the monday, december 27, gambling leads to thompson...

SUN, 1915. GAMBLING LEADS TO THOMPSON WANTS "STOP! LISTEN!" IS A SUCCESS; MISS GEORGE PLANS HANDS AT THE 'HIP' CAPITALISM 1 RAID ITSINfiSINPi nNRfiRRVir.BRninn DESLYS PLEASING IN NEW SHOW SHERIDAN REVIVAL! HOOKED OFF STAGE WITH 'MOB MUSIC' fl miii in winv winw viiu wuil i ivu vvnilv rimi lt (ionHnrf .Said to Bo Big I Legislature May Bp Askotl tO Will Prosont "Tlir School for Thej Give a Party ami Tm to tfnndml Membprn of Church Winner In Token Coin Do Away With Two Stato Hrandal" During IflMn Act With Real Actors of social Revolution Drilled of tlir Prison. Commissions. at IMavlioiisp. for Audience, in Militant Sonys. oM. TOO FAT TO ESCAPE (ITV SUBWAY CONTROL CAN'T DO IT RIGHT AWAY T0T0 FORGETS A TRICK I "CHRISTMAS A MOCKKRi I r,,. si! I. N V Her. 2 Npwi of a unbllnR raid .ii Sing 0ing prison which bftMHI' l nt.ii wi;ri jn irmt i. id! ihfti mRac" McQlnn'9, n promtncnl convict ioiittotan, w r. (Willy by i l;rpnr i p. MfH the putftklc world Hint Bsnibllni Inker coin is .imtriHhhiK ftlDOftfl tltfl h li n Ihi prison walls. Ai: Ugh W.inlni QnbortlC'l wcrMnr fMltivr Mi Mor. nny h han no knowi 41 "f WcOlnnlti arrrst. Ftttftblfl . ri ;ti.. ht s um-er- t that not only H in lr(rnu'o bttl so open llM n ng ootntt throwing die ami play-- n)n beooniA that Prlnolpftl Ktcptr frn .''riit-- hftd W ri'pritnaiul Mm Mitt IM tlf mtnl In lli" dormitory rcri'iitiy. Vh-- ; iti flToft was made t (fit A i, ,,?. from Mr. Otborno tt wm Mid . ... pftnotl that hfl was not there. Mr. V for him. admitted tliat DoTIMV 1 '.''! "! lo gambling In making markH in the men MMr. Dornar limply .,:,'' ,T a pood linvv"' said Miller, in launch a little eduratmnal propa- - intla about the tthlci of gambling. Tha token coin han dtvatopad areat indnc3 to sptculate. Although the- ln matt ara paid but a dollar a day. and rill hardly Haifa a dollar a week, prison n sa convicts haw boon seen ;fh miln of fmm $1,000 upward. Bla frtfil ngf by th prison rlite. in hiding taai m Oottdorf, "king of the nira tap- - have net tad Individual players in tea from 11,100 to 8.000 gld day's play, t'nder a gOOttO agret man! the token coin wtn- - a , in he redeemed In good American fl. M the ratio f $. on a hundred gambling aoea on chiefly In the t utiop, according to information tha reached District Attorney Ked a'eeka, ehn Ii In veat gating Blng sum arlth ind Jury It also nourishes In i)( rnvti i where 20 or 300 inmatea, laan) of them proaperoua sleep each k Home f the plungers among tatea ere laaac Raiba, William am acquitted of slaying two tt im Mott Cannon aarvanti in Man ittan Jamea (ohtn, Jamaa Andrawa, .; .'. rer who says tie rtlaco eared the tivei f houbl bafbra Pol, Rooaevelt I t; Itobert Hayward and Charlea ftm ' r, v "f these heard Mr. DOTIter'l ax 'Youre not n the level with tfi warden,' he is quoted aa saying. nol on the level with me and you're nol on the level With the league " M rttnnU, according to Keeper J. X HeConnell, had made a big haul when tee per deacended upon him and his Ming pals. The prisoner, who rrluh about 100 pounds, says the other gamblers were permitted to sseape whlls n.i' ". h. iiked in" because he couldn't nn fast enough gel away. GONDORF WINS OFFICE. Mm A a Hee rrlnry of iua o u M -- funl Mrlfnrr bHaTMS OaaiKiifOi Dec. SO t'h irtaa Oondorf n of if wire tappers," who recently wo'i for the antUOabome faction two Balllanienl elections In Sing Sing prison, twa announced has bean made a, retary of the Mutual Welfare Uague ilondorf was chosen by parliament to saacaad Harry Knowlos, ths prosborns S rc'ai He is mw tn have h run of the prison White Knowles H of office he has been granted a Ifuaty'a In the wardens residence b r isbome. Free motion pictures Showing the arden and his work were exhibited In b aslnlng theatre, tn Oaslnlngi to-T- show was given to give the peOplat Who ars largely opposed OsbomSi an Idea of ihe work he PjTrf :i?lt rfl vnfTur'T I Pati introiiiiiiiK Oesrosas, OSS lllm for HI Koe. T insi Mott OsbornSi warden si Bina 3 l apoks hs; uiKht at tht church of 8' " i t lie Ii va na;el I at, 134 a vs rly tin ii,- aubjsct of prison reform. hi tor, tha Roe, John a. Wads, in Mr, isborna to his oorujrs raiioi iii.i "i had hoped that .ir. fh would corns to us tonlshi with tional honor f an Indlctmsnt I '.f really courta it. Th nature 'f ihe apposition to Mr Ofborns oon I of his alncerlty and we honor h'tr tha mors foi it. It is dlfRcuH to' iDderntai i thin Budden Intereal of the si rliuiMl in prtnonN and prison re- - Mi Oahorne. howsvsr, mads no refer to th- 13 rand Jury Investigation f a Idn-- H and declined lo iIikvuh ird Ills address was oondnod prfr iially lo a comparison of the oon - n the prison under his oars ad In ira on with conditions under for- - t Bdmlnlst rations U0 SING FILMS TO BE SHOWN. rn. v nihil win Open In This ii .Inn. I I. pi e taken at Sire Sine. Ureal Meadow prison", a rtprodui in of a Sing Slug cell and pod ii scv ral of the State prisons crs smoti ihe tersetini features w hich elll njiliiyad at the hunt prison ex-- r kibl heid In this country, which ' .lit 1. 11 y 11 at tic Russell ' latton under the lUSDloM of Jo I'ommlttee on I'rleon Heform. ixutlon Is pushing a campaign iholltlon of Sing Sing and tlie of a farm Industrial prieon ri,r lurso of tne exhibition tally led hy sprclalista In '..,,. m, will lie held, generally at lie l' I'hurltlea Building, inn ast ond street. Katharin It nissloner of Porrertton. will iddreaa at the Washington '' - ' . U liool on the ottenln. n'ght .f c '.;i Motion pictures of the Xt, nns Will le shown at the Admission will he free. T 0 Moti Osborne, Prof, K T. De. liennra V. KlrohWSV. Sunt. tn,'. in of the New Jeraey SI ite Rtfi ry, Runletta ' La aria, - ' c o (S, l,ewis, Dr. Ilas- - ii,M Paul Ksnnaday, nr. B. - Iln and Mi-- - Maud Minor are s who have promised to kaak "i".. tune during the two exhibition and conference will ; lers of tha Joint Committee n l'i so hv '"im .ire Mr-- . rranclt afo Nisi H Jr Mrs, August H Imont. ;.. " ,' nse, Miss Katharine R. h . tVIHlsm Emerson, Jr., .Mrs. Blsnni i Richard at. Hurd, Qstirsii Klri hwi v. y ,cwis, An,. i, r 'Im, Balk Low, Mrs flll- -' tart ii mil in'. Miss Anne Morgan, tSonui. 