the new york herald. (new york [n.y.]). 1862-12-29 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 16. · rteeida. na-1 dulinf...

-rim * -T-i- . ilTIMfllK IBM BT HIT. a mn nmn ret?iium. .f ft# llMdflk RtW l£C0NN0!S8ANtt BP INDIAN RIVER. A IwiM if titt la&ka Expedition «t Key Wot .CtZUHE OF A REBEL VES96L, Ml) W tothe Ariel, which arrived *1 this per; .* Sundny froBn Aspinwail, Via K«J W«t, wo have received mtcrest'ng tetters (Iw our correspondent at the I Om* Key Wwl Correapwm*amae. In Waw, Dee. It, 1M. frndiiion of Jh ilarbcr. J*eMmm fesn»th* Wrtekoi Bteamer.vur Prr M Mynhn-n' Aititei and iht OmU Wtmfk sr.The" VMM StatM Mcasur MtgtuUa aad Jto Ibmi'iln Tfti (MM Ante toaster Mont- #*w* and the JkM fliinr ftwwt tosh, nltu» JtMcto-Jto MtrmUft h&rmatiom MlitywMU (*>»- «e Bkmtht t*4 Cornet On*.She H'ai IkMrejred lg Onatmn &MOt, and JTol At Milid ."^oUj Vfeatnrr 1.4 wn Um norther of tbe season (thug fsr) H MM upas hi Is t .quail, aad for hnra has bean blowing a gale, and with¬ out any pstspict of moderating for some time to come. Mmhnrbor ie about deserted,only the Sngsbip and Mag- totostcmacr remaining of all the mea-of-war. and there gee tat Iwe er three merchant ships in port; consequently toa^lhlns la ssggcdtagly dull and stupid. We are still Mini MVI from l)M wrecked steamer Memnon MB UN; tot fee probabilities ere tbat It will be impoeeibls H(M tor MT, and that bat little of her onrgo will be tovad,to aeeoest of the heavy gales occurring since the ttaarsnhpea thereof. We are declined to baveacootwin- ^^^¦feabt Although.coolas It Ie,couidtbe f>ame taun«l in New York on the 17th day of CO degrees.the day would be prcooun<wd ^^^¦doilpbtful. It ts amusing to see the natives of toyo Baeao abb erlag with the cold, tad wrapped up in ae if u a snow storm. They say It is uucom ^^^^¦soid.#What would they think of a cotd day in Hnean^fils evening that the United SI*tea steamer Mag- ^Htoie to go Nerth fn a few days for repairs, her boilers leeneidered worthleea. I troat, when ahe arrives ¦and goea out of oommisriOD, ae *be will he com- ito, that Cbmsannder Svotta will be ordered to ^^^^Messel, and one In which he will eee come active Far over a year he h>ta been kept in a small which laid mways in the hnibor at anchor, ^^Hdid better service ae a mid channel buoy than any else- Since that time he baa had the Mugnolut, a ^¦ieat.gtattaboat that, when not doing aire buoy duty, been carrying despatcbee Th e is all wrung. Cuu- ^KfnMtts ]gaaeM otacer in the service, ami ie burning doubt, to distinguish himself And hare a Other* for honor, glory and pr.'ze money, ¦¦^¦wlsh choukl be gratified, and be should he per- fBBtS^ir possible, to chare in the capture ol Ckarleet< n fr toWMd. it |hey «re «w attacked, and not be kept, to to tohtoto, With his ligbl hid under a bushel. to »0daM*m»Ms««hfmcd here from an officer of tbe Mentgemery, who was on board whitewashed steamer Blanche, at ^^^^¦sbe was run ashore aad destroyed near Uavaua. ^^¦~aot the lesst deubt tbat ito Hmiu's aiguaaeat on ^^¦h Iheonly oorrevt ene. She was, beyond doubt, rebel oaptata (Smith), for the purpose of re- from the Spanleh government, he ^^^^^^^¦aring that it was the Montgomery's boat * ¦ It. What price was paid by b«m to.the ^^^¦UMtr to swear to his story, and what asionnt to the tHarie <U ts Marina to support blc case, I (tosw net, neither shall I take the trouble to find out; XI we may rely qpo» this fast: that the whole affair la Smith,cworn to by rebel Helm, ^y's Consul General, opheM by Uke Started* Marin*. But Is bo pitta a cms of fraud that I am con- the ctalmnnte will never be 4ble to obtain from ^¦w Jonathan esc cent tor their loea. We wtU fight Or that they any reat aceured; aad get ready they |f&ey feel like having a bruah Kav Wmt, Deo. it, im 4 Ml toy** Wto iwlwi of Ac Jlirtg cswidh toc«hMh ItphMM, CeL Oteh, Is Mm Ac iTdnc- IMh Jtos York, CW. Jfiiyw f%*p Meettot cm Ow<m 4rra| df Cbi. Msg. end qnsitywin^n leths Frt- toto* fWf Mranitam |y tht^f/ken tf (he JW%- tf tJU inUfd 9taU$ Araewr Sofamort th$ 9m dnetfcer Prim wMl CWtcn, dto, to. today wiU be kmg fememtored hy the cltliens of Key pi Mr the fsUaering rmeans:--thin sscrninc about Btaven o'clock a stsamcr was repsrted coming Into the Hnrhw. Teu> oorreepon4cnt, se oeual in such esncs, pro pehdhwatt her arrival, and whUe in the office of the en TUor's wharf, anw the »tearner Coc ^^^^^wMhe segment onboard, ootneto the quarter ^HeTnwhatf.and heard the sound of vehement cheer ¦ 1 remarked to the naval storekeeper, "There ie nn- bring later new*, n mcceenger to find, If poeelblo, a late Ni* Be returned tan few minutes, with the ^^^MtSt the taenmer was from Port Royal, hav- the gtorlenc old reglmet the Forty-eevontb f Iranla Volunteers, Colonel T. H. t^ relieve ^^^^¦toth regiment. ..loo»l Morgan aad that < o)on*l to aanumo command of the poet. TtuU any one pad eouM to roMrre Oolend Morgan was sood news but toatOslsnil Ussdo, with his regiment, our old friends aad toe bereeo el St. Johne rtver and Pooetaligo, wore the Mag, wan tan good to to true. Ito aaval storekeeper md mgsilf Mnhmeid and threw up our hats la honor of toe oecselsn, Md. without delay, 1 proceeded to the wtorf. urtoM thmdlar Daces aad oM msnds met as on toenr )Me. sM n hearty "Bind to sou yen," which sound to pfosnaatfy, same flrom many a manly throat. There .on Llintmsnt Osls»sl Atssander, Major CaonWr, Dr. lattey, Cabala Qobln aad othsrs, who looked nsas the Woven tar wear cad havingaaon active oervtee, and the | taea, aa they dleembarked, looked like eoldlern who knew I Md weald perform their duty. I have never aeon, la my leac reeidoooo en the Key, oo many myona taees an warn today visible. Kvery mk, with throe er four exceptions, wore a mafia, aad ¦MkBBM aac vod off to tbe r <]ii»rier», tb« eitlre >c j ¦a Me eoaspaaiae ssored off to their quarters, the eitlze ie ¦rued net In crowds, and, what with aalutattouc on every flMe nod the sat,ling raecc of the lad lee and the wnviug of tontr bnndkerrbte's. the Forty-oeventh regiment may feel gntmdod Of having received an ovation. Four companion gf the rorty-sevemh will proceed to-morrow to Fort tabiwi, to relieve the fenr eompnniee of the Niotietb haw there, they go in tbe eteamor Oocmopolttan, and oo tar retnrn the remainder of the Ninetieth -»ill embark and the rngJmint proceed to Port Beyal. Immediately en .ofene! toode a arrival ho asoumod comman l, and plscod under arrest Colonol Joseph 9. Morg-n nod h.s quar««i aaaate , Richard B.^«oke,on chnrgen preferred by Walter t Mnhaey.toq., of tbis plaoe. I forw rded y?u per Stenmer bio Bio, aa abeuact of the oharges, aad now sand Ihsm la full. Aeourtol inrestlgntion will hold, com¬ mencing to-morrow aad tf I am not very much miouireu It will eho«r thras two efficore tip in s meet unenrinblo hgbt . rtunnse stisuiirr oouttm. uohoan. I prs ei the foOewing cbargea nnd *peil'Vati>>nc anainst leeeyk U. Mbrgaa, Cvloticl Ninetieth legt'uent It wrerk TOtanteer* . Ar With dlaiof*l preetioee aad con<luet deetruoiive of dU*i|Mioe in lbs arniy. la thie- (bat the aald Joatnb 8. K- rnu, on or about U>o MU. <i»i of Aug .at, IM2. at Key Wwt, In ibe «u:c uf Fieri. da, tbea and t'tare bHng in ta« service o* the I'niied fum, aoa in owemand tbe ml'itnry foroea on aal 1 IaU.nd. did gevma the rbllOKiBf lsug< h e to be tt'-ied in hla prri-one and m tue , r»«ear- of two or mote clUieria of aeia lnUml, hy aa efll"*r Of hit rgimem and lae.nber of nil seat. «M«o I iwbuke. to wit."Damn the --oiixtitu'.ion Of ibe Veiled gtat*a; the rie»»d»m haa tiola ed it bin- Mil, aad it Is gooJ for noiblng. or »or<la to ibat > (T t. Hit-. .W ih driukenne«a and other coudoe' prejodMal te goo^ o>-d»r. In thie. Ifaat be, the aaid Morann. on or atout tbe UStb day af hepf-mbei, l*a. at K< j W<ot. irt tbo Hiale of FleiHa, men and Iberr being the Remwatxlins ' ff er on »*td is and, an.1 m the aer»i<» <4 tbe Uiiued Htales, did rn* ijf w tb Mhers in a dronften and r<d«y deba ieb In tbe kouae uf n ¦Urennf said ialand. au't afterward*, ie wit, on the aame ito- "'d d'!»o fmioui'iy tbr jugb ik^ aireeta ol Key W.-*t, Wboopiagaaii hallpoing in a aorful and dleordeilr n.nn- asr, to tbe grcst acsudal of the array of tbe United fi'atea aad o tbe . n) erampW o' other*. With cndVt endlni io debauch ae well the morale be rlurenaof aaid key Weei. nterwhom hek' tits Military rmitroi. aa the olfir>-re an tneu nii> r-gimeiit. Io tbK tbat the aalil Mo'gan, »t Say We«f. in t»i» Btate of rteeida. na-1 dulinf the month* of Aug *fld eti>t»mher, j* <bc yeei taft, lh* D and ihere hoiug tn tbe MM of ihe t'a led Waiex and ho'ding cfclef eommano on eit<ri»liipd, bs» haibored. l.ept nnd imvn<ai«r>d, nt uls t'eaii- guar'e*a, a white woman cf dicrepotsble ebsra-ter, n«K bctaa hie wife ir rela-lve. to the ovif sample of hie ooio- n.eo-1 and ti.e ur»at ? Bodal of hi* mor*i oUkaflons as n b'iat-*n<* and fnlb. WALTKK C MA< OVkV. Kdttoroer .ud Co ;n*ellor, Ae., g. j Wr-i, Florida, toeea S, Itat ASMelant Judge AdroemaL. P Turner, Waeh-X ^r««a, D. C.j Mon.Win Marvin Doited Elates Judge, Key ' ^"harrr Rtebar 1 » Locke, a commission. ¦» o«rer of the Piti eitetb ffdW York Volm.ioers, with cieioya. prartba, ae- « ¦ki'jn and dlsrs*i«et to the p- eeldsat V tbe Vnluld Htaiee. 1 n thie (bat be, the esid Ix^ke, on or about the fifteenth rot AUsuet law, at try Weat, In the Ktai. of FlotMa, u*'wf beluga "OtnmlM'vtv >1 .i(t*r -it the Minet i-lh Tort VOtiintCenL In lb* aerTl. s of be 0| newer'1; to tbe sam^ effert. to wit.. B ¦on of Uo volle.i State*; the Pr.-*i.ient nl of ll, and It ie aopd lor nothln» ^JUtVUi4 Oestall^^y fcy toieM^Hh VWIPU> JBI si follow. I tM >¦!» ¦»i ,mi . J Port Royal *ftj**rs I* ftttaritor General Braanaa . rk ekarger Ike yrwWIM was aMtfS by Opiala IfcttL AiViMIWMMiMr IWMn, UmxUm»ai^m- _mMMrl Kngtiek.aod ikiUiiMI f tales bark Case of Ik* fm. irrlTM to-cay. the formm: brought wltk ker a ariaetk* NknoMT Alto*, leafed wtth ihlrteea b^tes <* &a Mu d cotton. SMwaaeajgared at tadlan river, aad wu leading for Naaaiu. . aptem hngli»h baa lho-ouithi> V uM ay tM mm at tad lan rt»*f Ha has taken four prima aW4Mnr«4«wi}*iH tknt Hit iruM baa kM a Man aaetui <a>a. Tb«> 6m ef ihe Beas attach*! to Admiral fellay* eacadroa. and adds w.e more to tM aunbar ke now baa *h»t may ba ooaafcterod D.>« TM traaapart nnitr Albany, with part of the «me Hundred and Sixtieth New Tork regtir,e»t, arrived her* thia morn ng. Mm la laat from Port Royal, and put la kara for eeel and repairs to bar engine Mm will leave ta-worrow. probably, for Um Hank* expedition. Our delightful weather onMlaw. and, after tka athir -of /Mierdny, wa nay toe aaM to ba m a state of perfect eaateaimeat aad Mpplness. In Waff, Doc. M, MM. J\e Court ef Ittntdit alien w tfu An */ CWmmI Jfsryan- TAc Krtt and 7h»rd Ckarim JTrown.Ketur* ef Key We* to Cinl -iuiAorvfy.ArrtnoJ ef iht Tran-poH Steamer Cumtria..'alt ef the Priit Steamer Bman Jfapid CemfAtium ef Ae Gorernmtnt dual Dtyci or<4 Wkarf.Arrival of tht United Sta*$ Steam. Tranrper/ MrCUIIan.Sht Comti /«r IA< One Hundred and Fifty tiztk .Veto To k Regiment.Glad lkey are Goim$. Sews from Xeu> ©»leant, rfr , dr. The court of investigation'm tlM caaa of Colonel Mor gau and Quartermaster Locke adjourned yesterday. Tba drat auJ third charges against Morgan aud tM charge agaiuat Lock* ware fuNy substantiated. Tba NiqatMth regiment leaves an Tuesday. Jt bas very manygood officers and men. Iho city of Key West will Akts weak be reetorad to tM control of tbe civil authorities. Ttle la right; for there la no more danger of a seceesfcm outbreak her* new tbaa tbore m in New Tark, Boston or Philadelphia. Tbe mili¬ tary force will be above sis hundred men, wbo will be in tbe fort and at tbe barracks, and Colonel Goode will extend to Mayor Patterson all needful aid to maintain the pence-aod quiet of oar island city. Drunkenness and tho Ire* sale of liquor will not be permitted, and aa this la all wo have to fear there will be no danger of midnight broils and otb*r dlsturbancea. Ill* Oue Hundred and i'lfty<fiuth New York are still bare. It is tlma ikat a transport bad arrived for these; Cat the knowledge of tbeir being wrecked and bene moat be known at tbe dee- tlnatlon of the Beaks expedition. The steuaacr Albany also remu,us here, but will, 1 truet, get ofT tomorrow, her repairs being Marly completed. Site is a veseul hardly titled for tM duty of transport, especially in the winter reason. TM Cnitod States steam transport Cambria, with part of the Fifteenth regiment N< w Hampshire Voiur.taers, arrived here > esterday, bringing dates from New York to tbe 13th lust. The « umbrta