' for the good old times pi typopraphy

when operatives in the art could render the an-

cients when Caxton translated "Ye Seyge ofTroye" from the language of. Greece. Wouldthat, in this latter age, when Champollion hasdeciphered the hierogliphics of Egypt whenthe spirit of inquiry is every where abroadsome one might be found who could continue toshelter from typical aggression a w riter for thepreea! ,,

the victim of a proof reader, l heblunders of others, and not my own, have placedme in a state oi feeling akin to purgatory.Ever since I began toe have ior a beard, I havebeen more or less afflicted with the caeocthescribendi, and I flatter myself that I have not

always been unsuccessful in my writings. But

my printed efforts have neither been honorableto my genius nor grateful to my vanity. "Onthe contrary, they have been quite the reverse."I have had the sweetest poems turned intothrice sudden stupidity; sentences in prose, onwhich I doated in manuscript have been peru-sed in a deep perspiration, and with a positiveloathing, in print. All this has arisen from a

conspiracy which seems to have been lormedagainst uYe by all the typographical geir.letnenof the country. It is "true 1 write what MrsMalapmp might call an "intelligent hand;" fur,to the pitiful minutes for crossing t's and dot-

ting i's, I never could descend- - I have oltengiven directions to publishers, that if a word is

otherwise past fipdingout, they should count,the matks but theplan failed, as have indeedall mv plans for correct habits of thought be-

fore the public. If this narrative shall proveto be correctly printed, it will be the first articlefrom my pen that has ever met with such anhonor, and I shall be proportionably pleas-ed.

Like all other mortals, I am penetrable to thearrows of C npid. My heart is not encased with theepirdemis of a rhinocerous, or the bull hides of Ajuxconsequently I arn what they call in romances a sus-

ceptible person. When I was nineteen, I fell inlove and as I found prose too tame a medium,too ataid a drapery for my thoughts, what could 1

do but exp res9 to my fair one my paesion in song?Sh was a beautiful creature "a d. licious arrange-ment of flesh and blood" a country parson'sdaughter, ith excelhnt tastes and accomplishments.She was fond of poetry and so was I. This cir-cumstance srtit my fancy a wool gathering for

trophies, figures, and emblems. Young ladies havea passionate admiration for gtnius, and 1 determin-ed to ehow that I was not deficient in that particu-lar; that I belonged of right to those who meritedthe saying, llpoeta nastitur nonfit.'' During theepring of 13 , I was at'acked with a perfect in-

continence of rhyme. My lady love was alwaysmy theme. B'Jt of alt my compositions, none satis-fied me save the following, which I produced withgreat time, labor, and studious care. I think poor-ly enough of it now. Mr Neal would call it twat-tl- e,

and eodo I.


"Dear girl! an angel sure thou art,The muse of every spell

What Brings one transport to my heart,And bids my bosom swell.

"And oh, carnation on thy cheekIts richest lustre lends :

SO Bags Rio,25 Bags Cuba,'20 Bags Laguira, f'--W'

10 B3gs Old Java, J10 Hhds. Sugar,10 Hhds. Molasses,5 Barrels of Sliail.

For Sale by GEO. McKEILL:November . 1S39. S7-- tf

AVE now on hand, and for Sale at very Re-duced Prices,

Terms-p- cr Session ot twenty-tw- o weeks.ENGLISH, including Orthography, Histo-

ry, Geography, Grammar, Arithmetic, andWriting, - - - - $ 3 00

Natural Philosophy, Botany, Geometry, Al- -

gebra,Chemistry,Astronoiny,Composilionf 16 00

EXECUTOR'S a provision of the last Will andPURSUANT of James Watkins, dee'd.. the

undersigned will expose to public sale on the pre-

mise?, about six or seven miles north of Wadosbo-rough- ,

i" the county of Anson, N. C, on Wednes-dayth- e

21st October next, all that valuable tract ofland, on which the dee'd. formerly resided, contain-

ing upwards of one thousand acres, with a lareplantation in tolerable repair, well adapted to theraisins of cotton, corn, wheat, oats, peas and pota-toes ; with a large, new, and well constructeddwillinr, and all necessary out buildings on it, al

10 00

3 Carriages, 4 Barouches,3 very light four wheel Buggies,2 Buggy Gigs,4 Sulkeys on a new plan,8 Spring Wagons, three very

10 0025 0025 On



r rencn iDnuage, ...Drawing and PaintingMusic on Piano Forte, --

" Guitar,Use of Instrument, - ...FANCY WORK, including the art of mak-

ing Was Finit and Flowers, Shell Work,Embroidery, each per course, -

Incidental Expenses, -

beauty has become universally known and ap-

preciated. It is desirable that attention shouldhe directed to our own resources of the pictur-esque in natural scenery, ami when this is done,

tourists will speedilyour own afld Northernrentier our beautiful views as immortal as ourlanguage.