'lot! ' Miss Maude K iv,,: . K Magg Whltlfl, llanv H wltittr., Qui Curl hi bu '.re, t . van i Itr, of U or I. I Kills Himself. ' rgensteln committed suicide ii nt SltS West Tweniy-llftl- i rstcrdaj by Inhaling gas He 'he city sod PUt of The abolish man i of the PnUta servi Commiaslon for ttM and mtro-pOllta- ll dlttrlCal and the suhstitutlon of a single ItSteWlde Itody. having regulatory powers Dftly, may he ., result of tht dehheratlons of the Thomtwon oommlt- - ipr ii ire romma iKial.i ure aets in ac cordance with ths commit lee's views. The me in hers of the committee are almost unanimous in t he he iff that a ehnnge of this nature Is necessary tn the public service commiHSion law. jalthnuah they have not yet reached an agreement OH I definite plan. Hut wha- tever form the ptan may tajM Ha sup-- j Hrter say that It will ssve more than ll(000,000 n year for the ty. Senator Thompson WOUld take the hullding of now suhways (01 New Tork city entirely from the h inds Of the com- mission and place it with th- Mayor or the Board of Estimate. Witt) power to appoint a hoard of engineers to take charge of the work. It Is Senator Thompson's contention that the superv'slon of suhwav construc- tion is a purely local function which should fall to no power outside of the Ctty itectf. Instead of a emm'esion ap- - pointed by the Governor while the city mots thO hills, the Senator thinks, the City should have control over that for which tt pays. Ills general plan Is somewhat similar tO that outlined In a hill introduced by him in the last l.erlature. though modified by the revelations that have, come to the committee In recent hear-Ing- He thinks that the law should forbid 'i Commissioner to hold stock in public Utility corporation tn the name of his wife or any other n. The proposed slngl commission would consist of seven members three t whom would coma from tip state, it would devote tts attention to the fixing of rates, the prevention of discrimination. the regulation of stock and bond issues and the giving of adequate service by public service ooeporetione. The present metropolitan cmniissinn required appropriation of IM0 0.0 00 for the coming rear. Senator Thompson bellovss that a third would n cut from this amount by placing the supervision In the hands of the city government, other ehangos would bring abOUt addl- - taonal sconomlea He auggeets that the sa lane of commissioners he cut from ?K..""H to $lo. ( a year. Another member of the committee ts In favor of a plan for provldtns for a tatewtdc commission of five members, With powers similar to those projHtsetl by Benaitor Thompson, The committee- men differ, however. In one Important del ail. Senator Tli- impSOP! ivmimis-lo- n would have three e members to ait on affairsj tx luslvst)1 and three oitv memberi to sit on city affairs exclusively, with a general chair- man. The other cionunlt teaman contain plates no such division of duties. Suggestions have been nwdS) from VartOUS sources that the DOWCT tO exam-n- f ga meters In the city be trans- ferred from the commission to the Dapnrimant of Water Supply. Gas and electricity. A bill to this effect Will very probably he Introduced In the com itir session 'f the Ieirislat ure. I The Thompson COmmKtOS will renume tomorrow its hsarlnga on the action of Commissioner Wood In connection with the signal contracts. WILL DISCUSS PRISON REFORM. iieiinrtnifiit of i it Ir i ii. trii on let .Ian. t: Prison reform ihs housing problem the lmmisranl qusstloni country i f and rural bettermant srs some f the topics that will '' conaldersd t ihe meeting f the sromana dspartmenl ( the National Civic Federation which will msel at tha New WlHard Hotel tn Wnehlngton Jan- uary 7 The platform of the dopartmsnt on prison rsform Includsi the elimination of politics from ths managemsnt of cor- - reetionni insttiuciona, ina asvsioiimsai ot character of the prisoner and wider velopmsnl or ths syatsm of state uas of prison la lor. The federation naa a commit tSB Wnlcn has devoted much time to the stud of condlttona of women in rural commus) lien and will make un Imports nt report at th.e mSOttng. The fsdsratlon also plans further work In the way of home and foreign relief to the an well as to the direct Bufferera from ths war in Burops, Interesting reports will he mule with rsgsrd to the Immigration of women to this country from BurODS after t iie war INQUIRY RESUMES TO-DA- Mne Prt earners tm wnitina fa Taatlfy Osaaf Mm !. Wiiitk Plains. N. V Dec SC. When th, members of the Westchester county Grand Jury resume then- Itujulry into minimis at Sing Sing prison moili ng the remainder of the witnesses in ihe Intereal of Warden Osboms will be beard, after which Diatrlct Attorney Weeks will rapidly wind tip Ihe State's xrlil.nna Nine prisoners arc still confined in the While I'lnlns Jail, three of whom will testify this week. These nnui are from Oomotock prison, having been trans- ferred from Smg Sing by Supt. Rile)'. II Is said they will be used to contra-- 1 diet certain statements made by Warden Osborne when he was before the Qrand Jury In reference In certain felonies It now develops that nearly every prison official who has been discharged py Warden Osborne has started court pro ceedings reinstatement. War den Osborne has Just filed his return to the alternative writ of mandamus, ob- tained hy Hugh S Sullivan. :i former keeper. Sullivan said he was a veteran of the Spanish war and was discharged without a bearing. The warden In hi return says Sullivan was found IntOxl- - ,.aied while on duty SIGN0R CAMPANINI EXPLAINS. Ilaillinenlels nt ( imnrrled With Users llnns. He Mays. The BUM received the following despatch la l nlghl frOBI Cleofonte a ni- - panini, the Impresario, who is in chl- - cago "Prom a number of Inquiries emanat- ing from cw York concerning the two week season of French opera to lav olvan under my direction at the Man- - ngtttin i mora House It I Intimated that Oscar llammerstein, In some remote or indirect way. has some connection or hail some inftuanc In directing It anil that ihe engagement hostile and an tagonlatlo to the m tro poll tan opera House. "I want to take quick opportunity of refuting both Intimations, Mr- Him marwteln Is in no wuy, directly or In directly, connected with, nor has he bean consulted or had any knowledge of thiH engagement, which la mtlrely upon nay own responsibility, i vim t'leased. however, to have Mi. Hammer stein's expression of confidence and a- - Jileri.llloll. "I do not nor have Ihe sllglnest intention of antagonising in any par- - i.cular my raltUlOflg Willi 'he Metro 1 ti opi r i Company, wtiloh are en- - ilrelv amicable and will, I am sure, lu ie SO." I n Ll BBl the Kfl v n EXCELLENT J m 81PP0RTIN0 C f N I SBJ 1 IH Junttr mM 1 I I I fl v I IS The OlObg Theatre had a long tenancy with "HMO'Chln," but "Stop! book) Listen !" which wag seen th, re for the firm time un Saturday night, will un- doubtedly linger Jut us long The now musical piece is primarily intended to 'display