the national institutes of health

The National Institutes of Health Investing in Older Workers

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Post on 01-Jan-2016




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Investing in Older Workers. The National Institutes of Health. Video Overview. Hosted by Wayne Cascio, Ph.D. SHRM Foundation ’ s 12 th DVD Filmed at NIH Headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland, USA Comprehensive Interviews. Video Synopsis. Attracting And Retaining Younger People - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The National Institutes of Health

The National Institutes of HealthInvesting in Older Workers

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• Hosted by Wayne Cascio, Ph.D.

• SHRM Foundation’s 12th DVD

• Filmed at NIH Headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland, USA

• Comprehensive Interviews

Video Overview

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• Video Introduction

• The Mission Of The National Institutes Of Health

• The Business Case For Recruiting Older Workers

• Strategies For Recruiting Older Workers

• Why Older Workers Stay

• Attracting And Retaining Younger People

• Addressing Inter-Generational Conflict

• Myths About Older Workers

• Role Of Human Resources

• Five Lessons

Video Synopsis

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Organization Overview


• Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland

• $30.9 billion annual budget (USD).

• Founded in 1887

• Made up of 27 separate institutes and centers

• 1,200 principal investigators and 4,000+ postdoctoral fellows.

• 80% of all funding is paid out to extramural research institutions (universities, hospitals, and other clinical research facilities)

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Organization Overview


• 27 separate institutes research advancements in health-related issues from aging to drug abuse to communicable diseases.

• Devote 10% of funding to intramural (internal) research.

• Grant 80% of funding to extramural (external) research.

• Administer and manage internal and external research to address the world’s most vital health concerns.

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Discussion Questions

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What types of jobs might be best suited for workers over the age of 50?

• Highly skilled jobs• Hard-to-retain,

entry-level jobs• Managerial positions• Strategic/visionary jobs

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• Name some highly-skilled jobs that might be great for older workers.

• What qualities might older workers possess that make them good managers?

• How can an historical perspective shape the vision of the future?

Additional Questions

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How can an organization specifically attract workers interested in a second career?

• Work with the military• Retire rehire• Provide appropriate opportunities • Think outside the network

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• How can a recruiter match available positions with roles in the military?

• What are some limitations associated with re-hiring retirees?

• List a few ways to recruit employees over the age of 50.

Additional Questions

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What are typical myths about workers over 50?

• Cost of healthcare

• Not interested in learning

• Technophobic

• Increased labor costs

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• What benefits accrue when employees over the age of 50 lack interest in social technology?

• In what ways has Obamacare (The Affordable Care Act) changed the landscape for hiring older people?

• What are some ways to help older workers become engaged with technology?

Additional Questions

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How can an organization help resolve generational conflicts?

• Mentorships to the rescue• Ombudspersons• Offer benefits that benefit

everyone• Build on a strong foundation

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• How does an organization establish a mentorship program?

• Name some benefits that will appeal to people over 50.

• What are the risks of not valuing an organization’s legacy processes and systems?

Additional Questions

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What types of programs and benefits might be of interest to workers over 50?

• Health and wellness programs

• Eldercare and backup dependent care

• Emeritus programs• Phased-retirement program• Flexible work arrangements

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• How can a small organization provide health and wellness benefits?

• What are some key elements of eldercare services?

• How can phased-retirement programs help slow the loss of institutional knowledge as Baby Boomers enter retirement?

Additional Questions

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What benefits might older workers bring to an organization?

• Punctuality

• Setting an example

• Efficiency and confidence

• Experience and leadership

• Focused and undistracted

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• How does punctuality relate to efficiency?

• How does confidence save an organization time and money?

• What external factors change over time that allow older workers to be more focused?

Additional Questions

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What personality traits do workers over the age of 50 share?

• Dedication• Detail-oriented, focused,

and attentive• Good listeners• Pride in a job well done• Strong communication skills

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• Why do older workers tend to be more dedicated to a job?

• How does pride in one’s work translate to a job well done?

• Discuss the differences between Generation-X and the Baby Boomers and how those differences can impact an organization.

Additional Questions

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How can HR help retain older workers?

• Advocating for programs

• Identify incentives that work

• Tailor roles specifically for older workers

• Keep older workers learning

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• What is a “DROP” plan?

• Name some incentives that can keep employees working longer.

• What are some ways to keep older workers learning?

Additional Questions

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• Part-time employment

• Fewer unexpected absences

• Lower turnover ratio

• Efficiency is key

How can hiring older workers reduce labor costs?

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• In what ways does part-time labor reduce expenses?

• What are some costs associated with increased levels of employee turnover?

• How can workers over 50 increase the efficiency of a workforce?

Additional Questions

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• Teach an old dog new tricks

• Build on a foundation

• Jumpstart ideas

• The things not documented

How can mentorship programs keep employees of all ages engaged?

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• How does reverse mentoring help workers over 50 stay interested in working for an organization?

• What types of roles in an organization are best served by mentorship programs?

• What types of undocumented information can a mentorship program help pass on to young employees?

Additional Questions

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Important Lessons

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Five Important Lessons

1. The culture and mission of an organization must be consistent with its practices.

Practices that support older workers are unlikely to be successful if the culture does not support them.

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Five Important Lessons

2. Practices that support a particular population should also support other groups of employees.

NIH and published research has shown that even if all employees don’t use a particular benefit, knowing that benefit is available to them is just as important as actually using it.

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Five Important Lessons

3. Don’t let myths about older workers drive the assumptions you make or the programs you develop.

For example, NIH learned that assuming you can’t teach an old dog new tricks is absolutely false. Conversely, it found that older workers craved changes and challenges to keep them fresh and motivated.

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Five Important Lessons

4. Although older workers staying longer in jobs might seem to slow down the career progression of younger workers, this does not have to be the case.

NIH found that having older workers mentor younger workers and younger workers mentor older workers, it experienced a higher level of engagement and scientific discovery that led to greater opportunities for younger workers.

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Five Important Lessons

5. Don’t assume that all employees in any group have identical needs.

NIH used regular surveys to identify employee needs but also tailored programs to meet the needs of highly talented older workers. For example, it created an emeritus program to bring back older, highly talented workers to meet specific critical needs.