the nautical almanac 2016 nautical almanac.pdf · from bowditch chapter 22 calculations and...

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  • Generated by PyAlmanac

    Author:Enno Rodegerdts

    July 2016

    downloaded from:

    Disclaimer: These are computer generated tables. Use on your own risk. The accuracy has been checked as good as possible but can not be guaranteed. This means, if you get lost on the oceans because of errors in this publication I can not be held liable. For security relevant applications you should buy an official version of the nautical almanac.

    The Nautical Almanac 2016

  • Celestial Navigation useful Formulas

    About Calculators

    The Casio fx-300ES Plus is an inexpensive calculator at about 11 USD. It features natural input soyou enter a formula just as it would be written on paper. Entering degrees, minutes and seconds isvery simple. The Casio fx-300ES Plus has 9 memory locations and you can review many of theprevious entries you make using a special key on the calculator.

    Determine Hc using a calculator

    The formula

    Hc = asin[sin(Declination)*sin(Latitude) + cos(Latitude)*cos(Declination)*cos(LHA)]

    As it would be entered into the Casio calculator

    Sin-1(Sin(Ap Latitude) x Sin(Declination) + Cos(Ap Latitude) x Cos(Declination) x Cos(LHA)

    Declination is the declination of the Celestial body you're observing. When the heavenly body's declination is Contrary name to your Ap Latitude enter a negative sign before it.

    Latitude is the Latitude where you are, think you are or where you would like to determine Hc for.Typically, you'll be using an Assumed position Latitude or Ap Latitude as it's called.

    In Western Longitudes

    LHA is the Local Hour Angle which is derived from subtracting your whole number value ofLongitude (Assumed or otherwise) from the whole number value of GHA (Greenwich Hour Angle).

    In Eastern Longitudes

    LHA, in Eastern Longitudes, is determined by rounding up the GHA figure to the next highestwhole degree figure then adding the DR. Longitude to GHA to obtain LHA. Only add the wholedegree DR. Longitude figure to the rounded up whole degree GHA figure. If the resulting LHAfigure is greater than 360 then subtract 360 from the figure to obtain the LHA.

    Why would you want to determine Hc using a calculator?

    It's faster than looking up in Pub. No. 249 and Pub. No. 229, highly accurate and you don't need alot of printed out pages of Latitudes from Pub. No. 249 and Pub. No. 229. Pub. No. 249 Vol. 2 & 3don't cover any declination greater than 29 degrees so you'd have to use Pub. No. 229 which isextremely large.

  • Celestial Navigation

    Determine Z

    Z = acos[(sin(Declination) sin(Ap Latitude) x sin(Hc)) (cos(Ap Latitude) x cos(Hc))]

    As it would be entered into the Casio calculator...

    Cos-1((Sin(Declination) Sin(AP Latitude) x Sin(Hc)) (Cos(AP Latitude) x Cos(Hc)

    If the heavenly body's declination is Contrary name to the Ap Latitude enter a negative sign before it.

    To obtain Zn see the rules below for Northern and Southern latitudes.

    Determine Z independent of Hc

    L is latitude and d is declination. When the heavenly body's declination is Contrary name to your Ap Latitude enter a negative sign before it.

    As it would be entered into the Casio calculator...

    Z = tan-1 ((sin (LHA) (cos(AP latitude) x tan(declination) (sin(AP latitude) x cos(LHA))

    The sign convention used in the calculation of this azimuth formula is as follows: from Bowditch Chapter 22 CALCULATIONS AND CONVERSIONS, page 331

    1) If latitude and declination are of contrary name, declination is treated as a negative quantity;2) If the local hour angle is greater than 180, it is treated as a negative quantity. If the azimuth angle as calculated is negative, add 180 to obtain the desired value.

    To obtain Zn apply the following rules In Northern Latitudes LHA greater than 180....Zn=Z LHA less than 180...........Zn=360 Z

    In Southern Latitudes LHA greater than 180....Zn= 180 Z LHA less than 180...........Zn= 180 + Z

    Determine Refraction 0.96 Tan of (Ha)

    Determine Dip using feet 0.97 x (Square Root of He (Height of Eye) in feet)

    Determine Dip using meters 1.76 x (Square Root of He (Height of eye) in meters )

    fair winds...clear skies and following

  • Explanation of The Nautical Almanac Daily Pages

    1 Date based on GMT/UT

    2 Time based on GMT/UT (this is just integral hour only)

    3 Mer. pass- meridian passage of Aries at the Prime Meridian- Greenwich- 0. Time figure is GMT/UT.


    GHA v correction and Declination d correction. The amount to correct v and d for is determined by theminutes and seconds of time of the planet observation and is found in the Increments and Correctionspages of The Nautical Almanac. The Increments and Corrections pages are also known as The YellowPages as that's the color of the paper in the USNO published Nautical Almanac.

    4am- is the magnitude or brightness of the planet. A bright planet will have a minus sign beside the figure. Afainter planet will have no sign beside its magnitude figure.

    5Stars- SHA, Sidereal Hour Angle, and Declination. 59 stars are listed. Typically, only 57 stars are used fornavigational purposes in both Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

    6 Mer. pass- planet meridian passage time at the Prime Meridian- Greenwich- 0. Time figure is GMT/UT.

    7SHA- planet SHA at the time of meridian passage at the Prime Meridian- Greenwich- 0. Planet SHA iscalculated by subtracting planet GHA from Aries GHA. Time figure is GMT/UT.

    8 Horizontal parallax- for Venus and Mars.

    9 Date based on GMT/UT

    10 Time based on GMT/UT (this is just integral hour only)

    11 SD- Semi-diameter of the Sun. One half of the angular width of the Sun as observed on earth.

    12d- the amount the declination of the Sun changes per hour. If there's a minus sign beside the declination figure in the Dec column then the Sun is in the Southern hemisphere.


    The Moon's GHA v correction. The amount to correct the Moon's GHA using v is determined by theminutes and seconds of time of the Moon's observation and is found in the Increments and Correctionspages of The Nautical Almanac. The Increments and Corrections pages are also known as The YellowPages as that's the color of the paper in the USNO published Nautical Almanac.

    14 SD- Semi-diameter of the Moon. One half of the angular width of the Moon, as observed on earth.


    The Moon's declination d correction. It's the amount of declination the Moon changes per hour. Howeverthe amount to correct the Moon's declination using d is determined by the minutes and seconds of time ofthe Moon's observation and is found in the Increments and Corrections pages of The Nautical Almanac. Thed correction is algebraically added.

    An easy way to determine whether to add or subtract the d correction found in the Increments andCorrections pages is by examining the Moon's declination trend in The Nautical Almanac. If the declinationis increasing (regardless of its sign + or -) from the integral hour of the observation you made then add thed increment and increase the value of the declination. If the declination is decreasing (regardless of itssign + or -) from the integral hour of the observation you made then subtract the d increment anddecrease the value of the declination. Make sure to put the sign back on the corrected declination soyou know which hemisphere the Moon's in.

    The Increments and Corrections pages are also known as The Yellow Pages as that's the color of the paperin the USNO published Nautical Almanac.

    16HP- the angle between two lines, one from the center of the Moon to the center of the Earth, the otherfrom the center of the Moon to the edge of the Earth. This angle is about 56', but it changes slightly fromday to day as the distance to the Moon changes along its elliptical path around the Earth. Source-

    17 Sun- Eqn. of Time- Equation of Time is the difference between GMT/UT and LAN at Greenwich. Thefigures listed are for GMT/UT at 00h and 12h. If you look at Mer. Pass just to the right of the Eqn. of Timeyou'll find, approximately, when the Sun crosses The Prime Meridian (at Greenwich). The figures in the 12h

    column indicate, approximately, how many minutes and seconds are subtracted, or added, to 12 todetermine when Local Apparent Noon is at The Prime Meridian. You can calculate, approximately, whenLAN is at your Longitude by adding, or subtracting the amount of time difference between you and

  • Greenwich and the Equation of Time.


    Example- May 30, 2016. Mer. Pass is at UT 11:57. 12h is 02:25. This means subtract 2 minutes and 25seconds from UT 12 to calculate when Meridian Passage is at Greenwich. So at W 075 meridian passagewould occur at about- 12 hours + 5 hours MINUS 2 minutes and 25 seconds, or UT 16:57:35.

    18Sun- Mer. Pass just to the right of the Eqn. of Time is the approximate GMT/UT when the Sun crosses ThePrime Meridian (at Greenwich) for that specific date.


    Moon- Mer. Pass- is the approximate GMT/UT when the Moon crosses The Prime Meridian (at Greenwich)or The International Date Line for that specific date. Upper means the GMT/UT when the Moon crossesThe Prime Meridian (Greenwich) and Lower means the GMT/UT when the Moon crosses The InternationalDate Line (180).

    20 Moon- Age- this is the number of days past a new Moon. Typically, there are 29 days in a lunar month.


    Moon- %- the amount of the Moon's illumination. 100% would be a full moon. 49% would be about of the Moon is illuminated.

    21*see note at


    (morning) Twilight- Naut.- the approximate GMT/UT when morning Nautical Twilight begins. Nauticaltwilight is the time when the center of the sun is 12 below the horizon and the horizon is visible enoughto be used for marine sextant observations. First locate your approximate Latitude in the Lat. column andthen follow across horizontally to the right to find the time.

    21*see note at


    (morning) Twilight- Civil- the approximate GMT/UT of morning civil twilight starts when the geometriccenter of the sun is 6 below the horizon. First locate your approximate Latitude in the Lat. column andthen follow across horizontally to the right to find the time.

    21*see note at


    Sunrise- the approximate GMT/UT when the Sun is 0 50' (semi-diameter plus refraction) below thehorizon. First locate your approximate Latitude in the Lat. column and then follow across horizontally tothe right to find the time.

    21*see note at


    (evening) Twilight- Naut.- the approximate GMT/UT of when evening Nautical Twilight ends. Nauticaltwilight is the time when the center of the sun is 12 below the horizon and the horizon is no longer visibleenough to be used for sextant observations. First locate your approximate Latitude in the Lat. columnand then follow across horizontally to the right to find the time.

    21*see note at


    (evening) Twilight- Civil- the approximate GMT/UT of evening civil twilight that ends when the geometriccenter of the sun is 6 below the horizon. First locate your approximate Latitude in the Lat. column andthen follow across horizontally to the right to find the time.

    21*see note at


    Sunset- the approximate GMT/UT when the Sun is 0 50' (semi-diameter plus refraction) below thehorizon. First locate your approximate Latitude in the Lat. column and then follow across horizontally tothe right to find the time.

    22*see note at


    Moonrise- the approximate GMT/UT when the Moon is about 0 05' to 0 10' below the horizon. First locate your approximate Latitude in the Lat. column and then follow across horizontally to the right to find the time under the specific day.

    The USNO has a more detailed explanation of this here-

    22*see note at


    Moonset- the approximate GMT/UT when the Moon is about 0 05' to 0 10' below the horizon. First locate your approximate Latitude in the Lat. column and then follow across horizontally to the right to find the time under the specific day.

    The USNO has a more detailed explanation of this here-

    * Note- Time of Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset and twilight is based on GMT/UT of the event at 0 (Greenwich). To determine the GMT/UT time at your Longitude add or subtract the time difference between your AP Longitude and Greenwich.

    Explanation of The Nautical Almanac Daily Pages.odt

  • January 01, 02 ,03 (Fri., Sat., Sun.)Aries Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn

    Fri GHA GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec0 10005.4 21942.3 -1836.9 25300.9 -933.5 28553.1 351.3 21016.0 -2029.61 11507.9 23441.6 -1837.6 26802.1 -934.0 30055.5 351.3 22518.2 -2029.62 13010.4 24940.9 -1838.3 28303.2 -934.5 31557.9 351.3 24020.4 -2029.73 14512.8 26440.3 -1838.9 29804.4 -935.0 33100.3 351.3 25522.5 -2029.74 16015.3 27939.6 -1839.6 31305.5 -935.5 34602.7 351.3 27024.7 -2029.75 17517.8 29439.0 -1840.3 32806.7 -936.0 105.1 351.3 28526.9 -2029.86 19020.2 30938.3 -1840.9 34307.8 -936.5 1607.5 351.3 30029.1 -2029.87 20522.7 32437.6 -1841.6 35809.0 -937.0 3109.9 351.3 31531.2 -2029.88 22025.2 33937.0 -1842.2 1310.1 -937.5 4612.4 351.2 33033.4 -2029.99 23527.6 35436.3 -1842.9 2811.3 -937.9 6114.8 351.2 34535.6 -2029.910 25030.1 935.7 -1843.6 4312.4 -938.4 7617.2 351.2 037.8 -2030.011 26532.6 2435.0 -1844.2 5813.6 -938.9 9119.6 351.2 1540.0 -2030.012 28035.0 3934.3 -1844.9 7314.7 -939.4 10622.0 351.2 3042.1 -2030.013 29537.5 5433.7 -1845.5 8815.8 -939.9 12124.4 351.2 4544.3 -2030.114 31039.9 6933.0 -1846.2 10317.0 -940.4 13626.8 351.2 6046.5 -2030.115 32542.4 8432.3 -1846.8 11818.1 -940.9 15129.2 351.2 7548.7 -2030.116 34044.9 9931.7 -1847.5 13319.3 -941.4 16631.6 351.2 9050.8 -2030.217 35547.3 11431.0 -1848.2 14820.4 -941.9 18134.0 351.2 10553.0 -2030.218 1049.8 12930.3 -1848.8 16321.6 -942.4 19636.5 351.1 12055.2 -2030.219 2552.3 14429.7 -1849.5 17822.7 -942.8 21138.9 351.1 13557.4 -2030.320 4054.7 15929.0 -1850.1 19323.9 -943.3 22641.3 351.1 15059.6 -2030.321 5557.2 17428.3 -1850.8 20825.0 -943.8 24143.7 351.1 16601.7 -2030.422 7059.7 18927.7 -1851.4 22326.2 -944.3 25646.1 351.1 18103.9 -2030.423 8602.1 20427.0 -1852.1 23827.3 -944.8 27148.5 351.1 19606.1 -2030.4Mer.pass.:17:16 v-0.7 d-0.7 m-3.9 v1.1 d-0.5 m1.3 v2.4 d-0.0 m-2.0 v2.2 d-0.0 m0.5

    Sat GHA GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec0 10104.6 21926.3 -1852.7 25328.5 -945.3 28650.9 351.1 21108.3 -2030.51 11607.0 23425.6 -1853.4 26829.6 -945.8 30153.4 351.1 22610.4 -2030.52 13109.5 24925.0 -1854.0 28330.8 -946.3 31655.8 351.1 24112.6 -2030.53 14612.0 26424.3 -1854.6 29831.9 -946.7 33158.2 351.1 25614.8 -2030.64 16114.4 27923.6 -1855.3 31333.1 -947.2 34700.6 351.1 27117.0 -2030.65 17616.9 29423.0 -1855.9 32834.2 -947.7 203.0 351.0 28619.2 -2030.66 19119.4 30922.3 -1856.6 34335.4 -948.2 1705.4 351.0 30121.3 -2030.77 20621.8 32421.6 -1857.2 35836.5 -948.7 3207.8 351.0 31623.5 -2030.78 22124.3 33920.9 -1857.9 1337.7 -949.2 4710.3 351.0 33125.7 -2030.79 23626.8 35420.3 -1858.5 2838.8 -949.7 6212.7 351.0 34627.9 -2030.810 25129.2 919.6 -1859.1 4340.0 -950.2 7715.1 351.0 130.0 -2030.811 26631.7 2418.9 -1859.8 5841.1 -950.6 9217.5 351.0 1632.2 -2030.912 28134.2 3918.2 -1900.4 7342.3 -951.1 10719.9 351.0 3134.4 -2030.913 29636.6 5417.6 -1901.1 8843.4 -951.6 12222.3 351.0 4636.6 -2030.914 31139.1 6916.9 -1901.7 10344.6 -952.1 13724.8 351.0 6138.8 -2031.015 32641.5 8416.2 -1902.3 11845.7 -952.6 15227.2 351.0 7640.9 -2031.016 34144.0 9915.5 -1903.0 13346.9 -953.1 16729.6 351.0 9143.1 -2031.017 35646.5 11414.8 -1903.6 14848.0 -953.6 18232.0 351.0 10645.3 -2031.118 1148.9 12914.2 -1904.2 16349.1 -954.0 19734.4 350.9 12147.5 -2031.119 2651.4 14413.5 -1904.9 17850.3 -954.5 21236.9 350.9 13649.7 -2031.120 4153.9 15912.8 -1905.5 19351.4 -955.0 22739.3 350.9 15151.8 -2031.221 5656.3 17412.1 -1906.1 20852.6 -955.5 24241.7 350.9 16654.0 -2031.222 7158.8 18911.4 -1906.8 22353.7 -956.0 25744.1 350.9 18156.2 -2031.223 8701.3 20410.8 -1907.4 23854.9 -956.5 27246.5 350.9 19658.4 -2031.3Mer.pass.:17:12 v-0.7 d-0.6 m-3.9 v1.1 d-0.5 m1.2 v2.4 d-0.0 m-2.0 v2.2 d-0.0 m0.5