the talent of Gab) Utatyg, whlob it doea to the highest power and. more (over, proaenta her more alluringly than she Wg ever before seen here. In many ways she is if possible mora ploaalng "uhk poraon to ths eye tha n sh used t. N and certainly he pM to th-- I'Hr mors Irresistibly. Bhs lorn r 't dance ta Mrs, Caatls and aoms of her ooUoasrues do. as thousjh n hi tha i hi ns th- v could nol help doing, hut acojUlred gresi faclllt) Slllv o sue rain' .O inis 'niinrj 11r.11, and some srace. She is an beautiful as aver, psrhapa improved by her siiiit-nes- a In boma phyafrca. rsipectSi although In others -- in her arms for Instance, Which were more faultless when they ere re plumper and In every apparition thsrs la the agreeable Impression of a desire to plea se. That maki B potent appeal when It i auccsssful, Oaby beelya was delight ful :n all she did. and therefore her evi- dent anxiety to 'o her beat warmed the heart of the audleme to her Her frocks were beautiful, her hats as gro- - tsaqUS SB ever and. wlirther as the rhorus a'.rl or the star, she was a figure of unchanging and animated loveliness it Ii the aupposed of a young CAN REFUSE TO LET BOSS PLAY SANTA1 Court Uphold! Riff hi f Km ployee to Reject ChrUt-iii- ii Present. A t sot under contract With an em- -' ployer may return Christmas gift re- ceived from 'he employer without fear of being discharged in anger by the glvi r under a del ISlOO ol the p, e Term of tht Supreme Court, Tlie court heard the appeal In a suit brought b Morn Prachtman to compel i ir Charles U Pox, a tlentlst, to pay damages for discharging bun because he j returned s Christmas gift sent by Dr. Fog, a day or so before last Ohrlstmaa in gave Prachtman a pair of cuff bnks. but on Chrletmaa eve rrachtman! returned them with ths following note, j "Am returning with many thanks youf Valuable set Of. cuff link- - because I have al least tour sets of diamond set but tons which are practically doing no ser- vice whatevei Since they will only have to lay around I would prefer to have you give tlieni l" some one vv no lUld make use of them, Again thanking ou for your generosity, I remain. "it. I'RACIITM IN " Dr Fox regarded the tons of the note as insulting, and promptly discharged fSrachtman, who sued to recover the salary he would have received during the term of his employment tinder the con-- I tract, The trial Judge In the City t'ourt dismissed the complaint, but on appeal Ihe Appellate Term i oversell the Judg- ment and ordered B new trial. Justice Phtlbln, writing the opinion, said "The protection the law gives In such case should be staled, others may suffer from compulsory acceptance of such favors through Ignorance of ihelr legal ri"hls. The said letter cannot be regarded a disobedient or wanting in due courtesy and rsspeel In ihe exercise of appellant's right to reject the gift, and, therefore, neither it nor such refusal furnished aaeousis reason ror uisvor, "The tone 01 the communication would rather Indicate a desire to make the performance Of an unpleasant duty aa painless as possible In i mdaiice with the spirit and the praotloa of the Im portant an l exuctlng profession or wnien hot h appellant id respondent were mem- - hers." From lotion to Peanuts. BeslNQf ISI4) Mo., I ec I'll Panne- of southeastern Oklahoma, unable lo find a market for Ihelr Inst veiir'a cotton lit suv thing like reasonable prices, turned iheii atisntlon this vent to growing peanuts. THE MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, look- - FIGHT GABY jaal t : : A BOVE, Joseph Mlttlty and tho Mitgnzine (iirls; btlow, (Jahy Deslys. ehorua uiri through lb effort, of i prep arent to the top of her profession which ma gag the story of the play, it , nab) eg the second act to lie played in Honolulu, thereby adding a tiew note to the tnlae ngtfano of mualcal pi s. Mile. 1, sly i w.i- aurroujided by en tert. liners who could h.ivc carr.ed any entcitainment to triumph Harry I'ox. who can be as vulgar as the rest of them when he i not held in check, in the new place is really humorous and amuglng In all Ins stiie. It had never seemed thai be ( ou id be so genuinely funny and yet he fren from his cue- - ternary nocullarltlea, which are not at .ill what a Olobe Tlie.itie audience would have enjoyed. Iioyle and I'ixon ever since they appeared at the Winter tlar-de- n have befn recognlged as agll, and skilful dan cere, but in the new play they show character and humor lii their dancing and proved themselves at the first chance excellent corned,. ins Are I STAGELAND CHILDREN ; HAVE CHRISTMAS TREE Mites Appear in AiiiiuhI ilav at Com eclv Theatre. The Comedy Theatre became Fairy land last night for one night at least. Ijlttle feet tripped and danced over Its stage and shining little faces bowed over It footlights to a delighted audi- ence of father and mothers and friend who hUd come t see and to applaud the stage children very own t'nrlsirnas pcrf"rm.inre. There were thirty-fiv- e of them :n It i and a hundred at least In the audietce j From every branch of "the profession" Ihe little actms and actress,. came, from the in ivies i The Mine Hud " and "Uaddv lamg Legs," tiut every one loved every minute spent on the stage and from the scststlo CrlSS behind the scenes It might h- - gathered that the spirit of ChrtStmal was there too Kvrry year fur four years Ihe Stage Children's Kuiiil. Inc. ha given an en- tertainment nt ChrlSUrssS time, the chil- dren rhemselve paying all( of the ex- penses and Inviting their families and friends The mi littlest children ui the inae! WSra Katlierlne Roberts, who Is :, years old: Mav Morlssev. who is . also. Habv Hums, who Is going on and Sidney BumUCh, Who IS All were dressed ill Colonial DOStUmSg They danced a mln- - uet With only an occasional glance at their mamas In Ihe wings And there wa elghtyearold Dorothy strong. whom everybody even the other little t girls' mamas voted the prettiest of all. singing her first song and getting great applause. There were any number of other Utile! i boy Slid girl whom everybody has seen In the movies or on the stage, singing ami dinning toe dancing, loo ur giving Imitations and recitations Just us well as uny grownup on the Htage- - -- and ths I .oldest was only 13. Then, right, on the stage, was a big Christina tree, and on' It hung a hundred kodaks and a hundred boxes of candy. After the show the children got their presents, amid more applause. It was all great success, because the chlldroi and Ihelr ftlends were happy and because I'rof. .1. (I. K Small had trained them ami Mis. Nellie Thorns had helped him and there wan Harney Bernard to act us thu prologu, and tell what was going to happen, Everybody had a men y time, ev en If It was Hut day after Christmas. BuropeM star shows tn provrmcnt sinc Broadway Audiences Last saw Her. is GOOD the- to he the Stnt( of the future.' Joseph Hatttlty, WhO not only a graceful and skilful dancer U agree.itde and lympathetlo poroonallty, wa- - Oaby Doalyga dancing partner, and I.iior was amuilng In the few scenes be bad. Nothing delighted the nudlen.e moie than Ihe ete: "8toi! Ixjok' Listen:" which the comodlani ang and danced Then the ragtime ..'