The South is charged with general indiffer-ence to the progress of Literature and the FineArts; and probably the strongest foundationfor the charge is found in her inaction in enter-

prises calculated to Ibster these objects. Thepublication of ihe proposed work will, it is be-

lieved, be an effective blow at this foundation,and a step towards the establishment of ourliterary reputation, to which end much honora-ble effort is now directed.

A third consideration, and the last which will

now be urged, is the intrinsic value of such a

publication as "Georgia Illustrated." It will

embody the representations ol the be-ui- t iiisl andsublime in our Slate scenery, at.o afiord all, ata trilling expenee, exact pictures oi our moun-

tains, vallics, cataracts, public buildings &. .,1vlnV.l1 lliev mav or may not otherwise behold,

lio--ht,cSubscriber has iust received his FALLTHE WINTER GOODS, consisting of &

large and ceneral assortment of4 Chain, do.10 0050 --DTJT GOOES.

Groceries and CuttleryCrokery-War- e, Hats, Shoes, Bon- -

School will commence on the second Monday(12th) of Oct. ber, at Mrs. BROWiS'S, (known asthe Mumfftrd House) Gillespie street.

Mrs Brow.n, with whom the teachers will reside,can accommodate young ladies with comfortableboard, at S10 per month.

so, will he sold, a great many valuable articles ofhousehold and kitchen furniture, farming utensilsand plantation tools, together with some cattle, hosand sheep. A credit until 1st January 1842 will begiven. Bond, with two cr more unquestionable se-

curities will be required of purchasers.Wm. A. MORRIS, Executor.

September 18th, 13 10. 83-- 3:

Tho Favettevil'e Observer will copy twipp,and forward his account to mo at Dinmond Hill,Anson co. N. C. V. A. M

PlantationFOR SALE.

Lets, &c. &c.

Persons wishing to buy, would do well to calland examine their work, as I hey feel confident, theycan make their work as well, and sell it as low asit can be had from any legular Northern Establish-ment.

All work made and sold by thorn is warranted 12

months, and w ill he repaired without charge, iftliev fad by had workmanship or materials.

Repairing neatly executed at short notice, and onreasonable terms.

Orders thankfully received, and promptly attend-ed to.

Fayetteville, August 1, 1S-10- . 56-- tf.

Which he will sell at the LOWEST PRICES for

CASH, oron time to pui-ctun-l customers, at his

old Stand, fcouth r.ast corner ot Aiailtet square.PETER P. JOHNSON.

November 23, 1839. 23-- tfbut which", in either case, would afford peculiarpleasure.

The proposed work will be executed in n

EXECUTORS' SALE.The subscribers having been appointed Execu-

tors to the last will and testament of STEPHENHOLLLNCS WORTH, deceased, late of Bladencounty, wil, by virtue of authority vi sted in tin munder said Will, expose lor tali at the lute residenceof said il ceased, in said county, all the perishableestate of said deceased, consisting of horses, imihs,cattle, sheep, &c, &c, o:i a credit of fix months.

Purchasers will be required to give bond and

ii, l. ciir prlur ! :itiv Kirni ar tiete.ral work tilil re execuieu nuTI lie i try. ue piates wi


NEW ARRANGEMENT..3t appeal to the true Democracy.

steel, hv eminent engravers lrm original dra w-

ings, made expressly for lite purpose, by Mr T TIJE SUBSCRIBED has a wis-- to move to theWest, and ofl;jrs fur s.ilc his plantation where

HE SUKSJltliiri.K,naving neen satistactorwengaged for more than three years in atteudiii:Addison Kiehanls, "I" Augusta. 1 he engravings

will be accompanied with letter-pres- s deseup- -approved security, b tore any ot t lie property wil On the first of August next, a nw saiies of thepolitical Reformer will he comim need. It will behe di livered. The sale will take place on the 20th to a

Bearding Home,tions, preparetl !or the work, ami in this deiv.rini.,1 ila -- .! secure, as lar as possi- - torwnriled to subscribers in all parts of the Union,

weekly, at the unpreeedinted low price ot" tw nty- -I of nur best

aay oi October, jss-iu- .