    Sun GHA GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec0 10203.7 21910.1 -1908.0 25356.0 -956.9 28749.0 350.9 21200.6 -2031.31 11706.2 23409.4 -1908.6 26857.2 -957.4 30251.4 350.9 22702.7 -2031.42 13208.7 24908.7 -1909.3 28358.3 -957.9 31753.8 350.9 24204.9 -2031.43 14711.1 26408.0 -1909.9 29859.5 -958.4 33256.2 350.9 25707.1 -2031.44 16213.6 27907.3 -1910.5 31400.6 -958.9 34758.6 350.9 27209.3 -2031.55 17716.0 29406.7 -1911.1 32901.8 -959.4 301.1 350.9 28711.5 -2031.56 19218.5 30906.0 -1911.8 34402.9 -959.9 1803.5 350.9 30213.6 -2031.57 20721.0 32405.3 -1912.4 35904.1 -1000.3 3305.9 350.9 31715.8 -2031.68 22223.4 33904.6 -1913.0 1405.2 -1000.8 4808.3 350.9 33218.0 -2031.69 23725.9 35403.9 -1913.6 2906.4 -1001.3 6310.8 350.9 34720.2 -2031.610 25228.4 903.2 -1914.2 4407.6 -1001.8 7813.2 350.9 222.4 -2031.711 26730.8 2402.5 -1914.9 5908.7 -1002.3 9315.6 350.9 1724.5 -2031.712 28233.3 3901.8 -1915.5 7409.9 -1002.7 10818.0 350.9 3226.7 -2031.713 29735.8 5401.2 -1916.1 8911.0 -1003.2 12320.5 350.8 4728.9 -2031.814 31238.2 6900.5 -1916.7 10412.2 -1003.7 13822.9 350.8 6231.1 -2031.815 32740.7 8359.8 -1917.3 11913.3 -1004.2 15325.3 350.8 7733.3 -2031.816 34243.1 9859.1 -1917.9 13414.5 -1004.7 16827.7 350.8 9235.4 -2031.917 35745.6 11358.4 -1918.6 14915.6 -1005.2 18330.2 350.8 10737.6 -2031.918 1248.1 12857.7 -1919.2 16416.8 -1005.6 19832.6 350.8 12239.8 -2032.019 2750.5 14357.0 -1919.8 17917.9 -1006.1 21335.0 350.8 13742.0 -2032.020 4253.0 15856.3 -1920.4 19419.1 -1006.6 22837.4 350.8 15244.2 -2032.021 5755.5 17355.6 -1921.0 20920.2 -1007.1 24339.9 350.8 16746.3 -2032.122 7257.9 18854.9 -1921.6 22421.4 -1007.6 25842.3 350.8 18248.5 -2032.123 8800.4 20354.2 -1922.2 23922.5 -1008.0 27344.7 350.8 19750.7 -2032.1Mer.pass.:17:08 v-0.7 d-0.6 m-3.9 v1.1 d-0.5 m1.2 v2.4 d-0.0 m-2.0 v2.2 d-0.0 m0.5

    StarsSHA Dec

    Alpheratz 35741.7 2910.9Ankaa 35314.1 -4213.4

    Schedar 34938.4 5637.7Diphda 34854.1 -1754.1

    Achernar 33525.5 -5709.7Hamal 32758.7 2332.3Polaris 31641.3 8920.1Akamar 31516.8 -4014.8Menkar 31413.0 409.0Mirfak 30837.4 4955.1

    Aldebaran 29047.1 1632.3Rigel 28110.1 -811.3

    Capella 28031.4 4600.7Bellatrix 27829.8 621.6Elnath 27810.1 2837.1Alnilam 27544.3 -111.8

    Betelgeuse 27059.1 724.3Canopus 26354.8 -5242.5

    Sirius 25831.7 -1644.3Adara 25510.8 -2859.9

    Procyon 24457.5 510.9Pollux 24325.2 2759.0Avior 23416.6 -5933.7Suhail 22250.7 -4329.8

    Miaplacidus 22138.4 -6946.9Alphard 21754.1 -843.8Regulus 20741.4 1153.2Dubhe 19349.4 6139.5

    Denebola 18231.8 1428.9Gienah 17550.4 -1737.7Acrux 17307.2 -6310.9

    Gacrux 17158.8 -5711.9Alioth 16619.4 5552.1Spica 15829.5 -1114.5Alcaid 15257.8 4913.8Hadar 14845.5 -6026.6

    Menkent 14805.6 -3626.6Arcturus 14554.2 1906.2

    Rigil Kent. 13949.6 -6053.6Zubenelg. 13703.7 -1606.3Kochab 13721.0 7405.2

    Alphecca 12609.9 2639.7Antares 11224.4 -2627.8

    Atria 10725.2 -6903.0Sabik 10210.9 -1544.4

    Shaula 9620.0 -3706.6Rasalhague 9605.2 1233.1

    Etamin 9045.9 5129.3Kaus Aust. 8341.9 -3422.4

    Vega 8038.2 3848.1Nunki 7556.6 -2616.4Altair 6206.9 854.8

    Peacock 5317.2 -5641.0Deneb 4930.7 4520.5

    Enif 3345.7 957.0Alnair 2742.0 -4653.1

    Fomalhaut 1522.4 -2932.3Scheat 1351.8 2810.3Markab 1336.7 1517.6

    2016/1/1 SHA Mer.passVenus 11936.8 09:22Mars 15255.5 07:07

    Jupiter 18547.6 04:56Saturn 11010.6 09:57

    2016/1/2 SHA Mer.passVenus 11821.7 09:23Mars 15223.9 07:06

    Jupiter 18546.4 04:52Saturn 11003.7 09:54

    2016/1/3 SHA Mer.passVenus 11706.4 09:24Mars 15152.3 07:04

    Jupiter 18545.2 04:48Saturn 10956.8 09:51

    Horizontal paralaxVenus: 0.1Mars: 0.1


  • 2016 January 01 to Jan. 03

    h Sun MoonFri GHA Dec GHA Dec d HP0 17913.9 -2303.5 28303.3 15.2 127.6 -9.4 54.41 19413.6 -2303.4 29737.4 15.2 118.2 -9.4 54.42 20913.3 -2303.2 31211.6 15.2 108.8 -9.4 54.43 22413.0 -2303.0 32645.8 15.2 059.5 -9.4 54.44 23912.7 -2302.8 34120.0 15.2 050.1 -9.4 54.45 25412.4 -2302.6 35554.3 15.2 040.7 -9.4 54.46 26912.1 -2302.4 1028.5 15.2 031.3 -9.4 54.47 28411.8 -2302.2 2502.8 15.3 021.9 -9.4 54.48 29911.5 -2302.0 3937.0 15.3 012.6 -9.4 54.49 31411.2 -2301.8 5411.3 15.3 003.2 -9.4 54.310 32910.9 -2301.6 6845.6 15.3 -006.2 -9.4 54.311 34410.6 -2301.4 8319.9 15.3 -015.5 -9.4 54.312 35910.3 -2301.2 9754.2 15.3 -024.9 -9.4 54.313 1410.0 -2301.0 11228.5 15.3 -034.3 -9.4 54.314 2909.7 -2300.8 12702.8 15.3 -043.6 -9.3 54.315 4409.4 -2300.6 14137.1 15.3 -052.9 -9.3 54.316 5909.1 -2300.4 15611.4 15.3 -102.3 -9.3 54.317 7408.9 -2300.2 17045.8 15.3 -111.6 -9.3 54.318 8908.6 -2260.0 18520.1 15.3 -120.9 -9.3 54.319 10408.3 -2259.8 19954.4 15.3 -130.3 -9.3 54.320 11908.0 -2259.6 21428.8 15.3 -139.6 -9.3 54.321 13407.7 -2259.4 22903.1 15.3 -148.9 -9.3 54.322 14907.4 -2259.1 24337.5 15.3 -158.2 -9.3 54.323 16407.1 -2258.9 25811.8 15.3 -207.5 -9.3 54.3

    SD.=16.3 d=0.2 S.D.=14.8

    Sat GHA Dec GHA Dec d HP0 17906.8 -2258.7 27246.1 15.3 -216.7 -9.3 54.31 19406.5 -2258.5 28720.5 15.3 -226.0 -9.3 54.32 20906.2 -2258.3 30154.8 15.3 -235.2 -9.2 54.33 22405.9 -2258.1 31629.1 15.3 -244.5 -9.2 54.24 23905.6 -2257.9 33103.4 15.3 -253.7 -9.2 54.25 25405.3 -2257.7 34537.8 15.3 -302.9 -9.2 54.26 26905.0 -2257.5 012.1 15.3 -312.1 -9.2 54.27 28404.7 -2257.2 1446.4 15.3 -321.3 -9.2 54.28 29904.4 -2257.0 2920.7 15.3 -330.5 -9.2 54.29 31404.1 -2256.8 4355.0 15.3 -339.7 -9.2 54.210 32903.9 -2256.6 5829.3 15.3 -348.8 -9.1 54.211 34403.6 -2256.4 7303.5 15.3 -357.9 -9.1 54.212 35903.3 -2256.2 8737.8 15.3 -407.1 -9.1 54.213 1403.0 -2255.9 10212.0 15.2 -416.2 -9.1 54.214 2902.7 -2255.7 11646.3 15.2 -425.2 -9.1 54.215 4402.4 -2255.5 13120.5 15.2 -434.3 -9.1 54.216 5902.1 -2255.3 14554.7 15.2 -443.3 -9.0 54.217 7401.8 -2255.0 16028.9 15.2 -452.4 -9.0 54.218 8901.5 -2254.8 17503.1 15.2 -501.4 -9.0 54.219 10401.2 -2254.6 18937.3 15.2 -510.4 -9.0 54.220 11900.9 -2254.4 20411.4 15.1 -519.3 -9.0 54.221 13400.6 -2254.1 21845.6 15.1 -528.3 -8.9 54.222 14900.4 -2253.9 23319.7 15.1 -537.2 -8.9 54.323 16400.1 -2253.7 24753.8 15.1 -546.1 -8.9 54.3

    SD.=16.3 d=0.2 S.D.=14.8

    Sun GHA Dec GHA Dec d HP0 17859.8 -2253.5 26227.9 15.1 -555.0 -8.9 54.31 19359.5 -2253.2 27701.9 15.1 -603.9 -8.9 54.32 20859.2 -2253.0 29136.0 15.0 -612.7 -8.8 54.33 22358.9 -2252.8 30610.0 15.0 -621.5 -8.8 54.34 23858.6 -2252.5 32044.0 15.0 -630.3 -8.8 54.35 25358.3 -2252.3 33518.0 15.0 -639.1 -8.8 54.36 26858.0 -2252.1 34951.9 14.9 -647.8 -8.7 54.37 28357.7 -2251.8 425.9 14.9 -656.5 -8.7 54.38 29857.4 -2251.6 1859.8 14.9 -705.2 -8.7 54.39 31357.2 -2251.4 3333.6 14.9 -713.9 -8.6 54.310 32856.9 -2251.1 4807.5 14.8 -722.5 -8.6 54.311 34356.6 -2250.9 6241.3 14.8 -731.1 -8.6 54.312 35856.3 -2250.7 7715.1 14.8 -739.7 -8.6 54.313 1356.0 -2250.4 9148.9 14.8 -748.3 -8.5 54.314 2855.7 -2250.2 10622.6 14.7 -756.8 -8.5 54.315 4355.4 -2249.9 12056.3 14.7 -805.3 -8.5 54.316 5855.1 -2249.7 13530.0 14.7 -813.7 -8.4 54.417 7354.8 -2249.4 15003.7 14.6 -822.2 -8.4 54.418 8854.6 -2249.2 16437.3 14.6 -830.6 -8.4 54.419 10354.3 -2249.0 17910.9 14.6 -838.9 -8.4 54.420 11854.0 -2248.7 19344.4 14.5 -847.3 -8.3 54.421 13353.7 -2248.5 20817.9 14.5 -855.6 -8.3 54.422 14853.4 -2248.2 22251.4 14.5 -903.8 -8.2 54.423 16353.1 -2248.0 23724.9 14.4 -912.1 -8.2 54.4

    SD.=16.3 d=0.2 S.D.=14.8

    Twilight TwilightLat. Naut. Civil Sunrise Sunset Civil Naut.72 08:23 10:41 : : 13:27 15:4570 08:05 09:49 : : 14:19 16:0368 07:50 09:16 : : 14:52 16:1866 07:37 08:53 10:27 13:41 15:15 16:3164 07:26 08:34 09:49 14:19 15:34 16:4162 07:17 08:18 09:22 14:45 15:49 16:5160 07:09 08:05 09:02 15:06 16:02 16:5958 07:02 07:54 08:45 15:23 16:14 17:0656 06:56 07:44 08:31 15:37 16:24 17:1254 06:50 07:35 08:19 15:49 16:32 17:1852 06:44 07:28 08:08 15:60 16:40 17:2450 06:39 07:20 07:58 16:09 16:47 17:2945 06:28 07:05 07:38 16:29 17:03 17:4040 06:18 06:52 07:22 16:46 17:16 17:5035 06:08 06:40 07:08 16:60 17:28 17:5930 05:60 06:30 06:56 17:12 17:38 18:0820 05:44 06:11 06:35 17:32 17:56 18:2410 05:28 05:54 06:17 17:50 18:13 18:390 05:11 05:38 06:00 18:08 18:30 18:56-10 04:53 05:20 05:43 18:25 18:48 19:15-20 04:31 04:60 05:24 18:43 19:08 19:37-30 04:02 04:35 05:03 19:05 19:32 20:05-35 03:44 04:20 04:50 19:17 19:47 20:23-40 03:21 04:03 04:35 19:32 20:05 20:46-45 02:52 03:41 04:18 19:50 20:27 21:15-50 02:08 03:12 03:56 20:11 20:55 21:59-52 01:42 02:57 03:45 20:22 21:10 22:24-54 01:02 02:40 03:33 20:34 21:27 23:03-56 : 02:19 03:19 20:48 21:48 :-58 : 01:51 03:03 21:04 22:15 :-60 : 01:08 02:44 21:23 22:58 :

    Moonrise MoonsetLat. Fri Sat Sun Fri Sat Sun72 : 00:19 01:53 11:22 11:17 11:1270 : 00:16 01:43 11:23 11:23 11:2368 : 00:13 01:36 11:23 11:27 11:3266 : 00:11 01:30 11:24 11:31 11:4064 : 00:09 01:24 11:24 11:35 11:4662 : 00:07 01:20 11:24 11:37 11:5160 : 00:06 01:16 11:24 11:40 11:5658 : 00:04 01:12 11:25 11:42 12:0156 : 00:03 01:09 11:25 11:44 12:0454 : 00:02 01:06 11:25 11:46 12:0852 : 00:01 01:04 11:25 11:48 12:1150 : 00:00 01:02 11:25 11:49 12:1445 23:58 : 00:57 11:26 11:52 12:2040 23:57 : 00:53 11:26 11:55 12:2535 23:56 : 00:49 11:26 11:57 12:3030 23:54 : 00:46 11:26 11:60 12:3420 23:52 : 00:40 11:27 12:03 12:4010 23:51 : 00:36 11:27 12:06 12:460 23:49 : 00:31 11:27 12:09 12:52-10 23:47 : 00:27 11:27 12:12 12:58-20 23:46 : 00:22 11:28 12:16 13:04-30 23:44 : 00:17 11:28 12:19 13:11-35 23:43 : 00:14 11:28 12:21 13:15-40 23:41 : 00:11 11:28 12:24 13:19-45 23:40 : 00:07 11:28 12:27 13:25-50 23:38 : 00:02 11:29 12:30 13:31-52 23:37 : 00:00 11:29 12:31 13:34-54 23:37 23:58 : 11:29 12:33 13:37-56 23:36 23:55 : 11:29 12:35 13:41-58 23:35 23:53 : 11:29 12:37 13:45-60 23:34 23:49 : 11:29 12:39 13:49

    Sun MoonDay Eqn.of Time Mer. Mer.Pass. Age

    00h 12h Pass Upper Lower1 03:05 03:19 12:03 05:16 17:38 21(57%)2 03:33 03:47 12:03 05:59 18:20 22(48%)3 04:01 04:15 12:04 06:41 19:03 23(38%)


  • January 04, 05 ,06 (Mon., Tue., Wed.)Aries Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn

