the next wave magazine september 2012

3 The Voice of Apostolic Reformation SEPTEMBER 2012

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The Voice of Apostolic Reformation SEPTEMBER 2012

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International Circle of Faith (ICOF)

The Next Wave - Contributing Editors

David Tait, Lee Bates, Bernie Wade,

Dallas Carter, Robert Straube, Barney

Philips, John Rogers, Sanford Wade,

Doc Burkhart

Advertizing Inquiries

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We welcome submissions and editorials

but assume no responsibility for the

return of unsolicited submissions. Please

send photos, articles, and documents to

P.O. Box 72, Sulphur, KY 40070 Electronic

submissions to: [email protected]


P.O. Box 72 Sulphur, KY 40070


Annual Subscription: $36 US.


Dr. Bernie Wade


Dr. Barney Phillips

Leaders Don't Lie

Dr. Gene Means

The Phony Exchange

of Bildad

Trumpet of Truth

Joseph Prude









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By Bernie L. Wade, Thd.

Therefore leaving the principles of

the doctrine of Christ let us go onto

perfection not laying again the

foundation of repentance from dead

works and of faith toward God. Of the

doctrine of baptisms

and of laying on of

hands and of

resurrection of the

dead and of eternal

judgement. Hebrews


It has been said that

the only thing that is

constant is CHANGE.

Yet, as followers of

Jesus Christ we serve

a God who doesn't

change. "For I am the LORD, I change

not; therefore you sons of Jacob are not


At first glance this might seem like a

contradiction, but in fact we should

understand that God does not change.

What does change is our understanding

of His will, His diving plan and purpose

for our lives. As we gain this

understanding it may seem like God has

changed, but it is we who have made

the change.

In this political season we will hear

many politicians offer change. It will

sound very familiar. Like we have heard

this all before. It was perhaps this false

hope offered by those who 'wanted

something' that prompted the great

Apostle Paul to say, "If we have hoped

in Christ in this life only, we are of all

men most to be pitied."

While the only thing that

is constant may be

change we have hope

through Jesus Christ

that transcends this

world. In this time of

uncertainty we have

hope only in Jesus.

Revelation 3:2 instructs

this: "Wake up, and

strengthen what remains

and is about to die, for I

have not found your

works complete in the

sight of my God."

Constants and Variables. There is a

vast difference between those things

that are constant and those that are

variable. The results of getting the

constants and variables confused are

often disastrous.

A constant is a data item whose value cannot change during the program's execution. Thus, as its name implies –

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their value is constant.

A variable is a data item whose value can change during the program's execution. Thus, as its name implies – their value can vary.

Those things that remain are the

constants in our lives. Change is the

variable. While we pursue the hope of

change it is the constants that are what

remain. These are those things that

must be strengthened.

In our modern world an example of a

variable would be what style of music

you employ during

worship. God is not

concerned if your

music is southern

gospel, contemporary,

messianic, traditional

or something else.

Styles change, these

are variables.

Changing variables is


An example of a constant is that Jesus

Christ shed his blood that we might

have life and that more abundantly.

This can never change for those who

follow Christ. Our hope is in the eternal

sacrifice made by Jesus Christ who is

the propitiation for our sins. Changing

constants is never acceptable.

In this time of change we must remain

focused. We must continue to be

steadfast. When those who offer

'change' want to change a variable we

should not find offense. When those

who offer change want to change the

law of God we should be unalterably

opposed. We must have the audacity to

see the constants continue.

As followers of Jesus Christ there is

nothing more constant that the

instruction that He gave His followers

and that His Apostles and the New

Testament church taught and practiced..

There can be no substitute for the

instruction of Jesus

Christ. Nothing has

stood the test of time

and the constant

challenge of change like

the Apostles doctrine.

The simple version is

really as simple as A, B,

C. These things do not


A. Repent - there can

be no substitute for turning from our

sinful nature (that we were born into this

world with) and being set free by the

blood of Jesus Christ. The people of

every nation on the earth understand

that in order to be free from our past we

must change our future. Repentance is

the beginning.

B. Baptism - realizing that the only

thing that could bring real and lasting

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change was the blood of Jesus Christ

that was given to redeem mankind from

his sins, Jesus instructed His followers

and they continued this instruction, "Be

baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, for

the remission of your sins". Baptism

takes that which could never be forgiven

or forgotten and remits it by the blood of

Jesus Christ. Matthew 28. Acts 2.

C. Holy Spirit - Jesus and his Apostles

made it very certain that there would be

no substitute for the Holy Ghost and

nothing would ever change this. Jesus

promised that He would send back the

Comforter. After the Day of Pentecost

when the followers of Jesus Christ were

endued with power from on High

through the infilling of the Holy Spirit

with the evidence of speaking in other

tongues there was no doubt what Jesus

had promised was delivered prompting

Apostle Peter to respond, THIS IS


These powerful truths of the New

Testament Church remain constants.

While many have come offering new

methods and attempting to change

these time honored truths of the Gospel

of Jesus Christ - Change is not

acceptable when it comes to constants.

Change the variables as needed but

leave the constants alone. The next

time you hear a politician (religious,

government or social) offer some 'new

truth' or attempt to explain away the law

of God. Realize that they are offering to

change the constants. Take a stand

and just say no.

While it would be easier or more

politically correct to say nothing

remember the words of Edmond Burke,

"All that is necessary for evil to

prevail is for good men (and women)

to say nothing"!

Stand up! Be firm in your resolve. This

is not a time to be silent. Truth is being

trampled in the street. Lend your voice

to the chorus that refused to allow the

constants to be changed.

Dr. Bernie Wade is the

President of the

International Circle of

Faith (ICOF) Global

Network. A Global body

of believers served by

more than 50,000

ministers representing

more than 25 million constituents. This

is considered the largest Apostolic body

of believers in the world.

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The Phony Exchange of Bildad

By Dr. Stephen Phinney

There is nothing more disappointing than discovering someone who you thought experientially understood the Exchanged Life - didn't! There was a movie released years ago that caught my interest - Braveheart. There was a particular battle scene in this movie that shook me to the core emotionally. As usual, the leading hero (Sir Wallace) was in a particular battle fighting the English with every ounce of blood within him. Suddenly, he noticed the battle turned rather unexpectantly; many of his own men were leaving the battlefield. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the commander who was given such signals was leaving the field in a gallop. Wallace hurried to catch him, knocked him from his horse, and ripped his face mask off to discover it was none other than one of his closest friends - Robert the Bruce. Shock and tears filled the eyes of Sir Wallace as he gasped for words that would not come. The scene: betrayal. Betrayal is probably the most graphic display of pretentious sin that there is. Nothing hurts more than when you put your trust in another to find that trust was used as a means or method to slip a knife into your back. Why do people betray those who they claim as loved ones? Because when push comes to shove - blood is thicker than life itself?! As in the case with Robert the Bruce, the pressure of his father outweighed the integrity of what was right and righteous

with his beloved friend, Sir William Wallace. Money and blood are the two most common reasons for betrayal. Let's take a look at the story of Job again. In chapter 8 of Job, we see Job continuing to do an awesome job of communicating his perspective of his suffering. But like an eager, angry disputant, Bildad (his "friend") changes the mood with this: "How long will you say these things, And the words of your mouth be a mighty wind? Does God pervert justice? Or does the Almighty pervert what is right? If your sons sinned against Him, then He delivered them into the power of their transgression" (Job 8:2-4). Bildad shows his first act of betrayal by using something very dear and close to Job in which to take his first jab - the loss of Job's sons. This is a bit much! Bildad is not impressed with Job's conclusion, nor the conclusion of why his children died. As most people of betrayal, Bildad certainly is showing the ignorance of NOT knowing Job. Job already owned that God did not pervert judgment. Yet, what does that have to do with his children or the assumption they had committed some great sin against God? I don't remember reading anything about the sins of his children being in the dialogue between God and Satan. Bildad's beliefs of extraordinary afflictions are because of extraordinary sins. Bad theology, Bildad! This story is not about Job's children, his wife, or any other human - it is about God, Job, and Satan. This "counselor" has some serious lies floating around in his head. His speech is rhetorical and punitive at best. Read Bildad's conclusion: "Lo, God will not reject a man of integrity, nor will He support the evildoers. He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouting. Those who hate you will be clothed with shame, and the tent of the wicked will be no longer" (Job 8:20-22). He is directly associating pain and suffering with the rejection of God. Wow - is that a mistake! God warns throughout the