...,.i ,.i..i ihe necotnl act. I with a burleaqua In which the Inn cent HUM th.- nuraulna villain, the :nur- - dered father and tile Xoutlg lover ail danced t,, the most gyncopntod nuts! thai irvinx Berlin could conceive of, turned out 10 be in original and amus- ing close o the act. Only Tent peel and Sunshine In ''Teach Me to Love" did not appear to lit into their HiirrouniliiiK. and while Bluaaom s, , .. iang only one gong II waa enough Hut she was ei chaetened her new atmosphere as Harry i'ox. Harry Pit-,r- r hag been limited by Mr Wiling. ham to one d.ince In the las; act. which i curlouel enough the most danger. on me now to le! 111 any plav on the New York HUge HOW Mr. Dillingham could hava porattaded him- self t allow Mr Pllcer to ,io anything go dangorow It la not easy to under- - etand Mr Pllcer even f.,11 down a p ir of atalra on the hack ,.f hi, negk, o the degree of hi devotion to ar; loat- he unders1,ol itoix-r- HcQuinn designed the acenery iu'i cosimnes, whloh are intoraotingly modorn Ig their fantaetlc character. The scenery in particular, with It qUAlnt and Imaginative backgrounds. waa an appropriate irame. The color aoheme familiar from Mr. Qulnn'a work suite : he stage well for the group, which it H Burnald, had i ingeniously arranged. H B Smith provided the story and the lyric were 'attributed to Mr. Berlin, who bad satu- rate! the entertainment in fascinating and melodious syncopation It looks ag if nil Ihe factor had succeeded In land, ng Mr Dillingham With another "Chin i "htn" on his hinds. HUGE ICE RINK WILL BE BUILT IN GARDEN Investment of Bt00,000 Planned for Improvement in Madismi Square, Ice Skating, the reigning fashion, is to claim Madison Square Qafden, It was announced yesterday that, instead of preparing lo have the old landmark razrd for office buildings, as was i lajiue.1 some time asn. an investment of $:inn,nno :s to be made in Improvements which will make the place the largest rink In th world. The many oth. iv itles of the i lar- - den are to go on an before, it is under stood, but in between home shows, hox-- ' 'ng matches and other attractions the floor of the house will be flooded and frozen Monster ice balleis are to he .held there, according to Manager Har A. Cochrane, with Skating races, amateur hockey games, curling, ami exhibitions by professionals, At ihe same lime an Independent rink will be provided for the public. The tirena can be divided into three t inks, the outer one forming a race track with seven laps to th- mile Warren ft Wetniore. the architects, have planned the changes to he made In the building after a special study of the Herlin ice palace and other famous places of the soil A great DSVrt of the investment will go to install new ptumb- - Ihgi retiring rooms an, other OOmfortS now inciting at me uarusn. n is planned to have restaurant service with the Uut- - nig. as In Berlin, so msl skaters may line at the rink and watch the I, e ballet, ind then return to the floor at Its con- - tluslon. BROWN COMMITTEE RESUMES ealslntlxe llenrtnas on City's Finn nee llcopen Tn-iln- ,. The Brown legislative committee ln- - vehtlgallng the llnanceH of New York city will rssoms its hearings p is hoped that the discussion of osntrs!! nation will be completed this week and that Hie matter of pension funds in the various departments may be gone Into. The five Borough Presidents are still to he heard on the centralization schemes of Mayor Mitchct anil Comptroller I'leii- - dergast contemplating Hie abolition of county and possibly borough lines. All are expected to stand strongly against sucli action, city Chamberlain Bruere will also read an exhaustive statement on the pension funds of Hie city, The committee plana to hold hearings up to the convening nf the legislature on Januar b. Ornco r!oi(t will rivi1 hor atlen- - lion n.xt lo the revival nf Shri Idan's I rom1y. "The School of H' .uHlal," which fm im iirirrm t'u to iui uno ni tolre of the PlmrhOVM She will not lie able to carry out thin tmMtlvni Mtwmo at onoe. however, a the puMlfl ileelre to iee "Major llarhai;i" mnst he satl- - nen. mill cie-.- rn , jw. a. HP. ' I time o keen that It will M a ionu I time before all Hie anillence Miat are In- - terentert In the t1ay have the time to ro to the Playhotme. It le for thin rea-eo- n j that Mini QMfM m) havo lo break her rule 9 to a four KrwtU run I of hII the ptOCM ."he revive. this e- - nott Ml MHM will. 01 COttltWi play .Kw Vor.l'. In which flu- inaile IWll a ucce at Hie New 'l lieaire. She lUM the bMUtlfUl OOtlOfy anil cowtume of that proJiicilon ami file ha about her actor enough to cat the play No of the performance have boon nuifle public, but it ll no' a risk to propheev that l,oul i 'alvert will have Mr Pffor, while Ponwoj Toarl, Krnem lAWtOII aii'l the other meillbor of the company will llml congenial robs In the most Important of MN QooriO'l tevlval. I Pavi'l telaco Kill boffin re hoaroala for the now production planntri by him and iliarle Krohlnali before ihe manager wa ilrowncil on the Ij4i0l Uma The author of the new pi.",. f.eorge Hca rhOrOUgh. Who wrote "The l.ure" himI ether plays. Including "The niel " The drama devoted to Wett em life. Herbert Bearbohm Tree win make hi first appoaranct befor the cainerg hero In "Macbeth." Unet he w in acl ocenea from the same play in the vaudeville ' theatre draco Hiking, John Flood and hverett Buttorfleld u boon engaged for "The (ihlo Ijidy," the new play of Mouth Tarklngton and Julian Btrooi "The Masked Model." with Ihe bOOk (and lyric b) ihe Brotheri Smith and music by ''ail Voeae, will aoott be ir,,-- I duced under the direction of Btanlel (Vawlcy and Julian Alfred In thocont pany are Krank Ikmno. John Voiin. Thomas I'onkey. Kugene Kevere. Kath- - rlne Clalloway and Kthel I 'u fro, Intereatlng rontraat" are lo he ' served tow In the tune of th theatre ticket, s'x for a mualcal show which ha just I n produced on Broadway for a night during 'lie present week brought $13 each, or $90 for the enter- tainment of a party of six. who sat In the orchestra A popular farce al a theatre on Korty second sir,t was sufb-,-ien- t of s magnet to have seat- - selling at til apiece on Saturday night Al a small theatre in which a populnr star I noting, there has never been a seal for sale at lee-- than since the open- ing performance Now go to the other extreme tine il.eatre I actually giving tickets away. "This ticket when signed by the re- cipient of ibis letter may be exchanged at the box office of the - Theatre for the best two seat unsold for any performance of - Por this enter- tainment no price is asked. Then there are In between, Of course, various price for entertainment which depart more or les from the box Office rate. ALL OF WILMINGTON MAIL LOOT RECOVERED Federal .irf"t BeWcve Two Negro Waffon Drivers Had Woman Aeeompllce Wii.MiNoTON. Dal., Pec t Virtually all of the stock, ismd.