the nijc cardinal review vol 10 no 3 mar 12 1957

nl llf A\\"2'io comm1t1en df'cOn\lona. rm&l'I, Nad · r Mt , JlarborA orrl•. Arlf'nt" rwon. Manl)'h I.A" lAnln,. m. •ron...1rit. rlttnr Harli: . t.,.r. Y'lnrf"n"' fl'flhmonl.a arman, 8h•n· ,. Kui;h•r a.rvt Asks Pass e School f1< 1noblr111 f lhf' t uok-111 tndell many •c..tdrnl rro- .U ..1t""r IN\l&Uon tt •• flhO< knJ ln •l•nl \\ U i n• l tn ..,..h1ch a nl tnJurrd Tl11 ; r"1•1rtf"IJ to 1ul ball Th• B C'1l)' t10ll C'"r f'lnlali11n t:ttu c now fu1w1tr,J n lo l,.11 lht tddfftl I hhd n ur hl a. hut 'll\• In hn uf th,.. tt lll tHE \ OLl llf; X. NO. ;s < ot :l n 11· " 1 , ,. m """ Nomin ees For Student Body President ro11 rim .... ,, lo r1t:hl· '" ') \\arnt"r, R. on ,. ,..,, ,..., \Jlr n flrn n .. 11. Ot1\kt l k"ttl t•m '""· ll·ft tn rl.rht : R,,,.n l 'ouncnian. k nuiJ. -un •rul Ra \ C Ht·nn<"tl and 'mlth llJt,H \\ llhdra\\o. JC HOT RODDERS INVI TE STUDENTS INTO CZARS CLUB lhr C&&n A•Jl h ('lub o' ( •I Al.-n,. Wiii hold n .,,., *"' " ,u on hrnklnt: l eal on )tar < h 24 •t l 30 I' m • a ec11rd1Dt: l o M arvtn K f"r " lub J1NW1df'nl NIJC" Auttrnt• par\. in t hn ' lub and it• at U• ttlf'.A an- P'A r l f; 1.... ,,n. Jlot• llu1''1U"d lmuci 1:....autn ht nl and )••rvin Knt"l•r ·n,. ..n.l•t11lk>n·l· ni k 1nr l •J1l I he hf'l!I by lhla d uh nn t Suod•y af\"1m1011 ,. ,u t.-al °'" rt.t mbc,... tu dnv• Ut••r 'n 11 111n•ttnl nm tn hmtlN.I llJw tuul "'"P 'usl dt Ou tnarkt'tl tto:nmd · .. ,.., Tht-: 'f HU"'M'I lnflflJIUff .. one lf>nlh of I\ mllr '4111 ha\ c l.-Mr1) 1lrhntad 1111\rklnh • •l t he ltnt•h llnC'I rhr C tnt• rn•)i fN"I Ion• tfi: Hlt'l11• brr nn1t ._,, h1u 1•rrd hv Uu NHlhHhtl Jtul ltod Au o•·tn.llon P•·1•uh· KhN lfl Jnhn IC••Uh·r •• lh• mhllMu ' l o duh, wh11•h l"' ttl'"" In 1111 lhn•t' lnlttrt'1t• .... J lu ho•f r ocl 1 0th Ult•• " An\"UIW \.\hO h".t A ,·ar u 'tlld drl\N a U1·•n•• nntl lt .. J c h1't., ..... r I• rll R" ihl., tu J 0 1n .. Mhi NIJC President At Annual Session Of Jr. College Assn. Review Offers Brief Bi ograph ies Of Student Body President Nominees Bl l..LETT' , .. td ' ""Jtb and \.1.W9 u.. ... nru M'"' 'IUlbdr1'•11 rrom ttw- ,.... · T · t"tlttrr n, r .. w- .. ., ...,p&&,cw.aa,. .. ... <I lhal y<>U.,. .,,.,,, c- ha\.. an c:ammcn a ponchanl lor llCUVr In llCbool actlVitkS &Jl4 1poru. So• on.I ha vo be<'n ID he 1<:rv1c :.; rly ..U ban '1"'d· U&te.l' tn>m lll< IOC'&I l1t;h .. hool l&<'.&fJ"ITly. IJa Sm11h gr&dua lod l rem Orwur d Ai.n. tu;h .IC!ll>ol In 19': 110 •-u 11Ctl ... 1n tumbl1J14:, dr.u11Atu:a and Hei 1a at p.--111 capwn of hla bow""' I.nm. nie <.'hata <I• la 111.1•, ll1 U.. :; IJC Can1ID&la l.A&CU• ll&vld bu IJIO"l two, .... ,.. In the aml)' one ot wlltch waa ln A Ill;• bW'!j (".umany, wb°"' he WU ll1 P«l&l II< pla7«1 on lhe 11th l:"ll l<Am and ..,.. a mez:>b<r o! UM Mb OIYblan II team wtilcb won U... 7th Ann) oumanienl In F'rank1urt. Ger- many YO amu bu mond f I 0>eur a' A.._ IO au.xi Hr bu ,.,..ked U:e =n K• oer; f ten 7-"" Roy i.:.. m lllc annr bu born I: Oll?kS t.o botmnf t.:I I r llO) is marrHd and bu a ftay l..,.._ WU TaJKlctenan I h gndualln£' dua at """- •au. tut )c:u" He ..... -tor of lbe IChC<>I ........ i llDd par lri(18l<d ll1 cbon1A tor toar ,_,... llas ,.,.. o! In. J=ior a I lf'nlor c1Au_ he &A ti... pusldtz1t Of the CarduMW l>owfln; Ray 11 m&Jo""S:' t.Dd 11 amcr.c u.. flltffll N lJC 1tudmta r.:e1tly appod for f'hl Theta Kapptr. non I tn lftdual...i from lmmuulate Ila.rt CJ! )l&r)' Acad· r 1 n Q>eur cf A.I- with lhe - S6. Ba p< "' ou.u. -et:Mui """ ""*'bllll. RaD ........ o! hi. trull· """' clul, o! lba .. pbo- ""'"' clu;o, .-.ce-prmld.cnl of lb .u:Jn: cla.8 llDd of U:c 'llior cl&-. Bia bobbles are ;ol!, bo'lrll:I&, -:inmi.,,. and tlalWlc ln bla third ).... ,. a.l th• ..... be , .... cm Liie deb&t.e team I.bill won third place ID lbe llla.t.e. Ron la majonng 1n Allen Bc:mell la a of Coeur d'Alene hli;h achoo!, c1 ... of ·:,a. He WU \:try a.cUve U\ llpOl'ta. h&v1ng p&rUclpat&d "' baakelball lour yoar>, baRball for two yean and track for Lwo )•rL He .,....,, a member ot the A!Wrl 0111> &Dd the Fullln! Te&ebon or Alllenc:a.. AIW> •tarred on I.he AU... -•tball uu. >._,. and .. ..,. &Yid ak1lcr major .. cnpn_.nng H• bu ..._ recenU,.. t.arped tor Ptit 'Mletll "- Dean Knttda>n atteadcd tbe IO<"al h!p llCbool and STadU&l.ed lut ycr acbonl Denn ,..,_ rdvod l<'Utt11 far tour yun ot -..u.a. two }C&J'll ut golf, lhrl>O )..,.. ot lftCk f-11all. n. WAa Ttce-presklent oc b - elaa and a membc'r of lh• ht;b ochool .,,,.le. Ile WU a m=bcr o! the F. T. A and CUtttnt Atta.lno Club. 0.... !lo- :\l'O buntlng and ..-.tu akllng. He la maJoruic In Ron Youncma.n T<1CCDUy com· rletod lbree :r., .... .. tvlC?t> In I.he ..,,..,. Dunnc bla lour or duty. bn llpcnt 1S monlha 1n Fran« llnJ t..-o 1114111.ha In C•nnaey. Al 14 -lal clu>Jrman of 'h• \'tl'• club and 111AJ1Ag1ni: crtllor or The Re\·l•w. He la nloo " the C4zdln.slo bluketbl\11 t.... ,. Ron la ma.)ortnc In EducaUon aJ>d mtnonng l.n P.E Ho Is a ot <fAlone hlch «bCol. c:.U. or .sz.. Platform Promises of Candidates Are Listed Jl! 1tl•utflnt a h•• alao bc:'lf'"u nl• lAkf' 4 lo rntrr U1,. thf'T ol hrr •nnol r-u thtr er Wed emony bwunt u . • t•••il Mt .. •• h ta brill nc Cf'rt'mo n) lh•ra11 rhun:-h to lhti \Jni1 .. T ln\ndp-•Uun ftlh.a A,CO ff'NI \ l-ru.uia H h11 r lht"ffl y."r• of <i•rman' nd lo tton tn the nNr Thtt c-amt••lf:OJI o f lhf1 atu Jf'nt \klCh f',.,.h. \,.nU• l H,... ln tuu >Aina: N•,.rl ) all •'A1labh PU'l'! on lhe •olh "' ""lb, d""1f"lllf'!lll \I.1th ealt\r tul p.»tl'f" a nd th""r" Ah" mar. to c.-. ·' J'Ao , .. odldat'"'• Alim 1&n1t lh n ld 8mJlh. ha\ fl " th tnwn '"' '"' lhf' l'&C'.c' r or lh p r-H:tdn u_, tiul lhr rnruLLDlnt: comJW'Ult'lini t ljchllJ>j; • sood do n )lany am•tl group• a rt'! 9'H'n ln -'"'I' ron, f'natlon \\hal lh"' a n d o to .-uni tM:lT f•'t'(rile c- ... n dul.-lt· a .MU'<"HA. a n d 1pu1ta are lllj:h Ci\ f'R bt lo,. IU' f'I p\atfonn.a '" U1n 0&nc11dAln -.ho hau 1 f onnalh lht'm C c. •r pUhlh "'aUOC'I .\ r&;.tf,•nQ h>r f t.. '\ ) <"ra.nst n nn1111ntt tor 1 , ..... tl•nl ha.11 bH11 auhmU tlf't1 In it hl: hu out11n1--d 11W\Nat .. \\ 1llam lf ht' v.-1n1 t!H.• rr"'t.M nr) 1- lr.l hf' -.1tt ron•ldflf' ..,., 1h" ••.m•ll\1.IUc\n hl pmvldf'I fot llM it.J\ U1or) 10 u. uital lh l"" 2 ConUnuallon ot lhtt 11\'hool r&P''r 3 )t "rtr n4"'11p "ffk JuMn1t th• latt'"r p.At'l. of t ho! lln1> l'"l•n Uben.I Party com· tlo<' aubmlta th• Collotnnj; plat· nn on l><h&lf cot lta a 'Tbtt O\'H11.U beit.:rm.-nt :'>l JC iu 1....i..,. in a.II community ... !l -= of &JI .tudcnt UIUOll at><! 3 lml'""' meet ot tmramanl Mid lntor- albl.UC. tor all lllU• 4 Cm:.:.•m:•"oa and Im· IA U.. dr<llla kAl of ZJl..sdloolpspcrt.o - &J:d l:oU!l;'.Jam ID lhb lnland Em· pin We ted tbat lldl la en. I U.. - W&T• to 114\ crtl5tl OU *'2lo<>1 to llWk:lla lmPl"O"Gnont 0: •nd ?l"ldn; azu lcw k:>d>t,. and ..-u. II. Academic &J:d T<>Ca .rtudtna ttptaoe?<d In fi:udem. Board Gt Control 7 Ap- pt'Opl1at1o::. tor " colkl;l'-«pomor• eel cf $10000 Rml rec:ot;nlZln£' the ln:J>Orl.anClt ot 111.uckot &l"U•1Ues II> callri:;e Uf<>. !'lad&'"" h1a ..,pport oC an llltraznunl irporta program and Ille iDcTauod UR O( lll\ldont union ta.cruuea.. "! w111 ..v.,.,uun,: in m:r power," aid Youngman ruum NIJ C to tht.ndl· lton an.d ball 'lbpr<" 1ll Unl' 1,..,n I l<= mak• ou r coUeig -c Juat llt.nOU'IN· 'MC'h - 1'".

