the morning star and catholic messenger (new orleans, la...

er , ite t ear 1iu r - t- h la trg who tr i. mty. e of s hi ï¿ ½ adt tor s• u @4fess.a 4amdas-'tiW tor tr. ee-will, .bt we th. e y-andt t-bo know ehum and revolrted r{ f coraWi tesl toee fi . w Pinsp&. en sabaetrismAa thiilation dd on toe epe fn I 4 t " U i nlP s . . nadr i e reason or free-wil but was, 4 l t a humane a rwa mo contradct -" to its '.co whniedth e ri ; o'~'ZIIP54IIoIS.', like a r tlaee , odis wa, toW beave B•a, d or a, br w e nio y eah. aItyd uuW14tt•f : �ad r" m h is al} of ot . e •t,4 W io tOhe , t ohenve, .w ht I ovei ' i e n atIs inr ate mint e h Reo i by ;er�a ~ reno� ii inot ot h e s b e ip l le t r h ltea th e * m s e o f r itm I n ,es l e i t 1 l i ofl e d oiw r qgsura. dsotlyaIor Ma rtin Ia thOwdalic .bea h lmer mare several authBdesj ilt 7 t whih is' divine.- The utheaotr ht osbnreb in dQvim establi n h- ... d yGod Hlmself. Enetihlr'authorit of the Culqa t 1ps 2a i the epibsbrch isoi *e d gnai~nofJ.t rq tiath that r evii a t by Ood, and that trudt4 ps enve.al4 :Qe, :an d for all, by Christ when he ae unon the oath; . and -this 6 '5ta5t04 Isr thc w ritten and the unwrit*p AWrnd and thb -Church is the n of both. There can hs no new "4 betask e truth she .ggeseq ,v Sa f -t stltai 4beh dt e o n es k n r S is o u r t at+. *rainhlraslier1 htad Tea , a the qu hh h progress o wwe Lust ten or I should tell ye are, I a m a f ra i d o aierated. The imply a few quota ators, (which the speakerU , also from figures that the Catholics in the country were increasing in number much faster than the pop in proportion.) By means of t which the Catholics now possea are increasing every day, thpr the future will be as rapid, i or than in the past. CATHOLIC SCHOdLS. Among the important facilities for ad- vancement which we now possess and will woi about these. You know that is . other thing we are greatly misrepresentei in. We do not want to teach Protestant children Catholicity. We do not ask it. e do not wish it. Let them teach their own'children; but we claim that they should ao.vg4each ogr childess.. ia. that say-thing preu than fair play R Ai we ak t, it we a•ertain amountof the taxes' that go educatien, we have asl the tight 44 say hiow thi tazatfte-`bllionlt be distribited. ieow, 't'eii'.theate b? p schools; we 4o not- •o , the' pin fo` i it. s.biild1reu; they may Bae G g1 c .ool eon every. corner, and til' m with4'theia children.' We claim, wet w e$P.eboole where they not only give Lnalsa education bwt with that secular semntion, a, religi as efneatioh. " We d# otiwans our hildren to grow p like many wrountdthem, who-believe neither in God, ran, nor the devil. Wlat we ask, is only 'fairtpIh- nnder a demnociatic goveroment. -Oatbolib Atstriadoestbhl~ for Protestants; ; Jatholie 'r a efidoes tbis for Protestaunta *Pro;pelta 'niussia de s title for Catholics; ,Proitestaont England d•ea tlhis for Catholics -shame on .Americans, 'who pretend to be -lovers of fair play, not to give to Catholics what Austria and Prance give to YProtest- 0 5. - of A4smala.-Amongthe mammalia, the fornation of the sar varies, in many cuses, seorlisg to the habits and peculiar rature of the aima.l. The poitlon of the ear e"the male -asigned for the cognisance of seondls Pisig in the air is less perfect th~h i tb i a- l jd e qp r 'w seated, rceives -wI din .to fold its ears back on its head; and te .water-asps elose the orifice in the same manner that ma~'y diving and burrowing animals ate furnished with flaps tp the ,ibe by which they close the en- trance to al jjadious bodies. The hip- oiotai~n . remains for lenghdted periods n'rAth the surfa• o of tlhe water, and is provided.with a valve-like apparatus. -Hareladtlbrile, which squat olese to the groundmand which- might bemore readily disedvdred were any projetinflg part of their .bodyvisible, fold theirears fat backward. ah ! thisense is remarkably ken ; andl r.ith li. se it is only exceeded bythat of 'thle *"elL' '-They hear sounds and are restless log before the-rider can perceive an apimat or human being.ia the distance. The carrier-horses in Switzerland hear the SAll of an avalanclr, and warn their masters of the danger by their terror, and efeuse to advance, even turning in an opposite direction.- The acute sensibility of this organ is' somewhat obstructed by lushv haira Wthich grow in the outer sheath, and horse dealers -out them from horses they - citing the4animal, give thema- more lively ipp3e[aIrIe rlTh figtliofThii owl iis per- fctly -noiseless; and its ear,' equally sate, detects the slightest humming of an .inseet at a distAnee of several feet. Moth s . i COlor Sh o ps . -I n some p la c es moths infest shops where paints and oils are sold. A good remedy is to set pieces of camphor, or sauoers filled with turpen- tine, about the premises. Camphor water, sprinkled regularly, would also greatly Irelp. The loss is dear, and the remedy cheap. Hasheesh or lashisah, as the Orientals call it, has long .been an important article of Eastern commerce, and more than one brilliant pen has described its magical ef'tct, upon the imagination. The tem porary extacies it has communicated to millions -of poor mortals have been a thousandfold counterbalanced by the prostration, mental and physical, that in- evitably follows the practicp of using it. -As the phineae government strove desper- ately at one time to check the importation of opium, so does the Vicetoy now prohibit the use of kcskeess under the severest nalties. Helitiuenaihbloandt pogressive .Psst Lace. - Who devised it? The J al1ans claim that they derived the art Ifrcom Greek refugees escaping the disorders of tIe Lower Empire. The Spauards .galn r it to the Mooreof Orenada. A re41l'legeh va s still more romantic "i. WeVenice was stilt in her pride t ima•mfe supremacy, a Venetian tar 'Urtp home a buech d aorsak-line as- el she akid kbown ua *Mermaid's to his betrothed ThMe latter -was a Id. eeeker, tad was so plosd with the usito beauty of the ptnt, that she haZ to idiitate it wh thread ad, the reperbory .1 elegance and and to ruin is always kept in go$a te the trvelers p the enpnsesmm .. a c no �64 - ...... .... ga 1 teerms anthortedt t c e. 11 T C . 