the nature and meaning of development

THE NATURE AND MEANING OF DEVELOPMENT Abigail Pugal-Somera FDM 201 Principles and Processes of Development Management

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Page 1: The Nature and Meaning of Development




Abigail Pugal-Somera

FDM 201 Principles and Processes of Development


Page 2: The Nature and Meaning of Development

Definition of Development

Defined by the Business Dictionary as:• The systematic use of scientific and technical knowledge

to meet specific objectives or requirements.

• An extension of the theoretical or practical aspects of a

concept, design, discovery, or invention.

• The process of economic and social transformation that

is based on complex cultural and environmental factors

and their interactions.

Page 3: The Nature and Meaning of Development

Definition of Development

“The act of developing or disclosing that which is

unknown; a gradual unfolding process by which

anything is developed, as a plan or method, or

an image upon a photographic plate; gradual

advancement or growth through a series of

progressive changes; also, the result of

developing, or a developed state.”

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Evolutionary Concept of


• Economic Growth as Proxy for Development– Policies that led to growth were necessarily seen as pro-

development and inherently good; policies that had little,

negligible or negative impact on growth were seen as

necessarily improper.

– Little consideration was given to the evolution of other

factors, such as inequality, poverty or social well-being.

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Evolutionary Concept of


– Whatever its goals and whatever the means to pursue

these goals, a society would need first to produce the

wealth required to implement whatever objectives it

gave itself.

– Growth would always be a necessary objective, and

the more growth there was, the wider the “realm of

possibilities” became.

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widely accepted

definition of

development by Todaro

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Human Development

• In 1990, the UNDP introduced the concept of

human development as “a process of enlarging

people’s choices.”

• Income was seen as an important option that

people must have in order to realize their full

potential but has not been seen as an end in


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Human Development

“Development must be more than just

the expansion of income and wealth. Its

focus must be people.” (UNDP 1990)

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Human Development-Related

IndicatorsNational Level:

1. Carry out independent national human rights


2. Align national legislation with international


3. Promote human rights norms through education,

sensitization of public authorities, and media


4. Strengthen a network of human rights

institutions; and

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Human Development-Related

Indicators5. Promote a rights –enabling economic environment, by

focusing public action where it is most effective and

necessary, integrating human rights considerations into

economic policy-making, and involving private non-

state actors in human rights promotion

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Human Development-Related

IndicatorsInternational Level:1. Reduce global inequality and marginalization by, most

notably, strengthening a rights-based approach to

development cooperation and improving global

economic rules;

2. Prevention of conflict, by embarking on new efforts for

peace-making, peace-building and peace-keeping

3. Strengthening the international human rights machinery

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Human Development-Related

Indicators4. Strengthening regional human rights approaches;


5. Mobilizing the support of private international actors

for human rights.

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Human Development

Indicators in the PhilippinesHuman Development Index Ranking 114

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Health Life expectancy at birth (years) 69.0

Human Development

Indicators in the Philippines

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Mean years of schooling (of adults) (years) 8.9

Human Development

Indicators in the Philippines

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Human Development

Indicators in the PhilippinesIncome

GNI per capita in PPP terms (constant 2005 international $)

(Constant 2005 international $) 3,752

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Inequality Inequality-adjusted HDI value 0.524

Human Development

Indicators in the Philippines

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MPI: Multidimensional poverty index (%) 0.064

Human Development

Indicators in the Philippines

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GII: Gender Inequality Index, value 0.418

Human Development

Indicators in the Philippines

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Carbon dioxide emissions per capita (tonnes) 0.9

Human Development

Indicators in the Philippines

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Population, total both sexes (thousands) 96,471.5

Human Development

Indicators in the Philippines

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Composite indices Non-income HDI value 0.724

Human Development

Indicators in the Philippines

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Innovation and technology

Fixed and mobile telephone subscribers per 100 people

(per100 people) 92.9

Human Development

Indicators in the Philippines

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Trade, economy and income Income index 0.535

Human Development

Indicators in the Philippines

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Human Development Index

Philippines - shows no improvement in HDI ranking. The HDI is a key

indicator of citizens' state of health, education, and income, among others.

