the national assembly standing committee on railways has made several recommendations to steer the...

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  • 7/30/2019 The National Assembly Standing Committee on Railways Has Made Several Recommendations to Steer the Department Out of Its Financial Troubles


    The National Assembly Standing Committee on Railways has madeseveral recommendations to steer the department out of its financialtroubles, proposing among other measures, that the Rs 4 billion StateBank overdraft be waived or converted into equity, and that the

    government should take over the liability of foreign loans (worth Rs26.6 billion) and pensions funds (Rs 6.50 billion annually). Thecommittee also expressed concern that the government decision tocut developmental programme allocations has badly affected PakistanRailways (PR), and that its budget has been reduced from Rs 13.6billion to Rs 7.3 billion.

    It goes without saying that the PR is an essential service and henceneeds to be saved from the mess it has gotten itself into. Towards that

    end the government ought to take at least four steps. First, it mustrestore the previous system of a separate budget for the railways thatis presented in parliament and approved by it; second it must cleanthe railways balance sheet of its losses and for doing this onepossible option could be issuance of bonds as done in the case ofWapda and third, it is imperative for the government to undertake arestructuring exercise. The department must be run by a professionalhand rather than political appointees who tend to use it to distribute

    jobs to party supporters and sympathizers, thereby overburdening it

    with people who have little to contribute but a lot to take out in theform of salaries and pensions. The NA committee whilerecommending restructuring has proposed transparent procedure forthe selection of executive officers. More importantly, it said that theRailway Board should be reconstituted so as to include professionalexperts as its members. Fourth, there ought to be a substantialincrease in the goods to passenger trains ratio. Since train is thecommon man's mode of transportation, fares are generally kept at alow level. The real source of revenue for the railways the world over

    are freight trains since they are the cheapest mode of landtransportation and an efficient one, too. We have the example of Indiabefore us, where increase in freight trains has proven to be a majorfactor in making its railways a profit making entity. Considering that atpresent PR faces a severe shortage of locomotives leading todiscontinuation of passenger services on many traditional routes, itwould be advisable at this point to add, as far as possible, freightcarriages to passenger trains. The best hope for the PR's turnaroundis maximising goods transportation. The proposed restructuring effort

    must pay due attention to this aspect of the operations.

  • 7/30/2019 The National Assembly Standing Committee on Railways Has Made Several Recommendations to Steer the Department Out of Its Financial Troubles


    Mysterious Facts and Analysis

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011


    Among the means of transportation railways are the cheapest and safest mode for passengers and

    goods. It also helps in growth of economy for the country. A plan for a rail system in Pakistan was

    first proposed in 1858.A survey for railway line was initiated by Commissioner of Sindh ,Sir Henry

    Edward Fere in 1858. It was proposed that a railway line from Karachi City to Kotri, steam navigation

    from the Indus /Chenab up to Multan and from there another railway to Lahore and beyond be

    constructed. Thus, it was on 13th May, 1861 that first railway line was opened for public traffic

    between Karachi City and Kotri, the distance of 105 miles. The line between Karachi City and Kemari

    was opened in 1889 and by 1897 the line from Kemari to Kotri was doubled.

    Since 1861 when the first railway line was laid down between Karachi and Kotri, the expansion of the

    railway network by the British came at a rapid pace up until 1947. The driving factors for this growth

    were strategic and economic in nature. For instance to stop the invasion of the Russians from the

    West, the British built the Khojak tunnel, the fourth largest at that time, in seemingly inaccessible

    areas of Balochistan to reach Chaman railway station. But after 1947, little has been done to expand

    and maintain this network.

