the pennsylvanian mualc-lovi i s, i'm tlculai i iteresi is added bj the fai i tha mlar marj...

.liAr^S.*. THE PENNSYLVANIAN V'OLUMK XXVII.-NO. 3K PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11 1911 PRICE, THREE CENTS MUSICAL CLUBS ITINERARY Two Thousand Miles to Be Covered, in Addition to Local Engagements. Cornell Concert Probable. 8C on of concerts, two ex- , trips and four Joint engage . the season's progrwn d MttSical Cllllis MS ;m 11 nlKtai bj Hi-' manage- iged bj laal si uon'i i rd and by the un- . DCJ i uhlbtted b) - i eai U rehearsals, bavi largel] dla- he ba Ini Itln- will , onflnl I!I efforts ol ,. - 10 the i ii ge eltlaa of thi \i di le Wi si v llmli ' ' the '»"- Co ii ivllle on \ . inbei -"-'. a i | een si heduled for Bethlehem Preebyta rian Cl i HI, Thanksgh Ing i re e in I i Relli i ne Stratford «ili ba , tson and In all »ill be run In ootv Cornell Tha manag i rleflnlta announce- .: on Mondaj of ill-' schedule fol i,,, i '.week and trip . i i md Dover, N I Da i -eton, N i I lecember I P i ivterian Church I. S N J i '"'" Vli H ii >' ' i De» i . d pom i i' b] thi rith 11. i ancej al •'•• ford l> r bei "• 11 ,. id HIM rlab II \; oona i inua j 2, Johns Pittsburgh: (anuan i ii II ., :., Warren: Janu- ii i lam -I R, Cleveland > i". Buffalo ! i Rochi lanuarj IL'. mton I Phil idelphla Qlrli Noi 5. Xoi rlatown ml Hall i'' i' \ ,. v H, i'. bt uai II, u- Bhatnokln Ml. Can F i iary 24, 1 Ih< tripe a . , mi ti i i itin lo not neci : | ind Ii adi ri are lati d oapects VI Si all - and Mr Bno pre whet ihi Cli bs '>-" •! Innlor i Th II Bva Hi ! will i it anj mid a< CROSSCOUNTRY WITH CORNELL. '. Meats Strona Ithaca Angrega ton on Belmont Course Today. - ( ountrj team, headed bl< Jones and B i alnal the Pet nrnlng al n IB over the n Falrmouni Park. Ilcappi il b) the llli i , -'. enaot md Pul i,. thi I'll i ana 11 opt i lo the outcome, .is both d lonea are almoal unbeat- Former holdi the two-mile the mile Intercolli hand, in Met iirdj and Ivanla has ta I make the Cornell celebrl- i n rec ird or two to win. ii i evi ring ai a also profl- . bers. while Lanf . II mill Btroud hav all thi h abllltj In paal r* . . o| the rat - will i in . tltor for Ural honors In Ii glatea , no followa: Bi rna, ' nes, M.I, F i b, C an 1 rli i son. Kinsley, Broodt, ' l.ongfleld FIRST BASKETBALL PRACTICE LAST NIGHT Fifteen Report and Coaches Expect to Develop Championship Team from Material on Hand. ONLY ONE VETERAN MISSING Fifteen man report) >i to Captain Walton, ni tin basketball team, laat night ai candidates for tha 'Varaltj five, Thla number will undoubti d in greatlj Increased al tha end of the football season In addltl n to the 'Varalty candidates twelve more Freahmi n signed up, bringing thi total number of Dral year men up lo ilxtj ' wo Walton, Pearci. Ret der and Tj l< i were the onlj veterans In uniform Jourdei and Keough, two of thi lara, "ill be on tha Boor at ai football work topi Beegar captain of the 1911 team, la also playing I ball Captain v.. alton, In speal Ing "f the ci mini -' i ild "l 'HI' i hi' for .i championahip team sei m to bi Unuauall] I »d. Murks is tin- onl) regular who has no) returned to col Tobj .'ml Murphj. a bo wi re iiuih on thi -ii tad will ilso be nlssi d inn with Keough, .i "del and Paarce .i- inn leua, a -in to be ablt to turn "Hi ii team thai will make a i 114 bid for tha Ii adlni glate h more Tha squad was pul through a llghl drill in basket shooting and then dl i di d in'" two te "ii i ir n limmai The entire pi irtlce was preliminary in the real work a hlch a111 i ome later ii, mm inn in \i week, practice will be held on Monda: W edm Idas ind Ftida] nighta, the Preshmi n report Ing at T o'clock and the 'Varaltj ai Although satisfied with lasl evening's raaulta, Captali Walton di slroui ol ii" Ing m re mi n on the door Mondaj night, Thosi «ii" re porti il in Bloom, Kenned!. Bs I Pi arasn, Tj lar, Howell, i i i ford, i'"i-' all, U-i-'l r Pi Miller, Buckle] and Nuabaum 1915 PLAYS PAWLING TODAY. First Year Men Exrect Victory Over Strong York State Eleven. The Freshman squad with Coaches Mill, i and Bhade, \ ini Mans i p Davis and W L Baundera, ir, led lasl I ' Pawling, when iin i win plaj to-daj With K s mill s «lback al i nd, Captain Crane and Journeaj al tai kli and Kuble, Butler and MacNaughton i,.. center trio, the Ine Is thi itrongeal of the year, a bile the bai k Held will be well tak n i are ol Cralg, Wllaon, Averj and i ee. The line-up thai will »t« I the garni follows Seelback lefl pnd; C in HI,!, . Kuble, lefl guard; Butter, MacNaugb! in, rlghl guard K,inns, rlghl and Cralg, qu i i w Kaon, lefl halfback tvery, halfback Lee, fullba CHAIRMAN SELECTED. Dormitory Representatives Elec' E. 0. Coates Chairman of Board. Bdward Oaborne Coates, of Ford- , i House, was Ii ete I chairman of the Board of Dormltorj Repreai nta tives al meeting held laal nlghl ii„. Troph) Room of Houston Hall. \ w Smith was 11 n ecretai ii„,n ri, :. |i ctlon, the folio nl ttlves wi re appointed mem- i,. rs of 'if Bxecutlvi Commltti •• for i nsulng yi ar B 0 Co iti a, I W Smith, it B. i-M*iiii in-1. H gi humm and S P Morton. i-,-; IW | - of short talks b the mi'iiii" rs ol the Parietal Con •in representatlvi - were enter , . ,i bj Dean Bdward C Kirk, of the Parietal Committee, at an In- formal supper. THREE OPERAS TO-DAY Mary Garden as Thais This Afternoon. "Fagliacci" and "Cav.illeria," v»ith Metropolitan Ballet, To night. Reduction cards for both thi mail nee and evening operas ai the Metro- politan Opera House raaj