the nature of existence and how to master yourself

The Nature of Existence and How to Master Yourself By Marcus “Maekin” Charles

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  • The Nature of Existence and

    How to Master Yourself

    By Marcus Maekin Charles




    Right now we are most likely experiencing "ourselves" as a collection of memories and are sensing things from one minute to the next; we experience others based on our own perceptions too, and they us similarly. But if you will try to engage with and dwell on the logic that follows here after, maybe you can catch a glimpse of what lies down deeper at the root, the essence of "us".

    However; my intention with this book is just to stimulate your own thoughts and provide you with the easy practice method to discover all answers for yourself; as well as give you the means to achieve peace, happiness, insight and wisdom; the means for you to be the master of yourself.

    You do not have to subscribe or have faith in anything said here in; just think on it and try the practice for yourself.




    The body and mind develop and change through out life:

    Am I any of these things?

    None is permanent. They are stages of life.

  • 3Life as a baby and as a small child we can not even remember. So; although we do not remember this past part of our life, it is still what comes before the "us" of today. Therefor; the present moment is always preceded by the past whether we can remember it or not.

    In the same way; if I bang my head and get amnesia; it is still "me" that wakes up the next day; just because I do not remember does not change the fact that it is me there the next day; I do not swap places with somebody else; maybe there is a chance I could remember what came before.

    I can not remember yesterday; but I must still live with where my actions have taken me- I will still have the same bank balance, family, friends etc. So, although "I" might not remember, I am still the result of my past deeds/ life.

    So I am not my memories and I am not my body.

  • I am also not the same personality I was as a baby, an 8 or 14 year old; and the same changes continue all through life. So the personality changes with age; it is not fixed, not permanent. Yet I am still here in this present moment thinking these thoughts and sensing things.

    Am I my senses then? Clearly no. The senses come to our attention and out of our attention depending on what we are doing or focused upon. None are permanent.Am I the feelings or emotions I experience then? No; emotions arise and fall, they are impermanent like everything else; we are happy or sad, or in between, often changing. So what is left?Nothing is left.

    Nothing permanentthat is.


  • What I am there for is a formless point of awareness. That is it; nothing more.

    This is Great !

    This means You are not bound by anything! You have the freedom to make any choices you wish; to lead your life as you like. You are not what anybody says about you and you are not even what you think about yourself. You have the power to change your destiny, to be a great person, to achieve peace, happiness, insight and wisdom in this life time. This is all a matter of logic- no faith required.




    Literally I am here right now in this present moment, sitting in this chair (for example) because moments ago I chose to walk over and sit down.

    First there was the thought to do it; then the action of doing it, and now the result - that I am here.

    Thought - action - result . All through life; whether we are conscious of it or not.

    Thought - action - result - thought - action - result - thought - action - result - etc etc etc

    Every step; every moment; even if we are are not conscious of it; our brains are working this way, sending electrical signals to move our limbs etc.

    "Thought" - "action" (action includes both verbal and physical) - "result/ EFFECT"

    With greater awareness of "what I am" and "why I am here", we gain greater power over our own lives. Read on and I will tell you the practical method of how to do this; how to be the master of yourself.

    Now we know we are not the body, but existing separately from it and are here right now because of past actions, even those we can not remember; it becomes logical that there is a continuation of "us", the formless point of awareness, the soul, after death. The soul continues according to the effects of our actions in this life. Also since we are here right now due to past actions, even those we do not remember, it is logical that we came to this life from another; we were born to this exact body and this exact place, in this life, due to actions in the past life.

    When you realise this and take full responsibility for yourself in the present moment then you know to effect change for the positive future by learn how to be master over your thoughts and actions so you will influence the forwards cycles to be yielding the best possible results.

  • As discussed- logically we are floating formless points of consciousness inhabiting this human body temporarily at this point in time but are not fixed to it. So since we are not fixed to a body it is logical that there could be free floating points of consciousness/ awareness that are not inhabiting human bodies presently at all, and are there for inhabiting other plains of material and/ or non material existence.




  • Science has measured that only a tiny percent of the universe is material matter and are now struggling to create complex theoretical explanations for this. Logical observation of existing basic maths, science and life already gives the answer; that we are measuring with our instruments only up to the limits of our machines and even the measuring/ our participation itself creates differing results!

    In maths and science results there are often recurring/ infinite numbers; but scientists ignore the fact of infinite results and decide themselves to create finite amounts so that they can build models and equations to explain the thin layer of material existence that we inhabit; but truly the evidence for the infinite nature of existence (the everything; the one) has been present all along. So it can be said that it is mathematically and scientifically proven that we humans are inhabiting just a thin measurable layer of an infinite existence. Just as we were bound to observing only the closest parts of our solar system until recently.