    Mon GHA GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec0 10302.9 21853.5 -1922.8 25423.7 -1008.5 28847.1 350.8 21252.9 -2032.21 11805.3 23352.9 -1923.4 26924.8 -1009.0 30349.6 350.8 22755.1 -2032.22 13307.8 24852.2 -1924.0 28426.0 -1009.5 31852.0 350.8 24257.2 -2032.23 14810.3 26351.5 -1924.6 29927.1 -1010.0 33354.4 350.8 25759.4 -2032.34 16312.7 27850.8 -1925.2 31428.3 -1010.5 34856.9 350.8 27301.6 -2032.35 17815.2 29350.1 -1925.8 32929.4 -1010.9 359.3 350.8 28803.8 -2032.36 19317.6 30849.4 -1926.4 34430.6 -1011.4 1901.7 350.8 30306.0 -2032.47 20820.1 32348.7 -1927.0 35931.7 -1011.9 3404.2 350.8 31808.2 -2032.48 22322.6 33848.0 -1927.6 1432.9 -1012.4 4906.6 350.8 33310.3 -2032.49 23825.0 35347.3 -1928.2 2934.0 -1012.9 6409.0 350.8 34812.5 -2032.510 25327.5 846.6 -1928.8 4435.2 -1013.3 7911.4 350.8 314.7 -2032.511 26830.0 2345.9 -1929.4 5936.3 -1013.8 9413.9 350.8 1816.9 -2032.512 28332.4 3845.2 -1930.0 7437.5 -1014.3 10916.3 350.8 3319.1 -2032.613 29834.9 5344.5 -1930.6 8938.6 -1014.8 12418.7 350.8 4821.2 -2032.614 31337.4 6843.8 -1931.2 10439.8 -1015.2 13921.2 350.8 6323.4 -2032.615 32839.8 8343.1 -1931.8 11941.0 -1015.7 15423.6 350.8 7825.6 -2032.716 34342.3 9842.4 -1932.4 13442.1 -1016.2 16926.0 350.8 9327.8 -2032.717 35844.8 11341.7 -1933.0 14943.3 -1016.7 18428.5 350.8 10830.0 -2032.718 1347.2 12841.0 -1933.6 16444.4 -1017.2 19930.9 350.8 12332.2 -2032.819 2849.7 14340.3 -1934.2 17945.6 -1017.6 21433.3 350.8 13834.3 -2032.820 4352.1 15839.6 -1934.8 19446.7 -1018.1 22935.8 350.8 15336.5 -2032.921 5854.6 17338.9 -1935.4 20947.9 -1018.6 24438.2 350.8 16838.7 -2032.922 7357.1 18838.1 -1936.0 22449.0 -1019.1 25940.6 350.8 18340.9 -2032.923 8859.5 20337.4 -1936.6 23950.2 -1019.6 27443.1 350.8 19843.1 -2033.0Mer.pass.:17:05 v-0.7 d-0.6 m-3.9 v1.2 d-0.5 m1.2 v2.4 d-0.0 m-2.0 v2.2 d-0.0 m0.5

    Tue GHA GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec0 10402.0 21836.7 -1937.1 25451.3 -1020.0 28945.5 350.8 21345.3 -2033.01 11904.5 23336.0 -1937.7 26952.5 -1020.5 30448.0 350.8 22847.4 -2033.02 13406.9 24835.3 -1938.3 28453.6 -1021.0 31950.4 350.8 24349.6 -2033.13 14909.4 26334.6 -1938.9 29954.8 -1021.5 33452.8 350.8 25851.8 -2033.14 16411.9 27833.9 -1939.5 31455.9 -1021.9 34955.3 350.8 27354.0 -2033.15 17914.3 29333.2 -1940.1 32957.1 -1022.4 457.7 350.8 28856.2 -2033.26 19416.8 30832.5 -1940.6 34458.3 -1022.9 2000.1 350.8 30358.4 -2033.27 20919.3 32331.8 -1941.2 35959.4 -1023.4 3502.6 350.8 31900.5 -2033.28 22421.7 33831.1 -1941.8 1500.6 -1023.8 5005.0 350.8 33402.7 -2033.39 23924.2 35330.4 -1942.4 3001.7 -1024.3 6507.5 350.8 34904.9 -2033.310 25426.6 829.6 -1943.0 4502.9 -1024.8 8009.9 350.8 407.1 -2033.311 26929.1 2328.9 -1943.5 6004.0 -1025.3 9512.3 350.8 1909.3 -2033.412 28431.6 3828.2 -1944.1 7505.2 -1025.7 11014.8 350.8 3411.5 -2033.413 29934.0 5327.5 -1944.7 9006.3 -1026.2 12517.2 350.8 4913.6 -2033.414 31436.5 6826.8 -1945.3 10507.5 -1026.7 14019.7 350.8 6415.8 -2033.515 32939.0 8326.1 -1945.8 12008.6 -1027.2 15522.1 350.8 7918.0 -2033.516 34441.4 9825.4 -1946.4 13509.8 -1027.6 17024.5 350.8 9420.2 -2033.517 35943.9 11324.7 -1947.0 15011.0 -1028.1 18527.0 350.8 10922.4 -2033.618 1446.4 12823.9 -1947.5 16512.1 -1028.6 20029.4 350.8 12424.6 -2033.619 2948.8 14323.2 -1948.1 18013.3 -1029.1 21531.9 350.8 13926.7 -2033.620 4451.3 15822.5 -1948.7 19514.4 -1029.5 23034.3 350.8 15428.9 -2033.721 5953.7 17321.8 -1949.2 21015.6 -1030.0 24536.7 350.8 16931.1 -2033.722 7456.2 18821.1 -1949.8 22516.7 -1030.5 26039.2 350.8 18433.3 -2033.723 8958.7 20320.4 -1950.4 24017.9 -1031.0 27541.6 350.8 19935.5 -2033.8Mer.pass.:17:01 v-0.7 d-0.6 m-3.9 v1.2 d-0.5 m1.2 v2.4 d0.0 m-2.0 v2.2 d-0.0 m0.5

    Wed GHA GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec0 10501.1 21819.6 -1950.9 25519.0 -1031.4 29044.1 350.8 21437.7 -2033.81 12003.6 23318.9 -1951.5 27020.2 -1031.9 30546.5 350.8 22939.9 -2033.82 13506.1 24818.2 -1952.1 28521.4 -1032.4 32049.0 350.8 24442.0 -2033.93 15008.5 26317.5 -1952.6 30022.5 -1032.9 33551.4 350.8 25944.2 -2033.94 16511.0 27816.8 -1953.2 31523.7 -1033.3 35053.8 350.9 27446.4 -2033.95 18013.5 29316.0 -1953.8 33024.8 -1033.8 556.3 350.9 28948.6 -2034.06 19515.9 30815.3 -1954.3 34526.0 -1034.3 2058.7 350.9 30450.8 -2034.07 21018.4 32314.6 -1954.9 027.1 -1034.8 3601.2 350.9 31953.0 -2034.08 22520.9 33813.9 -1955.4 1528.3 -1035.2 5103.6 350.9 33455.1 -2034.19 24023.3 35313.2 -1956.0 3029.4 -1035.7 6606.1 350.9 34957.3 -2034.110 25525.8 812.4 -1956.5 4530.6 -1036.2 8108.5 350.9 459.5 -2034.111 27028.2 2311.7 -1957.1 6031.8 -1036.6 9611.0 350.9 2001.7 -2034.212 28530.7 3811.0 -1957.7 7532.9 -1037.1 11113.4 350.9 3503.9 -2034.213 30033.2 5310.3 -1958.2 9034.1 -1037.6 12615.9 350.9 5006.1 -2034.214 31535.6 6809.5 -1958.8 10535.2 -1038.1 14118.3 350.9 6508.3 -2034.315 33038.1 8308.8 -1959.3 12036.4 -1038.5 15620.8 350.9 8010.4 -2034.316 34540.6 9808.1 -1959.9 13537.5 -1039.0 17123.2 350.9 9512.6 -2034.317 043.0 11307.4 -2000.4 15038.7 -1039.5 18625.6 350.9 11014.8 -2034.418 1545.5 12806.6 -2001.0 16539.9 -1039.9 20128.1 350.9 12517.0 -2034.419 3048.0 14305.9 -2001.5 18041.0 -1040.4 21630.5 350.9 14019.2 -2034.420 4550.4 15805.2 -2002.1 19542.2 -1040.9 23133.0 350.9 15521.4 -2034.521 6052.9 17304.5 -2002.6 21043.3 -1041.4 24635.4 350.9 17023.6 -2034.522 7555.4 18803.7 -2003.1 22544.5 -1041.8 26137.9 351.0 18525.7 -2034.523 9057.8 20303.0 -2003.7 24045.6 -1042.3 27640.3 351.0 20027.9 -2034.6Mer.pass.:16:57 v-0.7 d-0.6 m-3.9 v1.2 d-0.5 m1.2 v2.4 d0.0 m-2.0 v2.2 d-0.0 m0.5

    StarsSHA Dec

    Alpheratz 35741.7 2910.9Ankaa 35314.1 -4213.4

    Schedar 34938.4 5637.7Diphda 34854.1 -1754.1

    Achernar 33525.5 -5709.7Hamal 32758.7 2332.3Polaris 31642.3 8920.1Akamar 31516.8 -4014.8Menkar 31413.0 409.0Mirfak 30837.5 4955.1

    Aldebaran 29047.1 1632.3Rigel 28110.1 -811.3

    Capella 28031.4 4600.7Bellatrix 27829.8 621.6Elnath 27810.1 2837.1Alnilam 27544.3 -111.8

    Betelgeuse 27059.1 724.3Canopus 26354.8 -5242.5

    Sirius 25831.7 -1644.4Adara 25510.8 -2859.9

    Procyon 24457.5 510.9Pollux 24325.2 2759.0Avior 23416.6 -5933.7Suhail 22250.7 -4329.9

    Miaplacidus 22138.3 -6946.9Alphard 21754.1 -843.8Regulus 20741.4 1153.1Dubhe 19349.4 6139.6

    Denebola 18231.8 1428.8Gienah 17550.4 -1737.8Acrux 17307.1 -6310.9

    Gacrux 17158.8 -5711.9Alioth 16619.4 5552.1Spica 15829.5 -1114.6Alcaid 15257.7 4913.8Hadar 14845.5 -6026.6

    Menkent 14805.6 -3626.6Arcturus 14554.2 1906.2

    Rigil Kent. 13949.5 -6053.6Zubenelg. 13703.7 -1606.3Kochab 13720.9 7405.2

    Alphecca 12609.8 2639.7Antares 11224.4 -2627.8

    Atria 10725.1 -6903.0Sabik 10210.9 -1544.4

    Shaula 9620.0 -3706.6Rasalhague 9605.2 1233.1

    Etamin 9045.9 5129.3Kaus Aust. 8341.9 -3422.4

    Vega 8038.2 3848.0Nunki 7556.6 -2616.4Altair 6206.9 854.8

    Peacock 5317.2 -5640.9Deneb 4930.7 4520.5

    Enif 3345.7 957.0Alnair 2742.0 -4653.1

    Fomalhaut 1522.4 -2932.3Scheat 1351.9 2810.3Markab 1336.7 1517.6

    2016/1/4 SHA Mer.passVenus 11550.7 09:25Mars 15120.8 07:02

    Jupiter 18544.3 04:44Saturn 10950.0 09:47

    2016/1/5 SHA Mer.passVenus 11434.7 09:26Mars 15049.3 07:00

    Jupiter 18543.5 04:40Saturn 10943.3 09:44

    2016/1/6 SHA Mer.passVenus 11318.5 09:27Mars 15017.9 06:58

    Jupiter 18542.9 04:36Saturn 10936.5 09:40

    Horizontal paralaxVenus: 0.1Mars: 0.1


  • 2016 January 04 to Jan. 06

    h Sun MoonMon GHA Dec GHA Dec d HP0 17852.8 -2247.7 25158.3 14.4 -920.3 -8.2 54.41 19352.5 -2247.5 26631.7 14.4 -928.4 -8.1 54.42 20852.3 -2247.2 28105.0 14.3 -936.6 -8.1 54.53 22352.0 -2247.0 29538.3 14.3 -944.6 -8.1 54.54 23851.7 -2246.7 31011.6 14.2 -952.7 -8.0 54.55 25351.4 -2246.5 32444.8 14.2 -1000.7 -8.0 54.56 26851.1 -2246.2 33918.0 14.2 -1008.7 -8.0 54.57 28350.8 -2246.0 35351.2 14.1 -1016.6 -7.9 54.58 29850.5 -2245.7 824.3 14.1 -1024.5 -7.9 54.59 31350.3 -2245.5 2257.3 14.1 -1032.4 -7.8 54.510 32850.0 -2245.2 3730.4 14.0 -1040.2 -7.8 54.611 34349.7 -2245.0 5203.4 14.0 -1048.0 -7.8 54.612 35849.4 -2244.7 6636.3 13.9 -1055.7 -7.7 54.613 1349.1 -2244.4 8109.2 13.9 -1103.4 -7.7 54.614 2848.8 -2244.2 9542.1 13.8 -1111.0 -7.6 54.615 4348.5 -2243.9 11014.9 13.8 -1118.6 -7.6 54.616 5848.3 -2243.7 12447.7 13.7 -1126.2 -7.5 54.617 7348.0 -2243.4 13920.4 13.7 -1133.7 -7.5 54.718 8847.7 -2243.1 15353.1 13.7 -1141.2 -7.4 54.719 10347.4 -2242.9 16825.7 13.6 -1148.6 -7.4 54.720 11847.1 -2242.6 18258.3 13.6 -1156.0 -7.4 54.721 13346.8 -2242.3 19730.8 13.5 -1203.3 -7.3 54.722 14846.6 -2242.1 21203.3 13.5 -1210.6 -7.3 54.723 16346.3 -2241.8 22635.8 13.4 -1217.8 -7.2 54.8

    SD.=16.3 d=0.2 S.D.=14.9

    Tue GHA Dec GHA Dec d HP0 17846.0 -2241.5 24108.2 13.4 -1225.0 -7.2 54.81 19345.7 -2241.3 25540.5 13.3 -1232.1 -7.1 54.82 20845.4 -2241.0 27012.8 13.3 -1239.2 -7.1 54.83 22345.1 -2240.7 28445.1 13.2 -1246.2 -7.0 54.84 23844.9 -2240.5 29917.3 13.2 -1253.2 -7.0 54.85 25344.6 -2240.2 31349.4 13.1 -1300.2 -6.9 54.96 26844.3 -2239.9 32821.5 13.1 -1307.0 -6.8 54.97 28344.0 -2239.7 34253.6 13.0 -1313.8 -6.8 54.98 29843.7 -2239.4 35725.6 13.0 -1320.6 -6.7 54.99 31343.4 -2239.1 1157.5 12.9 -1327.3 -6.7 54.910 32843.2 -2238.8 2629.4 12.9 -1334.0 -6.6 55.011 34342.9 -2238.6 4101.2 12.8 -1340.6 -6.6 55.012 35842.6 -2238.3 5533.0 12.8 -1347.1 -6.5 55.013 1342.3 -2238.0 7004.8 12.7 -1353.6 -6.5 55.014 2842.0 -2237.7 8436.4 12.7 -1400.0 -6.4 55.015 4341.8 -2237.5 9908.1 12.6 -1406.4 -6.3 55.116 5841.5 -2237.2 11339.6 12.5 -1412.7 -6.3 55.117 7341.2 -2236.9 12811.2 12.5 -1418.9 -6.2 55.118 8840.9 -2236.6 14242.6 12.4 -1425.1 -6.1 55.119 10340.6 -2236.3 15714.0 12.4 -1431.2 -6.1 55.120 11840.4 -2236.1 17145.4 12.3 -1437.3 -6.0 55.221 13340.1 -2235.8 18616.7 12.3 -1443.3 -6.0 55.222 14839.8 -2235.5 20047.9 12.2 -1449.2 -5.9 55.223 16339.5 -2235.2 21519.1 12.2 -1455.1 -5.8 55.2

    SD.=16.3 d=0.3 S.D.=14.9

    Wed GHA Dec GHA Dec d HP0 17839.2 -2234.9 22950.2 12.1 -1500.9 -5.8 55.21 19339.0 -2234.6 24421.3 12.0 -1506.6 -5.7 55.32 20838.7 -2234.3 25852.3 12.0 -1512.3 -5.6 55.33 22338.4 -2234.1 27323.3 11.9 -1517.8 -5.6 55.34 23838.1 -2233.8 28754.2 11.9 -1523.4 -5.5 55.35 25337.9 -2233.5 30225.0 11.8 -1528.8 -5.4 55.46 26837.6 -2233.2 31655.8 11.8 -1534.2 -5.4 55.47 28337.3 -2232.9 33126.5 11.7 -1539.6 -5.3 55.48 29837.0 -2232.6 34557.2 11.6 -1544.8 -5.2 55.49 31336.7 -2232.3 027.8 11.6 -1550.0 -5.1 55.510 32836.5 -2232.0 1458.4 11.5 -1555.1 -5.1 55.511 34336.2 -2231.7 2928.9 11.5 -1600.1 -5.0 55.512 35835.9 -2231.4 4359.3 11.4 -1605.1 -4.9 55.513 1335.6 -2231.1 5829.7 11.4 -1610.0 -4.8 55.614 2835.4 -2230.8 7300.1 11.3 -1614.8 -4.8 55.615 4335.1 -2230.5 8730.3 11.2 -1619.5 -4.7 55.616 5834.8 -2230.2 10200.5 11.2 -1624.2 -4.6 55.617 7334.5 -2229.9 11630.7 11.1 -1628.7 -4.5 55.718 8834.3 -2229.6 13100.8 11.1 -1633.2 -4.5 55.719 10334.0 -2229.3 14530.8 11.0 -1637.7 -4.4 55.720 11833.7 -2229.0 16000.8 11.0 -1642.0 -4.3 55.721 13333.4 -2228.7 17430.8 10.9 -1646.3 -4.2 55.822 14833.2 -2228.4 18900.6 10.8 -1650.5 -4.1 55.823 16332.9 -2228.1 20330.5 10.8 -1654.6 -4.1 55.8