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Published Semi-Monthly During The College Year By Journalism Students At The North Idaho Junior College


Page 1: The NIJC Cardinal Review Vol 10 No 3 Mar 12 1957

nl llf A\\"2'io comm1t1en df'cOn\lona. rm&l'I, Nad·

r Mt , JlarborA orrl•. Arlf'nt" rwon. Manl)'h I.A" lAnln,. m. •ron...1rit. rlttnr Harli: . t.,.r. Y'lnrf"nn· "'fl'flhmonl.a arman, 8h•n·

,. Kui;h•r a.rvt

~ Asks Pass e School f1< 1noblr111 f lhf' t uok-111 tndell many •c..tdrnl rro­

.U ~m .. 1t""r IN\l&Uon tt••

flhO< knJ ln •l•nl \\ U in• l tn ..,..h1ch a nl ~hfofmm

tnJurrd Tl11; r "1•1rtf"IJ to

1ul ball Th• B C'1l)' t10llC'"r

f'lnlali11n t:ttu

c now fu1w1tr, J n lo l,.11 lht tddfftl I hhd n ur hla. hut 'll\• In hn

uf th,.. ttlll •

tHE \ OLl llf; X. NO. ;s < ot: l n 11· " 1 , ,. m """

Nominees For Student Body President

ro11 rim .... ,, lo r1t:h l · ' " ') \\arnt"r, R.o n ,.,..,, ,..., \Jlrn flrn n .. 11. Ot1\kt ~ndlh. lk"ttlt•m '""· ll·ft tn rl.rht : R,,,.n l 'ouncnian. f~n k nuiJ. -un •rul Ra\ C ran.~a-:ot. Ht·nn<"tl and 'mlth llJt,H \\ llhdra\\o.


lhr C&&n A•Jl h ('lub o ' ( ···~ •I Al.-n,. Wiii hold n .,,., *"'" ,u on hrnklnt: l eal on )tar< h 24 •t l 30 I' m • a ec11rd1Dt: l o M arvtn K ni~t:· f"r " lub J1NW1df'nl NIJC" Auttrnt• l•k1n~ par\. in t hn ' lub and it• at U• ttlf'.A an- P'A r l f;1....,,n. Jlot• llu1''1U"d lmuci 1:....autn htnl and )••rvin Knt"l•r

·n,. ..n.l•t11lk>n·l·nik1nr l •J1l I he hf'l!I by lhla d uh nn t S uod•y af\"1m1011 ,.,u t.-al °'" rt.t mbc,... ~'hthty tu dnv• Ut••r ' n 11

111n•ttnl nm tn • hmtlN.I llJw tuul "'"P 'usldt Ou tnarkt'tl tto:nmd · .. ,.., Tht-: 'fHU"'M'I lnflflJIUff.. one lf>nlh of I\ mllr ~Hl•I '4111 ha\ • c l.-Mr1) 1lrhntad 1111\rklnh• •l t he ltnt•h llnC'I

rhr C tnt• rn•)ifN"I Ion• tfi: Hlt' l11•

brr nn1t ._,, ,·h1u1•rrd h v Uu NHlhHhtl Jtul ltod Au o•·tn.llon P•·1•uh· KhN lfl Jnhn IC••Uh·r •• lh• mhllMu' l o lh~ duh, wh11•h l"' ttl'"" In 1111 lhn•t' lnlttrt'1t• .... J lu ho•f r ocl 10th Ult•• " An\"UIW \.\hO h".t A ,·ar u 'tlld drl\N a U1·•n• • nntl lt 1~ 111 .. J c h1't., ..... r I• rllR"ihl., t u J0 1n ..

l<rur~f!lf Mhi

NIJC President At Annual Session Of Jr. College Assn.

Review Offers Brief Biographies Of Student Body President Nominees

B l l..LETT' , .. td ' ""Jtb and \.1.W9 u.. ...

nru M'"' 'IUlbdr1'•11 rrom ttw­,.... · T · t"tlttrr n, r ~dat .. w- .. . , ...,p&&,cw.aa,.

.. ... <I lhal lh~ y<>U.,. .,,.,,, c­

ha\.. an c:ammcn a ponchanl lor <~ llCUVr In llCbool actlVitkS

&Jl4 1poru. So• on.I ha vo be<'n ID he 1<:rv1c :.; rly ..U ban '1"'d·

U&te.l' tn>m lll< IOC'&I l1t;h .. hool l&<'.&fJ"ITly.

IJa •~d Sm11h gr&dua lod l rem Orwur d Ai.n. tu;h .IC!ll>ol In 19': 110 •-u 11Ctl ... 1n eottir.~. tumbl1J14:, dr.u11Atu:a and ~Jf'bA.le.. Hei 1a at p.--111 capwn of hla bow""' I.nm. nie <.'hata <I• la 111.1•, ll1 U.. :; IJC Can1ID&la l.A&CU•

ll&vld bu IJIO"l two,....,.. In the aml)' one ot wlltch waa ln A Ill;• bW'!j (".umany, wb°"' he WU ll1

P«l&l ~c.. II< pla7«1 on lhe 11th ~=<=it l:"ll l<Am and ..,.. a mez:>b<r o! UM Mb OIYblan

II team wtilcb won U... 7th Ann) oumanienl In F'rank1urt. Ger­


YO amu bu mond f I 0>eur a' A.._ IO au.xi

Hr bu ,.,..ked U:e =n K• oer; f ten 7-"" Roy i.:..

m lllc annr bu born I: Oll?kS t.o botmnf t.:I

I r llO) is marrHd and bu a

ftay l..,.._ WU TaJKlctenan I h gndualln£' dua at """­

•au. tut )c:u" He ..... -tor of lbe ~ IChC<>I ........i llDd par lri(18l<d ll1 cbon1A tor toar ,_,...

llas ,.,.. ~ o! In. J=ior a I lf'nlor c1Au_ Al~ he &A

ti... pusldtz1t Of the CarduMW l>owfln; I~ Ray 11 m&Jo""S:'

e~toatng t.Dd 11 amcr.c u.. flltffll N lJC 1tudmta r.:e1tly appod for f'hl Theta Kapptr.

non I tn lftdual...i from lmmuulate Ila.rt CJ! )l&r)' Acad· r 1 n Q>eur cf A.I- with lhe

- S6. Ba p< "' ou.u. -et:Mui """ ""*'bllll.