  • However; through expanding our consciousness/ our formless point of awareness, we can gain knowledge on things beyond the scientifically measurable, through observation and direct experience. (There is physical evidence of this in many ancient civilizations- depicting knowledge of the stars, the world, and space/ time beyond the limits of their machines/ tools of the day; for example in the pyramids of Egypt, alignment of great stones and monuments the world over, depictions of Sirius being a two star system, etc.)We are formless points of awareness/ consciousness, cycling through the infi-nite due to the nature of cause and effect. Thought + action = effect. Points of awareness that are not fixed to material bodies.

    There for it is logical there are other beings which are points of awareness with in this infinite system also; who may not be fixed to material bodies at all. If you can begin to comprehend the implications of infinity, coupled with the nature of cause and effect, then all these things which were once leaps of faith; rebirth, Heaven, Hell, spirits and all the beings which inhabit the various levels; the once leaps of faith become just steps of logic.


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    Beware though: Important it is to be aware that just because logically non material beings exist; it does not mean that one must believe everything that is written about them or follow what preachers or teachers say on their behalf blindly. Even if one of these beings contacts you directly you must always keep your composure and assess what they are saying and how it might effect the future of you/ your independent point of consciousness. The same principle of thought, action and effect which places you where you are today and determines your future, is also how the other beings are positioned within the infinite existence.

    The principle, the law, the nature, the energy signatures if you like, of all deeds and actions are on the spectrum of Light to Dark (light being Good/ loving kindness- through to dark being Evil/ hate / harm). All beings are operating on this spectrum.

    So if some preachers proclaim to be doing Gods bidding, but are advocating harm, hate and vengeance, then you can be sure this is not the great Good God of Love and kindness. These attributes are not actions that can be good for you/ your long term position with in the infinity. These are the attributes of the lower to dark side, demons and such. The preachers, if even in contact with a non material beings, are not talking to beings of light; they are being tricked or controlled by the forces of Darkness.

    All the religions of the world have been conduits for both the forces of light and the forces of darkness. The responsibility of followers of all religions is to assess and act by the elements of light and resist the darkness. If you have no religion then life is still always a choice of actions with in this light through to dark spectrum. Do not let the media or culture lead you in darkness/ harmful actions. Always be on guard; cultivate greater awareness so you can develop for the best possible future in this life and there after.




    The cycles of life and death, and the formless points of awareness (and everything else), across all the material and the immaterial infinity, is through the process of cause and effect; all of it is happening whether we subjectively perceive it or not; just as we can not one day choose not to believe in death and so live for ever- equally we can not choose to believe that evil is good and make it so.The Light and the Dark, the spectrum, it is an objective reality which we are experiencing from our point of consciousness subjectively.

    The word Karma is meaning what I have been describing here. Actions of light producing good karma and actions of dark producing bad karma. The Light-Love, kindness, positivity,

    The Dark-Hatred, harm, fear, negativity

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    There is a wide area of spectrum between the two, a grey, which has elements of light and dark, to different degrees and dependent on the circumstances of each situation. There is neutral action of nearly no effect; however it is nearly impossible to act in this world without causing some Karma; and we can not know fully all the effects our actions might have.

    However, Through practice of mindfulness one can learn to see situations more clearly and chose the best path, free from emotion, attachment or delusion so that our intentions are pure and results should be as positive as they can be. (Mindfulness practice is detailed later in this book.)




    Our souls are formless points of awareness experiencing the impermanent body and the senses and all other things we encounter in life.

    In life we build up attachments to these "things" and suffer as a result.For example:

    - The attachment to beauty or youth makes people unhappy as they age.

    - The desire for love, money, material possessions, makes people feel unsatisfied, resulting in either negativity for the mind or even criminal actions to get what they want.

    - Attachment to ego can result in conflict and difficulty to forgive or accept what has past. Emotions cause us to say and do things which we later regret.

    - Attachment to the idea of this life being a fixed eternal self, leads to suffering from the fear of death or suffering from the feeling of injustice at life's events or birth situation.

    - Attachment to the senses forces us to suffer from pain and illness.

    Through the practice of mindfulness, which I will show you shortly, we can release ourselves from attachments so our soul is at peace, un-disturbed by external events, feelings, emotions or the senses.

    With practice we can stay cool and calmly observe all phenomena come and go, undisturbed by any of it.