encountered vary heavy weather on the passaM, and w ¦« hove to two days in a tremendous gale from the aouthward. TM officers and mei. ef the command are in One be lib and ecnditiou, and speak in tbe highest terms of the t'umbru, her officers and crew. Tbe Cumbria coaled and left this evMumg for ibe dnsllnatlon of the Banks expedition. The jiruo steamer Swan was yesterday aold by the United states Marshal at public auction. William Omy was tM purchaser, aad tM pric* obtained was sixteen thousand Fix hundred and sixty six dollars and sixty- seven ccnts.a fair amount ,.con«id ring the mar y repairs sue requires. There will be no more price sa es until after tne judges return. When that will b* no one can curat Im. The work la now Ming pushed to compter on on ibe new government coal depot, under the direction of Mi'. Nicholas Hurt by, the supei hitendet.t. I do not know nnvwhere a mure creditable job. and wbeo finished it will M a meet osef il building t* the Navy Depurtment. Mr. Murpby it now coi.stmctl. g tM cisterns for the use of the nuvy, to hold at least oue hundred thousand gallcr.n of water, nud will in a few daya comiiienoc the recon¬ struction and stia. gtbeninf of the governmunt wharf, lor tbe Durpose of laying tberoon tbe railway track which runs into the coal depot. Al ter all tM work Is completed aad ta operation it will pay Tor itself in a yW, in the saving of expanse fer loading and unloading coal. * Dbtkmbbx 23,1862. Um United States steals transport McCleLan arrived hare this morning from New Orleans, to easbark tM One Hundred and Fifty-sixth regiment. They will leave this afternoon. and glad will we M to gat rid of tMm, for they require to M where they will have the benefit of dlaci- piine, instead ef running wild as they have her*. TM steaser CoeAopolltaa la hourly expected from Tortugaa< '«nd but a little time will elapse after her arrival before tM Ninetieth will embark for Pert Royal, when we shall M left alone with oar own garrison, and tMn peace and Mnptness will ones more reign in Key Weat. Shortly Mfore tbe Forty-seventh regiment Pennsylva¬ nia Volunteers left Port Royal for Ray Weat tM officers commanding the dlflbrent regiments of tM brigade oemmandeaby Colonel voode, ef the Forty-seventh, at Iba battle ef foootaltgo, addrsessd a letter to tkoBocrsdary ef War, la wkleb they recommended tatoo*) Oeede to tbe favorable ssnslderatien ef Um govsrnmea*. As tha Coieael ie worthy ef all the good that can be anidof him, and having be* ferniebed with a copy of tM latter, I take great pleaaur* la givtag it publicity:. Poat Botal IsLaxn,) Dec. If, lML } S reeeatYaul* of Peeetaltee M bad eemmaad of tM rtgade la uda corps, aad throeaheut thie terrible en- <Mhe SMmjii aeeb marked eoetaasa. iademi'able aad ekfll. aa te win the adaskatloM ef all tM eaters nd men la tM esaedltMB. Aad white sarvfna under htm aa Ike eoaMsanderef tM ferwe en PortTtofal Island for the lest few menthe. M bee at all tlmea exhibited such a perfect knowledge et tM ad- mtnietratlve d*partm*nt ef tM amy, and eoMoetod with such general satisfaction tM entire command, that we deem M a simple net ef jweties M him aad hie w*U «nrned merits to recommend hire ie yoor favorable eotfce. JOHJf D. BCBT. Cokanel. BjKhtk Matae. B. WHITS, Oolonel^Plfty-flfih F«mnsv!vanla. JOSEPH B. BAWLBT, Colonel. t^veeU CenneetlcuC LOl ifl aBIX, Colonel, Fourth New Uampehre. LOKBBXO MBKKIH, Major, oem'd'g SiitVCofinecticut. TM above la an gratifying to OsL Oooda aa It la a welt merited teatimonial. 1 trust it wHl Mva tM dealred ef¬ fect, and (dace on the ahoulders of tke Colonel that elagle star that so wsll deserves to M there. Ba one could til the poallioa of brigadier general Miter than CeL Soode, and may hie eemmiesioo aa such sooa M en ita way bore. Faaeral af Major Wtlllmaa Hsrgaa, a* tha Irtah lrlgads. Tke faaeral of Major William Bergaa, of Meagber'a Irish Brigade, took place yesterday afteraoea la this city, aad wsa om of tha most impneing that baa been wilaaared hare for a long period. Tba remaiaa ef thia lamented soldier arrived Mre a few day* ego, aad ware laid oat in .lata at (ha headquarters of tka brigade la Broadway. At aa early hour yesterday aoorning they were removed front this place to tM Governor's Boons In tM City HaII< la aflbrd tha aumerous frleads ef tM deceased, as well as tM public in geaeral, an opportunity ta view 'tie remains before bolag oonsigned forever to tM earth Tbouaaada af people availed theinaelvea of this oppoitunlty. and Ibere was a constant stream of men, women and children passing up aad down from fen o'clock A. M. until two P. M., wMn tM funeral bogar to move. TM cotla ws' located in tM centre of the room, with tbe lid open and the featursa of tM deceased ex poeed lovlew. Ibe sword, bat, bell and other artw 'oe which Major Qorgaa wore In hie lent battle lay on tbe lower end of tM lid, and a beautiful Irish bant er nnd American fiag drooped in graeefnl tolds over the coffin. Tbe plate contained tbe following Inscription MAJOR WiLIJAM HOBUAN, Eighty-eighth Regiment New York Volartee re, i Irish 5 Hilled in be ttle at Iredericksbuig, 1-ec. 18,1M2. } Aged 30 years. TMtlevernor's Re<>m was filled with officers, among whom we not tied tbe commanding fig re of i.eaeral Mea«her, Colonel Robert Nugent, of tbe Nxty-a.nib, Colo- Mi Mat. Murphy, of the Slity niutb, of Co oorau's l*giou, i aptala Jamee O'Heirne, of the Thirty seventh New York Volunteers, and a bft of otM. s. About two hundred of tM Sixty-uinth New Yerk Militia regiment, under tM ommaad of Major Bagley, w»re drawn up in front of the city H-ill In readl ese io aet aa a military escort. An imm»u*e crowd of people aleo filled tbe Park, tM ctepe of tM City Hall and the window*, while Inside It was a difficult tisic to reach iM Stairr leading to the room in which the remains w«t* exhibited, so great was tM crowd of spectators. A little after two o'clock the coffin was hoisted rn the shoulders ef four oflicers und ronvejred into the op*n air, tolicved ty Acnoral Meagher, < olnnel Nugent, the otlieers of tM brigade and lite chief mourners, '.enerel M ather and bU offi<*rs bad fixed in tMir cape the sprigs of boxwood which were worn by tM brigade as a ulsttngalsblng f«a lure in the battle of Frederlcksbnrg. Thus followed, the coffin was carried np and down in front of the C;ty Hail, while tho hand of muslo performed a tiiCirnf ll funeral air, tbe D(tes «>l which denied to respond in Msmn Mrmouy to the chsracter of tbe occa¬ sion. The remtins wore than deporlted In a mtig nlficeiu hearse, drawn by four bersss, and tM proceeeiou formed in order. Tbe f, neral cortege moved out ef tM west gale of the Park, up Broadway, la tM following order Nqnad of PolieeMen, TM Sixty ninth National liuard, 8Uta t New Yark, com¬ manded by Major Begley. TM Hearse, flankeo by a Guard of Honor. Tha 8toed of Major Horgan. (Winers anil Pall Hearers. Oeneiai MeagMr and Colonel Nugent, m en open barourh*. The Ommntee on National Aflkirs. A number of carriages. containing friends of Um deceased. In this order it proc eded up Broadway ta Tsath street, down Tenth street to the ferry, and across to Calvary Coaietery, where tM remalM w*r* to M interred. M^for H< ryan was a splendid officer, and la much ra- gretted by all who knew him. Ha was a taarrted man, aad lesves a wife and four children behind him ta moan hi* sad fate Haws frtsaa Fertteas Hsawe. Koamsss Moaaaa, 0s«. M, IMS Tha British frigate MalpoeneM oaase ay and aaobored 10 |ha reads laat erening. Tb#Paaaaie arrived ¦ Haa^tea reada tkls Oram. IMPORTANT mm HAVANA. Newt by the Roanoke and British Queen. Escape of the Rebel Steamer Oreto from Mobile* Sb« flails with a Crtv el One Haadred Men* Wreck ofthc United RtateiTvwir port Curlen. Affaire la Varna, Venetutla, Torki Irian di, atn ftlit All The itttmfr Roanoke,frem N«w OrtaKtt anil Havana, mi* the hriUah Qu«f», from Kavaia and Kismj, arrival at ifci* port ycatcrday. Tba im by tkaaa vteeele m >1 eons darabie uaportanca. Our Hmuk Bav>kx, Dee. *1,1808. jrriwl of the Branch* o* ffo*ant^-Ahon tamo* of 9* !****¦ Soft.Wnxk 1lie l/mUdStrntttTrm^pon Cur Itw off Kq WtM~Btoa.ptfnm Mobxk ofthoH*ti Summ¬ er ftoridm or Orttt, 4c. Iba Rouoke came in Uat night and sails to-da? at <eur o'eloek P. M. We Ut« no later oatec from Maiieo. The English steamer Trent C*ne Is fNsaBI TbomM, but br inns no m*i ». Kkgle arrived at daylight this morning, hiving made the shortest time from Now York lo this port on °Kr«m flhlp laland wo learn that, with the exee.tion of two, all tbe stenraera ibat Balled from Forties Monroe bad arrived before the l«th. Tbeee two wern lbs Thamee and Georges Crook. The latter Ik still a* h.y Weal. Several of the steamers of this expedition that Hft New York had not arrived.vlx: Nligara, sbetucket, Om- t mental, Quincy, Qulnnebaug, Salvor, < baa. uegoed, »'«? metheus, Albany,.lersey Blue anJ H>«dt ras, and none or the sailing vessels had arrived to the 18th. The Curlew got ashore o# Key Weet. Tl»0 troope wero caved without lose of hie by the boots o the Vincenace and Augusta. The Utter came In hero last night, and »aila to day. All well cm hoard. The vesael waa g»t off in safety. The rebel schooner Belief, slxty-feven tons, ive days from Mobile, arrived 31at, wltb cotton. Sht rtunit Uu> the tttamtr Florida, aliatUTt*, And <w hundrtd men on boturd, haritty piutd Ms Uotkait dur¬ ing tht night. Uajaha, Dae. 90,1802. Tht hxturgenit in Vtiutuda Ptum.Tko Arch bishop of Caracal Sent to Confer with Them.Tht Vtr.e. tutlan Loan.Movmewi of General DuUo.Ntm from Natta* and Tnrkt lilandi, 4c. Dates from Venesuela are to tbe Kd ult. The Ineur- genta oi Mjyracalbe have manifested their desire for Mun dilation \^h the government. Tho Archbishop of CVac-ia bus gone on tbe mission of receiving their submicsiou, and of pardoning In the name of the government past offences. Two schooners of war have sailed from PnertoCabcllo to add to those blockading Maracalbo, and more are l)*ing fitted out In that place with the same object. The government haa been victorious la skirmishes at Victoria, Maracai, Cagna and aevcral other plncvs. General Talcon is about to be bagged, an he is between the forces of Generals Camero and Kubto. Tbe payment of seventy-five per cent on the billsi or the Venezuelan Baak that were euoore'd has been decreed, and forty per cent on those t'ig* were not. Fifty-Ave per eeat of the import dues have been destined, after February 1,18*3, for Messrs. Baring Brue. A Co. General Duloe In his visit to the military prison yester¬ day set several of tbe pr's- nor* free. The Ella Warley, from New York, baa Just arrived. Pierre Souls la still here. lVcwa from Haiaaa. Nassau papers, received by steamer British Queen, contain tbe following items:. Tbe schooner Fashion arrived at Nassau bn the 30th from Key Weat. By thia arrival we learn that IWsef the oonfoaerata amy have dseerled and given informauau at what plants In the Indian river the boala run In with for the South, and that In consequence those ports are now so atrlatly hleokanad that there la a vary ^t Utanoe of escaping, thefederal vessels going so far aa even in send their boata up the river lo make eajKuree and brlM them out. Several have been made lately. Torkalaland dates of tbe 11th, received at Naasau, ¦tote that President Moir took the necooeary oaths and waa installed into office on the 8th alt. A meeting of We Legislative Couaeil waa beld on the 10th inaiant, when the Preaident ssrn.for the drat time his dutiee aa Prealdsnt of the Beard, and delivered bis drst There mitttle teaste la the salt market A sufficient auantity waa an hMd to All any demand likely during tks winter moataa. Price ?c.; expert duty, He. rfec British Admiral Milne arrived at Naasau Daosmber Id. and Ml again on the 10th fur Bermuda. Tbe Nasaau tfanrdiaw of the 1Mb states:.Oar eerres - - .