the non-governmental organisations' part i application …

Non-Governmental Organisations' [No. 16 of 2009 183 THE NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS' ACT, 2009 ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS PART I PRELIMINARY Section Short title and commencement Application Administration of Act Interpretation PART 11 THE NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION'S REGISTRATION BOARD Establishment of Non-Governmental Organisations Registration Board Composition of Board Functions of Board Registrar for Non-Governmental Organisations' Documentation Centre PART III REGISTRATION OF NON-GOVERMENTAL ORGANISATIONS Prohibition of operation of unregistered organisation Application for registration Organisation deemed to be established in Zambia Certificate of registration Validity of certificate Refusal of registration Renewal of certificate of registration Suspension and cancellation of certificate Loss of certificate Board may require proof of existence Register Single copies of this Act may be obtained from the Government Printer, P.O. Box 30136, 10101 Lusaka. Price K10,000 each

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Non-Governmental Organisations' [No. 16 of 2009 183





SectionShort title and commencementApplicationAdministration of ActInterpretation



Establishment of Non-Governmental OrganisationsRegistration Board

Composition of BoardFunctions of BoardRegistrar for Non-Governmental Organisations'Documentation Centre



Prohibition of operation of unregistered organisationApplication for registrationOrganisation deemed to be established in ZambiaCertificate of registrationValidity of certificateRefusal of registrationRenewal of certificate of registrationSuspension and cancellation of certificateLoss of certificateBoard may require proof of existenceRegister

Single copies of this Act may be obtained from the Government Printer,P.O. Box 30136, 10101 Lusaka. Price K10,000 each


184 No. 16 of 2009] Non-Governmental Organisations'

Publication of organisationsAppealsExempt organisationsNo diplomatic privileges or immunities for non-governmental organisations



Change of name, objects, etcInformation to be furnished by organisationRegistered OfficeList of office bearers to be furnished to Registrar onchange of office bearers



Establishment of CongressConstitution of CouncilFunctions of CouncilCode of ConductPublication of Code of ConductMembership of interim Council



Transitional periodOffences and penalties

37. Regulations



Non-Governmental Organisations' [No. 16 of 2009 185



No. 16 of 2009

Date of Assent: 26th August, 2009

An Act to provide for the co-ordination and registrationof non-governmental organisations; establish theNon-Governmental Organisations' RegistrationBoard and the Zambia Congress of Non-Governmental Organisations; constitute the Councilof Non-Governmental Organisations; enhance thetransparency, accountability and performance of non-governmental organisations; and provide for mattersconnected with or incidental to the foregoing.

[28th August, 2009

ENACTED by the Parliament of Zambia. Enactment



This Act may be cited as the Non-Governmental Short titleandOrganisations' Act, 2009, and shall come into operation on such commencement

date as the Minister may, by statutory instrument, appoint.

(1) This Act does not apply to churches, clubs, political parties, Application

professional groups or organisations, trade unions and religiousorganisations.

(2) The Minister may, by statutory instrument, extend theapplication of this Act to such other organisations as the Ministermay determine.

3. This Act shall be administered and implemented by the Administrationof ActMinistry responsible for community development and social welfare.


186 No. 16 of 20091 Non-Governmental Organisations'


Establishmentof Non-GovernmentalOrganisationsRegistrationBoard

Compositionof Board

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—"Board" means the Non-Governmental Organisations'

Registration Board established under section five;

"certificate" means the certificate of registration issued underPart III of this Act;

"Congress" means the Zambia Congress of Non-Governmental Organisations established under sectiontwenty-nine;

"Council" means the Council of Non-GovernmentalOrganisations established under section thirty;

"international non-governmental organisation" means a non-governmental organisation with the original incorporationin one or more countries other than Zambia;

"non - governmental organisation" means a private voluntarygrouping of individuals or associations, whether corporateor unincorporated, not established or operated for profit,partisan politics or any commercial purposes, and who orwhich have organised themselves for the promotion of civiceducation, advocacy, human rights, social welfare,development, charity, research or other activity or programfor the benefit or interest of the public, through resourcesmobilised from sources within or outside Zambia;

"Register" means the Register for Non-GovernmentalOrganisations; and

"Registrar" means the Registrar for Non-GovernmentalOrganisations appointed under section eight.