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Scriptures that man will suffer; Jesus said that we will suffer as He has suffered. Do you see what Bildad is actually saying here? As Bildad's message trickles down through the ages, he is covertly accusing Jesus of not being a man of integrity; thus, he is placing the same accusation on God. Hmm - not good. This is the earliest form of prosperity doctrine noted in the Word - a doctrine God does NOT support. When we fashion a graven image, like Bildad is doing here, we become futile and our externals become of no profit, even if we ourselves do not see how the adoption of such will ultimately put us to shame. Bildad is fashioning a god (an idol) of fake profit. Because of this fruitless advice, Bildad will soon be put to shame by the Lord Himself - for the crafting of such ridiculous mythology is futile and becomes speculation of mere men. Job's "friend" is not in a mind-set of trembling before the living God. Any plans that man attempts to shape in his own strength are sure to fail. I have learned this over and over again. God is quick to slow "my works" in order to speed up the mighty works of heaven. He is really good at it. This reminds me of a time when God was confronting me, in love, regarding my efforts of adding "add-ons" to the ministry in which He called me. I was exaggerating the efforts of God; He calls this idolatry and a lie. When you and I fashion a graven image, we become futile and these "precious" things are of no profit to God or man. This is why God must put them to shame. Have you fashioned a god or built an idol and pretended it was profitable? I believe when we try to shape our plans by using our own strength and attempt to have our needs met through what we have shaped, well, He is certain to fail our strength. He wants us to drink from the Living Water of the Exchanged Life of Christ within us. If we choose not this drink offering, we will become weary. God is quite experienced at

the process and act of baptism of fire. He obligates Himself to burn them (gods and idols) before we fall down and worship them. I think that many times we take half of our blessings from Him and make graven images, so that our flesh will be deceptively satisfied; but these graven images will not deliver us. If we somehow continue in such vanity, we will end up feeding off the ashes of a deceived heart and once again turn away from Him. Is there not a lie in one hand and truth in the other? If so, these are the components of betrayal. Feeding on the ashes of a deceived heart -

that is flat out ugly! I think this is exactly what Bildad did to Job. He took some relevant Truths of God and mixed them with worldly fables and formed it into a knife. The end result:

Job gets wounded by one of his "friends." It should be clear to each of us that we all fall into mixing Truth with worldly fables. We are all guilty of betrayal! I'm afraid is it a part of our humanness. Most of us don't purposely do what Job's friends are doing. But if we are not led by the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit and truly live out the Exchanged Life, we are bound to betray as a lifestyle. It makes me sick thinking how many times I have given half-truths and psychobabble to those I have been ministering. It takes much grief, pain, and suffering to purify our counsel to others. It is a fact that comes with our baptism of fire. We cannot beat ourselves with guilt or hesitate to move forward. We simply must embrace the lesson of our permissible suffocation and choose to become wiser still. Scriptures are taken from the New American Standard Bible, © Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

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Leaders Don’t Lie

One of the hardest lessons for leaders to

learn is to tell the truth. What might seem

obvious to anyone in leadership about the

truth may not be easy to practice. Leaders

are constantly involved in delicate matters

whether in business, non-profits, or church.

Some things we know are confidential and

must be guarded while other things may

call for discretion about with whom we

share the information.

If knowledge is power then

secret knowledge is even

greater power. Knowing

what to tell, when to tell it

and to whom to tell it is crucial in any

leader’s experience. A leader “knows”

things that help him/her to lead. But

knowing and telling something is not the

same as not telling the truth. Withholding

information may be necessary at times but

lying has another dimension to it.

I have a friend who served on a church staff

for years. After a pastoral change he met

with the new pastor and was told that he

was wanted and needed in his position for

as long as he wanted to be at the church.

The next week-end the new pastor

introduced a new person to replace my

friend. Promises broken are lies that

destroy. No leader should ever lie and no

leader who lies will last very long. Why are

we tempted to lie? Here are a few reasons I

have experienced.

Fear - Whether we admit it or not, we do

not like to make decisions and choices that

hurt people, send them away, or distress

them. Rather than telling the truth we

often try to coat our words with assurances

that we know will eventually not hold up.

But it is tough to face a person or a group of

people and tell the truth.

Pride - We do not want to be caught in

failure, ignorance, or wrong. The lack of

accountability can contribute to this but in

the end it is pride that will fuel most lies.

Leaders are by nature

competitive, aggressive, and

out front. When we fail or

struggle we may feel our

leadership is undermined and we might be

vulnerable with critics or supporters. Lying

seems the easiest way to cover failures or


Expectations - Every leader lives under a

burden of expectations. Some are self-

imposed and some can be imposed by

boards, persons of influence, and

assessments by which we are judged.

Expectations can be factual or imagined but

they are real in any case. When a leader is

not meeting expectations, lying to make

things look better than they are is a


There is a good rule of thumb for leaders

when tempted to lie: don’t. Nothing ever

comes to good from it.

Dr. Gene Mims

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'Guilty as charged,'

Cathy says of Chick-fil-A's stand on biblical & family values

by K. Allan Blume/Biblical Recorder

CARY, N.C. (BP) -- Dan Cathy oversees one of the country's most successful businesses. As president and chief operating officer of Chick-fil-A, Cathy leads a business with 1,608 restaurants that had sales of more than $4 billion dollars last year. They sell chicken and train employees to focus on values rooted in the Bible. His father, S. Truett Cathy started the business in 1946, when he and his brother, Ben, opened an Atlanta diner known as The Dwarf Grill (later renamed The Dwarf House). In 1967, his father opened the first Chick-fil-A restaurant in Atlanta. Today, Chick-fil-A is the second largest quick-service chicken restaurant chain in the United States based on annual system-wide sales. Dan Cathy's success has not erased the biblical values he learned as a child in a Baptist church. He is a warm, common man who is deeply committed to being a faithful Christian witness. And he is fully involved in New Hope Baptist Church in Fayetteville, Ga. He drives Chick-fil-A's efforts to provide genuine hospitality, ensuring that customers have an exceptional dining experience in a Chick-fil-A restaurant. Based on Matthew 5:41, Cathy is on a mission to

provide customers with "second-mile" service -- exceeding even the highest expectations of a typical fast-food restaurant. "We don't claim to be a Christian business," Cathy said in a recent visit to North Carolina. He attended a business leadership conference many years ago where he heard Christian businessman Fred Roach say, "There is no such thing as a Christian business." "That got my attention," Cathy said. Roach went on to say, "Christ never died for a corporation. He died for you and me." "In that spirit ... [Christianity] is about a

personal relationship. Companies are not lost or saved, but certainly individuals are," Cathy added. "But as an organization we can operate on biblical principles. So that is what we claim to be.

[We are] based on biblical principles, asking God and pleading with God to give us wisdom on decisions we make about people and the programs and partnerships we have. And He has blessed us." Rather than leading from his corporate office in Atlanta, Cathy chooses to spend the majority of his time traveling to the chain's growing family of restaurants and interacting with Chick-fil-A's committed team members. His actions stem from a belief that working in the field provides a clearer understanding of the needs of Chick-fil-A customers. Leading from the

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front line also enables him personally to convey his servant spirit to the chain's 61,000-plus employees. Cathy believes strongly that Christians are missionaries in the workplace. "Jesus had a lot of things to say about people who work and live in the business community," he said. His goal in the workplace is "to take biblical truth and put skin on it. ... We're talking about how our performance in the workplace should be the focus of how we build respect, rapport and relationships with others that opens the gateway to interest people in knowing God. "All throughout the New Testament there is an evangelism strategy related to our performance in the workplace. ... Our work should be an act of worship. Our work should be our mission field. As long as we are stateside, let's don't think we have to go on mission trips by getting a passport. ... If you're obedient to God you are going to be evangelistic in the quality of the work you do, using that as a portal to share [Christ]," he said. When asked if Chick-fil-A's success is attributed to biblical values, Cathy quickly said, "I think they're inseparable. God wants to give us wisdom to make good decisions and choices." Quoting James 1:5, he spoke of how often he asks God for wisdom. "Frequently Jesus challenged us to just ask ... we're simply not asking as often as we should. We need to be more faithful to

depend on a God who does love us and wants to have a relationship with us, and wants to give us the desires of our hearts." There is another success story attributed to Cathy's organization. They have a positive influence in the world of Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) and Southeastern Conference (SEC) football. There was a time when the Atlanta college football bowl game, which is now named after Chick-fil-A, was called the Peach Bowl.

