the nfep as a co-financier of eu funded nature projects andrzej muter head of eu projects unit...

The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFEP) Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

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Page 1: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

The NFEP as a co-financier

of EU funded nature projects

Andrzej MuterHead of EU Projects Unit

National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFEP)

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

Page 2: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.


NFEP as a pillar of the Polish environmental financial system

Advising and co-financing

Results of our efforts

Examples of projects

A few figures as a summary

Page 3: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

• Environmental Protection Funds

- National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFEP)

- Voivodeship Funds for Environmental Protection and Water Management

- Poviat and Gmina Funds for Environmental Protection and Water Management until 2009

• Foreign assistance, including that of the European Union

• BOŚ and other banks

• Funds of enterprises, self-government and budget units

• State budget and budgets of the voivodeships

• Other (agencies, foundations, private funds)

NFEP as a pillar of Polish…

Page 4: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

NFEP as a pillar of Polish…

State dedicated fund, established to ensure the efficiency of the system of state’s environmental policy funding as well as full utilisation of non-returnable funds allocated to environmental protection and water management by the EU

Established on July 15th, 1989 (22 years of experience)

Over 550 employees

Page 5: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

NFEP as a pillar of Polish…

Importance of the NFEP for the national economy

financing of environmental protection

mobilisation of funds of other investors

handling EU subsidies

stimulation of new investments

support for the creation of new jobs

Page 6: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

Subsidies for scrapping and dismantling end-of-life vehicles


Capital investments


Credit interest rate subsidies

Credit extended by banks with the use of NFEP&WM funds

Investment and non-investment subsidies

Expert’s reports and scientific and research work

Environmental education


Mining industry

Prevention of natural disasters

State’s Monitoring of the Environment


Protection of nature and landscape

Protection of land surface

Protection of air and climate

Water protection and water management

Investment loans

Financing broken down by type Financing broken down by area

Forms and areas of financing

Bridge loans

Partial repayment of loan capital*

Interest rate or bonds price redemption subsidies*

* since 2010

NFEP as a pillar of Polish…

Page 7: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

NFEP as a pillar of Polish…

Revenue structure of the National Fund in 2010

Fees and penaltiesfor the use of environment


Use fees andconcession fees


Fees resulting from the Act on recycling

of end-of-life vehicles


Substitution fees and penalties originatingin the Energy Law


Other contributions and fees


Other revenues


Revenues from the sale ofthe allocated greenhouse gas

and other particlesemission units


Subsidies fromthe State budget


Page 8: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

Structure of fund disbursements by the National Fund together with the transfer of European funds in 2010

Project implemented with no European funds involved


Project implemented with the involvement of European funds


Protection of water and water management


Protection of air




Protection of the surface

of land


NFEP as a pillar of Polish…

Page 9: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

NFEP as a pillar of Polish…

Financial data (2010):

Revenues: 2 328 M PLN (582 M €)

Disbursement: 5 567 M PLN (1 391 M €)

including disbursement of EU funds: 3 300 M PLN (825 M €)

Page 10: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

Foreign resources managed by the NFEP after Poland’s accession to the EU

Cohesion Fund and the Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre- Accession (ISPA) in the perspective 2004 – 2006

Structural Funds in the perspective 2004 – 2006

European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism

Operational Programme „Infrastructure and Environment”

(environmental priorities) in the

years 2007 – 2013

NCP for LIFE+ (from 5th September 2008)

2 850 M €

148 M €

135 M €

5 035 M €

87 M €

NFEP as a pillar of Polish…

Page 11: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

Advising and co-financing

5th September 2008 NFEP takes a role of National Implementing Agency (NIP) and National Contact Point (NCP) for LIFE+

8th February 2009NFEP becomes co-financier of V th axis (nature protection) of Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment

Page 12: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

Advising and co-financing

LIFE+ Information functions

• Informing through mass media about deadlines of yearly calls for applications, rules and places for submission of LIFE+applications and about rules when applying for NFEP co-financing of LIFE+ projects.