11. Ar. ' REEIATL, Mc &TE APPLEGA x. n P PLUMBE . b e ls ' $ C lat Wk St s 1t I P t e n I l t t Blras and 1'lytml Cvekm If al patterns, 146............. .. POYDRAS StCREET....... ....- N. B.-Ageots for Colwell , Shaw k Willard's Patent Hydraotput up, extended, and repaired. Raolr ne4tly done. elalye C C . HARTWELL , -I , PLUMBER AND GAB iER, 42......6 . ... Barotne Streiet.............42 Between Common and, Oravier, 'ew Orleans. Hot. Cold, and Satrer a tolon !he & ot.r, atea E !oasts. Pompp, and every doscip-tlon ofGe., Steam and Water l'ipee. C.M Chandoeiers, Brackets, etc., carefullh fitted anp. Jobbing tetendod o on t moaitresonable tlTrmd. nJs31 t he Saain street.l. ,e ly Y b d w1 .. T 'houD io , , a ELLYWou sec t dand n fo bar als. ,by strlctA.. t t t o.•btant a l _ p ï¿ ½ atr o na _ aCorer St. A etc, w a Fulton street. Fourthic CASES of all (OFFIn, and Wooden tlNa c onstantly deon hand. al1way oan haud TIOS. CONt ON,- .•nger, 2 73 an d . 27 .. .... Magazine t r a in e . i l.. . . 'i W. nTtrmclc. U N DR F TA IK Ei, " cs i "47Can o r oat laoruOX oflJslae--"9l: Ptfllthsnioir t~d'SroE~cl'FCOF INS w ou l d d o w el t b y c fll L .y .•. . j3t h fe.5,m l pu n ta l lO bt and Thi. ew a a y' S OU T s E Rs n C A h I AG S E STAB IE , for wic ............. the S Agent. Warrant....d to be ...... e.187 t, uctiloen and irtighedt, AnRIES for beirety of Ior caniot cnaUYe,1 - aorpaasclu oar otheever znntmtfofcured. Lose nald, M ianhoganv.y l l Walant, and all other st}tlea t uothon rate nrata. Jl.:4 ly A L LIA3 PILPL.S' UNION STABKE S, Cultner St. AOpen and Ful t on tr e AG E S For hiurth prics t. COFFINS" so all( c rt p tt o sc o no t an t ly on ha n d. All Oders onr tdD ndPartie promptly te toRI. ,AOES to Luu. jn17 ly NDW UNDERTAk A nd CA R CA R PE T ER t h irBUILDER, 3t)- -Magazit Stret.... N.. 0.1.14 lc Wt. 7lrltcn, the audl Thalia. New (tl e wita. v SOUTIERN CARRIlAGE STABLE, .13 .......... ... JcuARi treET......:........ 1 8 IBetwcen Juliae and St. ChJoeh.. Open arnd Closed CA•RIAngIiS for hire day or eceived, and immediately atteded to. ly UNION STABLES, Agn. d owerlf prope Street will ea e .......... e ntc Finoee Open knod Camong meha ES for hire at per ce I agent or ower py rth tl such little trime.s ling up. l doei nota and Partiesll nromtly antty perd cen. gn work entrued to him. AANDREU LILDE CARPENSTERAN BUILDER 1CO1..... .E - •TAI AND TRLES Y AS TREET....... , etwSondhn Julern alwa and St. Joseph. All work guaranteed. w d c 6m and immediately attended to. Agentsand owners f property will plesse take notice that the subscriber does not encourage the confidence operation known among merhanie as " et hat pe. cent. will you glve me it I get you the j ob I" c o urse the i agent or owrer payins t all such little trifles wheattendedt- toling p. liexecutedoe not ask n will not lie any per v entage on work er n lru s teul t o h i m. n. tin A. LEO. ï ¿ ½, 1 e E Nl Z UE A . IR O DE R IC K , SCISTERN BUILDERS, CO4t.. It l- \ 1t1A'l Ni, IE STY,lT.......S EETS. SeerodBhetweenrrs nManeu INd ontan ce.l. All work guaranteed. rn. de cusG SC. AT1I AN, TROPICAL ROOFINT MANUFACTR RER And SLATYII. 224 ............ . B i enville Street............22 i All orderon in te abore line will be promptlyr attended to d , and eeeunel td lFre .eetand Amertnna n PAnner. MJ, J. a aI. , 11, .-. &t AT E R, 104il e....n ... c.ti tEl Guinting SIrllul tin... t r. 1 rentwe he I aiaineo and Coing the form S~ L , I- s tit w f e al t iid ontiku ce i tng o PAINTER. leas retoehd hissa etd the corner or I•ron. e end aoton strrets GT(e kepae tad Frenhl and IPAPlER HA•d)l GS. RelglCionse Artrleo. seurhnas .layrll'dn, Im e s, Enugrainges , et. Still cnlo Itiue trhe Paintin. r I rlinlan1 ing, Lettering o SI g noo i zin a nd G i ldi n g tu s o f i neus. ret ofeiov r pe saialit oftwrminul Ftoring iin the form ofLORINGauet, onI a t nlnos tc.,lpo rl t rtnlwict rt. serur tI uilttu w oo l ro t a l luhiu i 'it', u nt ker llp it is'cli ntil.v ias t honsn pl a ed tin th ,ir siptn torieo.f t Alo T l'llh *-'i ( •s l rt c- (,ie. ' C it i l-. tarn pr-rrelin Dw e).lElings ot St a ri e n. Nel.- _ illteson t to i tis t eoi stito t t in tuiu g o f J. S. IIR D E Y, S15 ............ l. . ycttyttv Street............115 nIt'St I'u t:.enDp liad otur Io. tCot.ttISI, 1;i..AZlx'G, ,, utt.. 1,"100)lR tVy troi(nL 2 1- ti Y lhton in o roo to ObtaLin a .itir nlllrillt•) O l~iltrtiil;i ' . M[r. F. IEIt Ltt iNlint u'hal'ge oltt, Sigtn f)rl,-rtt,ncet, and pllKdges iia I,rnyt iultirt. to give tatlulaltion to l1e public. SI(N-S, Bll'NFEIt, Fr.A(;S. ,tre. All ordenr will receiue prilllt aitrti(utn. let,? tiln &FAYZETrE MARBLE WORKS, Fh PwytaaI �WaPMDlta Btrsets. N~EW !8. F I t MWiLB MA G RBLK and � T i LABTAN3 zdcpB. - r I HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. CARPET AND 91Q CLOTH WAIREHOUSE E LK-I.N & CO ., 16 ............. :Canal Street.... ....... 8 (O p po s it o Christ Church . ) . A re re c cl e ing RNe' asnton MfATTINGS of best quality, 'Wlbite. Std , heek and Now Fancy Pattornss. F loor OIt ~ lL fr o m 3 t o 3 4 fe e t wide. Mlinilla and fd e•[.ATTINGS. Window SIhAi i every variety. CoEnloes, Curtain Goods, Hair Cloth, Tasail, Cord, Etc. mh2S 3m E. OPENER. 174................Canal Street... ........ 174 Between Baroane and Dryades streets. CROCKERY. CHINA. GLASSWARE, PLATED WARE. CUTLERY, STOVES, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. ries and patrons that be baa opened the store former. ly keptby Levi & Nava, at 174 Canal street, and will continue to serve their old customers the same as before. I as now enabled to supply the public with everything appertaining to a ftrst.class House Furnishing Establish- ment. Ladles wishing to fill up China Dinner and Tea Sets cani be supplied with them at very low prices. I am also reevlving a large assortment of Plated Ware, such aa}eo lIltchara, Castors. Table and Tea Spoons of the very best quality at reduced prices. Also the Celebrated Cooking Stove COTTONI'LANT, All Stoves sold In the city will be lint up anul delivered free of charge . I ain also receiving a very large stock of ;lassware which I will sell at remarkably low prices. Please call and examinue my geols before purchasing elsewhere. lenember the place. mh7 3m - E. OFNK E. 14 C(anal street. C ARPET WAREHOUSE, 19...........CRHARTREB 5TRET .......... 