Executors.So ts

Feels encouraged o say to - the public, that iw

HOUSE and STABLES are well furnished for tin

reception and accommodation of those who may bi.vr'ro It. nn nniflS Will be snared to hve c ins, each, until tne I ri s uenlial e.ecuon livecopies f r one do lar w cuty-ll- m e topics forF.ftv copies fWr Si- - Tho very extensive circu!aTionwhich the Reformer has already rcc ivfd, enables

moke the work a perfect gem of its kind, to thepleased to call.

f.ndthrit n mnv meet n welcome recent ion notSPUING VALE ACADEMY,Sampson county--, Km C. the nronrie'or to put it at tr.js unur-u.'.t.- cheap rateonly at home but also abroad.

Conditions. "Georgia Illustrated," wlli beLocated (equi-distan- t) 7 miles from Clinton and issued in monthly parts, in the riuarto firm, a!

It will continue, as hcretorore, to advocate t!i pureprinciple of Jefferson ian D. inocrac-y-

, adhering to theo'd republican landmarks of our political f.ii'.h, wilhundeviatinjr fidelity. No eff rts will b- - spared in

All the STAGES arrive at, and depart froia ir.yft 5 nor annum in advance, or at 50 cents forarsaw..Wale ami Jfrmate Jteyntrtmentg. each imrt. navable n delivery. House, where seats are secured, and no exertioaa

spared to "ive ceneral satisfaction to passensers.end avoring to disabuse the public mind of the mon-

strous perversions of our political opponei ts, and inWE have the pleasure to announce to the public,that the exercises ot this Institution commenced nn

Each part will contain two highly finishedemrra vino-- s of Georgia Scenery, accompanied My residence is on the corner of Gillespie street,

the lot formerly occupied by Mrs. Barge, convenient

And thy blue eyes fotever speakA welcome to thy friends.

'Alas! if fate should bid us part.Life would be nought with me ;

A load would rest upon my heart,Without a smile lrom thee.

'Where shall I meet a leaf so lairIn nature's open page?

With thee the beauteous flower compare,

Monday the 5th inst., under the superintendence of prror.tinr to tne u n i'i risea judgment i an inieuiwith letter-pres-s desci iptions and historical facis,

he now resides, hin? between the wa'ers of Car-ver's and AlcPhcrSiin's Crei-ks- about 7j mill's noitliof Fayetteville. There is about 75 acrns of clean dland, and all under a 2ood fonee, and about 4 or 5iJ

aeres of the same newly clear d, and in gond fix to

produce wi ll. There are on the place, a lar;e ilwel-liTi- g

house, kitchen, and all o'her necessary and con-

vent' nt out Any person vihin:r to buy ahealthy and coni"rt3b'e ttirm, may come anil exam-ine for themselves. Thei" is also a cre k runningthrough 'he land with water sulficient to saw thro'the winter and Spring.

GARDNER JARROTT.Fayetteville, Oct. 1, 1S4U. 84-t- f

Scliool forYOUNG LADIES.

MISSES JANE and JESSIE B. SIMPSON,open a School for Young Ladies, in

Fayetteville, on the second Monday in October.Per Session, consIsiTi''iveiirj.LMu nuniu.

Elementary Department S3First Class 1CFrench Language JODrawing and Painting 10Music 23Use of Piano 3Contingent Expenses 50 cts.

irent iieoi'le, t:io?e savins truths which alone canprinted on large and beautiful type on the finest continue us in our upward and onward career of

to the market, and. near tne State liank.Mrs. E. SMITH.

Favetteville, August --24, 1839. 26-- tf

mi uu mis mc icijjj, wnose quaiiiic itions tomanage such a Seminary, we have had a fair oppor-tunity of testing, as they have both tausrht for us paper, the whole cuvelopeu in a neatly printed

cover.nati nal glory.