(1) There is hereby established the Non-GovernmentalOrganisations' Registration Board.

The provisions of the Schedule apply to the Board.The expenses and cost of the Board shall be paid out of

funds appropriated by Parliament for the performance of theBoard's functions under this Act.

6. (1) The Board shall consist of fifteen part-time membersappointed by the Minister.


Non-Governmental Organisations' [No. 16 of 2009 187

(2) The Board shall comprise—two members appointed by the Minister by virtue of the

members' knowledge or experience in development andwelfare management;

one person each from the-

Ministry responsible for health;

Ministry responsible for home affairs;

Ministry responsible for economic planning;

Ministry responsible for communitydevelopment; and

(v) the Ministry responsible for local government;

a representative of the Attorney - General;

seven members elected by the Congress; and

(e) the Registrar, as ex-officio member.

(3) The Minister shall, on receiving the names of the proposedrepresentatives under subsection (2), consider the nominations andmay reject any nomination:

Provided that where the Minister rejects any proposedrepresentative, the Minister shall direct the organisation orinstitution which proposed the representative to avail theMinister with the name of another representative.

The Minister shall, in making appointments under thissection, ensure equal gender representation on the Board.

The Chairperson and Vice - Chairperson shall be appointedby the Minister from amongst the members.

(5) A person shall not be appointed as a member of the Boardif the person—

is an undischarged bankrupt;

is insane or of unsound mind; or

(c) has been convicted of an offence under any law.

(6) The Board may invite any person whose presence is in itsopinion desirable to attend and to participate in the deliberations ofa meeting of the Board but such person shall have no vote.


188 No. 16 of 2009J Non-Governmental Organisations'

Functions ofBoard

Registrar forNon-GovernmentalOrganisations

7. The functions of the Board are to—register non-governmental organisations;approve the area of work of non-governmentalorganisations operating in Zambia;

maintain a register of national and international non-governmental organisations operating in Zambia, withthe sectors, affiliations and locations of their activities;

recommend the rules and procedures for the audit of theaccounts of non-governmental organizations;

prescribe rules for the declaration of assets and liabilitiesby officers of non-governmental organisations;

receive and discuss the annual reports of non-governmentalorganisations submitted by the non-governmentalorganisations pursuant to section twenty-six;

advise the Government on the activities of the non-governmental organisations and their role in developmentin Zambia;

conduct a regular review of the Register to determine theconsistency of the reports submitted by the non-governmental organisations and the Council;

provide policy guidelines to non-governmental organisationsfor harmonising their activities to the nationaldevelopment plan for Zambia;

receive and discuss the reports of the Council and adviseon strategies for efficient planning and co-ordination ofthe activities of non-governmental organisations; and

(k) receive, discuss and approve the code of conduct preparedby the Council for the self regulation of non-governmentalorganisations and their operations in Zambia.

8. (1) There shall be a Registrar for Non-GovernmentalOrganisations who shall be a public officer appointed by the PublicService Commission.

The office of the Registrar shall be a department in theMinistry responsible for community development and social welfare.

The Public Service Commission shall apPoint such otherofficers as are necessary for purposes of this Act.

Documentation 9. The Board shall establish and maintain a documentationCentre

centre on non-governmental organisations and their activities inZambia and such other information as may be necessary for theunderstanding and promotion of the contribution of non-governmental organisations to national development.


Non-Governmental Organisations' [No. 16 of 2009 189

PART 111


10. (1) Subject to section eleven, a person shall not operate anon-governmental organisation that is not registered in accordancewith this Act.

An international non-governmental organisation shall notoperate in Zambia without registration under this Act.

A person who contravenes subsection (I) or (2) commitsan offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceedingthree hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a termnot exceeding three years, or to both.