- - and "tin r neg '!. naner taken from a registered n much here have been f r,d by Federal officers. Most Of the securities which were not recovered S Short time a'ter Ihs dis- covery of the robbery, scattered ahuit the mall wagon, were found later at the home of the two negroel accused of tho theft This lol consisted of a registered pa 'kttge from Lslrd Co., local brokers, with nek" and stocks to ihe amount of HTl.300. The prisoners under arrest are albert and K irl Johnson, drivers Of the w agon While they deny the offence, post office Inspectors think thai titey have the guilty parties The package recovered at their home was found In an old stove In a kitchen shed and an attempt had liecn made to burn Uta papers. Federal igent do nol think the men had more than one i npllce, believed to be a negro woman, who i wing watched. CONSCIENCE STILLS CANTOR. T lie He.. Mux I, rn ii m n n i pacts Mnalcnl Serx Ice Plans, BCvsral hundred Jews in the neighi hood of the Mt. Morris Baptist Church, Fifth avenue, h,( ween ISstll and IJtth streets, were Invited In-- week to hear the Rev. Max Qraumsn, cantor of the West Bnd Synagogue, sum SI a Jewish musical service at ihe Ml .Morris Church next Hunday. Vsstsrda) il waa an. nouncsd thai tin Rev Mr araumiin would not sing he. ..use iie had decided It wa. not good etlquetli Rndeavors were madi lasl evening to And out if there had hei ti aJiy objection to his singing among the authorities Of the Jewish cllUrCh In the iilv. Mr. I Qrauman, however, said that was not ihe esse, thai ihe matt, r rested entirety with him, thai he hud declined to sing as a matter of principle from Ihe first, and that tie Invitations beating l"s name were sent out oj uon ario mi, , nmr leaner ot uir cnureii, .uo,,u, ,,n, confirmation from bun. Mr Hudl mid Mr.. ClrtlUman had hesi- tated about slngini at tlrst. but had col sellted when Mollis A MagJier. piesi- - dant of the synagogue, had said that he WOUld be proud to hav , him go. He pVCtl went to the chur'ii for u rehearsal, so. cording lo Mr. Bui II. and did nol lot him know that he would nol sing until late last week. a number of other prombient Jewish singers will he at tie service, winch is the third of n serie giving Ihe music of different organlsatops, a Catholic aud Masonic service have preceded. SPECIAL NOT,J ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Cheap substitutes cost YOU ssms price. Wlipj, ploycn Ihfl hiirifrt l.inly of IMftlrt n llw I'lKRf'l plnyhOVM in thjby worhl brmiM fur thtl lime heinit. ptf. loritien, Itld MVnMfBd nut tU"l n HlpflOdrotM Ktiiir- - at tht HlpflodrOffW'l rhrlMmai parly ;it the bSfitinlltg of 'Mirday nwrnlnti it nti without My. In t or of "(in id hook ' " rainod h lotllTW handle.l oil Ui the known untVflrfV, With the Hlppodrotnt'i principals chorus and ballet and some ,r thalr friends BS an nudlence, the uMlier. dOOT- - men. below stairs, horse ami elephant valota and s giut everybody around the placa with the exception of Hiu iii Charles Dillingham, Director Ti, l Hum-- I ilde, Manager Harry Askm. House Man-- ; agar J, W, statist wa and Head Publicity Itomancer .imk a. ltMsohor, came upon tha stagt and did stunts up to but hot beyond the iiiHt-in- the world's longest hook reached out half a city btOCM Hnd yanked the amateur artlsta back to life a nong tha commonplace. The m imenl the last ballet skater 'ia,i ke ked off hei ste,.. si,o,i booties nfter the Haturdai nlghl audience had departed and tlie company bad primped itself up mh r and his -- finest fripperies the 10,009 performers i Mr I. ue. lor is speaking) In the Hip. I pome troupe piled out Into orchestra and box -- eats and sct'le.l Hick to enjoy tne sn iboul to bs provided for them b the ushers and oilier. Bui from the tune that the natty lads ealll g then. -- elves "ihe Htppodroinc Quartet" morning cuats, spat and all thai sori nf thing and m? varloui halghts that suggested the up and downs ,,f It cons, ,, ntloiis iiui-- e' fever chart came oUt to sing "e'risco" the only psroons who were nhla to finish anything lhay started wa ths p!.,i f huskies hand. ling the hook Th,- - platnon never started a "ingle Jab with MlS Imok that it couldn't flu'eh. BVen T,.t,. one of the few pro- - fesalonabt al the Hippodrome who took a pan in the stag,- proceedings, couldn't llnlsh What he -- tailed out to do The announcement was made for Tote thai he was about to do H trick and would . like lo havi ihe eteilhtanca of two volun- - leesn, I'p , pped iwo brave horns lads from ihe audtent e, Then a great sfljuara of canvas wa brought forth for Toto's use At Toto's direction tho willing chorus men lay down on the canvas and Toto rolled them up In the catlVaS securely with ninny a turn and fold, And when Toto had contemplated the bulky package for some time with sorrow In Ins eye he Anally announced loud enough for even the two thoughtless volunteers swelter- ing under many crisscross folds that lie bad forgotten bow to do the trick. Toto strolled away then as the can- vas package began lo corns to life ami throw fits and snarl mUftled snarls and otherwise begin to act up a bit angrily. The two dlsrumpled volunteers finally got out into fresh air again, their in- voluntary contributions t the success of Toto's trick being VOUl hsafed much more merriment by the happy audience ,.f players and ths crowds In tha wings than by the two chief actor In the roll tying st uiit A set of tei t.iMc ihlngamhjlgi of solid s.lver was presented t , Director Bumside by the Hippodrome company XI the i nf the s'.ttfe performance, an- - npuncenn nt 1 ling m ide at the s.