The Reformer will stead.Iy and zealously advo IcjpThe Rareieh Jlejrister, Wilminnlon Adversince last winter, and given general satislaction toAnv individual who will obtain and forward tiser, ChePaw Gazette and Salisbury Watchman,!all connected with the school. Mrs McNeill, (for

I - . r . i , . . . .. .cate the of ftlaitin Van Buren to thePresidnncv, and as zealously oppose the pretensions will insert the above 3 months, and forward their ac--lAnd e'en my grief assuage ? ibs uisseii,; orougni wun ntr, lrom herof the imbecile, superannuated old man. who hasnative Stio V,.rl.-- i.i,-- w;mn,-.,,'rr-

f Vsix advanced" subscriptions, shall be entitled toa copy of the work. Clubs may receive twelveCritics r.rrr00 n either casebtate, and a graduate of our own Cniversilv. II been put in nonllSJLy-f--14tJij"l- i ifnce, by th

discharged the duties or Tutor in the same for a

counts to this othce.

JJist Received.StkS Hhds. prime retailing Molasses

price at w hich it is proposed to be published, wiCommunications and subscriptions must betoessioD, and is well qualified for the instruction of

And let its numbers beSweet monitors, that day by day,

Shall bid thee think of me !

"This nroduction I sent to the village newspaper.

enable all those whose means are limited to becomeaddressed, POST PAID, to the editor, Wm.youth, who, wish to prepare for College, (this beins patrons ot the paper. Our democratic friends arcC. Richards, Penfield Georgia. 20 Bbls. Mackerel, now landins-- and forearnestly requested to use their exertions in procur

one of tho primary objects of the school,) and, also,to fit young men for the business of teaching. sale by Ueo. aicAtlLUing subscribers, which they will please hand to theirI waited a long week to see it appear. Finally, the

imoortant Wednesday arrived. I hastened to thefX3Thc first part, containing an engraved

title page and vignette, with two views, andfetrict attention will be paid to the morals of the nu ALSOpils. Board can be had convenient to the school atoffice but the affair was not published. I glanced rosimasier, wur. tne request that he should iorward

them to Washington city, o Portsmouth, Va., to Qh Firkins Superior Grayson BUTTEK,v700 lbs. BUCK WHEAT FLOUR.

letter-pres- s descriptions, will be issued on thefirst of November, 1810, and subscriptions5jt per month. This Institution is situated in awith a hurried eye over the damp sheet, and Ibund a

fayetteville, September 2, IS 10. 80-- tfhealthy resion ofcountry.i neopniius e editor and proprietor.July, 1840.should be forwarded prior to that time. G. McN.

42 if.The Academic year is divided into two Sessions Dec. 14, 1839Editors who publish anil call attentionLIST OP LETTERS, to Ibis prospectus, by forwarding a copv o BARRELS N. O. MOLASSES aeo FISH!their paper to the editor, will be entitled to the Splendid article.REMAINING in the Post Office at Fayetteville, ontne isi NjioDer ioiu. work.

September 6, 1S40. SO-- yFor sale bv. March 23, 1S40.

geo. McNeill.5S-t- f.

oi hvc montb.3 each.TER.MS. PER SESSIOJV.

Male Department.Spelling, Reading, Writing, Oral Aiithme- -

tic, and Parley's Geography,Written Arithmetic, Geography and EnglishGrammar,

Latin and Greek Languages, Philosophy,Algebra and the Higher Branches of

$8 00

Boxes Smoked HERRINGS,tlyoo lbs. DRY COD.

for sak by GEO. Mc-NEIL-

Sept. 14, 1840. 55 tf.

CROCKERY.DOZEN TEAS, 350 doz. Plates,

10 00

12 00

Female Department.NEW GOODS.

THE Subscriber has received his Fall and Winsupply of Goods, embracing agencral as

ortment of

Miss Mary CarrolLewis CannonWilliant E. CarverAllen J. CameronE. G. Crump

DDuncan Dove

FFaircloth, Arthur

GGrice, JamesCiillis, Ce.l. It.Geddie, JohnGibhs, Mis3 Sophia M.Godwin, JonathanGodwin, Henry c

Gipson, Miss Joanna

JamesB. AndersonF. C. ArmstrongMatthew Autery

BWilliam F. BrownD. BakerMiss Eliza J. BebeoHenry A. BizzcllMrs. Bubara BuieHenry Bizzcll

l ButtlerCalvin BassJohn BallaadDoct. It. N. Blake

CJohn Cowper, Jr

Just received and for salo by'

PETERApril 20, 1S39.

JOHNSON.a-- tf

First Class, including the Common Englishbranches,

Second Class, including the above and needlework. embroid;rv.