    SD.=16.3 d=0.3 S.D.=15.1

    Twilight TwilightLat. Naut. Civil Sunrise Sunset Civil Naut.72 08:20 10:31 : : 13:39 15:5170 08:02 09:44 : : 14:27 16:0968 07:47 09:13 11:33 12:38 14:58 16:2366 07:35 08:50 10:21 13:50 15:21 16:3564 07:25 08:32 09:45 14:25 15:39 16:4662 07:16 08:17 09:20 14:51 15:54 16:5560 07:08 08:04 09:00 15:11 16:06 17:0258 07:01 07:53 08:44 15:27 16:17 17:0956 06:55 07:44 08:30 15:41 16:27 17:1654 06:49 07:35 08:18 15:53 16:36 17:2152 06:44 07:27 08:07 16:03 16:43 17:2750 06:39 07:20 07:58 16:13 16:51 17:3245 06:28 07:05 07:38 16:32 17:06 17:4340 06:18 06:52 07:22 16:48 17:19 17:5335 06:09 06:41 07:08 17:02 17:30 18:0130 06:01 06:30 06:57 17:14 17:40 18:1020 05:45 06:12 06:36 17:34 17:58 18:2510 05:29 05:56 06:18 17:52 18:15 18:410 05:13 05:39 06:01 18:09 18:31 18:57-10 04:55 05:22 05:44 18:26 18:49 19:16-20 04:33 05:02 05:26 18:44 19:08 19:37-30 04:05 04:38 05:05 19:05 19:32 20:05-35 03:47 04:23 04:52 19:18 19:47 20:23-40 03:24 04:05 04:38 19:32 20:05 20:45-45 02:55 03:44 04:21 19:49 20:26 21:14-50 02:13 03:15 03:59 20:11 20:54 21:57-52 01:48 03:01 03:49 20:21 21:08 22:21-54 01:11 02:44 03:37 20:33 21:25 22:57-56 : 02:24 03:24 20:46 21:45 :-58 : 01:57 03:08 21:02 22:12 :-60 : 01:17 02:49 21:21 22:50 :

    Moonrise MoonsetLat. Mon Tue Wed Mon Tue Wed72 03:28 05:08 06:55 11:06 10:60 10:5170 03:12 04:43 06:15 11:24 11:27 11:3268 02:59 04:23 05:48 11:38 11:47 12:0066 02:49 04:08 05:27 11:50 12:03 12:2264 02:40 03:56 05:10 11:59 12:16 12:3962 02:32 03:45 04:57 12:08 12:27 12:5360 02:26 03:36 04:45 12:15 12:37 13:0558 02:20 03:28 04:35 12:21 12:45 13:1556 02:15 03:21 04:27 12:27 12:53 13:2454 02:11 03:15 04:19 12:32 12:59 13:3252 02:07 03:10 04:12 12:36 13:05 13:3950 02:03 03:05 04:06 12:41 13:11 13:4645 01:55 02:54 03:53 12:50 13:22 13:6040 01:48 02:45 03:42 12:57 13:32 14:1135 01:43 02:37 03:32 13:04 13:40 14:2130 01:38 02:30 03:24 13:09 13:48 14:3020 01:29 02:19 03:10 13:19 14:00 14:4510 01:22 02:09 02:58 13:28 14:11 14:580 01:15 01:60 02:46 13:36 14:22 15:10-10 01:08 01:50 02:35 13:44 14:32 15:22-20 01:00 01:40 02:23 13:53 14:43 15:35-30 00:52 01:29 02:09 14:03 14:56 15:50-35 00:47 01:23 02:01 14:09 15:04 15:59-40 00:42 01:15 01:52 14:15 15:12 16:09-45 00:36 01:07 01:42 14:23 15:22 16:21-50 00:28 00:56 01:29 14:32 15:34 16:35-52 00:25 00:52 01:23 14:37 15:39 16:41-54 00:21 00:46 01:16 14:41 15:46 16:49-56 00:17 00:41 01:09 14:47 15:52 16:57-58 00:12 00:34 01:01 14:53 16:00 17:06-60 00:07 00:27 00:52 14:59 16:09 17:17

    Sun MoonDay Eqn.of Time Mer. Mer.Pass. Age

    00h 12h Pass Upper Lower4 04:29 04:42 12:04 07:25 19:47 24(29%)5 04:56 05:10 12:05 08:10 20:34 25(21%)6 05:23 05:36 12:05 08:58 21:22 26(14%)


  • January 07, 08 ,09 (Thu., Fri., Sat.)Aries Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn

    Thu GHA GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec0 10600.3 21802.3 -2004.2 25546.8 -1042.8 29142.8 351.0 21530.1 -2034.61 12102.7 23301.5 -2004.8 27048.0 -1043.2 30645.2 351.0 23032.3 -2034.62 13605.2 24800.8 -2005.3 28549.1 -1043.7 32147.7 351.0 24534.5 -2034.73 15107.7 26300.1 -2005.9 30050.3 -1044.2 33650.1 351.0 26036.7 -2034.74 16610.1 27759.4 -2006.4 31551.4 -1044.7 35152.6 351.0 27538.9 -2034.75 18112.6 29258.6 -2006.9 33052.6 -1045.1 655.1 351.0 29041.1 -2034.86 19615.1 30757.9 -2007.5 34553.7 -1045.6 2157.5 351.0 30543.2 -2034.87 21117.5 32257.2 -2008.0 054.9 -1046.1 3660.0 351.0 32045.4 -2034.88 22620.0 33756.4 -2008.5 1556.1 -1046.5 5202.4 351.0 33547.6 -2034.99 24122.5 35255.7 -2009.1 3057.2 -1047.0 6704.9 351.0 35049.8 -2034.910 25624.9 755.0 -2009.6 4558.4 -1047.5 8207.3 351.0 552.0 -2034.911 27127.4 2254.2 -2010.1 6059.5 -1047.9 9709.8 351.0 2054.2 -2035.012 28629.9 3753.5 -2010.7 7600.7 -1048.4 11212.2 351.1 3556.4 -2035.013 30132.3 5252.8 -2011.2 9101.9 -1048.9 12714.7 351.1 5058.6 -2035.014 31634.8 6752.0 -2011.7 10603.0 -1049.3 14217.1 351.1 6600.7 -2035.115 33137.2 8251.3 -2012.3 12104.2 -1049.8 15719.6 351.1 8102.9 -2035.116 34639.7 9750.5 -2012.8 13605.3 -1050.3 17222.0 351.1 9605.1 -2035.117 142.2 11249.8 -2013.3 15106.5 -1050.7 18724.5 351.1 11107.3 -2035.218 1644.6 12749.1 -2013.8 16607.7 -1051.2 20227.0 351.1 12609.5 -2035.219 3147.1 14248.3 -2014.4 18108.8 -1051.7 21729.4 351.1 14111.7 -2035.220 4649.6 15747.6 -2014.9 19610.0 -1052.1 23231.9 351.1 15613.9 -2035.321 6152.0 17246.9 -2015.4 21111.1 -1052.6 24734.3 351.1 17116.1 -2035.322 7654.5 18746.1 -2015.9 22612.3 -1053.1 26236.8 351.1 18618.2 -2035.323 9157.0 20245.4 -2016.5 24113.4 -1053.5 27739.2 351.2 20120.4 -2035.4Mer.pass.:16:53 v-0.7 d-0.5 m-3.9 v1.2 d-0.5 m1.2 v2.5 d0.0 m-2.1 v2.2 d-0.0 m0.5

    Fri GHA GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec0 10659.4 21744.6 -2017.0 25614.6 -1054.0 29241.7 351.2 21622.6 -2035.41 12201.9 23243.9 -2017.5 27115.8 -1054.5 30744.2 351.2 23124.8 -2035.42 13704.3 24743.2 -2018.0 28616.9 -1054.9 32246.6 351.2 24627.0 -2035.53 15206.8 26242.4 -2018.5 30118.1 -1055.4 33749.1 351.2 26129.2 -2035.54 16709.3 27741.7 -2019.1 31619.2 -1055.9 35251.5 351.2 27631.4 -2035.55 18211.7 29240.9 -2019.6 33120.4 -1056.3 754.0 351.2 29133.6 -2035.66 19714.2 30740.2 -2020.1 34621.6 -1056.8 2256.5 351.2 30635.8 -2035.67 21216.7 32239.5 -2020.6 122.7 -1057.3 3758.9 351.2 32137.9 -2035.68 22719.1 33738.7 -2021.1 1623.9 -1057.7 5301.4 351.3 33640.1 -2035.79 24221.6 35238.0 -2021.6 3125.0 -1058.2 6803.8 351.3 35142.3 -2035.710 25724.1 737.2 -2022.1 4626.2 -1058.7 8306.3 351.3 644.5 -2035.711 27226.5 2236.5 -2022.7 6127.4 -1059.1 9808.8 351.3 2146.7 -2035.812 28729.0 3735.7 -2023.2 7628.5 -1059.6 11311.2 351.3 3648.9 -2035.813 30231.5 5235.0 -2023.7 9129.7 -1100.1 12813.7 351.3 5151.1 -2035.814 31733.9 6734.2 -2024.2 10630.9 -1100.5 14316.1 351.3 6653.3 -2035.915 33236.4 8233.5 -2024.7 12132.0 -1101.0 15818.6 351.3 8155.5 -2035.916 34738.8 9732.7 -2025.2 13633.2 -1101.5 17321.1 351.3 9657.6 -2035.917 241.3 11232.0 -2025.7 15134.3 -1101.9 18823.5 351.4 11159.8 -2036.018 1743.8 12731.3 -2026.2 16635.5 -1102.4 20326.0 351.4 12702.0 -2036.019 3246.2 14230.5 -2026.7 18136.7 -1102.8 21828.5 351.4 14204.2 -2036.020 4748.7 15729.8 -2027.2 19637.8 -1103.3 23330.9 351.4 15706.4 -2036.121 6251.2 17229.0 -2027.7 21139.0 -1103.8 24833.4 351.4 17208.6 -2036.122 7753.6 18728.3 -2028.2 22640.1 -1104.2 26335.9 351.4 18710.8 -2036.123 9256.1 20227.5 -2028.7 24141.3 -1104.7 27838.3 351.4 20213.0 -2036.2Mer.pass.:16:49 v-0.7 d-0.5 m-3.9 v1.2 d-0.5 m1.2 v2.5 d0.0 m-2.1 v2.2 d-0.0 m0.5

    Sat GHA GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec0 10758.6 21726.8 -2029.2 25642.5 -1105.2 29340.8 351.4 21715.2 -2036.21 12301.0 23226.0 -2029.7 27143.6 -1105.6 30843.2 351.5 23217.4 -2036.22 13803.5 24725.3 -2030.2 28644.8 -1106.1 32345.7 351.5 24719.5 -2036.33 15306.0 26224.5 -2030.7 30146.0 -1106.5 33848.2 351.5 26221.7 -2036.34 16808.4 27723.8 -2031.2 31647.1 -1107.0 35350.6 351.5 27723.9 -2036.35 18310.9 29223.0 -2031.7 33148.3 -1107.5 853.1 351.5 29226.1 -2036.46 19813.3 30722.2 -2032.2 34649.4 -1107.9 2355.6 351.5 30728.3 -2036.47 21315.8 32221.5 -2032.7 150.6 -1108.4 3858.0 351.5 32230.5 -2036.48 22818.3 33720.7 -2033.2 1651.8 -1108.9 5400.5 351.6 33732.7 -2036.49 24320.7 35220.0 -2033.6 3152.9 -1109.3 6903.0 351.6 35234.9 -2036.510 25823.2 719.2 -2034.1 4654.1 -1109.8 8405.5 351.6 737.1 -2036.511 27325.7 2218.5 -2034.6 6155.3 -1110.2 9907.9 351.6 2239.3 -2036.512 28828.1 3717.7 -2035.1 7656.4 -1110.7 11410.4 351.6 3741.5 -2036.613 30330.6 5217.0 -2035.6 9157.6 -1111.2 12912.9 351.6 5243.6 -2036.614 31833.1 6716.2 -2036.1 10658.7 -1111.6 14415.3 351.6 6745.8 -2036.615 33335.5 8215.4 -2036.6 12159.9 -1112.1 15917.8 351.7 8248.0 -2036.716 34838.0 9714.7 -2037.0 13701.1 -1112.5 17420.3 351.7 9750.2 -2036.717 340.5 11213.9 -2037.5 15202.2 -1113.0 18922.7 351.7 11252.4 -2036.718 1842.9 12713.2 -2038.0 16703.4 -1113.5 20425.2 351.7 12754.6 -2036.819 3345.4 14212.4 -2038.5 18204.6 -1113.9 21927.7 351.7 14256.8 -2036.820 4847.8 15711.7 -2039.0 19705.7 -1114.4 23430.2 351.7 15759.0 -2036.821 6350.3 17210.9 -2039.4 21206.9 -1114.8 24932.6 351.8 17301.2 -2036.922 7852.8 18710.1 -2039.9 22708.1 -1115.3 26435.1 351.8 18803.4 -2036.923 9355.2 20209.4 -2040.4 24209.2 -1115.8 27937.6 351.8 20305.6 -2036.9Mer.pass.:16:45 v-0.8 d-0.5 m-3.9 v1.2 d-0.5 m1.2 v2.5 d0.0 m-2.1 v2.2 d-0.0 m0.5

    StarsSHA Dec

    Alpheratz 35741.7 2910.9Ankaa 35314.1 -4213.4

    Schedar 34938.4 5637.7Diphda 34854.1 -1754.1

    Achernar 33525.5 -5709.7Hamal 32758.7 2332.3Polaris 31643.3 8920.1Akamar 31516.9 -4014.8Menkar 31413.0 409.0Mirfak 30837.5 4955.1

    Aldebaran 29047.1 1632.3Rigel 28110.1 -811.3

    Capella 28031.4 4600.7Bellatrix 27829.8 621.6Elnath 27810.1 2837.1Alnilam 27544.3 -111.8

    Betelgeuse 27059.1 724.3Canopus 26354.8 -5242.5

    Sirius 25831.7 -1644.4Adara 25510.7 -2859.9

    Procyon 24457.5 510.9Pollux 24325.2 2759.0Avior 23416.6 -5933.7Suhail 22250.7 -4329.9

    Miaplacidus 22138.3 -6946.9Alphard 21754.1 -843.8Regulus 20741.4 1153.1Dubhe 19349.4 6139.6

    Denebola 18231.7 1428.8Gienah 17550.4 -1737.8Acrux 17307.1 -6311.0

    Gacrux 17158.7 -5711.9Alioth 16619.3 5552.1Spica 15829.4 -1114.6Alcaid 15257.7 4913.8Hadar 14845.4 -6026.6

    Menkent 14805.6 -3626.6Arcturus 14554.1 1906.2

    Rigil Kent. 13949.5 -6053.6Zubenelg. 13703.6 -1606.3Kochab 13720.9 7405.2

    Alphecca 12609.8 2639.7Antares 11224.4 -2627.8

    Atria 10725.1 -6903.0Sabik 10210.8 -1544.4

    Shaula 9619.9 -3706.6Rasalhague 9605.2 1233.1

    Etamin 9045.8 5129.3Kaus Aust. 8341.9 -3422.4

    Vega 8038.2 3848.0Nunki 7556.6 -2616.4Altair 6206.9 854.8

    Peacock 5317.2 -5640.9Deneb 4930.7 4520.5

    Enif 3345.7 957.0Alnair 2742.0 -4653.1

    Fomalhaut 1522.4 -2932.3Scheat 1351.9 2810.3Markab 1336.8 1517.6

    2016/1/7 SHA Mer.passVenus 11202.0 09:28Mars 14946.5 06:56

    Jupiter 18542.5 04:32Saturn 10929.8 09:37

    2016/1/8 SHA Mer.passVenus 11045.2 09:29Mars 14915.2 06:54

    Jupiter 18542.3 04:28Saturn 10923.2 09:33

    2016/1/9 SHA Mer.passVenus 10928.2 09:31Mars 14843.9 06:53

    Jupiter 18542.2 04:25Saturn 10916.6 09:30

    Horizontal paralaxVenus: 0.1Mars: 0.1


  • 2016 January 07 to Jan. 09

    h Sun MoonThu GHA Dec GHA Dec d HP0 17832.6 -2227.8 21800.2 10.7 -1658.6 -4.0 55.81 19332.3 -2227.5 23229.9 10.7 -1702.5 -3.9 55.92 20832.1 -2227.2 24659.6 10.6 -1706.4 -3.8 55.93 22331.8 -2226.9 26129.2 10.6 -1710.2 -3.7 55.94 23831.5 -2226.6 27558.7 10.5 -1713.8 -3.6 55.95 25331.2 -2226.3 29028.2 10.5 -1717.4 -3.6 56.06 26831.0 -2226.0 30457.6 10.4 -1721.0 -3.5 56.07 28330.7 -2225.7 31927.0 10.3 -1724.4 -3.4 56.08 29830.4 -2225.4 33356.3 10.3 -1727.7 -3.3 56.09 31330.1 -2225.1 34825.6 10.2 -1731.0 -3.2 56.110 32829.9 -2224.8 254.8 10.2 -1734.1 -3.1 56.111 34329.6 -2224.4 1723.9 10.1 -1737.2 -3.0 56.112 35829.3 -2224.1 3153.0 10.1 -1740.2 -2.9 56.113 1329.1 -2223.8 4622.1 10.0 -1743.1 -2.9 56.214 2828.8 -2223.5 6051.1 10.0 -1745.9 -2.8 56.215 4328.5 -2223.2 7520.0 9.9 -1748.6 -2.7 56.216 5828.2 -2222.9 8948.9 9.9 -1751.2 -2.6 56.317 7328.0 -2222.6 10417.7 9.8 -1753.8 -2.5 56.318 8827.7 -2222.2 11846.5 9.8 -1756.2 -2.4 56.319 10327.4 -2221.9 13315.3 9.7 -1758.5 -2.3 56.320 11827.2 -2221.6 14744.0 9.7 -1800.8 -2.2 56.421 13326.9 -2221.3 16212.6 9.6 -1802.9 -2.1 56.422 14826.6 -2221.0 17641.2 9.6 -1805.0 -2.0 56.423 16326.3 -2220.6 19109.7 9.5 -1807.0 -1.9 56.4