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    Formless Point of


    The lines represents Attachment




    First step:

    Observe the air coming in past the inside of the nose with the breath; when breathing in, can say the word "in" in your mind.Next - Observe the out breath, when breathing out can say "out" in your mind.

    "In" "Out"

    Feel the air passing the roof of the nose. For the purpose of the practice this point is your "home", your anchor between the mind and the body.

    Try to hold attention on observing the breath only. "In" and "out"

    It is likely that at first your mind will be jumping around like a monkey; sensing things such as an itch here or an ache there. Do not be disheartened, it is quite normal, calmly bring your attention back to your "home" and your breath. In or out? And continue.Similarly, if you find thoughts popping in to your head, such as what's for dinner, the important work meeting, or anything else; Do not worry; come back to your "home" and continue.

    You can try this any time. Brushing your teeth, eating breakfast, driving to work, on the bus, cooking, etc. any time. All the time; if you can. As much as possible.

    To be mindful of breath is not to stop doing life. It is you actually becoming more aware of life, through the breath cycle. You will notice more things; as they come to your attention on an in or an out breath. You will begin to notice how they arrive and leave; how they are impermanent. (Also; Colors may appear more vivid to the eyes and the world become more beautiful, the smallest and most simplistic of things appear as amazing wonders of nature.)

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    The breath puts the large cycles, the events of life and the day, through the perspective of the smaller cycle of the breath. Like a magnifying glass.

    It is also good to make a specific time to focus exclusively on the breath while not doing anything else. Sitting cross legged with a strait back with your eyes closed is good. Starting at time 20 to 30 minutes. Walking with eyes open is good too. 20 to 30 minutes. The two kinds of practice, walking and sitting, support each other. When you feel ready, you can practice 30 minute of each on rotation, as many times as you like. You can build it up at your own pace as you feel.

    Also note that the purpose is not to control the breath but to observe it. You may naturally feel like taking longer deeper breaths; this is fine, if you feel an occasional shorter one, this is fine also. Just observe and let the breath flow naturally.

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    Step 2:

    Once you have trained the monkey mind and are able to walk and sit holding concentration then you can move on to awareness of the three parts of the breath cycle.

    There is the in breath and the out breath and the space between the two.

    In, space, out, space, in, space, out, space, in, space, out, space, etc etc

    You can use a different word to "space" if you like; such as "break" or "gap" or whatever suits you.

    You may also find that with practice you do not need any words and simply recognize / are aware of the stages of the cycle with out the words; but at first, using the words in your mind are good tools for focusing the attention.

    In, space, out, space.

    You may also find that as you are more aware of the space between breaths that the duration of the space expands naturally; this is fine. As said in "step 1" the way is "observation" of the breath, not the control of it. Just let it flow by nature as it feels it would like to be. If the space increases a lot compared to when you hardly notice it at all then this is a natural occurrence and not to be worried about or pondered over; just let it be.

    Practice; observe.All day long; all the time. Walking and sitting practice.

    Then you will naturally come to be aware of the moment a sense or emotion arises. Is it an IN or an OUT breath?

    Then, with out forcing it, become aware of when that sense or emotion dissipates/ leaves your attention.

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    Once your mind becomes aware of the moment of dissipation, and that this happens naturally with out effort, then the simple awareness of this moment in the breath cycle aids in the dissipation itself.

    Through this awareness we can dissipate all negative emotions and feelings; we can remove attachments, and gain all the positive benefits talked about earlier in this book.

    "In" breath- we notice the external phenomena (emotion, sense, or whatever it might be)

    Observe the space between the breaths.

    "Out"- or can change this mind word to "now" (to focus that it is now/ the present moment... "Now", I am the master of myself, - "now", I am at peace, un-disturbed by anything.)

    Practice this diligently, find the moment of dissipation, and you will have the key to be the Master of yourself.

    You will be able to observe every phenomena, every thought, every feeling, every suffering; you will be able to cooly observe all things, catch them with your awareness and dissipate them at will. You will be undisturbed by anything; able to select the best thoughts to focus in to intention and make your every action for the best possible effects in your future.




    If we do not breath we will be dead.

    Breathing is the key to life.

    If we are not aware of our breathing then we are not truly consciously alive. We act with out thinking, according to reaction or emotion. However; When we are conscious of our breath we slow down all the phenomena of life and can first remove emotion from the situation and therefor see it all more clearly for what it is, what the future effects of our actions are likely to be. So we can better choose the action for the best effects.