The annual bowl features teams from the ACC and the SEC. It struggled for a long time. Then 15 years ago the Chick-fil-A organization got involved. It was rebranded as the Chick-fil-A Bowl and has been incredibly successful with 15 consecutive sellouts.

"We are the only bowl that has an invocation. It's in our agreement that if Chick-fil-A is associated in this, there's going to be an invocation. Also, we don't have our bowl on Sunday, either," Cathy said. In 2008 Chick-fil-A began sponsoring a Chick-fil-A Kickoff game matching two of the nation's top teams and hosted on the first weekend of the season in the same stadium (Georgia Dome) as the Chick-fil-A Bowl. This year Chick-fil-A will host two kickoff games, one on Friday and one on Saturday. "That's never been done before," he said. The pair of Chick-fil-A Kickoff games is expected to generate more than $60 million in economic impact. The bowl website

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describes the event as "a college football celebration of epic proportions." When questioned about Chick-Fil-A's "Closed on Sunday" policy Cathy responded, "It was not an issue in 1946 when we opened up our first restaurant. But as living standards changed and lifestyles changed, people came to be more active on Sundays." The policy has not changed over the years as malls began changing their policies by opening on Sundays. "We've always put in our lease that we will be closed on Sundays," Cathy said. "We've had a track record that we were generating more business in six days than the other tenants were generating in seven [days]." "While developers had no identity whatsoever with our corporate purpose to 'glorify God and be a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us and have a positive influence on all that come in contact with Chick-fil-A,' they did identify with the rent checks that we wrote to the mall, that were based on our sales. "So, they would make an exception for Chick-fil-A when they wouldn't make an exception for anybody else, simply because they knew we would pay them more in rent than any other tenant would that was open even seven days a week." The company invests in Christian growth and ministry through its WinShape Foundation ( The name comes from the idea of shaping people to be winners.

It began as a college scholarship and expanded to a foster care program, an international ministry, and a conference and retreat center modeled after the Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove. "That morphed into a marriage program in conjunction with national marriage ministries," Cathy added. Some have opposed the company's support of the traditional family. "Well, guilty as

charged," said Cathy when asked about the company's position. "We are very much supportive of the family -- the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.

"We operate as a family business ... our restaurants are typically led by families; some are single. We want to do anything we possibly can to strengthen families. We are very much committed to that," Cathy emphasized. "We intend to stay the course," he said. "We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles."

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Americans unite to oppose Christophobia

and Bibliophobia. The Spirit of Sodom and

Gomorrah has come to America

Washington, DC, July 29th,

2012: Long before biting into

a chicken sandwich became

a political statement the

Bible was written as a

roadmap to righteousness.

Those who believe the words

written in the Bible include

adherents of two of the

world's major religions:

Judaism and Christianity. For

Christians, the Bible is the Holy Book.

Those who would openly defy the Bible

are openly defying all Christians and

their God. The official position of the

International Circle of Faith (ICOF) is

that the Bible is the Word of God. ICOF

stands in support of righteousness. We

encourage all of those who are opposed

to unrighteousness to REPENT.

In recent days an American, Mr. Dan

Cathy, a follower of Jesus Christ and a

man who believes the Bible has come

under attack because of his faith.

Bibliophobia (fear of the Bible) and

Christophobia (fear of those who follow

Jesus Christ) are not something any

American should be subjected to in a

nation that has Christian values as it's

cornerstone. Yet, Bibliophobic and

Christophobic groups and persons have

decided their opinion is superior to the

Bible and that their proclivities are more

important than the Bible and those who

hold to this Holy Book. These are

vehemently opposed to all those who

don't support their Bibliophobia

and Christophobia.

Mr. Dan Cathy is the President

of Chick-fil-A, a fast-food chain

known for putting faith ahead

of profits. Christophobic and

Bibliophobic groups have

called for a boycott of Chick-fil-


The Jim Henson Co. one of


Christophobic/Bibliophobic groups has

pulled its Muppet toys from kids' meals.

Since the Jim Henson Co. makes items

for children, Christians should be aware

the opposition of this company is in

support of those who openly promote

sexual perversion. We have all been

shocked in recent days by those who

are openly homosexual operating as

pedophiles and preying on children such

as the case of Jerry Sandusky. The

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message we get from the Bibliophobic

actions of the Jim Henson Company is

simply disturbing.

As a result of this continued onslaught

against Civil Liberties from Christophobic

and Bibliophobic groups, International

Circle of Faith joined Billy Graham, Don

Wildmon of the American Family

Association, Gov. Mike Huckabee and

others in supporting "Chick-fil-A

Appreciation Day" on August 1st, 2012.

Governor Huckabee

said this, "I ask you to

join me in speaking out

on Wednesday, August

1 "Chick fil-A

Appreciation Day.” No

one is being asked to

make signs, speeches,

or openly demonstrate.

The goal is simple:

Let's affirm a business that operates

on Christian principles and whose

executives are willing to take a stand

for the Godly values we espouse by

simply showing up and eating at Chick

fil-A on Wednesday, August 1.

Too often, those on the left make

corporate statements to show support

for same sex marriage, abortion, or

profanity, but if Christians affirm

traditional values, we're considered

homophobic, fundamentalists, hate-

mongers, and intolerant. This effort is

not being launched by the Chick fil-A

company and no one from the

company or family is involved in

proposing or promoting it.

Simply affirm appreciation for a

company run by Christian principles by

showing up on Wednesday, August 1

or by participating online – tweeting

your support or sending a message on


Sadly, even elected representatives

(who are supposed to support the Civil

Rights of all people) have taken the side

with those who are Bibliophobic. This

includes Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel,

Sanfrancisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee and

Boston Mayor Thomas Menino who value

their own opinions

above the law of God.

We would urge all

those who believe the

Bible to boycott the

cities these men rule

until such a time as

they REPENT.

Encourage your

friends, family,

company, etc. to do

business with those who are not

Christophobic or Bibliophobic. Additionally,

we encourage supporters of

Righteousness (those who believe the

Bible) to continue to vote with their dollars

by boycotting all those who are

Christophobic or Bibliophobic.

We are instructed in the Bible to

support righteousness and avoid the

unrighteous. For more information on

these companies visit the American

Family Association

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International Circle of Faith

Business & Development

There is a need for all people of this

world to be as self-sufficient as possible

and it is toward this goal that ICOF is

headed through use of its “Development


One of the major difficulties facing

individual and governmental

development is that, even though all

people are created equal, our societal

set-up’s have been already shaped by

our predecessors and “change”

becomes the challenge to many.

For ICOF to bring direction to all, a start

must be made to bring all to belief in

Jesus Christ and what He foresaw as

future needs of societies, including

enrichment of each other in all things.

This enrichment can take on many

forms and ICOF has taken a gigantic

step to meet the challenge through its

“Development Division”.

This Development Division includes

support to assist in establishing new

businesses of all kinds throughout the

world that must be keyed to local

environments, products, skills and

business acumen. This in turn means

improving local education of all those

wishing to have a business as well as

being supported by an educated local

staff that are also able to communicate

with the world and be respected for their

positions and concerns for their nations

and families and friends. This means

working within their countries, spreading

goodwill to the rest of the world while

enhancing the well-being of all they


International Circle of Faith Global

Union is committed to helping our

members and partners. Realizing that

most churches and ministries need

additional resources to accomplish their

mission and at the same time lack the

wherewithal to have their own

development team, ICOF has

committed, time, talent and resources to

assist in the area of general

development. This commitment

includes but is not limited to:

A. Developing qualified and

sustainable business proposals

B. Attracting qualified investors to

these projects.