    In Pakistan train were the primary mode of transport until the 1970s, but since then their share has

    declined due to a shift in government focus from rail to road transport. From 2005 to 2010,

    budgetary expenditure on railways was only Rs45.5bn compared to Rs155bn on the national


    The total length of railway tracks in Pakistan is 5,072 miles (8,163 km). and important railway routes

    and details of passenger train and freight in Pakistan are following :

    1. Peshawar-Karachi via Rawalpindi- Lahore

    2. Karachi to Quetta via Kotri, Larkana and Jacobabad

    3. Quetta to Zahidan

    4. Rohri to Quetta
  • 7/30/2019 The National Assembly Standing Committee on Railways Has Made Several Recommendations to Steer the Department Out of Its Financial Troubles


    5. Multan to Jacobabad via Dera Ghazi Khan

    6. Quetta-Zhob

    7.Quetta to Chaman

    8.Sibi to Khost

    Passenger Train

    Passenger traffic comprises 50% of the total revenue annually. During 1999-2000, this amounted to

    Rs. 4.8 billion. Pakistan Railways carries 65 million passengers annually and daily operates 228 mail,

    express and passenger trains. Daily, PR carries an average of 178,000 people. Pakistan Railways also

    operates special trains during occasions such as Eid- ul -Fitr, Eid- ul- Azha and Independence Day.


    The Freight Business Unit, with 12,000 personnel, operates over 200 freight stations on the railway

    network. The Unit serves the Ports of Karachi and Bin Qasim as well as all four provinces of the

    country and generates revenue from the movement of agricultural, industrial and imported products

    such as petroleum oil & lubricants (POL), wheat, coal, fertilizer, rock phosphate, cement and sugar.

    About 39% of the revenue is generated from the transportation of POL products, 19% from imported

    wheat, fertilizer and rock phosphate. The remaining 42% is earned from domestic traffic.

    The Freight Business Unit offers services to meet customer requirements and reduce costs through

    efficiency, innovation and modernization. All possible efforts are made to increase revenues and

    pass on the benefits to customers. The Freight Business Unit is headed by an additional General


    The Freight Rates structure is based on market trends, particularly of road transport, which is the

    Railways' main competitor. The freight rates are no longer rigid but flexible, depending on the lead,peak-off peak season, and quantum offered.

  • 7/30/2019 The National Assembly Standing Committee on Railways Has Made Several Recommendations to Steer the Department Out of Its Financial Troubles


    A year 1900 view of the Karachi-Kemari Train.

    Lahore Railway Station (stands as it was built by the British)
  • 7/30/2019 The National Assembly Standing Committee on Railways Has Made Several Recommendations to Steer the Department Out of Its Financial Troubles


    The Steam Engine finally resting outside Lahore Railway Station

    PR is facing losses due to mismanagement, poor maintenance and weak ticket checks that allow

    people to get away with not paying for their tickets. There have also been political interventions in

    decision-making about which new routes to open. Furthermore, PR is not allowed to charge a

    market-clearing price; fares have always been dictated by the federal government.

    According to the National Disaster Management Authority, the heavy floods have caused a loss of

    Rs.6.7 billion to the railway network as several hundred kilometers of lines were washed away. The

    railway coaches were also the targets of angry mobs and arson attacks after Benazir Bhuttos

    assassination resulting in huge losses. Out of 522 total engines only 220 are in working order, out of

    which 100 are in poor condition. Ghulam Balour, Federal Minister of Pakistan Railways, has not

    made any effort to hide his helplessness over corruption affecting the department and the need for

    new locomotives.

    The addition into problems of railways began in January 2011 when a cheque for Rs700 million

    issued by Pakistan Railways to Pakistan State Oil was not honored. The PSO subsequently stopped

    the supply of fuel to Railways. According to a senior officer at Railways headquarters in Lahore some

    30 freight trains had to be stationed in yards near major railway stations across the country and only

    one freight train left for Muzaffargarh on Sunday. On an average, eight freight trains leave for Sindh

    for various destinations daily.Their are not enough funds for payment to PSO for high speed diesel to

    keep all freight trains running. The Railways have also not received a single penny from the Rs11.1

    billion package recently approved by the cabinet.