19 A. DROUSSEAU &CO.,Importers, offer at low prices - CARPETINGS, English and American. of all kinds, FLOO, FJlrnlttre and Enamel OIL CLOTHS. MATTIWG---,o roell China, u10 pieces Cocoe. s(INDOW SHADES, Table and Piano Covers. CP~ E.B CLOTHS, Drugget Linen, Felt. CURTAINS. Laces, tRopp loreted, Damraska, etc. FURNITURE COVERING, Linen and Cotton. CORNICES. Bandp, Pins, etc. .. an7 ly FRES• ARRIVALS OF - PAPER hIANGINGS, PAINTS, AND WINDOW . GLASS. 105...............Canal Street......... .... 105 The undersigned has received, perlate arrivals, a very Large, Fresh. and-Well Selected Stoclk of the above Goods, all of which he is now selling at tireatly Red d figares. Parties n want of such articles are rel Ifully inyi. ted to call at his Store, No. 105 Canal e r est , between Chartres street anl E x change I'lac and exoamingRoods and prices Iwflorc porch.^sing a where. Competent workmen far a hed when required. Ja17 m M. W ELAHAN , 105 Canal street. ElLNRY THOFF, FURNITURE DEALER, 155 Ca p street, opposite St. Patrick'a Church, New Orleans. Every description of FtUIINITUIIRE-from plain to tihe Richest and Most Elaborate in Denein, at the L.owest Market prices. Counstry merchantsa ill do wrll to ex- amine ruy stock. lurniture carefully stored. ja.i i y 'IURNITU•E ............ ...... 1... t'IIRN ITl RF ]. ltOC 1' jj N E 1) iE I., CABINET MA•KER-AND UPTrOLSTERtER, .5Barohne street, between Common and Graier. Special attention given to Upholstering anti Repairing. Cheap Parlor and Iedroom Sets. Mattresser c.,utant- ly on hand at the lowest market prietr. la31 3 m EDWARD ILIENTUAL, 95.................Canal Street..............95 Importer and Dealer in WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW. ELRY. SILVIER and PLATED WAItE. Parte•olar attentlgnaa to Repairing Watches, Jew. r', etc All kinds ofd ewry and Silver Ware made to o. and oall work dons lly guarsasntoed. I ( . B AR T ON. 1as4 3m CDOUGLAS ENGRAVER AIND LITHOGRAPHER, 10............. CAMP STREET............1V Visiting and Wedding Cards egraved in the most elmt r ea m er . C a c ]blrde, A t a sd . otita, 311. oAf itll ad.l InS.s CanTelng Sta Do plata, eta raiate embossedun Paper and B vslopes. without cbarg foe die. B lsak A eo u ot S alesOMe s ie alw a ys e on hand. WOa OWE ' R W E ILL U MI N AT D IG OIL e Ias to be h ad oat7 4 C a mp stre . t, o t si n g t h I s e v er need h ansy ea sheb 3mLL' & VEAZIN. egitIa r 74 Ca m p s ch s t. GET YOUR CIGARS - A t the - PREMIUM CIGAR MANUFACTORY OF GEORGE ALCES, 1P:, Rampart street, below Canal. Lock.bc 18 P1ot-ofhe. mbt8 ; n BLOODS ENGLISI, EI PALE ALE I PORTER! or-'o-si 'ibtr to suit under coat prices, to close co., signmfets. Orders solcited and pr ompt tey ndod to, by MA gTIN DRUHAN. 0I Commeree t., between Lafayett& and Olrod. ONtSOLTG--HOW PLEASANT IS THE thoughbt oh, my stars tht koting consolee man like m u - king rI Gemtlean, think of this, too: you know it t is true, thatt it t,- oolmng good tobacco to chew but it is Qdte_|�o that is w Nrmtwath oor , with Theo boae dtluors we a alewa'hood mw N. 113 9 C lblso•el Mang, s d L. rLANOIO. MEDICAL ' e� p U Ai I F In -An ta s s a nd .... . ....... ...... 9 3 ' atent Pad IDs D D. Schmidt. -lb st, and the Pro tdedt or eastt4m t as tatsh ore will be pronftly a t teand e d to. ]lis t 1 y -- TUIltE CURED i Using Dn. FEItRI'S A $PUPPORTER TRUSS. ,t onfortable, and Secure Trus Ufe . C ctedupon an entire new pri-11i•. aano ~p nor iron bands, thus avoiding all in Sne p the back, at the same tine support ing the abdomeen a*d relieving the aperture of all tlndue weight. It in the only Trues that permanently c o res the m o st obstinate as well as recent cases of liernia qualities aseesmiae WetttrTrtMPN, "a those iAfoTarvoe Wrn ne Sasious kb•ldawith aptuge or banlds can testify. With an experience of more than ten years practice in the treatment and cure of Rupture and Hernia, I can promibe more perfect relief, comrufit antd security, and a more rapid itmpronr•eut than can be obtained of any other person 1, applliance in the South, without rqgard to t he age o f t he pa t ie n t, or le n gt h o f t i me af f li c ted . ' Call on, or address with stamp Da . T. ST. C. FERIIIS. Office No. S St. Char l es st r eet, u p- s ta t ra I o ur " - Fr o n• 10 A . a s. to 4P. a .. . J ,2 4 tf PURITY IS ESSENTIAL. J. II. IIARTE, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Claiborne treet, between Common and Canal streets A full asnsrtment of Fresh Drugs and Cbemicals alesavs on hand. !'al 1 I on M : \--French. Ells.h, nd An merican. BltR•TIIl-S-Tooth., fir, antReail i~ great variety. SOAlS--Every qOualit anld price. Special atltrtion - r•ven to the Compounding of P'hy~ clans' •l'esrcriilttlosu n atalTutra. dtto c;m G!tEOl:t E 1t.IIINSFATIIER.. CIIEMIST. DRUI;GGIST AND APOTHECARY, il'otabliel•l Twelve Yeatas) 372............coMlMON STREET... ..372 Takeo tlhs olp0tIrtunity o flpcfioreig his regular cus tomers. nid thebplultle go•r•lly, that he hal•lately open, td eas-i•lndid n l w otoltC (next door t o b in olad stand) tittoed up withia Large and Varied As•e•rtment of Freralh l)rngn, Mteliienro. and Chcmcala. ntitahle to the wants of th e m o st fattidious; and as hlege Idls constant per soenal attention ti+ the arefotl" manipulation and prelsa- tration of all Medicines he d•lsPnse. tihe public may feel assured tlhat they moay have full confidence In anything they receive from his etore. Phyeicians t Prescriptions carefully and accurately componnded. r 1 h21 ly . ROSA RT, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Corner of Marals and Gasquet streets. PERFUMERY, SOAPS, and FANCY ARTICLES e all ktnda. Phy s ikiana P re s criptionsyeatefully put up. feb7 3m rXA ' EYcD1 .ICC K O , JVLIL5 iIAAN. F. -yaeIat•HItnO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, And Dealers in Plur Chemticuls, Apparatus. Leeches, Fine Perfll m nelr, etc., " n 1:39 i'anal street. Touro Buildings. SPlantation ordtier execsted with care and dispatch felid 3m - 1 MPORTA NT NOTICE. To all who value t he i r R ig h t, an d w!3h to improve K R ItN AG IHAN & CO., 11.......::.....CAMP bTHTE - ET....... ..... Yi reg leave to etr ito to those in need of Lenses, t~ GEO INEI I' llAZILI.AN 'PEIIILESPECITACL ,war. ranted to preserv te the cy unimpaired to tremo old ago. "Their coastrultilon," lays a Cel teld writer on 1 optice, "isi a.coldanee with the pleiiunphy of nature, in th ie flrm coone.trve-covex mirror." and their transpa rency is eo perfect that the wearer can only perceive he han them on by the improvement in his eight. The adlvatagtesof our improved Brazilian Pebble Spectacile ista, been fully tested by the most scientific men of h Eunrope and America, and approvod as the b . pectacles ndetrWuwn for the preservation of the mpaired vision. For ale only KI•EINAGII.