RaD ........ ~tan· o! hi. trull· """' clul, ~ o! lba .. pbo­""'"' clu;o, .-.ce-prmld.cnl of lb • .u:Jn: cla.8 llDd ~dcSlt of U:c

'llior cl&-. Bia bobbles are ;ol!,

bo'lrll:I&, -:inmi.,,. and tlalWlc ln bla third )....,. a.l th• ..... d~·.

be ,.... cm Liie deb&t.e team I.bill won third place ID lbe llla.t.e.

Ron la majonng 1n p~U.IZ}'

Allen Bc:mell la a ~UAte of Coeur d'Alene hli;h achoo!, c1 ... of ·:,a. He WU \:try a.cUve U\

llpOl'ta. h&v1ng p&rUclpat&d "' baakelball to~ lour yoar>, baRball for two yean and track for Lwo )•rL

He .,....,, a member ot the c:wnu~ A!Wrl 0111> &Dd the Fullln! Te&ebon or Alllenc:a..

AIW> •tarred on I.he AU... Ti~ -•tball uu. >._,. and .. ..,. &Yid ak1lcr

Alk~'• major .. cnpn_.nng H• bu ..._ recenU,.. t.arped tor Ptit 'Mletll "-

Dean Knttda>n atteadcd tbe IO<"al h!p llCbool and STadU&l.ed lut ycr ~high acbonl Denn ,..,_ rdvod l<'Utt11 far tour yun ot -..u.a. two }C&J'll ut golf, lhrl>O )..,.. ot lftCk f-11all.

n. WAa Ttce-presklent oc b - elaa and a membc'r of lh• ht;b ochool .,,,.le. Ile WU a m=bcr o! the F. T. A and CUtttnt Atta.lno Club.

0.... • !lo- :\l'O buntlng and ..-.tu akllng.

He la maJoruic In prt'-~nU.try

Ron Youncma.n T<1CCDUy com· rletod lbree :r.,.... .. tvlC?t> In I.he ..,,..,. Dunnc bla lour or duty. bn llpcnt 1S monlha 1n Fran« llnJ t..-o 1114111.ha In C•nnaey. A l ~Ron 14 -lal clu>Jrman of 'h• \'tl'• club and 111AJ1Ag1ni: crtllor or The Re\·l•w. He la nloo

" the C4zdln.slo bluketbl\11 t....,. Ron la ma.)ortnc In EducaUon

aJ>d mtnonng l.n P.E Ho Is a ~ ot ~ <fAlone hlch «bCol. c:.U. or .sz..

~·~ ~;h;~~::~ Platform Promises of Candidates Are Listed Jl! 1tl•utflnta

h•• alao bc:'lf'"u nl• lAkf' 4

lo rntrr U1,. thf'T ol hrr •n• nol r-u thtr

er Wed emony

bwunt u .• t•••il Mt ..

•• h ta brill nc Cf'rt'mon)

lh•ra11 rhun:-h

to lhti \Jni1 .. T ln\ndp-•Uun

ftlh.a A,CO ff'NI \

l-ru.uia H h11 r lht"ffl y."r•

of <i•rman'

nd lnt•n~s.. lo tton tn the nNr

Thtt c-amt••lf:OJI o f lhf1 atu Jf'nt \klCh f',.,.h.\,.nU•l nornln~ H,... ln tuu • >Aina: N•,.rl) all •'A1lab h • PU'l'! on lhe • olh "' ""lb, d""1f"lllf'!lll \I.1th ealt\rtul p.»tl'f"

a nd th""r" Ah" mar. t o c.-. ·' J'Ao , .. odldat'"'• Alim U~nn.-t

1&n1t lhn ld 8mJlh. ha\ fl " th tnwn '"''"' lhf' l'&C'.c' ror lh p r-H:tdn u_, tiu l lhr rnruLLDlnt: comJW'Ult'lini •~ t ljchllJ>j; • sood d o n 11~111

)lany am•tl group• a rt'! 9'H'n ln -'"'I' ron, f'natlon ~ \\hal lh" '

a n d o t o .-uni tM:lT f•'t'(rile c-... n dul.-lt· a .MU'<"HA. a n d 1pu1ta are lllj:h

Ci\ f'R bt lo,. IU' f'I p\atfonn.a '" U1n 0&nc11dAln -.ho hau1 fonnalh otra~d lht'm Cc.•r pUhlh"'aUOC'I

.\ r&;.tf,•nQ h>r f t..'\ ) <"ra.nst n nn1111ntt tor 1 ,•nl ha.11 bH11 auhmU tlf't1 In it hl: hu out11n1--d 11W\Nat .. r111~~hh"'hh-i: \\1llam 1~ut lf ht' v.-1n1 t!H.• rr"'t.M nr) 1- lr.l hf' -.1tt ron•ldflf' ..,., u.~n.: 1h" ••.m•ll\1.IUc\n hl pmvldf'I fot llM it.J\ U1or) co11uu1lh•~ 10 u.uital l h l"" l'WU~1 ~hatnnan 2 ConUnuallon ot lhtt 11\'hool r&P''r 3 )t"rtrn4"'11p "ffk JuMn1t th• latt'"r p.At'l. o f t ho!

lln1> l'"l•n Uben.I Party com· tlo<' aubmlta th• Collotnnj; plat· nn on l><h&lf cot lta C&l1<tidAI~ a 'Tbtt O\ 'H11.U beit.:rm.-nt ~

:'>l JC iu • 1....i..,. in a.II community

at:~ ... ~"1 !l -= of &JI .tudcnt UIUOll at><! ~ ~ 3 lml'""' meet ot tmramanl Mid lntor-

albl.UC. tor all lllU•

~ 4 Cm:.:.•m:•"oa and Im· ~ IA U.. dr<llla kAl of

ZJl..sdloolpspcrt.o -&J:d l:oU!l;'.Jam ID lhb lnland Em· pin We ted tbat lldl la en. I U.. - W&T• to 114\ crtl5tl OU *'2lo<>1 to ~.... llWk:lla

lmPl"O"Gnont 0: ~ •nd ?l"ldn; azu lcw k:>d>t,. and ..-u. II. Academic &J:d T<>Ca ~ .rtudtna ttptaoe?<d In ~ fi:udem. Board Gt Control 7 Ap­pt'Opl1at1o::. tor " colkl;l'-«pomor• eel ~p cf $10000

Rml TOU1'~. rec:ot;nlZln£' the ln:J>Orl.anClt ot 111.uckot &l"U•1Ues II> callri:;e Uf<>. !'lad&'"" h1a ..,pport oC an llltraznunl irporta program and Ille iDcTauod UR O( lll\ldont union ta.cruuea.. "! w111 "° ..v.,.,uun,: in m:r power," aid Youngman ~II>

ruum NIJC to th• coll°"~ t.ndl· lton an.d ball 'lb• pr<"1llUnl' 1,..,n I l<= mak• our coUeig-c Juat llt.nOU'IN· 'MC'h - 1'".

Page 2: The NIJC Cardinal Review Vol 10 No 3 Mar 12 1957


M•"•9""11J Edrtor ~--'d y..,.,i~"l lvli,.•u Ma'M9•' • ..., ... •.- u-; ... C.rculat">n M•"'•t•r Jo"" ~ .. o~ Ad••rt;.._ja9 Mt"•IJ•" Oa ~• Tr.ttt • •"'d C.,. c.r~ Rapof"fen R9'ft ' H11G'o" Cti.tttet lwn tie• aul Ublty J a""'" Cio.n~

to.._ tCa111•. Mec.J."' a.I rur ""A «Nf "•£SS •n SHO

The World C.nnol oi•I "H•lf Sl•v• •nd H.lf Free" Abrohom L·ncoln hod th" roro 01> 1 tr lo put -p

m o ;.im?l" woy to <;,.Otch thtJ fontt o paoFe w

Mony oi h1' •lotom~nl\ or< quoted 090 • ond 090 • o quoti09 thoy soom lo 941n voluo ond mportonco

Eorly in th" yeor t 858, Mr. Loncoln -de tho follow "9 •o•omer conc:~rnin9 tho lroublosom11 d1florcnc" be•woen tho Ncr•h end South. Ho so•d. "I believe this 9ovonmont cannot OL • ho f <:.'l• ond holf free." Tho dc>lruc:livo Wor botwcon tl-c Sto•M de!erm ed tho• we were to rcmo1n ono notion Md thot >lovery we> lo be Oono o•o with throu9hout tho notion.

Todoy .., .. livo in o world >0motomc dc>e:ribed • ho I da•c ar holf froo.' ond wo odveoc:e linc:oln • dotemont o• proof thot "'°"" or loler wo sholl hovo lo C)O to wor lo decide wncthcr our worffi bo dcmocrotic or communidlc.