be secured in tw< en 12 30 and i 10 o't loi k lo-daj in The Penna; Iranian ifllce, "Thala," i in - romantic opera i" Mas- senet, a in in- sung this nl" i HI mi ai I o'clock, and In the evening "Caval ii'iia Rustlcana' and "Pagllacci" "ill hr given us a double bill al s o'clock. Maaaenet'a beautiful lyric, which Is considered one of the beal composi- tions "i tii" ii"» school holds B high place in the estimation of i b I idi phla mualc-lovi i s, I'm tlculai I iteresi is added bj the fai i tha mlar Marj Qarden will sing the title rob Dufranna and Warner) an othi members of thi cast, which Is •• tlonallj able and well balanci il Ca panlnl a III c induct The melod Cavallerla Rustlcana" make up s favoriti bill, and the splendid Mi I polltan I'liih t will be - I ghi In conjunction "i'li them, Parolll i I Parolalo a ill conduct while am i the sin ' "Hi be White, tlalll Veil- dal teal, 7. ppllll ai i C rabbi |,aBt evenlng'i forn i I "DI Walki i as ' d bj n IIIIIIIIM r of atudenl am i hi oplnl m .. emed lo bi Favorab'e to Wai nei I in music, a hlch had 11 - i da] SUNDAY SERVICE PROGRAM. Dr. Ba'.es Speaks To morrow—Other Noted Men to Appear Soon. Ret H Roawell Bati i i Hamilton College, noa of Bprlni SIM-I i Bettli menl Housi. S v ii city, »ni hav i I lb Bunds H Hull i" moii"« i -nlng al II "' lock. His lectun mi loli havi en a ell reci Ived al man the Bastet n colleges, at d also ai Interc< i Confi nces al N'oi th field and P cona Plni - in the afternoon al i o cloi k, Re> I ii Bat" i wll i ilvcr- , ' ent Confi - nci »i i sixth and i."iiiiimii streets, and In thi evet ins be will speak al Brj n Mawi un Bunds >. ihi I'-'ih. tin -i- ik «ill be H"v Ollvi i Mill el, 8.T.D., <>f thi Class '! '87 Collegi if' t Di Hukel, is pa toi ol thi Flral Congn gatlonal Church, Baltimon . Md. Bdward T. De> Ine, I'h 11 pi ofi aaor of Columbia I'nlveralty, and editor "f "The Survey,' will speak "" Novem- ber 26th p. i, nilii'i id Re> Henry Van livi,. nn. il n. "ill be the speaker, Hi v iir Win Dyke baa ' ii Professoi ,,! Bngllah I Iterature al Princeton Cnlveraltj for il" paal fee yean and Ii well i- noa n In the llli n Id. Presldenl W, il B, Faunce, Ph.D., of Brown ' 'nlvi raltj. »iil speak on 11., 11,, i loth, and, on ii"- 17th Wilfred T On nfell, of tabrador, Is scheduled to appi ar HANDICAPS FINALLY FINISHED. Burdick Wins Pole Vault and Dents Capture Relay Race. The final ei i nts Fall Handl- . i i 1 relaj a i b d 1 Franklin 1 j .i. w. Burdick, with .-i handicap of iron the poll -i null al i' 7 mil. . H it Heyburn nd Crafts, aci at b mi n. tied f"; l 11 fi ' I Inches The Dental team, I "f La Flamme and Mc- v in thi Inti r-depa tmi ntal ' l i, Pat- . Cooper and Demli I Co ik, te, 0 ind Bwel .. reprei en1 Ing thi Colli - i. I 1 36 3-5. LAFAYETTE TEAM HERE FOR CRUCIAL CONTEST Recovery of Cripples Enables Coaches of Both Elevens to Put Strongest Aggregation in the F.eld. THIRTIETH GAME SINCE 1832. Lafayette will be Pennaylvan opponent on Franklin Field 'his afi in. .11 it 2.311 In hi blltl th '" 'il'.ill mil, . betwi i in two Ins -11,1 i -latli us were bi gun In :•••- Prom 1882 M 1889, oni SI\I i al years two contei i i . nl be Eastoi i the Ri : B Rel il loni »i si in ii In 1892, when I i las was pli yed ' Baaton, and com throui I In thai time twi nty- t\ui (tail - bad bi en onti I, "i \\ hlch Penni 1^ anl i won fourtei n loal - d 'i'-ii "i"'- The i'i' ' rlei ol . .i net i ":" i 111 ii in r.'i'i. « ben relai Ii iiL'.im ri I.. «i ii. 01 ie elghl , i: .i.i, can- HIII claim i Ictoi >. bul i. i hree ' les lo their cri aga dei i.-i\. iqu Peni This afternoon's conti st I al uiiiiH i hi -• i,\ the anthorl i ol oth InstltitiIons \ el ' Peni w ould i auai i ' actl- cal fall ire Pennayh anla It thi mosl Impo tanl game mi ' so n a Ba -' "i ' HI tact in - the i c - > I mni Blui "ill relrlevi thi - Indian di i a) and lasl Sat- un! iy'a i -in"', Dell, in which he llghl -up Si i i Judgini omp iratlt cores Pi ' H .i sllahi ."i : I Man and Whlti Ijifa) in.m ised ti a In oul !'i"iii I'rsli si il. while I Red i Blt-.e teal ' ited th eleven b touchdown a ct lp| Ii i Di Id. 1 i .i Isle Ind mnl ill Ii ling tbell ,iinl a in r th- I"; i T > 11 i ins' si ini!.:. -i I'IH HII Urn .I created tl Oei Ivt •' ii""II i" ".-;. bj ! . i'. sCOl "I 111 to 0 With th xi ptlon "i ii.n;Ington "!' i'liiii- v '\ nnla, I •«. 11 Inal Itutl I be ibli '" pul i u i heir In lured regti- i This Is the Brsl time ilu- Red and Blue has be»n In on '" 'I" so in in- V llai game, Spiegel, the sensational i I Varoon and White halfback, la ai n 'ii 11 i• after a long I: off and is "iiiiiiii'ii upon i" furnish ti iuble i Pennsyb anl ins Captain Dan - ame able fit Id general i be ii fo 'in paal twii "ini" Roth, a sub mi i is' year'a elevei ! i been aboa Ing up stroi al fullback, Marshall, the - thi r half 1 ri n the real sensation of thi back field 'his seaaon He is a new man nd la said to be thi " in "i hii i<" Marahall of Penn s\ ivanla, with more abllltj aa i dod vet II tar al lefl i nd. B II kui i new man. w III . place I',nil. , . of last i rii - .mi MI 'Ii her end, while Unas. Kelly, Ben- son mnl Wagonhurat are all able line- men of a year or more experience With Jourdei and Young start In ih" i mis, the Penns)hanla II | I "i in the Indian M Thayer Kennedj and Mind il atari In the bacl hav.' <* . a th strongest con ilnatlon -" a 'i !' ;:•'•' •• this The i enter tel will ie thi mi II ' I i ' : , me Vlll bl a- follOWl Referee, M rshall, Ha ard t'mplre, H i •' hi fudge i I linesi an Thorne\ . i , . . i