    SD.=16.3 d=0.3 S.D.=15.2

    Fri GHA Dec GHA Dec d HP0 17826.1 -2220.3 20538.2 9.5 -1808.8 -1.8 56.51 19325.8 -2220.0 22006.7 9.4 -1810.6 -1.7 56.52 20825.5 -2219.7 23435.1 9.4 -1812.2 -1.6 56.53 22325.3 -2219.3 24903.4 9.3 -1813.8 -1.5 56.64 23825.0 -2219.0 26331.7 9.3 -1815.3 -1.4 56.65 25324.7 -2218.7 27800.0 9.2 -1816.7 -1.3 56.66 26824.5 -2218.4 29228.2 9.2 -1817.9 -1.2 56.67 28324.2 -2218.0 30656.4 9.2 -1819.1 -1.1 56.78 29823.9 -2217.7 32124.5 9.1 -1820.2 -1.0 56.79 31323.7 -2217.4 33552.6 9.1 -1821.1 -0.9 56.710 32823.4 -2217.1 35020.7 9.0 -1822.0 -0.8 56.811 34323.1 -2216.7 448.7 9.0 -1822.8 -0.7 56.812 35822.9 -2216.4 1916.7 8.9 -1823.5 -0.6 56.813 1322.6 -2216.1 3344.6 8.9 -1824.0 -0.5 56.814 2822.3 -2215.7 4812.5 8.9 -1824.5 -0.4 56.915 4322.1 -2215.4 6240.3 8.8 -1824.8 -0.3 56.916 5821.8 -2215.1 7708.2 8.8 -1825.1 -0.2 56.917 7321.5 -2214.7 9135.9 8.8 -1825.2 -0.1 56.918 8821.3 -2214.4 10603.7 8.7 -1825.3 0.0 57.019 10321.0 -2214.1 12031.4 8.7 -1825.2 0.1 57.020 11820.7 -2213.7 13459.1 8.7 -1825.0 0.2 57.021 13320.5 -2213.4 14926.7 8.6 -1824.8 0.3 57.122 14820.2 -2213.0 16354.3 8.6 -1824.4 0.4 57.123 16319.9 -2212.7 17821.9 8.6 -1823.9 0.5 57.1

    SD.=16.3 d=0.3 S.D.=15.4

    Sat GHA Dec GHA Dec d HP0 17819.7 -2212.4 19249.4 8.5 -1823.3 0.6 57.11 19319.4 -2212.0 20716.9 8.5 -1822.6 0.7 57.22 20819.1 -2211.7 22144.4 8.5 -1821.8 0.9 57.23 22318.9 -2211.3 23611.9 8.4 -1820.9 1.0 57.24 23818.6 -2211.0 25039.3 8.4 -1819.9 1.1 57.25 25318.4 -2210.6 26506.7 8.4 -1818.8 1.2 57.36 26818.1 -2210.3 27934.1 8.4 -1817.5 1.3 57.37 28317.8 -2210.0 29401.4 8.3 -1816.2 1.4 57.38 29817.6 -2209.6 30828.7 8.3 -1814.8 1.5 57.49 31317.3 -2209.3 32256.0 8.3 -1813.2 1.6 57.410 32817.0 -2208.9 33723.3 8.3 -1811.5 1.7 57.411 34316.8 -2208.6 35150.6 8.2 -1809.8 1.8 57.412 35816.5 -2208.2 617.8 8.2 -1807.9 1.9 57.513 1316.3 -2207.9 2045.0 8.2 -1805.9 2.0 57.514 2816.0 -2207.5 3512.2 8.2 -1803.8 2.1 57.515 4315.7 -2207.2 4939.4 8.2 -1801.6 2.3 57.516 5815.5 -2206.8 6406.6 8.2 -1759.3 2.4 57.617 7315.2 -2206.5 7833.7 8.1 -1756.9 2.5 57.618 8815.0 -2206.1 9300.8 8.1 -1754.3 2.6 57.619 10314.7 -2205.7 10727.9 8.1 -1751.7 2.7 57.620 11814.4 -2205.4 12155.0 8.1 -1749.0 2.8 57.721 13314.2 -2205.0 13622.1 8.1 -1746.1 2.9 57.722 14813.9 -2204.7 15049.2 8.1 -1743.1 3.0 57.723 16313.7 -2204.3 16516.3 8.1 -1740.1 3.1 57.7

    SD.=16.3 d=0.3 S.D.=15.6

    Twilight TwilightLat. Naut. Civil Sunrise Sunset Civil Naut.72 08:16 10:21 : : 13:53 15:5870 07:58 09:37 : : 14:36 16:1568 07:45 09:08 11:12 13:01 15:05 16:2966 07:33 08:47 10:14 13:60 15:27 16:4164 07:23 08:29 09:41 14:33 15:44 16:5062 07:14 08:15 09:16 14:57 15:59 16:5960 07:07 08:02 08:57 15:16 16:11 17:0658 07:00 07:52 08:42 15:32 16:22 17:1356 06:54 07:42 08:28 15:45 16:31 17:1954 06:48 07:34 08:16 15:57 16:39 17:2552 06:43 07:26 08:06 16:07 16:47 17:3050 06:38 07:19 07:57 16:16 16:54 17:3545 06:28 07:04 07:38 16:36 17:09 17:4640 06:18 06:52 07:22 16:51 17:21 17:5535 06:09 06:41 07:09 17:05 17:32 18:0430 06:01 06:31 06:57 17:16 17:42 18:1220 05:46 06:13 06:37 17:36 18:00 18:2710 05:31 05:57 06:19 17:54 18:16 18:420 05:14 05:40 06:03 18:10 18:33 18:59-10 04:56 05:23 05:46 18:27 18:50 19:16-20 04:35 05:04 05:28 18:45 19:09 19:38-30 04:07 04:40 05:07 19:06 19:33 20:05-35 03:50 04:26 04:55 19:18 19:47 20:23-40 03:28 04:08 04:41 19:32 20:04 20:45-45 02:59 03:47 04:24 19:49 20:25 21:13-50 02:18 03:20 04:03 20:10 20:53 21:54-52 01:54 03:06 03:53 20:20 21:06 22:17-54 01:21 02:49 03:41 20:31 21:22 22:50-56 : 02:30 03:28 20:44 21:42 :-58 : 02:04 03:13 20:59 22:07 :-60 : 01:28 02:54 21:17 22:42 :

    Moonrise MoonsetLat. Thu Fri Sat Thu Fri Sat72 08:58 : : 10:32 : :70 07:45 09:03 09:52 11:45 12:16 13:1968 07:08 08:18 09:09 12:23 13:01 14:0266 06:42 07:48 08:40 12:49 13:31 14:3064 06:22 07:26 08:18 13:10 13:53 14:5262 06:06 07:08 08:01 13:26 14:11 15:0960 05:52 06:53 07:46 13:40 14:26 15:2458 05:40 06:41 07:34 13:52 14:39 15:3656 05:30 06:30 07:23 14:02 14:50 15:4754 05:21 06:20 07:13 14:11 14:59 15:5652 05:13 06:12 07:05 14:19 15:08 16:0550 05:06 06:04 06:57 14:27 15:15 16:1245 04:51 05:48 06:41 14:42 15:32 16:2840 04:38 05:34 06:28 14:55 15:45 16:4135 04:28 05:23 06:17 15:06 15:57 16:5230 04:19 05:13 06:07 15:16 16:07 17:0220 04:03 04:56 05:50 15:32 16:24 17:1910 03:49 04:41 05:35 15:47 16:39 17:330 03:36 04:27 05:21 16:00 16:53 17:47-10 03:23 04:14 05:07 16:14 17:07 18:00-20 03:09 03:59 04:52 16:28 17:22 18:15-30 02:53 03:42 04:35 16:45 17:39 18:31-35 02:44 03:32 04:25 16:54 17:49 18:41-40 02:34 03:21 04:14 17:05 17:60 18:52-45 02:22 03:08 04:01 17:18 18:13 19:05-50 02:07 02:52 03:45 17:34 18:29 19:20-52 02:00 02:44 03:37 17:41 18:37 19:27-54 01:52 02:36 03:29 17:49 18:46 19:36-56 01:44 02:27 03:19 17:59 18:55 19:45-58 01:34 02:16 03:08 18:09 19:06 19:55-60 01:23 02:04 02:56 18:21 19:18 20:07

    Sun MoonDay Eqn.of Time Mer. Mer.Pass. Age

    00h 12h Pass Upper Lower7 05:50 06:03 12:06 09:47 22:13 27(7%)8 06:16 06:29 12:06 10:40 23:06 28(3%)9 06:41 06:54 12:06 11:33 00:01 29(1%)


  • January 10, 11 ,12 (Sun., Mon., Tue.)Aries Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn

    Sun GHA GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec0 10857.7 21708.6 -2040.9 25710.4 -1116.2 29440.0 351.8 21807.8 -2037.01 12400.2 23207.9 -2041.3 27211.5 -1116.7 30942.5 351.8 23310.0 -2037.02 13902.6 24707.1 -2041.8 28712.7 -1117.1 32445.0 351.8 24812.1 -2037.03 15405.1 26206.3 -2042.3 30213.9 -1117.6 33947.5 351.9 26314.3 -2037.14 16907.6 27705.6 -2042.8 31715.0 -1118.1 35449.9 351.9 27816.5 -2037.15 18410.0 29204.8 -2043.2 33216.2 -1118.5 952.4 351.9 29318.7 -2037.16 19912.5 30704.0 -2043.7 34717.4 -1119.0 2454.9 351.9 30820.9 -2037.27 21415.0 32203.3 -2044.2 218.5 -1119.4 3957.4 351.9 32323.1 -2037.28 22917.4 33702.5 -2044.6 1719.7 -1119.9 5459.8 351.9 33825.3 -2037.29 24419.9 35201.8 -2045.1 3220.9 -1120.3 7002.3 352.0 35327.5 -2037.210 25922.3 701.0 -2045.6 4722.0 -1120.8 8504.8 352.0 829.7 -2037.311 27424.8 2200.2 -2046.0 6223.2 -1121.3 10007.3 352.0 2331.9 -2037.312 28927.3 3659.5 -2046.5 7724.4 -1121.7 11509.7 352.0 3834.1 -2037.313 30429.7 5158.7 -2046.9 9225.5 -1122.2 13012.2 352.0 5336.3 -2037.414 31932.2 6657.9 -2047.4 10726.7 -1122.6 14514.7 352.1 6838.5 -2037.415 33434.7 8157.2 -2047.9 12227.9 -1123.1 16017.2 352.1 8340.7 -2037.416 34937.1 9656.4 -2048.3 13729.0 -1123.5 17519.7 352.1 9842.9 -2037.517 439.6 11155.6 -2048.8 15230.2 -1124.0 19022.1 352.1 11345.0 -2037.518 1942.1 12654.9 -2049.2 16731.4 -1124.5 20524.6 352.1 12847.2 -2037.519 3444.5 14154.1 -2049.7 18232.5 -1124.9 22027.1 352.1 14349.4 -2037.620 4947.0 15653.3 -2050.2 19733.7 -1125.4 23529.6 352.2 15851.6 -2037.621 6449.4 17152.6 -2050.6 21234.9 -1125.8 25032.0 352.2 17353.8 -2037.622 7951.9 18651.8 -2051.1 22736.0 -1126.3 26534.5 352.2 18856.0 -2037.723 9454.4 20151.0 -2051.5 24237.2 -1126.7 28037.0 352.2 20358.2 -2037.7Mer.pass.:16:41 v-0.8 d-0.5 m-3.9 v1.2 d-0.5 m1.2 v2.5 d0.0 m-2.1 v2.2 d-0.0 m0.5

    Mon GHA GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec0 10956.8 21650.2 -2052.0 25738.4 -1127.2 29539.5 352.2 21900.4 -2037.71 12459.3 23149.5 -2052.4 27239.5 -1127.6 31042.0 352.3 23402.6 -2037.72 14001.8 24648.7 -2052.9 28740.7 -1128.1 32544.5 352.3 24904.8 -2037.83 15504.2 26147.9 -2053.3 30241.9 -1128.6 34046.9 352.3 26407.0 -2037.84 17006.7 27647.2 -2053.8 31743.0 -1129.0 35549.4 352.3 27909.2 -2037.85 18509.2 29146.4 -2054.2 33244.2 -1129.5 1051.9 352.3 29411.4 -2037.96 20011.6 30645.6 -2054.7 34745.4 -1129.9 2554.4 352.4 30913.6 -2037.97 21514.1 32144.8 -2055.1 246.5 -1130.4 4056.9 352.4 32415.8 -2037.98 23016.6 33644.1 -2055.5 1747.7 -1130.8 5559.3 352.4 33918.0 -2038.09 24519.0 35143.3 -2056.0 3248.9 -1131.3 7101.8 352.4 35420.2 -2038.010 26021.5 642.5 -2056.4 4750.0 -1131.7 8604.3 352.4 922.4 -2038.011 27523.9 2141.7 -2056.9 6251.2 -1132.2 10106.8 352.5 2424.5 -2038.112 29026.4 3641.0 -2057.3 7752.4 -1132.6 11609.3 352.5 3926.7 -2038.113 30528.9 5140.2 -2057.7 9253.5 -1133.1 13111.8 352.5 5428.9 -2038.114 32031.3 6639.4 -2058.2 10754.7 -1133.5 14614.2 352.5 6931.1 -2038.215 33533.8 8138.6 -2058.6 12255.9 -1134.0 16116.7 352.6 8433.3 -2038.216 35036.3 9637.9 -2059.1 13757.0 -1134.5 17619.2 352.6 9935.5 -2038.217 538.7 11137.1 -2059.5 15258.2 -1134.9 19121.7 352.6 11437.7 -2038.218 2041.2 12636.3 -2059.9 16759.4 -1135.4 20624.2 352.6 12939.9 -2038.319 3543.7 14135.5 -2100.4 18300.5 -1135.8 22126.7 352.6 14442.1 -2038.320 5046.1 15634.8 -2100.8 19801.7 -1136.3 23629.2 352.7 15944.3 -2038.321 6548.6 17134.0 -2101.2 21302.9 -1136.7 25131.6 352.7 17446.5 -2038.422 8051.1 18633.2 -2101.6 22804.0 -1137.2 26634.1 352.7 18948.7 -2038.423 9553.5 20132.4 -2102.1 24305.2 -1137.6 28136.6 352.7 20450.9 -2038.4Mer.pass.:16:37 v-0.8 d-0.5 m-3.9 v1.2 d-0.5 m1.1 v2.5 d0.0 m-2.1 v2.2 d-0.0 m0.5

    Tue GHA GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec0 11056.0 21631.6 -2102.5 25806.4 -1138.1 29639.1 352.8 21953.1 -2038.51 12558.4 23130.9 -2102.9 27307.6 -1138.5 31141.6 352.8 23455.3 -2038.52 14100.9 24630.1 -2103.3 28808.7 -1139.0 32644.1 352.8 24957.5 -2038.53 15603.4 26129.3 -2103.8 30309.9 -1139.4 34146.6 352.8 26459.7 -2038.64 17105.8 27628.5 -2104.2 31811.1 -1139.9 35649.1 352.8 28001.9 -2038.65 18608.3 29127.7 -2104.6 33312.2 -1140.3 1151.6 352.9 29504.1 -2038.66 20110.8 30626.9 -2105.0 34813.4 -1140.8 2654.0 352.9 31006.3 -2038.67 21613.2 32126.2 -2105.5 314.6 -1141.2 4156.5 352.9 32508.5 -2038.78 23115.7 33625.4 -2105.9 1815.7 -1141.7 5659.0 352.9 34010.7 -2038.79 24618.2 35124.6 -2106.3 3316.9 -1142.1 7201.5 353.0 35512.9 -2038.710 26120.6 623.8 -2106.7 4818.1 -1142.6 8704.0 353.0 1015.1 -2038.811 27623.1 2123.0 -2107.1 6319.3 -1143.0 10206.5 353.0 2517.3 -2038.812 29125.6 3622.2 -2107.5 7820.4 -1143.5 11709.0 353.0 4019.5 -2038.813 30628.0 5121.5 -2108.0 9321.6 -1143.9 13211.5 353.1 5521.7 -2038.914 32130.5 6620.7 -2108.4 10822.8 -1144.4 14714.0 353.1 7023.9 -2038.915 33632.9 8119.9 -2108.8 12323.9 -1144.8 16216.5 353.1 8526.1 -2038.916 35135.4 9619.1 -2109.2 13825.1 -1145.3 17719.0 353.1 10028.3 -2039.017 637.9 11118.3 -2109.6 15326.3 -1145.7 19221.5 353.2 11530.5 -2039.018 2140.3 12617.5 -2110.0 16827.4 -1146.2 20723.9 353.2 13032.7 -2039.019 3642.8 14116.7 -2110.4 18328.6 -1146.6 22226.4 353.2 14534.8 -2039.020 5145.3 15616.0 -2110.8 19829.8 -1147.1 23728.9 353.2 16037.0 -2039.121 6647.7 17115.2 -2111.2 21331.0 -1147.5 25231.4 353.3 17539.2 -2039.122 8150.2 18614.4 -2111.6 22832.1 -1148.0 26733.9 353.3 19041.4 -2039.123 9652.7 20113.6 -2112.0 24333.3 -1148.4 28236.4 353.3 20543.6 -2039.2Mer.pass.:16:33 v-0.8 d-0.4 m-3.9 v1.2 d-0.5 m1.1 v2.5 d0.0 m-2.1 v2.2 d-0.0 m0.5