(4) Any person who is convicted of an offence under this Actshall he disqualified from holding office in any non-governmentalorganisation for a period of ten years from the date of conviction.

11. (1) A non-governmental organisation shall, within thirty daysof its formation or of its adoption of a constitution, apply to theRegistrar for registration under this Act.

A non-governmental organisation that submits an applicationfor registration under sub-section (1) may operate until a decisionis made by the Board on its application.

An application for registration shall be made to tileRegistrar, in the prescribed manner and form, upon payment of theprescribed fee.

(4) Ay Jpp!ication shall not be deemed to have been madeuntil it is received by the Registrar.

(.5) An application for registration shall 1.);:, made by an officerof the proposed non-governmental organisation and shall specify--

in a list attached to the application, the office bearers ofthe non-governmental organisation;

the head office and postal address of the organisation;the sec ions of the proposed operations;the districts, divisions and locations of the proposed

activities;the duration of the activities;all proposed sources of fund ing7the national and international affiliation and the relevant

certificates of incorpo ration; andsuch other information as the Minister may, by statutory

instrument, prescribe.

Prohibitionof operationofunregisteredorganisation



190 No. 16 of 20091 Non-Governmental Organisations'

Organisationdeemed to beestablishedin Zambia

(6) An application for registration under this section shall beaccompanied by a certified copy of the constitution of the proposednon-governmental organisation and such other information as theMinister may prescribe by statutory instrument.

12. (1) A non-governmental organisation shall be deemed tobe established in Zambia although it is organised and has itsheadquarters or chief place of business outside Zambia, if any ofits officer-bearers or members reside in Zambia or are presenttherein, or if any person in Zambia manages or assists in themanagement of such organisation or solicits or collects money orsubscriptions on its behalf.

(2) A non-governmental organisation shall not be deemed tobe established in Zambia if—

it is organised and is operating outside Zambia;no office, place of business or place of meeting is

maintained or used in Zambia by the non-governmentalorganisation or by any person on its behalf;

no register of all or any of the members of the non-governmental organisation is kept in Zambia;

no subscriptions are collected or solicited in Zambia bythe organisation or by any person on its behalf; and

(e) it is not registered under this Act.

Certificate ofregistration

Validity ofcertificate

Refusal ofregistration

(1) The Registrar shall, upon registering a non-governmentalorganisation under this Act, issue the organisation with a certificateof registration in the prescribed form on such terms and conditionsas the Board may determine.

(2) A certificate of registration shall be conclusive evidenceof authority of its holder to operate throughout Zambia or suchparts of the country as are specified therein.

A certificate shall, unless cancelled, be valid for a periodof five years from the date of issue.

15. (1) The Board shall reject an application for registrationof a non-governmental organisation if—

the proposed activities or procedures of the non-governmental organisation are not in the public interest;

the certificate previously held by the non-governmentalorganisation has been revoked by the Board;

(c) the applicant submits false information in relation to therequirements under subsection (5) of section eleven;


Non-Governmental Organisations' [No. 16 of 2009 191

the Board is satisfied, on the recommendation of theCouncil, that the application should not be approved;

the terms of the constitution or rules of the organisationare repugnant to, or inconsistent with, the provisions ofany law;

(I) the application does not comply with the provisions of thisAct;

the Board is satisfied that the non-governmentalorganisation does not exist; or

the name under which the non-governmental orsanisativiiis to be registered-

is identical with that of another existing non-governmental organisation;resembles the name of another non-

governmental organisation and is likely todeceive the public; or

(iii) is repugnant or otherwise undesirable.

(2) The Board shall, where it rejects an application, notify theapplicant in writing of the rejection of the application and shallstate the reasons therefor.

(3) Nothing in this Act precludes a non-governmentalorganisation whose application for registration is rejected undersubsection (I) from making a fresh application for registration.

16. (1) A non-governmental organisation may, at least threemonths before the expiry of its certificate, apply to the Board forthe renewal of the certificate.