Ac:tuolly when we boil it oil down th<>rc ore only two • ·o of 9overnmont, coll l~•m whot you will. In one th~ c;overN"""' .,. to $crve the people in tht1 othM lht1 people e• ,1 wlel~ to ..,.,,.., er.a support tho qovcrnmonl Thi. lo;t conc~p! is on .,Id o•e. l h<e•9"°" · much ol h11tory it ho• boon tho occ:ep!ed ;doo Fat r;entu°'e• •he upper clo"a' ol peoplo bolioved thot the only purpc»e c• the ma of people wo• lo •upport lht>m. ond the common penon wen• •hro>.qh life. 9enerotion ofter q.,n.,ntoon lullillonq th·, o •i9nt><1 to ' occep' "9

1t O' his lo!. Thon. not i.o long 090 - 500 yeor Ot '° - n no" iclo<I ~n

q<'I oround. Thol idM wo thot wo• nolh.n9 born n•o o i:>r.1C" thol mode h;m o •'••e in o hut rother thon o lord in o cost!. TI... common poople beqon lo !eel thot perhops couco•~ ,., deo.:eo them ju\! '° they would not object lo their •tofu n Ve Soc• ,~.,,.., crop! in tho 1nevo!oble bet.el thot they were bcinq den•od mo•y tliu-.q that wore ro9htfully thoors Allor tho• chong..• hod to come

In the becJ:nnin9. the struq9l~ wo1 pr nc pa y lor polit c:o Ir~ but now more Md more tho emphn " " bo "9 ploced on oconom ~ freedom 0 , well. The•" or• the fr.,odom• tho common people of the world ore demanding for •h.,m• ~Ive> todo ~ - •ho ro9ht lo de'o!'T!' • tho'r ow" qovernmont ond the opportun ty lo< ony man. orywhero ; 0 thi' world. to oam I"' h:m ell ond h s fom~y o dotcnt s•o,dord c

livin9. . . In c:on.,doron9 tho dolfocult problem• or hos own tom.,, l ncoin wod

th .. : "Tho doqmo• of !ho .qui"t. P6'' ore onodequo10 to the •form, pro~nt. Tho occo ion " polnd h•qh with dolloculty ond we m1<11 r c to tho oceouon 01. our co·o is, now so we mu~f th;n• tSnd oct one:w

Hi• •lolemMI is M hvo todoy •• ti .. 01 o century. 090. As ou coso i• now \0 we mu1t thonl ond od &now. The wul1on of IOdoy littlr world ~oll. for now concoph ond ottiludtu to guide th• 1h;nlin9 of peoplo tho worlo ovor.

Whet 0 , 0 thoso ollotudo•? Permot mo to •u99~~ o lew. Todoy

1ttt plane' oro cr0111n9. ~ontirionts ..1nd ~ans '" o mot-ter

of 0

few hour> Whot better ov1denco could we •." of tl>e mo ""' of our world? Tho d•Y is 9ono ... hen we con thonl of °""" o c•lrtf!M of Coour d'Alene ldoho Un·'.ed Stole; ol Amo•oco %ether we wont to boor no' we oro now ~it1ten of the wcr~

E h oi u• mu;t corn to th•nl ot hom .. I 01 ono ot ·re more •oo• lw:b.u.on pooplc '!I tho WO<ld - oeople ."t.o n •p<!e oi •he sucer· fic:iol dollorencc;• o• color. lon9~09e re 19 on ond tho oae ha;,o ·~o

boiic d'"''"' - for freedom for <ecur •y. oMI for peoc:e. ,..,. :~ec'ot.on of •l>c com..- co.rA> of humon •y eve<ywherr ..., M. I' u; od•once tho! coJ:c

Sao-er "' lol•r ~o IN ho•• •o recogn :e thot t!-u, color of °'" ~on does not mol o h m bettor Of wric - thon '°'"ecne ol 0 d_I'"'

t color We 11eod to leorn 10 t'YO uoro o pen.on no· becoU10 o• ne l:'n ua9e .,.,, •ponh Ot :M •oocl ~· •• ,.. Q." ."° l-iou10 ho rnoc$ a.n 0

1009 rol"oqoort heo bo iove on or •he ?O of 11 bonl oa;o..n' bu• oec:o<n<:

of ,.. .. .,, dow ndo o' t'- · ~I, Q" ~ r .lo •

Shld•nh Wonder About C.mpus Grounds Not In u .. Mony t~n· wonder ""l I~ '-"° b. ~ond '~ college oom • •r~

tOon 1w;ld,n9 Md 9Y"' l,a noveo bo&n p.. o IOmO •Ml I• "*'ely ,,. botc there •ho yeor oround. ond oncn c_.,, 'F' ng col!oge lludecls

venture to cloon up pert of of until the job t res the"'. Why c:ould th•• orea not bo t;>0rloo y clea•od for a p.>A7 Of

cour...e there would be t~ quo• t!on of the mt1.ntononcc of 11, but mcc 01 could ~ u~d by tho ~ubloc: on Ibo summer months olso. ~hv could not tho .c•IY of Coeur d Alona '"' the coll~ toqothe• oHorcl to operole 117

Lo•I loll . ~mo foculty rnombo · oe9on o proioct cl orec:t ng o \)or~uo pit on tho• oteo. Tho 1tudcnh of NIJC ore very qroteful fo tho onlerosl of th~ foculty 1n providmg more f4 c11;,,0 , to mo•e in ,c;hool e more c:lo oly.lnil unit. It "'°"' only proper tho! 0 fe., tobl .. 0 nd benc:h~· hould bo et up now


Lett~· To Editor Column I• Fat Shldonl U•o Wo or& prov1d1n9 o lotlor> lo •ho Editor Co!'"" •o NIJC ludent

•• • ploco. lo ~nd off obout 011090 olloi" ond odi!oriol o inion eapto.•od on lhi> '.P•o:e. lotto" mu>t bo ,;9ned ond turned : 0 · onvon• on tho Rev,ew \toff • r 'O

\t ("!

.Mon• ... • MW' m:cm.ber er \ !'iUC fa.c11l:J" Hf' la an true In th•""~ ~I &rd ablo t<lld>d m<tmUlal atU ...suca l.J(.n.

Upon fCT1'dm&U:11: r higTI ... ~ )ol r Rl•I>< .-wkrd r' :.l11W11 "-• Rallnad In vart<>IU JOba H• .nt•n<d' \rmy ~ r

IJM"O<llorll " . llM' ....

Fo~ .nu P..,.I Harllor 0.... 29 llkJ llJ>d IJ>rn<d YarlGua ·AAllo and rsdar od\Qob In' &tat .. lll>d Ha...U In th<' COUT1I"

o! ~ U>Ur of dutv h• cov•.-.d 16 dlflf'ft l Wanda U a n&dlO I rd! aklan and at.. !col< tlmf' cml lo •oad& 111>1< USln;l1£' to plloU In tlM'

i:tt nytni: with ""'"'" .. "to •~'liq; bl.I cllKh•l'l:• from llw f om- lw cnt•rrd ll nt..llla Co,.n.. ol Bouman H" !=l'Sdlaled tnim lot. S C. In I~ " th a B.!' clPj:T.., lll>d th• roua,. .. -n.= 1'"- b., reie..twd hi. MUIC.rn ~,_ U> ..SUC&Uon Thi• bl IU• rtnit ,...,. of 1...,1u..,

)tr RJ<be IJTH In ~t <!'-'I .... < • lh hlll ·'"I" and two~,.. and LI ,. ~eel 1.n hunt ,,., .nd ftahJnJ:

Reason For Increase In Book Prices Given

Ptobltn wn1 cf'Q.1.D.C br. >k f>l"'if a"'tm to be a.rowu,n1 cont rovtra.> anioni; lh• alud< nl.L nu. I a< I bu t.omt to th~ •llt-nUOn or lho eJ1ton OI lhe NJJC Re'le\\ and an In· vutrgall<>Cl 1n10 ti.., subjttl •-u ronducl~

.An LDlet"\1t"W -.1lh )tra Kndrt hbrartan ud book .tor. m&naJ;cr u_.t lhue r~t.a 8'>olr. pni:u ... l"l'f;Ulal4d and cstablab...S by the publlolu::g c<>mpalllea a«onl· ~ to falr trade act.I and no pro·

vtaia1'tl b&n !Itta =de to alltt r.n7 a! lh- wt J>rica.. Tiie anlJ' boob I.hat .,.. rrul>jcd to price

·~~ .... - bookll ud boolu tMt an ld' OTC" fl'Oln pttY1oua )Cft


Gh&za. 1.t1 A r U,., C• d 0- w- A tbe ,,_ _ l&J'ld to bo i;nu: i...i com-plete md<p<nde...,. Ghaaa i. abo lhe ftrlll. Nti:ro 11&1.lon Lo the Bnlla!> C-.mcrn•sllh ol l\OaUona. IC,.....,.. :.'krumalt tbe Prim~ Mm· bt" ttttind ~ (ram Ill<' U. of POl\N)'IVanla and Uncoln t• •JunnJ;' bia y<an In u..o U ll trc•m 19~101~

1n ,...,.., I lncl•!'<'nd<on " !.>a) ttttmonlet1 h~ld 1n Accra. the nfl"4• nauon • cap1l0t. delrcate11 trc m 7;.'. count.r1 .. .&. tndudJng- \'1t.,...Pr6Sdt1nt !':txon, .,,.,.u .. ln otr1caa1 alle-ndanct1



l06 N fo .. rth SI • C..1o1· d AL.••

GOP Offers Capitol Tour For Best Essay By An Idaho Youth

. ' ' '•Ip · ~.-

R,.. .. nS'•r•Con• "f>fl ln \\uh c;-un. n C on June tll-2:2 b tlle priu (Qr _,,. lalmt<d ,-ouD# Idaho rnldfl>t.. ••· ~ to piano Just """"unced b lltt' \'oung fl.•publ~ ~ Uonal F"~nuon f01" a natton•"'"\d" niN\

tm Tll• _,.,. t ll• •111 bo "'lb ltrpubllc:an Party- -' ltrae­

to Touth -The" rontm b OJ"f"n 1 o all \ m('r ~

nan tl&tm wbti Al"f' bfit\\"ffn tbe q... I tfl and ~3 A§ ot f'f'C! !U t 1';'