Despite gains it has made on the economic front, the Philippines remained

at 114th globally for the 5th straight year in the Human

Development Index (HDI) released by the United Nations Development

Program (UNDP) on Friday, March 15. 2013

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Millennium Development

Goals• The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight

international development goals that were officially

established following the Millennium Summit of the

United Nations in 2000, following the adoption of the

United Nations Millennium Declaration. All 193 United

Nations member states and at least 23 international

organizations have agreed to achieve these goals by the

year 2015.

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Millennium Development

Goals• The goals are:

• 1. Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger,

• 2. Achieving universal primary education,

• 3. Promoting gender equality and empowering women,

• 4. Reducing child mortality rates,

• 5. Improving maternal health,

• 6. Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases,

• 7. Ensuring environmental sustainability, and

• 8. Developing a global partnership for development.

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Millennium Development

Goals• Each of the goals has specific stated targets and dates

for achieving those targets. To accelerate progress, the

G8 Finance Ministers agreed in June 2005 to provide

enough funds to the World Bank, the International

Monetary Fund (IMF), and the African Development

Bank (AfDB) to cancel an additional $40 to $55 billion in

debt owed by members of the Heavily Indebted Poor

Countries (HIPC) to allow impoverished countries to

re-channel the resources saved from the forgiven debt to

social programs for improving health and education and

for alleviating poverty.

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Programs and Projects• Social

– Social development has improved the access of Filipinos to

quality basic social service delivery in education, training and

culture; health and nutrition; population and development;

housing; social protection; and asset reform.

– The country is on track in pursuing the Millennium Development

Goals (MDGs) on poverty, gender and equality, child health,

disease control and sanitation.

– However, the country lags in achieving universal primary

education, improving maternal health, and combating HIV/AIDS.

Moreover, large discrepancies across regions need to be

addressed by the social development sector in the next six


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Programs and Projects

• Social– Strategies

1. attaining the MDGs;

2. providing direct conditional cash transfers (CCT) to the poor;

3. achieving universal coverage in health and basic education;

4. adopting the community-driven development (CDD) approach;

5. converging social protection programs for priority beneficiaries and target


6. accelerating asset reform;

7. mainstreaming climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in

social development;

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Programs and Projects

8. mainstreaming gender and development;

9. strengthening civil society-basic sector participation and public private


10. adopting volunteerism; and

11. developing and enhancing competence of the bureaucracy and


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Programs and Projects

• Economic– Growing output and employment are the preconditions for

progress in almost all social and economic aspects of

development. Productive employment and rising incomes for the

vast majority over a long period can do more to combat poverty

decisively than any direct assistance government can ever


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Programs and Projects

• Economic− It is private actors – from the smallest self-employed

entrepreneurs to the largest conglomerates – that create

productive jobs and incomes. Government’s responsibility

however – through fiscal and monetary policies – is to create an

environment for vigorous economic activity, as well as to ensure

that enough gains from growth are set aside for larger social

purposes or channeled into social investments that facilitate

future growth. These objectives are achieved by government

decisions regarding the size and direction of public spending and

taxation (fiscal policy) and by decisions regarding the control of

the nation’s money supply (monetary policy).

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GDP growth at constant 1985 prices

in Philippine pesos:

Year 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979

GDP growth

%4.6 4.9 4.8 9.2 5 6.4 8 5.6 5.2 5.6

Year 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989

GDP growth

%5.149 3.423 3.619 1.875 -7.324 -7.307 3.417 4.312 6.753 6.205

Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

GDP growth

%3.037 -0.578 0.338 2.116 4.388 4.679 5.846 5.185 -0.577 3.082

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GDP growth at constant 1985

prices in Philippine pesos:

Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

GDP growth %

4.411 2.894 3.646 4.970 6.698 4.778 5.243 7.117 4.153 1.148 7.632 3.718 6.6

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Budget Allocation for 2012

Budget AllocationMillions of Pesos

(PHP)Millions of US Dollars


Department of Education ₱238,800 $5,513.7 13.15

Department of Public Works and Highways

126,400 2,918.5 6.96

Department of National Defense

108,100 2,496.0 5.95

Department of Interior and Local Government

99,800 2,304.3 5.50

Department of Agriculture 61,400 1,417.7 3.38

Department of Social Welfare and Development

48,800 1,126.8 2.69

Department of Health 45,800 1,057.5 2.52

Department of Transportation and Communications

34,700 801.2 1.91

State Universities and Colleges

25,800 595.7 1.42

Department of Finance 23,600 544.9 1.30

Department of Environment and Natural Resources

17,500 404.1 0.96

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Programs and Projects

• Governance– Good governance sets the normative standards of development.

It fosters participation, ensures transparency, demands

accountability, promotes efficiency, and upholds the rule of law

in economic, political and administrative institutions and

processes. It is a hallmark of political maturity but also a

requisite for growth and poverty reduction, for there are

irreducible minimum levels of governance needed for large-scale

investment to occur and for social programs to be supported.

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Programs and Projects

• Governance

– Four Strategies1. Ensure high-quality, efficient, transparent, accountable,

financially and physically accessible and nondiscriminatory

delivery of public service;

2. Curb both bureaucratic and political corruption;

3. Strengthen the rule of law; and

4. Enhance citizens’ access to information and participation in


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Its stellar economic performance and improved business efficiency pushed the Philippines

five places up a zglobal competitiveness list this year. The Philippines moved to ranking

38th of 59 countries in the 2013 World Competitiveness Yearbook (WCY) from being 43rd

of 59 in the previous list.

This makes the country the 11th most competitive among the Asia-Pacific countries in the

WCY, edging out India and Indonesia. The Philippines posted improvements in three out

of the report's four competitiveness measures namely economic performance,

government efficiency, business efficiency and infrastructure. It showed the most progress

in economic performance, where it jumped 11 places to 31st from 42nd.

PH five places up in global competitiveness rank

Source:| Kim Arveen PatriaYahoo! Southeast Asia Newsroom – May 30, 2013

Ranks 38th

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Programs and Projects

• EnvironmentalThe degraded state of the country’s environment and

natural resources is felt most intensely by the poor,

especially the rural communities given that they

depend on these resources for their primary source of

living. On the other hand, poverty frequently

aggravates environmental stress as the marginalized

population presses upon limited resources, such as

unregulated activities and upland cultivation.

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Programs and Projects

• Environmental

– Strategic Framework

1. Improved Conservation, Protection and

Rehabilitation of Natural Resources

– Sustainably manage forests and watersheds

– Improve protection and conservation of biodiversity

– Enhance coastal and marine resources management

– Improve land administration and management

– Manage a more equitable utilization of mineral


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Programs and Projects

– Develop and implement environment-friendly enterprise

and livelihood opportunities.

2. Improved Environmental Quality for a Cleaner

and Healthier Environment

− Reduce air pollution in Metro Manila and other major

urban centers

− Reduce water pollution to improve water quality in priority

rivers and other economically and ecologically important

water bodies

− Reduce wastes generated and improve waste disposal

− Establish a healthier and livable urban environment

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Programs and Projects

3. Enhanced Resilience of Natural Systems

and Improved Adaptive Capacities of Human

Communities to Cope with Environmental

Hazards Including Climate-Related Risks

− Strengthen institutional capacities of national and

local governments for CCA and DRRM

− Enhance the resilience of natural systems

− Improve adaptive capacities of communities

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Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016 Published by: National

Economic and Development Authority

Foreign Direct Investment and Human Development The evolution

of the concept of development: from economic growth to

human development by Matthias Sant’ Ana Centre de

Philosophie du Droit (CPDR) – UCLouvain IAP VI/O6

Democratic Governance and Theory of Collective Action