The Board may, where an application is made undersubsection (1), issue a certificate to take effect from the date ofexpiry of the applicant's previous certificate.

The Board may, on the issue of a new certificate underthis section, vary the terms and conditions attached to the certificate.

17. (1) The Board may suspend or cancel a certificate of anon-governmental organisation where—

the non-governmental organisation violates the terms orconditions attached to the certificate;

the non-governmental organisation fails to submit theannual reports or the accounts or returns referred to inparagraphs (d) and (e) of section twenty-six;

Renewal ofcertificate ofregistration

Suspensionandcancellationof certificate


192 No. 16 of 2009] Non-Governmental Organisations'

Loss ofcertificate

the officers or members of the non-governmentalorganisation misappropriate or misapply the funds of theorganisation;

the non-governmental organisation contravenes anyprovision of this Act or the Code of Conduct;

(e) the constitution of the non-governmental organisation isinconsistent with the provisions of any law;

0 the Council recommends the suspension or cancellationof the certificate of the non-governmental organisation;

the organisation alters its objects or pursues objects otherthan its declared objects; or

the non-governmental organisation has ceased to exist.

The Board shall serve a notice of the suspension orcancellation of a certificate and the reasons therefor on the non-governmental organisation whose certificate is cancelled orsuspended and the suspension or cancellation of the non-governmental organisation, as the case may be, shall take effectfourteen days from the date of that notice.

The Board shall, prior to the suspension or cancellation of acertificate, give the non-governmental organisation an opportunityto submit reasons why the certificate should not be suspended orcancel led.

Upon the suspension of a certificate, the Board shall specify,in writing the period of the suspension and during that period, thecertificate so suspended shall be of no legal force or effect andshall be surrendered to the Registrar.

Upon the cancellation of a certificate under subsection (1),the Board shall notify the non-governmental organisation whosecertificate is cancelled, in writing of the cancellation and from thedate of the notice, the certificate so cancelled shall no longer be ofany legal force or effect and shall forthwith be surrendered to theRegistrar.

18. (1) Where a non-governmental organisation losses acertificate, the non-governmental organisation shall inform theRegistrar within fourteen days of the loss and shall, after a furtherperiod of fourteen days, in the prescribed manner and form, applyto the Board for the issuance of a duplicate certificate.

(2) The Board shall, where an application is made undersubsection (1), issue a duplicate certificate.


Non-Governmental Organisations' [No. 16 of 2009 193

19. (1) The Board may, where it has reasonable grounds tobelieve that a registered non-governmental organisation has, forany reason, ceased to exist, publish in the Gazette a notice callingupon such non-governmental organisation to furnish it, within aperiod of thirty days from the date of the notice, with proof of itscontinued existence.

Board mayrequire proofof existence

The proof given under subsection (1) shall be accompaniedby an authenticated recommendation by the Council.

The Board shall strike off the Register any non-governmental organisation which fails to provide proof of itsexistence within the period stipulated under subsection (1) or if theCouncil report does not confirm the existence of the non-governmental organisation.

(4) The Council shall. where it has reasonable grounds tobelieve that an organisation has ceased to exist, recommend to theBoard the manner of distributing the assets and liabilities of theorganisation and the reasons therefor.

20. (1) The Registrar shall keep a Register in which the Registrar Register

shall enter all the particulars and other information relating to non-governmental organisations registered under this Act.

A person may, upon payment of the prescribed fee, inspectthe Register during the usual office hours.

Any document purporting to be an extract of any entry inthe Register and to be certified under the hand of the Registrarshall be received in evidence as to the matters stated therein in anyproceeding under the provisions of the Act.

21. The Registrar shall publish annually, in the Gazette

every registration effected under this Act;

every suspension or cancellation of registration under thisAct; and

(c) every refusal to register a non-governmental organisationunder this Act.

22. (1) A non-governmental organisation which is aggrievedwith any decision of the Board made under this Part may, withinsixty days from the date of the decision, appeal to the Minister.

(2) On request from the Minister, the Board shall provide writtencomments on any matter over which an appeal has been submittedto the Minister under this section.