    The breath cycle is like a magnification of the life cycle. The space between life is the space between breaths; a rebirth with every breath. Clear and free for any choice to action.




    PeaceOnce we start to break down the attachments to the body, the ego, senses, emotions, etc etc. then our minds become naturally more peaceful.

    HappinessFrom peace comes naturally a happiness; not a fleeting sense based pleasure from external stimuli, but a real all permeating contentedness based happiness, expanding from with in.

    InsightWith time as we become fully aware of our breath cycle, naturally our awareness expands to other things, the body, the way the mind works, the reality of existence, and more. It is insight through direct experience of the expanded awareness/ consciousness/ soul.

    Wisdom Through insight we can develop the Wisdom of how to apply ones knowledge for the good of our own lives and wider spheres of humanity.



    CHAPTER 10


    1- To refrain from harmful actions (non-violence towards sentient life forms ++)

    2- To refrain from taking that which is not given; (do not scam, cheat or steal)

    3- To refrain from sensual misdeeds (because it can lead to negative consequences, pain, hurt etc; examples would be where actions motivated by unchecked desire cause physical or mental harm, or pain as a result.)

    4- To refrain from lying (conduct oneself with honor and honesty);

    5- To refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness (because when we are not fully conscious it is easier for the darkness to lead us astray/ we increase chances to do harm or other misdeeds because we are not fully in control of ourselves)

    These are the principles of light.

    The same principles can be found across religions; but these are a useful concise list which can apply to wide situations.

    In addition to this- the practice for development of mindfulness is important.


    CHAPTER 11


    1. Right view- To see reality as it is and not just as it appears to be (this can be

    achieved through meditation practice as described earlier).

    2. Right intention- Intention for our actions to be good according to the principles of


    (Thought is part of the cycle of "thought, action, effect"; so it is the first and foremost

    area of attention to lead on to eventual good effects; which is what we want of

    course. Starting with good intention and cultivating positive thoughts is very

    important and powerful. Maybe the effects do not happen immediately, because of

    our past Karma, but if we begin every cycle with the right intention then this is the

    first easily controlled step to success.

    Also worth noting is that "Thought", as in the thought randomly popping in to our

    heads, are some times not good ones at all, some times we have truly terrible

    thoughts even. Such is normal and nothing to worry about; just see the bad thoughts

    and let them pass; select the good, plan the good and focus them in to your

    intention- this intention you put as the power on to your action. As the mind

    becomes purer over time, with the mindfulness practice, the bad thoughts will

    naturally arise less; still they may come and are nothing to be alarmed about, just let

    them pass through the breath cycle like everything else and we are at peace.)

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    3. Right speech- Speaking in a truthful and non-hurtful way.4. Right action- Acting in a non-harmful way according to the principles of light.

    5. Right livelihood- A non-harmful livelihood

    6. Right effort- Making an effort to improve oneself, develop ones awareness and keep a healthy body, as well as mind, as best we can. Actively try to help others develop themselves also.

    7. Right mindfulness- Awareness to see situations for what they are with clear consciousness; free from attraction or aversion (can do by the method as described earlier in this book)

    8. Right concentration- (meditation practice free of delusion or attachment.)


    CHAPTER 12


    Like building a house; build a strong foundation to support everything else. You develop yourself and then you can help others to the best of your ability.


    Love them or loath them they are your only family, you have a karmic link to them, a responsibility which can not be removed. If you can not get along with them then at the very least you can make peace and not cause or join any further conflicts; from peace and forgiveness can grow positive results. If you can support and help your family as best you can it is good Karma.

    Your family

    It is good to help your friends like they were your family. But in all cases ones immediate family should not be risked or put to ruin by attempting to help the wider spheres of responsibility. The first two spheres of yourself and your family must remain stable as a base to support the wider good deeds. Step by step.

    Close friends

    It is good to get involved in community, socially or taking care of nature and/ or helping those less fortunate. Doing good deeds and building positive bonds according to the principles of light.


    Respect for and acting in a way to support the nation by furthering the elements of Light within it.


    Respect Mother Earth, Mother Nature, act to make positive effects according to the principles of light for her, nature and us the people on this earth. We are all joined in the dynamic system of existence. Help to spread the knowledge of Light, cause and effect and the practice to lead a good life.



    CHAPTER 13


    You should not be stuck with worries of the past or those about the future.However; it is good to make plans and be prepared for it.

    Save money in case of special needs, such as unemployment or personal or family emergency.We can not rely on the government or others to bail us out. It is best we can help ourselves first and use what ever other help that might be available if needs be as a welcome bonus but not our first port of call.

