the most beautiful names of allah

THE MOST BEAUTIFUL NAMES OF ALLAH It is narrated in the Hadith that the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: There are 99 names of Almighty Allah with which we have been commanded to address our supplications to Him. He who commits them to memory and rehearses them regularly will enter Paradise. YA RAHMANU The Beneficent He who gives blessings and prosperity to all beings with out showing disparity. YA RAHIMU The Merciful He who gives blessings and prosperity, particularly to those who use these gifts as Allah has said, and is merciful to the believers in the hereafter. YA MALIKU The Sovereign Lord He who is the absolute king to the entire universe. YA QUDDUSU

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Page 1: The Most Beautiful Names of Allah

THE MOST BEAUTIFUL NAMES OF ALLAHIt is narrated in the Hadith that the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)

said: There are 99 names of Almighty Allah with which we have been commanded to address our supplications to Him. He who commits them to

memory and rehearses them regularly will enter Paradise.

YA RAHMANU The Beneficent

He who gives blessings and prosperity to all beings with out showing disparity.

YA RAHIMU The Merciful

He who gives blessings and prosperity, particularly to those who use these gifts as Allah has said, and is merciful to the believers in the hereafter.

YA MALIKU The Sovereign Lord

He who is the absolute king to the entire universe.


He who is free from all error, absentmindedness, is free from incapability and from any kind of defect.

YA SALAMU The Source of Peace

He who frees his servants from all danger and obstruction. He who gives His greeting to those

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fortunate people in heaven.

YA MUMINU The Guardian of Faith

He who places faith in the hearth of His servants, protects those who seek refuge in Him, and gives tranquility.

YA MUHAYMINU The Protector

He who watches over and protects all things.

YA AZIZU The Mighty

The Unconquerable

YA JABBARU The Compeller

He who repairs all broken things, who completes that which is incomplete, and who has the ability,with force, to make people do whatever He wants.


He who shows His greatness in all things and in all ways.

YA KHALIQU The Creator

He who creates everything from nothing and creates all things

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with the knowledge of what will happen to them.

YA BARIU The Evolver

He who creates all things in proportion.


He who designs all things.

YA GHAFFARU The Forgiver

He who is all-forgiving.

YA QAHHARU The Subduer

He who is victorious and dominant in a way that He can do anything He wills.

YA WAHHABU The Bestowed

He who donates all blessings to His creatures.

YA RAZZAQU The Provider

He who provides all things beneficial to His creatures.

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YA FATTAHU The opener

He who opens the solutions to all problem, and eliminates obstacles.

YA ALIMU The All-Knowing

He who is all-knowing.

YA QABIDU The Constrictor

He who constrict.

YA BASITUThe Expander

He who is expander.


He who diminishes or decreases.

YA RAFI'U The Exalter

He who uplifts.


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The HonoreeHe who makes one glorious, gives dignity, and treats one with respect.

YA MUZILLUThe Dishonourer

He who lowers and puts one in a basement and degradation.

YA SAMI'U The All-Hearing

He who hears everything.

YA BASIRU The All-seeing

He who sees everything.


He who judges and provides what is due.

YA 'ADLUThe Just

The just one

YA LATIFU The Subtle One

He who knows the delicate meanings of everything. He who creates things most subtly, which cannot be understood by people, and He who gives blessings to people in the most subtle ways.

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He who has knowledge of the most secret parts of everything, and knows their inner meanings.

YA HALIMU The Forbearing OneHe who is clement.

YA AZIMU The Great One

He who is magnificent.

YA GHAFURU The All-Forgiving

He who forgives all.

YA SHAKURU The Appreciative

He who is grateful and gives rewards for deeds done for Him.

YA ALIU The Most High

He who is most high.

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YA KABIRU The Most Great

He who is most great.

YA HAFIZU The Preserver

He who preserves all things in detail, and for a time preserves them from misfortune and calamity.

YA MUQITU The Maintainer

He who sustains.

YA HASIBU The Reckoner

He who knows in detail the account of things people do throughout their lives.

YA JALILU The Sublime One

He who has wealth, dominion and holiness.

YA KARIMU The Generous One

He who is generous.

YA RAQIBU The Watchful

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He who observes all creatures, and every action is under His control.