* ' from Bit lo Hiding tbe pilot. The officers and men ^rem^ned aehore^oul ekcht hoars, and w»re entertslasd by Mr. Win. A. ftitler, Deputy United States Consul. Dunna their stay a Urge maamer nasasd, which they concluded waa the Confede¬ rate ship Alabama, or »o. and they were sot at all ulesaed wKh bar appearance. ' The Veiled Mates storeahlp Supply sent boata' crewa aabara at Blminle en tbe So,after whtan she proceedad. lbe Sani*an of the 10th haa tbe following:. Alter the outragee already committed by federal gen boata within our water*, we cannot say that we were much surprised to bear of the capture of the ech otter Neneauch. Albnry, master, of this port, which wsa cleared by Xsasrs. M. Adder ley A Co. on tbe 20tn ult. and left UM afght after with a cargo of sail and *>«m. captured oa tbe lat »aat, by one of the four boata belong tag to the federal gun boa*. Tioga (employed la blockading .be Northwsat Paaaage), w ithia a mils the Tien being anchored at tbe tisso oa Mettle's Bsak A pries ccew wsa put on hoard the Noneauch, aad aba waa seat to Key West. The Onarduin of the 0th says:.We are glad te eb- serve that the Covernvr baa Isaued a nreclamelkea warn¬ ing our aatlve seamen that if they as pUola to ied«ral or Confederate awn of-war they will bring '.bemMdvoe within the scope of the Foreign fnlistmeat act. Clly IsttolllgeMe. Niw Bciutmoa ain» HiTnunn or Oij> ub«b.A glance along the east side of lbs city will eoavlnee any one thai, aotwilheundlng the tightness of money, quite a number of new bulldiDgs are being c»-ssiructed and old ones untie going important alterations that amount in fact to completely new structures. It Is the habit, b w ev»r, to oall ineee by the name of alterations. j>A an u is to r^tll repairs to oue of our naval vessels by the pam» naiue, white every one knows lhat tbe changes are so extensive lhat scarcely a timber uf the old snip is mu'I rrmuiuinrf fimrg the alterations to buildings on the e >tt side o. the city we may S '-elty thoao at preeent in progress <-n Hie cut Notional tbeairc, In luihoui street, and on ^tcwurt s marb'S b lldlug. corner n Bioader.iv, Jieade and t hambers itrcits. Ti s auc.eot temple of tb- dr im., where manv years ago Kirby sed to die f<Wbn ediUca lion of IBO pit, some half dosen limes eter tat li,e same eve* ing, has at laei yte-Jed to ib' upv.-nrd tnndeiicy of busniss?. "Olhe.lo'B u.-eupati<ui s gone" Tbe curiam has diopisd for the iaet time. boxes, WrK*. pit. siege. sc< ttery «ud «ll the para Her¬ ri I ia of the draiuu nave di*;ii>i eared. Tbe vandal car¬ penter Uaa rli<|ied op the boards, smashed t pieces the oinamentatioB, an-l oeoalgacd to destruction a who e bouse lull of regal thrones, goldta gobw<u> and rittior Imperial trapping Tbe hard listed latooiet has tumbled duwn brick after brick, uatll tbe ouue pretiy ',lttle theatre prereuta nothing but a plctuie of utter mm an<i i,.niuslon. But ibv stv ue cbaages. Instead of tbe so emu iroat of the old National, a b >wn stnoe lacvle ri ins story alter story now pieeents Itself. In thorl, tbe theatre bas been altered so that it will form, when completed, thiee tine looking buildings, ¦* rather one lar> e structure, divided imp three difll-rent ><e«ti ns, su t- able for st«>ree and otter b sa.ess jmri",ses. The nlwa Hon waa a micli needed improwm"nt. Tbe daya bad gone, forever perhaps, wben the National *ould be patronised as a theaire, and It waa therefore Jedtcl-ais to adopt It for tbe i-urpenesof busl news Stewart s old bullolng, or "the lown town sioro,'' as it la called, is being completely altered. It ia Mr. Btewart'a intentioa louse ibis sim< axclusi-.ely for whole- aa.e business, and tbe changes contemplated are to be quite extensive. Tas DBBonutic Co?rr*as*cn.Rr*o*n> Brbakiini tts or ntal*a*'B Pscwsits .Tbe democratic conference, It ap. pears, la not destined to bring about that beautiful state of harmonlnua action which waa so mucb desired by the masses of tbe i«rly. It Is now saserted that the peace projects have l>eea broken up. a^tbat the two facts* of the party will continue dlvMle-Oh the same maBner i_ during tbe past Ave or six years. The FxeeuUvc Com¬ mittee of Mosart Halt have iesued a call for the election <>f three lnsiie«iUirs of a primary election, for tlm cboestn| of a new General Commutes for 1863 This looks aa if there were soma foundation lor tbe rumors alluded to above. Tub IMmnrif aim raa Ibbub Tarn*.A mull-| of -limmrr. of all deaomtaailoas. will take place at Cooper Institute tomorrow evening, to take ISM oonsl- deration the ooadltten and treatment or the Indian tribes Hi preeent In tbo Ualted Htntcs TBrrltories. AlOf+im fchitofcetibGlClffOY 11* important nrwi r«eeivad from New Orla no, Ha* TlMHloib«f >liw oHigeaaa lo urfer the r'>HwlH« «r our rhruuoto/y (tor one day. We will raauma tta yafc- UhUM te-morrow. 1 HE ARIf.y OF THt MTOMAC. The RcImU Haa«rd aa Eotb 8ld«a of MM HkDli uti.K<wa fi«Bl tU« fttlMi St»t«B, .t «i(. RK>i^4t jiuiMte, auiy or ran i on mac, Daa. 2$, 18C2. the latest reliable mielHgeaoe retain.g to the ntwl army oa our front, »iat«* th&i Uuy have mn- iad their (oroee o*> boib aldo* vf the r*iii. nd, from FreJ«r>okaburg tc befcw tian>ey'a aiuUeu. j>i«s irajt for two nnt«« couth «f Kroderkkeburg ban Utii torn up, ai'd tho ro*t*> ara b«iiig uaed (or tuiMXiui ai tba pretext terutluua of the road. Oil Tuesday a bi igade «f whet cavalry were outfitted w I'.ti ,-atioua at.J ft r;*e for -.¦ve.-M lav«, and r"volverB were d.etrib de-.t to tba aw, it- ..<r i.umey'fc «!atio>'.. I* wan UUev-rt U.«ie that their do-, tit ation was K otf Ocorge C«Tt:ity,*1a fort Royal, Vn« Ricbu.oud Dxsjkl*eh of tba 2itb contain* the fol" towing PKmeat KO IVc.24.18M. On M^iday ©#«*ral Pryor, with a PtMull detnibinei.t, attack") a Yankoe t.,rce of several htm ired, stationed at la a of wig&t Court Bouse to protect tho election of t o it e- aeatativca to tongas. At U.e Hi r.t clur»;o OU'a protectors ftd in cr^at coi-ftiaion, ana was ch .n d leu m !«)ai fall fe(>aeU. Our loas tiilllug. Genet al r. ?or after* irda v :<otou Briithti" td. On Saturday miming a in c-t cauapment made Ua ap ^«arance oa th" aee >ud range a< h ill* In tho rear of Krede ricbahurg In full vt«* from our ciUoiu A fn*i<!erable nuinf»0"«f t'-ata liavo reccutly been aei>t up from iJchax &¦'. to Lee'a army. Tba Richmond Jthmmintr of '.bo Cfth trdk-iUs tbat. Dee, wttb a portion of hia army, v a# moving toward Ctil , epper to m. ke a ti«iuof>f>trnt>>n In front of IPaehinfrtea, but it la bruma that I «e waa atill t.far f rederiekwhurg al Friday noon. The enemy ara ecgagfd ir«ry night In raising and extending breastwo ka along tLo scree a frortlrg tha rlv«r, aa If toi revt.t any futorc croacings by ppnt^KMi hrtd^oa. A ftrlend'y iiitfrconrac baa fttetod betwoan the raxpect- '?a river pickets until rocet tiy. To prevent tho ®>ai. mui.icatinn o' im. totupar iufvrmut'.on, a pobllha order baa beau iaaucii to x/ftpaod the iraternl/atlon. S*fA, Ala., Dec. 23, IMS. It to reported thta owrnlng hy p.tas«ngore by laat nlgbt'a tn.ln. tiul Are tbouaand cavalry, uuder Van Lorn, daantni Tato CoriuUt SuiKi .y, disperred (be Yn- ka«a and took poaea*a.oa of tbe Cj>ipw, Deo 22.1609. General Grust'a army baa fail* n buck beyond the Talla. batcble. An important expeditkw un<lcr Oencral Van Durn, which baa been out t>evoaul dt>ya, haa uot been be-.rd from. The IhtrxUh conta na an Appeal ftir iho relief of tbe Freda: wkf burg auirerera Dow In Richmond. Eircatlon of Indlaa* !<. NinncDotai Sr. Miiui., Deo. 17 1992. * Thirty eight oondemned Indmi * Acre n. ng at Mmbato at ten o'clock A. M. y»-ata; day The galtnwn w. ? *> eoa- atructed ti at all fell at ore*. ^<-> ornl tb«>'i«aDd ai>ecta- tora were In attend .noe. All pafiteU ofl qux-tly. THE COMING YEAR. TIIE WEEKLY BEIltLI) KOR 1*43. The Twenty-seventh Volume.The Cheap* est Paper in the World* OatboBd day of January, VMS, wtU commence UM twe ty seventh volume of the N*w Yobk Wbkly Hjuuu>, the ch*ay it and bat hamilu Ne*%mrer in eai ttne*. The extentIve aud eomp:eUe 4rtve (aciiitlee In ita pos- .melon euablea the proprietor of tb* H«*\u> to guarantee the latest and most reliable lnform-uton jaieel- bly to be obtained, ant only froip all parta of the United State*, but lYom all parte of Ike w-* d. Ita home cor.aapoudento, eugaeed at heavy ooet, and connected with each new naval and military expedition of Um government, prove that It ie determined to leave no spot uncovered by It* operating, and no eveat «¦ occur that *lmll not Bud Immediate report In Its eotnmne. It cotta the proprietor ore* one bmdred tboueand dollars per year to maintain hie oorpe of oorrespnadaata to the field, All battle* wlU be Illustrated with diagram! aad ""in lie oollatkm of Foreign Kewe the H«iuu> has ft>r years held a high poel'nn, and It will endeavor la the future to m tlntaln the stand It has aaaumei. It hee .facial eorreepondenta stationed la aU of the principal cittea of the world. Ita telsfraphte arrangements extend to wherever the electric wires are atretched. When the Allan!* cable* Uld, which feat will probably he acoompilehednext Oc¬ tober. telegrams will be received from Europe and Asia, aa well aa from the United State*. 1%*» ear rtaUn wtil hoar 'A* ntW* of <&4 w«*k in Ail parti of the cMlissd world rtffuimrtf and clearly laid Wo* tM-m. It la the Intention ef the proprietor to devote a portion of the paper to Agriculture, the Mechanic Arte, Sporting Matters, Buatnesa and Flmnelal Repirta, Tattle Markets General News, and report* of all event* calculited to form an excellent metropolitan new-pape-.a weekly photo g aphlc view the evento oC the world.and «U at a very low price Twelve montha of the Woou.1 Hixtua wll form a complete history of the world for that period of l'Tbe Wonti.T Hniii), leaned every Saturday morning will be furniabed at the following rates:. Three c plea ® five oaplm . Ten«o,.»ea *. Any larger number, addreaaed to naaaea ef ankaerlkera ft] BO e«ch. An extra eopv wHl be sent to every einb of tea. Twenty optee, to ooe addreea, one year, .»», nad "J larger an*,bar at same price. An extra copy will be Font to clube of twenty. AP' aaii'XMPTH to a limited number will be inaertod In the Bmaai.v Hnu.n. _ Editors publish In* Utle Preepectaa several tlmea win be entitle*! to an exchange for ».*«.*. ___ JAMES SORDOI BKWWWTT, Krtitor aad Preprleter, SHIPPING NEWS. 4,^2,40 ro* anw re*s.van nav. IB* *19*4 1 1 "OOP SXTS eve 1 *4d| *.«« watna mem 1 Port ef Hew Terk, December »., !«.*. AHR1YRD. atean ibip Uiaagew (Br), Kotkell, Urenpeol, Dee 10, aad JSTSSA t tr, »t 4 1< AM. wlU. m ./and oaeaenaera. 10 .. .> Uair. Illli In-1, p »d »"'p A. Mraiaaian, hence L \ i)u. i, und up <J an el; iJtn. on Roc* Liakl, pan 'h»tenn.?hlp*Ariel.'' Jonee. A»plnwall Dre lfl 'la Key WeM ..?rt witn «. « and w DlAuWe (To# A 'sieamakir BrliUh Queen 'Br). Le Me«*ur1er H*T*na. D»e NP. do. i:i P*. with n.4*e »n.l pa« «B "".teameiilp"iteeaOfce,«« r. K'w Orlrnn*. TV* '8. ll,v wu* mm and pasaeaaeva. to L»«llan> Hetne .i n o li iiia > ."» *.!«'» 0»tC na.l ri». «a» talnex Mhormat »«« Orleane by Ma,er Baahs '''aiealnehin Oel«w»bla Pa n »w «)rlear», HcM . PM .I iuw. " " . 'O P*, with me.e ano pa^ngers. n*?*"Ifleteh'-r. Wew Orlean;, I'ee *w i itnelOib win, ni- ee and iw«e> user* ion B Crofflwell i,.0 . " "«.» » **38*. ion 7»M,ai.'aattced bark Uur.en R ii*. ».«>. nn N; J th. 1 I'V. olT hamegai bark Btar llfi'u Vh«o^tea (e< Boeton), Halnee, Liverpool. M^ajs »"»fi ». "e Ween Ith .* Bon». Viad »tr«.n« W galee lhh*le"L wyoei 4ft days, »iib ealt jto. to Re-sn'lli A '"n« N..v 3»J lal *{, "".#*». «P°*» iic H 0 n'ar* trmm Leasoa ro New Tor*. Vh\u \ .Irtnw n, Me<er. U»td<>H, 14 <Ujr* ai<iee and U w Urtnnell. Minium fCo. Had a creet deal of HnidKMtaMnLaucklan <Br.ef Yarmouth. MB). Itojaioad, Npwimm t F ftd <ia» *, . itl» co .1, B C'inard; yemel 10 Thoe JSmia In 'at II Ml, Ion » It. bhthW J! jwnw wlitGt) 4 10ib Init. la«. 41 'on 431 40, I»i v 'nirt BuenaVftttiir.!, of Liverpool, from Olaagow for -* xll«<t har lv. tin lirnt iitilltfl. VkTaW -mT i'^n Aatwerp. anl Mldar. ^ ¦nv K. % »U. I nriiinn, wm -- 48 B? Ion V V, *i eke a Br Treat 1 hound B. w ho reuort d haV- nt' n.ianffd ft iiblp feMiik» ffook thf? lffh« lit W 61, *01119 50, to theSlTha.t tie endonsheavjr l»W to WBW ga'*» and very lil^h lea eiilit mile, carried awav muen yard and .tarted the hlul eaa ¦M-rabl* M 4th and fttli lust, laiItl 40, Inn 4S i«. had li#"Vy W gf"4 w th high eea, In let i/ ki, I«inft4 16, had a kea^ .now eterm, Wi«dlo C»P 0 V-.I m. m»>4l »e*ere he .vt-r OjertencT. ,ajat»nrhor tTT"the Worth Poreland foi II day*, when rtewa* rnn MM by achr r**ta, aad pat late Chatham on the »l ef Oet lan/"f*In"dne (Br, of OarrtMf), Bmith, Ble Jnnelro Kov 14. JS AflkafiS lundlejeaeal Budge. Sot *. late B loa v ii«*e Br bark l.ialama, 47 day, from Liverpool for Hue- "Serk Unc "a FenXhiTnM PrMlaSer, Bt Thomee, B days, '*urir^is»w?ra .sb# //Risk. Mvmrt, Eltsabalkreri fci Beotea. irB7t1?*iw , 8a \ a>e, Ro* aland. fc..f £ fc F*_e, Ki ick, B«*on. 7 day* SeUr l.< Hint, Crmmfr. IH* II»Wt Mir J . Myers, l-obfc Hri^si-wtlse WaahlaAtoa. **>¦» OMrn O CulMas (U 8 transport). *£...¦.% Newbern. NO, Gee 36. lo U S IMlMWir. »«>.*!