C. Advice and direction for churches

and ministries.

D. Unique and innovative solutions

for missions and missionaries.

John Rogers, PhD., serves

as Sr. VP of Development

with ICOF Global

[email protected]

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Female Prayer Warriors Issue Call for US Intercession


Shirley Dobson

The platform of the American Prayer Initiative is a simple one. It is to inspire people to “return to the God upon whom this country was founded.”

The operative word here is prayer.

During a recent meeting in Washington, D.C., a group of influential Christian women –including Vonette Bright, co-founder of Campus Crusade for Christ and Chair of the National Day of Prayer Shirley Dobson—banned together to create the American Prayer Initiative.

Awebsite,, was set up with a 31-day calendar that prompts individuals to pray 60 seconds each day of each month on a specific topic until Election Day, Nov. 6.

Prayer topics include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, as the Declaration of Independence suggests; as well as justice, domestic tranquility, defense, the general welfare and the blessings of

liberty, as the Preamble to the Constitution denotes.

“The website is simple enough that we didn’t want to drive people away,” says Nancy Schulze, a member of the committee, founder of the Congressional Wives Speakers Bureau and wife of former nine-term congressman Dick Schulze. “We didn’t want to overload the website. It’s simply one minute that everyone can take out of their day to pray for their country. Those prayers are sorely needed right now.”

The main goal of the American Prayer Initiative, however, is to help America return to its core values set down in the 18th century by the founding fathers.

“The prayer topics and prayers themselves are designed to strategically address issues in our founding documents and to draw novices and seasoned prayer warriors alike into prayer for the reclaiming and rebuilding of America on her founding roots and principles,” Schulze said.

The movement was born out of a prayer and accountability partnership between Schulze and Bright surrounding the Christian Worldview program established by Chuck Colson. The two felt as if they “had to try to do something to help change the culture of this country.”

While Bright made phone calls some of her influential friends in the Christian community, Schulze gathered together some of her friends in the political arena. They all met in Washington for a “one-day pow-wow.”

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“We had enough spiritual, intellectual and political firepower in that room that day to start any kind of movement,” Schulze said. “We weren’t out to start an organization, we were just there for a very intense day of discussion.

“We decided at the end of the day that no movement that we could start would be sustainable unless we the people come back to our first love as a nation. Thus, the American Prayer Initiative was the result.”

Other women who gathered for the meeting include Penny Nance, executive director of Concerned Women for America; Anita Staver, attorney and president of Liberty Counsel; Devi Titus, president of Global Pastors Wives Network; Kathy Bright, national director of Bright Media and Discover God 4Kids.; and Jennifer Kemp, daughter of the late Jack Kemp, a former long-time congressman from New York.

Schulze said there are two other members of the movement who are currently running for influential offices in this country who wished to remain anonymous so that, according to Schulze, “there would be no complications in their campaigns.”

Schulze said she already has gotten a great deal of positive feedback about the website and the prayer movement.

“One thing we are finding is that men really like this website,” she said. “There was a man next to me, and he

started telling me about the prayer initiative. He pulled out his IPhone and showed me, and I told him all about my involvement. That was totally unsolicited, but it was so great to see that the website is having that much appeal.”

Page 23: The Next Wave Magazine September 2012


Preparedness is beneficial to several different audiences:

Individuals and families who

realize there's more to disaster preparedness than a "72 hour kit."

First Responders and Military Personnel who must protect the families they leave at home when they report for duty.

Emergency Management officials who need better information with which to train their communities.

Faith-Based Organizations who want to help their congregations and their community.

Civic Groups that are looking for ways to help their members.

Schools that would like to teach preparedness as a class.

Employers who can offer family emergency readiness education as a "perk".

Business Continuity Plans depend on key employees

Business Continuity plans depend on key employees being able to report to work, and that depends on the safety of their family at home.

Practical Things Having a Plan

will Help:

Your washing machine can help you in either a house fire or a hurricane?

Your oven can help you in a wildfire?

Your clothes dryer can help you in an EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) attack or tornado?

Your camera phone has multiple emergency uses?

A "baby monitor" can drastically increase your home's fire protection?

That virtually every city has a cheap and plentiful supply of potential storm cellars?

That there are roughly 26 criteria points for choosing an evacuation destination?

That your tornado-damaged automobile still has about a half-dozen emergency uses?

You can make an expedient "air conditioner" using two-liter plastic bottles?

Why stocking your regular food is more important that stocking "survival food?"

That in times of crisis certain types of food will fly off the shelves, but some more useful items won't?

Why you DON'T need to buy all that expensive "survival" gear?

Page 24: The Next Wave Magazine September 2012


Realistically prepare your family for emergencies without fear or unnecessary expenses.

Prepare the best family disaster plan or family emergency plan possible.

Ready your family for virtually any type of emergency or disaster.

Deal with actual incidents focusing on realistic preparations, reactions, and solutions.

Protectyour financial stability before, during, and after a disaster.

Make the best disaster kit ("bugout kit" or "go bag" or G.O.D.S. Bag™) your budget allows.

Organize for either a rapid evacuation or a lengthy shelter-in-place.


Talk with your family

about potential

disasters and why

it's necessary to

prepare. Involve

each member of

your family in the

planning process.

Show them simple

steps that can increase their safety.

This will reduce their (and your) anxiety

about emergencies.

Make sure everyone knows where to

find your disaster supply kit and

G.O.D.S. Bag™. According to FEMA

you should have a G.O.D.S. Bags™ (or

similar type bag) for each adult member

of your family. You should have these

in your house, your car and at your

workplace. You never know when an

emergency will strike or where you will


There are many organizations involved

in disaster preparation. Cities of

Refuge Network is dedicated to

preparing Christian families. C.O.R.N.

will help you get prepared. C.O.R.N.

has a network of Disaster Preparation

professionals trained to help families.

Contact the C.O.R.N for the Disaster

Preparation Consultant (DPC).

Things that you can do to ensure your


Have a

flashlight and a pair of

shoes under

everyone’s bed in

case there is an

earthquake or other

emergency during the


Use a plastic

bag tied to the leg of

the bed to keep these

items from moving during an


Plan where to meet after a

disaster if your home becomes

unsafe. Choose two places, one

just outside your home and one

outside your neighborhood in

case you are told to evacuate.

Be sure your gas tank is always

at least half full.

Determine the best escape

routes from your home. Try to

identify two escape routes.

Page 25: The Next Wave Magazine September 2012


Make sure each member knows

who your family’s out-of-state

contact is and instruct them to

call this person and tell him/her

where they are.

Locate the gas main and

other utilities and make sure

family members know when and

how to turn them off.

Practice your evacuation routes,

Drop, Cover & Hold and Stop,

Drop & Roll drills.

Teach each member of your

family how to use a fire


Create emergency response

cards for each of your family


Take into account the special needs of

children, seniors or people with

disabilities, family members that don’t


Facing some tough economic times? Would you like to help others prepare their family for disasters? Could you use some extra income? If you answered Yes to any of these questions you should consider becoming a C.O.R.N. Disaster Preparation Consultant (DPC). A DPC is: Is a passionate and caring

person with the vision, mission and values of C.O.R.N.

Has a burning desire to reach out and assist families to be prepared for any emergency situation.

Exemplifies eagerness, and inspires to expand all families' knowledge of disaster preparedness, providing peace of mind in the midst of calamity.

Has a great conviction for promoting the C. O. R. N. philosophy and message through helping others. Thus, DPC’s have the opportunity to create additional income for themselves and security for their families.