194 No. 16 of 20091 Non-Governmental Organisations'


Nodiplomaticprivileges orimmunitiesfor non-governmentalorganisations

Cap. 20

The Minister shall issue a decision on the appeal withinthirty days from the date of the appeal.

Any person aggrieved with the decision of the Ministermay within thirty days of receiving the decision from the Minister,appeal to the High Court.

The Minister may, on the recommendation of the Board,by notice in the Gazette, exempt any non-governmental organisationfrom registration under this Act as the Minister may determine.

A non-governmental organisation registered under this Actshall not be entitled to diplomatic or consular privileges or immunitiesgranted under the Diplomatic Immunities Act or any other writtenlaw.



25. (1) A registered non-governmental organisation which—changes its name, its constitution or rules;alters its objectives;

(c) becomes a branch of, or affiliated to, or connected withany organisation or group of whatever nature establishedwithin or outside Zambia;

shall notify the Registrar, in writing, within fourteen days thereof.

(2) Any office bearer of a registered non-governmentalorganisation who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offenceand is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding eighty thousandpenalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding threemonths, or to both.

Information 26. (1) The Registrar may request any registered non-to be governmental organisation to furnish within such period as thefurnished byorganisation Registrar may determine—

(u) a true copy of the constitution and rules of the non-governmental organisation;

the source of funding for the non-governmentalorganisation;

a list of the office bearers of the non-governmentalorganisation or any committee or governing body of thenon-governmental organisation;

Change ofname,objects, etc.


Non-Governmental Organisations' [No. 16 of 2009 195

the annual reports of the organisation; andsuch accounts, returns and other information as the Minister

may, by statutory instrument, prescribe.(2) A person who fails to furnish information in accordance

with subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction,to a fine not exceeding eighty thousand penalty units or toimprisonment for a period not exceeding three months, or to both.

27. (1) A non-governmental organisation shall have a registeredoffice and postal address to which all communications and noticessent under, or for the purposes of, this Act may be addressed.

Notice of the situation of the registered office of a non-governmental organisation and of any change thereof or of thepostal address of the non-governmental organisation shall be givento the Registrar within seven days from the date of the change andthe Registrar shall enter the particulars in the Register.

Any non-governmental organisation whichoperates without having a registered office or without

giving notice of the situation of such office as requiredunder subsection (2);

operates at any place to which its registered office mayhave been removed without having given notice of thechange of situation thereof to the Registrar; or

(c) fails to give notice to the Registrar of any change in itspostal address as required under subsection (1);

commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine notexceeding one thousand penalty units for each day during whichsuch non-governmental organisation so operates or fails to givenotice of the change.

28. (1) A non-governmental organisation which changes officebearers shall, within thirty days of such change, notify the Registrarin writing of the change and the Registrar shall enter the particularsof the new officer bearers in the Register.

(2) Any person that contravenes subsection (1) commits anoffence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding onethousand penalty units for each day during which the organisationoperates without furnishing the list of its office bearers or fails togive notice of the change to the Registrar.


List of officebearers to befurnished toRegistrar onchange ofoffice bearers


196 No. 16 of 2009] Non-Governmental Organisations'



Establishmentof Congress

Constitutionof Council

Functions ofCouncil

Code ofConduct

(1) There shall be established a Zambia Congress of Non-Governmental Organizations which shall be a collective forum ofall organizations registered under this Act.

(2) The Congress shall adopt its own structure, rules andprocedures for the efficient administration of its activities.

(1) There shall be a Council of Non-GovernmentalOrganisations which, subject to the direction of the Congress, shallbe responsible for the management and control of the affairs of theCongress.

The Council shall consist of twelve members who arerepresentatives of non-governmental organisations registered underthis Act.

Members of the Council shall be elected at an annual generalmeeting of the Congress and shall hold office for such period andon such terms and conditions as the Congress may determine.