-- nie lima that in p.te of the fact or per- - haps because of the iui t'i t Hick Bur side is a stickler tor r w igon iv nit at,'Uiul the lltppodrom,, stage and dressing rooms the company had decided to present tp him also a quart bottle of rye. a quart of Scotch and 'a quart of brandy, All three bottles glit-- , ter,-- Invitingly up near the big Christ ' tree back ,,f The stage apron. Then when Tale Teller l.uescher had been presented with a bronse slephsnt, which the recipient later was insisting was solid gold, the dance music stunk Up. Frederic H Crtlger, on,, of the honored outsiders to he Invited to the party, started things off hy leading the i Hippodrome's prima donna. Miss Bells Storey, from a box. whereupon every, b, ,v p l. d upon the block long dancing stage There were salads and sandwiches and things later and ihere was a punch bOWl Of excellence ,ihv;l..H. regardless of what Dick Htirnside might say Mr and Mrs. Dillingham remained almost to the bltt' r end and so did Harry 8.1 Black, Sunnier Oerard, Mr i 'ruger. Will iam ii otewart and many mi ILLINOIS OFFICERS KILL THREE Trlii of llrolhri-- It tuUt Mfiratinl. PI If Ileal Until' I.IIMMV MAiiinM, III., Dbc. r John, Mlk and Bllti WUkUB, iroihT!i. ho worked In tha mtttM tho vill-m- ' of were hum Btlsi Uilled b) Manihftl John MoDoutfstll Biul iiui ,(".ri Klmbro ;it tin- Wiiknj hottiB (Owday i.:im ninhl sUCOOUKal tt nl to ihvlr homi to arrivt thrin for dltttirbtng the '.!' . Inn ittvor.r.r.K' to his Btorj hf thrcp mn gfBVB hltti a DBBtlrit Til niornttii hB v. mt to th- i!.ie with Kmi- - hro aim! ill' ttipU ktlltim followBd Me Domm II Bnd Klmbro wfi a arrestd .ini itr In J.ul B WB 11 ifl years ie Clip i Ins coupon aud send $1.00 for an al of four wn.Mt. V...., &... .... .4Mh ipttallsm w.i "sung off ii throne" 100 inrtnbci of the Church f ihe So. hii Revolution at a gaihvfing of irtemberg yetttrtfny afternoon in Bryani Mall, sixth avenue, near Kor -- second iireot, "Mob music" wn, the revolutionary spark thai dynamic lenders or the new Idea sought tr. fan Into UCtlVt life Mrs Igiurs Billot, as drlllmaster, ag. plained to Ihe congregation ittai by sinnns mm h force , ould be given to propaganda of any kltyi, In othtr word,, whatever the Individual ice: strongly he can express more if he congregates with othen wiio feci Ihe same thing and sings tlie thought In unison with I lie oth, re it - a I rue a iiie fact tint no on man would ever lynch an) one else," Mte. I'ill.oi said, "that no man Individually Is able lo reach the same he. gbls of spii tual aspiration thai he can obtain through ihe concentration of tho mob." Tiuee mugs expressing the brother tiood of mnn, sel to the tune. nf well known hymns, were thin practiced by the assemblage, although Mrs. Billot said that for the best result to be ob- tained it w.,s necessary for al least "in to partlt'lpati That la the reason th re-u- it yesterday was rather mournful example nf man attempting 10 attain "heights of spiritual ssjpl ration." Mis I. .hot Insisted that every human hemg ran a, will as he can walk. She continue! "We can't all be opera, t imet-- , but when ihe heart is right it i Impossible to slug off k " A man in tlie audience, however, look exception 10 ibis opinion He said hi w is a profes- sional singer and that although mUBlO was the great cat part of hi Me all tho harmony In ins soui left him as soon a ntered Bryani Hall, He added Ihaf there something about the environ no lit of tha place that left him tUJM less and that In spue of the rani tint he was ti entire sympathy With tho socialistic tendencies of the chufdh ha ould not express In song h.s mutual be- - lief. Th, re 'v, re many ardent advo ite of ,1,.. i.l .11 t.owcvcr. .s a is e idei il when , foreign born son f Amerlcs irose ana gtated vtcorously that whenever lie joined in s chorus of persons with whom he was .11 gympsthy, ami s song set to a patriotic nr was sung, he could a'va "bis life h! blood b cry bins'' for the cause The Rev, llmiek White, pastor of tho Church of tiie social Revolution, pieced a serious and deeper meat ;ng on the attempt til "mob singing When be ex- plained thai Its sole Idee, was "to merge the hearts, minds and mills of men into i musical melting pot which should form a new music namely, .in Amerl cnii music " After the "mob music ' had It, is . out Mr. White preached a sermon, the subject of winch was "Chrletlnndom'S ChrlBtly Christinas" Although Mr. White appeared before his flock in a sort of syncopated dressing gown, which he dignities hy nailing it i frock "f homespun, he impressed all he h.s ,'.- - dent sincerity lie called Saturday ihe moat hollow mockery of a Christmas day the world has ever sen of course he referred the vvtir and said '! Was a shame that men should quarrel on Christmas day, ' Aid ao it was. Hog bless us. so it was '" WAR RELIEF CHARITY RECORD. Reluinn ittn in 11, hi Live Hall, Food to n, nun. lion. According to Prof, Vemon !.. Kellogg of Htauford L' nlvorstty, who returned from Belgium last week, more than S,000,(IOtl people in Belgium ami northern France receive heir dally rations ..f f I through tin Ci immlsston for Relief in Belgium, which hue lis main olHce at 71 Bro.idw i v In October ft, tit, 175 was collect, d and si snt, a new record in tha history of Hint. i hie wot ;:. Since I i, ember I thirteen me; s have lfi Nw York luaded with and eothltl for t ho war lei T?. alid he to: t he flral 'if he e I the OOmisllMlotl eXe tn o BVragB teatner h day. Alexander J. Ilemph il trraauror of tha ,otninis"Ti, yet tart la) that money and clothing were he Inn received from ail (part f tha worldt but, In apltB of tii fanerou BUppty, tlw demand for heit .a at 111 ver; ureal ti ?.. .n- ra Rgi Btctlona of Ktiropf CLUE TO Police 'I'll i ii w Professional Itnhtteal V on Ida I r II, .me uf I, cm. OranuSi N. J.. Dec. TI nl.v due to the burglary in Raa nranga vcsterd.i when Jewelry valued at $4", lino was stolen from the home of Clifford II Kagle, I (forth Walnut street, the prin' o No : shoe In the snow outside Of window through which the burglai supposed to have made his escape The poll, lielf, v e the h wa 1"'ie by a clev. profess: noil uker, who in. iv .hie Ii her i nils i liavg ll mi enclose,!. Foremost Send till'. 1 ION for a 10r a copy fnnr months $4.00 a year suhecrlpf Ion to with sub Address, THK NATION', s g Vesey M . New tork I'lty .,.,.. . ..." ,v. .sSti-- J $4 a year 20 Vesey St., New York I C Never lias there been a greater I need forathoutfhtful.ex en-temper- ed I periodical, free from sensationalism, bitterness and prejudice. Such a periodical is The Nation weekly journal of Literature, Drama, Music, Science, Finance and Politics. For over 50 America's Critical Re experiment scription months, forceftllty SH0EPRINT THEFT. Art,