Training is provided To become a DPC visit the Cities of Refuge Network (C.O.R.N) website:

Or email:

[email protected]

Page 26: The Next Wave Magazine September 2012


Page 27: The Next Wave Magazine September 2012


It is with tremendous excitement that we offer the 5th Cruise with a Cause missions cruise—this time to Port au Prince, Haiti! You’ll join together in a common cause with fellow believers to reach others in need, help a hurting nation and change your eternal perspective in the process. We have seen countless times as families from different social, racial and economic backgrounds unite to become the family of God in spreading love and sharing the gospel with those in need. This is unlike any other experience cruise or mission available! Haiti is a nation full of need and filled with opportunities. They sit at a turning point both spiritually and economically. Our mission isn’t to offer handouts, but a loving hand up—and their government has given us very special sanctions and protection, allowing us to go places and help in ways unavailable to other mission efforts in Haiti. Teams of volunteer missionaries will visit schools and orphanages; do construction and renewal projects to rebuild areas devastated by the earthquake; provide aid in medical clinics and deliver medical supplies; visit with locals in the streets and tent cities; and help us host an evening evangelism outreach festival for almost 100,000 locals. We’ll share the Gospel to everyone we meet all along the way!

The very act of bringing a cruise ship to Haiti is a large part of our mission. As one of the only nations in the Caribbean without a tourism industry, our assistance and efforts will show the world that Haiti is “tourism ready” and be the first step in breathing new life into their economy. Ours ship will be the first to dock in Haiti in more than a quarter century! During our cruise to Haiti you’ll have days to rest, along with all the famous food and fun from a Carnival cruise ship experience. You’ll hear from our diverse lineup of Christian speakers, artists and leaders. There will be more than 80 concerts and conferences! Adults, singles, students, children, men, women, and couples will all be encouraged by the worship, teaching and missions training available onboard the ship. Please consider joining your favorite Christian personalities and over 3,000 other Believers this June 1-6, 2013 for the largest foreign mission ever! We’ll be serving shoulder to shoulder to help lives and save souls. It’s an experience you’ll remember the rest of your life!

Matthew Dunnaway

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A counselor once

told me he had just

one problem with a

particular book: “I

wish I had written it

myself,” he said. He

meant that in that book, the author had

expressed all of his own most crucial

beliefs about personal growth.

I’ve never felt that way about a book

before. Usually the material (at least

some of it) has been new to me, or else

(rarely) it has been very familiar but not

terribly close to my heart. Having

read The Present Future now, however, I

think I know what he meant. Reggie

McNeal has found a way to articulate

many of my most urgent concerns for the

way we do church.

The core of it is what he calls “The

need for missiology:”

I am proposing that missiology

come into prominence, both as

a theological pursuit and as a

guiding operational paradigm.

And just what is missiology? It’s what

effective Christian missionaries study

and practice. They make it their business

not only to understand the timeless

gospel message, but also the culture in

which they are ministering. They

understand that communicating

effectively means much more than

learning the language. Effective

missionaries are lifelong learners of

culture, working to understand where

their people currently are so they can

lead them to a true, yet truly

enculturated, understanding of the grace

and truth of Jesus Christ. They

understand that the core of the Good

News can come wrapped in different

packages and expressions.

Years ago I was a member of a

denomination that was facing what

seemed like quite a puzzle: it was

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growing overseas but shrinking in North

America. At the time I said, “That’s not

hard to figure out at all! Our people in

other countries know they’re

missionaries; their churches know

they’re not clubs, they’re mission bases.

If we just applied here what we

know there, we’d grow here again too!”

Our church, like so

many others, was

operating from what

McNeal calls a

“refuge mentality.”

Western churches’

work has changed

over the past few

decades. It is a missionary enterprise

now. If there was a ever time (which is

arguable) when our culture was

predominantly Christian, that time has

decisively ended. If there was a time

when churches could count on drawing

new people in just by being there, that

time has ended. If there ever was a time

when churches needed to go outside our

walls and seek to effect community

transformation, that time is now.

Other themes in McNeal’s book also

resonated strongly with me. “Sunday

schools” and other small groups need to

move beyond head learning and into the

proverbial streets, to meet community

needs in the name of Christ and thus

practice what we’re learning. Otherwise

it’s questionable whether we’re actually

learning anything at

all. I’ve tried initiating

this kind of outreach

at my church, but

either because of my

weakness as a leader,

or the church’s

inability to take up a

new paradigm, it fell flat. If a whole

church resolved to move that way

together, a group would have a far better

chance of succeeding in ventures like


This takes vision, a clear sense of

purpose. McNeal emphasizes that as

well. As a mission organization strategic

planner, I’ve learned that a clear sense of

direction is by far the most crucial

element of any plan. This is not about

the “how” but the “what” and the “who:”

Page 30: The Next Wave Magazine September 2012


what is it that God wants us to

accomplish in our community and in the

world? Who are we now, and who is God

calling us to be? In some settings is the

only level of long-range planning that’s

practical, for the great pace of

unpredictable change typically forces

frequent re-adjustments of the “how.”

If I had one concern regarding

McNeal’s book, it would be in his

approach toward apologetics and the life

of the mind. In context of the whole

book, McNeal is probably on a fine track

with this; he recommends churches

create “Chief Learning Officers” as staff

or high-level volunteer positions. At the

same time, he rightly points out that

many Christians and churches are too

much “head” and not enough “hands.”

The answer, though—and I hope

McNeal’s readers understand this—is not

to learn less, it is to apply more, and

especially to apply more in context of

the community.

McNeal opened the book with a

warning: don’t read it if you’re not ready

to be challenged regarding change the

way you think about church. I urge you,

fellow followers of Christ, to be open to

that change. See what McNeal has to say,

and see what difference it might make in

your church. This book was

recommended to me by two pastors at

our church, as we are moving through a

time of transition. I have high hopes we’ll

make progress with it in a new and

exciting direction.

The Present Future: Six Tough

Questions for the Church by Reggie

McNeal. San Francisco: John Wily &

Sons, 2003. 172 pages. Amazon Price



Page 31: The Next Wave Magazine September 2012


Trumpet of Justice



The word of the Lord comes and says to you my people I come to speak to

you in this hour concerning the balances of life. The Lord says there

are those who have hijacked my message, and have pulled the message of God into the confinements

of their culture. They view me only from the prism of what they have

known, and still move in the realm of superiority. There are those in this nation who believe that they are the

only ones who I speak to, and that the word of the Lord that comes to them

is the only word that is accurate

and pure. But I am

the Lord, and I will have a just

weight and a just balance in everything. This is the beginning of

the shaking says the Lord, when I will shake everything that I did not plant. I the Lord say to you I shall begin to

deal with racial superiority at the very root. For the Lord says this nation has

had some pseudo-seasons of racial repentance, but not real repentance says God. Many have brought

together great councils, and times of meeting. With many tears and

weeping, but yet no real repentance in action and deed. All across this nation

my voice is beginning to move, I'm rooting up, I am exposing all that is hidden and unrighteous and dark says

God. In this hour I will so shake the

church, that many will call it the devil and not understand is the shaking of the most high God. I will deal with the

deep insidious sin of racism. I the Lord shall begin to layout my parameters

for true repentance and not the false repentance that has been demonstrated in times gone by. I will

break down the wall's of limitation, were whites for the most part refuse

to submit themselves to Black Apostles and Prophets who are called

and appointed of heaven. But yet many black men, and black women, and black families have submitted to

men of other races without a second thought. I the Lord will make my

church look like the church at Antioch. I shall begin to show my heart as it relates to the events of the hour,

many have connected themselves to crafty political workers who use my

gospel as a tool to continue to oppress the poor and walk in hate. They have been able to beguile gullible leaders in

the kingdom and cause them to think that the false righteousness they walk

in is the righteousness of heaven. It has grieved me much, as my people who are called to serve me, and

demonstrate my heart in the Earth have connected themselves with those

that hate the poor. I say to you consider the area of healthcare, did not my word say, that I would send

health and cure.

Jeremiah 33:6 (HCSB)

6 Yet I will certainly bring health and healing to it and will indeed heal them. I will let them experience the

abundance of peace and truth.

It has grieved me as I have blessed

this nation with incredible wealth yet

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many are suffering in this nation

because of a lack of access to healthcare. I am the one that rose up this president and put him in office to

execute acts of righteousness which are pleasing to me. All that he has

done has not been righteous and holy, but I will weigh him in the balance as I weigh every man. Many that profess

my name have raised a hand against the acts of heaven, not even

understanding that it is the Lord. Do you not believe my word my people?

