the new eating disorder carnorexia


Upload: matt-stone

Post on 07-May-2015



Health & Medicine

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Not too long ago a new type of eating disorder was added to the big 2, anorexia and bulimia. This new one is referred to as orthorexia, which is, in a nutshell, having an irrational infatuation with healthy eating. Of course all the health authors and bloggers out there cried out as if this were some kind of conspiracy to keep people from making healthy food choices. Maybe that has something to do with it, maybe not. Alex Jones certainly whipped up a fuss over the new term, but then again, Alex Jones whips up a fuss over pretty much everything (which incidentally makes him pretty entertaining at times). But at 180D, we know all too well that there is definitely a such thing as orthorexia, and it is not some mythical disorder. In fact, the worst health situations I’ve come across personally have been in those who tried too hard to be healthy vs. not hard enough. When you get a strong enough idea in your mind about how you should eat, live, exercise, etc. you will drown out obvious internal signals and biofeedback that suggest that you are harming yourself – in some cases severely and irreparably. This of course, is the true danger of orthorexia, as ALL dietary touted-as-panaceas in the modern world are at least partially, if not wholly, inaccurate. To help us better understand and define orthorexic eating behavior, I’ve created several sub-categories of orthorexia. This is written in a joking tone, but overall not really a joke at all. Enjoy the new, creative, linguistically-incorrect but at times comical terms and their definitions. In the next post I hope to, instead of ridicule various types of eating, to line out and define in concise terms what I hope we can all agree is Eating Order, instead of Disorder. Carnorexia This sub-classification of orthorexia is marked by a pronounced fear of animal products, including eggs, milk, fish, and sometimes honey. This eating disorder is often accompanied by proclamations of moral superiority, false over-sensitized ecological fear mongering, and nonsensical claims of excessive longevity and “immorbidity” (total protection from disease of all kinds) despite frequent acts of aggressive and intolerant behavior coupled with a litany of health problems, including but not limited to emaciation, infertility, hair loss, sexual dysfunction, loss of menstruation, depression, osteopenia, dental decay, and most of the common degenerative diseases it is touted to protect against.


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