    Disaster can strike at any time. Be it economic or natural.

    It is wise to keep at least a couple of weeks supply of water and non perishable food on hand in case the shops, ATMs, or supply lines are not working for any reason. Think through all scenarios and think of the likely hood of each scenario; it is up to you how much or how little, but a couple of weeks should be the minimum. It is a mistake to think that nothing happens, it can and does regularly all over the world. The government may not always able to help everybody quickly enough. You can apply the spheres of responsibility to your preparedness planning too, according to your ability and vision.

    We are the first generations in all the history of humanity not to consider our personal food and water supply security seriously. That could be a very grave error.


    CHAPTER 14


    Remember to smile. With out smiling some times a cloud can hang on us with out our realizing. The act of smiling stimulates our muscles and brain in to a more positive state of awareness. Because to smile we focus our thought on an act of happiness. The smile is an act of happy / positivity, even if we do not 'feel' exceptionally happy to start with, the application of thought and action can produce the effect.

    If one can make the smile the natural state of the face then it sets a positive tone for a happy life and all other thoughts and actions. Don't stress yourself if you are not naturally a smiling person, but it is something one can try and work on as an experiment to see how it can effect you in a positive way.

    The effects of the smile are not only positive for yourself but are positive for everybody around you and those that you come in to contact with. The smile actively projects positivity. If you ever travel to countries where people smile a lot by nature such as Thailand, Laos, or elsewhere, you will have noticed the truth of this- How the power of the smile of all the other people makes a real impression on your own feelings. From the others smiles we naturally start to smile too and it feels good.

    Amazing that just by a simple smile we can help the spirit of the world and us peoples on it. In the same way, being polite and well mannered is excellent for positive energy circles.

    As the saying goes - manners dont cost anything - so why not?


    CHAPTER 15


    When one understands the nature of cause and effect. Thought - action - effect. Running consistently through our own lives and indeed driving the whole world forward. It gives greater meaning to the teachings of Jesus on the importance of "forgiveness" and the Buddha emphasis on "acceptance". These are not just noble concepts; they are logical and practical methods to break negative "thought, action, effect" cycles. Consciously applying these techniques, even if we still feel aggrieved at a certain situation, but at least one can consciously control ourselves enough not to put our feelings in to a harmful "intention" nor "action"; then we have broken the negative cycle and will move forward with our own choices of positive cycles instead.

    In other words: forgiveness or acceptanceit is a proactive measure to break the Dark side and enable the Light.

    One can see the results of not applying these principles world wide, from family feuds, political violence, societal upheaval to sectarian and tribal violence, war etc. Through greater awareness we can apply these Light techniques and principles to benefit our own lives and by spreading this knowledge can help others too.

    This way the mind is working, the way the world is unfolding, is through principles that apply across all religions and cultures, all the world; one does not need to subscribe to the cycle of rebirth to observe this truth of how the mind works and how we can take control of it, of ourselves.

  • THANKS &

    CHAPTER 16


    I give special thanks to Ajarn Dhammanandho for teaching me the practice of the observation of the breath and his continued counsel and guidance helping me with my own meditation practice. Also for the giving me the name to use while walking this path Marcus Maekin (meaning cool cloud).I am still a humble practitioner; Ajarn Dharmanando is the Master.

    Personally I used to suffer from back and neck pains due to car accident; also i was engaged in quite an unhealthy lifestyle too. Thanks to this technique and finding the moment of dissipation (as described in step 2) I no longer suffer pains and have changed my lifestyle, quit smoking, boozing and such. The effects in my life have been so great, I now attempt to share the technique as widely as possible so others might benefit similarly.But; I like to just make clear again that it is not at all required to believe in the full content of this book. My purpose is only to invite you to try the practice for yourself; you can learn to observe the breath cycle and discover all answers for yourself. My personal understanding is what I write here; with the intention to help stimulate your own inquiry / thought process. I am not asking for your faith at all.

    If you do not find certain parts useful or interesting then just read and disregard it

    completely; it matters not.

    The observation of the breath practice as a way to peace, happiness, insight and wisdom; and the nature of Light and Dark actions causing related effects; this is what is most important.

    Practice as described diligently and you will be the master of yourself.

    May peace be with us.

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    If you have questions or would like further detail and guidance on the meditation please visit:

    (Here you can also find details of Meditation centers/ places to learn and practice this technique in person with guidance from Ajarn Dharmanando, myself or other approved teachers depending on your location and preferences.)