    I am also confused that if people wants to obtain urgent ticket reservations, they will not get the

    empty place in any train, and even on our major holidays i.e Eid- ul -Fitr, Eid- ul- Azha and

    Independence day if you want to travel then you must have an advance booking at least fifteen days

    or more, and the special trains are other then normal daily routine, innocent and poor people wait

    for the trains many many hours more then ten hours and sometime fifteen to twenty hours, and I

    have not seen any train to come at time in my twenty five years of life, six to seven hours train late is

    the normal routine in our country, why their is no accountability for them, are they not citizen of

    Pakistan? while if any air craft late for few minutes, it become the headlines of TV channels,

    although the journey taken by the eighty percent (backbone of the country) people of Pakistan, no

    one is consolidating at it, why this important institution of government is facing deep financial riddle

    after having colossal revenue and other conundrums, where the earnings of this organization are

    going, who is taking the compensation of this organization.

    Followings are some of the suggestions to improve the condition for railway system of Pakistan:

  • 7/30/2019 The National Assembly Standing Committee on Railways Has Made Several Recommendations to Steer the Department Out of Its Financial Troubles


    1- First of all government should eradicate corruption in railways sector. Corruption is the menace

    that is destroying many sectors of Pakistani society.

    2- Pakistan Railways should be privatized. This is also the possible solution of problem becausecurrently government of Pakistan has to bear the huge losses monthly. Other benefits of

    privatization of Pakistan Railways include the increase in service quality and expansion of Railways

    because government has nothing to invest in PR.

    3- Government should ask Chinese for help in order to make it profitable organization because China

    has made wonderful progress in railway industry. As China did in several other sectors including coal

    and nuclear power generation and manufacture of automobiles it has granted access to its

    enormous market by insisting on the transfer of technology. It has managed to develop its railway

    industry to the point at which it was able to out-compete the established systems in Europe and

    North America in winning the contract to build a high speed line connecting Mecca with Medina.

    4- India is also making impressive strides in the railway sector. The underground system in Delhi has

    won the admiration of many foreign experts for its engineering as well as management. The inter-

    city system is being modernized in terms of both the quality of service on offer as well as the new

    equipment being used. The Indian and Chinese systems are by far the largest in the world and the

    two countries as a result of the advances they are making will come to dominate the world railway

    industry and business. Pakistan being a neighbor of these two rapidly growing and giant economies

    could benefit enormously from the development of the two systems.

    5- Pakistan is blessed with coal reserves and a single Thar coal reserve of Sindh is about 850 Trillion

    Cubic feet which is more than oil reserves of KSA and Iran put together i.e. 375 billion barrels.

    Chinese and other companies had not only carried out surveys and feasibilities of this project but

    also offered 100 percent investment in last 7 to 8 years but the Petroleum Gang always

    discouraged them in a very systematic way. If these reserves are exploited properly then the

    deficiency of fuel can be catered for the railways.

    In conclusion, the best solution of this problem is the privatization of Pakistan Railway. We can take

    the example of PTCL; before privatization PTCL's monthly losses were in billions. Today it is not only

    a profitable organization but also providing excellent services to the customers. Corruption in

    Pakistan Railways can only be removed by privatization of Pakistan Railways.

  • 7/30/2019 The National Assembly Standing Committee on Railways Has Made Several Recommendations to Steer the Department Out of Its Financial Troubles


    This post is written by Umer Inam & Iqra Javed.

    Posted by Umer Inam at 2:37 AM

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    Natashja de WolfFebruary 22, 2011 11:29 PM

    I thought your comments on how to better the railroads good - except I've been hearing some quite

    damning assessments of the Chinese high-speed system. The Chinese system has been found

    wanting especially in safetly and the manner in which their metal was smelted. If I understand it

    correctly - the plans were rushed and now there's a worry that their tracks will start to fall apart. I

    hope it can be remedied.