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Two Thousand Miles to Be Covered,

in Addition to Local Engagements.

Cornell Concert Probable.

8Con of concerts, two ex- , trips and four Joint engage

. the season's progrwn • d MttSical Cllllis MS ;m

11 nlKtai bj Hi-' manage- iged bj laal si uon'i

i rd and by the un- ■•■. DCJ i uhlbtted b)

■ ■ - i eai U rehearsals, bavi largel] dla-

he ba Ini Itln- will , onflnl I!I ■ efforts ol

■ ,. - 10 the i ii ge eltlaa of thi \i di le Wi si

v llmli • ' ' the '»"- Co ii ivllle on

\ . inbei -"-'. a i | een si heduled for

Bethlehem Preebyta rian Cl

i HI, Thanksgh Ing i re e in I i Relli i ne Stratford «ili ba

, tson and In all »ill be run In ootv

Cornell Tha manag i rleflnlta announce-

.: on Mondaj of ill-' schedule fol

i,,, i '.week and trip . i i md Dover, N I Da

i ■ -eton, N i I lecember I P i ivterian Church

I. S N J i '"'" Vli H ii >' ' i De»

i . d pom i i' b] thi rith 11. i ancej al

•'•• ford l> r bei "• 11 ,. • id HIM rlab II

\; oona i inua j 2, Johns Pittsburgh: (anuan

i ii II ., :., Warren: Janu- ii i • lam -I R, Cleveland

> i". Buffalo ! i Rochi lanuarj IL'.

mton I Phil idelphla Qlrli Noi

5. Xoi rlatown ml Hall i'' i'

\ ,. v H, i'. bt uai •■ II, u- Bhatnokln

Ml. Can F i iary 24, 1 ■

Ih< tripe a . , mi ti i

i itin lo not neci :


ind Ii adi ri are lati d oapects

VI Si all - and Mr Bno pre ■ whet ihi Cli bs '>-" •! Innlor i Th II ■■ Bva Hi ! will

i it anj mid a< ■


'. Meats Strona Ithaca Angrega ton on Belmont Course Today.

- ( ountrj team, headed bl< Jones and B

i alnal the Pet nrnlng al n IB over the

n Falrmouni Park. Ilcappi il b) the llli

i ,■ -'. enaot md Pul i,. thi I'll i • ana 11 opt i

lo the outcome, .is both ■ d lonea are almoal unbeat-

Former holdi the two-mile the mile Intercolli

hand, in Met iirdj and Ivanla has ta

I make the Cornell celebrl- i n rec ird or two to win. ■ ii i evi ring ai a also profl-

. bers. while Lanf . II mill Btroud hav all

thi h abllltj In paal r* . . o| the rat - will i

in . tltor for Ural honors In Ii glatea

■, no followa: Bi rna, ' nes, M.I, F i b, C an

1 rli i son. Kinsley, Broodt, ' l.ongfleld


Fifteen Report and Coaches Expect to

Develop Championship Team

from Material on Hand.


Fifteen man report) >i to Captain Walton, ni tin basketball team, laat night ai candidates for tha 'Varaltj five, Thla number will undoubti d in greatlj Increased al tha end of the football season In addltl n to the 'Varalty candidates twelve more Freahmi n signed up, bringing thi total number of Dral year men up lo ilxtj ' wo

Walton, Pearci. Ret der and Tj l< i were the onlj veterans In uniform Jourdei and Keough, two of thi lara, "ill be on tha Boor at ■ ai football work topi Beegar captain of the 1911 team, la also playing I ball

Captain v.. alton, In speal Ing "f the ci mini -' i ■ ild "l 'HI' i hi' for .i championahip team sei m to bi Unuauall] I »d. Murks is tin- onl) regular who has no) returned to col

Tobj .'ml Murphj. a bo wi re iiuih on thi -ii tad will ilso be nlssi d inn with Keough, .i "del and Paarce .i- ■ inn leua, a -in to be ablt to turn "Hi ii team thai will make a

i 114 bid for tha Ii adlni glate h more

Tha squad was pul through a llghl drill in basket shooting and then dl i di d in'" two te "ii • i ir n limmai The entire pi irtlce was preliminary in the real work a hlch a111 i ome later

ii, mm inn in \i week, practice will be held on Monda: W edm Idas ind Ftida] nighta, the Preshmi n report Ing at T o'clock and the 'Varaltj ai

Although satisfied with lasl evening's raaulta, Captali Walton di slroui ol ii" Ing m re mi n on the door Mondaj night, Thosi «ii" re porti il in Bloom, Kenned!. Bs I Pi arasn, Tj lar, Howell, i i i ford, i'"i-' all, U-i-'l r Pi Miller, Buckle] and Nuabaum


First Year Men Exrect Victory Over Strong York State Eleven.

The Freshman squad with Coaches Mill, i and Bhade, \ ini Mans

i p Davis and W L Baundera, ir, led lasl I ' Pawling, when iin i win plaj to-daj

With K s mill s «lback al i nd, Captain Crane and Journeaj al tai kli and Kuble, Butler and MacNaughton

i,.. center trio, the Ine Is thi itrongeal of the year, a bile the bai k Held will be well tak n i are ol Cralg, Wllaon, Averj and i ee.

The line-up thai will »t« I the garni follows Seelback lefl pnd; C in

HI,!, . Kuble, lefl guard; Butter, MacNaugb! in, rlghl guard

K,inns, rlghl and Cralg, qu i i w Kaon, lefl halfback tvery, halfback Lee, fullba


Dormitory Representatives Elec' E. 0. Coates Chairman of Board.

Bdward Oaborne Coates, of Ford- , i House, was • Ii ete I chairman of

the Board of Dormltorj Repreai nta tives al ■ meeting held laal nlghl ii„. Troph) Room of Houston Hall. \ w Smith was 11 n ecretai ii„,n ri, :. ■ • |i ctlon, the folio nl ttlves wi re appointed mem-

i,. rs of 'if Bxecutlvi Commltti •• for i nsulng yi ar B 0 Co iti a, I W Smith, it B. i-M*iiii in-1. H gi humm and S P Morton.

i-,-; IW| - of short talks b the mi'iiii" rs ol the Parietal Con

•in representatlvi - were enter • , . ,i bj Dean Bdward C Kirk, of the Parietal Committee, at an In- formal supper.


Mary Garden as Thais This Afternoon.

"Fagliacci" and "Cav.illeria," v»ith

Metropolitan Ballet, To night.

Reduction cards for both thi mail nee and evening operas ai the Metro- politan Opera House raaj be secured in tw< en 12 30 and i 10 o't loi k lo-daj in The Penna; Iranian ifllce,

"Thala," i in - romantic opera i" Mas- senet, a in in- sung this nl" i HI mi ai I o'clock, and In the evening "Caval ii'iia Rustlcana' and "Pagllacci" "ill hr given us a double bill al s o'clock.

Maaaenet'a beautiful lyric, which Is considered one of the beal composi- tions "i tii" ii"» school holds B high place in the estimation of i b I idi phla mualc-lovi i s, I'm tlculai I iteresi is added bj the fai i tha mlar Marj Qarden will sing the title rob Dufranna and Warner) an othi members of thi cast, which Is •• tlonallj able and well balanci il Ca panlnl a III c induct

The melod ■Cavallerla Rustlcana" make up s favoriti bill, and the splendid Mi I polltan I'liih t will be - I ghi In conjunction "i'li them, Parolll i I Parolalo a ill conduct while am i the sin ■' • "Hi be White, tlalll Veil-

dal teal, 7. ppllll ai i C rabbi

|,aBt evenlng'i forn i I "DI Walki i as ■■ ' d bj n IIIIIIIIM r of atudenl am i hi oplnl m .. emed lo bi Favorab'e to Wai nei I in music, a hlch had 11 -

i da]


Dr. Ba'.es Speaks To morrow—Other Noted Men to Appear Soon.

Ret H Roawell Bati i i Hamilton College, noa of Bprlni SIM-I i Bettli menl Housi. S v ii city, »ni hav i I lb Bunds H Hull i" moii"« i -nlng al II "' lock.