*'.? n-Uea NE cf Bwitb'e Island. «AW . (kip aabore; bad palate* llHMI MM. 1«U(, riwMHN, mum. A iktt surpeeed l«h*Ui Ale» Marshal^ Marshall, from LivernM, »uTfa C H Mar»h.,H A Oo. . . A skip supposed to be the Southampton, Aestln, from Bristol, Nov 18. (both anchored at HW bpiL) ravel. . Lamplighter. Albert' brigs BL Nwu, Oeocgee. Elk* Br>; Kiiixilltntr, W A Oritlin, A lle.tun. B F Kiu_;. Hemab, A J Dcfioe*> it, C M Bicfc, U s TCm er, Win rape*. Clara Merrill, H E ->burp, E M K wards, Y K Kaiuio pit, Sal III* B 11 HIuiidou. S. a ft-n nr. Kree Wind, M l'crnie. I.a .r» Gertrude, W O Hartiett. W Hunter, t Q Mention. Llliy. W A Brown, A CorMM. ii W Vaughn. Am* 11 A lU fc). 8 A Tay¬ lor, M J Leonard, J P A K»-r, Statesman. Blpple Ber en, H nt, W V Khllllpe, h, rain, A Anna, Ckaa Dennis, Aid, Moon giil. Wiud at sunctl N, light. >lliir<'llan«oui, Kmr Baa Kiac.The ffii'owuig a»e Ike PArUcnU#* of ih« lots of ship 8 A Kins Ir. pnrv d v> *U rila> dt lei). mad« by th« ikint mat,, 8 tb W \<>r-, in the V s Consul koilw. cm to*. Not 27. lDtit .I ship: ¦ d at San Fran--I eo on be 'Jih at Hept, lAtg.ou thr A, an siil' 8< a King, Capl Bai ker, bonnd lo Lhreti* ol, am loaded with beat. Wl en the nip left Sun i'ruuelM o i! er>- \<ere %* ent; rl^ht j* raor.E on l..a» d belonging to tl.e vhlj and no Uern'an pastier,per. Nothing un mi*I occurred nit. Sunday. the 21*t of Sept, while In lut *' N. r.nd *1> ut ion IJRS W. shout 10 AN Of tlial d ij tbe wind commenced hewing frmh rotn the NB, and at about 3 P* It cl'Aug< d to SE, ami btim » perfect burr'.catte. Be;ore tb. LLcali* muld he f'-rle.l l««t i. .- fore »n inal". loptall «n<l ff>'rtop:n*»l (UriaU. TJ,< iiiiues to|«uli and fore toj pnl- lan'-a'l «erfbww«.»w»i alter being furled. Tbe ihip .aa then wliliont aov p..:i a-i>r utiorlnp varv heavily, amt ioll«il ker i»e »ar.t arm* nn '. r " *ter; Ihew were tive or all fret of water roll nv aliont <b<' deck. A «]«re mr, which was iu«b«<l en 4>-rk akd i-v.vr ereryt' lBQlkAt It vt In contact with, and It wax fuj #rnd thuttlifarapar, together »ith h< arv he** brkwc to>.*e rfce 'ore and after ''Onaef. And proha'-'y atirted the water woy*. At about 8 PM. an^^*h|p ro'led vert bearll* to laev aid »i|d would not rlff^Vlhe fore u«a ml. ten aaasui w re u; away. Fnmi S until iMui 7 o el «k ikere was rot a*»lni, fore and aft, and tke men were Uabed to pne^ ent their einc washed orrrbuard. Daring tbe entire day B was ruaing wry kard and daring (be gale U w as Im¬ possible to e a I'oat away Trorn the "hip. -At < o'clock It was so dark that It h a* ImpotiHible to a o air. thing A i>hori llano hi fore koln.' iowu the ahlp eoiusiencad u akin* ire. meadeiis pliingctrh~ad down, and was diving tiirou/n th<- water at A v. rjr r*|ii<l rate, and linking further at every plunge The sHaln, mate And myself were suuidlng alt, ei'.aging to the ta'l &li, end when only about t'.lteen («et ot Ike at.ip was left o. to: the water, I jumped overboard wltli a lite preserver on. I did not see tketaptala or mste after tkat, ng I am aware of. Hon* after jumping overboard I saw two men tiaatlnspast mean a spar, bat could not tell w ho they were. A ni-ori time after I waa overboard the l«|t of ike alter houM Uritud near tua, and I succeeded la Ultnb- lag Into it. I lid not nee ike skip after leaving her. but bear,: Ike craekliw e' the limbers, and waa aooa anrrounded Willi peoasof ike-wreck,'1 sueoeeded la faaten'.n mtsel; lo the lop of tbe nrter bouse on wkirh 1 was. and drifted about at tbe nier-j of fie waves until Wednesday, at 10 AM. when I waa picked up by Die Hamburg balk Ener»le, bound lo Iqul. ue, Peru, Hoot'i AmeneA. On arffvlag at lmk)ue. sonie of the eltirens paid aiy passage to Callav on tbe sWmer 1 waa third mate of the ahlp, I duAot know tbe .name* vf tke ere only one named llenry Howes, of Belfast, Ma ne. The irst ma.ea name was John Cebbe, AA>! the aeron>t mate's . WMtwclh. I do not know that ads others were saved. After being em board thoO rman ban a few da>e 1 w»« put into tbe forecastle and put on truly by the mate, and e>n in ie.l to do duty as a common sailor until we arrived al Ii|ui.itre. where X worked.four days In din- charging cargo, an on 1 avlug the bark tbe captAln gave me a glav r<T cap and lour <!«. (The 8 R was built In Eas; Hoe ton In MjO, was l.liM t- as register, rated A 1, ahd la owned by W Perkioe, of Boston, where she la probably in- s»r. A | Bmr 8#aaa tu Ockxiv, KioAsy, before reported put Into GlbtAliAr with loss of rails and leaky, will be obliged to dis¬ charge a part of ber rarco for repairs. Sum Msabimjic, Woods, hence al San Pranelaeo, was Off Cape Horn 13 days, with a'.rong WNW gales And h.-nvy sea; split anils, sad shifted cargo SO much that tbe ehlp had three MreAks list to port. Baio Milan Jahw, Bailey, from New Tork, Arrived Al Naa .A., 17tb Inst in distress No pArtieuUrs. Bwu Cius H Fbost. Burnt, from Turks lalAnds for PbllA" i delph a with saII. put lu'.o Nassau Olh Inst for repair^ having lost fore topmast and being leaky. Baio Eiiuscts, Roache, from Plctou for Boatan, put lat° Providence J7'h tnat In dWtrcas. leaking 800 stroke' aa konr and having three men sick. Brio Nathan. Means, went ashore 91st nB on Aaegada Reef, about 20miles oir Vera Crax, and le a total lose. 8cun A.vrsLor*, Barnard, from Turks lslaAds lor New Tork, pal into Naasau 'JT l)i nit, leaky. BaotnrxASAAVKA, Dee t.The Henry. Obisrich, from New York, has arrited, with par! -*t cxr^o thrown overboard. Kaval, Nov 26.J'ut in, the Deui Edonard, Pradell, from Mew Tork for Bord- Aits, leaky In her apper worxs. Livrnroot^ l>or <.Tbe Biooksby. ChrtoUll, arrived bore from MaranliAiii, reporte having paved, In lat 40 N, ion 63 W. on the Utn Nov. a ship'* boat, pa ntrd white, red ribbon and red da. un tbe Iww; and on tbe 1MbMov, In J*t 42 M, lea 63 W, a bright vi.rn.B ii d w ater calk, w tth wblte boupa. The Afton. from New Tork, which arrived here on tke 7th, had throw n 246 barrels of apples overboord. Ikiapon, Dee 11.Tbe Jamee Browne, of Philadelphia from Call AO. which M't on the Boulder Shoal, off Ba-tlnga, on tbe 1Mb Inst (aa pretloi sly r> ported), baa arrived in tbe Vic¬ toria Dock.-, i* tow of two tug*. Alter remaining en the shoal for nearly aa lour tbe atreng flood tide took ber off. and she commenced to leak to a great extent, which contin¬ ued en the Increase until reaching smooth water in tbe river, and at one time eeven fc t of water was fouad in the hold, and M was oniy b> the continued exertions of crew And pAS- aeagers employed that Utey kept ker from ainking. fLVsooni, Deo IS (By Telegraph)..During a beAry gale from south, the NorweclAn brig Bmanuel, Wallee (wheal), from New Torh for Plymouth, whi st riding with aingie anchor In tbe flottnd, drove on shore on Batteu Reef. She tills, end will proi Ably beeome a total wreck j crew saved. Lireboat la attendance, but services aot required. 6aie aew (noon) subelded, wind weslwardly. having been run iato Mov 16 by tbe American staaaosr Van dcrblit; lost bowsprit, stanchions, cutwater, Jtbbottn and several piaaha stove, Ac. RAtal, Nov M.The HaJcyoa. AhkeSt, from Havana for CrueMult, put ia here yesterday'(the latter portbeing closed hp Ida), leaky, and with mainmast broken, kavtng eaperleno e<l v cry bad weather. Ibe ia at.11 mat Ing about four inches wnier per hour, and II la feared tbe cargo will fee nut b da- ¦sAKOd.- SbA baa hoca surveyed and ordered to dlsiksigs aad repair here. Bciiat <1 Mary's), Dec g-Iks lassr, MedaM, wMabar rhrad here from VlnatiUaa oa the dThTpaaaed Ot| M M miles B of Cape HaMsraa, an abandoned waterlogged brig, palau d back, with wtlle streak and port, and leeo of main- The following table glvee a snmmAry of the vessels la the harbors of New York, Beaton, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Charleston, Savannah, Nsw Orleans and Oalveeteti, at Ike latoei aassdats from each of those porte;. ¦aw TOAA. SteaasaMpe 16 Brige 131 Sbtpo 162 Sebooasrs W Bark* 144 _- feint Ml Btenmaklpe..... 4 Brige 30 Shine S .choosers. 37 Bene 28 . Tola! IB rsiusnrsii. (.tramsbipe 4 Brigs 16 Ships 11 Scbeonere.. S3 BaA# U Total 77 Uimwn. gteasnshlpo 3 Bngs IS Ships 8 SchooaerA 76 Barks 11 . Total 110 OTAAI ASTflA. Slenaishlpe 1 Brige Jhi^e > ScbooaorA Teiai;.;x'.i;^;. SATAMI4A. Stenmahipe S Brigs $ MIm I fchoenem 1 .15 new «nun. Stenanshlpe 4 Bngs ..^ 16 Sehconera.. Total 79 _ . OALVsrrew. StOAamblpn 1 Brige - .MjM. . Schooners 1 ^Teinii.'.' a Wbaleaon. Al Tahiti Oct 33, ship Oliver Crocker, Cochran, of NB, m> LabaioAOct 14, bark Cevingi<>D, Jeaks, Warren, for the W, 130 an the neaaon, 6M *p the voyaue. Spokea.Dec 72. 30 miles SB of Kandv Hook, bark Nimrod last from Barhadoe, of and ro%New Bedford, 300 bble oil. Spekea, du» Ship FW Bailey, Dyer.Wi days iron. Serdeaui for Ran Francisco, 0.113, lat 32 Ot S, Ion A 03. Ship Pierre Chalgneau (Fr), 110 day* 'roin Bordeaux for Franctse<i, ll. lAt 27 01 B, Ion 87 35 Ship CorimiA, Word, from Calcutta for Boston, Oct 11, lat t San Tk..__ 10 N, ion 91 B, wltli loaa of main topmaat. A large Am ship showing red flag with vhlte con tie, was seen Nov 6, At 8 10, Ion MOW. Foreign Parte. A*TW**r, Dee S~Arr tlreenwood, Htone. Callaoi CUi, Cu> "ii», Bnsnnleh, NYerh; 7th, Bo*e titandisb, iiutehlng*, Oai- *tb. Ariel. Bishop, NYo.-k; 12tb, Harry Bluff, Hedmaa, Callao, AerrsaBAn, Dee 6.Aid Ci.o, Warkmels'er. Philadelphia. Acajctla, Dec 3.In port hrig Sunny Bonth, Cushman, for . Idg, Bnr«<T, Dec ».Hid Oeo Durkee, Anderson, NYork. nmt-TOi. (l'III>, l>e«».Arr Bmma Harbelb, Nlork; Sib, Viking, Wiggins, do. Hiot w lAsHAtKK, Dec 6.Arr Henry, Ohlerlch, NYork. Bnc»iRnAVkK, De< 7.Arr St BeraihArd. Deetjen, NYork; fth, Neplun. Dree-, do; Union, Tripp, NOrleauS. Sid 6th, M< rlibsn, i<eiu, NYork. Hsiviit, Dec 6.Arr New York (a). Wenke, and Agnes Mempko, NYork. Bnannivx, Dec 4.Arr Olive Jane, Cnlloah, Jfew Oitears; 7th, B A Allen, Patleu, do; 10th. T W Kouie, Lane, da Bum Bat, Dm 0.Put in. Anglo-Saxon, Fennell, from Portland for Dublin. Bahcbi-ora, Dec 4.Arr Morning Light, Basiling, New Or¬ leans. . _ BATAoagt, Nov 16.Arr Fknnle, Lorentsen, NTork, Trade w^*D<-«ri|2--A nr Tenton a (.), Taube, NYork (and aid Nr£:*-Arr Denry. Menge. NYork; Dmil. IsIs, MorniAD, do; 2d. CUra Ann, Curtfr. HOrlrana; ftth, Mas* 5a, Bombilla, rfolon. Sid Deo 6, fexian, Brown, tUo Ja- 'Tim. Net a>.Arr prev Borneo, Reed ; JosUhL Hale, Oraves; fiam Dunning, Ikolfltlil. And CAstlne, Smith, Chln- has (and all sld foi England); J Baker, Allen.rto (and *ld for llaiiiberg). Sld ehl^ Edw Hy^VisBI, ^hhscha* (eo reported)! Detroit, Kranee; John L Dlmmo-k, liar wood, Holland. South America, t hlnehae; A^la, Hu»sey, do In port 2vth, ships W«llfle.t, Bleb, and Bxpr-sa, Frori. from Han Faanclsco; Kate Dyer, Dver. from Montevideo (was reported a,d for Baet In lee); Louiea Walsh. Pendle¬ ton. from London: Richard 111. Uresnougb, rrom (llaSkOW. «TAixtmA.IM!ti».Arr PunJaubJ Hill (or Killer), Liver¬ pool; nth, Wltab of tbe Wave, Bram ball, Bombay ; 39th, star el Peace, Hlnekley, Madras; Nov I, Indian, Averlll, London t Sd, A H Badger, Marshall (or Means). Adelaide. Sld Oct M. impress. Xeeraw, China! Llrxte Bliss, Pearson, *cn/sn«*ii*e. Dee 1*-Arr »>ri« Stephen Duncan. Tylor, PhllA- delnhla; 1.1th, barks Chilton, i'ennell, NYork; .loeeidi Flak, tirav Portland; enbr Ida K Wheeler, Dyer, Philadelphia; 1Mb bark B fountain, Wlscaseet. brigs Charlena, Meaus. and 'Trindelen, Havener, Portland! jAn Pierce, Norton. Havana; athrs Enoch Pratt Oould, do; Laurel, MeFarla d, ¦»i. WTiarasifr'TKaiii mm ¦tiAss.'pfrSS «». »« bark Almoner, 1 (and "l f*r fork Desu*. BosS Arr MartanopaM, Stsjsi. NBoaB, Ilk, Aa* Java, Jsrvie; Lues * )'.uI/Sashrj UWA, Ota, a3 Adam*. Zeno. (to; Mth. u.m«1b. r«l, D»a>aa. da; sBsa. dSk Bid «th 'ilenatven, M< Key, MTnt*. KAMOOTa Dec it.Arr Jaasos Meant. tyst*. Moulssssa ; BUuMlel, Mllllken. Baa-win:, (leeiia, fwalta, Ntaak Adeline. (J lnharn, SI York. liiOirMTtK Dm S- Arr Nko.a Despot Magai. KTart, fttt, A* iii<s Haley,»I®. tt< Dec 10-Arr Vancouver, Cassis, NYork; Ulk,# P Wheeler, Gadd, do. Bid 10th (not stT). St Loals, 111 if. b*saeea,Me< Taylor. NYoi ay, hi dlstreei im£T" ¦09 S, akaaiii NYork. Ulucsmam, D*-c 6.Arr Hammonia (a). Sekneaoea, Haw Turk. 1 Oiskai.tjs, Nov 2B.Arr bark Mary Uaaa, Taylor, Rl«k ami slit 2ihh for Unborn). la |/Orl Dec 6. ship opart to iliac for repairs; brig ('ho aa Luag, «tg autra: Br >«hr Oa/eiie Mesi oi, fi. Id M>rt C, ship ,s|>*rk the Oc-aa, Kmnsy, la .ting for repairs; brig Cho-.> aa Lang, «tg la sell cargo at aurra: Br n;hr (Ja/eOe Mesi o 1, Da^ev from Man Yotk air *Hh, disg. Strong SW g«les fr.. N... '0 10 Das*, when Ik* B * lad act to and all wtndbn; a .