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Page 1: THE MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, GAMBLING LEADS TO THOMPSON … · sun, 1915. gambling leads to thompson wants "stop! listen!" is a success;

SUN, 1915.



rimi lt (ionHnrf .Said to Bo Big I Legislature May Bp Askotl tO Will Prosont "Tlir School for Thej Give a Party ami Tm to tfnndml Membprn of ChurchWinner In Token Coin Do Away With Two Stato Hrandal" During IflMn Act With Real Actors of social Revolution Drilled

of tlir Prison. Commissions. at IMavlioiisp. for Audience, in Militant Sonys.


r,,. si! I. N V Her. 2 Npwi of a

unbllnR raid .ii Sing 0ing prison whichbftMHI' l nt.ii wi;ri jn irmt

i. id! ihfti mRac" McQlnn'9,n promtncnl convict ioiittotan, w

r. (Willy by i l;rpnr i p.MfH the putftklc world Hint Bsnibllni

Inker coin is .imtriHhhiK ftlDOftfl tltflh li n Ihi prison walls.

Ai: Ugh W.inlni QnbortlC'l wcrMnrfMltivr Mi Mor. nny h han no knowi41 "f WcOlnnlti arrrst. Ftttftblfl

. ri ;ti.. ht s um-er- t that not only Hin lr(rnu'o bttl so open llM

n ng ootntt throwing die ami play--n)n beooniA that Prlnolpftl Ktcptr

frn .''riit-- hftd W ri'pritnaiul Mm MittIM tlf mtnl In lli" dormitory rcri'iitiy.

Vh-- ; iti flToft was made t (fit A

i, ,,?. from Mr. Otborno tt wm Mid. ... pftnotl that hfl was not there. Mr.