    StarsSHA Dec

    Alpheratz 35741.7 2910.9Ankaa 35314.1 -4213.4

    Schedar 34938.5 5637.7Diphda 34854.1 -1754.1

    Achernar 33525.5 -5709.7Hamal 32758.7 2332.3Polaris 31644.4 8920.1Akamar 31516.9 -4014.8Menkar 31413.0 409.0Mirfak 30837.5 4955.1

    Aldebaran 29047.1 1632.3Rigel 28110.1 -811.3

    Capella 28031.4 4600.8Bellatrix 27829.8 621.6Elnath 27810.1 2837.1Alnilam 27544.3 -111.8

    Betelgeuse 27059.1 724.3Canopus 26354.8 -5242.6

    Sirius 25831.7 -1644.4Adara 25510.7 -2859.9

    Procyon 24457.5 510.9Pollux 24325.1 2759.0Avior 23416.6 -5933.8Suhail 22250.7 -4329.9

    Miaplacidus 22138.3 -6947.0Alphard 21754.1 -843.8Regulus 20741.4 1153.1Dubhe 19349.3 6139.6

    Denebola 18231.7 1428.8Gienah 17550.3 -1737.8Acrux 17307.0 -6311.0

    Gacrux 17158.7 -5711.9Alioth 16619.3 5552.1Spica 15829.4 -1114.6Alcaid 15257.7 4913.8Hadar 14845.4 -6026.6

    Menkent 14805.6 -3626.6Arcturus 14554.1 1906.2

    Rigil Kent. 13949.4 -6053.6Zubenelg. 13703.6 -1606.3Kochab 13720.8 7405.2

    Alphecca 12609.8 2639.7Antares 11224.4 -2627.8

    Atria 10725.0 -6903.0Sabik 10210.8 -1544.4

    Shaula 9619.9 -3706.6Rasalhague 9605.2 1233.1

    Etamin 9045.8 5129.3Kaus Aust. 8341.9 -3422.4

    Vega 8038.2 3848.0Nunki 7556.5 -2616.4Altair 6206.9 854.8

    Peacock 5317.1 -5640.9Deneb 4930.7 4520.5

    Enif 3345.7 957.0Alnair 2742.0 -4653.1

    Fomalhaut 1522.4 -2932.3Scheat 1351.9 2810.3Markab 1336.8 1517.6

    2016/1/1 SHA Mer.passVenus 10810.9 09:32Mars 14812.7 06:51

    Jupiter 18542.3 04:21Saturn 10910.1 09:26

    2016/1/1 SHA Mer.passVenus 10653.4 09:33Mars 14741.5 06:49

    Jupiter 18542.6 04:17Saturn 10903.6 09:23

    2016/1/1 SHA Mer.passVenus 10535.7 09:34Mars 14710.4 06:47

    Jupiter 18543.1 04:13Saturn 10857.1 09:19

    Horizontal paralaxVenus: 0.1Mars: 0.1


  • 2016 January 10 to Jan. 12

    h Sun MoonSun GHA Dec GHA Dec d HP0 17813.4 -2204.0 17943.3 8.0 -1736.9 3.2 57.81 19313.1 -2203.6 19410.4 8.0 -1733.6 3.3 57.82 20812.9 -2203.2 20837.4 8.0 -1730.2 3.4 57.83 22312.6 -2202.9 22304.4 8.0 -1726.7 3.6 57.84 23812.4 -2202.5 23731.4 8.0 -1723.1 3.7 57.95 25312.1 -2202.2 25158.5 8.0 -1719.4 3.8 57.96 26811.9 -2201.8 26625.5 8.0 -1715.6 3.9 57.97 28311.6 -2201.4 28052.5 8.0 -1711.7 4.0 57.98 29811.3 -2201.1 29519.5 8.0 -1707.6 4.1 58.09 31311.1 -2200.7 30946.5 8.0 -1703.5 4.2 58.010 32810.8 -2200.3 32413.5 8.0 -1659.2 4.3 58.011 34310.6 -2160.0 33840.5 8.0 -1654.9 4.4 58.012 35810.3 -2159.6 35307.5 8.0 -1650.4 4.5 58.113 1310.1 -2159.2 734.4 8.0 -1645.9 4.6 58.114 2809.8 -2158.9 2201.4 8.0 -1641.2 4.7 58.115 4309.5 -2158.5 3628.4 8.0 -1636.5 4.8 58.116 5809.3 -2158.1 5055.4 8.0 -1631.6 4.9 58.117 7309.0 -2157.8 6522.4 8.0 -1626.6 5.0 58.218 8808.8 -2157.4 7949.5 8.0 -1621.5 5.1 58.219 10308.5 -2157.0 9416.5 8.0 -1616.4 5.2 58.220 11808.3 -2156.6 10843.5 8.0 -1611.1 5.3 58.221 13308.0 -2156.3 12310.5 8.0 -1605.7 5.4 58.322 14807.8 -2155.9 13737.5 8.0 -1600.2 5.5 58.323 16307.5 -2155.5 15204.6 8.0 -1554.6 5.6 58.3

    SD.=16.3 d=0.4 S.D.=15.8

    Mon GHA Dec GHA Dec d HP0 17807.3 -2155.1 16631.6 8.1 -1549.0 5.7 58.31 19307.0 -2154.8 18058.7 8.1 -1543.2 5.8 58.32 20806.8 -2154.4 19525.8 8.1 -1537.3 5.9 58.43 22306.5 -2154.0 20952.8 8.1 -1531.3 6.0 58.44 23806.3 -2153.6 22419.9 8.1 -1525.2 6.1 58.45 25306.0 -2153.2 23847.0 8.1 -1519.1 6.2 58.46 26805.7 -2152.9 25314.1 8.1 -1512.8 6.3 58.47 28305.5 -2152.5 26741.3 8.1 -1506.4 6.4 58.58 29805.2 -2152.1 28208.4 8.1 -1460.0 6.5 58.59 31305.0 -2151.7 29635.6 8.2 -1453.4 6.6 58.510 32804.7 -2151.3 31102.7 8.2 -1446.8 6.7 58.511 34304.5 -2150.9 32529.9 8.2 -1440.1 6.8 58.512 35804.2 -2150.6 33957.1 8.2 -1433.2 6.9 58.613 1304.0 -2150.2 35424.3 8.2 -1426.3 7.0 58.614 2803.7 -2149.8 851.5 8.2 -1419.3 7.1 58.615 4303.5 -2149.4 2318.8 8.3 -1412.2 7.1 58.616 5803.2 -2149.0 3746.1 8.3 -1405.0 7.2 58.617 7303.0 -2148.6 5213.3 8.3 -1357.7 7.3 58.618 8802.8 -2148.2 6640.6 8.3 -1350.3 7.4 58.719 10302.5 -2147.8 8108.0 8.3 -1342.9 7.5 58.720 11802.3 -2147.4 9535.3 8.3 -1335.3 7.6 58.721 13302.0 -2147.1 11002.7 8.4 -1327.7 7.7 58.722 14801.8 -2146.7 12430.0 8.4 -1320.0 7.8 58.723 16301.5 -2146.3 13857.4 8.4 -1312.2 7.8 58.7

    SD.=16.3 d=0.4 S.D.=15.9

    Tue GHA Dec GHA Dec d HP0 17801.3 -2145.9 15324.9 8.4 -1304.3 7.9 58.81 19301.0 -2145.5 16752.3 8.4 -1256.4 8.0 58.82 20800.8 -2145.1 18219.7 8.5 -1248.3 8.1 58.83 22300.5 -2144.7 19647.2 8.5 -1240.2 8.2 58.84 23800.3 -2144.3 21114.7 8.5 -1232.0 8.2 58.85 25300.0 -2143.9 22542.3 8.5 -1223.7 8.3 58.86 26759.8 -2143.5 24009.8 8.6 -1215.4 8.4 58.97 28259.5 -2143.1 25437.4 8.6 -1206.9 8.5 58.98 29759.3 -2142.7 26905.0 8.6 -1158.4 8.5 58.99 31259.1 -2142.3 28332.6 8.6 -1149.8 8.6 58.910 32758.8 -2141.9 29800.2 8.6 -1141.2 8.7 58.911 34258.6 -2141.5 31227.9 8.7 -1132.4 8.8 58.912 35758.3 -2141.1 32655.6 8.7 -1123.6 8.8 58.913 1258.1 -2140.7 34123.3 8.7 -1114.8 8.9 58.914 2757.8 -2140.3 35551.0 8.7 -1105.8 9.0 59.015 4257.6 -2139.9 1018.7 8.8 -1056.8 9.0 59.016 5757.4 -2139.5 2446.5 8.8 -1047.7 9.1 59.017 7257.1 -2139.1 3914.3 8.8 -1038.6 9.2 59.018 8756.9 -2138.7 5342.1 8.8 -1029.4 9.2 59.019 10256.6 -2138.3 6810.0 8.9 -1020.1 9.3 59.020 11756.4 -2137.8 8237.8 8.9 -1010.7 9.4 59.021 13256.1 -2137.4 9705.7 8.9 -1001.3 9.4 59.022 14755.9 -2137.0 11133.6 8.9 -951.9 9.5 59.123 16255.7 -2136.6 12601.6 8.9 -942.3 9.6 59.1

    SD.=16.3 d=0.4 S.D.=16.0

    Twilight TwilightLat. Naut. Civil Sunrise Sunset Civil Naut.72 08:10 10:10 : : 14:07 16:0670 07:54 09:30 : : 14:46 16:2268 07:41 09:03 10:55 13:21 15:13 16:3566 07:30 08:42 10:06 14:10 15:34 16:4664 07:20 08:26 09:35 14:41 15:50 16:5662 07:12 08:12 09:12 15:04 16:04 17:0460 07:05 07:60 08:54 15:22 16:16 17:1158 06:58 07:49 08:39 15:37 16:26 17:1756 06:53 07:40 08:26 15:50 16:35 17:2354 06:47 07:32 08:15 16:01 16:44 17:2952 06:42 07:25 08:05 16:11 16:51 17:3450 06:38 07:18 07:56 16:20 16:58 17:3845 06:27 07:04 07:37 16:39 17:12 17:4940 06:18 06:51 07:21 16:54 17:24 17:5835 06:09 06:41 07:08 17:07 17:35 18:0630 06:01 06:31 06:57 17:19 17:45 18:1420 05:46 06:14 06:37 17:38 18:02 18:2910 05:32 05:58 06:20 17:55 18:18 18:440 05:16 05:42 06:04 18:11 18:34 18:60-10 04:58 05:25 05:48 18:28 18:50 19:17-20 04:37 05:06 05:30 18:45 19:09 19:38-30 04:10 04:43 05:10 19:06 19:32 20:05-35 03:53 04:29 04:58 19:17 19:47 20:22-40 03:31 04:12 04:44 19:31 20:03 20:43-45 03:04 03:51 04:27 19:48 20:24 21:11-50 02:24 03:24 04:07 20:08 20:50 21:50-52 02:02 03:11 03:57 20:18 21:04 22:12-54 01:31 02:55 03:46 20:29 21:19 22:42-56 00:25 02:36 03:33 20:41 21:38 23:39-58 : 02:12 03:18 20:56 22:01 :-60 : 01:39 03:01 21:13 22:34 :

    Moonrise MoonsetLat. Sun Mon Tue Sun Mon Tue72 11:08 10:56 10:48 13:58 16:04 18:0470 10:15 10:24 10:29 14:50 16:35 18:2268 09:42 10:01 10:13 15:23 16:57 18:3766 09:17 09:43 10:00 15:47 17:14 18:4864 08:58 09:28 09:50 16:05 17:29 18:5862 08:43 09:15 09:41 16:20 17:40 19:0660 08:30 09:05 09:33 16:33 17:50 19:1358 08:19 08:55 09:26 16:44 17:59 19:1956 08:09 08:47 09:20 16:53 18:07 19:2554 08:00 08:40 09:14 17:02 18:14 19:3052 07:52 08:34 09:09 17:09 18:20 19:3450 07:45 08:28 09:05 17:16 18:25 19:3845 07:30 08:15 08:55 17:30 18:37 19:4740 07:18 08:04 08:47 17:42 18:47 19:5435 07:08 07:55 08:40 17:52 18:55 19:6030 06:58 07:47 08:34 18:01 19:02 20:0520 06:42 07:34 08:23 18:16 19:15 20:1410 06:28 07:22 08:13 18:29 19:26 20:220 06:15 07:10 08:04 18:42 19:36 20:30-10 06:02 06:59 07:56 18:54 19:46 20:37-20 05:48 06:47 07:46 19:07 19:57 20:45-30 05:33 06:33 07:35 19:22 20:09 20:54-35 05:23 06:25 07:29 19:30 20:16 20:59-40 05:13 06:16 07:22 19:40 20:24 21:05-45 05:00 06:05 07:13 19:51 20:34 21:12-50 04:45 05:52 07:03 20:05 20:45 21:20-52 04:38 05:46 06:59 20:12 20:50 21:23-54 04:30 05:39 06:53 20:19 20:56 21:27-56 04:21 05:32 06:48 20:27 21:02 21:32-58 04:11 05:23 06:41 20:35 21:09 21:37-60 03:60 05:14 06:34 20:46 21:17 21:42

    Sun MoonDay Eqn.of Time Mer. Mer.Pass. Age

    00h 12h Pass Upper Lower10 07:07 07:19 12:07 12:28 00:01 0(0%)11 07:31 07:43 12:07 13:23 00:55 1(3%)12 07:55 08:07 12:08 14:17 01:50 2(7%)


  • January 13, 14 ,15 (Wed., Thu., Fri.)Aries Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn

    Wed GHA GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec0 11155.1 21612.8 -2112.4 25834.5 -1148.9 29738.9 353.3 22045.8 -2039.21 12657.6 23112.0 -2112.9 27335.6 -1149.3 31241.4 353.4 23548.0 -2039.22 14200.0 24611.2 -2113.3 28836.8 -1149.7 32743.9 353.4 25050.2 -2039.33 15702.5 26110.4 -2113.7 30338.0 -1150.2 34246.4 353.4 26552.4 -2039.34 17205.0 27609.6 -2114.0 31839.2 -1150.6 35748.9 353.4 28054.6 -2039.35 18707.4 29108.9 -2114.4 33340.3 -1151.1 1251.4 353.5 29556.8 -2039.36 20209.9 30608.1 -2114.8 34841.5 -1151.5 2753.9 353.5 31059.0 -2039.47 21712.4 32107.3 -2115.2 342.7 -1152.0 4256.4 353.5 32601.2 -2039.48 23214.8 33606.5 -2115.6 1843.9 -1152.4 5758.9 353.6 34103.4 -2039.49 24717.3 35105.7 -2116.0 3345.0 -1152.9 7301.4 353.6 35605.6 -2039.510 26219.8 604.9 -2116.4 4846.2 -1153.3 8803.9 353.6 1107.8 -2039.511 27722.2 2104.1 -2116.8 6347.4 -1153.8 10306.4 353.6 2610.0 -2039.512 29224.7 3603.3 -2117.2 7848.5 -1154.2 11808.9 353.7 4112.2 -2039.613 30727.2 5102.5 -2117.6 9349.7 -1154.7 13311.4 353.7 5614.4 -2039.614 32229.6 6601.7 -2118.0 10850.9 -1155.1 14813.9 353.7 7116.6 -2039.615 33732.1 8100.9 -2118.4 12352.1 -1155.5 16316.4 353.7 8618.8 -2039.616 35234.5 9600.1 -2118.8 13853.2 -1156.0 17818.9 353.8 10121.0 -2039.717 737.0 11059.3 -2119.1 15354.4 -1156.4 19321.4 353.8 11623.2 -2039.718 2239.5 12558.5 -2119.5 16855.6 -1156.9 20823.9 353.8 13125.4 -2039.719 3741.9 14057.7 -2119.9 18356.8 -1157.3 22326.4 353.9 14627.6 -2039.820 5244.4 15557.0 -2120.3 19857.9 -1157.8 23828.9 353.9 16129.8 -2039.821 6746.9 17056.2 -2120.7 21359.1 -1158.2 25331.4 353.9 17632.0 -2039.822 8249.3 18555.4 -2121.1 22900.3 -1158.7 26833.9 353.9 19134.2 -2039.923 9751.8 20054.6 -2121.4 24401.5 -1159.1 28336.4 354.0 20636.4 -2039.9Mer.pass.:16:29 v-0.8 d-0.4 m-3.9 v1.2 d-0.4 m1.1 v2.5 d0.0 m-2.1 v2.2 d-0.0 m0.5