*li left. Okmoa, Deck.Arr Gen CuiX, H«»Aell, NYork. (>a ate,Nov IP-Arr L B t'ou]. rlh»nite, Rogers,Conat**. tlle |>!c. HAVKK, 1)m 6.Arr Harriet Spa.. iliw, Wallace, and Martin Feelieur, 1j. NVoik; 7ib, lid Tt.o.npaon, New Or leans: "In. Mnrcla. Kenwor hy. Pt-iiadeipliia. Bid IfrJk, Mor¬ timer Livingston, S York: fruw l> ,*nal. fitqulon, «lu. II mutm., Pec . ArratCuxlavei .'in. Mllape Bella, Kead, Boston; rith, M L Hotter. Ta la-, Akvai'i Firtneeten, Wo mark, tallao; 6tb, lluinboldt H«'> Ken. NYork. lib. Canol, Aleiauileism, Laguna and NYuit; llth, Diligence, bl»lt b*ok, NYork. Havka. D< c 18.Arr barks Bra. tor . Cable*; T Cushlag, Colcord; Vigo, Thurston, and k J Cole rd, Colcord, Port¬ land; Shamrock. Barry, Ellsworth, K F B .aw. CaiiB. Boa- ton. brigs A'addin. Curtis. l<alh: L . 'li Lomond, Black, and- .1 W Difingh-im, Marrln ton IVrtAud; 19tn. ablp l.'Mi « Bungor, K.dridga. Bangor: *Jth, a aamak p Ella Wartdy, S< ueii. k. NYork, bark A Mr«w>r ln .mb.iui, do; l»riratnS» mra. Hlcbborn, Bo»u>d; Viator, t'">! tane, Bangor; ktaa/a- nlllo, llavena. Portland; teur Elect lie l.uhl, Buiitb, do. Arr 2Zd, Mtaama'tlp Baglv, A<U>ud. NYork. Sl.1 17,1k, briaaDarken, Hen t. Nau*Ita-; H O Bfrrj, Auld. NOrl>«us; ISttiT lwrk A box la, tiliaadler. NYork; brig AiWa K atikllu (Br), Kelly, do; 20tb, aobr J W Maltlaud. Hortoa, l7th, bark Johu Pay urn. Terry, Vera Crtu, JOU, br%. Purest Bute. Harmon. Portland. uuiui. Den aa.Arr Dart, York. DecB.Arr Onward. 1' gally, NYork. Livkri-ool, Deo 5.Arrdov L.ingdun. Stone, N^<«rk; 7tk, Afton, Boajier. do; Alice, Bntilb. aud Ll/.ne Hoinaa, M'Kia- mps, uo; M B IttulwlK, Har Unc do; Ktk, Jahn J Bwd* Tluoiia*, and Cbitrlo'tc, LomHar.l, 'In; Leona, WlHIMMi dot Foreat Queen, Croaby, Xababi Oteubam, Teh Bio Janeiro; II Maybre, 1' .vei, l>i naukb.iro; Wb, rine. McUaatera, and Florida, Vail*. NYork: Baveaua. 1 land, Ko«t»n; 10tu, lUaolute, Fveo-aa, NYork; Wm a>o>t, Janaan, and Neptnna. Feab»<ly do: 11th, Etr~ Brooku, do; Du«M*niB, Ohlaca, do; Northamploa, awn,, and Kuthuiine, Baker, llilbid. !. h a; Ocean Peart, Kefcaar, and Volant, Femle. Baltimori ; £a>«\. Klatt, New Orlaavuc lati.' Kovk t'tly, Meanard, NYork; Amaretic, Slouffer, do. Si.16tb, Holockii. Norton. Baxton; 7tli, 8 urine, Lera. Now Vork. nil, C-A Harwell, AmaMiry, io; Bhatemue, OnuH, Philadelphia; llih, Bohemia (a), I'.orl md, Portland: Gorilla,. Oei.nte, NYork; Arctic, Zcrega, do; K plre Plate, Brigga,. do; Bri.'gaaatar, Baratow, do. Join Barbour, Joey. KVork tria Chi din: Harry of the Wot < ouoo. NYork; Olk*«l, Shearer. Philadelphia; X L Frank. Hankell, Moulevldaa. Cld k. Wiaeunaln, Scott. NYo . ; '.<tb. J S Paraona Ellis, do. lltli. Commodore. Bryant Ho>-tuqi 12th, City of Boaton, Ryder, and John Bull, Adam*. <io: (leu Willlaaia, '* NYurk; Antoinette, Koaauau, NOrl. ad*. Entoutdth. MO'iullght, Breck, l'.o-ton; Antoinette,, nan, NOrlrans fent out 3d for Sandy llook): Atk, CwruliM Elizabeth. Wollan, Boston; (1 N, Anderaon. NOrlaaaa; Pert- cle*. Perm aon, NYork; Pth, J< hn .1 Floyd, Thoinaa, IMI«eo- na, wliliama, do; 10th, Athena, Sch-ilin*, do: Uth. Btna (.). Brooka, and Emerald, la e, do; lStb, Wm TapacotV Janaen, do; Lizzie Homan, SCKIunoa, and Home.Trofry, dp. Loitbok. Doc B.Arr Ann Elizabeth, Franr. NTork; I Orinoell, 8pence-,do, Prltia Oacai Frederick, OralT, 1 deiphla: tOth.Hanaanito, Cunningham, and Fortuaa.Frw NYork; Jokn Wlnti.aop, Wot:on, Philadelphia: John ant, Gardner. Callao; llth. Affiance, Moddaeli; TulaT nemann; Atalanta. Ilomruana, and (;ondola. KIM York; 12th. Gondola, Kelly; Geo Washington, ¦ Reaper, Lorlng; Bouthanii ton Whitney, and Geeatemu... Kulken, do; Old Hickory, MoH ie, Fniladeluhla; Jac Brown, Crabtrer, Cal ao. 13th, ir< n*ides, Paul. NYork. Cld Ctb. Amerii an Battle. Vniwhart, NYork (and aid trtm Deal Itltli); Wtllr, Mtandstedt, uo; RCi, A A E Lorttt. Penr. do (and aid from Deal 9th: JJth Convoy, Woodward, New- atlcand Lisbon; llth, John M-Mayo. Snow, ItYork: Pi aal. rt- t Fillmore, Bradley, do via Cardiff; 18tb, Herrasaeket, W.ilte, Akyah; 13tb, M.i.dalen, Herke. NYork. Arr at Oraveaend 13th, Fortnna, Pranke. NYork. Sid 131k, Aaa Eldrldge, Coleman, Newport. ,. Ent out etb, John Bnnyan, A l»n, NYork; Thoa WkiUjey, Kelley, Bos'on; Sth, Patrl.-k HenaL Moore, NYork; HBa, Amazon, Hovey, do; llth, Tulak|^V>anneinann, do; Fanny Palmer, Uulmer, Boston: ISth. ACWiuta. Horstmane.NYoek. Lissom. Nov 2ft.Arr Atalau'a Beed. NYork. LoitnoitDKRST, D«cS.Ari Far West. Pace, NYorktlHk, Avon, Campbell, do: Kontngen| Elizabeth, do. Md fin. 1'nioo, McKenzie, NYork. Mat* T is, Oct 7.Bid Edward, Ha'e, Boston. Makwciu.k^. Dec8.Arr Czarlrs, Ptnthsm. NTor*¦ tia, Minnie Miller. White, do. Old 7 h. A'wtood, Swort, NTork. Moplkkik, Oct 3.Arr Marv Cim-m r, Will ams. Rancoon. Mat amxab, Dec 17.Arr barks fieUdea. Knowlton, 8t John, NB; 18th. Andes. Merrlmnn and Jan Hosa (Br), HeKoasl^ Portland: l>rig C Hopkins, Hainor, Bath. Sid Ifltli, brig 9 Boose, Seger. Boston. Nkwbt, Dec7.81d Levant-r. Cro-by, NYork. N«w Ross, Deo 9-Sl<! Delp':fn. Rentel, NTorkJ Nassav, Nov tt.Arr aloep A renter, SmHh, CbariostM; 24th, set r Florida. Brown, NYork: 2fith brigRaeer, Mvrokjb Oharteston; t7th. srhr Airtelojv>, Barnard, Turks hlasdsnr NYork, put In leaky; sloopa liep arndo. Rueael), Saraanab; Enterprise, Patterson. Florida; Dec Jjbrta Contest, DnUn, Newiivrt, in dlstresa; acbrs Annie, Whitehead, NYork; P»- cataligo, Fennell. Wilmington: Bd, Klalng Da«vn, McDonald, Long Cay (and cld 13U> for NY.**): 'itfTbr.'g ChasB(M, Hurst, Turks Islands for FTilla-'elnhl^ln distress; Htk, Mki Antelope, Boutaz, NYork- lffih. hues Wild Pigeon, Joknnsa. do: 17th. Helen Jane, Bailey, do. In distress. Cld Dee3. brig Sea Foam, Coo-nha, Boston; lltk, brlgOo- met, Donnau, Baltimore; 16th, a»hx 8t George, Gsfn, Yew York. In port Dec ao, skip Ernest, for NYork akoat 23d fW Plfson, Johnson, for do. _ . Pitkoi'tii, Dee 12.Arr Emannal. Wallace, NYcrrk. Paltkmo, Nov 27.Arr Eamb'er, Packard, NYork. Pawaha, Dec B.Arr steamship Salrador. Bathbua, fnm the Coast. QokaKSTpwic, Dec S.Arr Enco. Capuno. New York. ~ l ard, Bnihc, do: Minerva, Hotxertand, do; 9tk, Ha Pretz, do; llth, 8Mrtaco, do 12tli. Mathilda " Bid lith, Cabot. XcGragnr, NYork. Rrnt Ts'e of Wight, D o II.O#, Centurion, fnns Aak werp for MYork; Bromerharsn, frsm Baltimore for BiisMk, Oct 1.Arr J17 BrOokman. Crockett, , Vaucluae, Nalaen, MMftiH Basso 81d«tb.i Sisssj im Lnpxx, Not 10.Air Aaron 1 Harvey, Miller, IM- ladHnhia. St Mica ABLf. Nov 26.Arr Editk. Baker Boaton. Swaham, Dec B.Passed by, FslFWInd. i(MmB, (MB Callao for London. Ban Joss, Guatemala, Deck.Is port bark CataMaet, Mom. Idf. T.i macona, Nov IB.Arr Julia, Grsggs, Now York; Bot V Robert Caldwell. Uemdtone, do. Tbssl, Dee 7.Air Nverheld. Bnsrtf e. NYferk. VALraRAiso, Nor 17.Bid previous skip Washington Beet*, Po«eud. Tongoy; bark Bckaa^rX Oroehy, ooqulmboto Haw h* skip Crnsador. HIU. about leartaa for Aa victor, CroweH, Ms probably aid forHsiiiil. Dee 10.In port shtpa Western Bmpho, Hi Tl< ondsroga, .. dlag: bark Vszana. Brandt irtlMBrl. Wmlik. for NTork; Snwanneo, fa ver. Tufts, and Young Harry, Marten, Mag eras for NYork. Ta port 17th. skip Crnsador, Hill, about leav Coast. Ship victor, CroweS, has probably sld r Vans Oncm Dee 10.In port stita>a West Olayten. and Ytd F- uae; brlss Tuspan; Beaver. Tufts, and Young Harry, Norton, (Mag; scbrs Cornelia, and Forest King, une. WATsnroan, Dee 11-Cld Vlklns, Chlakolm. NYork. ¦ Mb, Delrhine, Rentel, NTork; llth, IrrlM, AwektU, da. sa, Dee B.Arr brig Lizzie Trait, Crowell, Hey Weal. Aasarlcaa Porta. BOSTON, Dec 27, AJ4.Arr bar: Imanm, Adams. Mew Oa leans: briga R W Packer, Studley. Cape Hanlen; J W Wee*, ruff. Robinson, Philadelphia; eshie E W Gardner. Browfe Baltimore; Halo.fhort, rhlladel ih a: Baltimore, phi, Ilea douL Telegraphed, shipe De Witt Clinton, from Ihiitig; Lltoh, Cape Haytien; TPJohnaan, Joy, and H B Wttiea, Williams. Washington; Granite Lodge, Lewis, NeaaTort. Bid brig Chimborazo. BALTIMORE, liee 2B.Arr fcrig Almlra Ann (BrJ, Biek more, Bath: schrs Thoe Bsglffir (Br). McConnell. Harlfal; 9 Bleecker. Edwards, Hudaon, MY; Hamilton, Ogden, NTort; Ada Ames. Kendall, Boston. CM Sttk. sekn John PFnr* Htnaar, and Colorado, Shenpard. r land, Klnaor, and CoMtadoltfbespard. N»w Tozk; A 1 Plntard, do via Tangier; H W MeaedH. Bills, Mew 1_ via do; Mth. Lorry, Clarell, Havana; Lavlnia Jaaa. Bi um, New Haven via Nanlieokc; Tunis Depew, Mdn' HBRlSTOiJ'D^^&'--«ld sckrNB Borden, Colling, Week and mkt KAitT ORBBHWIOH, Dec 26-Arr at Baker's faadh» schr New Haven, Terry. NTork. FALL RIVBB. Dee it-Arr sckra Clinton, Borden, MMaa bethport; 2&th, BnUre, Kmnler; 8 W Ponder, PkUHpa, aad » Wetwter, Parry, do. Mth.SM senrs D Brown. Baker, and M C DurfM. CrowetL NYork. Passed up, eebr R Baker, Kelly, from Elisabetkport for Bp-nerseL NEW ORLEANS, Dec II.Arr ehip Galena, Loan It Mow York: barks Hannan. Hockley. Mataazas; Courser. QnBa, Hsvans; schr John. Irors. Philadelphia. Cld bark EUaa Pike. Harvey, OaiVeaton. ltth.Arr Kloamalilp Fotnmas, Fleieher, New York. karln Eliza E Coch'rau, Bowd n. Bordeaui: Rerjiotion. Loud Boston. Cld bark Fenolon, B.cb, NYork, brig Belle of lk» Bay, Holloway, do. 13th.Arr bark Reindeer, Coutts. Havana; sebrs J NEWPURT, Dec 24.Arr scbrs J 0 Homer, Arev, Baago >r NYork; Ifcilphln. Keler, NYurk (and Sld 2Stb for (Vive Branch. Smith, do. do; J A Parsons, Batchcliler. NYork. Cld Italiaa brig Con atltut.on, Paasala<q, Barcelona;achrsAmpero (Bo), Tortnra. Matanzas; Martha, Bobbins. Boston. I4tb.Arr barka MerrluiAc. llovt, Philadelphia; Hannibal, Hawkins, NYork: briga Belle, Yates, nun Wocdlnad, fsaftoa, do; schrs Eveline, Lsughlln, Philadelphia; T E Bond, A4dV son, Havana; Gallatin, C»rv. r, Ruatau Island. lMh.Arr steamships George Washing-on. Gager, NTork J Columbia. Barton, d.. via Havana: Ms ess u. Cangliiln. Pea- ascola; barks 0 Hterrstt, Gregory, and West Wind. Bnrger, NYork. Cld bark John Cur Is Mustard, NYork. leth.Arr barks Lsroy, Coleman, Boston; Jsne E Bishop, Wolfe, NYork; brU Barsh, Marshall, Boston: srhr H SLetf- fsaijjBiwers, Bsltlmore. C1>( scbrs Mary, Wooster. NYofftt Ed ^Pler, Msrksen, do. 17th.Arr ship Uen 8hep1eyt Btstson, Math. Mow suhi Mobile. Ilowrg, from NYork. Towed to tea Kth, bark Growler: brig Bee Lark; 12tkjbarka Cntall' a> d Ellas Pike; hrlge S O Adsms: snd Rainbow. NEWPORT. Dsef ' for NYork; Dolphin. live Branch. Smith, w 2»ih.Arr brig N Btevens, Haskell, Boston for Newcastle. K:, sebrs Volant, Gray. New Bed ord for NYork Camilla, mhar l. Philsdelphla for Bostoa: Cosaetta, Bidridge, Baa oer for NVors; Exeter, Know, Bath for do; D Oakes, Oaken. Soiiiers. t for do: Antares, CuTdery, and Artist, Mohan. Pro¬ vidence fordo; t P Hazard, wllaon, Bristol for do, Bvprose. Poland, B<iotoa lor lleanlort, NC. 2»ih -Arr (bv tel) brig C Hcalk, Wright. EU'akstliMrt far Boston: schr; Willie G, ThomJHon. and lieorsrtana, Tool, da do for do. Lark In, Johnson, and Mayflower. Henderson, dw for Fall River; W R Newcemb. Bacon NTork for do: Loot- aa. Rich. Bo-ton for Beamort, NO; Jaa Freeman, Fiosmaa* Portland for Fortress Monroe. PHILADELPHIA. Dec V, AM.Arr sskrs Borer ilri. O'Mnen, Haliiai; It Rose Toland. Portland; Lady Bull oik. Moody, R .ston; M TuiUe, Rich, Prov n.-etAwn, Oh steams* Savon, Matthews, Boston: ship Kate Pr nee, Llbkr, A capo W eo; brig Bn ../o, O iterbri.lge, Bio Janeiro, sebfe Bachel. .aman, Clenfnegos; J M HousUm, Russsll, Key Wee*; Jeaaa ilbamson, Winsmore, NYork. PORTLAND. Dec ?ft.Arr scbrs Emma Furbish, Flandera* NYork; II L Orsutt, Hopkins, Bncksport for Key Wast, 2dth.Arr steamship Parkersbnrg, Hoffmati, NTork; l.^rk, Helen Maria, Marshall, Cardenas; Wig Sos Foam. Coombt4 NaHsnu: acbr 0 Wilcox, MoPaddon. NYork for Calalik Be¬ lie, 2 light barks. Cld bsrk Albion Lincoln, Blhlier, Hava¬ na. hi lg Tblllp Larrabsa, Dalley, Matanzae; sohr Lookout,,. Thornton. Baltimore. .... _ I'BOVIHENCE. Doe M-Arr steamer Ospray, Kentisr, MYork^ ochre Maloom, James, Mlliabethport; Cktaf, Hid- ¦.a<as Ann Mli/abeth, Johnson, New Vork; sloop Biackstone. Al- "ban FRANCISCO, Nov M-Anr ahlp Caroline ReM. Payne, Belllngham Bay: bark Uentte Band (Ham), Kahrtets «Vs Hamburg; 2Bth, Fr ship Pore ClalgBeanx, Harelte. Bor» Hm'nov Br ship Locked, Topham, Liverpool; karksi *~r). Pie " I aafl t ship 1 (not arr, as before reported). HI<1 Nov M Br ship Locked, Topham. Liverpool; barks At- mand Rose Andre 7Pr), Plcarif, Callao: Nightingale, it. wards, Auckland; Ifth. ahlp KlngHsber, freeman, iha^ghaw gALM AT AyCTlOH. Henry b. hkrtb. jk., acctioni WOOD A CO.Peremptory sals of eL Ornsmental Curiosities from Japan, China tel nations, suitable for New Year's preaeate, oa and Tuesday, Dee. M and S6, al 11 o'clock c ' embroidered Shawlsu Bngllsk Table Cfr»*%_<

