the nature of warfare (/) · the nature of...

THE NATURE OF WARFARE (/) One of the most used weapons in World War One was the British Lee-Eneld bolt action rie. This was an important weapon in the trenches and several adaptions were made to make it more suited to the trench warfare in the western and eastern fronts. One of the most famouse adaptions was the bayonete, a small knife on the barrel of the rie used for close range combat. It had a maximum of 30 aimed rounds per minute and a maximum ring range of 2750m. Nowadays one of the standard issue military rearm is the M4 Carbine. The M4 Carbine is used extensively in in current wars such as Afghanistan and Iraq. It weighs 2.88 kg and can re 700-950 rounds per minute and has an eective ring range of 600m. Dierences over time The newerM4 has a much higher ring sped because it is a semi automatic weapons based on severals decades of previous models compared to the Lee Eineld which is quite heavy in comparison. Weapons evolved through WW2 and weapons such as the M1 carbine which had an increased rate of re to around 700 rounds/minute. During the Vietnam war weapons advanced even more with the AK-47 one of the easiest to build assault ries to build invented after WW2. The AK-47 does have a lower cyclic rate of re than the latter but the making of the AK 47 was very cheap only $45 this allowed the weapon to be mass produced. The evolution of technology over the previous years has allowed the M4 to be a pinnacle of modern weaponry and a far cry from the weapons used in world war one. Over time the weights of the weapons changed dramatically from the 4kg of the lee Eneld to the 2.88kg of the M4. These changes in weight have allowed the weapon to become more mobile thus changing the nature of war. Continuity over time The changes in rearms have been large, the evolution of melee weapons such as knives have been basically unchanged. On the eld today soldiers still have tools such as knives to cut miscellaneous objects away from them. The use of these knives or other sharp objects were used in world war on to cut barb wire in the trenches and similar objects are used with soldiers today. The use of rearms in general is still ever-present and is a big leap than the blade and shield battles before world war one. Firearms have come along way but the main principal has remained unchanged and are used extensively in missions to this day. HOME (/) THE NATURE OF WARFARE IN WW1 (/THE-NATURE-OF-WARFARE-IN-WW1.HTML) THE NATURE OF WARFARE TODAY (/THE-NATURE-OF-WARFARE-TODAY.HTML) MORE... Changes in Weapons There has been many advancements in weaponry from WW1 to today. Over the years there has been advancements in technology and science that has lead to the weaponry we have today. Many aspects of these weapons has changed but some have still stayed the same. Light firearms (/uploads/4/9/7/3/49734811/262 (/uploads/4/9/7/3/49734811/268 (/uploads/4/9/7/3/49734811/352 (/uploads/4/9/7/3/49734811/852 WW1 extensive

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Page 1: THE NATURE OF WARFARE (/) · THE NATURE OF WARFARE (/) One of the most used weapons in World War One was the British Lee-Enfield


One of the most used weapons in World War One was the British Lee-Enfield bolt action rifle. This was animportant weapon in the trenches and several adaptions were made to make it more suited to the trench warfarein the western and eastern fronts. One of the most famouse adaptions was the bayonete, a small knife on thebarrel of the rifle used for close range combat. It had a maximum of 30 aimed rounds per minute and a maximumfiring range of 2750m. Nowadays one of the standard issue military firearm is the M4 Carbine. The M4 Carbine is used extensively in incurrent wars such as Afghanistan and Iraq. It weighs 2.88 kg and can fire 700-950 rounds per minute and has aneffective firing range of 600m.

Differences over timeThe newerM4 has a much higher firing sped because it is a semi automatic weapons based on severals decades ofprevious models compared to the Lee Einfield which is quite heavy in comparison. Weapons evolved through WW2and weapons such as the M1 carbine which had an increased rate of fire to around 700 rounds/minute. During theVietnam war weapons advanced even more with the AK-47 one of the easiest to build assault rifles to buildinvented after WW2. The AK-47 does have a lower cyclic rate of fire than the latter but the making of the AK 47 wasvery cheap only $45 this allowed the weapon to be mass produced. The evolution of technology over the previousyears has allowed the M4 to be a pinnacle of modern weaponry and a far cry from the weapons used in world warone. Over time the weights of the weapons changed dramatically from the 4kg of the lee Enfield to the 2.88kg ofthe M4. These changes in weight have allowed the weapon to become more mobile thus changing the nature ofwar.Continuity over timeThe changes in firearms have been large, the evolution of melee weapons such as knives have been basicallyunchanged. On the field today soldiers still have tools such as knives to cut miscellaneous objects away fromthem. The use of these knives or other sharp objects were used in world war on to cut barb wire in the trenchesand similar objects are used with soldiers today. The use of firearms in general is still ever-present and is a big leapthan the blade and shield battles before world war one. Firearms have come along way but the main principal hasremained unchanged and are used extensively in missions to this day.



Changes in Weapons

There has been many advancements in weaponry fromWW1 to today. Over the years there has beenadvancements in technology and science that has leadto the weaponry we have today. Many aspects of theseweapons has changed but some have still stayed thesame.

Light firearms




Page 2: THE NATURE OF WARFARE (/) · THE NATURE OF WARFARE (/) One of the most used weapons in World War One was the British Lee-Enfield

**Please note- Rate of Fire in assault rifles is measured is different to that of machine guns.

Machine Guns

In World War One the most used machine gun was the vickers machine gun which was a early machine gun usedby the British and the Australians at gallipoli. This machine gun had a firing speed of 500 rounds / minute and hada maximum firing range of 4100m. This machine gun had to be kept stationary on a tripod and weighed 23kg intotal. It was used mainly on the ground in the trenches but sometimes a lighter model was attached to earlyaircraft in the First World War.Today machine guns such as the M-240 which weighs 12.5 kgs which is half the weight and can fire from 600-900rounds per minute. This machine gun is used in the United States military and has been in service from 1997.Today. The most powerful machine guns are the Australian invented Metal storm which fire out 1.5 million roundsa minute. This technology is used today to create virtual walls of bullets which have devastating effects for shipsand tanks.Differences over timeThe Differences between weapons such as machine guns from ww1 over time have not only been there powerand speed but their positions and aiming. Mounted Machine guns today and artillery have sophisticated heat andlaser sight capabilities allowing machine guns to be much more deadly and accurate to the machine guns in WorldWar One. Machine guns today are mounted from aircraft such as helicopters and fighter jets. In World War Onesome machine guns were mounted on aircraft but they were fairly low powered because of the weight restrictionsof early aircraft. Continuity over timeDuring wars such as World War Two mounted machine guns in aircraft became more common for air to aircombat.

The fire rate of light firearms in WW1 was different tothat of machine guns. These machine guns proveddeadly to the enemy and were the main weapon usedin the trenches in WW1. Machine guns have advanceda long way from ww1 not only in rate of fire but in theway they are mounted, where they are mounted andhow they are used.


Vietnam war-AK-47 M4 Carbine WW1 Lee Enfield WW2 M1 Carbine

Today's Metal Storm 1.5m rounds/minute

WW1 Vickers Machinegun



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Page 3: THE NATURE OF WARFARE (/) · THE NATURE OF WARFARE (/) One of the most used weapons in World War One was the British Lee-Enfield