    Thu GHA GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec0 11254.3 21553.8 -2121.8 25902.6 -1159.5 29838.9 354.0 22138.6 -2039.91 12756.7 23053.0 -2122.2 27403.8 -1160.0 31341.4 354.0 23640.8 -2039.92 14259.2 24552.2 -2122.6 28905.0 -1200.4 32843.9 354.1 25143.0 -2040.03 15801.7 26051.4 -2122.9 30406.2 -1200.9 34346.4 354.1 26645.2 -2040.04 17304.1 27550.6 -2123.3 31907.3 -1201.3 35848.9 354.1 28147.4 -2040.05 18806.6 29049.8 -2123.7 33408.5 -1201.8 1351.4 354.2 29649.6 -2040.16 20309.0 30549.0 -2124.1 34909.7 -1202.2 2853.9 354.2 31151.8 -2040.17 21811.5 32048.2 -2124.4 410.8 -1202.6 4356.4 354.2 32654.1 -2040.18 23314.0 33547.4 -2124.8 1912.0 -1203.1 5858.9 354.2 34156.3 -2040.29 24816.4 35046.6 -2125.2 3413.2 -1203.5 7401.4 354.3 35658.5 -2040.210 26318.9 545.8 -2125.5 4914.4 -1204.0 8903.9 354.3 1200.7 -2040.211 27821.4 2045.0 -2125.9 6415.6 -1204.4 10406.4 354.3 2702.9 -2040.212 29323.8 3544.2 -2126.3 7916.7 -1204.9 11908.9 354.4 4205.1 -2040.313 30826.3 5043.4 -2126.6 9417.9 -1205.3 13411.5 354.4 5707.3 -2040.314 32328.8 6542.6 -2127.0 10919.1 -1205.7 14914.0 354.4 7209.5 -2040.315 33831.2 8041.8 -2127.4 12420.3 -1206.2 16416.5 354.5 8711.7 -2040.416 35333.7 9541.0 -2127.7 13921.4 -1206.6 17919.0 354.5 10213.9 -2040.417 836.1 11040.2 -2128.1 15422.6 -1207.1 19421.5 354.5 11716.1 -2040.418 2338.6 12539.4 -2128.4 16923.8 -1207.5 20924.0 354.5 13218.3 -2040.419 3841.1 14038.5 -2128.8 18425.0 -1207.9 22426.5 354.6 14720.5 -2040.520 5343.5 15537.7 -2129.2 19926.1 -1208.4 23929.0 354.6 16222.7 -2040.521 6846.0 17036.9 -2129.5 21427.3 -1208.8 25431.5 354.6 17724.9 -2040.522 8348.5 18536.1 -2129.9 22928.5 -1209.3 26934.0 354.7 19227.1 -2040.623 9850.9 20035.3 -2130.2 24429.7 -1209.7 28436.5 354.7 20729.3 -2040.6Mer.pass.:16:25 v-0.8 d-0.4 m-3.9 v1.2 d-0.4 m1.1 v2.5 d0.0 m-2.1 v2.2 d-0.0 m0.5

    Fri GHA GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec0 11353.4 21534.5 -2130.6 25930.8 -1210.1 29939.0 354.7 22231.5 -2040.61 12855.9 23033.7 -2130.9 27432.0 -1210.6 31441.6 354.8 23733.7 -2040.72 14358.3 24532.9 -2131.3 28933.2 -1211.0 32944.1 354.8 25235.9 -2040.73 15900.8 26032.1 -2131.6 30434.4 -1211.5 34446.6 354.8 26738.1 -2040.74 17403.3 27531.3 -2132.0 31935.6 -1211.9 35949.1 354.9 28240.3 -2040.75 18905.7 29030.5 -2132.3 33436.7 -1212.3 1451.6 354.9 29742.5 -2040.86 20408.2 30529.7 -2132.7 34937.9 -1212.8 2954.1 354.9 31244.7 -2040.87 21910.6 32028.9 -2133.0 439.1 -1213.2 4456.6 355.0 32746.9 -2040.88 23413.1 33528.1 -2133.4 1940.3 -1213.6 5959.1 355.0 34249.1 -2040.99 24915.6 35027.3 -2133.7 3441.4 -1214.1 7501.7 355.0 35751.3 -2040.910 26418.0 526.5 -2134.0 4942.6 -1214.5 9004.2 355.1 1253.5 -2040.911 27920.5 2025.6 -2134.4 6443.8 -1215.0 10506.7 355.1 2755.7 -2040.912 29423.0 3524.8 -2134.7 7945.0 -1215.4 12009.2 355.1 4257.9 -2041.013 30925.4 5024.0 -2135.1 9446.2 -1215.8 13511.7 355.2 5800.1 -2041.014 32427.9 6523.2 -2135.4 10947.3 -1216.3 15014.2 355.2 7302.3 -2041.015 33930.4 8022.4 -2135.7 12448.5 -1216.7 16516.7 355.2 8804.6 -2041.116 35432.8 9521.6 -2136.1 13949.7 -1217.1 18019.3 355.3 10306.8 -2041.117 935.3 11020.8 -2136.4 15450.9 -1217.6 19521.8 355.3 11809.0 -2041.118 2437.7 12520.0 -2136.8 16952.0 -1218.0 21024.3 355.3 13311.2 -2041.119 3940.2 14019.2 -2137.1 18453.2 -1218.5 22526.8 355.4 14813.4 -2041.220 5442.7 15518.3 -2137.4 19954.4 -1218.9 24029.3 355.4 16315.6 -2041.221 6945.1 17017.5 -2137.7 21455.6 -1219.3 25531.8 355.4 17817.8 -2041.222 8447.6 18516.7 -2138.1 22956.8 -1219.8 27034.3 355.5 19320.0 -2041.323 9950.1 20015.9 -2138.4 24457.9 -1220.2 28536.9 355.5 20822.2 -2041.3Mer.pass.:16:21 v-0.8 d-0.4 m-3.9 v1.2 d-0.4 m1.1 v2.5 d0.0 m-2.1 v2.2 d-0.0 m0.5

    StarsSHA Dec

    Alpheratz 35741.8 2910.9Ankaa 35314.1 -4213.4

    Schedar 34938.5 5637.7Diphda 34854.1 -1754.1

    Achernar 33525.6 -5709.7Hamal 32758.7 2332.3Polaris 31645.7 8920.1Akamar 31516.9 -4014.8Menkar 31413.1 409.0Mirfak 30837.5 4955.1

    Aldebaran 29047.1 1632.3Rigel 28110.1 -811.3

    Capella 28031.4 4600.8Bellatrix 27829.8 621.6Elnath 27810.1 2837.1Alnilam 27544.3 -111.8

    Betelgeuse 27059.1 724.3Canopus 26354.8 -5242.6

    Sirius 25831.7 -1644.4Adara 25510.7 -2859.9

    Procyon 24457.5 510.9Pollux 24325.1 2759.0Avior 23416.6 -5933.8Suhail 22250.7 -4329.9

    Miaplacidus 22138.3 -6947.0Alphard 21754.0 -843.9Regulus 20741.4 1153.1Dubhe 19349.3 6139.6

    Denebola 18231.7 1428.8Gienah 17550.3 -1737.8Acrux 17307.0 -6311.0

    Gacrux 17158.6 -5711.9Alioth 16619.2 5552.1Spica 15829.4 -1114.6Alcaid 15257.6 4913.8Hadar 14845.4 -6026.6

    Menkent 14805.5 -3626.6Arcturus 14554.1 1906.2

    Rigil Kent. 13949.4 -6053.7Zubenelg. 13703.6 -1606.3Kochab 13720.7 7405.2

    Alphecca 12609.8 2639.7Antares 11224.3 -2627.8

    Atria 10725.0 -6903.0Sabik 10210.8 -1544.5

    Shaula 9619.9 -3706.6Rasalhague 9605.1 1233.1

    Etamin 9045.8 5129.3Kaus Aust. 8341.9 -3422.4

    Vega 8038.2 3848.0Nunki 7556.5 -2616.4Altair 6206.9 854.7

    Peacock 5317.1 -5640.9Deneb 4930.7 4520.5

    Enif 3345.7 957.0Alnair 2742.0 -4653.1

    Fomalhaut 1522.4 -2932.3Scheat 1351.9 2810.3Markab 1336.8 1517.6

    2016/1/1 SHA Mer.passVenus 10417.7 09:36Mars 14639.4 06:45

    Jupiter 18543.8 04:09Saturn 10850.7 09:16

    2016/1/1 SHA Mer.passVenus 10259.5 09:37Mars 14608.4 06:43

    Jupiter 18544.6 04:05Saturn 10844.4 09:12

    2016/1/1 SHA Mer.passVenus 10141.1 09:38Mars 14537.4 06:41

    Jupiter 18545.7 04:01Saturn 10838.1 09:09

    Horizontal paralaxVenus: 0.1Mars: 0.1


  • 2016 January 13 to Jan. 15

    h Sun MoonWed GHA Dec GHA Dec d HP0 17755.4 -2136.2 14029.5 9.0 -932.7 9.6 59.11 19255.2 -2135.8 15457.5 9.0 -923.1 9.7 59.12 20754.9 -2135.4 16925.5 9.0 -913.4 9.7 59.13 22254.7 -2135.0 18353.5 9.0 -903.6 9.8 59.14 23754.5 -2134.5 19821.6 9.1 -853.8 9.8 59.15 25254.2 -2134.1 21249.7 9.1 -843.9 9.9 59.16 26754.0 -2133.7 22717.8 9.1 -834.0 10.0 59.17 28253.7 -2133.3 24145.9 9.1 -824.0 10.0 59.18 29753.5 -2132.9 25614.0 9.2 -814.0 10.1 59.29 31253.3 -2132.5 27042.2 9.2 -803.9 10.1 59.210 32753.0 -2132.0 28510.4 9.2 -753.8 10.2 59.211 34252.8 -2131.6 29938.6 9.2 -743.6 10.2 59.212 35752.6 -2131.2 31406.8 9.2 -733.4 10.2 59.213 1252.3 -2130.8 32835.1 9.3 -723.1 10.3 59.214 2752.1 -2130.4 34303.3 9.3 -712.8 10.3 59.215 4251.8 -2129.9 35731.6 9.3 -702.4 10.4 59.216 5751.6 -2129.5 1159.9 9.3 -652.0 10.4 59.217 7251.4 -2129.1 2628.2 9.3 -641.6 10.5 59.218 8751.1 -2128.7 4056.6 9.4 -631.1 10.5 59.219 10250.9 -2128.2 5525.0 9.4 -620.5 10.5 59.220 11750.7 -2127.8 6953.3 9.4 -610.0 10.6 59.221 13250.4 -2127.4 8421.7 9.4 -559.4 10.6 59.222 14750.2 -2127.0 9850.2 9.4 -548.7 10.7 59.223 16250.0 -2126.5 11318.6 9.4 -538.1 10.7 59.3

    SD.=16.3 d=0.4 S.D.=16.1

    Thu GHA Dec GHA Dec d HP0 17749.7 -2126.1 12747.1 9.5 -527.4 10.7 59.31 19249.5 -2125.7 14215.5 9.5 -516.6 10.8 59.32 20749.3 -2125.2 15644.0 9.5 -505.9 10.8 59.33 22249.0 -2124.8 17112.5 9.5 -455.1 10.8 59.34 23748.8 -2124.4 18541.1 9.5 -444.2 10.8 59.35 25248.6 -2123.9 20009.6 9.5 -433.4 10.9 59.36 26748.3 -2123.5 21438.1 9.6 -422.5 10.9 59.37 28248.1 -2123.1 22906.7 9.6 -411.6 10.9 59.38 29747.9 -2122.6 24335.3 9.6 -400.7 10.9 59.39 31247.6 -2122.2 25803.9 9.6 -349.7 11.0 59.310 32747.4 -2121.8 27232.5 9.6 -338.7 11.0 59.311 34247.2 -2121.3 28701.1 9.6 -327.7 11.0 59.312 35747.0 -2120.9 30129.8 9.6 -316.7 11.0 59.313 1246.7 -2120.5 31558.4 9.7 -305.7 11.0 59.314 2746.5 -2120.0 33027.1 9.7 -254.6 11.1 59.315 4246.3 -2119.6 34455.7 9.7 -243.5 11.1 59.316 5746.0 -2119.1 35924.4 9.7 -232.4 11.1 59.317 7245.8 -2118.7 1353.1 9.7 -221.3 11.1 59.318 8745.6 -2118.3 2821.8 9.7 -210.2 11.1 59.319 10245.3 -2117.8 4250.5 9.7 -159.1 11.1 59.320 11745.1 -2117.4 5719.2 9.7 -147.9 11.1 59.321 13244.9 -2116.9 7147.9 9.7 -136.8 11.2 59.322 14744.7 -2116.5 8616.7 9.7 -125.6 11.2 59.323 16244.4 -2116.0 10045.4 9.7 -114.5 11.2 59.3

    SD.=16.3 d=0.4 S.D.=16.2

    Fri GHA Dec GHA Dec d HP0 17744.2 -2115.6 11514.1 9.7 -103.3 11.2 59.31 19244.0 -2115.1 12942.9 9.8 -052.1 11.2 59.32 20743.8 -2114.7 14411.6 9.8 -040.9 11.2 59.33 22243.5 -2114.3 15840.4 9.8 -029.7 11.2 59.34 23743.3 -2113.8 17309.2 9.8 -018.6 11.2 59.35 25243.1 -2113.4 18737.9 9.8 -007.4 11.2 59.36 26742.9 -2112.9 20206.7 9.8 003.8 11.2 59.37 28242.6 -2112.5 21635.5 9.8 015.0 11.2 59.38 29742.4 -2112.0 23104.2 9.8 026.2 11.2 59.39 31242.2 -2111.6 24533.0 9.8 037.4 11.2 59.310 32742.0 -2111.1 26001.8 9.8 048.6 11.2 59.311 34241.7 -2110.6 27430.6 9.8 059.7 11.2 59.312 35741.5 -2110.2 28859.3 9.8 110.9 11.2 59.313 1241.3 -2109.7 30328.1 9.8 122.0 11.2 59.314 2741.1 -2109.3 31756.9 9.8 133.2 11.1 59.315 4240.8 -2108.8 33225.6 9.8 144.3 11.1 59.316 5740.6 -2108.4 34654.4 9.8 155.5 11.1 59.317 7240.4 -2107.9 123.2 9.8 206.6 11.1 59.318 8740.2 -2107.4 1551.9 9.8 217.7 11.1 59.319 10240.0 -2107.0 3020.7 9.8 228.7 11.1 59.320 11739.7 -2106.5 4449.4 9.7 239.8 11.1 59.321 13239.5 -2106.1 5918.2 9.7 250.9 11.0 59.322 14739.3 -2105.6 7346.9 9.7 301.9 11.0 59.323 16239.1 -2105.1 8815.6 9.7 312.9 11.0 59.3

    SD.=16.3 d=0.4 S.D.=16.2

    Twilight TwilightLat. Naut. Civil Sunrise Sunset Civil Naut.72 08:04 09:58 : : 14:21 16:1470 07:49 09:22 : : 14:56 16:3068 07:36 08:57 10:40 13:38 15:22 16:4266 07:26 08:37 09:57 14:21 15:41 16:5264 07:17 08:21 09:29 14:49 15:57 17:0162 07:09 08:08 09:07 15:11 16:10 17:0960 07:02 07:57 08:50 15:28 16:22 17:1658 06:56 07:47 08:35 15:43 16:31 17:2256 06:51 07:38 08:23 15:55 16:40 17:2854 06:45 07:30 08:12 16:06 16:48 17:3352 06:41 07:23 08:02 16:16 16:55 17:3850 06:36 07:17 07:54 16:24 17:01 17:4245 06:26 07:03 07:36 16:43 17:15 17:5240 06:17 06:51 07:21 16:57 17:27 18:0135 06:09 06:40 07:08 17:10 17:38 18:0930 06:02 06:31 06:57 17:21 17:47 18:1620 05:47 06:14 06:38 17:40 18:04 18:3110 05:32 05:58 06:21 17:57 18:19 18:450 05:17 05:43 06:05 18:13 18:35 19:01-10 04:60 05:27 05:49 18:28 18:51 19:18-20 04:39 05:08 05:32 18:45 19:10 19:38-30 04:13 04:45 05:12 19:05 19:32 20:04-35 03:56 04:32 05:00 19:17 19:46 20:21-40 03:35 04:15 04:47 19:30 20:02 20:42-45 03:08 03:55 04:31 19:46 20:22 21:08-50 02:30 03:29 04:11 20:06 20:48 21:46-52 02:09 03:16 04:01 20:15 21:01 22:07-54 01:41 03:01 03:51 20:26 21:16 22:34-56 00:53 02:43 03:39 20:38 21:33 23:19-58 : 02:20 03:24 20:52 21:55 :-60 : 01:50 03:08 21:09 22:25 :