His lectun •■ mi '» loli havi i» en a ell reci Ived al man the Bastet n colleges, at d also ai Interc< i Confi nces al N'oi th field and P cona Plni -

in the afternoon al i o cloi k, Re> I ii Bat" i wll i ilvcr-

, ' ent Confi - nci »i T« ■ i sixth and i."iiiiimii streets, and In thi evet ins be will speak al Brj n Mawi

un Bunds >. ihi I'-'ih. tin -i- ik «ill be H"v Ollvi i Mill el, 8.T.D., <>f thi Class ■'! '87 Collegi if' t Di Hukel, is pa toi ol thi Flral Congn gatlonal Church, Baltimon . Md.

Bdward T. De> Ine, I'h 11 pi ofi aaor of Columbia I'nlveralty, and editor "f "The Survey,' will speak "" Novem- ber 26th

p. i, nilii'i id Re> Henry Van livi,. nn. il n. "ill be the speaker, Hi v iir Win Dyke baa ' ii Professoi ,,! Bngllah I Iterature al Princeton Cnlveraltj for il" paal fee yean and Ii well i- noa n In the llli n Id.

Presldenl W, il B, Faunce, Ph.D., of Brown ' 'nlvi raltj. »iil speak on 11., 11,, i loth, and, on ii"- 17th Wilfred T On nfell, of tabrador, Is scheduled to appi ar


Burdick Wins Pole Vault and Dents Capture Relay Race.

The final ei i nts Fall Handl-

■. i i1 relaj a i b d 1 Franklin 1 j .i. w. Burdick, with .-i handicap of

iron the poll -i null al i' 7 mil. . H it Heyburn

nd Crafts, aci at b mi n. tied f"; l 11 fi ' I Inches

The Dental team, ■ I "f La Flamme and Mc-

v in thi Inti r-depa tmi ntal ' l i, Pat-

■ . Cooper and Demli I Co ik, te, 0 ■ ind Bwel

.. ■ reprei en1 Ing thi Colli - i. I 1 36 3-5.


Recovery of Cripples Enables Coaches

of Both Elevens to Put Strongest

Aggregation in the F.eld.


Lafayette will be Pennaylvan opponent on Franklin Field 'his afi in. .11 it 2.311 In hi blltl th '" 'il'.ill ■ mil, . betwi i in two Ins -11,1 i -latli us were bi gun In :•••- Prom 1882 M 1889, oni SI\I i al years two contei

i i ■. nl • be Eastoi i the Ri ■: ■ B Rel il loni »i si in ii In 1892, when I i las was pli yed '■ Baaton, and com throui I ■ In thai time twi nty- t\ui (tail •■- bad bi en • onti ■ I, "i \\ hlch Penni 1^ anl i won fourtei n loal -■ d 'i'-ii "i"'-

The i'i' ' rlei ol . .i net i ":" i 111 ii in r.'i'i. « ben relai Ii iiL'.im ri I.. «i ii. 01 ie elghl

, i: ■ .i.i, can- HIII claim • i Ictoi >. bul i. i hree ' les lo their cri aga dei i.-i\. •■ iqu • Peni

This afternoon's conti st I al uiiiiH i ■ • hi -•

i,\ the anthorl i ol oth InstltitiIons \ el ' Peni

w ould i auai • i ' actl-

cal fall ire Pennayh anla It thi mosl Impo tanl

game mi ' so n ■ a Ba -' "i ' HI tact in - the i c • - > I mni Blui "ill relrlevi thi

■ - Indian di i a) and lasl Sat- un! iy'a i ■ -in"', Dell, in which • he llghl -up Si

i i • Judgini ■ omp iratlt cores Pi

' H .i sllahi ."i : I Man and Whlti Ijifa)

in.m ised ti a In oul !'i"iii I'rsli si il. while I Red i

Blt-.e teal ' ited th • eleven b touchdown

a ct lp| Ii i • Di Id. 1 i .i

Isle Ind mnl ill • ■Ii ling tbell

,iinl a in • r th- I"; i —T ■ > 11 i ins' si ini!.:. -i I'IH

HII Urn .I • created tl Oei ■

Ivt •' ii""II i" ".-;. bj ! . i'. sCOl ■ "I 111 to 0

With th ■ xi ptlon "i ii.n;Ington "!' i'liiii- v '\ nnla, I •«. 11 ■ Inal Itutl I be ibli '" pul i u i heir In lured regti-

i ■ This Is the Brsl time ilu- Red and Blue has be»n In ■

on '" 'I" so in in- V llai game, Spiegel, the sensational i I Varoon and White halfback, la ai

n 'ii 11 i• ■ after a long I: off and is "iiiiiiii'ii upon i" furnish ti iuble

i Pennsyb anl ins Captain Dan - ame able fit Id general

i be ii fo 'in paal twii "ini" Roth, a sub mi i is' year'a elevei ! i been aboa Ing up stroi al fullback, Marshall, the - thi r half

1 ri n the real sensation of thi back field 'his seaaon He is a new man nd la said to be thi ■" in

■ "i hii i<" Marahall of Penn s\ ivanla, with more abllltj aa i dod

• vet II tar al lefl i nd. B II kui i new man. w III . place I',nil. , . of last i rii - .mi MI

'Ii her end, while Unas. Kelly, Ben- son mnl Wagonhurat are all able line- men of a year or more experience

With Jourdei and Young start In ih" i mis, the Penns)hanla II |

■ I "i in the Indian M Thayer Kennedj and

Mind ■ il atari In the bacl hav.' <*■ . a th strongest con ilnatlon -"■ a 'i !' ;:•'•' •• this ■ • •■ The i enter

tel will ie thi mi II ' I i ' •: , me

Vlll bl a- follOWl Referee, M rshall, Ha • ard t'mplre, H i • •' • hi fudge i

I linesi an Thorne\ . i , . . i


THE PENNSYLVANIAN I ai I' . i i phia Post* Oflfas n« Baoottd*

; - Sunday i V' • pti <1 ilutiKB the . - . , !!:. r.r, >. - | ■

■ I ■ v

; * I" ■ ■ . I. i, • '< t on I ' inpofi • '

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF. ■ 'i i> ii \\ I1 MCI, KYKI ii. .11: . itll

MANAl.IMi EDITOI', i»\l I'll Il>\\ w;l' ICUI SHAI I I !< I91S.


BDITOR8, i 11 W. Ki lined) 1»

H !•< Browu, ;I:I h.H K I \l I II !. \| i

ASSUllATE EDITORS. i l.i. Smnh.'H




Edlmn i II. fT:n in ii ■

. Van Whirl I W.I 1811


Buuncis Maiiaan's OflUc Hours: i i- \! Dnilj

i iffii. Ml Wood


HIWS IDI10R 01 'COST'S '""Sor



Ml iii lb aid BI ihe pn u m

■ ng the footb ill

■ '• Bt< 'ii* appeared In print

im, coai ii' - and undei gi idua i

•li ■ Hi ii ihl sfternoon confldi in o(

ind :f the eli menta play •• pan properly, lhal IUCOMI RIUBI


It might in well tor the itandi to

• mi" thai an) playful bits ol

itli demon i men

ol dei i'ii i, tearing up

• '! the iii'. :i" eaall] aeen by

d in mliunder oreovi II

iffeel in thai

It ii H maj happi n and

caps the cheei Ii adei accoi ii

' uk of poaalble c in |uei i v i:il in-

■rn ai rill be dispensed with

H h unfavi r ibli i ommeni baa been

■: ceri [ theai illghi laturbi s, and, la) Ing tide the

■ II -'imi of the Justice of t r > - - critl

-in. II must folio* Unit without

■ dlati nc loni crltb Ism can noi b< made


The Inter-departmenl relay on

PTank.lln Pield yesterday WHH a trar-

esty, No one took the event seriously

and there was considerable dlflenlty in set urlng enough men to main op

three teama This was no reflection

nn the track management on thp

contrary, ii took considerable enter prise I" run It vi in off at all.