\N & CO., feti :tn Optician . Nao. It CIamp s tr e et . .40and 42......St. Charl Street...... 40 and 42 TIHE FAtLIlIONAIILE FAMILY I:ESORT. ASTONIISHING IIUMAN WONDERS. The WsndeIitlt Aamphibious Man, the liartdedLaity, the Ieautiful Circ'as•iain Lady. the Liliputian Queen, the Living Skeilton Violinit, the Bohemian Glass Worker A LItG(iE MENAGERIE. An Aviary of :alre and lh."uttful Birds, Dens of Mon- ..ter S•tpents, Trtli., oif MIonk:s. Ales and ia*loons, SC1uocities from all partl of the (;Globe, Thiree GLASS NTEA\M EN(;INI:.t, ;tIll a eoulltles• arrny of Most In- t ottstltï¿ ½ a• d i i rtt " o ( 40 i ,-4 . ot the ant t ,t l o'iv t e r a. A\llllis•sIlon ."U [rent y a , ( , .ali d tI l•.1 h' olrnt . 1:.11l •tm J lt..IAN, J.; A.C't'I•TIN:I:. Otlice and Salesrooml I t(;Gr:aviitr. near Catrontelei•t treet, New tr1 tllts. Tlhrt ol advanteso mu:ctlk Ietrtts. e•tll'lttco, AIteltl- saultotf F,,tl t t i re. '.trg,,t."t, i'tot,,lel. pet IEttt. i t e v ery doneinpt i os of Ser hl t andi•e lpromptly i te e T t . t l Zttt It1 I' T; i. At A I-: 1 V. Lï¿ ½ Bt U R l II n ( Ift .N,.. Adi prtp miettr t thle I'i esvta". t 'htldng .1lls. EI ORiLEANs l'AiRtL. EX t E 5 S FFIC To Jesewse. City, on 1cents upwards. Small ae onlsty oy nd ot New (rileans above Canal, snteet. p ie lent s e.left at thl ee.. . .. . ... 1 ,15 cend Five 25 cents Tickets..................... ..... $..1 00o !api ly i J. F. iILBEeT, Superintendent. SDOVER.................................SLATE, 306 Dryayes street, New Orleans. LEAXY ROOFS REIPAIIID ANiD WARBANTED. Orders from the country promptly attended to. apl8 3m ./ Palmyr• street, one block hem Chdborn. Market, aIrp tf 1 Camp street. GENE . 5TATIOUZRE~ I .W . i oiacl'yeM ,, t ,o . e,r i opn b1orti, 5 *m We Iy particular attention will pliciAte the ad thempase f s pear it a short time, as ias )t u i other. Letter, Note and Foolaeap PAAERS. ENVELOPES of all sizes. . 3 1J Foley'a unrivalld GOLD PE", In a grea-t variety ot. ITi . dora. LETTVr I CoIrrIX 06kao - Fancy FRiEICH PAPIER a"•I R IS, with Initials handsomely eboa i•id~ latest style. We invlte thhe particul latenton a1 ••isads to our specimens of JOB PRIIISTNG, such m Cards, Bill HIleads, Acecoust Sales, etc•., st.a wh •w•'ge• a0 M the shortest possible notice and la the eastest nsiun. Bills of Lading, say Receipts, Ceamlbdae aad Mercantile Blanks of all kinds alwayi a hm aad print-ed to order. Stainied Check Books, on Iny Bank in the city, with name of firm printed in, furnished at thirty-sIx uonrs' Bills of Exchange, Notes, Drafts, etc., Engrated and Lithographed. We deal directly with the mianufacturtis. and our prices are as low as those of any similar establishmet in the Seouth. t utomers willalwayss'eiv heb•slat of any duiline in tIw cost of goods. Clty or country orders will receiev prompt and careful attention. All goods warranted as represented. DIARIES FOR 18es. - T . F ITZWILLIAM &. CO, de6 tinm 6 Camp street. C•ATIIOLIC BOOKS FOR SALE BY JAS. A. GRESHIAM, Bo seller and Stationer,- 92 CAMP. STREET. IMITATIOON OF CHRIST, by Thomas A. Ksmpl. THE GOOD SHEPlEFtI. oeygatq. SISTElRS STORY. bw Mr�-, t• mvl .- The Illustrated CATHOT.IC SUNDAY SCHOOL LI. BRARY. All the CATHOLIC P5A,YER BOOKS in general use. CATHOLIC BIBLES. C(IRISTIAN BROTHERS- READERS. 311.1TRO 'OI.TANOIeEADEIS. Catholic Schools and Convents wIUl he &opplied with all kindlo tf 'hiol anr Misaellaneous -B•.ok at the low- cct 'ortherin prices. Oirders for Catholic Books will be filll at the slhorti.t inotice. spI (OUiN•TRY MERCHA NTS WILL SAVE TEN PER CENT By purchasing their S'4C(ritOL IOOKS ANI) STATION-ER OF A. EI'YRIlCIt. S'UCi e ssor t o BLELOCK & CO., itho l cil Ioknellher and Stationer, l ...... ....... alnoni Slreet.............130 N. I -I sell lai4l l1n, and Staititnesy at Esatern hr ti. }*rir•s. and allow l.ilwral Discount to large J. E. KtLM.. S. i. K l'U I.L & DICKEY, Wholesale- and Retail BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, l ........ ...... Canal street ............. 10 NEW OnLEANS LA., Law, Medical, MIleellseons, School and Jnaventle BiokiS. SId 17- HILIP ANTONI, t- BOOKSELLER ANDI STATIONER, No. 193 Josephine Street, next dooC to St. M•ry' German Church, Keepson hand a general stock of Catholic Pr•iyer•ooks, A opl.Y oi EngiliaC, Freach and Georman Pray? erlies ilithbe, 'Lives of Shli.its. Also Miktsals, AlhtarulcnU, Cruets, Oil OtBokc., an( i t es.l-- rA large nsitrtnrnt of Beads and 1tedals,~Crucl. - fIoxees ol'.water Founts, Statues, and all kinds of religlous Pictures. Also, the only pure Wax Candles for Fite't ComniiiIion,l at the lowest lrices. - 'ieCtitc n (rtmicql and nladc to order. Also. Cnntn,tr S•lthow.•le for salle. hb2l ly IF G(Ui;AIIT, CATHOLIC IBOOKKELLERI AND 1P. T Cacip street opiirle SL Pa. irik I"h re ktleepmagenerat stocek oSC IOOLIOOKS ; Ill L, Ii'A Ei Btlt . Standard and Mlicellaneeoa VWo ks. All the latet (Ctholilc ltblicltions at publish- cr' prices. lhiiad Medals, Crucifxco and Religious Pie- ti S. IGoiral Ageitl for all Catholicl Newspaper and S ae l, core ooks and .i, el. 0 11.y ICAT'LILC JOOK STORE, I............. lnRoyal Sitreet.............174 i 'awh n9 ,11. irie,, beUltwen taunal street and the it'. tenit Fathers Churel. fOt LEI.IEVIt lc.e leave to inform his fclt and coun. .,ici t olrs thalt at ltranch ofhis Book. Stor-e ii been ce- t.1.ihl lli ei4liit liei• street, No. 9, where will ie found, as il gitili and itFrenrlh. ]rayer IBooks, in the Engliish F'reunh, Germsan sit Spacisih lanuagues. Stationer,. Artilest of Piety Flowers. MaterIals for making 1Flowers, Fancy Artist HENRY C. ANDREWS, BOOKSELLER, S TATIONER. AsIo VARIETY GOODS, CALL AND) SEE THE LISTS O THE BEST SCHOOLS IN THE COUNTRY, a I At the Agency •.r D LDb- " ap4lmt im No •II lal] ." SIGHT IXCEANOG o seat Britagrela and, a e m y p ar t Wi peas cotataSni, ain sues to s alt. OsmtLag ah el c. T. DUanDB 00.i,