All rntnt'.:tl mu•t hf! subnun ... 1 b \prU .U. l"l!\T F!ntr\ blankt an tMo ribt.alo"l l'I\' \\ nuni:: tn

John r. 't.11,r1tn "'•bhc- R"t"th'Vl• Chalrman r o ll<>• 22ar °"'""

fo!#a\a arc- hmll.,...t to :ltlft wr"nta r I 111nd "111 M jHd~d on lhl"

ba.Qs N c.-JarH) of lhoua;hl orO:tn• ~ u ii 1n1 f'tt11it


)r SIJC" dum a 1r~ no\\ tf"1'tl th r1nf"hltr t .. ·hnnl!I m thti '"°"'>"*r rf'rUnl"al,. ~rnt' an I t•1 bPklW .,,th 11nm,. •n· t nruUan abnut e:nrh

ltJll lrb Crf'm. 'Who ~chlAtm frum lM coll•p In 1(1~~ .. trart" tni: lhf' third 1:1"'~• llh• hu taui;bt 1- ,....,... b"I p~n• tn l'dli:n l•mpn11lr11y 1./1 .. -rnnc to return to .-bool at fh• t'nh,.r.lty r ldllbn ll> 1''1Jfk t r " •t"lfh'r

'-ln. IA Vrt'l\e Antl""r90ft is ' th,. IMC'Cnd J;l'ad" ""'I rU.n=I to Alt#nd IRlft'lmtt Khool ;111 1'.uterft \\ ouhlngt"" Cnll•i:• or FAuca• f'ln at O'\tmf7 UU• .autnml'r tn k .. rp l':!,.r cttT1)nea•• "•11'1

tw !ltyra r.llm•n iA J11lta0 tttc tuft I' f h~ t't'flrlld l:T'ftfi,. • nd p1an. to •ltf'n'1 1111m01f'r f'.alona at Cb"'""Y Mlu t';Uman gnu:luat· Mtn1W4

\\'•jnc- <~n th,. nnly nudt" ltftc h,.r n th., ,.JMTI,.nt•ey 1rnut,,_ ttl\l'ht'_. th,. tltlh cndr: HP aJllO

r11du.Alf'tl In 10'J6 ,\f ra H.i~.c·J C1•rk •ntl M.-.

w .. t,...n Caylnrd ar,. ttoorhtn~ fourth i;rad..a, Both pl..,. If> aU•nll aum· ~r vuinrut Mrw Mark •l Chrn.-v antJ MA 'r;"y1t)rd at th,. 1•n1vt-nn1y M. rd.aht:1

Allh1•11Jeh .\.t.ra. frf'nflJ fir"'fl'n waa hi.rt •n •n &f"<"1dt"nt 1h1111 WinV·r ~,., •• 1Sot.oc nn,. nnw •n•J i. I "3.dun..- th" •1Xlh CT'ftd~

)In. Ruth w .. i.n •r Punn hAs tt".slJ:'ntrd h•I" paml.t.c-n .. tint crnd~ le1u:ht"r at Kitt~t n Bhf" baa bMn U1 ror li"•rnf' Um., and rxprcu ,. rep'..u.,,...,.t In Ma,-

Dtsnn" Buf'<'b ls r~dtln. hu l«ond J'<tlr at Sil>,... Ktni: M t...-b., tM -<>Cd fCT1'dr )[iao

BUttb t:n t• I!>"


' Lt( ~ tr lrt I

.... :;!JC" it.--'\"tf'1a' be H'111 to them eo;, cal' k .... p a.b....-t ot our awwtu.,._ bt>tb aoxial Th• drcula IJ< n dtpart:n>ont ~ met I.ha ,..._ qu""' b7 rn.allinc ou• _,,,« 1· papr.r-. f"Yrt'y ()U'\ll"r' v...rlc In ~ ..~~ .. Ht,(hoch<>ob n thts ar,..a ,.. ' in thft '1,....

laUon llAL

Carnation Company FTeJ. Mil\ & l.:o Crctam

"'-•~• MO"••• ..._2121 COEUR 0 AlENE tOAHO


10!t . .... , A•• • C..1u d A.I•"• Ol'EN SUNOAYS

u.-rn:~., TO Tit~ \T.d. , .. 1... nw. ........

C"'l•m!f' k-tt~ lo i... IUl) ....... ~. ~ ......... , ...

t~ f....-.ucb ahnot I• ...._ n-,"""- ~tf-tlfo .... ..

fl"'tt '"'°"'" .. , ''"" .... ..... \\(' f~l • ··~~ ... ....... "" ("~111\1'11) -tra1.1

J:!d.itor. TI"' ltie' '*'"" t C'f'rt;un1.) \\I.ah "th~

l'rl< lnl•n<h<•U....U.,.1h Ill A lh: Uo• ma1\Y t mn ~n aJJ HI lhf'i halt. •"4 un,on nt our Kb<tol • H Ls (1n1~ t•lktt.I ,,r an11

dvnr. Tn rr~i •h •11 " i\<U11n1 IJM'Ak hmc1er lh&n

\\'t'~ lht' •to't,.nta. mUlllt tncm~h lnlf"rf'At anJ •f'&nt to po1t 1• trauu \ 111•non ,...._ ''lflt .• h1\\" " t~J\h\ •lld .... \l th,u It lttkttt wurk Ud t1rl\l ton \\Ith nthtor • ludelltt t u-uU y 1 and C"nuut;h 1thool to Hllf'tUJ lhl." pmta.

It lakN mflnt'V 111 ,,1 hl,.I k~ Th.- at11•J•n1 hod)'

•te ll""4 Cor f"'rl '' 11 tMd f:'J\h_• ,..... eiiit• sJlt'uld at..• ton 11• a;,ood •h•r~ ltt\\it.nt n

S<-h1 "'' "P'"' ia &.dune to 1 af'rlUll .. tl~l"l'r •\ NIJC .. A knt•wn fH':l lb.•t UM .... ..,._, •rlril 1.9 alhl.Uca It .. l'\I..._ l':S.lUlry lo WU\ •U UM Sat uraUy. v. •• •JI 'A'Ml tn w '""*"t;: IA d mu( h " pee.rt of A• wtnn1n~

Th~ff" ,.,.._ "110Ulh SOud t :-tlJC In C'oltlptht wtUa I

mtlndmg • honl• ,,....., and \.U'Wity t:\1Jrl!C'lr " "'•• al1a..n the put......_ had twn ~•ma tn lh• no. .\lf"ftf> Caty l .. rtair Hotb •nu r. v.tUlln t'A-o or UUff uf bea&un.: lhr l•..,.,.,. l'tullrpo ~ Th~ l'hUhpo l bc-':lt .. 1 (Jth,.r t ... .-m, f'OalUt fonnrr roll"'lt •n I h•sh I.A<' Thto llt<•ulol "'- It


Page 3: The NIJC Cardinal Review Vol 10 No 3 Mar 12 1957


thfo •venUtt; .... l...o,•

"'"" flllbc!rt ........... , f')'I Jnhnmon.

Knudt .. 11

ay Oobo.,... M r P'.ar1

, Inc.

JC Biology Student Decides The Poster Is Right - " Life Is Strange" .. &lie -- "' - ""' tarp ....c.uplar ,.... - ....

.., &lie ,_ la tar -• a bolb)

fWI _.. Tim ..... '""' day capt~ and.,. .. ~,. pock· ... at &lie wan. at bU Ilk rnaon. fftllUaallr -- "" l..W ,,_ - - lO llw btt pock mslllaa-ycrtsp S:

-- and t1w " rut t UN planla on tar WI- •

lalUlllC - ~- wal U>e tu - ol tJw room and I nal Nfl«ll .. llKk Into UM fillli -l ,,,. cld......,.l&a lf1Wt ""' nt:: •n wtUI a fr:w lap. •round ..... ....i - rr1onca,. ,,..,,,t " TIWl!mtftlel<nprmlllf' pu­olftly aDd t- eontln...,. hlo ...,ck 1n1: 'l'IW cltlpmunb wanl f...e -. too llul With ~ ll la only • p&Mlq faiw:y. they h .. c collfl· donc. In tlwtr 11uml>ttw Tiw duck tratrbN tM tlah in th,. bcnr'I un· «trr th• car lrWlm atupldly uound lheir 9M WHCt lf)laJ1) tJnA'-A ... N'

lh&l I.hey, too, ah" C'8ptl\'~ Srnnr animal• bel- 1n • flllhb'>wl llome aft -laflf'd with only ..,cur­lly But th°"" whl> ha•~ kw>wn t.....iom aN n•v" MIUrflf'<I v.ilh tml)' "111!1t'UrU)" Tew: ttAh tturk 11.