    Ch Umer InamFebruary 22, 2011 11:32 PM

    @Natasha de Wolf, I agree with your observations about Chinese system and absolutely it is correct,

    but I guess they are better then ongoing Pakistani system in railway engines, tracks and other

    materials, Chinese system is quite cheaper then anyone else in the world and I think also affordable

    for a country like Pakistan,

    So, it is better to have something rather nothing, because already earnings taken from this

    government institutions is going in the hidden bank accounts of our cheap and corrupt management

    of Railway. general People are in Panic, eighty percent of Pakistani people have journey to this way,they face colossal trouble due to bloody administration while journey, and astonishingly their is a no

    accountability for them, no one is asking.

    Pakistan is still unable to obtain the facility of METRO railway system, if they get they are not able to

    continue due to the lack of resources, so they have better choice of Chinese railway system

    according to his current plight.

  • 7/30/2019 The National Assembly Standing Committee on Railways Has Made Several Recommendations to Steer the Department Out of Its Financial Troubles


    Biswajit DuttaFebruary 22, 2011 11:35 PM

    The Indian Railways also have similar problems . The finances bleed as successive railway ministers

    pay lip service to safety & security & augment train links to their constituencies/states . The annual

    railway budgets are used by short sighted populous railway ministers to play Santa Claus . Passenger

    fares in the second classes are mostly left untouched & only the upper class/AC fares are marginally

    increased . The revenue losses on this account are sought to be met by hiking freight rates year after

    year leading to further erosion of railway freight traffic share to road transport . There is hardly

    much addition to new lines , renewal of rolling stock & investment in safety devices . Train accidents

    & heavy casualties are rampant . The Indian Railways , which is also the largest employer , exhausts

    most of is budgetary allocation & revenues on salaries leaving little surplus for track renewal . It is a

    drain on the national exchequer & some urgent rail reforms are necessary to improve situation .


    Sandip DattaFebruary 22, 2011 11:40 PM

    I was under the impression that CIL was the largest employer in India. One a side note, the railways

    are the most efficient form of transport in India, in terms of mile-tonne traveled per unit of fuel

    consumption. It is also probably the ch...eapest in the world. Rampant ticket-less traveling over

    loading of freight eats away at the profit of the railways.

    Anecdotal tidbit:

    1. Lal Bahadur Shastri was the Rly minister before he became the PM (after Nanda's interim stint)

    2. LN Mishra the sitting railway minister was killed in the blast in Samastipur in the 70's before the

    Janata Party came to power. Evidence pointed to George Fernandes as one of the plotters.

    3. Madhu Dandavate during his railway minister ship, introduced 2 inches of foam on all 3tier

    sleeper seats, the biggest comfort for traveling aam aadmi.

    4. Jaffar Sharif (was a driver for a Karnataka CM according to one of my Kannada buddies) became

    the railway minister and Karnataka boomed.

    5 ABA Ghani Khan Chowdhury did a whole lot for Malda railway infrastructure (being his


    6. Nitish Kumar took the ERly headquarters from Howrah to Kishangunj (naturally, he is from Bihar)

    7. Lalu brought new style of management of railways (switching from plastic cups to earthenware fortea being one such move). He was probably the most effective Rly minister lately (Lalu economics


    8. Mamata took the Railway portfolio, but is neglecting it, she is more interested in State politics

    than the ministry. She introduced monthly tickets for Students traveling on Calcutta Metro, the

    monthly ticket graphics look strikingly similar to her TMC emblem. She had the hair-brained idea of

    naming railways stations as Uttam Kumar and Khudiram ( I don't know where the h*ll these places

    are- I wanted to go to Garia)

    In the meantime hundreds of railway posts remain vacant.

    To learn more about Indian railway go to
  • 7/30/2019 The National Assembly Standing Committee on Railways Has Made Several Recommendations to Steer the Department Out of Its Financial Troubles



    Biswajit DuttaFebruary 22, 2011 11:41 PM

    Coal India is the largest employer among companies listed in the stock exchange . Indian Railways is

    the biggest employer , overall .