• Running webpage• Publishing on the webpage the national annual priorities prepared

yearly by the Ministry of Environment. • Preparation and distribution of informational materials, guidelines,

including translations of EU broschures) etc.• Organisation of conferences and workshops for applicants and

beneficiaries (6 – 7 events in a year).• Presentation of the LIFE+ Financial Instrument and co-financing

posibilities on conferences organised by other bodies.

Page 13: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

Advising and co-financing

LIFE+ Coordination functions

• Routine co-operation with potential LIFE+ applicants, including phone and face to face consultations on prepared proposals;

• Formal evaluation of LIFE+ proposals, after the deadline published by the EU, and informing the applicants about the possibility of corrrection;

• Passing all proposals received to the European Commision;• Participation in LIFE+ committee meetings, LIFE+ working groups

and other meetings concerning LIFE+ Financial Instrument.• Preparation of commments on proposals and submitting them to

the European Commision.

Page 14: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

Advising and co-financing

LIFE+ Financial functions

• Co-financing of LIFE+ projects

-evaluation of applications for NFEP co-financing,

-granting promise of co-financing – and filling in A6 form of LIFE+ application (with „to be confirmed” status),

- granting of co-financing – and filling in A6 form of LIFE+ application (with „confirmed” status).

• Co-financing rate:

- up to 45 % of the total eligible cost (when EU financing is up to 50%) - up to 35 % of the total eligible cost (when EU financing is up to 60%)

- up to 20 % of the total eligible cost (when EU financing is up to 75%)

EU + NFEP financing = up to 95 % of the total eligible cost

Page 15: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

Advising and co-financing

Co-financing of Vth axis nature projects

• Co-financing of Vth axis nature projects

- evaluation of applications for NFEP co-financing,

- participation in evaluation group – „working pannel”,

- co-financing on the basis of an agreement signed with the Beneficiary.

• Co-financing rate:

- up to 15 % of the total eligible cost (when EU financing is up to 85%)

Page 16: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

Results of our efforts

No. of Polish LIFE+ Applications

Page 17: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

Results of our efforts

No. and EU budget of LIFE+ Applications



(EU aid in M €)

Page 18: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

Results of our efforts

No and EU budget of LIFE+ projects selected

(EU aid in M €)



Page 19: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

Results of our efforts

LIFE+ projects volumen

Value of NFEP financing

Value of EU financing

Value of LIFE+ projects implemented

in M €

0,4 M€

13,9 M€

36,2 M€

55,2 M€

0,0 M€4,3 M€

14,5 M€

23,1 M€

0,2 M€ 8,8 M€

22,4 M€31,8 M€

Page 20: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

Project No LIFE09 NAT/PL/000260 Biomass use for Aquatic Warblers



Total amount: 3.640.628 EUR

% EC Co-funding: 75%

PROJECT’S IMPLEMENTORS:Coordinating Beneficiary: Ogólnopolskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków (OTOP)

Associated Beneficiary(ies): Grun-Pal Sp. z o.o.; P.P.U.H. Carex; FUT Przemysław Zelent; SMB Mariusz Adamczewski; Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB).

DURATION: 01/09/2010 - 31/08/2014

Examples of projects

Page 21: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.


Problem targeted: Aquatic Warbler habitats (fen mires and wet meadow) loss and degradation.

The goal of the project: to secure ongoing Aquatic Warbler habitat management through economically viable systems for the use of biomass that arises from this activity.

Key objectives:1) Area of suitable habitat for the Aquatic Warbler in Eastern Poland increased and its quality improved2) Innovative systems for the use of biomass from Aquatic Warbler sites set-up, improved and tested.

MAIN EU POLICY(IES) TARGETED:EU Species Action Plan for the Aquatic Warbler; Bonn Convention for Migratory Species of Animals (CMS).

Examples of projects

Page 22: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.


Restoration or improvment of Aquatic Warbler (AW) habitat through manual and mechanical bush removal and mowing with modern prototype technology.