•Ull pttklnjr TIM mntJt p&raant atmr~t'rt"'

c•rt.alnly can't .,. _,, frncn thAt

ftllh bowl on th• """' Ab<>ul on• f{)(lt tn th• l«lft, lh .. d,u('k can N'f' a laf'S1' eta» t".&nnl11tt'r (1111 f\f taruun.c 1101ution anti • furry b1t)b of n._m On lhtt OQUnt•n &f'1' l•r~r -la wtU1 fro... ....1mm1nc In '""""~hydoo .,,,.. bookl! "" th• dMk .,. ,..U"C' ..,n a antlrr "'1clenU)' 111\"'1 fl'9m oom• poor snooer but th• ('mwJUnJ:' ~fffrid la a mobll• 11W1nirln1t ,...,m th• r•llln1 11 mnhUr nipr•-ntln+.

Al Gilbert Free Of Bonk Robbery Charge Says Fed. Grand Jury

A t~,..raJ 1:ran1I Jun tr*""'! Al 1,11bc-rt 11f • bAn)e; f'('lbt:M"r) .. t\llrJ:ir In a mO<"k trtal In llr C'>g~- I' 8 flov .. mnu•nt rlllAl!I rf"C'f'nllv l:U Mrt ll&('("UJ•"d or robbtng ,.,,. ~"nk ot Rank,.r At\ n.11194'.tlph Wl'" f ~ upon hllf ,,, .. of .. nttl l(llllty•· b\ n 12·man jury Mr flllbfort "mp1o) tttl by Ac1am'1 f.thlnt• nr flrnk11nr wu a rt:uHcl of rnhhtt1s: l'anh•ndlfl Mt•t• Ra1tll In ~•M-llr 11 A11'niri or JI\ OtMl 1••1 N'n\·,.mbflt

Ju,tatt """" tcnJ"'" prr11Hlrd "' lh,., trial tn whh·h th,. Jury hrnu,::hl 1n "' ••nnt .,itlt)t' v ... ntlct nu" Jury'• dHlalnn wa11 tf'•rh1•1I afl.-r " ;.m1nutr 11•11bt ratt<in C"hunM"l for th* tS.i•nM Wit." Tom Karir uav• ,.rant a art.., a• rn•M-C uun.:: •tlom• • Olhf'r "'rnlbfortl uf th

•tart ..,.,... Thnrna~ """""' """ HUI ll'•rsl"r. C'JPUft C'lt'rk \\'U. n....,.. tnt.ludf'ld Tom Jnn,., roh('fl , fflttr H•t11• MOl•r m~tf't nwn rr Jn~ ~rt.on Bf .. \'&ilrt':

Jun ntPftlMni ~ •n- l"'Uy .Moumol ... 4. OMoth\ 11.,.n J......, 1...,...n1 1><iuc1 .. 1"""'1' lla•ld J \\ lU•m• ltt"Mard L&hb\"' 8uun r-. N•DI• l':rl"<I) ll•nl'J Pall t.lo)"t "'"'"' J•~ Mont.ans: antt La v...,,.. Karv ltol> llchrnldl and Harold nuootrh w-.~ Jul"J' alltt­natn -n.eo trbl wu a h•l't"···da" proJ•d f th,. t f 8 (J(Jv•rnm•nl !au Dr O.o: .....-ord«I th• I'"'" "41"«" ~Uh hf'r m0'\1•'rD

...., He. Ao .... Hom


' ""9"

Boutonn 41'C!


"' u n ""~ " 14\ •.,. • JIJ ~ A."'9 • C..•• 4Alu•

tu4rn.ta •Iller mdl&. To tM duclc only...,,.... nolac' ar. lh<:1 ..... ~ t"* """" <=plia An4 lb~ an mal• an alo:ce £vt'f')'

b uncb&nl;"d .... l rar lM a4di· t """' _,,.. on tbe blackboanl. thr! dtSarTD..n~ chalra. anrt a nn: ro•tit"r OM U\('f l'>UU Un board It .. ,.. -rh•.n ta ' pllilo!<>ph)' W\th a 1hr...ul ot lrutl> In t t:nlesa II in(Ju,koa natu"'' .AboYe the wrtl· ~n~ t• the pactur" of a t::t..lrp~ n1bln !>'tth"<I tn a lN<'.. Th• ll""k attH pt><"k• but 1Snwlf'r now Hr

ho.ti lll opped h1a po«1ni: ""II """ .,.,.iu al th• ram• •l"'l fadn; 'h" ~fr"" bird on lh,. buUf'un b<lftrd O.rk~"'• Mm anti 1.hrt fTlhln brocomr.JI faint The dut'"ll colJap~..w Yt1th his ~p spt?.Ad a1 nl(ht oniin from hb body H• b hr .. !tdni: -..Uy Th• pttJc r,;: ~.u ator!""I Bftld• tb~ robin r. tb. "'•IJ•tln t><>ar~ nnoll>" pot•

fil"f .. Jt A\11. •• b rslranJ:'f' ytnJ ., ... tt-ri-=.ant 1 ctn1.tnl;' l an ,.twn 100 : '1:llly pul Onrtt on •t. 1 b al...-ad)• dylnJ:' In m<omlni: th• n.ii du I< w11l be ,,,.,, .... ,...... ""~


• lit'eor · • ;.a · ttk .c Coeur d Alton~ "1"1u- J:TOUP l'l t Pa•d ("; Ammon c'ha 0 0 K llrfnw Vk"4"' rh:a lrman fla rv Th•,m1u1 ~ rf'\l r)' and Art Tll I ,..,........... Tho i:r<>UI' piano ~j:v ltr rn,.,..Un=w ftnd "'111 mrel •~ nrxl \\'f"dntl1Jda\ tnr • bc'Takfut ,, n .o

NEW BOOKS AT llUARY n.. Trtu h \. t1i11ut ('ar\t"lr r by

I nali!d

KANES BEAUTY SALON AND SCHOOL It": .._ J.o..rtlt St P1a.e • " s:

COF l OAUM;, O"''°


PERMANENTS $3.50 and up


PERMANENTS $6.50 and up

Applouhoru No- a. ... , h•• f9f

N•• o ..... , S••r1·~ '" hl•rc'-

Crlr;hl aad 1 rula 'blrll'1 l """ I• •LaCJtt,.,• thl! l;trl for Mtaoi..r I Q\t"

(,fM"doft \ 1.-c:.a. and .Rod sw1, .. r rkal flM"b othrr U. '"'Ok1ahoJT111:~·

'""" C'larma...,,,P<". C'Olor b) T,....b· ttit .. Jor mt.l'lral,, ~ ~ Roda-,...... "- I lammrrir.~\D'' Bn-.d""&.J pla>, '" a !ttaraa Prl1ClnrUoo d.t.strl.but,.,,f h) T1ic""a0rtb Cr:atury·F o>.. 1'1Lldt •.,...... \\ ....inr..ta:r. 't......h IS al llN> \\ 11- Th•tze


I l'ntUJK Lo\? .. Tftb Hunt,.r I? °'1n'I f°ftrl>ld \I~ • Pal

Bnono 1J1 T..., 't..,.b • Eh'll "'-ley

4 l~-1 ....... r; •TU• ne. ... 'l.al1Aan• • H l<>PI''"'

61 - ... -• (0.v.() t • Harry Bclatont~

: '°>lnrtac Thro 8ta~ • Gu''

\ln nallcll t < • .&mN,.r • V......iti• I.Aloe

, '""" ,,_ ... Pala Dom· IDo

l"I nrt~ \\rant:lr F ... l'arhr

Soncli In the ONla <!Al..,.~ lllat att Yer/ popular and na:nc I t on the Hl:mor llcll JllU an floand - ..._ by Puty Om:o I'm Walklll' bJ F'ala ~ ll.lld ran v 11<>11 bl' Bl>dd7 ic-. n.e - popular aJbwn bf all the .... ~ artlab cul.Ucg ....,.,.. to.

la ... ...,. Belafani.. (111)-. TIWI n- -l la prodl>dng a ,,... lllant on mualc UtU hu FO'ftd 1.atlf .-er:i• popablr

' I':\\ \I \' ('1.l'B TO 'I l:l:T ~.,.man Club "1ll m~ lta.rch

I~ al P 4!1 durU\j: lh~ acu~11r period In mom I! rr £1llotl will 111-i< ab<>ut 'l':YO!uUon." Tho club :xt•n an lm1taUan fw all

( "'"1'1: •


111 ~ ........ COf.UI 0 "1lN( 10 .... 0


AAUW and IFNB Offer Money Mgt. Course in Cd' A

A 'U• _.-""'>I oil (lnanor

~n •t up by th,. Amencan A-.c:&uon or Umverwuy Womon and th• Idaho Flnt ="Lllonal Bank " °""'' er ..u .... lo t>er;in on w...,. nnday: )larch 13 a• "" p m_ ru,... .- cl Ille cou .... b culdanc• In mont"I' rn&nacer.enl tor Coeur <f"· Al.,,.. ..-1a and .,,,.,.,., '" U>e arra wtao ma .. i,., tnurat..i Lt<:· tu .... ,. MD .,. beJd !n tl>• W&abfnc· loft \\"at<-r Poww Co. a1'dltor1um.