There was a time when Intnvoolle-

Riatc competition arooaed maoh In- terest, and Sinn a ran' wnnlil ha\.< 1 " BB affair worthy of more than paaalng note, in thaan days of highly alhli'lus, mtatUS class

rivalry «ci'm» to ho n thing of the past

The humble "heeler" has even less to work for now than then. For It must

he remembered that only a few of the • rack squad can be stars and thoRP

who work consistently and faithfully surely ought to have some method of

reaping satisfaction for their efforts. This alone, aside from the unques-

11 med ^ alue <>f such events In d<

oth 'Varaltj material and col-

lege iplrll would be infllclenl reason

tor the existence of class rivalry.

\r iiii. neither mat< rial nor spirit is a

myth, to I btalned b) mere Imagi-

nation, it requires the steadies) kind

t mirk to • i. lop I'iiin r No leai i

■ ii i '■" i- ll many

b ■ in -i rong In i hat


A H \ h ai of intra • oll< late < Ivalrj

might i i gre it servici to t'nlver-

sli' sthletlcs si tin- time Its id

■ - i annot bi denied, and ll Is e\ en :i possible i' m ih I

i BUSI - tO « tin b ma | I" VI il.ill.'ll

tl at fool ball ill uatlon

Second Mask ind Wic; Rehearsal. \i the second n hearsal of candl-

im the Mask and Wig Pi ■ i Show, which was held laal night in the i lull bousi. kselstant 8

Rogi rs and Cochran tl led hi candldati - In tinging

"it and II : 'ii former and Wig Sho • - Betwi en i 01

and Monda a slight ■ 111 • III tx madi lu Thuredaj 1 r neii week the iqnad

1 1 11" cted tn in' .in doe n. to thi 1 s quired number Tin next n hi w ill be Thursdaj nig it ai B o'clock.

1 mts wen Rnished Rog ■ 1 - Impreaaed upon iii candidates the IHTI salt) ol promptness at re

Hi ' ' scvised them to givs iii' 11 a in 1. attention 10 1 hi Mask and Wig work Ths results i>r thi ■ ui '" i" made fr im last night's shoa Ing »in be published In Monda) 1

l Ivanlan


Cercle Francais.— In ,|.u i- the Issl d 1 on which ne« candidates I ir the ' • role Pram ■ ■ can 11 p irl BI 'I an) 1 "u nn N must •■ s in La It"' belle In his office in Collegi Hall betweei I BI 'i I o'clock

Cross Country.—Madeira, Met Church ! evei Ing C \ la - Hep-

■ English, Langni r, Muatln Ki II 1 1 Itt, Hoyer and C Hepburn »iii sve tor boat hi 1 1 n the 11 0

from the gymnasium.

Special Instrumental Club Notice.— I repot 1 at i" 1' ixe 11

■ diatel) afti 1 Lafayetti with Inatrun 1 11 11, rnon K merer, Louchelm, Keatoi, E tbn Hallowi II, Qrabam, Hoyt, V land

•"h Paul BOO

Rugby Practice.—I'• on Prank- im i'i' iii M indaj morning at ~ o'clock sharp A trial game «iii be played after which the team to pi the Cresoeni Clnb on Baturday, No M mber 18, «r||| he selecti d Ml de- sirous of making the team mual n port

Soccer.—The following men »iii re port at the Mai kit street ferries of the P H it. at 1.60 to tal a the 1 M train to the Moorestown Field Club: Morten. Sims. Vlllalobaa, Rodrlgw ■ Robinson, Pennell, Harle, Laird, ate i-'aiidi'ii Jonea, l*rasler, Da Oandeul Praw, 1: F it wood.

Bible f.'udy Committee.— John \l. \ ander, chairman M \v Tampa, Mc- Murray, a it Baohtel, 11 <;. How, .1 c Howe, w A inn. M F Milnor, A B McOrath, Paaer, T If, n,.,i.. 11 n Johns, .las smith, H w Hay dock! Oi orge Brooka, Id, Ray 11 Smith, D R Cranor, \v c Harrta, <; w Ro« ley, u 0 Bnrtglay. L s Diets h

Michican Game. — Reservations f„r

and Information about the Michigan mime triii ean he aecured from anv of the following: T, Reath, 368S Locnat street; B. w. Roberta, 1601 i/wust street: w. n Ingeraoll, 3708 Walnut street; H If. MoMlchael. 800 South Thirty-sixth street; M. A Prvor. 34nn Walnut street: I. I.. Davis gal] | ,,. cust street. Tickets will he on sale every day between 1 anil 2 o'clock at The Pennsylvanlan office.

Business Law, By Sullivan, price $150; at Pannook'i Jtfion Woodland Ave. TAdvt.

KverythlnK a good atndent needs at lleaston-s. A famous Cortei cigar Is delicious after a meal. |A«lvt.

PENNOCK'S 3609 Woodland Ave. I' st -% >> 1 ishrd 15 years


BOOKS (Medical, Dental, Veterin- ary, Biological covers fro.-


ENGLISH FASHIONS Arrival of Foreign Woolens

Juat Through the Cuatotna

This collection of exclusive fabrics Iron. Enoliih and Scotch looms will be the largest showmo Is Philadelphia. a

Model garments which are on display embody thi latest fashions for both town and country wear.

A. B. Mathews & Co. Direct Importers and Tailors

S. W. Cor. 11th nnd Sansom its,



The ATM N A. KKKK CO. '•;<-•. 1913 AM- I.,I, COLLEOI ,I.A» prjsg OAKKIKH IN BTOCl


1004 Chestnut Street


CORRECT HATS FOR MEN arc sold exclusively In Philadelphia gl the Blaylock & Blynn shop.

■acwli ol unquestioned correctness lor Fall and Winter Wear are not) ready for inspection.

London1 A. J. White Herbert Johnson

Domestic ■ "B. (H. B." Knox

I0p»ant. disamnl am '., .,.;...„„,/ „„ ...... Chists ^v Un>vers,ty StudtHtl ,f "Th* Ptntltylv* niAi n mentioned.

BLAYLOCK & BLYNN Incorporated

Importing Hatters and Furriers

1528 Chestnut Street

"T(e 15ootwHt*»(ot TUt*

ZimmermaniB You know the name $

I he name tells the story.

Mention the name

" 2»mmcrmau" and you instinc .vely think of the

highest typs of footwear

for men.

1 to 5 Mint Arcade ffibope

-1232 Market BtarSal St. Shoft Op.a tr,m\og.


THE PLNNSYLVANIAN ,i i Pent* I Hie* »« Si.ond-

- i . i \.. i u d durini the ■ . . . i 11. Rtudi nti

■ '-■. I Pei v I ■ • ' p, | . i I I >tiipii«;

» I ">' IN mail.

BDITOR-IN-CBIBF, "in ii w II OCK Ki^i i i. in . 1(11.

MANA1.IM. FI)ITOl>. r \i PH i rjn v I; i • I in Mi M ll II. HIS.