Estabilishment of biomass facilities (3 new, 2 existing improved) to solve the problem of use of the harvested biomass from current and potential Aquatic Warbler breeding areas.

Arrangement of recurring management, for existing and restored habitats, supproted by agri-environmental schemes and the potential profits from use of biomass as alternative fuel.

EXPECTED RESULTS:Incease of the area occupied by AW (by 550 ha),

habitats quality and AW numer (by 2,5% of EU population).

AW habitats management secured on over 5.400 ha.

Biomass from AW areas utilized in 5 biomass facilities.

Examples of projects

Page 23: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

Project No LIFE09 NAT/PL/000258„Restoration of the hydrological system in the Middle Basin of the Biebrza Valley. Phase I.”

PROJECT LOCATION: Biebrza National ParkBUDGET INFO:Total amount: 3 658 824 Euro

% EC Co-funding: 50 %

Coordinating Beneficiary: Biebrza National Park

DURATION: Start: 01/09/10 - End: 30/12/16

MAIN EXPECTED RESULTS:Change of water regime flow in the system Kanał Woźnawiejski – Jegrznia river (increasing water flow in Jegrznia river up to 3 times during vegetation season).

Elaborated Nature Protection Management Plan covering an area of 9000 ha,

Prepared technical documentation of restitution of the hydrographical network of 48 km;

Examples of projects

Page 24: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

Examples of projects

Page 25: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

PROJECT LOCATION: - Białowieża Forest - Knyszyńska Forest

BUDGET INFO: Total amount: 4,554,890 € % EC Co-funding: 75%

DURATION:- Start: 01/01/2010 End: 15/12/2014

Coordinating Beneficiary: Regionalna Dyrekcja Lasów Państwowych w

BiałymstokuAssociated Beneficiaries:

Polskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków FPP ConsultingAMPHI consult

Examples of projects

Project No LIFE08 NAT/PL/000510„Restoring populations of Lesser Spotted Eagle at chosen areas of NATURA 2000”

Page 26: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

Project Aim: to halt the negative population trends and improve the population status in Bialowieska and Knyszynska Forests.

Main Activities:• Management Plan for Lesser Spotted Eagle in Knyszynska Forest;• National Action Plan;• Land purchase of 30 ha of meadows;• Renaturisation of Narewka River and creation of small wetlands (2,1

km)• Restoration of nearly 800 ha of grassland habitats;• Nest zones creation (31 zones);• Grazing (herd of 25 cows)

Expected results:• Enhancing breeding populations of Lesser Spotted Eagle in Bialowieska

Forest and Knyszynska Forest;• Securing long-term conservation of Lesser Spotted Eagle at national

and regional level;• Develepment and promotion of innovative landscape scale

conservation models for sustainable land use for Lesser Spotted Eagle.

Examples of projects

Page 27: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

A few figures as a summary

For the calls 2008 – 2013 NFEP allocated 251 M PLN (63 M €) for co-financing LIFE+ projects

• 2007 – 1 LIFE+ project ongoing• 2010 – 22 LIFE+ projects being implemented

Within 2008 – 2010 LIFE+ calls:• 13 out of 22 projects accepted by EC deal with nature

protection on N2000 sites (Projets budget: 40 M€/57 M€);• 7 € out of 10 € from LIFE+ funds for Poland finances

nature protection projects (altogether 22,4 M € / 30,6 M €);

Page 28: The NFEP as a co-financier of EU funded nature projects Andrzej Muter Head of EU Projects Unit National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.

A few numbers as a summary

In the 2011 call:

• 19/61 LIFE+ applications concern nature protection

• 43,5 M € / 85 M € of expected LIFE+ contribution

• EC allocation exceeded 2,5 times

LIFE+ money and NFEP funds a perfect fit for nature

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Informal Meeting of the EU Nature Directors Ryn, 29.09.2011 r.29

Nature Protection DepartmentEU Projects Unit

NFEPtel. (22) 45 90 543fax.(22) 45 90 [email protected]

National Contact Point