That says that promotion doesn't come from the East or from the West or from the South but the Lord is the

judge and raise up one set down another. Why? Would my word not be

applicable, says the Lord when your political party does not win. Why are you now eating the leaven of the

Herodians, you have exalted your politics above my word, you made

your Constitution the holy writ, and made my written word secondary. I the Lord am the one that brought

healthcare to this nation, I brought up because of the groan of the suffering

of the poor. I am the omnipresent one, that has heard the groan of the single mother that does not have

adequate healthcare for her child. It has come before me, it reached my

throne, I am the one that is responded to the oppression of the poor and the sighing of the needy. It has grieved

me people of mine, as you have lifted up your hands to rail and fight against

what I have done. This is the time says God that you will see great correction in my church. There are no

people on the face of the earth that own the gospel. In this hour I come to

bring a just weight and a righteous balance. I will put away every doctrine of Devils that has infiltrated my

church. The deceitful doctrine, of

conservatism that has caused many to

think that conservatism and the kingdom are synonymous. The doctrine of false liberalism that

supports false marriages and aborts babies. For yes there is a true

liberalism, as spoken of in my Scriptures that loves the poor and is magnanimous and kind. I will restore

true liberalism, which will heal the heart of the broken and mend the

wounded. I will pull down, I will divide asunder between soul and spirit. No

longer shall my people be deceived, I'm sending out says God, a great sound of a trumpet calling for those

who are grieved the hijacking of my gospel. I will rise up a new movement,

which I will fund by my own hand out of the treasuries of heaven. It shall not be a left-wing, or a right wing

movement, but it shall be a kingdom movement sent from the throne of

God. In this season justice shall run down like a River and righteousness like a mighty stream. I will rise up

prophets and apostles full of the oracles of justice. They will stand for

the poor, and the I will give them power to rebuke all lies that distort my gospel. This is the hour, I the

Lord, I'm looking for soldiers, who are ready to be trained and untrained. I'm

looking for soldiers, who will allow me to detoxify them from the dark influences and viruses of his current

church atmosphere. This will be in a new move that many will not


Apostle Joseph Prude

Apostolic and Prophetic Congress

Page 33: The Next Wave Magazine September 2012


Bakery Won't Sugar-Coat

Marriage Views

If the Chick-


firestorm has


d anything, it

may have



owners who

agree with

Dan Cathy. As difficult as it's been for the

popular franchise, Chick-fil-A has been an

example of unshakable faith to proprietors

like Jack Phillips. The owner of Colorado's

Masterpiece Cake Shop says he isn't about

to waver from his belief in marriage as the

union of a man and woman--not even when

a homosexual couple is trying to destroy his

business for it. When two men visited his

store looking for a wedding cake this

summer, they said the meeting "only lasted a

few seconds." Jack was kind--but firm--in

his conviction that he would not bake for

events he disagrees with. The local News

Channel 5 reports Phillips as saying, "If the

state won't recognize gay marriage, neither

will [I]." Stunned, Dave Mullin and Charlie

Craig took to Facebook, launching a

campaign to force Phillips into submission.

The chances of that look slim. Jack says he

feels so strongly about the issue that he'd be

willing to sacrifice his business over it. "If it

came to that point, we would close down the

bakery before we would compromise our

beliefs. That may be what it comes to... we'll

see." Our hats go off to Jack and business

owners like him who politely but firmly

stand their ground when the bullies come

calling. There is no appeasing the other side

on marriage--and the sooner Americans

learn that, the better.

The Next Wave Magazine has now become a

daily news source, The Next Wave Magazine

Online. Every day you can read both a morning

an and evening edition of the The Next Wave.

International Circle of Faith Colleges,

Seminaries and Universities is available to

serve your Christian education needs. ICOF CSU

is a network of Christian Education

professionals, bible colleges, Christian

seminaries, Christian universities, and other

Christian education institutions. for more

information visit us online.

Page 34: The Next Wave Magazine September 2012



-author unknown.

A few years after I was born, my Dad met a

stranger who was new to our small town. From

the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this

enchanting newcomer and soon invited him to

live with our family. The stranger was quickly

accepted and was around

from then on.

As I grew up, I never

questioned his place in my

family. In my young mind, he

had a special niche.

My parents were

complementary instructors:

Mom taught me good from

evil, and Dad taught me to

obey. But the stranger... he was

our storyteller. He would keep us spellbound

for hours on end with adventures, mysteries

and comedies. If I wanted to know anything

about politics, history or science, he always

knew the answers about the past, understood

the present and even seemed able to

predict the future!

He took my family to the first major league ball

game. He made me laugh, and he made me cry.

The stranger never stopped talking,

but Dad didn't seem to mind. Sometimes, Mom

would get up quietly while the rest of us were

shushing each other to listen to what he

had to say, and she would go to the kitchen for

peace and quiet. (I wonder now if she ever

prayed for the stranger to leave.)

Dad ruled our household with certain moral

convictions, but the stranger never felt

obligated to honor them. Profanity, for

example, was not allowed in our home - not

from us, our friends or any

visitors. Our long time visitor, however, got

away with four-letter words that burned my

ears and made my dad squirm and my

mother blush. My Dad didn't permit the liberal

use of alcohol but the stranger encouraged us

to try it on a regular basis. He made cigarettes

look cool, cigars manly, and

pipes distinguished.

He talked freely (much too

freely!) about sex. His

comments were sometimes

blatant, sometimes suggestive,

and generally


I now know that my early

concepts about relation-ships

were influenced strongly by the

stranger. Time after time, he

opposed the values of my parents, yet he was

seldom rebuked ... And NEVER asked to leave.

More than fifty years have passed since the

stranger moved in with our family. He has

blended right in and is not nearly as fascinating

as he

was at first. Still, if you could walk into my

parents' den today, you would still find him

sitting over in his corner, waiting for

someone to listen to him talk and watch him

draw his pictures. His name?.... We just call him


(The average Westerner watches about 12

YEARS of television in his or her lifetime. Yes -

12 YEARS. I wonder what it has done to our

generation that we are not even aware of?)

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Chick Magnet:

Millions Drawn to Chain's Defense

by: Toni Perkins

It wasn't a good day to be a chicken, but it was a great day to be an American. By the millions, people swarmed their local Chick-fil-As, shattering records--and perceptions--about where the country stands. The media can dismiss us, the culture can degrade us, but there is no denying the powerhouse of deeply faithful people in this nation. By noon, even reporters couldn't ignore the outpouring of support told in the lasting images of cars snaked around for miles, customers spilling out across city blocks, and snarled traffic.

It was the slowest fast food anyone had ever had--and customers were never happier to wait. There were reports of restaurants running out of food, 1,884 Google results for "long lines at Chick-fil-A," and special deliveries to congressional offices. There also were poignant stories, of people in San Diego

ushering military members to the front of the 200-person line and bursting into applause; of customers circling up to pray; of CEO Dan Cathy calling Rick Warren, stunned that the company had set a world record for sales.

But above all, there was hope. In every corner of America, people seemed to say, "You are not alone!" Across parking lots and food courts, customers were

high-fiving, striking up conversations, and snapping photos with people they had never met. On this day, there were no strangers--only allies. And in one simple gesture, ordering a meal, they showed the world a strength that no poll ever could. It

was the resounding confirmation of a values movement that is not only surviving the pressure--but thriving under it.

Even Gov. Mike Huckabee, who designated Wednesday as Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, was almost speechless. It went "beyond anything I could have imagined," he said. "You know, for all the talk, 'we need to be tolerant and have diversity,' I'm all for that," Gov. Huckabee told reporters. "But let's include Christians in that, let's include people who believe in old-fashioned biblical values. Those folks are Americans too. And if Dan Cathy wants to say something, fine. Other people say something quite the opposite. I don't go around trying to put them out of business over it."