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    .f ft# llMdflk RtW


    A IwiM if titt la&ka Expedition «tKey Wot




    tothe Ariel, which arrived *1 this per; .* SundnyfroBn Aspinwail, Via K«J W«t, wo have receivedmtcrest'ng tetters (Iw our correspondent at the

    I Om* Key Wwl Correapwm*amae.In Waw, Dee. It, 1M.

    frndiiion of Jh ilarbcr.J*eMmm fesn»th* Wrtekoi Bteamer.vur PrrM Mynhn-n' Aititei and iht OmU Wtmfksr.The" VMM StatM Mcasur MtgtuUa aadJto Ibmi'iln Tfti (MM Ante toaster Mont-#*w* and the JkM fliinr ftwwt tosh, nltu»JtMcto-Jto MtrmUft h&rmatiom MlitywMU (*>»-

    «e Bkmtht t*4 Cornet On*.She H'ai IkMrejredlg Onatmn &MOt, and JTol At Milid ."^oUj Vfeatnrr

    1.4 wn Um norther of tbe season (thug fsr)H MM upas hi Is t .quail, aad forhnra has bean blowing a gale, and with¬

    out any pstspict of moderating for some time to come.Mmhnrbor ie about deserted,only the Sngsbip and Mag-totostcmacr remaining of all the mea-of-war. and theregee tat Iwe er three merchant ships in port; consequentlytoa^lhlns la ssggcdtagly dull and stupid. We are stillMini MVI from l)M wrecked steamer Memnon MBUN; tot fee probabilities ere tbat It will be impoeeiblsH(M tor MT, and that bat little of her onrgo will betovad,to aeeoest of the heavy gales occurring since thettaarsnhpea thereof. We are declined to baveacootwin-^^^¦feabt Although.coolas It Ie,couidtbe f>ame

    taun«l in New York on the 17th day ofCO degrees.the day would be prcoounta been kept in a smallwhich laid mways in the hnibor at anchor,^^Hdid better service ae a mid channel buoy than any

    else- Since that time he baa had the Mugnolut, a

    ^¦ieat.gtattaboat that, when not doing aire buoy duty,been carrying despatcbee Th e is all wrung. Cuu-^KfnMtts ]gaaeM otacer in the service, ami ie burningdoubt, to distinguish himself And hare aOther* for honor, glory and pr.'ze money,¦¦^¦wlsh choukl be gratified, and be should he per-fBBtS^ir possible, to chare in the capture ol Ckarleet< n

    fr toWMd. it |hey «re«w attacked, and not be kept,to to tohtoto, With his ligbl hid under a »0daM*m»Ms««hfmcd here from an officer of tbeMentgemery, who was on boardwhitewashed steamer Blanche, at