31. The functions of the Council are to—

develop, adopt and administer the Code of Conduct forNon-Governmental Organisations;

facilitate and coordinate the work of non-governmentalorganisations operating in Zambia; and

(c) perform any other functions relevant for purposes of thisAct as the Congress may determine.

32. (1) The Council shall facilitate self-regulation by the non-governmental organisations on matters of activities, funding,programmes, foreign affiliations, training, the development ofnational human resource, institution building, scientific andtechnological development and any other matters taking into accountnational security and the public interest.

The Code of Conduct shall he adopted by a resolution at ameeting of the Congress, attended by not less than two-thirds ofthe registered organisations and supported by not less than three-quarters of the voting members present.

The Code of Conduct shall be subject to approval by theBoard.

(4) The Congress shall prescribe the responsibilities of non-governmental organisations which, once approved by the Board,shall be construed as obligations under this Act.


Non-Governmental Organisations' [No. 16 of 2009 197

(5) The Board shall ensure that the Code of Conduct isconsistent with the national development plan and the laws ofZambia.

(1) The Board shall cause the approved Code of Conductto be published in the Gazette.

(2) The Code of Conduct shall, upon publication in the Gazette,be binding upon the non-governmental organisations.

The first twelve non-governmental organisations to beregistered by the Board under this Act shall comprise an interimCouncil competent to develop the Code of Conduct under this Part.



35. (1) There shall be a transitional registration period, notexceeding ninety days from the date of the commencement of thisAct, for the registration of non-governmental organisations whichare in existence at the commencement of this Act.

Publicationof Code ofConduct

Membershipof interimCouncil


A non-governmental organisation which is registered under

the provisions of the Societies Act or any other written law shall, Cap. 119

within the period specified in subsection (1) or such extended periodas the Minister may allow for the registration. of the non-governmental organisation, apply for a certificate in accordancewith the provisions of this Act.

Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, no non-governmental organisation shall be deemed to be an unlawfulorganisation until the period or extended period for registration underthis section has lapsed.

36. (1) A person commits an offence who—Offences and

makes, signs or utters a false statement or declaration in penaltiessupport of an application or for a request for anyexemption under this Act, forges, defaces or alters acertificate;

on being required to do so, fails or refuses to produce tothe Registrar a certificate, constitution or other relevantdocument or information relevant for the purposes ofthis Act;

(c) knowingly or recklessly gives false or incompleteinformation for the purpose of obtaining a certificate orother requirement;


198 No. 16 of 20091 Non-Governmental Organisations'


and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding one hundredthousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceedingsix months, or to both.

Any person convicted of an offence under this section shallbe disqualified from holding office in any non-governmentalorganisation for a period of three years.

On the conviction of an officer of a non-governmentalorganisation under this section, the Board may de-register thatorganisation.

37. (1) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the Board,by statutory instrument, make regulations for the better carryingout of the provisions of this Act.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1),regulations under that subsection may make provision—

for the procedure and forms to be used, and the feespayable, for registration, the declaration of assets andliabilities and other matters under this Act;

for the information to be supplied in every application forregistration and in the declaration of assets and liabilities;

for the format of the reports and returns to be submittedby the non-governmental organisations;

for the submission of annual and other periodical returnsrelating to the constitution, objects and membership ofregistered non-governmental organisations;

(e) for the terms and procedure for the Council of Non-Governmental Organisations; and

ffi for anything required to be prescribed under this Act.


Non-Governmental Organisations' [No. 16 of 2009 199


(Section 3)


1. (1) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, a member of Tenure of

the Board shall hold office for a period of three years from the mofemberfice of

anddate of appointment and may be re-appointed for a further like vacancy


(2) The office of a member becomes vacant—

upon the member's death;

if the member is adjudged bankrupt;

if the member is absent from three consecutive meetingsof the Board of which the member has had notice,without the prior approval of the Board;

upon the expiry of one month's notice of the member'sintention to resign, from office given by the member inwriting to the Board;

(e) if the member becomes mentally or physically incapableof performing the duties of a member of the Board;

if the member is convicted of an offence under this Act;or

(g) if the member is convicted of an offence under any otherwritten law and a sentenced therefor to imprisonmentfor a term of six months or more.