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Christian Greetings,

We welcome you to the International Circle of Faith Global Missions Department. Our missions department exists to aid our network of established ministries and churches in a holistically approach of restoration of body soul & spirit; to extend the church beyond the traditional parameters of the edifice complex. We are dedicated to community and family development by helping meet the needs of the citizens and communities we are called to serve. We must focus on the needs of an ever growing population in our communities, cities and Nation. Every day, individuals and families who are at risk of homelessness, hunger and other life crises in our communities go unnoticed by society at large. We are the body of Christ and it is our mandate to help those who need our help the most? ICOF Missions focus:

1. The Gospel of Jesus Christ 2. Humanitarian 3. Business and Economic

development We believe that by assisting those in need– physically, mentally, and spiritually – and helping them to reach their full potential, our communities become stronger, and the lives of each member become ready to empower their world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Help us and be a part of our efforts in doing our part to improve our

ever increasing poverty rate, degeneration of values and overall quality of Life; by focusing on the needs and solutions for all these areas including the neglect of our Nation's children. We are purposed to impact the preservation and restoration of the family. We hold that the Church was patterned after the family.

We are a mission’s resource network; partnering with churches, organizations, agencies and nonprofits and faith based communities to achieve our mission to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every man woman and child.


Our past and present missions include: Drilling water wells, free medical services and in current development of Agriculture &Housing.


In partnership with ICOF CSU we have started the Patrick Song Academy

English School, to help young Indian children to speak English, so they can function in elementary and secondary education. ICOF Medical missions in conjunction

with Project Eye Openers, reaches the poorest, most vulnerable patients, who may not be aware about eye care and free medical camps services. While Project Eye Openers current outreach teams provide free medical services and eye examinations to

Page 37: The Next Wave Magazine September 2012


approximately 400 plus patients in each Village per Medical Camp outing, their ultimate goal is to eliminate obstacles by providing pre-screenings through our Mobile Medical Camps.


Evangelism: We have a program called “Project Logos “The program consists of sending bibles to Pakistan translated into their native language. Medical Missions: Through ICOF Medical Missions “Physicians with a cause” provide free medical camps and sharing of the gospel, throughout remote villages in Pakistan.

USA We also are focused on Church Home Missions in the USA. Through Community Enhancement that acts as a safety net for individuals and families in need, ICOF Global Missions works to strengthen and enhance communities by working with varies other agencies, churches, non profits within the Faith Based communities already in existence. We are committed to our Senior citizens community including information and referral, food distribution and collaborations with the faith community. Senior Citizens

ICOF Home Missions offers personal interactions for the elderly. Providing a much-needed ministry for older people to receive care and human concern.

With the baby boomer generation fast approaching their senior years, a swelling tide of concern for the many that will need support and assistance is evident by the many senior citizen charity groups that continue to organize throughout the country. ICOF Home Missions division offers opportunities for any person to donate time and important resources to this growing challenge. Holistic Family Restoration. A long term priority is to under-served communities. The goal is to lead individuals and families in need towards a better life, improved happiness and inner peace in addition to rebuilding their material lives or improving their living and an educational condition with the power of the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ ….body, soul & Spirit. A hundred years from now it will not matter how much money you have, what kind of car you drive or what kind of House you live in, but the world will be a better place because you made a difference in the lives of others”.

Dr. Barney Phillips

ICOF VP of Missions

[email protected]

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While walking down the street one day a

Corrupt Senator (that may be

redundant) was tragically hit by a car

and died. His soul arrives in heaven

and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.

"Welcome to

heaven," says St.


"Before you settle in,

it seems there is a

problem. We seldom

see a high official

around these

parts, you see, so

we're not sure what to do with you."

"No problem, just let me in," says the


"Well, I'd like to, but I have orders

from the higher ups. What we'll do is

have you spend one day in hell and

one in heaven. Then you can choose

where to spend eternity."

"Really?, I've made up my mind. I want

to be in heaven," says the Senator.

"I'm sorry, but we have our rules."

And with that, St. Peter escorts him to

the elevator and he goes down, down,

down to hell. The doors open and he

finds himself in the middle of a green

golf course.\ In the distance is a

clubhouse and standing in front of it are

all his friends and other politicians who

had worked with him.

Everyone is very

happy and in

evening dress.

They run to greet

him, shake his hand,

and reminisce about

the good times they

had while getting

rich at the expense of the people. They

played a friendly game of golf and

then dine on lobster, caviar and the

finest champagne. Also present is the

devil, who really is a very friendly guy

who is having a good time dancing and

telling jokes. They are all having such a

good time that before the Senator

realizes it, it is time to go.

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Everyone gives him a hearty farewell

and waves while the elevator rises.

The elevator goes up, up, up and the

door reopens In heaven where

St. Peter is waiting for him, "Now it's

time to visit heaven..

So, 24 hours passed with the Senator

joining a group of contented souls

moving from cloud to cloud, playing the

harp and singing. They have a good

time and, before he realizes it, the 24

hours have gone by and St. Peter


"Well, then, you've spent a day in hell

and another in heaven. Now choose

your eternity."

The Senator reflects for a minute, then

he answers: "Well, I would never have

said it before, I mean heaven has

been delightful, but I think I would be

better off in hell."

So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator

and he goes down, down, down to hell...

Now the doors of the elevator open and

he's in the middle of a barren land

covered with waste and garbage.

He sees all his friends, dressed in rags,

picking up the trash and putting it in

black bags as more trash falls to the

ground. The devil comes over to him

and puts his arm around his shoulders.

"I don't understand," stammers the


"Yesterday I was here and there was a

golf course and clubhouse, and we ate

lobster and caviar, drank champagne,

and danced and had a great time. Now

there's just a wasteland full of garbage

and my friends look miserable. What


The devil smiles at him and says,

"Yesterday we were campaigning,

Today, you voted.."

Vote wisely on November 2, 2012


Submitted by Michael Otobong:

Church member: Pastor my dog is dead can you do a burial service?

Pastor: We don't do service for animals. Church Member: Please Pastor did you know any church that can accept N20m

donation for my dog burial service? Pastor: Wow! why you don't you tell me

the dog was a Christian?

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In an effort to share the work that ICOF

members around the world are doing for the

Kingdom of Jesus Christ we share this overview

from our members, friends and partners:


Dr. Wade,

Praise the Lord Jesus! The Lord is steadily

uniting the Fivefold here in Africa. My present

concern is agreeing on a specific date and time

for our ICOF African Fivefold Meetings.

For now, one of our major difficulty is internet

connection - especially now with the very heavy

rains (we had rain fall here in Buea, non-stop

for 4 good days, until today that we have seen

some sunshine!), thus causing Skype to become

fairly ineffective.

Well, the future is very promising! International

Business is helping to bring into Africa modern

and quality communication gadgets - Mobiles, I-

pods, etc. I see the Lord also blessing His

people! It is well! Please, have a blessed day!

Love you all!

Dr. Ngwa

Secretary General ICOF Africa


Dear Bishop Wade,

It happened again in the city of Yaounde

today July 28th. ICOF reached the

Presidency through an illustrious son of

Cameroon the president of the World wide

church of God who was awarded the

prestigious Ph. D in Divine Laws from


This is an

extension of the

4th Convocation

which held in

Buea on the

23rd of last

month. His

candidature was

postponed for

obvious reason.

We had to do a

thorough investigation of his personality for

integrity before any such award. We found

him worthy and the award was done today in

the presence of the Secretary General for

ICOF Africa Dr David Ngwa.

(L to R) Dr. Victor Balinga Sunday - Bishop of

Limbe Bishop Ngwa David - ICOF Secretary

General for Africa, Bishop Tembi Alfred Tembi -

Bishop of Cameroon, Dr Ndoudoumou Jean Jaques -

Director General of Contract and Public Markets at

the Presidency of the Republic of Cameroon.

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Dr. John Evans Fifii Atta Mills (21 July 1944 – 24 July 2012) is the third and

immediate past President of the Fourth Republic of Ghana. He was inaugurated on 7 January 2009, having defeated the ruling party candidate Nana Akufo-Addo

in the 2008 election. He was Vice-President from 1997 to 2001 under President Jerry Rawlings, and stood unsuccessfully in the 2000 and 2004

presidential elections as the candidate of the National Democratic Congress

(NDC). He was a friend to the International Circle of Faith Global

Union and will be missed.