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Post on 28-Feb-2019




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trg who tr i. mty. eof

shi � adt tor s• u @4fess.a 4amdas-'tiWtor tr. ee-will, .bt we

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. w Pinsp&. en sabaetrismAathiilation dd on toe epe fn

I 4 t " U i nlPs. . nadri

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a humanea rwa mo contradct -" to its'.co whniedth e ri ;

o'~'ZIIP54IIoIS.', like ar

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oiw r qgsura. dsotlyaIor Ma rtin

Ia thOwdalic .bea h lmer mare severalauthBdesj ilt 7 t whih is' divine.- The

utheaotr ht osbnreb in dQvim establi nh-...d yGod Hlmself. Enetihlr'authorit ofthe Culqa t 1ps 2a i the epibsbrchisoi *e d gnai~nofJ.t rq tiaththat r eviia t by Ood, and thattrudt4 ps enve.al4 :Qe, :an d for all, byChrist when he ae unon the oath; . and-this 6 '5ta5t04 Isr thc w ritten and theunwrit*p AWrnd and thb -Church is the

n of both. There can hs no new"4 betask e truth

she .ggeseq ,v

Sa f -t stltai 4beh dt e

o n es k n r S is o u r

t at+. *rainhlraslier1 htad

Tea , athe qu hh h

progresso wweLust ten or

I should tell yeare, I am afrai d oaierated. Theimply a few quota

ators, (which the speakerU , alsofrom figures that the Catholics in thecountry were increasing in numbermuch faster than the pop inproportion.) By means of twhich the Catholics now posseaare increasing every day, thprthe future will be as rapid, i orthan in the past.

CATHOLIC SCHOdLS.Among the important facilities for ad-

vancement which we now possess and will

woi about these. You know that is .other thing we are greatly misrepresenteiin. We do not want to teach Protestantchildren Catholicity. We do not ask it.

e do not wish it. Let them teach theirown'children; but we claim that they shouldao.vg4each ogr childess.. ia. that say-thingpreu than fair play R Ai we ak t, it we

a•ertain amountof the taxes' that goeducatien, we have asl the tight 44 say

hiow thi tazatfte-`bllionlt be distribited.ieow, 't'eii'.theate b? p schools; we 4o not-•o , the' pin fo` i it. s.biild1reu; they may

Bae G g1c.ool eon every. corner, andtil' m with4'theia children.' We claim,

wet w e$P.eboole where they not only giveLnalsa education bwt with that secular

semntion, a, religi as efneatioh. " We d#otiwans our hildren to grow p like many

wrountdthem, who-believe neither in God,ran, nor the devil. Wlat we ask, is only'fairtpIh- nnder a demnociatic goveroment.-Oatbolib Atstriadoestbhl~ for Protestants;;Jatholie 'r a efidoes tbis for Protestaunta*Pro;pelta 'niussia de s title for Catholics;,Proitestaont England d•ea tlhis for Catholics-shame on .Americans, 'who pretend to be-lovers of fair play, not to give to Catholicswhat Austria and Prance give to YProtest-

0 5. - of A4smala.-Amongthe mammalia,the fornation of the sar varies, in manycuses, seorlisg to the habits and peculiar

rature of the aima.l. The poitlon of theear e"the male -asigned for the cognisanceof seondls Pisig in the air is less perfect

th~hitb ia-l jdeqpr 'w seated, rceives

-wI din .to fold its ears back on itshead; and te .water-asps elose the orificein the same manner that ma~'y diving andburrowing animals ate furnished with flapstp the ,ibe by which they close the en-trance to al jjadious bodies. The hip-

oiotai~n .remains for lenghdted periodsn'rAth the surfa• o of tlhe water, and is

provided.with a valve-like apparatus.-Hareladtlbrile, which squat olese to thegroundmand which- might bemore readilydisedvdred were any projetinflg part of their.bodyvisible, fold theirears fat backward.

ah ! thisense is remarkably ken ; andlr.ith• li. se it is only exceeded bythat of

'thle *"elL' '-They hear sounds and arerestless log before the-rider can perceivean apimat or human being.ia the distance.The carrier-horses in Switzerland hear the

SAll of an avalanclr, and warn their mastersof the danger by their terror, and efeuse toadvance, even turning in an oppositedirection.- The acute sensibility of thisorgan is' somewhat obstructed by lushvhaira Wthich grow in the outer sheath, andhorse dealers -out them from horses they

-citing the4animal, give thema- more livelyipp3e[aIrIe rlTh figtliofThii owl iis per-fctly -noiseless; and its ear,' equallysate, detects the slightest humming of an

.inseet at a distAnee of several feet.

Moths. i COlor Sh ops. -I n some p lacesmoths infest shops where paints and oilsare sold. A good remedy is to set piecesof camphor, or sauoers filled with turpen-tine, about the premises. Camphor water,sprinkled regularly, would also greatlyIrelp. The loss is dear, and the remedycheap.

Hasheesh or lashisah, as the Orientals callit, has long .been an important article ofEastern commerce, and more than onebrilliant pen has described its magicalef'tct, upon the imagination. The temporary extacies it has communicated tomillions -of poor mortals have been athousandfold counterbalanced by theprostration, mental and physical, that in-evitably follows the practicp of using it.-As the phineae government strove desper-ately at one time to check the importationof opium, so does the Vicetoy now prohibitthe use of kcskeess under the severest

nalties. Helitiuenaihbloandt pogressive

.Psst Lace. - Who devised it? TheJ al1ans claim that they derived the artIfrcom Greek refugees escaping the disordersof tIe Lower Empire. The Spauards.galn r it to the Mooreof Orenada. A

re41l'legeh va s still more romantic"i. WeVenice was stilt in her pride

t ima•mfe supremacy, a Venetian tar'Urtp home a buech d aorsak-line as-

el she akid kbown ua *Mermaid'sto his betrothed ThMe latter -was a

Id. eeeker, tad was so plosd with theusito beauty of the ptnt, that she

haZ to idiitate it wh thread ad,

the reperbory .1 elegance and

and to ruin is always kept in go$ate the trvelers p the enpnsesmm no

�64 -......