EDITORS, i i O. W. Ki nnedy. 'I I

H , ■ Ii C Browi i il u i \| II-.- -r. 'i:i II R Mel



BUSINESS MANAGER. I \\ I..-I I '. KORF.ll I S, 1911


I ,ln,in..i II. (In, HI .h ri|

t \ an Veehlei ' W I .,»!. I,,. .-.-,III„|. i-

ADVISORY BOARD. I.' J Ii Mulfi 1.1. M.'IJ

\ Bu»ine«i Manager's Office Hours:

I i,. I : 4.-, r M I


HIWS roiroir oi to-ont's istui



Ml ih - -i , -in-: .r ■' i present

•i- concerning the football situation

i mi -its appeared In prlnl mi coachei iiiul undsrgi id i -

■ ii i, ,i ' bli afternoon contldi nl ol

• -- ami. if the -'ii mentfl plaj

■■ 'r pai I i"' iperlj. ihal IUI i • ■-- mual

' iniLiii tic well for Hi atanda to

imVr Ilia I am pint fill hits (if

enth tli dan onatratlon, auch

HI derbli - teal Ins up

- and the III e, i asllj Men U\

i! are apt to in- miaunder

i" anj dl

all '' 'ihi■' i .i j in thai

which II maj happen and

I id( ord Think ol lences

., ii trli ml in

■rrencea will penaed with

luch uufavi r ible i m< i ba - <-■■ a

• entlj . i m ••! in.. ' llfh

II bam ■•-. and las In d< the 'inn nf ill.- Justice ol the crltl

-in. ii mual follow thai without

eae dlatractloi im can nol in-

made. '


Thi' iniii ili|ini-iiii.'iii ri'lay on

Franklin Field yeati rday was a trav-

eat] Nil one took the even) seriously

and Ho re waa considerable difflcult* In KI-. tiring enough men to make up

three Hams. This waa no reflection

MI ih.' track management On HIP

rontrary, ii took conalderable enter prise in run the ev< nl oil al all.

There waa a time when Intra-colle-

glate competition aroused much In- terest, ami such a race would have

been an affair worthy of IMIII•• Hian

passing mm', in thasa days of highly

specialised athletics, Intenss class

rivalry sooms to be a thing of the pas)

The humble "heeler" him even less to work for now than Hun For ii must

he remembered that only a few of the •ia«k sf|iind can be stars and those

who work consistently and faithfully surely ought to have some method of

reaping satisfaction for their efforts. This alone, aside from the unques-

■..-,! value ol such events iii k

■i ■ both "Varsltj material and col- lege spirit, would !"• sufficient reason

for the existence of class rivalry.

\rain, neither material nor splrtl la a myth, io I lain.'ii ii> mere Imagi-

nation it requires the ateadleal Kind

if work in develop either No leu ■ on than "Mike" is one ol many

borltles who are strong in that


\ revival of Intra colli ati i Ivalrj

might be "i gn 'i aervlci "> I'nlver sit] athletics al ihi- time Ita ad van-

not bi denied, and It la even a possible 111■ i ii i for one "i the man}

i an.-, - in »In, Ii ma) be at 11 ibuted

•! I,I football siinati'iii

Second Mask ind Wig Rehearsal.

\i i in -, .iniii . heat Ml of candi- dates for the Maah and \\" i« Prellml- i i Show, which waa held laat nlghl in tin i lull linn.-. \ ita B Managers Rogers and Cochran uii-ii mi' the candldati - In singing, dai i inn ami in re id in im foi in, i \' :<-k and Wlj Shows Between no* ami Monda) a illghl cut will i"' made lb Thurada) of next week the squad

■ ■ in i ted to be i ui do* n to ihi re quired number The next ri heareal H ill in- Th ii id i. night .n 8 o'clock U the try outs wen flnlahed Rog

era Impressed upon tl latea the new aali j "t pn imptneaa al re-

ila, He also acvlaed them to • iv-' iii>ii whole attentl m to the Mask and Wig work The results of the cut to i" made from last night's show- ing a il1 ii. pubilahed In Monda) - Pi IIIIS> h anian


Cercle Francais.—Tokdaj is the last da) 'ui which nei candidates toi the I ' i' Ii Kraiiiai- i an 11 pot t, and am new men mual see in La Rochelle In hi- office in Collegi Hall between I ami I 1,'rliii k

Cross Country.—Madeira, McCurdy, i liniili I i-M-i Ing, Cross Via;: II Hep burn, Bngllah, Langner, Muatln, Krutt-

ii. Hoyer and C Hepburn will ,- for boal hi ia< in the 11 0

' i the g) mnaalum. Special Instrumental Club Notice.—

following report al 10 r v r> itel ■ Lafayetti

"nl, Instiim - Hernoi K im i' r Louchi Im Koatoi Eal ibrook, Hallowell, i;iaham Hoyl V land

: ' .ii Paul Eno

Rugby Practice.—Practlci on Pi im Pleld Monday morning al T o'clock ■harp \ trial game will be played after which the team to plaj iga n the Creacenl Club on Baturday, Mo vember is, will be aalected \n de- ilrona of making the team mual n linri

Soccer.—The following men Will re pun at the Market sti t ferries of the I' it it at i 50 tn take the i 54 Main In the MoOTMtOWn Pleld "'lull Morteo, Sims, Vlllalohaa, Rodriguea Robinson, Pennell, Harle, Laird, Itc Padden, Jones, Prasler, De Qandensl, Prsw, B. P. It Wood.

Bible f.-udy Committee.—Inhn Alex- ander, ohairman M w Tampa, Mi Murray, A It. Bechtel, i> O, How, J C Howe, \v \ inn. M p. Mllnor, A K MoOrath, Peser, T. M. Reck, II it Johns, las smith, M w Haydock, Oeorge Brooke, 3d, Ray il Bmlth, l> it. Cranor, w c Harria, 0 \v Row- ley, it o Bhrigley, i. s Diets, .ir

Michigan Game. — Iti-si rvalions for and Information aboui the Michigan game trip can he secured from any "f the following: T Heath, 3539 l-ocnst stri'i't; K. W Roberta, 3603 l/wust street: w it Ingsrsoll, 8708 Walnut street: it. M. McMlchael, I Bouth Thirty sixth street: H A Pryor, sinn Walnut street: L L, Davis. 8681 ix> Clist street. Tickets will he mi sal,.

every day between i and i o'clooh at The Pennsylvanlan office.

Business Law, By Sullivan, price 81.60; at Pennock's 30n!» Woodland Ave. fAdvt.

Everything a good stndsnl needs at Miiaston'8. A famous Cortei cigar is •'•'Melons after a meal. [Advt

PENNOCK'S 3609 Woodland Ave. Established 15 years


BOOKS (Medical, Dental, Veterin- ary, Biological covers free


ENGLISH FASHIONS Arrival of Foreign Woolens

Just Through the Customs

This collection of exclusive fabrics from English and Scotch looms will be the largest showing m Philadelphia,

Model garments which are on display embody th* latea'. fashions for both town and country wear.

A. B. Mat hews & Co. Direct Importers and Tailors

S. W. Cor. 11th and Sansom Sts.



The AI.I.IN A. KI KK i «,. I'll.*. 1913 AND 1.114'.l |.|Ns CAKKII'li IN M,llh


1004 Chestnut Street


CORRECT HATS FOR MEN are sold exclusively la Philadelphia at the Blaylock & Blynn shop. Midelsol unquestioned correctness for Fall and Winter Wear are now ready for inspection.