No fe<1 la bdng Im«! !or the 1'llc l«t=- and they altouJd be a ~ &Ince eac:h lec:lurer la <on· tddenod an expert on hlll ~nc topic. QuesUoa and ...._ --. wm be held atur tJ>e iectutt

Tll" ro11ow1ng a.,. .,...,,.. "'1ll tailor on _, .• Wedneec!ay

e--enJ.up. Topia and lpelllce,. for each .. .ion lbtt'd bclow:

l[arclJ 13. ''Pu-el>nal and Famll,y :Woney ) l&nagem<J>t." Paul O. Grok•. AaR. Prot. or B\Wrwill Ad·, Uoh"U'&lty ol Idaho; MArcll 20. "Dlacuulon ot Banklnt: Suvlcu." MartJn ChG1tnut, lclaho First National Bank. Coeur cf. Alene: Uuch r.. °'Tr'Wlta aruJ P~rty Management.• William BUllk<.lt, ldabo ~ NaUonaJ Bank, Boiae· April 3, ''Preparation <'f ""Uhl and Family Estsla Plan· ntnir,• WWJ&m S. Hau-lcln.o. Coeur d'AJ.,,.., aUOm<y; April 10, "Life tn.unonc:. and Social Security, Ba.lie and Famll:r PW>a."" w el> Abell, Sun Lire tnmraa~ Com· r-ny. S)>Obne: April 17, "&au;. Uea and" Paul Fn.nltUn. MornD Lynch. Pleroe. F•Mer&Dcl ~

ITi;1 A LO:SG WA\" OF'f' \alronomuw •Y ~ nM.ttat

'Iara can ......,. came lo arllt wtll be 33.853 000 mil& They •llmat• lhlll mli;tll happen 1n tho yo.r :78.~

WILMA T H E A T R E MOh••' 4-5092




" BUNDLE OF JOY" St.""."9




Page 4: The NIJC Cardinal Review Vol 10 No 3 Mar 12 1957

,....-----------------·--- ~ -~

Six T earns Launch Intramural Cage Schedule At NIJC

LAunchlng of Ule NLIC Intra· mural bo.ltkotball progmm gnl undorway wilh n. mcoung called by WatTen Kullng, phyalcal edu· c:aUon director. AJI o. r-ll or Ulo mee.tJng •he: leitm• w~tre orgo.nlzed

Mr l<co.llng appoint«! •!Jc of lbe mam~ra p~t. Al lhc ntrtl· 1ng to act u pto.ylng·m1UU1g~r1.

Th•Y " ·ere: O..vr Smith. Clork Fmnd.ICn. R•rb Mlllhelal4'r, Al GUbdrt, Allan a.,nnoll and Tom Kane.

Tbla ta lh" firot lime for IOm• y...,. buko.tball has """" In• eluded In Ule lnl1'm1ll'l\I rporl3 prognun. Thua far a 61"'8.l deal or Interest. and compeUU\'o aplrtt have bt.en ecxprcacd bv the 111x parUclpAUng.

u Uie progro.m goea according lo plan, Ule 16-pmo llchedulc will lcnnlnate on Ma.rd\ 19. All or I.he Intramural bukolbllll gamCA are playcd on week-day• at 12 16 In Ul• Junior coUoge gym.

Mr . Keo.Ung alllled lh8l If lhc lnterut whlch tbe team• aro now rxpruslng ~nunuoe Uiroughout tho prognm, lhero la a good poa· alblllly of ha.vlng a 11lngle dlmlnl\• lion t.ouma.mcnt, with o trophy and 11 lllnnor aw11.rded LO lh• ~n· nln11: tcrun. -------JC Keglers Vote To Discontinue Bowling

A vol• wu taken during thr league pro.. Marc:b I to <lo.tor· mlne wbethf!r to continu~ rrgular luguc contoalJo unUI tho •nd or the &<!hoot year. Membtrl or tho eight toam• votod 20 to 12 10 di•· continue at thl' end or lhre~ week.a By Um• th• leagu• \\111 h&\'C completed two rounda of a"Uon. a.nd each team wtll 1111.\'0 plo.yed ench othor twle<i.

Tho """"°" cor the dll'Conunu· anco u; due lO lh~ coming ot warm· <r WCAlhCr and lho CllJI of opring iport.. Man)' 8 .-, anUclpaUni; plA)1ng of gotc, bueball nnd tennis.

CurrcnU\' lh<' Noua. Qua.I.ft Chald. tn.~lcd "We Four C.t.a," h1w• " lhreo-gamc lead- lJnl•M llOM(."On<" k.noc~ lhcm oU lbc-y alu>uld Wtn the le&gue uuc. They luw• been toedlng moat of I.he atCl.800 Tbc ttam mcmbe'n A.rt'

Sandy Baird. Kollh BDAI. Herb ~Ullhclslcr and Karl Ellus.

CORBIT HEADS WILDLIFE WEEK Carl Corbit. .,pomorc blolo~

ni&Jor, 111 1crvlng as dla.lrm&n _ Nauonal W1ldllC• Week (?>l'a.rch l• • ~3l In Kootenai county. He Is an ;cll\'c \\1ldli!e con3"-rvaUon l en; lhwd..-L and wlU promote oc_a <m"Pna.!s on the llUl>J<"L Tho Cd A WlldllCo Fod.,.,.UOn "'111 hold 1ll ~n\Lll JIUllbOreG a.t&rch :?:?..





Lake City Lanes, Inc. 2414 N. f.o.,,..h St: .. Co.vr d•Af•n.

Intramural Standings Kane'• Kanp"°°" : O 1.000 fl llbert'e o.uu.,. : o 1.000 S o:allh'• Snl.a&h,.n I I ..500 Fran...,.,n "• f'lfe"" I I .."iO'l 'llllhrlM"r'• •loagrol• o ~ S.lln•ll'• -.;..... 0 .ooo

BOWLING Lf'..A<il. I. b T A."DL'1G-.

A • of 'S.a.rra. 1

Nou. C,/u•lni Chall Quo V•du•

"OD 1.,o-.& J3 JS ao n

Alley C.ta 30 I~ King Pine 0.,ad Ptna

, .. ,, 20 .. :G :2

Lea Cho.ta ~ LA R.u• CU)'a a.nd Doll.I

2:1 :.t3

Rock n Rolle:n 10 - 37 10 ~

111GH G AMES (80\t-Oave Smith :?If Don H~yn :1:. BIU .• 2o:J

llIOH S£lU&S (80\ ·1 Don Heyn ~ Onvo Smllh :.:lo Jerry P'1l.e"'°n :11~

IUGll GAMES <GUU.S) Dorothy H•yn ll~ Cherie Van Sla.lo 1~; Mllrll,yn Mo.nllap 168 S11ncl.y Baird JI);.

lllGU SE.IHES (Gl.RL.Sl Dorothy Heyn ~ Mo.r11)o"tl Maro.hall HO Cher1o Van Slate 4go

A \ EM OES ( llOH'l Don Heiyn 110 DaVld Smith I~~ Jerry Pelenon l!IO Jan Kclly u; Ron .ret~ra 14 t Kcllh Hu.a 141 Tom IJ6 Herb ~Ullhol&lor 111:1 Jor Bensley 13:! Jim Honaley 1:12 K&rl E!lers 131 Rogrr 1111.:t.on 130 Howard Bffbo 129 G len 1.Qgall.t 1%'r Dick Janasm U3 Bob No'...X 115 Kr-n Brust 11 't Alan 1nako llli lkn Heurd 116 Clon Flioger 1.L.! ~llll Lat!glola I J.;l Ray c:-ran.<on I 06

,\ \"E&AGES (GU?l.SI Dorothy Heyn Chtr1e Van Sia.le S&ndy l!alr<I Marilyn Ma.nhall Arlen~ B&rU Florcnoe &.rua

116 1~ Ub IZ7 UI 107 106 8oAD1c: !'~wcomb

Barbaro Toah Ja.o.i. Cnunp Max Smith

___ lo:;

Dalia JaquJlb


104 9S

An !\"I.JC at.udcnl t<9Chtr r<· pol'tJI • -d grade toacller " .. pronounctng Ibo lll)dllng wordll on~ <lily. Sha noticed Johnny rcf•rrtng to a .Up of paper on bla Rat. "\Vh&l. are you doing. J ohnny• llht ukod. The clilld'e fa~ lighted a.s he prolldly o.MWered: "I'm c.h....Ung"



Home of fine Bend Instrument.