    AnonymousFebruary 23, 2011 5:15 PM

    very well observed and written.. I have not much idea about railway tracks and transportation,still

    the fact and figures shown in your article above and in following arguments /comments on it was

    quite frustrating ,how those corrupt government and the management are sucking the blood of their

    countryman... seems like they are vampire who feeds on human blood.. they wont let us have a

    better world to live in.

    well bro keep doing your gud work ,and awareness in others like me .... never give up

    implementing/applying these solution to overcome crisis we have.


    FaheemFebruary 23, 2011 10:00 PM

    The writer has done a good analysis of PR systems,but has not touched on the core issues like poor

    cash flow,old age staff,poor performance of Chinese locomotives,late running and closure of trains,

    and of course poor maintainance of tracks,bridges and safety standards.The Railways was destroyed

    by Mr Sheikh Rasheed, when he was the Minister of Railways, as he operated new trains almost

    every month just to please the President, without realizing that there were no resourses to operate

    the new trains.It resulted in a total collaspe and an unrecoverable financial loss, which broke the

    back bone of the Railways.For the Railways toimpove its performance and cash flow, it must do the

    follwing immediately to come out of the doldrums. 1)Expand tickets reservation period from present

    15 days to 4 months.This will generate additional cash immediately.Like in America, early days ticket

    should be expenses and delayed tickets should be cheap.2)Induct young blood in the organisation as

    70% of the employes are about to retire in near future, and they are only concerned for their

    retirement benifits including how to occupy the railway house.3) Request India to lease locomotives

    to Pakistan on installements.If India agrees,the objective can be achieved withen months, as line

    connection is already there and the locomotives can be easily maintained at Lahore or Atari.4)Every

    DS has a Deputy DS.All mail trains run at night in almost every Division.At that time, all the 600

    Railways officers are in there bed and all mail trains are in the hands of the controller, of all theDivisions .Deputy DS and his team should work from 2PM onwards daily to monitor the progress of
  • 7/30/2019 The National Assembly Standing Committee on Railways Has Made Several Recommendations to Steer the Department Out of Its Financial Troubles


    all the trains.DS and his team should handle the morning shift rather than both working on the same

    timing with very low productivity.By doing this, I am positive the results are going to be mind

    blowing.5)The job of the Marketing Department is to create Vision ,Mission and Objectives for the

    organisation and of course new profitable customers/consumers, rather than just selling lands to

    there friends such as Canal Bank and Hall Institute at dirt cheap prices.Train names should be sold to

    Multi National Companies to generate quick cash ,such as,Surf Express,Lipton Express and many

    more.On these lines wonders can be achieved, if thought fully implemented. I hope my suggestions

    have made some sence, and if I could be of any use for Pakistan Railways,I am always available.

    Faheem Akhoond.Houston Texas USA. Cell# 001 832 618 2867


    Mian Iftikhar AhmadFebruary 23, 2011 11:16 PM


    Join us for better Pakistan


    Iqra JavedFebruary 24, 2011 2:33 AM

    @Anonymous Thanks for your appreciation and as a freelancer its our duty to spread awareness

    about issues of Pakistan but our corrupt government dont pay any heed to our suggestions and

    make improvements.

    @ Faheem Thanks for your suggestions but how can u say Chinese locomotives have poor

    performance??.China is no doubt better in technology and it has far better performance in Railways

    system.It is also affordable for country like Pakistan.

  • 7/30/2019 The National Assembly Standing Committee on Railways Has Made Several Recommendations to Steer the Department Out of Its Financial Troubles


    Ch Umer InamFebruary 24, 2011 7:29 AM

    @Biswajit Dutta, Dutta g, Indeed we have many similar problems, but I still commend the IndianRailway management specially the government who bring the METRO system in New Delhi (Don't

    know who bring this system in India but I think they bring for the people of India) if I am not wrong

    you have this facility in India more then last five years, corruption is everywhere in the world even

    USA, Canada, UK and the rest of western world are not dirt free to this disease but I think they don't

    believe at 100 % sleaze, they always tried to help out their people with some pragmatical steps of

    development in any sector.