    ^^^^¦sbe was run ashore aad destroyed near Uavaua.^^¦~aot the lesst deubt tbat ito Hmiu's aiguaaeat on^^¦h Iheonly oorrevt ene. She was, beyond doubt,rebel oaptata (Smith), for the purpose of re-

    from the Spanleh government, he^^^^^^^¦aring that it was the Montgomery's boat *¦ It. What price was paid by b«m to.the^^^¦UMtr to swear to his story, and what asionntto the tHarie oorreepon4cnt, se oeual in such esncs, propehdhwatt her arrival, and whUe in the office of the

    en TUor's wharf, anw the »tearner Coc^^^^^wMhe segment onboard, ootneto the quarter^HeTnwhatf.and heard the sound of vehement cheer ¦1 remarked to the naval storekeeper, "There ie nn-

    bring later new*, n mcceengerto find, If poeelblo, a late Ni*

    Be returned tan few minutes, with the

    ^^^MtSt the taenmer was from Port Royal, hav-the gtorlenc old reglmet the Forty-eevontbf Iranla Volunteers, Colonel T. H. t^ relieve^^^^¦toth regiment. ..loo»l Morgan aad that < o)on*lto aanumo command of the poet. TtuUany one

    pad eouM to roMrre Oolend Morgan was sood news buttoatOslsnil Ussdo, with his regiment, our old friends aadtoe bereeo el St. Johne rtver and Pooetaligo, wore theMag, wan tan good to to true. Ito aaval storekeepermd mgsilf Mnhmeid and threw up our hats la honor oftoe oecselsn, Md. without delay, 1 proceeded to thewtorf. urtoM thmdlar Daces aad oM msnds met as ontoenr)Me.sM n hearty "Bind to sou yen," which soundto pfosnaatfy, same flrom many a manly throat. There.on Llintmsnt Osls»sl Atssander, Major CaonWr, Dr.lattey, Cabala Qobln aad othsrs, who looked nsas theWoven tar wear cad havingaaon active oervtee, and the

    | taea, aa they dleembarked, looked like eoldlern who knew IMd weald perform their duty. I have neveraeon, la my leac reeidoooo en the Key, oo manymyona taees an warn today visible. Kvery mk,with throe er four exceptions, wore a mafia, aad¦MkBBM aac vod off to tbe r c j¦a Me eoaspaaiae ssored off to their quarters, the eitlze ie¦rued net In crowds, and, what with aalutattouc on everyflMe nod the sat,ling raecc of the ladlee and the wnviug oftontr bnndkerrbte's. the Forty-oeventh regiment may feelgntmdod Of having received an ovation. Four companiongf the rorty-sevemh will proceed to-morrow to Forttabiwi, to relieve the fenr eompnniee of the Niotietbhaw there, they go in tbe eteamor Oocmopolttan, and ootar retnrn the remainder of the Ninetieth -»ill embarkand the rngJmint proceed to Port Beyal. Immediately en.ofene! toode a arrival ho asoumod comman l, and plscodunder arrest Colonol Joseph 9. Morg-n nod h.s quar««iaaaate , Richard B.^«oke,on chnrgen preferred by Waltert Mnhaey.toq., of tbis plaoe. I forw rded y?u perStenmer bio Bio, aa abeuact of the oharges, aad now sandIhsm la full. Aeourtol inrestlgntion will b« hold, com¬mencing to-morrow aad tf I am not very much miouireuIt will eho«r thras two efficore tip in s meet unenrinblohgbt .

    rtunnse stisuiirr oouttm. uohoan.I prs ei the foOewing cbargea nnd *peil'Vati>>nc anainst

    leeeyk U. Mbrgaa, Cvloticl Ninetieth legt'uent It wrerkTOtanteer* .Ar With dlaiof*l preetioee aad conoMU. -d»r.In thie. Ifaat be, the aaid Morann. on or atout tbe UStb day

    af hepf-mbei, l*a. at K< j W e structure, divided imp three difll-rent >ree and otter b sa.ess jmri",ses. The nlwaHon waa a micli needed improwm"nt. Tbe dayabad gone, forever perhaps, wben the National*ould be patronised as a theaire, and It waatherefore Jedtcl-ais to adopt It for tbe i-urpenesof buslnews Stewart s old bullolng, or "the lown town sioro,''as it la called, is being completely altered. It ia Mr.Btewart'a intentioa louse ibis sim< axclusi-.ely for whole-aa.e business, and tbe changes contemplated are to bequite extensive.Tas DBBonutic Co?rr*as*cn.Rr*o*n> Brbakiini tts or

    ntal*a*'B Pscwsits .Tbe democratic conference, It ap.pears, la not destined to bring about that beautiful stateof harmonlnua action which waa so mucb desired by themasses of tbe i«rly. It Is now saserted that the peaceprojects have l>eea broken up. a^tbat the two facts*of the party will continue dlvMle-Oh the same maBner i_during tbe past Ave or six years. The FxeeuUvc Com¬mittee of Mosart Halt have iesued a call for the electionf three lnsiie«iUirs of a primary election, for tlm cboestn|of a new General Commutes for 1863 This looks aa ifthere were soma foundation lor tbe rumors alluded toabove.Tub IMmnrif aim raa Ibbub Tarn*.A mull-| of-limmrr. of all deaomtaailoas. will take place at

    Cooper Institute tomorrow evening, to take ISM oonsl-deration the ooadltten and treatment or the Indian tribesHi preeent In tbo Ualted Htntcs TBrrltories.

    AlOf+im fchitofcetibGlClffOY11* important nrwi r«eeivad from New Orla no, Ha*

    TlMHloib«f >liw oHigeaaa lo urfer the r'>HwlH««r our rhruuoto/y (tor one day. We will raauma tta yafc-UhUM te-morrow.

    1 HE ARIf.y OF THt MTOMAC.The RcImU Haa«rd aa Eotb 8ld«a of MMHkDli uti.Ki^4t jiuiMte, auiy or ran i on mac, Daa. 2$, 18C2.

    the latest reliable mielHgeaoe retain.g to the ntwlarmy oa our front, »iat«* th&i Uuy have mn- iad their(oroee o*> boib aldo* vf the r*iii. nd, from FreJ«r>okaburgtc befcw tian>ey'a aiuUeu. j>i«s irajt for two nnt«« couth«f Kroderkkeburg ban Utii torn up, ai'd tho ro*t*> arab«iiig uaed (or tuiMXiui ai tba pretext terutluua of theroad.

    Oil Tuesday a bi igade «f whet cavalry were outfittedw I'.ti ,-atioua at.J ft r;*e for -.¦ve.-M lav«, and r"volverBwere d.etrib de-.t to tba aw, it- ..t

    up from iJchax &¦'. to Lee'a army.Tba Richmond Jthmmintr of '.bo Cfth trdk-iUs tbat.

    Dee, wttb a portion of hia army, v a# moving toward Ctil, epper to m. ke a ti«iuof>f>trnt>>n In front of IPaehinfrtea,but it la bruma that I «e waa atill t.far f rederiekwhurg alFriday noon. The enemy ara ecgagfd ir«ry night Inraising and extending breastwo ka along tLo scree afrortlrg tha rlv«r, aa If toi revt.t any futorc croacingsby ppnt^KMi hrtd^oa.A ftrlend'y iiitfrconrac baa fttetod betwoan the raxpect-

    '?a river pickets until rocet tiy. To prevent tho ®>ai.mui.icatinn o' im. totupar iufvrmut'.on, a pobllha orderbaa beau iaaucii to x/ftpaod the iraternl/atlon.

    S*fA, Ala., Dec. 23, IMS.It to reported thta owrnlng hy p.tas«ngore by laat

    nlgbt'a tn.ln. tiul Are tbouaand cavalry, uuder VanLorn, daantni Tato CoriuUt SuiKi .y, disperred (be Yn-ka«a and took poaea*a.oa of tbe

    Cj>ipw, Deo 22.1609.General Grust'a army baa fail* n buck beyond the Talla.

    batcble. An important expeditkw unevoaul dt>ya, haa uot beenbe-.rd from.The IhtrxUh conta na an Appeal ftir iho relief of tbe

    Freda: wkfburg auirerera Dow In Richmond.

    Eircatlon of Indlaa* !ecta-tora were In attend .noe. All pafiteU ofl qux-tly.


    TIIE WEEKLY BEIltLI) KOR 1*43.The Twenty-seventh Volume.The Cheap*

    est Paper in the World*OatboBd day of January, VMS, wtU commence UM

    twe ty seventh volume of the N*w Yobk Wbkly Hjuuu>,the ch*ay it and bat hamilu Ne*%mrer in eai ttne*.The extentIve aud eomp:eUe 4rtve (aciiitlee In ita pos-

    .melon euablea the proprietor of tb* H«*\u> toguarantee the latest and most reliable lnform-uton jaieel-bly to be obtained, ant only froip all parta of the UnitedState*, but lYom all parte of Ike w-* d.

    Ita home cor.aapoudento, eugaeed at heavy ooet, andconnected with each new naval and military expeditionof Um government, prove that It ie determined to leaveno spot uncovered by It* operating, and no eveat «¦occur that *lmll not Bud Immediate report In Its eotnmne.It cotta the proprietor ore* one bmdred tboueand dollarsper year to maintain hie oorpe of oorrespnadaata to thefield, All battle* wlU be Illustrated with diagram! aad""in lie oollatkm of Foreign Kewe the H«iuu> has ft>ryears held a high poel'nn, and It will endeavor la thefuture to m tlntaln the stand It has aaaumei. It hee.facial eorreepondenta stationed la aU of the principalcittea of the world.

    Ita telsfraphte arrangements extend to wherever theelectric wires are atretched. When the Allan!* cable*Uld, which feat will probably he acoompilehednext Oc¬tober. telegrams will be received from Europe and Asia,aa well aa from the United State*. 1%*» ear rtaUn wtilhoar 'A* ntW* of . nn N; J th. 1 I'V. olT hamegai bark Btar

    llfi'u Vh«o^tea (e< Boeton), Halnee, Liverpool.M^ajs »"»fi ». "e Ween Ith .* Bon». Viad »tr«.n« W galeelhh*le"L wyoei 4ft days, »iib ealtjto. toRe-sn'lli A '"n« N..v 3»J lal *{, "".#*». «P°*»iic H 0 n'ar* trmm Leasoa ro New Tor*.Vh\u \ .Irtnw n, Me.*!*'.?n-Uea NE cf Bwitb'e Island. «AW . (kip aabore; bad palate*llHMIMM. 1«U(, riwMHN,

    mum.A iktt surpeeed l«h*Ui Ale» Marshal^ Marshall, fromLivernM, »uTfa t« C H Mar»h.,H A Oo.

    . .A skip supposed to be the Southampton, Aestln, fromBristol, Nov 18. (both anchored at HW bpiL)

    ravel. .Lamplighter. Albert' brigs BL Nwu, Oeocgee. Elk* Br>;Kiiixilltntr, W A Oritlin, A lle.tun. B F Kiu_;. Hemab,A J Dcfioe*> it, C M Bicfc, U s TCm er, Win rape*. ClaraMerrill, H E ->burp, E M K wards, Y K Kaiuio pit, Sal III*B 11 HIuiidou. S. a ft-n nr. Kree Wind, M l'crnie. I.a .r»Gertrude, W O Hartiett. W Hunter, t Q Mention. Llliy. WA Brown, A CorMM. ii W Vaughn. Am* 11 A lU fc). 8 A Tay¬lor, M J Leonard, J P A K»-r, Statesman. Blpple Ber en,H nt, W V Khllllpe, h, rain, A Anna, Ckaa Dennis, Aid,Moon giil.Wiud at sunctl N, light.

    >lliir *U rila> dt lei). mad« byth« ikint mat,, 8 tb W \r-, in the V s Consul koilw. cm

    to*. Not 27. lDtit .I ship: ¦ d at San Fran--I eo on be 'Jih atHept, lAtg.ou thr A, an siil' 8< a King, Capl Bai ker,bonnd lo Lhreti* ol, am loaded with beat. Wl en the nipleft Sun i'ruuelM o i! er>- \ ut ion IJRS W. shout 10 AN Of tlial d ij tbe windcommenced hewing frmh rotn the NB, and at about 3 P* Itcl'Aug< d to SE, ami btim » perfect burr'.catte. Be;ore tb.LLcali* muld he f'-rle.l l««t i. .- fore »n inal". loptall «n'rtop:n*»l (UriaU. TJ,< iiiiues to|«uli and fore toj pnl-lan'-a'l «erfbww«.»w»i alter being furled. Tbe ihip .aathen wliliont aov p..:i a-i>r utiorlnp varv heavily, amt ioll«ilker i»e »ar.t arm* nn '. r " *ter; Ihew were tive or all fret ofwater roll nv aliont .*e rfce 'ore and after ''Onaef. And proha'-'yatirted the water woy*. At about 8 PM. an^^*h|p ro'ledvert bearll* to laev aid »i|d would not rlff^Vlhe fore u«aml. ten aaasui w re u; away. Fnmi S until iMui 7 o el «kikere was rot a*»lni, fore and aft, and tke men were Uabedto pne^ ent their einc washed orrrbuard. Daring tbe entireday B was ruaing wry kard and daring (be gale U w as Im¬possible to e a I'oat away Trorn the "hip. -At < o'clock Itwas so dark that It h a* ImpotiHible to a o air. thing A i>horillano hi fore koln.' iowu the ahlp eoiusiencad u akin* ire.meadeiis pliingctrh~ad down, and was diving tiirou/n the 1 w»« put into tbe forecastle and put on truly bythe mate, and e>n in ie.l to do duty as a common sailor untilwe arrived al Ii|ui.itre. where X worked.four days In din-charging cargo, an on 1 avlug the bark tbe captAln gave mea glav r

    and having three men sick.Brio Nathan. Means, went ashore 91st nB on AaegadaReef, about 20miles oir Vera Crax, and le a total lose.8cun A.vrsLor*, Barnard, from Turks lslaAds lor New

    Tork, pal into Naasau 'JT l)i nit, leaky.BaotnrxASAAVKA, Dee t.The Henry. Obisrich, from New

    York, has arrited, with par! -*tcxr^o thrown overboard.Kaval, Nov 26.J'ut in, the Deui Edonard, Pradell, fromMew Tork for Bord- Aits, leaky In her apper worxs.Livrnroot^ l>or ported), baa arrived in tbe Vic¬

    toria Dock.-, i* tow of two tug*. Alter remaining en theshoal for nearly aa lour tbe atreng flood tide took ber off.and she commenced to leak to a great extent, which contin¬ued en the Increase until reaching smooth water in tbe river,and at one time eeven fc t of water was fouad in the hold,and M was oniy b> the continued exertions of crew And pAS-aeagers employed that Utey kept ker from ainking.fLVsooni, Deo IS (By Telegraph)..During a beAry galefrom south, the NorweclAn brig Bmanuel, Wallee (wheal),from New Torh for Plymouth, whi st riding with aingieanchor In tbe flottnd, drove on shore on Batteu Reef. She

    tills, end will proi Ably beeome a total wreck j crew saved.Lireboat la attendance, but services aot required. 6aieaew(noon) subelded, wind weslwardly.

    having been run iato Mov 16 by tbe American staaaosr Vandcrblit; lost bowsprit, stanchions, cutwater, Jtbbottn andseveral piaaha stove, Ac.RAtal, Nov M.The HaJcyoa. AhkeSt, from Havana forCrueMult, put ia here yesterday'(the latter portbeing closedhp Ida), leaky, and with mainmast broken, kavtng eaperlenoeLabaioAOct 14, bark CevingiD, Jeaks, Warren,for the W, 130 an the neaaon, 6M *p the voyaue.