Conn - S...on


'A' Tournament Ends; Sandpoint New Champ

S&ndpo111t hlgll ..,_I o 8Ulld"'f:: cl>nchcd lh• Panhandl• au. '.\ lOUJ'O&IMnl cha.mplanahlp b}· d"'J>. bang lbL highly ·f&\-0~ KellO!Q; \\'"lJdt".&i.. ~ the ~ ot ;2..:.1

KclloJ;i; did nol .Jo#rl•' I • brand or beoak6lball llu11 "''•Pl them to an u.ndf'l•tf'd con!ettn~ -n. 'Tbtlr and ball hand.Lui$: WU Ml.~ On th• ot.h,.r band. S&.ndpCll.nt ,,...., cin. and lh,.Jr de:ff'nsa~·• play. u ... u • lhar offof'J'l.lii\•t': f'J.a\. •-x.a C>Ul•

~&nr l;anapolnl Jua:J><'d into an crl;

lead of ll·Z and lhtv cll<ln t I• op Dunni,. p..n:1~ Ktol .. ki1:J: Jll"\Cr th,..ten..S 1Q InAk,. tt ~ "Punk TlnJ:1ln .,• ~ l'<I nl ...,... lb• b i:: i;un. t-U..s: In

pomta. Rich Porter. a K•I~ i:;: ~"' <OIUl<'ctf'd Car IP point.>

ll•ror E'•rry Cbrlstia"*"n maol• lhe pM!f'nlJIUon or awatdl Ce>llo"­tng uw <halnplonahlp i;un• Rr ...... n1..s th• toun&&<r""t t ropbl .. and ...,., eonf<ren<" f<X>lbolU and b&olc<!ball launl& lolr OlrutlAC· ..,., aJ.oo ~ula!<d tM K•U 'fl, .-.oh Ed HI.-,,.. n bb t••m • •l«l>011 Oo1 l~IWI tam ol lb• )'CAt b)' I.he "1"'rUWr'lltt11 o.nd broa4· C" tfll".f"O(Spn~

Jacquot Is Top JC Soft Drink Vendor

StUdf'nl ~ to the n......i tor "!Oft-drink, tlt'. \:endrln dunng tbe l"K'elll bukeU.U toumarncnt •I

the ...,,JC ~ym

1~!\ aomelhmft •• "" d ... I red. f'ro. ttt'Cb "'ent tnl• th~ atudvu unmn cot(erw.,

It I.I hQpad lllAt :tn ruwre "''f'ftl.t .chl'!IC1ultid Ml Lhr .!'.,JC, whlrh CW•

, ,,. loma..rtly t'.ttll for 1uch acn1cn. morei ltude.nll "1U pve of Olr r UII1ft and f"(Cort

R«°'<•J:UJUon 1.t dut t.boucn. o ~ atudmta and faculty m'n ~n who cM w•••lrl&hl)' oHr lhe-r •Upport Top .t.udrnt II "'8.IM \\."U l'ha.11• Jacquot. p1etur­ed &bOv•. whllt lll11a &ryl Jolin· ao.o and .Mr. K...un; att to b. oommf'ftded for donating tht"Jr

umt' to kttp tbe •ludmt .. uniu.n c:a!•t~rta OJ>"n and ror actina In a 011porvtool)· capaoty.

Libra rian Explains Use Of Books On Reserve List

I~ruc.·t.olll a.t the J uru1.1r Co 1eg hau• found Lb• ~c book aei

uona ot Lil• library v..-y belp!ul lo thclllat'lves and I.he llllldtnt.a, ac­OOl'Wn&' lo )Ira. Kn-icr, COJit"!;~ lU>mrtan.

\\"hen more coi:upJet'- an•J deta.t.J. .. eel lnfonn.~Uon l.bAG la found 1n lb• l•Xt book b roqwrood, &ul;;n ~nta made in o.l.b'r bool' on the llllJJle AUblcct. The i.oaru t.o.r finda th_,,. UUC9 bt: "Uo1&h.e. ln •he­rcgui.r atacl<a and uka tM hbrar· l&n lo placto th..,,. In .. "'*'"' .... -uon. ~rv!Jll< a book .,.,.,..,.. th

•t.udent ,. not ,;a,pi-t"<l lo U.kc •JM, book rram Lb• Ubnory clunn;; the day It I.Cl L<> be 11AM1 m \hr hbl'11J')' 1*l&lly al on.,.h....,. lntu· \'ah. Tb• book may i.. <h.'!Cluod out u clocni; t..._, but "'""" bo ntumod bdon l'.la.Aea •tart lb• loUowtnr- morn.tn1;.. Th~ r"..aaoa for lhla ...u1cuon la lb&t lbU< are llOl enoo,;h booG on t.tu.. t.uplf"' ..,gnec1 to aupply \hr enlln! cJa... and'\1n~ «.1'1.IU.n LtUr.t g-l\.·f' ach atudt'nt an «111&1 clwm.> 111 •cqwnni;- roqwred mrormauan.

Scott. F'tuat.. lDp l•)"Ur..o.d trot­ter m J~. "'"U ''O~·"""' ~ In lhc ~ lrotllni; dJ,......,, '"' l~

O SCAR'S FOUNTAIN M-t +he Gcnq or>d

H • .,.. " Co• • GOOD HAi.tlU~GER


••J'H•\\n oJM•\t" 1 ... l "t'tJ·r tldlh. lwu .• 1 of lht· ,I.I( \\ a l" ...rhol.ftl. \\t•rl.tnc Cll\ " wnfrh " l 'f"l •,.•• rt i\ll.\ ha ... I\ Un .. •~ of lo .... ht \.\llfk \\Ith In "'" 4h•ai.ar1uo·n t hut Ott 1.Jom1dl,t • .....,.,""' .. •l•'nt "hkh r1·qnln·" •"ttHltmhint h1 '" onuhlf tu nh Hu\\ ht'! • 111"•' o Ith lh •I prt1hh'ru l' l\t l,\\ (•l'f•d IWht\\

1-;mrtu1111' "" lhn ud.\~., lhl\t "ne-cr:ssU) b th• tnothnr ''' tn\·t'n• Uon hu a.,:-nrn bf"'t·n l'W'l\'M.I bv l'~t~r Rell,., h41111I vr lhr NIJ(" ~ll nt V.'11fr"hm11)nns:

.. -,. , l wtt h th. ln~ on 'blr lt1 1""' t.Ute A tl'-'Jilh tt\l•·runtrh•t K\\:ln1

rdld1J1i In m1lllntrtr.-.., ''" rtf'llllv romb1nflill 1 l'f1'1n ~r ho1 '"' n •f••!IJJ:'U, rt-a.i.lln' in mllltnt«"t"r.. with u drpU1·m•t>ramottr .-.atl1 n• la u~J kn thf' ~--.ll"h n-p.1r trn•f~ Thi .-nd l't9Ull ls "" ntr.-tnrly UIJl'fHI «'r\1C't> octded tn th('. arrnv nt U'linl• and 1n1,rumL"'f\l• \LIM h.) w1.1trh rt'pAlnr.rn

\1r fWUI)· putnl• ••Ul U\~~l ""''r 1111nutr :ln•J t-Xtlt"l1n;: mt:aau,.,.111t·n1 ano abt.ain.ablr. 1.uun~ UH m~t ,.,, •\•ll'IU "1 rt'I• uurf"mt-nlJI thnt1 nr1• cbtalll&ble U.•nt: linen r •.Y•l('!fn

oSevtral aH.uJl!'_nta in lhr \'.'Rtr;1 rcpn.1r .:hoot Whfl. mum: Mr R"'tll)' • pilot mcJw"tPI u 1J p•lt•·rn l() build &he-1r U'A n lMI runu nb r1 pr r' <"-'l ·rtl,.nt re uU fmm U 11..,

Pie Social Termed Success; Nets $12

Stud, 1 ,i,hc ~rn1.,1l'tJ tllr IJJ n or b U11 FLJlurc

T,•.;i hf!>ra 9( Amt·rn:.1• 1JropP"d SIZ ~n !h Ir co!!t:ra..

llt Ornnit)• D• tl'd a.a aucl1•mf"t'1 or lhn Jlll.)l"",4J 110 I Wl'.15 \'f•ry IPlc

reM!u1 m auction,nJ; • tt all ot U11~ J:i\'" J-'H'I I\ ... ru..c-, WJld b)" lJiO ~" " nnd ,.,,.,.«! wilh colft• b~ >tn Kb(nrby ~tr.1 J.,,htll.H and 'tr Ol:f M.n Rogntb)· wQ..I "ftnttra I chairman < t th,. l'XlAI and Mr• Ors la lb• •p>1UVr ••t lb• •-r A al the jutUcr coll"C"~e.

The Pll'l"'M Qf lbe pie ••C:lJll '\\ u to ~ monry lo h"IP dl-fra thr '""'P<""R• fr..r lh~ ~.(',rtat,., lh• f"TA Mat lQ u,., no;A " a.,,...,

.A short but \'rry ~nttort.-. nm$:' prognm "'~ put on by sttrntt 01

f h,,. mamt>tin att~lllJm; t.hf' IO('laJ J'*11 Lelght.y Nnl: •nd Oladyc~ Jtib acc:omparu"'<I hP1 .: n the pt•n6. F1orc: Drr B.afu.Jl P,\·ti a '"' ft::"' t>f -0nn1:"""111 Oo.n ~fcCr.-w" wh1k )11.r!• .1'tf'>l< 1-.d th• ,..bol• i;alh<Tln;: n " comical •kit ,...11...i 'l'l>e l.~on Runt

Leader Publishing Co. W &j ~9 I v•to

Ot e Su 1 6 II f._i~ 51. • MO~ •i 4-1100


Pt;rry. Del ,


Social Science Class Finds Primitive Peopl Still Exist Today

1'h1 '"('Ol\llhlh ,RflO,Chl,lfiJ'

nJ lnl · lf\fWf' t'I UUC'11,, Whicla *•• ..,, l'ltut.11,·lnR t1'11nlh\• h,1vn cnmn llJl "llh .._,mf! '•t inc fart.- t'<.1nc-'!rnhll(

!°M'flf'1t 1tl11I f'XlJIHnft' l•"'*-Y 1'l\I Unj:ca wh•• hYeY ••

\ 1ul1L11htn 1.-Luh.h lo thn P.• ns; 'I i\f'O tn1• pyan1IH. m•t4l nth llH"cd \\T.opon 1• UM 111'11u1·0"'

Tht: wor.1Nt lw\on it

u' $1.00 Tr®l<ll