London 1 A. J. White Herbert Johnson

Domestic 1 "H. (a H." Knox

10front, jiso'-'hi (,..:; '■•• .iiVi-uwrfasj ,-,. CASMI ;• f/a vtrsity tivdmtt tf "Th* Pemuyhm- nun" is mentioned.

BLAYLOCK & BLYNN Incorporated

Imparting Hatters and Furriers

1528 Chestnut Street

om "T(t- T5cetMu«"{a* *H|»

Ztmmermarts You know the name P l~

CV r?

i^-oa The name tells the story.

Mention the name

" Zimmcrmau" and you instinc ively think of the

highest typs oi footwear

for men.

Mint Vcade 51)0^8 Che.Zt St.

1232 Market Street

' 'i - of oar Now Rlnch«r Shn«a In T»n. csir-skin »a mm i •«11>»-

Mark* SI. Sbap Op«a S>»alnss






Brighl soft flannels

A ill) turn IKH k < uffs.

lusl right for style and

omfort lor (lub and

i ollege men.

>1.50, $2.00. $2.50, $2.75

1119 21 Market St. 1114 Chestnut St.

;:illlllllllllll!lllllllililllllllllllUIIII =

Well! —

Now that it's all over come =

n and let us show you a I

: real man's shoe store. Bring =

z the election "torch" and finish zi

,: while we fit you with such ^

: s-ofs and satisfaction as you E

: -jvt heretofore wished for in I

; vain —

Inlirc door dc-olcd to Men

j J. & T. Cousins I

wii. UUHTNVf fW.


Lniversitv Medical School CANTOV CltlMA

The Foreign worh of Ihe



Saptti v : j •■.-... Mas M. S MACMIR HOSPIUI MtfftM Miss MARIAN R TAV, OR V,M.I-V

T s Liu Urllfiout W,<rk

TUTORING hing in French and German

Regular College rates.

Private or claaa

Lansing W. Walsh i years study pi France and

Germans' STUDIO 406

lO So. 10th Street


Enthus'astic Crowd Hears Coaches

and Players Express Confidence

in Ability to "Come Back."

For a Change A new package revival of a pood, olc- foahicaed candy.

Sold in an air-tight, sealed tin, 25 cents.

P. BEASTON'S SONS 3701 Spruce St., Phila.

Coaches and players alike laal night talked to the iiw hundred undergrad nates who went in the mass neetlng, and the spirit of enthuslaiin and ooi ridence which was evident In every s|> ii made ii t!•• - most enthusiastic meeting ol the ri n

I-- \ I'l.i. irakl, in old 'Vanity All- Anii'i II .in guard, told of the need lor a big, luity cheering section. He said that the coaches were pulling to

b . that the team was In prime condition and thai i' was now up to the students Coach "Andy" Bmlth, II ll Morris, I W. lourdel and Captain "Roy" Mercei expressed the sam< f. ellng of confidence

"Tiii things we an teaching the men on Franklin Weld are Identical wiili those being taught mi the fields of othei successful colleges," said i .. h Bmlth "We are pulling to gethi r, the team is In the best con- dition of the year, and we're going to win." This was the purport of all thi speeches

Captain Mercer said he backed up everybod) that preceded him and iniii ni the feeling "i confidence thai pi • v.1 ii- among the team H< eon tinui 'i ' We h in had a hard time with but four regular 'Varsity men on wfa mi in imiiii up :i winning team and developmenl has come slowly, but the team la going to come back, and come bach In the Lafayette game."

s, ni.n iv -ni. in T Heath, Jr., talked nf the Michigan trip "We need i big bunch of rooters," he said ■ ami it ill., students come along and support the team well win."


COME. boys, a cheer—All to- gether —V-E-L-V-E-T— smooth.

Velvet cheers you on and cheers you up. It's so smooth. 1 lie selected leal is hung in the ware- house over two yeail—(hanging harshness to complete mellowness. Then all "lute" has disappeared —and good tut* and the enjoyable smoothness are pre-eminent. 1 lii* "lime process" u not patented - jut costs us morr—and the result is "Velvet — smooth and wondcitully pleasing.

Now once more — everybody - V-E-L-V-E-T —smouihl At .11 dealeis.




'Varsity Expects Victory Over Last

Year's Champions To-day.

Owing i" the i"»" condition ol the tiii,i and the absence of Coach Btee art looser practice «;i> called oB \ estcrdsj

Today's game with the Moorestown Ci li ket Club, while expected t<> be I bard one, is nol looked upon as dun

Moorestoe n finished neai the top of the league last year, but has no) iu< ii ' -■ ■■•' team la's »< '-"" Haverford Collegi defeated them .,,„,, a/i aka ago b one goal to noth

,..i peni > ai I hopes t« run up i much hi■■'

The ti .ini has won two games [ar |n the Second Dlvlsl ■" Cricl Club League, and II II continues In the term dlspl i< d In the previous contests 11 should win or come near t., winning the championship ol 't--• league The line up follows

Morteo, goal; Blmms, right lull- back Vlllalaboa, left fullback Robin ton, rlghl halfback Rodrtgues, center halfback; Pennell. left halfback Hail,., outside right; Laird. Inside right; Jones, center lorward; McFad don, Inside left; r*rasler. ontslde left. Subs. De Qandensl and Prew.


Presbyterian and Lutheran Clergy

men Urge Reinstatement of


Tin- "Bvenlua Bulletin" had the H* lowing ,n say last evening;

"Following the esample »r ti».- Lu tberan clergy, '«'»'v "ve members ol the Presbyterian mtnlstrj and a num- ber nf laymen Ibis afternnon seni a petition "i the trustees ol the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania urging the rein- statement of nr M. v. Hllprecht as Professor <>f Semitic Philosophy and Archaeology and Olar* Reaearoh Pro- fessor <>f Assyrian.

•chief in the seonrlng of ihe pen tton was the Rev. George B. Burnfleld. pastor. North Presbyterian Church, of Mil North Sixteenth Street

"Following the published stand of a number Of Ktiropcun arohaaologlsts for the restoration of Dr. Hilpraoht to his old position at the University, the Lutheran clergymen of this city also look the same position."

See Ted at Beaston's pool parlor for Instructions. rAdvt.

The Famous Dorm Sundae on tap at Beaston's New Fountain. rAdvt.

Full Two Ounce Tins

LUNCH OPEN ALL NIGHT Clean. Quick Service. Pure Food.


TO EAT Victoria Lunch Students Lunch 3713 SPRUCE STREET



Students' Supplies!!! Medical HooKs, Note BooRs and Stationery.

U. of P. Jewelry, Watches and Novelties.

Fine Toilet Soaps and Powder. Perfumes and Toilet Water.

Candy. Cigars. Pipes and Tobacco. College Flag's. Cameras. Films and Photo Supplies.

C. H. GRAMBO, .5.T07 WOOULJtAD AVENVE One Block from Main Entrance

Philadelphia C. H. KING. Manager


3657 WOODLAND AVENUE Open day and night Opposite Dorms.

Men ol Pennsylvania! There are only two places in Philadelphia

which anticipates and satisfies your desires in exclusive headwear. The Hat Shops «>f individual tastes

10 per cent, dla- eouut given to U. of 1'. Btudcnts on men- tion of this paper.


COLLEGE MEN! Now is the time to order your

FULL DRESS SUIT When you want a SUIT the question is where to get it. The answen



DRESS SUITS S45.00 to $65.00



Lots of tie space, easy to put on cr take off.