1 teerms ant hortedt t c e. 11 T

C . 11. Ar.'




. b els


C lat Wk St s 1t

IP t

e n I l


Blras and 1'lytml Cvekm If al patterns,146............. .. POYDRAS StCREET....... ....-

N. B.-Ageots for Colwell , Shaw k Willard's Patent

Hydraotput up, extended, and repaired. Raolrne4tly done. elalye






... Barotne Streiet.............42Between Common and, Oravier, 'ew Orleans.

Hot. Cold, and Satrer a tolon !he & ot.r, ateaE !oasts. Pompp, and every doscip-tlon of Ge., Steam andWater l'ipee. C.M Chandoeiers, Brackets, etc., carefullhfitted anp. Jobbing tetendod o on t moait resonabletlTrmd. nJs31 the

Saain street.l. ,e lyY b

d w1 .. T 'houD io , ,a ELLYWou sec

t dand n fo bar als.

,by t o.•btant a l

_ p�atro na _

aCorer St. A etc, w a Fulton street. Fourthic CASES ofall (OFFIn, and Wooden tlNa c onstantly deon hand.al1way oan haud TIOS. CONt ON,- .•nger, 2 73 and .27 .. .... Magazine t r a in e. i l... .'i W. nTtrmclc. U N DR F TA IK Ei,

"cs i "47Can o roat laoruOX oflJslae--"9l:

Ptfllthsnioir t~d'SroE~cl'FCOF INS w oul d d o welt byc fll L .y .•.

. j3t hfe.5,mlpu

nta l lO bt and Thi. ew a

a y' S OU Ts E Rs n CA hI AG SE STAB IE,for wic ............. the S Agent. Warrant....d to be ...... e.187t, uctiloen and irtighedt, AnRIES for beirety of Ior caniot

cnaUYe,1 -

aorpaasclu oar otheever znntmtfofcured.Lose nald, Mianhoganv.y ll Walant, and all other st}tlea

t uothon rate nrata. Jl.:4 ly


Cultner St. AOpen and Ful t on tr eAG E S For hiurth prics t.

COFFINS" so all( c rtp tt o sco notan tly on han d.All Oders onr tdD ndPartie promptly tetoRI. ,AOES to Luu. jn17 ly


A nd CA RCARPETER t h irBUILDER,3t)- -Magazit Stret.... N..

0.1.14 lc Wt. 7lrltcn, the audl Thalia. New (tl e wita.

v SOUTIERN CARRIlAGE STABLE,.13 .......... ... JcuARi treET......:........ 18

IBetwcen Juliae and St. ChJoeh..

Open arnd Closed CA•RIAngIiS for hire day or eceived,

and immediately atteded to. lyUNION STABLES,

Agn. d owerlf prope Street will ea e .......... e ntcFinoee Open knod Camong meha ES for hire at per ce I

agent or ower py rth tl such little trime.s

ling up. l doei nota and Partiesll nromtly antty perdcen. gn work entrued to him.AANDREU LILDE


1CO1..... .E - •TAI AND TRLES Y AS TREET....... ,

etwSondhn Julern alwa and St. Joseph.

All work guaranteed. w dc

6mand immediately attended to.

Agentsand owners f property will plesse take noticethat the subscriber does not encourage the confidence

operation known among merhanie as " et hat pe. cent.will you glve me it I get you the j ob I" co urse the i

agent or owrer payins t all such little trifles wheattendedt-toling p. liexecutedoe not ask n will not lie any perventage on work ernlrusteul to hi m.

n. tin A. LEO.


CO4t.. It l-\ 1t1A'l Ni, IE STY,lT.......S EETS.

SeerodBhetweenrrs nManeu INd ontan ce.l.All work guaranteed. rn. de cusG



224 ............ . Bi enville Street............22 iAll orderon in te abore line will be promptlyr attended

to d, and eeeunel td lFre .eetand Amertnna n PAnner.

MJ, J. a aI. , 11,.-. &t AT E R,

104il e....n ... c.ti tEl Guinting SIrllul tin... t r. 1rentwe he I aiaineo and Coing the form

S~L , I- s tit w f e al t iid ontiku ce i tng oPAINTER.leas retoehd hissa etd the corner or I•ron. e end

aoton strretsGT(e kepae tad Frenhl and IPAPlER

HA•d)l GS. RelglCionse Artrleo. seurh nas .layrll'dn,Im e s, Enugrainges, et.

Still cnlo Itiue trhe Paintin. r I rlinlan1 ing, Lettering oSIg noo izin a nd G ildin g tu so fineus. ret

ofeiov r pe saialit oftwrminul Ftoring iin the formofLORINGauet, onI a t nlnos tc.,lpo rl t rtnlwict rt.serur tI uilttu w oo l rot • a l luhiu i 'it', u nt ker llp it is'clintil.v ias thonsn pla ed tin th ,ir siptn torieo.f t

Alo Tl'llh • *-'i(

•sl rt c- (,ie.'

C it i l-. tarn pr-rrelin

Dw e).lElings ot St a rien.Nel.-

_ illteson t to

itis t eoi stito t t in tuiug o f

J. S. IIR D E Y,

S15 ............ l. . ycttyttv Street............115

nIt'St I'u t:.enDp liad otur Io.

tCot.ttISI, 1;i..AZlx'G, ,, utt.. 1,"100)lR tVy troi(nL 21-

ti Y lhton in o roo to ObtaLin a .itir nlllrillt•) O l~iltrtiil;i'.

M[r. F. IEIt Ltt iNlint u'hal'ge oltt, Sigtn f)rl,-rtt,ncet,and pllKdges iia I,rnyt iultirt. to give tatlulaltion to l1epublic.

SI(N-S, Bll'NFEIt, Fr.A(;S. ,tre.All ordenr will receiue prilllt aitrti(utn. let,? tiln


Fh PwytaaI �WaPMDlta Btrsets.

N~EW !8.

F I t


RBLK and


zdcpB. -r I



E LK-I.N & CO .,

16 .............:Canal Street.... ....... 8(Op posit o Christ Church. )

. A re reccl eing RNe' asnton MfATTINGS of best quality,'Wlbite. Std ,heek and Now Fancy Pattornss.

F loor OIt ~ lL fro m 3 t o 34 fe e t wide.Mlinilla and fd e•[.ATTINGS.Window SIhAi i every variety.CoEnloes, Curtain Goods, Hair Cloth, Tasail, Cord,

Etc. mh2S 3m

E. OPENER.174................Canal Street... ........174

Between Baroane and Dryades streets.




ries and patrons that be baa opened the store keptby Levi & Nava, at 174 Canal street, and willcontinue to serve their old customers the same as before.

I as now enabled to supply the public with everythingappertaining to a ftrst.class House Furnishing Establish-ment. Ladles wishing to fill up China Dinner and TeaSets cani be supplied with them at very low prices.

I am also reevlving a large assortment of Plated Ware,such aa}eo lIltchara, Castors. Table and Tea Spoons ofthe very best quality at reduced prices.