    I also believe that the increase in fears is not the solution of this problem either in India or Pakistan

    because already this institution generating lots of revenue in both countries, mostly people have

    journey always through rails it is cheaper and affordable for ordinary people (aam admi), the basic

    problem is the utilization and counter check of this revenue earning by railways, if the governments

    spend its own income at Railways, hope then too we can make it better.

    Present Pakistan railway minister Bashir Ahmed Balour, he is totally incapable to even speak and

    ameliorate about the issues and problem facing by his ministry, I remember one time he gave very

    irresponsible statement when he said, Pakistan railway system would not be perfect and mild ever,

    wow ! and another time he said two mafia gangs have hold at this very important institution of

    Government and he is helpless to take any action against them, and interestingly he is still existing

    the railway minister office, how you anticipate good outcome from the performance of Railwaywhile minister himself is enfeeble.

    Pakistan and India almost have same culture, the basic problem is our rulers, If I am not mistaking I

    would say that they are unaware and even some are uneducated then too they are in ministries or

    government, because of feudalism, if someone father/mother in politics then later his son/daughter

    would replace him/her it will become the tradition of whole family, thats why new and talented

    people are not coming in front because they have no resources, and I want to say,

    "Politics is the life time business if you invest one time then you and your family will govern life


    @Sandip Datta, Thanks for sharing information about Indian Railway ministers and their

    performance, can you tell about the METRO System in India when and from where it comes in India

    and which political party was in regime while this system introduced ?


    Khalid BilalFebruary 24, 2011 8:57 PM
  • 7/30/2019 The National Assembly Standing Committee on Railways Has Made Several Recommendations to Steer the Department Out of Its Financial Troubles


    Ch. Sahib! Read and what to write that all know? Anyway, it is a wonderful report and I am sure that

    something would be done in right direction. Well done.



    Fakher KayaniFebruary 26, 2011 12:55 AM

    Very informative and thoughtfull post. Pakistan has a lot of natural resources and huge skilled

    manpower but who will utilze the same because we cannot hope from our present leaders and

    system. But it does not mean that we stop working, we may contnue our efforts and may devlop us

    into a discipline and true muslim society. If we achieve this goal, Inshallah system will be changed.


    hasandevelopmentjournalistMarch 7, 2011 10:59 AM

    Mr faheem ... You did a logical and Argumentative Analysis and the suggestion are really

    implementable and practical..


    Hasan Javaid


    sewat mehdiAugust 11, 2011 3:29 AM

    thoughtful nd implemntable postz.....


    AMINAugust 23, 2011 1:50 AM

    An emergent situation is caused by size and leakages in Railways. If revenues are leaked, blood does

    not flow back to heart, what will heart pump...air... I believe tickets that we buy in trains are fake

    books kept by ticket checkers, guards... 100% loss .... why they refuse tickets at station window, is

    this reason. Secondary passengers, entraining in between also pay them partial amounts... Workers

    only hang their attendance and leave for work elsewhere. Chinese substitution had introduced

    novelty, not liked by our lords... UK, Germany and Japan.... Not only engines, rails , bogies, andtechnology transfer was arranged by some sincere officers in Pakistan Railways like Aurangzaib Khan,
  • 7/30/2019 The National Assembly Standing Committee on Railways Has Made Several Recommendations to Steer the Department Out of Its Financial Troubles


    GM. Personal experiences speak volumes for such officials who were at heart of introducing Chinese



    AnonymousOctober 20, 2011 10:33 PM

    i think gov. take help from china.


    AnonymousNovember 18, 2011 12:59 AM

    Thanks alot.. your post has been very helpful for my assignment... :)


    hassan gulDecember 18, 2011 8:37 AM

    as there is a lot of coal reserves in Pakistan so the first effort should be for the utilization of our is also necessary to eradicate corruption for the betterment of Pakistan railway


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