YA MUJIBU The Responsive

He who responds to every need.

YA WASIU The All-Embracing

He who has limitless capacity and abundance.


He who has wisdom in all order and actions.

YA WADUDU The Loving

He who loves those who do good and bestows on them His compassion. He who is the only one who should be loved and whose friendship is to be earned.

YA MAJIDU The Most Glorious one

He who is most glorious.

YA BA'ITHU The resurrector

He who gives life to all creatures on the judgment day.

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YA SHAHIDU The Witness

He who is present every where and observes all things.

YA HAQQU The Trust

He whose existences has no change.

YA WAKILU The Trustee

He who provides a means to solve all problems in the best way.

YA QAWIU The Most Strong

YA MATINU The Firm One

YA WALIU The Protecting Friend

He who is the Friend of His righteous servants.

YA HAMIDU The Praiseworthy

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He who is the only one to be praised and glorified and thanked by all creatures.

YA MUHSI The Reckoner

He who knows the number of all things although they cannot be counted, and knows each of them.

YA MUBDIU The Originator

He who created for the first time all beings from nothing and without any model.

YA MU'IDU The Restorer

He who restores all beings.

YA MUHYI The Giver of Life

He who gives life and health.

YA MUMITU The Creator of Death

He who created death.

YA HAYYU The Alive

He is all-knowing and His strength is sufficient for everything.

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YA QAYYUMU The Self-Subsisting

He who holds the entire universe.

YA WAJIDU The Finder

He who finds whatever He wants in the time He desires.


He whose highness is great, who is beneficent, and His munificence is rich.

YA WAHIDU The Unique

He who is One in his actions, His Names, who has no partneror equal in His attributes, personality, and orders.


YA SAMADU The Eternal

He who is the only being to apply to if one has any need to be completed or any troubles to be eliminated.

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He who is able to do anything in the way He wills.


He who is more powerful than any beings.

YA MUQADDIMU The Expediter


He who delays whatever He wants.


The first, one who has been before and prior to anything.


The one who will continue forever even,after total annihilation.

YA ZAHIRU The Manifest

The one who is Evident, through his signs,all over the universe.

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YA BATINU The Immanent

One who is hidden and is permanently pervading the entire universe.

YA WALI The Governor

He who directs, manages, conducts, governs, measures, plans every action which happens at any moment in the entire universe.

YA MUTA'ALI The Most Exalted

He who is higher than any action, manner or condition, and any thought that any being may have. This Name indicated that Allah is higher than the most evolved thought of man.

YA BARRU The Source of All Goodness

He who is tolerant to His servants, to all creatures, and is good to them.

YA TAWWABU The Acceptor of Repentance


He who punishes wrong doers.

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YA 'AFUWU The Pardoner

The who pardons, and in a manner to obliterate all traces.

YA RA'UFU The Compassionate

One who is most kind,most merciful. YA MALIK-UL-MULK The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty

YA DHUL-JALAL-WAL-IKRAM The Lord of Majesty & Bounty

YA MUQSITU The Equitable

He who does His work accordingly and in a balanced way.

YA JAME'U The Gatherer

He who collects things, gathers them, anywhere He wants, at any time.

YA GHANIU The Self-Sufficient

One who is self-sufficient,rich,free of want.

YA MUGHNIU The Enricher

One who makes another rich or one who suffices.

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YA MANI'U The Preventer

One who prevents,stops.

YA DARRU The Distresser

He who creates that which makes one despondent.

YA NAFI'U The Propitious

He who creates all things which provide goodness and benefit.

YA NURU The Light

He who provides divine light to the entire universe, to the face, minds and hearts of His servants.

YA HADIU The Guide

He who guides, gives success and directs His servant to do things beneficial to others.

YA BADI'U The Incomparable

He who creates wonders in the universe without any design.

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YA BAQIThe Everlasting

The one who will remain forever.

YA WARITHU The Supreme Inheritor

He who has everlasting ownership of all things,Finite man only has temporary ownership, and at death all creatures have nothings.

YA RASHIDU The Guide to the Right Path

He who is the guide, with wisdom, to the right path according to His eternal plan.

YA SABURU The Thoroughly Patient

'Sabr' is impossible to translate in English. It has several meanings and one of them is "Patience in the sence of being thorough."