Kuwaiti's Royal Prince Abdullah al-Sabah

converted To Christianity from Islam. He

stated, "If they kill me because of it,

then I will appear

before Jesus

Christ and I will

be with Jesus

Christ forever."

The Royal Prince

went on to say (in

a recorded Audio tape),

He stated “I will accept whatever they

do to me, because the truth in the Bible

has guided me towards the right path.”

NYC churches

win battle to meet

in schools

by Dr. Tom Askew

It’s official! After 17

years of rulings,


being pushed out,

let back in, and

often subjected to legal bafflement, 60-

plus churches in New York City (NYC)

have received a green light to use public

school facilities from the U.S. District

Court for the Southern District of New


For the many who have followed this

case with prayer, this is great news! In

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the aftermath of this victory, there are

even more causes for rejoicing.


Dear Brother,

Greetings, How are u and The Family? It Was Nice Talking to you this Morning. As you know i have sent u the Invitation this program will be of 2 days. So If anybody another wants to come u can bring them. And Please Inform Me Too. This Program Will Be Held In Hetauda ,Makwanpur. It Is Very Expensive Program so please pray that God Arranges Money And Every other Stuffs. Thank You God Bless You Rev.Matthew Suroya

KENYA VICTORY PRAISE; AUGUST 5TH, 2012. Praises unto our God forever, greetings and love from Bungoma, Kenya, Africa in Jesus mighty name! SUNDAY SERVICE: The Lord really moved amongst the congregation. We had an Assembly of 7 churches with great testimonies of new Souls coming to Christ Jesus. It was over 20 Souls

within a week in the Assembly. The Lord moved touch and blessing through the Important Service preachings/ Teachings. The Lord Jesus healed several illnesses and delivered three from strong DOOR TO DOOR EVANGELISM:

Door to door Evangelism harvested 5 Souls last week and many more others ministered to for healing and deliverance. The Team is doing the follow-up program. PRAISE/WORSHIP CHOIR CONFERENCE: We are in prayer and

preparations concerning the coming National Youth Praise & Worship conference on 29th & 30th August 2012. We will also have the awards to the Youth groups at District level. Please join us and be part as we look to Him. KENYA GENERAL ELECTIONS 2012: We are having General Elections again postponed from this year in December to 4th March 2013 needing your prayers again as we remember the 2007 Post election violence that saw more than 2000 killed. Your prayers are very essential for God to move. CHURCHES SECURITY: Pray with us as we are in need to set up security

measures in and around our churches due to the threat of Islamic Al Shabaab terror attacks. Psalms 18:1 How I love you, Lord! You are my defender. 2 The Lord is my protector; he is my strong fortress. My God is my protection, and with him I am safe. He protects me like a shield; he defends me

and keeps me safe.

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Dear Bishop Wade, Greetings from the Philippines. I am very sorry I cannot join our skype meetings because I am always travelling and the time of our meeting I am always having meetings with people. I am in Manila and I visited our ICOF people Sheraz and his wife in their residence inside their bible school. We plan to do something for ICOF this year. Also I will introduce to you our ICOF coordinator in Manila in the name of Mrs. Jessica Soriano. Please see her email account and welcome her in our circle. She is a gifted women in the unity of the Body of Christ. Please plan to visit the Philippines and we will conduct conference for our people here and also introduce ICOF here. The Lord bless you more with our wife, children and staff. Love, Bishop Bing ICOF- INTERNATIONAL CIRCLE OF FAITH, PHILIPPINES


Greetings from Salem, India. Very dry season now, no rain and no water in our part of India. Hoping and praying for rain. There is no water in our borewells of churches and orphanges. We appriciate your prayers for the same.

It is always good to serve needy childen, lepers, HIV families ,unreached groups, and people are in need of help and guidance. At Bargur lepers colony we were able to distribute shoes for nearly 200 lepers. Mr.Thandapani one of the leper said that he was walking without shoe for many month with his wounds in his feet. Now he is happy to wear shoe.

In many villages and in a old age home we done free medical camps for the benefit of poors, lepers and needy. With our medical team Dr. Predita went to all these camps to provide treatment to people. Based in semmanda patty hospital Dr. Jones and medical staff involve in visiting villages for medical service. Sister Joshphine in Salem old age home thank our mobile medical team for their camp for old age people. Children at Chetti patty home, Sangeetha patty and Kamalapuram home got clean water fecility now. Yes,a company in Goa donate these machines for children in orphanages and in village schools. Nursing training graduation

took place last month. We thank God for Gayathry, who joined in our home when she was 5 years old. Now she became a nurse through this training at our mission. Esther at Kulandai nagar village leads a church and child care centre

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with 40 children. Her husband who was a pastor died by heart attack. She joined in our leadership training and she is appointed to lead this church to continue her husband's ministry. You know well how it is hard to encourage women in leadership. We do it by God's grace. Above all, we speed up church planting and reach unreached. All our churches in JMHA aim to plant more churches within 2020. I am so excited to spend most of the evenings in meeting houses, villages and individuals for ministry. We set up youth groups, women groups , men groups and children clubs to do more ministries. Every Sunday churches we hear many exciting testimonies and new people in churches. I love to share a testimony briefly that happened life of Gunaseely, a blind lady; Recently, we went to Thathiam patty village to screen JESUS film for villagers. To our surprise only one lady came to watch this film after many hours of our advertisement. When we saw her closely we were shocked to know that she is blind lady. Then we asked, "How can you watchthis Jesus without sight? She replied to us that she may not be able to see Jesus, but she could hear his voice . She added that she is blind, but not deaf. After we began to screen, than many people came to watch. In the end we gave an altar call. This blind lady was the first person who wanted to give her life to Jesus. Then, she became strong believer of our church and use to proclaim Jesus to others through songs on her own composing and testimony. She is very poor and belong to lower caste family. We as the church want to build a small house for her.

Her present hut is in falling condition. She sleeps on a pillar cave which is tied up with some dried palm leaves. You can see her present hut and sleeping cave. By God's grace we have raised some money to build a small house to this blind woman, who leads many into the light of Jesus. Thank you for your ongoing prayers and assistance. Everyone from our mission send you

wishes and regards. Yours cordially J.Glory Dhas with Team Dear in Christ, ICOF

Greetings • we had fasting prayers in our Church INKOLLU, A.P. INDIA • God has anointed with His

Holy Spirit • we prayed for each one in the circle and for all • And in the circle we prayed for the world

• God have used me with anointing like a

sharing word of God, healing sick and getting

gifts of Holy Spirit.

• Glory to God for it.

Your brother in Christ

Pastor DANIYELU = Hyderabad

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Social Media Director

Key Skills:

: Highly proficient with social networking sites including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Linked-In, Digg, foursquare,

Google+, and/or Flickr. Send your resume to: mailto:[email protected]

Disaster Preparedness

Consultant (DPC).

The DPC position is the nucleus of the

Cities of Refuge Network (C.O.R.N). Enjoy

earning a tremendous income working with

a family based company with Christian


The ideal candidate will have a background

in ministry, call center, sales, network

marketing, or related fields. This person is

someone who enjoys interacting with


No experience necessary. Training

provided. As a DPC you will help

individuals and families plan for life's

unexpected situations. Annual income $40-

75K. Send your resume and cover letter to

[email protected]



ICOF CSU offers internships to students.

This program is designed to help the

student develop their ministry while

working hands on with ICOF in a

variety of areas. The student will

receive an ICOF CSU degree or

credit toward their degree.

Available internships for the 2012-

2013 academic year are in the following






















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Ohio Valley Fivefold Roundtable


September 11, 2012 - 6 PM

Prospect, Kentucky

HOSTS: Robert and Jackie Straube

Email for more information:

[email protected]

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Hosts: Bishop Clarence Harris

Congressman Paul Broun



OCTOBER 25 - 28th

ICOF CSU Graduation

October 17th


Host: Dr. Charles Mwape




8th to 10th of November 2012.

Bishop Freeson (ICOF Bishop of Ghana)

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