Also the Celebrated Cooking Stove COTTONI'LANT,All Stoves sold In the city will be lint up anul delivered

free of charge .I ain also receiving a very large stock of ;lassware

which I will sell at remarkably low prices.Please call and examinue my geols before purchasing

elsewhere. lenember the place.mh7 3m - E. OFNK E. 14 C(anal street.

CARPET WAREHOUSE,19...........CRHARTREB 5TRET ..........19

A. DROUSSEAU &CO.,Importers, offer at low prices -CARPETINGS, English and American. of all kinds,FLOO, FJlrnlttre and Enamel OIL CLOTHS.MATTIWG---,o roell China, u10 pieces Cocoe.s(INDOW SHADES, Table and Piano Covers.CP~ E.B CLOTHS, Drugget Linen, Felt.CURTAINS. Laces, tRopp loreted, Damraska, etc.FURNITURE COVERING, Linen and Cotton.

CORNICES. Bandp, Pins, etc. ..an7 ly




105...............Canal Street......... .... 105

The undersigned has received, perlate arrivals, a veryLarge, Fresh. and-Well Selected Stoclk of the aboveGoods, all of which he is now selling at tireatly Red dfigares.

Parties n want of such articles are rel Ifully inyi.ted to call at his Store, No. 105 Canal e rest , betweenChartres street anl E x change I'lac and exoamingRoodsand prices Iwflorc porch.^sing a where.

Competent workmen far a hed when required.Ja17 m M. W ELAHAN , 105 Canal street.


155 Ca p street, opposite St. Patrick'a Church, NewOrleans.

Every description of FtUIINITUIIRE-from plain to tiheRichest and Most Elaborate in Denein, at the L.owestMarket prices. Counstry merchantsa ill do wrll to ex-amine ruy stock. lurniture carefully stored. ja.i i y

'IURNITU•E ............ ......1... t'IIRN ITl RF]. ltOC 1' jj N E 1) iE I.,

CABINET MA•KER-AND UPTrOLSTERtER,.5 Barohne street, between Common and Graier.

Special attention given to Upholstering anti Repairing.Cheap Parlor and Iedroom Sets. Mattresser c.,utant-

ly on hand at the lowest market prietr. la31 3 m

EDWARD ILIENTUAL,95.................Canal Street..............95Importer and Dealer in WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW.

ELRY. SILVIER and PLATED WAItE.Parte•olar attentlgnaa to Repairing Watches, Jew.r', etc All kinds ofd ewry and Silver Ware made to

o. and oall work dons lly guarsasntoed.I

(. BARTON. 1as4 3m


Visiting and Wedding Cards egraved in the mostelmt rea m er.C a c ]blrde, A t a sd. otita, 311. oAf itll

ad.l InS.s CanTelng Sta Do plata, eta raiateembossedun Paper and B vslopes. without cbarg foedie. Blsak A eouot SalesOMesie alwayseon hand. WOa

OWE' R W E ILL U MI N AT DIG OILe Ias to be had oat7 4 Ca mp stre. t,

o tsing th I s ev er need h ansy ea sheb

3mLL' & VEAZIN.egitIar 74 Cam p sch st.



GEORGE ALCES,1P:, Rampart street, below Canal.

Lock.bc 18 P1ot-ofhe. mbt8 ; n


PORTER!or-'o-si 'ibtr to suit under coat prices, to close co.,

signmfets. Orders solcited and pr ompt tey ndod to,by MA gTIN DRUHAN.

0I Commeree t., between Lafayett& and Olrod.

ONtSOLTG--HOW PLEASANT IS THE thoughbtoh, my stars tht koting consolee man like mu -

king rI Gemtlean, think of this, too: you knowitt is true, thatt it t,- oolmng good tobacco to chewbut it is Qdte_|�o that is w Nrmtwath oor , with

Theo boae dtluors we a alewa'hood mw N. 113 9

C lblso•el Mang, s d L. rLANOIO.


e� p U Ai I F In -An • tas s a


.... . ....... ......9 3

' atent Pad

IDs D D. Schmidt.-lb st, and the Pro

tdedt or eastt4m t as tatsh ore will be pronftlya

tteande d to. ]lis t 1



i Using Dn. FEItRI'S

A $PUPPORTER TRUSS.,t onfortable, and Secure Trus

Ufe . C ctedupon an entire new pri-11i•.

aano ~p nor iron bands, thus avoiding all in

Sne p the back, at the same tine support

ing the abdomeen a*d relieving the aperture of all tlndue

weight.It in the only Trues that permanently c o res the mo st

obstinate as well as recent cases of liernia qualities

aseesmiae WetttrTrtMPN, "a those iAfoTarvoe Wrn ne

Sasious kb•ldawith aptuge or banlds can testify.With an experience of more than ten years practice in

the treatment and cure of Rupture and Hernia, I can

promibe more perfect relief, comrufit antd security, and a

more rapid itmpronr•eut than can be obtained of anyother person 1, applliance in the South, without rqgardto t he age o f t he pa t ie n t, or len gth of t i me aff lic ted. '

Call on, or address with stampDa . T. ST. C. FERIIIS.

Office No. S St. Char l es st reet, u

p-sta t ra

I our "- Fr o n• 10 A. as. to 4P. a ... J,24 tf




Claiborne treet, between Common and Canal streets

A full asnsrtment of Fresh Drugs and Cbemicalsalesavs on hand.!'al 1 I on M : \--French. Ells.h, nd An merican.

BltR•TIIl-S-Tooth., fir, antReail i~ great variety.SOAlS--Every qOualit anld price.Special atltrtion

-r•ven to the Compounding of P'hy~

clans' •l'esrcriilttlosunatalTutra. dtto c;m


CIIEMIST. DRUI;GGIST AND APOTHECARY,il'otabliel•l Twelve Yeatas)

372............coMlMON STREET... ..372Takeo tlhs olp0tIrtunity o flpcfioreig his regular cus

tomers. nid thebplultle go•r•lly, that he hal•lately open,td eas-i•lndid nl w otoltC (next door t o b in olad stand)tittoed up withia Large and Varied As•e•rtment of Freralhl)rngn, Mteliienro. and Chcmcala. ntitahle to the wantsof the m ost fattidious; and as hlege Idls constant persoenal attention ti+ the arefotl" manipulation and prelsa-tration of all Medicines he d•lsPnse. tihe public may feelassured tlhat they moay have full confidence In anythingthey receive from his etore.


Prescriptions carefully and accuratelycomponnded. r 1h21 ly


DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY,Corner of Marals and Gasquet streets.


Physikiana P rescriptionsyeatefully put up. feb7 3mrXA ' EYcD1 .ICC K O ,

JVLIL5 iIAAN. F. -yaeIat•HItnO.

WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS,And Dealers in Plur Chemticuls, Apparatus. Leeches,

Fine Perfllmnelr, etc.,"n 1:39 i'anal street. Touro Buildings.

SPlantation ordtier execsted with care and dispatchfelid 3m -


To all who value t hei r Right, and w!3h to improve

K R ItN AG IHAN & CO.,11.......::.....CAMP bTHTE - ET....... ..... Yi

reg leave to etr ito to those in need of Lenses, t~

GEO INEI I' llAZILI.AN 'PEIIILESPECITACL ,war.ranted to preserv te the cy unimpaired to tremo oldago. "Their coastrultilon," lays a Cel teld writer on1 optice, "isi a.coldanee with the pleiiunphy of nature,in th ie flrm coone.trve-covex mirror." and their transparency is eo perfect that the wearer can only perceive hehan them on by the improvement in his eight.