Court ofPleas and Quarter Sessions, JluguslTerm, 1840.

George T. Barksdale and John A. Russ, vf. JohnAlexander Campbell.

Original Attachment.'Levied on sundry notes in the hands of Jas. Childs.

T appearing to the satisfaction of the Courtthat Jno.A. Campbell, the Defendant in this case

is not an inhabitant of this State. It is thereforeordered, that publication be made in tho NorthCarolinian for six weeks, notifying said Defendantto appear at the next Term of said Com t, at theCourt House in E'izabethtown.on the 1st Monday inNov. next, and plead, answer of replevy to said at

16 00

8 00

12 50

Third class, including the above, and Natur Shoes and Boots, Hats and Caps, Hard Ware andal nuosopny, Unemistry, History, Botanyand Cfimransitinn utiery, irocKery and Ulass V are, Wines andFourth Class, including tht aUiwa arA A! liquors, L.rocenes ot alt kinds, Patent Medicines,

Paints and Dye Stufls. Hatters materials. &c. &cJohn M. Carver The Stock is very heavy, Merchants are invited toH Meeora, Geometry, Intellectual Philosophy,Geography of the Heavens, Moral ScienceRhetoric, Logic and French, also Draw-in- s.

Paintin." and Or!ntn1 Tlntinf, i c no

can ana examine tor themselves. South CarolinaHarris, Charles Meshaw, James monty trill be taken at par if utid when theHenderson,Mrs EiizabethMillar, James

TCgLANK WARRANTS,Deeds, (common)Sheriff's Deeds,Constables Ca. Sa. Bonds,

Do Delivery doAppeal Bonds,

' Equity Subpoenas,Superior Court Fi. Fa.County Court Sci. Fa, to re-

vive judgment.County Court SuhprEhas,Superior Court Warrants,Bonds for Col'rd. Apprentices.

For sale at this Office.

tachment, otherwise Judgment will be renderedMusic on Piano Forte accompanied with the Housten, Owen Minis, Samuel tiiooas are ootigtl,G. B. ATKINS,Oct. 26 183!). 35tf. Font Jluy-JUo- unt

against him.Witness, David Lewis. Clerk of said Court, atHooev, John J.

Harper, Jerome B.TWitB 20 00

TRUSTEES.October 6th, 1S40. 86-- 4t

The Observer will nlono ;. tw -- I

office in Elizabethtown, the first Monday in August,Anno Domini 1810, and Clth of American Indenen- -Hawley, lsau WAGONS, MULES, and. HORHollingsworth, Col. S. SES For Sale.. ..... J' ' v.. u . MJW UUU. Vlour insertions.

ue"--e- . UJX.IIJ lW is, Ulerk.Sejt. 26, 1S40. a 84-6- tHammonds, Albert

Holder, George V. g First rate Mules, 6 years old, capable of' periormmjr nam service, ana of quick ac

tion, wun a first rate timber U aovin and trear,FOR SALE.A PAIR of Good Carriage Horses, very gentle,and well broke to harness.

SCHOOL.THE SUBSCRIBER, at the-- sussestion of

friends, an2 in accordance wTth l,

3I1LL STONES.lor 50(1 dollars. 4 ffood artm Horses, Tim

notice at last, commencing with tnree ttars turnedup and down. It read thus:

"The tribute to Emily by J. S. is unavoidablypostponed until our next, by a press ot advertise-ments, for which we are thankful since we do thatkind of business, as likewise all sorts of job work,on the most reasonable terms, blanks, cards, hand-

bills, and other legal documents, being executed byus at the shortest notice. Not to digress, however,we would say to J. S. let him cultivate his talents ;

he has tremendous powers, but he writes a bad hand.He should make his penmanship like his poetryperfect."

"I had the curiosity to look into the advertisingcolumns to see what envious things of traffic haddisplaced my Iin s. There were but three adver-

tisements, a sheriff's sale, a stray cow, and a wifeeloped from bed and board. I read the sheriffsnotice with that deep interest which these documentsusually excite. It discoursed of lands, messuages,and tenements, designated by a line beginning attho north west corner of Mr Jenkins' cow housa

running thence, north, seventy-fiv- e chains, fourteenlinks ; thence, east, twenty-nin- e chains, elevenlinks, to a stake and 6tones ; and so on to the endof t!;e chapter- -

"Yet the notice filled me with exceeding greatdelight. I sent it to Emily : I told her that J. S.was myself, but begged her not to mention it to athird person. She kept her secret as women usuallydo ; in three days it was all over town that I had apiece, that I had made out of my head, coming forthla the next week's newspaper, addressed to EmilyBrinkenhofT".