15 cen/j—2 for 25 ctnlt riucll. l>Hl»»h f, c,.. Mil.t- Trw. N V.

NOT ALL SHOW \\> niiikf clgarettea bearing your In-

dividual monogram, wal or Initials or thai »f Mini Club or PYaternltj lint > i don'l imoke the monogram, w we make the cigarette! ol ■ high grade Turkish tobacco, eepeclall; blended, and made In a clean, light i in Packed In boxes of tena, Rftlei or hun- dreds. Price, 11.80, $•-•"". 12.60 ■ hun- dred, according to tobaci a

Remit cheque or none) DI di i '' ""i- -''in i•!apald piomptl)

THE CHARLES FOX CO., INC.. 17-19 Broadway. New York City. N. Y.

See Is About Those





232. 233. 234. 248. 257. Reilly's Book Store


Above Cherry. East Side.


Ml 014UA>iriD


Pipes Repaired

SPAYD Rents Typewriters and

Duplicators of all,matte* CHEAPEST

1017 Walnut St.. Phila.. Pa. Special Term Rates to Students.

We're getting out . c od work every day. Tin n • ■ great difference In laundried

ihlrta. Try f ureka Laundry

ISog stltlman SL


E. A. WRIGHT College

Engraver, Printer and


1108 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia

Commencement Invitations, Dance invitations and Progranw, Menus. Fraternity Inserts and Stationery.

Class Pius. Visiting Cards. Wedding Announcement! ami invitations. Sarrples Cheerfully Sent on Request.

Pennsylvania F.fth Largest College, in Ogurea compiled bj the "Mlnne-

ota Dally," ranking the largi Vmerl ran unlveriltlea In the numbi ol itudenti enrolled, Pennaylvanla li given iii'h place Oolumbli li the largeet, having In all 7.429 sue: MIII Minnesota, Chicago, Wleeonaln, Pennaylvanla and Michigan Following in the order named Only elghi men separate the laal two, The following Humes were given: Columbia, 7,429; Minneaota, 6,037; Chicago, 6,007; Wli conain, 5,638. Pennaj Ivanla, 5,189 Michigan B 181. c irnell, 5,194; Illi- nois. B.118; Harvard, 5,028

At the I'nlvereltj ol Minneaota the . 1.1 ii-. »ili vote to decide a bo la the moat popular man


MISS C. K. LORENZ. TUTOR. 1488 Walnut st. who ipeaki Qerman and

French, will teach BSngllab to foreign- er! Trial It saoni free 225 S. 37TH g)T—Nlcelj

rooma ii' -i i last appointrnt nti -.Irani heat, etl . term! modi-rate.

GOOD TABLE BOARD. I3.S0 a week Mrs S S'liin. 3714 l«OCU!l SI

PARLOR OR SITTING ROOM. able for club or n eternity, for n nl


SECOND STORY FRONT, aocommo' date two, 12.25 each second-atorj

mcl a< rommi date t» o, $i 7.". eat h slngli i inn. I. steam heat. .'..'.:'.i Cbeatnul Bl HA'NDSOMELY ru nlahed rooma, sin- gle or en suite ■ chai for thai hai in lor apart mi nl ) ou bai e been «lahlng f"i I6i I i 'hi stnul Bl

WANTED— Pi -i ion .1- * Itei or cook In a fral house good refer-

Dora1 I '19 fl 16th SI

ROOMS—i'.nl i fot club or frater tut v Mi-i i Li-- im IId and roomi.

popular ;n li es single meal! if da sired 'SM '■ Bprui i St.

A LARGE FRONT ROOM lor two; well healed R i table Imnrd; tfj.on

3"n7 w ■ odland si e

ROOM AND BOARD at Mrs Thomp- son'!, 3447 \\ noil la nd BVP.J ... ri

li"i ooklng; board, I8.BO pet week

WOODLAND CAPE—Weekl) board, ■ in. meals $i 00

BOARD—Mom., cooking ai 14.00 per Keek 1318 Walnut st

PUBLIC STENOGRAPHFR Bl ip ll Houaton Hall and dictate your work

'II the Public Btenographer r saves lime"



Walter G. Becker ^ on gel mi 11- t ban HI re

merchandise here, I feel thai I owe the men ol Pb ixli phlii more than thai Those nl yi u «im i.ii"u in. iimi . .tii ,| whni I mean i>\ Walter <; Reckei S' n Ire, h |« mure Ihnn cnnrl - treiitnient re i ii in ntinlitj in goiMls more than the beal value nl the l"« i-i |n |i..

Walter <;. Racket Ret means thai this .tun offei - I - ii Hie \ erj la tern -M le n. everything yon need that yon

in 'li t»p II here any il.i\ and Nnd thing thai stumps the wearer as H man of taite n >i Individuality In dreai

\\ hy not conie in and s< An.\ way. it is worth your " bile to wal h everj \\ allei I'..-, ker adi ert I semen I ifou I always Hnd in them the n . latesi news in men's fun ii.-.

I have so mui h to offer lust now thai I'm slmplj i-ailing your attention to toe Ken Ice

for after all that la what makes n pain nise me i•. nlaily.

Pome in mui see for yourself.

Walter G. Becker 1018 Chestnut Street

Across leom Chestnut St. Opera House


JACOB REEDS SONS America's National Game Specially appointed

purveyors of Smart Clothes and general outfitting! to

His Royal Highness-


Young Man"

t rllatoria Paota concerning tbi Be

ginning, Bvoiutla SAMWCAS *' : 1"i" I •'ml - SMK>SM Im-lty of


With Peraonal Ki i . in-. i l

i idea i- . .' us rotai li - iiv

A. G. SPALDING Car'oons by Homer C. Davenport.

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i>io oi iha i.HI-' compi' in ii- i IACOK icLrir^ ^oi\rc'"' K.,11, .MM ■**■ 111X11 O dUIld , All ,„„, Christmas gift. V

aii ii mi... Hi - and Bpaldlna 8 HI poatpaid e>. |pt oi i.i;-. Clothiers. Haberdashers. Hatlers

1424-26 CHESTNUT ST. American Sports i'uhlisliint: Compani 21 WARREN ST.. NEW YORK."


Murray's Dormitory Drug Shop

Opposite the Dnrmttnrtts

Foryourwant. in that line Philadelphia

370I Woodland Ave. insane), inn-n »?M


Studio of Photography

1318 Chestnut Street


• •ii..11. ■■«•

HANStLI. BAKING CO. 14 aaa It W. Sto SI* 1118 Waliil Sl„ 4024 Filbert Nets \ork. f». V. I'hiladdphK


GILBERT & BTuaBMT* $5 Mi 111 ii Helmut

BACON » > ptwrit e r J *•»«» It »ill lava 1 Ime, Impi ot • and

Leading Photographers . :: ; ; !*-»»»<-» #-<s- „ AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE 1030 Chestnut St. COMPANY, inc.,

■hila, Sales Office, 828 Walnut Stieet - pi r "'■: discount to Pennsy]

vania Studenta on Individual Work J. B CLAYPOOL, 20 Coxe House,

I 'oil. yi l;.


CX \'/)//'C HAND FOR U/fi¥MJltLO All Department*

—-— in HI: HAD AT

3.14* w.MMiia.Mi Avenue McVey's Book-Store 1229 ARCH STREET.

North Side. East of 13th Street. Preston 1418




3653 Woodland Avenue