The adlvatagtesof our improved Brazilian PebbleSpectacile ista, been fully tested by the most scientificmen of h Eunrope and America, and approvod as theb .pectacles ndetrWuwn for the preservation of the

mpaired vision.For ale only KI•EINAGII.\N & CO.,feti :tn Optician . Nao. It CIamp s tr

eet .

.40and 42......St. Charl Street...... 40 and 42



The WsndeIitlt Aamphibious Man, the liartdedLaity,the Ieautiful Circ'as•iain Lady. the Liliputian Queen, theLiving Skeilton Violinit, the Bohemian Glass Worker

A LItG(iE MENAGERIE.An Aviary of :alre and lh."uttful Birds, Dens of Mon-

..ter S•tpents, Trtli., oif MIonk:s. Ales and ia*loons,SC1uocities from all partl of the (;Globe, Thiree GLASSNTEA\M EN(;INI:.t, ;tIll a eoulltles• arrny of Most In-

tottstlt� a• d i i rtt" o( 40i,-4 .ot the ant t ,t l o'iv

t era.

A\llllis•sIlon ."U [renty

a , (

, .alid

tI l•.1 h' olrnt . 1:.11l •tm

J lt..IAN, J.; A.C't'I•TIN:I:.

Otlice and Salesrooml I t(;Gr:aviitr. near Catrontelei•t treet,New tr1 tllts.

Tlhrt ol advanteso mu:ctlk Ietrtts. e•tll'lttco,AIteltl- saultotf F,,tl t t ire. '.trg,,t."t, i'tot,,lel. pet

IEttt. •it ev ery doneinptios of Ser hlt andi•e lpromptly

i te eT t .t lZttt

It1 I' T; i. At A I-: 1 V.L�Bt U R l IIn ( Ift .N,..

Adi prtp miettr t thle I'i esvta". t 'htldng .1lls.




To Jesewse. City, on 1cents upwards.Small ae onlsty oy nd ot New (rileans above Canal,

snteet. pie lents e.left at thl ee... .. . ... 1 ,15 cendFive 25 cents Tickets..................... ..... $..1 00o!api ly i J. F. iILBEeT, Superintendent.


306 Dryayes street, New Orleans.

LEAXY ROOFS REIPAIIID ANiD WARBANTED.Orders from the country promptly attended to.

apl8 3m

./ • Palmyr• street, one block hem Chdborn. Market,

aIrp tf 1 Camp street.


.W .i oiacl'yeM ,, t ,o .

e, r i opn b1orti, 5 *mWe Iy particular attention

will pliciAte the adthempase f spear it a short time, as ias )t u i

other.Letter, Note and Foolaeap PAAERS.ENVELOPES of all sizes. . 3 1JFoley'a unrivalld GOLD PE", In a grea-t variety ot.

ITi . dora.

LETTVr I CoIrrIX 06kao -

Fancy FRiEICH PAPIER a"•I R IS, withInitials handsomely eboa i•id~ latest style.

We invlte thhe particul latenton a1 ••isads to

our specimens of JOB PRIIISTNG, such m Cards, BillHIleads, Acecoust Sales, etc•., st.a wh •w•'ge• a0 M the

shortest possible notice and la the eastest nsiun.Bills of Lading, say Receipts, Ceamlbdae aad

Mercantile Blanks of all kinds alwayi a hm aadprint-ed to order.

Stainied Check Books, on Iny Bank in the city, with

name of firm printed in, furnished at thirty-sIx uonrs'

Bills of Exchange, Notes, Drafts, etc., Engrated and

Lithographed.We deal directly with the mianufacturtis. and our

prices are as low as those of any similar establishmet

in the Seouth. t utomers willalwayss'eiv heb•slatof any duiline in tIw cost of goods.

Clty or country orders will receiev prompt and careful

attention.All goods warranted as represented.


- T . F ITZWILLIAM &. CO,de6 tinm 6 Camp street.


JAS. A. GRESHIAM, Bo seller and Stationer,-


IMITATIOON OF CHRIST, by Thomas A. Ksmpl.THE GOOD SHEPlEFtI. oeygatq.SISTElRS STORY. bw Mr�-, t• mvl



Catholic Schools and Convents wIUl he &opplied withall kindlo tf 'hiol anr Misaellaneous -B•.ok at the low-cct 'ortherin prices. Oirders for Catholic Books will befilll at the slhorti.t inotice. spI


SAVE TEN PER CENTBy purchasing their


A. EI'YRIlCIt. S'UCiessor t o BLELOCK & CO.,ithol cil Ioknellher and Stationer,

l ...... ....... alnoni Slreet.............130N. I -I sell lai4l l1n, and Staititnesy at Esaternhr ti. }*rir•s. and allow l.ilwral Discount to large

J. E. KtLM.. S. i.


Wholesale- and Retail


l ........ ...... Canal street ............. 10


Law, Medical, MIleellseons, School and JnaventleBiokiS. SId 17-


BOOKSELLER ANDI STATIONER,No. 193 Josephine Street, next dooC to St. M•ry'

German Church,Keepson hand a general stock of Catholic Pr•iyer•ooks,A opl.Y oi EngiliaC, Freach and Georman Pray? erliesilithbe, 'Lives of Shli.its. Also Miktsals, AlhtarulcnU,Cruets, Oil OtBokc., an( i


rA large nsitrtnrnt of Beads and 1tedals,~Crucl.-

fIoxees ol'.water Founts, Statues, and all kinds ofreliglous Pictures. Also, the only pure Wax Candles forFite't ComniiiIion,l at the lowest lrices. -

'ieCtitc n (rtmicql and nladc to order.Also. Cnntn,tr S•lthow.•le for salle. hb2l ly

IF G(Ui;AIIT, CATHOLIC IBOOKKELLERI AND1P. T Cacip street opiirle SL Pa.irik I"h re ktleepmagenerat stocek oSC IOOLIOOKS; Ill L, Ii'A Ei Btlt . Standard and Mlicellaneeoa

VWo ks. All the latet (Ctholilc ltblicltions at publish-cr' prices. lhiiad Medals, Crucifxco and Religious Pie-ti S. IGoiral Ageitl for all Catholicl Newspaper and

S ae l, core ooks and.i, el. 0 11.y

ICAT'LILC JOOK STORE,I............. lnRoyal Sitreet.............174

i 'awh n9 ,11. irie,, beUltwen taunal street and theit'. tenit Fathers Churel.

fOt LEI.IEVIt lc.e leave to inform his fclt and coun..,ici t olrs thalt at ltranch ofhis Book. Stor-e ii been ce-t.1.ihl lli ei4liit liei• street, No. 9, where will ie found, as

il gitili and itFrenrlh.]rayer IBooks, in the Engliish F'reunh, Germsan

sit Spacisih lanuagues. Stationer,. Artilest of PietyFlowers. MaterIals for making 1Flowers, Fancy Artist



a I At the Agency •.r D LDb- "

ap4lmt im No •II lal ] ."

SIGHT IXCEANOGo seat Britagrela and, a e my p ar t Wi

peas cotataSni, ain sues to s alt. • OsmtLag ah elc. T. DUanDB 00.i,