the nature of power - presented by erica & ernie wisner

The Nature of Power Ernie and Erica Wisner Permaculture Voices, 2015

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Page 1: The Nature of Power - Presented by Erica & Ernie Wisner

The Nature of Power

Ernie and Erica WisnerPermaculture Voices, 2015

Page 2: The Nature of Power - Presented by Erica & Ernie Wisner

Ernie's Ocean

Page 3: The Nature of Power - Presented by Erica & Ernie Wisner

Erica's Academy of Physical Arts

In physics, power is the ability to do work. l(Lift weights, overcome friction.)l2nd law of thermodynamics/arrow of time: lThings proceed toward increasing disorder.lLaw of life (and death): Sunlight fuels self-organization.

l Direct, local options: (Minimize distance, transfers, losses, secrets) l Solve 2 problems (Solutions beget new problems)l Prepare for the unexpected

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Erica's Law:

A permanent solution to a temporary problem l is a permanent problem.

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Power in Permaculture

lUsing what's abundant (surplus/waste/problems)lto generate what's scarce (wants/needs/solutions).

Primitive Technology, two types:l First attempts / prototypes

lFirst choice / locally-evolved and proven

Page 6: The Nature of Power - Presented by Erica & Ernie Wisner

So why don't we stick to ancestral ways?

lTimes change. We adapt.lFossil fuel boom: like “free” whale oillOther resources:

l Radiant gain/loss: solar gain, night-sky cooling, line-of-sight, conduction l Convection & wind: chimney, scoop, State change: evaporate, condensel Local biomass food, wood, biogas, biofuels*l Nesting strategies l zone, insulate, mass/bank, shade, expose

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Let's examine some alternatives:

lOff-grid, locally-powered or solid-state.

Experimental Mid-stage Ancient

Passive solar Hoop houseGlass/trombe

Sears catalog homes, sunrooms, shade porches

Courtyards, caves, solar bowls, terraced cities

Cooling / refrigeration

Ground tubesSwamp coolersPits/streams

Root cellarsShade trellisesSwamp coolers

Yakhchal/ice pits, wind catchers, fountains, qanat

Heating Pocket rocket, woodstove, cave hearth

Rocket mass heaters, geothermal

Hot rocks:Ondol, k'ang, kachelofen, tawakhenah, hypocaust

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Passive Solar Iterations

l1: Hoop houses, tanks, trombe wallsl2: Sears / Custom passive solar homesl“for dummies,” “for smarties” - abstract designs

Image credit:

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Passive Solar Iterations

l3: Courtyard cities

Image credits: Wikipedia, via

Image credit: Fathy, Hassan, Natural Energy and Vernacular Architecture: Principles and Examples with Reference to Hot Arid Climates (1986) via

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Cooling (off-grid)

l1: Ground tubes, pits, (hand) fansl2: Solar chimneys, vents, shade trellises, swamp coolers, fountains, (heat-powered refrigerators)

Image credit: Wikipedia via

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Cooling (off-grid)

l3: Root-cellars, ice-houses, yakhchal, qanat

Image credit: from,

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1: Food, fire, hot rocks, lpocket rocket, woodstovel2: Rocket mass heater, geothermal, radiant floors

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l 3: Fox stove, k'ang, ondol, kachelofen, hypocaust

Photo Credit: Jessica Steinhauser /

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lAlternative methods

Experimental Mid-stage Ancient

Passive solar Hoop houseGlass/trombe

Sears catalog homes, sunrooms, shade porches

Courtyards, caves, solar bowls, terraced cities

Cooling / refrigeration

Ground tubesSwamp coolersPits/streams

Root cellarsShade trellisesSwamp coolers

Yakhchal/ice pits, wind catchers, fountains, qanat

Heating Pocket rocket, woodstove, cave hearth

Rocket mass heaters, geothermal

Hot rocks:Ondol, k'ang, kachelofen, tawakhenah, hypocaust

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lTime frames day/season / 5yrs / generationslPersonal resources skills, affinities, toleranceslCommon traps / errors:

l Fads/symbolic gestures: biofuel mandates, tilapia, RMH in a tipi l “Other Guy Knows Best:” l under-estimating unknowns l outside your skillset or experiencel Community tolerancesl “Shoulds” vs. satisfactory solutionsl Too-small circles (self-consumption) l Delusion of “independence”l Illusion that leaving it = saving it.

The most powerful choices reflect knowledge of - the situation - your own nature.

Image credit:

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Thank you

Erica and Ernie Wisnerl

lPhoto Credits & Recommendations:l, “It's Not Rocket Science”l MHA-net.orgl