    Spokea.Dec 72. 30 miles SB of Kandv Hook, bark Nimrodlast from Barhadoe, of and ro%New Bedford, 300 bble oil.

    Spekea, du»Ship FW Bailey, Dyer.Wi days iron. Serdeaui for Ran

    Francisco, 0.113, lat 32 Ot S, Ion A 03.Ship Pierre Chalgneau (Fr), 110 day* 'roin Bordeaux for

    Franctse"ii», Bnsnnleh, NYerh; 7th, Bo*e titandisb, iiutehlng*, Oai-

    *tb. Ariel. Bishop, NYo.-k; 12tb, Harry Bluff, Hedmaa,Callao,AerrsaBAn, Dee 6.Aid Ci.o, Warkmels'er. Philadelphia.Acajctla, Dec 3.In port hrig Sunny Bonth, Cushman, for. Idg,Bnr«.Arr prev Borneo, Reed ; JosUhL Hale,Oraves; fiam Dunning, Ikolfltlil. And CAstlne, Smith, Chln-has (and all sld foi England); J Baker, Allen.rto (and *ldfor llaiiiberg). Sld ehl^ Edw Hy^VisBI, ^hhscha* (eoreported)! Detroit, Kranee; John L Dlmmo-k, liarwood,Holland. South America, t hlnehae; A^la, Hu»sey, doIn port 2vth, ships W«llfle.t, Bleb, and Bxpr-sa, Frori.

    from Han Faanclsco; Kate Dyer, Dver. from Montevideo(was reported a,d for Baet In lee); Louiea Walsh. Pendle¬ton. from London: Richard 111. Uresnougb, rrom (llaSkOW.«TAixtmA.IM!ti».Arr PunJaubJ Hill (or Killer), Liver¬pool; nth, Wltab of tbe Wave, Bram ball, Bombay ; 39th,

    star el Peace, Hlnekley, Madras; Nov I, Indian, Averlll,London t Sd, A H Badger, Marshall (or Means). Adelaide.Sld Oct M. impress. Xeeraw, China! Llrxte Bliss, Pearson,*cn/sn«*ii*e. Dee 1*-Arr »>ri« Stephen Duncan. Tylor, PhllA-delnhla; 1.1th, barks Chilton, i'ennell, NYork; .loeeidi Flak,tirav Portland; enbr Ida K Wheeler, Dyer, Philadelphia;1Mb bark B fountain, Wlscaseet. brigs Charlena, Meaus.and 'Trindelen, Havener, Portland! jAn Pierce, Norton.Havana; athrs Enoch Pratt Oould, do; Laurel, MeFarla d,¦»i.WTiarasifr'TKaiiimm¦tiAss.'pfrSS «».»«

    bark Almoner, 1 (and"l f*rfork

    Desu*. BosS Arr MartanopaM, Stsjsi. NBoaB, Ilk, Aa*Java, Jsrvie; Lues * )'.uI/Sashrj UWA, Ota, a3Adam*. Zeno. (to; Mth. u.m«1b. r«l, D»a>aa. da; sBsa. dSkBid «th 'ilenatven, M< Key, MTnt*.KAMOOTa Dec it.Arr Jaasos Meant. tyst*. Moulssssa ;BUuMlel, Mllllken. Baa-win:, (leeiia, fwalta, Ntaak

    Adeline. (J lnharn, SI York.liiOirMTtK Dm S- Arr Nko.a Despot Magai. KTart,

    fttt, A* iii ,*nal. fitqulon, «lu.

    II mutm., Pec .ArratCuxlavei .'in. Mllape Bella, Kead,Boston; rith, M L Hotter. Ta la-, Akvai'i Firtneeten, Womark, tallao; 6tb, lluinboldt H«'> Ken. NYork. lib. Canol,Aleiauileism, Laguna and NYuit; llth, Diligence, bl»ltb*ok, NYork.Havka. D< c 18.Arr barks Bra. tor . Cable*; T Cushlag,

    Colcord; Vigo, Thurston, and k J Cole rd, Colcord, Port¬land; Shamrock. Barry, Ellsworth, K F B .aw. CaiiB. Boa-ton. brigs A'addin. Curtis. lr ln .mb.iui, do; l»riratnS»mra. Hlcbborn, Bo»u>d; Viator, t'">! tane, Bangor; ktaa/a-nlllo, llavena. Portland; teur Elect lie l.uhl, Buiitb, do.Arr 2Zd, Mtaama'tlp Baglv, Aud. NYork.Sl.1 17,1k, briaaDarken, Hen t. Nau*Ita-; H O Bfrrj, Auld.

    NOrl>«us; ISttiT lwrk A box la, tiliaadler. NYork; brig AiWaK atikllu (Br), Kelly, do; 20tb, aobr J W Maltlaud. Hortoa,

    l7th, bark Johu Pay urn. Terry, Vera Crtu, JOU, br%.Purest Bute. Harmon. Portland.uuiui. Denaa.Arr Dart, York.

    DecB.Arr Onward. 1' gally, NYork.Livkri-ool, Deo 5.Arrdov L.ingdun. Stone, N^i naukb.iro; Wb,rine. McUaatera, and Florida, Vail*. NYork: Baveaua. 1land, Ko«t»n; 10tu, lUaolute, Fveo-aa, NYork; Wma>o>t, Janaan, and Neptnna. Feab»«\. Klatt, New Orlaavuclati.' Kovk t'tly, Meanard, NYork; Amaretic, Slouffer, do.Si.16tb, Holockii. Norton. Baxton; 7tli, 8 urine, Lera. NowVork. nil, C-A Harwell, AmaMiry, io; Bhatemue, OnuH,Philadelphia; llih, Bohemia (a), I'.orl md, Portland: Gorilla,.Oei.nte, NYork; Arctic, Zcrega, do; K plre Plate, Brigga,.do; Bri.'gaaatar, Baratow, do. Join Barbour, Joey. KVorktria Chi din: Harry of the Wot < ouoo. NYork; Olk*«l,Shearer. Philadelphia; X L Frank. Hankell, Moulevldaa.Cld (¦ k. Wiaeunaln, Scott. NYo . ; '.-tuqi 12th, City of Boaton,Ryder, and John Bull, Adam*. anneinann, do; FannyPalmer, Uulmer, Boston: ISth. ACWiuta. Horstmane.NYoek.Lissom. Nov 2ft.Arr Atalau'a Beed. NYork.LoitnoitDKRST, D«cS.Ari Far West. Pace, NYorktlHk,

    Avon, Campbell, do: Kontngen| Elizabeth, do. Md fin.1'nioo, McKenzie, NYork.Mat* T is, Oct 7.Bid Edward, Ha'e, Boston.Makwciu.k^. Dec8.Arr Czarlrs, Ptnthsm. NTor*¦ tia,

    Minnie Miller. White, do. Old 7 h. A'wtood, Swort, NTork.Moplkkik, Oct 3.Arr Marv Cim-m r, Will ams. Rancoon.Matamxab, Dec 17.Arr barks fieUdea. Knowlton, 8t John,

    NB; 18th. Andes. Merrlmnn and Jan Hosa (Br), HeKoasl^Portland: l>rig C Hopkins, Hainor, Bath. Sid Ifltli, brig 9Boose, Seger. Boston.Nkwbt, Dec7.81d Levant-r. Cro-by, NYork.N«w Ross, Deo 9-Sl

    met, Donnau, Baltimore; 16th, a»hx 8t George, Gsfn,YewYork.In port Dec ao, skip Ernest, for NYork akoat 23d fW

    Plfson, Johnson, for do. _ .Pitkoi'tii, Dee 12.Arr Emannal. Wallace, NYcrrk.Paltkmo, Nov 27.Arr Eamb'er, Packard, NYork.Pawaha, Dec B.Arr steamship Salrador. Bathbua, fnmthe Coast.QokaKSTpwic, Dec S.Arr Enco. Capuno. New York.


    l ard, Bnihc, do: Minerva, Hotxertand, do; 9tk, HaPretz, do; llth, 8Mrtaco, do 12tli. Mathilda "Bid lith, Cabot. XcGragnr, NYork.Rrnt Ts'e of Wight, D o II.O#, Centurion, fnns Aak

    werp for MYork; Bromerharsn, frsm Baltimore forBiisMk, Oct 1.Arr J17 BrOokman. Crockett,

    , Vaucluae, Nalaen,MMftiHBasso

    81d«tb.iSisssjim Lnpxx, Not 10.Air Aaron 1 Harvey, Miller, IM-

    ladHnhia.St MicaABLf. Nov 26.Arr Editk. Baker Boaton.Swaham, Dec B.Passed by, FslFWInd. i(MmB, (MBCallao for London.Ban Joss, Guatemala, Deck.Is port bark CataMaet, B»Mom. Idf.T.i macona, Nov IB.Arr Julia, Grsggs, Now York; Bot V

    Robert Caldwell. Uemdtone, do.Tbssl, Dee 7.Air Nverheld. Bnsrtfe. NYferk.VALraRAiso, Nor 17.Bid previous skip Washington Beet*,Po«eud. Tongoy; bark Bckaa^rX Oroehy, ooqulmboto Hawh* skip Crnsador. HIU. about leartaa for Aavictor, CroweH, Ms probably aid forHsiiiil.Dee 10.In port shtpa Western Bmpho, HiTl< ondsroga,.. dlag: bark Vszana. BrandtirtlMBrl. Wmlik. for NTork; Snwanneo, faver. Tufts, and Young Harry, Marten, Mag

    eras for NYork.Ta port 17th. skip Crnsador, Hill, about leav

    Coast. Ship victor, CroweS, has probably sld rVans Oncm Dee 10.In port stita>a WestOlayten. and Ytd F-uae; brlssTuspan; Beaver. Tufts, and Young Harry, Norton, (Mag;scbrs Cornelia, and Forest King, une.WATsnroan, Dee 11-Cld Vlklns, Chlakolm. NYork. ¦

    Mb, Delrhine, Rentel, NTork; llth, IrrlM, AwektU,, Dee B.Arr brig Lizzie Trait, Crowell, Hey Weal.

    Aasarlcaa Porta.BOSTON, Dec 27, AJ4.Arr bar: Imanm, Adams. Mew Oa

    leans: briga R W Packer, Studley. Cape Hanlen; J W Wee*,ruff. Robinson, Philadelphia; eshie E W Gardner. BrowfeBaltimore; Halo.fhort, rhlladel ih a: Baltimore, phi, IleadouL Telegraphed, shipe De Witt Clinton, from Ihiitig;

    Lltoh, Cape Haytien; TPJohnaan, Joy, and H B Wttiea,Williams. Washington; Granite Lodge, Lewis, NeaaTort.Bid brig Chimborazo.BALTIMORE, liee 2B.Arr fcrig Almlra Ann (BrJ, Biek

    more, Bath: schrs Thoe Bsglffir (Br). McConnell. Harlfal; 9Bleecker. Edwards, Hudaon, MY; Hamilton, Ogden, NTort;Ada Ames. Kendall, Boston. CM Sttk. sekn John PFnr*

    Htnaar, and Colorado, Shenpard. rland, Klnaor, and CoMtadoltfbespard. N»w Tozk; A 1Plntard, do via Tangier; H W MeaedH. Bills, Mew 1_via do; Mth. Lorry, Clarell, Havana; Lavlnia Jaaa. Bium, New Haven via Nanlieokc; Tunis Depew, Mdn'HBRlSTOiJ'D^^&'--«ld sckrNB Borden, Colling, Weekand mktKAitT ORBBHWIOH, Dec 26-Arr at Baker's faadh»

    schr New Haven, Terry. NTork.FALL RIVBB. Dee it-Arr sckra Clinton, Borden, MMaa

    bethport; 2&th, BnUre, Kmnler; 8W Ponder, PkUHpa, aad »Wetwter, Parry, do.Mth.SM senrs D Brown. Baker, and M C DurfM. CrowetL

    NYork. Passed up, eebr R Baker, Kelly, from Elisabetkportfor Bp-nerseLNEW ORLEANS, Dec II.Arr ehip Galena, LoanIt Mow

    York: barks Hannan. Hockley. Mataazas; Courser. QnBa,Hsvans; schr John. Irors. Philadelphia. Cld bark EUaaPike. Harvey, OaiVeaton.ltth.Arr Kloamalilp Fotnmas, Fleieher, New York. karln

    Eliza E Coch'rau, Bowd n. Bordeaui: Rerjiotion. LoudBoston. Cld bark Fenolon, B.cb, NYork, brig Belle of lk»Bay, Holloway, do.13th.Arr bark Reindeer, Coutts. Havana; sebrs J

    NEWPURT, Dec 24.Arr scbrs J 0 Homer, Arev, Baago>r NYork; Ifcilphln. Keler, NYurk (and Sld 2Stb for(Vive Branch. Smith, do.

    do; J A Parsons, Batchcliler. NYork. Cld Italiaa brig Conatltut.on, Paasala( scbrs Mary, Wooster. NYoffttEd ^Pler, Msrksen, do.17th.Arr ship Uen 8hep1eyt Btstson, Math. Mow suhi

    Mobile. Ilowrg, from NYork.Towed to tea Kth, bark Growler: brig Bee Lark; 12tkjbarka

    Cntall' a> d Ellas Pike; hrlge S O Adsms: snd Rainbow.NEWPORT. Dsef '

    for NYork; Branch. Smith,w2»ih.Arr brig N Btevens, Haskell, Boston for Newcastle.

    K:, sebrs Volant, Gray. New Bed ord for NYork Camilla,mhar l. Philsdelphla for Bostoa: Cosaetta, Bidridge, Baaoer for NVors; Exeter, Know, Bath for do; D Oakes, Oaken.Soiiiers. t for do: Antares, CuTdery, and Artist, Mohan. Pro¬vidence fordo; t P Hazard, wllaon, Bristol for do, Bvprose.Poland, B