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Page 2: The Most Admired Company To Work For - · Web viewThe Most Admired Company To Work For Award acknowledges the best


The Most Admired Company To Work For Award acknowledges the best practices in people processes that mark the Company as a dream and preferred employer. The most admired Company would have a high E SCORE. It would be Enabling, Enthused, Evolved, Empowering and Enduring- all of which lead to a high overall Employee Satisfaction, Equity and Execution quotient.

At each level it would address some critical people management related concerns thereby creating an organizational entity that is not just skeletal in structure but has the body, soul and ultimately the spirit that makes it enduring.


This award is open to any BPO organization operating in India.


This application form has four parts1. Company Information2. Evaluation Criteria3. Declaration4. Submission Details

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1.1 Company Details


1.1 Name of company:

1.2 Founded (Year & Country):

1.3 Chief executive's name:

1.4 Web site URL:

1.5 Latest full-year fiscal revenues (indicate which month your fiscal year ends): US$

1.6 Total number of employees:

1.7 Total number of locations:

1.8 Number of seats in operation

1.9 What is the percentage split of your business between Captive and 3rd party

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1.2 Manpower distribution by vertical:

Please specify approximate manpower distribution by vertical and process/engagement complexity.

Engagement >>>>>>>>>>complexity

Vertical >>>>>>>>>>>

Manpower distribution {number of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)}Infrastruc

ture operation


Back office

supportContact centers

Knowledge services

High end

design Others

Banking and Financial ServicesInsurance







Any other (please specify)

1.3 Manpower distribution by function:

Please specify approximate distribution of manpower working in the outsourced horizontals/functions as per process/engagement complexity.

Engagement >>>>>>>>>>complexity

Function >>>>>>>>>>>

Manpower distribution {number of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)}Infrastruc

ture operation


Back office

supportContact centers

Knowledge services

High end

design Others


Finance and Accounting

Supply Chain

Customer Service

Technical Support

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Sales & Marketing

Research and Analytics

Data Mining and Modeling

Design and Development

Any other (please specify)

1.4 Contact Details

Name and Title




Postal Address

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Please furnish/address the following information requirements for consideration in this award category. A statement about what evidence could be submitted in support of the submission. The supplementary material is highly recommended for the purpose of evaluation.

The documents and evidence serve to illustrate and validate claims made. The artifacts could be in the form of documents, communications, awards received, orientation material, process manuals or anything that is illustrative.

Wherever applicable please indicate how the specific structure, policy or practice has helped address the people issues and impacted business performance. Give evidence of the implementation of these practices, how are resources committed to the same, how are they practiced, reviewed and improved so that they deliver better business results.

The information submitted will be treated as strictly confidential.


An Enabling organization has a robust organizational and HR structure in place to attract, develop, deploy and retain the best talent. The effectiveness of people processes are measured by their impact on business performance and periodically reviewed for their business alignment.

1.1 Kindly indicate how your organizational structure maps to the business need and indicate the position of HR in the Organizational Structure including the reporting relationships. Give details of the HR team size and people to HR ratio?

1.2 How are the systems and policies about the People processes documented, communicated, made readily available for employee self service and information and reviewed for their effectiveness on a periodic basis?


An Evolved Organization has robust, fair and equitable systems and processes geared towards getting people to perform at their best. It is reflected in competency-based practices and transparent and innovative people processes.

2.1 How do the competency based people practices in your organization ensure that the right talent is recruited, selected, developed, organized and retained contributing to better performance at the individual and organizational level?

If your organization follows alternate policies and practices, which are not competency based, please tell us how they are geared toward delivering results?

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2.2 Mention two unique best practices in each of the process areas that you have chosen which underscore the fact that your employees perceive your people systems and processes as fair, transparent and consistent.

2.3 Tell us more about your performance management system and how it helps identify good talent and enables them to perform at their best potential.

Please submit illuminating and wholesome examples to illustrate proof that your people processes help build/sustain Organizational capabilities.


An Enthused Organization cares for its people and therefore has enthusiastic and energized people who enjoy working in and with others in the organization. It is an organization that scores high on employee satisfaction and has all the softer aspects of people management well taken care.

3.1 Mention three best practices/ strategies through which your organization has been able to not just attract but retain people and keep them motivated and engaged. How have these helped you become a preferred employer?

3.2 How would you say that your employees perceive you as caring for them and providing them a physically, emotionally and psychologically good work environment?

Please provide evidence of best practices for employee engagement and fun at work initiatives and for promoting a work culture that is open, enthusing and rewarding.


An Empowering Organization is one where there is a sense of trust, people are self-motivated and see themselves creating value through their work. It is reflected in greater sense of ownership, a higher execution quotient and a deeper sense of commitment.

4.1 How would you say that your organization empowers people to provide end customer delight?

4.2 What are the opportunities and occasions that your organization provides to your employees to contribute to the profession, industry and the society at large? How would you say they display this pride and trust in the organization?

What are the top three reasons why your employees like being associated with you? Through what specific means do you ensure that employees see themselves aligned and creating value?


An Enduring organization has people processes geared towards delivering business results.

It is a dream company to work for, has lower attrition problems, and sees higher employee and customer satisfaction, better quality of work, more efficiency and productivity and higher levels of innovation and creativity. The business impact of its processes is measurable.

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5.1 Mention three significant improvements and innovations in HR practices in the last one-year and their correlation with improvement in business performance.

5.2 What has been overall number of applicants to your organization in the last one-year? What % of your employees has been recruited through Employee referral? What has been the rate of absenteeism in the last six months? What has been your offer acceptance rate at a) at the entry level b) at the middle level c) at the senior level?

5.3 What has been the attrition rate as of March 2005 and as of March 2006?

5.4 Please indicate how the building of competencies within the organization has had an impact on end customer satisfaction or in avoiding rework.(correlation index between increase in competencies and improvement in business performance metrics)

5.5 Please provide proof of trends in VOE if an employee satisfaction survey is conducted and how does it compare with the top three action areas as per your HR plans for the year.

5.6 How have your best practices in people management helped contribute to the brand as an employer?

5.7 Please provide evidence of awards /recognitions/certifications won at the organizational level for best people practices?


6.1 Please provide any additional information that you feel appropriate.

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Part –3: DECLARATION FORMI have read and agreed to the Conditions of Entry specified below.

I/we certify that all data and information provided in this form are factually correct to the best of my knowledge.

I/we declare that no information has been withheld, through which omission may materially diminish my standing of the Awards or affect the judging of the Award.

I/we certify that all rights and clearances with regard to any third parties or third party intellectual property connected with this entry have been obtained

I/we agree that any false representation can lead to the immediate disqualification of my company and the nomination by the awards panel.

I/we agree that the judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into

Award Category Applied For





Mobile Phone

Date when submission made

Email id from which submission made

Signature of Company Authorized Signatory

Date of Signature

Company Seal/Stamp

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