2. (1) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, the Board Proceedingsmay regulate its own procedure. of Board

(2) The Board shall meet for the transaction of business, atleast once in every three months at such places and times as theBoard may determine.


200 No. 16 of 2009] Non-Governmental Organisations'

Upon giving notice of not less than fourteen days, a meetingof the Board may be called by the Chairperson and shall be calledif not less than one third of the members so request in writing:

Provided that if the urgency of any particular matter doesnot permit the giving of such notice, a special meeting may becalled upon a shorter notice given by three members of theBoard.

The quorum at any meeting of the Board shall be six of themembers.

(5) There shall preside at any meeting of the Board—

the Chairperson;

in the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice - Chairperson;and

(c) in the absence of both the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson, such member as the members present mayelect from amongst themselves for the purpose of thatmeeting.

(6) A decision of the Board on any question shall be by amajority of votes of the members present and voting at the meetingand, in the event of an equality of votes, the person presiding at themeeting shall have, in addition to a deliberative vote, a casting vote.

Where a member is for any reason unable to attend anymeeting of the Board, the member may, in writing, nominate anotherperson from the same organisation to attend such meeting in thatmember's stead and such person shall be deemed to be a memberfor the purpose of that meeting.

The Board may invite any person whose presence in itsopinion is desirable to attend and to participate in the deliberationsof a meeting of the Board but such person shall have no vote.

The validity of any provvvdiiisb, act ut dwcibivit vf tlIV Beardshall not be affected by any vacancy in the membership of theBoard or by any defect in the appointment of any member or byreason that any person not entitled so to do, took part in theproceedings.

The Board shall cause minutes to be kept of the proceedingsof every meeting of the Board and every meeting of any committeeestablished by the Board.



Non-Governmental Organisations' [No. 16 of 2009 201

(1) The Board may, for the purpose of performing its functions Committeesunder this Act, constitute any committee and delegate to any such of Boardcommittee such of its functions as it thinks fit.

(2) The Board may appoint as members of a committeeconstituted under sub-paragraph (1), persons who are or are notmembers of the Board and such persons shall hold office for suchperiod as the Board may determine.

There shall be paid to members of the Board or any Allowancescommittee of the Board such allowances as the Board may, with of membersthe approval of the Minister, determine.

5. (1) If any person is present at a meeting of the Board or a Disclosure ofcommittee of a Board at which any matter, in which that person or interestany member of the person's immediate family is directly or indirectlyinterested in a private capacity, is the subject of consideration, thatperson shall, as soon as practicable after the commencement ofthe meeting, disclose that interest and shall not, unless the Board orthe committee otherwise directs, take part in any consideration ordiscussion of, or vote on any question relating to, that matter.

(2) A disclosure of interest made under this paragraph shall berecorded in the minutes of the meeting at which it is made.

6. (1) A person shall not, without the consent in writing givenby or on behalf of the Board, publish or disclose to any unauthorizedperson, otherwise than in the course of duties of that person, thecontents of any dOcument, communication or informationwhatsoever, which relates to or which has come to the knowledgeof that person in the course of that person's duties under this Act.

Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-paragraph (I) commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction, toa fine not exceeding one hundred thousand penalty units or toimprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or to both.

If any person, having any information which to theknowledge of that person has been published or disclosed incontravention of sub-paragraph ( I ), unlawfully publishes orcommunicates the information to any other person, the personcommits an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine notexceeding one hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonmentfor a term not exceeding two years, or to both.

7. An action or other proceeding shall not lie or be institutedagainst any member of the Board or a committee of the Board, orany member of staff of the Board, for or in respect of any act orthing done or omitted to be done in good faith in the exercise orperformance, or purported exercise or performance, of any of thepowers, functions or duties conferred under this Act.

Prohibitionofpublicationof, ordisclosure ofinformationtounauthorizedpersons

Immunity ofmembers ofBoard andstaff