"Never did seven days roll more slowly roundthan the week's interval which followed the forego-ing notice, in the publication of the 'Elucidator ofFreedom, and the Tocsin of the People. When itdid finally come out, I sent Emily an affectionaten.jte, with a copy of the paper, assuring her that thepoem contained mv Teal sentiments. I determinednot to read it myself until I visited her in the even-

ing. By great self denial I kept my resolve, andwhen the young moon arose, bent my steps towardsthe mansion of my mistress.

"She received me coldly. I was surprised andabashed. 'What is the matter, Em?' I tenderlyinquired ; 'did you get my billetdoux and the versesto-da- y 7'

Yes they came sare.WeII, how did you like them?The note was kind and good, but the verses were

foolish, ridiculous nonsense.'J was thunderstruck. I asked to see the paper.

Emily rose and handed it to me; and, sitting down

by the vine clad window, patted ber little toot an-

grily os the floor. '-


I opened the Elucidator and Tocsin, and readmy poem. - Solomon of Jerusalem! what inhumanbutchery ! diotcy! But I will give the effusion asit was printed, 'and shame the devil?

TO EMILY B- - ."Dear girl ! an angel sour thou art,

V The mule of every spe II ;'That brayes o'er trumpets to my heart,

And bid my bosom swell.

"And oh i darnation o'er thy cheek" ' Its rudest blister bends :

And thv blear eyes for ever apeakA welcome to thy friends.

' - "Alas t if late should bind us fast,- Xife would be rough with me :

Johnson, A.Jackson, Travis,Johnson, SamuelJones, Mrs MaryJones, Nathan

THE Subscriber naving recently opened a new

of suoerior srit. is nrenared to furnish

Mason, FosterNoore, WilliamMorris, JosephMorrell, C. J.Mitchell, G. H.Murphy, W. D.

- OOchiltree, Mrs Eliza Ann

PPookum, DavidPlummer, ZachariahPenney, PhilipPerry, Edward

RRhodes, ThomasRi ves, Robt. E.Revels, Mrs PattyRouse, John

SSterling, JamesSprings, Mrs MarySlocuin, Stephen H.

pressed by others, intends to open a SO HOOr. inAlsober Wagon and (rear, for $350, and a heavyroad Wajron, for $75--ve- ry strong. Also,100,000 Morus Multicaulis or New' ChineseMulberry Trees for sale, deliverable next fall at

any number of Stones, either at the anarrv or at thethis twn, for instruction in the common branchesof ENGLISH EDUCATION, and thn PR KiVrHA GOOD Baroucha with Harness complete. Ap-p!j?- to

H. ERAMBERT. Green St. K --z cents per loot lor the root and main slem,Fayetteville, Oct. 13, 1840. 86-- 5t King, Mrs. F. E.LANGUAGE, to commence on Alonday, the 28thSeptember.

It is also his intention to onen nn vn;n- - ri

store of C. J. Orrcll, Fayetteville. The quality ot

the Jtfoore county Stones is so well known as not

to need description, and the Subscriber will wa-rrant all stones sold by him. If they should not

prove to be good, another pair will be furnishedwithout charge. The price is lower than

wai iiiiut-- u

genuine, ana in rood order lor plantinp;. Address at Fayelieville, N. C.

JONATHAN EVANS, Jr.May 16,1840. 64 tf.

NOTICE ia herehv rivn that D ...:n Dnnk' irrPDUirn r....i ' . . lv'lnaLumsden, Sr. William .... un accomodation of such asmav be engaged in business mirsmta Hnnn ii,. presented to the Legislature of North Carolina,at its next for theSession, erection of a new county,to be COmDOSed of narta nf Hiin,li.,l,.J Al Mc Persons wishing to purchase, can apply in perand who may wish to improve themselves in thoseMcRae, RoderickChatham and Wake counties, to be called Blakelt! A NEW SCHOOL. son, or by lotter addressed to Carthage, Jioorc

county, N.C. with description of the size wanted.JVlcLennon, Wm. A. otewart, Alexanderexercises.

ROBERT P. THOMSON.Fayetteville, Sept. 12, 1840. 8l-4- t.