    Moonrise MoonsetLat. Wed Thu Fri Wed Thu Fri72 10:42 10:37 10:32 20:01 21:55 23:4870 10:31 10:32 10:33 20:10 21:57 23:4468 10:21 10:28 10:34 20:18 21:59 23:4066 10:14 10:24 10:34 20:24 22:01 23:3764 10:07 10:21 10:35 20:30 22:02 23:3462 10:01 10:19 10:35 20:34 22:03 23:3260 09:56 10:17 10:36 20:38 22:04 23:3058 09:52 10:15 10:36 20:42 22:05 23:2856 09:48 10:13 10:37 20:45 22:06 23:2654 09:44 10:11 10:37 20:48 22:06 23:2552 09:41 10:10 10:37 20:50 22:07 23:2450 09:38 10:08 10:38 20:53 22:08 23:2245 09:31 10:05 10:38 20:57 22:09 23:2040 09:26 10:03 10:39 21:02 22:10 23:1835 09:21 10:01 10:39 21:05 22:11 23:1630 09:17 09:59 10:40 21:08 22:11 23:1420 09:10 09:56 10:41 21:14 22:13 23:1110 09:04 09:53 10:41 21:18 22:14 23:090 08:58 09:50 10:42 21:23 22:15 23:07-10 08:52 09:47 10:43 21:27 22:16 23:04-20 08:45 09:45 10:43 21:32 22:17 23:02-30 08:38 09:41 10:44 21:37 22:18 22:59-35 08:34 09:39 10:45 21:40 22:19 22:57-40 08:29 09:37 10:45 21:43 22:19 22:55-45 08:24 09:35 10:46 21:47 22:20 22:53-50 08:17 09:32 10:47 21:51 22:21 22:50-52 08:14 09:31 10:47 21:53 22:22 22:49-54 08:11 09:29 10:48 21:56 22:22 22:48-56 08:07 09:28 10:48 21:58 22:23 22:47-58 08:03 09:26 10:49 22:01 22:23 22:45-60 07:58 09:24 10:49 22:04 22:24 22:43

    Sun MoonDay Eqn.of Time Mer. Mer.Pass. Age

    00h 12h Pass Upper Lower13 08:18 08:30 12:08 15:10 02:43 3(14%)14 08:41 08:52 12:08 16:02 03:36 4(23%)15 09:03 09:14 12:09 16:54 04:28 5(34%)


  • January 16, 17 ,18 (Sat., Sun., Mon.)Aries Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn

    Sat GHA GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec0 11452.5 21515.1 -2138.7 25959.1 -1220.6 30039.4 355.6 22324.4 -2041.31 12955.0 23014.3 -2139.1 27500.3 -1221.1 31541.9 355.6 23826.6 -2041.32 14457.5 24513.5 -2139.4 29001.5 -1221.5 33044.4 355.6 25328.8 -2041.43 15959.9 26012.7 -2139.7 30502.7 -1221.9 34546.9 355.7 26831.0 -2041.44 17502.4 27511.8 -2140.0 32003.8 -1222.4 049.5 355.7 28333.2 -2041.45 19004.9 29011.0 -2140.4 33505.0 -1222.8 1552.0 355.7 29835.4 -2041.56 20507.3 30510.2 -2140.7 35006.2 -1223.2 3054.5 355.8 31337.6 -2041.57 22009.8 32009.4 -2141.0 507.4 -1223.7 4557.0 355.8 32839.8 -2041.58 23512.2 33508.6 -2141.3 2008.6 -1224.1 6059.5 355.8 34342.0 -2041.59 25014.7 35007.8 -2141.6 3509.7 -1224.5 7602.1 355.9 35844.3 -2041.610 26517.2 506.9 -2142.0 5010.9 -1225.0 9104.6 355.9 1346.5 -2041.611 28019.6 2006.1 -2142.3 6512.1 -1225.4 10607.1 356.0 2848.7 -2041.612 29522.1 3505.3 -2142.6 8013.3 -1225.9 12109.6 356.0 4350.9 -2041.713 31024.6 5004.5 -2142.9 9514.5 -1226.3 13612.1 356.0 5853.1 -2041.714 32527.0 6503.7 -2143.2 11015.7 -1226.7 15114.7 356.1 7355.3 -2041.715 34029.5 8002.9 -2143.5 12516.8 -1227.2 16617.2 356.1 8857.5 -2041.716 35532.0 9502.0 -2143.8 14018.0 -1227.6 18119.7 356.1 10359.7 -2041.817 1034.4 11001.2 -2144.1 15519.2 -1228.0 19622.2 356.2 11901.9 -2041.818 2536.9 12500.4 -2144.5 17020.4 -1228.4 21124.7 356.2 13404.1 -2041.819 4039.4 13959.6 -2144.8 18521.6 -1228.9 22627.3 356.3 14906.3 -2041.920 5541.8 15458.8 -2145.1 20022.7 -1229.3 24129.8 356.3 16408.5 -2041.921 7044.3 16957.9 -2145.4 21523.9 -1229.7 25632.3 356.3 17910.7 -2041.922 8546.7 18457.1 -2145.7 23025.1 -1230.2 27134.8 356.4 19412.9 -2041.923 10049.2 19956.3 -2146.0 24526.3 -1230.6 28637.4 356.4 20915.2 -2042.0Mer.pass.:16:17 v-0.8 d-0.3 m-3.9 v1.2 d-0.4 m1.1 v2.5 d0.0 m-2.1 v2.2 d-0.0 m0.5

    Sun GHA GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec0 11551.7 21455.5 -2146.3 26027.5 -1231.0 30139.9 356.4 22417.4 -2042.01 13054.1 22954.7 -2146.6 27528.7 -1231.5 31642.4 356.5 23919.6 -2042.02 14556.6 24453.8 -2146.9 29029.8 -1231.9 33144.9 356.5 25421.8 -2042.13 16059.1 25953.0 -2147.2 30531.0 -1232.3 34647.5 356.6 26924.0 -2042.14 17601.5 27452.2 -2147.5 32032.2 -1232.8 150.0 356.6 28426.2 -2042.15 19104.0 28951.4 -2147.8 33533.4 -1233.2 1652.5 356.6 29928.4 -2042.16 20606.5 30450.6 -2148.1 35034.6 -1233.6 3155.0 356.7 31430.6 -2042.27 22108.9 31949.7 -2148.4 535.8 -1234.1 4657.6 356.7 32932.8 -2042.28 23611.4 33448.9 -2148.7 2036.9 -1234.5 6200.1 356.8 34435.0 -2042.29 25113.8 34948.1 -2148.9 3538.1 -1234.9 7702.6 356.8 35937.2 -2042.210 26616.3 447.3 -2149.2 5039.3 -1235.3 9205.2 356.8 1439.4 -2042.311 28118.8 1946.4 -2149.5 6540.5 -1235.8 10707.7 356.9 2941.7 -2042.312 29621.2 3445.6 -2149.8 8041.7 -1236.2 12210.2 356.9 4443.9 -2042.313 31123.7 4944.8 -2150.1 9542.9 -1236.6 13712.7 357.0 5946.1 -2042.414 32626.2 6444.0 -2150.4 11044.0 -1237.1 15215.3 357.0 7448.3 -2042.415 34128.6 7943.1 -2150.7 12545.2 -1237.5 16717.8 357.0 8950.5 -2042.416 35631.1 9442.3 -2151.0 14046.4 -1237.9 18220.3 357.1 10452.7 -2042.417 1133.6 10941.5 -2151.2 15547.6 -1238.3 19722.9 357.1 11954.9 -2042.518 2636.0 12440.7 -2151.5 17048.8 -1238.8 21225.4 357.2 13457.1 -2042.519 4138.5 13939.8 -2151.8 18550.0 -1239.2 22727.9 357.2 14959.3 -2042.520 5641.0 15439.0 -2152.1 20051.1 -1239.6 24230.5 357.2 16501.5 -2042.621 7143.4 16938.2 -2152.4 21552.3 -1240.1 25733.0 357.3 18003.8 -2042.622 8645.9 18437.4 -2152.7 23053.5 -1240.5 27235.5 357.3 19506.0 -2042.623 10148.3 19936.5 -2152.9 24554.7 -1240.9 28738.0 357.4 21008.2 -2042.6Mer.pass.:16:13 v-0.8 d-0.3 m-3.9 v1.2 d-0.4 m1.1 v2.5 d0.0 m-2.1 v2.2 d-0.0 m0.5

    Mon GHA GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec GHA Dec0 11650.8 21435.7 -2153.2 26055.9 -1241.3 30240.6 357.4 22510.4 -2042.71 13153.3 22934.9 -2153.5 27557.1 -1241.8 31743.1 357.4 24012.6 -2042.72 14655.7 24434.0 -2153.8 29058.3 -1242.2 33245.6 357.5 25514.8 -2042.73 16158.2 25933.2 -2154.0 30559.4 -1242.6 34748.2 357.5 27017.0 -2042.74 17700.7 27432.4 -2154.3 32100.6 -1243.1 250.7 357.6 28519.2 -2042.85 19203.1 28931.6 -2154.6 33601.8 -1243.5 1753.2 357.6 30021.4 -2042.86 20705.6 30430.7 -2154.8 35103.0 -1243.9 3255.8 357.7 31523.7 -2042.87 22208.1 31929.9 -2155.1 604.2 -1244.3 4758.3 357.7 33025.9 -2042.98 23710.5 33429.1 -2155.4 2105.4 -1244.8 6300.8 357.7 34528.1 -2042.99 25213.0 34928.2 -2155.6 3606.6 -1245.2 7803.4 357.8 030.3 -2042.910 26715.5 427.4 -2155.9 5107.7 -1245.6 9305.9 357.8 1532.5 -2042.911 28217.9 1926.6 -2156.2 6608.9 -1246.0 10808.5 357.9 3034.7 -2043.012 29720.4 3425.8 -2156.4 8110.1 -1246.5 12311.0 357.9 4536.9 -2043.013 31222.8 4924.9 -2156.7 9611.3 -1246.9 13813.5 358.0 6039.1 -2043.014 32725.3 6424.1 -2157.0 11112.5 -1247.3 15316.1 358.0 7541.3 -2043.015 34227.8 7923.3 -2157.2 12613.7 -1247.7 16818.6 358.0 9043.6 -2043.116 35730.2 9422.4 -2157.5 14114.9 -1248.2 18321.1 358.1 10545.8 -2043.117 1232.7 10921.6 -2157.7 15616.1 -1248.6 19823.7 358.1 12048.0 -2043.118 2735.2 12420.8 -2158.0 17117.2 -1249.0 21326.2 358.2 13550.2 -2043.219 4237.6 13919.9 -2158.2 18618.4 -1249.4 22828.7 358.2 15052.4 -2043.220 5740.1 15419.1 -2158.5 20119.6 -1249.9 24331.3 358.3 16554.6 -2043.221 7242.6 16918.3 -2158.8 21620.8 -1250.3 25833.8 358.3 18056.8 -2043.222 8745.0 18417.4 -2159.0 23122.0 -1250.7 27336.4 358.4 19559.0 -2043.323 10247.5 19916.6 -2159.3 24623.2 -1251.1 28838.9 358.4 21101.3 -2043.3Mer.pass.:16:09 v-0.8 d-0.3 m-3.9 v1.2 d-0.4 m1.1 v2.5 d0.0 m-2.1 v2.2 d-0.0 m0.5

    StarsSHA Dec

    Alpheratz 35741.8 2910.9Ankaa 35314.2 -4213.4

    Schedar 34938.5 5637.7Diphda 34854.1 -1754.1

    Achernar 33525.6 -5709.7Hamal 32758.7 2332.3Polaris 31647.0 8920.1Akamar 31516.9 -4014.8Menkar 31413.1 409.0Mirfak 30837.5 4955.1

    Aldebaran 29047.1 1632.3Rigel 28110.1 -811.3

    Capella 28031.4 4600.8Bellatrix 27829.8 621.6Elnath 27810.1 2837.1Alnilam 27544.3 -111.8

    Betelgeuse 27059.1 724.3Canopus 26354.8 -5242.6

    Sirius 25831.7 -1644.4Adara 25510.7 -2859.9

    Procyon 24457.5 510.9Pollux 24325.1 2759.0Avior 23416.6 -5933.8Suhail 22250.7 -4329.9

    Miaplacidus 22138.3 -6947.0Alphard 21754.0 -843.9Regulus 20741.4 1153.1Dubhe 19349.3 6139.6

    Denebola 18231.7 1428.8Gienah 17550.3 -1737.8Acrux 17306.9 -6311.0

    Gacrux 17158.6 -5711.9Alioth 16619.2 5552.1Spica 15829.4 -1114.6Alcaid 15257.6 4913.8Hadar 14845.3 -6026.6

    Menkent 14805.5 -3626.7Arcturus 14554.1 1906.2

    Rigil Kent. 13949.4 -6053.7Zubenelg. 13703.6 -1606.3Kochab 13720.7 7405.2

    Alphecca 12609.7 2639.7Antares 11224.3 -2627.8

    Atria 10724.9 -6903.0Sabik 10210.8 -1544.5

    Shaula 9619.9 -3706.6Rasalhague 9605.1 1233.1

    Etamin 9045.8 5129.3Kaus Aust. 8341.8 -3422.4

    Vega 8038.2 3848.0Nunki 7556.5 -2616.4Altair 6206.9 854.7

    Peacock 5317.1 -5640.9Deneb 4930.7 4520.4

    Enif 3345.7 957.0Alnair 2742.0 -4653.1

    Fomalhaut 1522.4 -2932.3Scheat 1351.9 2810.3Markab 1336.8 1517.6

    2016/1/1 SHA Mer.passVenus 10022.6 09:40Mars 14506.6 06:40

    Jupiter 18546.8 03:57Saturn 10831.9 09:05

    2016/1/1 SHA Mer.passVenus 9903.8 09:41Mars 14435.8 06:38

    Jupiter 18548.2 03:53Saturn 10825.7 09:02

    2016/1/1 SHA Mer.passVenus 9744.9 09:42Mars 14405.1 06:36

    Jupiter 18549.8 03:49Saturn 10819.6 08:58

    Horizontal paralaxVenus: 0.1Mars: 0.1


  • 2016 January 16 to Jan. 18

    h Sun MoonSat GHA Dec GHA Dec d HP0 17738.9 -2104.7 10244.4 9.7 323.9 11.0 59.31 19238.6 -2104.2 11713.1 9.7 334.9 11.0 59.32 20738.4 -2103.8 13141.8 9.7 345.8 10.9 59.33 22238.2 -2103.3 14610.5 9.7 356.8 10.9 59.34 23738.0 -2102.8 16039.2 9.7 407.7 10.9 59.35 25237.8 -2102.4 17507.8 9.7 418.5 10.9 59.36 26737.5 -2101.9 18936.5 9.7 429.4 10.8 59.37 28237.3 -2101.4 20405.2 9.7 440.2 10.8 59.38 29737.1 -2101.0 21833.8 9.6 451.0 10.8 59.39 31236.9 -2100.5 23302.4 9.6 501.8 10.7 59.210 32736.7 -2100.0 24731.1 9.6 512.5 10.7 59.211 34236.5 -2059.5 26159.7 9.6 523.2 10.7 59.212 35736.2 -2059.1 27628.3 9.6 533.9 10.6 59.213 1236.0 -2058.6 29056.8 9.6 544.5 10.6 59.214 2735.8 -2058.1 30525.4 9.6 555.1 10.6 59.215 4235.6 -2057.7 31954.0 9.5 605.6 10.5 59.216 5735.4 -2057.2 33422.5 9.5 616.2 10.5 59.217 7235.2 -2056.7 34851.0 9.5 626.7 10.5 59.218 8735.0 -2056.2 319.5 9.5 637.1 10.4 59.219 10234.7 -2055.8 1748.0 9.5 647.5 10.4 59.220 11734.5 -2055.3 3216.5 9.5 657.9 10.3 59.221 13234.3 -2054.8 4644.9 9.4 708.2 10.3 59.222 14734.1 -2054.3 6113.3 9.4 718.5 10.3 59.223 16233.9 -2053.8 7541.8 9.4 728.7 10.2 59.2

    SD.=16.3 d=0.5 S.D.=16.2

    Sun GHA Dec GHA Dec d HP0 17733.7 -2053.4 9010.2 9.4 738.9 10.2 59.21 19233.5 -2052.9 10438.5 9.4 749.0 10.1 59.22 20733.3 -2052.4 11906.9 9.3 759.1 10.1 59.23 22233.0 -2051.9 13335.2 9.3 809.2 10.0 59.14 23732.8 -2051.4 14803.5 9.3 819.1 10.0 59.15 25232.6 -2051.0 16231.8 9.3 829.1 9.9 59.16 26732.4 -2050.5 17700.1 9.3 839.0 9.9 59.17 28232.2 -2050.0 19128.3 9.2 848.8 9.8 59.18 29732.0 -2049.5 2055