McKin, Rev. J. S. M.M.Smith, Mrs MargaretJUfcllN EsTiSYv ART,

Agent for Petitioners.October 10, 1840. 86-- 3t

ON Monday the 5th of October, the subscriberwill open in this town, a school for bovs. t . : i i . . ,. . . J ?

ivicL.earin, Mrs Mary Smith, StephenJT . ITMcKinnon. JohnMoore t-


unty, April 20, 1S39. 8 tf--

PIam FORTES."""McDougald, William G-31- T. "frOLPSoFayetteville Oct. 1840.NOTICE is herebv iven )it nnlinn f iAn will McLean, Miss Ann

Flat Branch, tbe made to the next Legislature, for a charter tothe Cross Creek Manufacturing Company, bv A GOOD assortment of Piano Fortes may eo

1 qu,r found for sale at the Female Sun

omiin, vvi namSmith, Malcolm W.Starling, JohnSmith, ThomasSellars, JamesStills, ElizabethStrickland, Jacob

TThompson, James A.Tayler, Samuel, TailerThompson, Archibaldw

nary. li.n e of the PRINCIPALS of the ShM- -BENBOW, & Co.

" 84 7t.

wiieic mc vuiiuus orancncsoi cnnnsn and Olassiealstudies will be taurht. The charge for Tuitionwill be S10 25, per term, for all engaged in Classi-cal studies and the higher branches of English, or$11 per annum. For the ordinary branches of En-glish studies the charge will be $3 25 per term,tuition in all cases to be paid in advance, and nostudent received for less than a term. The yearwill commence on the 5th of October, and closeearly in August, with no intervening vacation ex-cept an occasional recess ot a few days. No deduc-tion will be made for absence unless by specialagreement Having taken a commodious hmioo

liN ARY , or of Coi.. S. T.HAW'LEY.

McKethan, JohnMcDonald, DanielMcLeod, WilliamMcLean, ArchibaldMcLean, MurdochMcMillan, D. L.McDougald, DougaldMcSwain, Miss Isabella

FayettevilIe;Nov. 30 1S39. 40 tf--

This tlwrough-bre- d V.rginia Horse, colt of oldwill not be n.n.o.l ev.ii cLoco Foco Timlicr and Lumber Asency- -

FRICTION MATCHES. nrceTort3nif27l5,ab!e' l 750 cents. No extracharge w.ll be made for mares, or persons sent wilhthem, for one day at each t!m ,. m.

McMillan, Weorel, WashingtonAngus IRobeson conntv. fRlfh GROSS, HOLMES' Improved Fric- -

DJr linn Mniehp iust raooi.mrl 1 r...

Til E subscriber will attend to the sate of

LUMBER, &c. in the Town of

Wilmington, jVorth Carolina, for all persons who

may favor him with theircommission. He plec'gt'himself to procure forthem at all times thehighe5'rricesfor such articles as they may trust to h's

management. He isi n no way connected with the

SleamMills. or their Arreut: and wil l?ive the best

the subscriber will accommodate a number of board-ers at $140 per annum, including lodcrinff, roomfuel and lights. - r . SIMEON COLTON '

McLcran, John W.MeLeod. John. , j . ivwi.cui ci I :ij 1 1 j i

sale by the Gross or Dozen, a superior article, andM..nBI T Pfl . Tl rw I.TI,

W llhams, AndrewWooten, Mrs ElizabethWilliams, Adam,Wright, HiramWood, L.Williams, Robert

owner will not be liable for escapes or accidents, andevery necessary attention will be paid

eul H,S PUre b,0d at such moderate termsought to encouraged He is here by accidentand not for speculation. His owner ill fl ti,.fc.

McMillan, CharlesMcMillan, John Fayetteville, August 13, 1840. 76-t- f

Fayetteville Observer and WilA constant sunnlv of th hnv bent nn Camp, Jwill be sold low, to sell again. ful to those disposed to encmim. seourityfor the faithlu Jdischar'ge ol hisdutie5Aertiser will please copy four weeks.r ayettevuie, September 5, 1S40 ; . 80-t- f11U - JOHN McRAE, P. M.Fayettevle, October 1st, 1840. 84-- 3t JNO. W. POWELL.Leesvill, Robeson Co., N. C. 12th Sept. 1840.-4- 1 BLANK CHECKS jbr sale at this OFFICE Wilmington, N. C. Feb. 83, 1839. l'tf