V for him. admitted tliat DoTIMV1 '.''! "! lo gambling In making

markH in the men MMr. Dornar limply.,:,'' ,T a pood linvv"' said Miller,

in launch a little eduratmnal propa- -

intla about the tthlci of gambling.Tha token coin han dtvatopad areat

indnc3 to sptculate. Although the- lnmatt ara paid but a dollar a day. andrill hardly Haifa a dollar a week, prisonn sa convicts haw boon seen

;fh miln of fmm $1,000 upward. Blafrtfil ngf by th prison rlite. in hidingtaai m Oottdorf, "king of the nira tap- -

have net tad Individual players intea from 11,100 to 8.000

gld day's play, t'nder a gOOttOagret man! the token coin wtn- - a

, in he redeemed In good Americanfl. M the ratio f $. on a hundred

gambling aoea on chiefly In thet utiop, according to information

tha reached District Attorney Keda'eeka, ehn Ii Inveat gating Blng sumarlth ind Jury It also nourishes In

i)( rnvti i where 20 or 300 inmatea,laan) of them proaperoua sleep each

k Home f the plungers amongtatea ere laaac Raiba, Williamam acquitted of slaying two

tt im Mott Cannon aarvanti in Manittan Jamea (ohtn, Jamaa Andrawa,.; .'. rer who says tie rtlaco eared the

tivei f houbl bafbra Pol, RooaeveltI t; Itobert Hayward and Charleaftm ' r,

v "f these heard Mr. DOTIter'lax 'Youre not n the level with

tfi warden,' he is quoted aa saying.nol on the level with me and

you're nol on the level With the league "M rttnnU, according to Keeper J. X

HeConnell, had made a big haul whentee per deacended upon him and hisMing pals. The prisoner, who

rrluh about 100 pounds, says the othergamblers were permitted to sseape whlls

n.i' ". h. iiked in" because he couldn'tnn fast enough gel away.

GONDORF WINS OFFICE.Mm A a Hee rrlnry of iua o u M --

funl Mrlfnrr bHaTMSOaaiKiifOi Dec. SO t'h irtaa Oondorfn of if wire tappers," who recently

wo'i for the antUOabome faction twoBalllanienl elections In Sing Sing prison,twa announced has bean made

a, retary of the Mutual WelfareUague

ilondorf was chosen by parliament tosaacaad Harry Knowlos, ths prosbornsS rc'ai He is mw tn haveh run of the prison White Knowles

H of office he has been granted aIfuaty'a In the wardens residenceb r isbome.

Free motion pictures Showing thearden and his work were exhibited Inb aslnlng theatre, tn Oaslnlngi to-T-

show was given to give thepeOplat Who ars largely opposedOsbomSi an Idea of ihe work he

PjTrf :i?lt rfl vnfTur'TI

Pati introiiiiiiiK Oesrosas,OSS lllm for HI Koe.

T insi Mott OsbornSi warden si Bina3 l apoks hs; uiKht at tht church of8' " i t lie Ii va na;el I at, 134 a vs rly

tin ii,- aubjsct of prison reform.hi tor, tha Roe, John a. Wads, in

Mr, isborna to his oorujrsraiioi iii.i "i had hoped that .ir.

fh would corns to us tonlshi withtional honor f an Indlctmsnt

I '.f really courta it. Th nature'f ihe apposition to Mr Ofborns oon I

of his alncerlty and we honorh'tr tha mors foi it. It is dlfRcuH to'iDderntai i thin Budden Intereal of the

si rliuiMl in prtnonN and prison re- -

Mi Oahorne. howsvsr, mads no referto th- 13 rand Jury Investigation

f a Idn-- H and declined lo iIikvuhird Ills address was oondnod

prfr iially lo a comparison of the oon- n the prison under his oars ad

In ira on with conditions under for- -t Bdmlnlst rations


rn. v nihil win Open In Thisii .Inn. I I .

pi e taken at Sire Sine.Ureal Meadow prison", a

rtprodui in of a Sing Slug cell andpod ii scv ral of the State prisonscrs smoti ihe tersetini features w hichelll njiliiyad at the hunt prison ex-- rkibl heid In this country, which' .lit 1. 11 y 11 at tic Russell

' latton under the lUSDloM ofJo I'ommlttee on I'rleon Heform.

ixutlon Is pushing a campaigniholltlon of Sing Sing and tlie

of a farm Industrial prieonri,r lurso of tne exhibition

tally led hy sprclalista In'..,,. m, will lie held, generally atlie l' I'hurltlea Building, inn ast

ond street. Katharin Itnissloner of Porrertton. williddreaa at the Washington

'' - ' . U liool on the ottenln. n'ght.f c '.;i Motion pictures of theXt, nns Will le shown at the

Admission will he free.T 0 Moti Osborne, Prof, K T. De.

liennra V. KlrohWSV.,'. in of the New Jeraey SI iteRtfi ry, Runletta ' La aria, -

' c o (S, l,ewis, Dr. Ilas- -

ii,M Paul Ksnnaday, nr. B.- Iln and Mi-- - Maud Minor are

s who have promised tokaak "i".. tune during the two

exhibition and conference will

;lers of tha Joint Committee

n l'i so hv '"im .ire Mr-- . rranclt afoNisi H Jr Mrs, August H Imont.

;.. " ,' nse, Miss Katharine R.h

. tVIHlsm Emerson, Jr., .Mrs.Blsnni i Richard at. Hurd,Qstirsii Klri hwi v. y ,cwis,An,. i, r 'Im, Balk Low, Mrs flll- -'

tart ii mil in'. Miss Anne Morgan,tSonui. 'lot! ' Miss Maude Kiv,,: . K Magg Whltlfl, llanv Hwltittr.,


hi bu'.re, t .

van iItr,

of U or I. I Kills Himself.' rgensteln committed suicide

ii nt SltS West Tweniy-llftl- irstcrdaj by Inhaling gas He

'he city sod PUt of

The abolish man i of the PnUta serviCommiaslon for ttM and mtro-pOllta- ll

dlttrlCal and the suhstitutlon of asingle ItSteWlde Itody. having regulatorypowers Dftly, may he ., result of thtdehheratlons of the Thomtwon oommlt- -

ipr ii ire romma iKial.i ure aets in accordance with ths commit lee's views.The me in hers of the committee arealmost unanimous in t he he iff that aehnnge of this nature Is necessary tnthe public service commiHSion law.

jalthnuah they have not yet reached anagreement OH I definite plan. Hut wha-

tever form the ptan may tajM Ha sup-- jHrter say that It will ssve more than

ll(000,000 n year for the ty.Senator Thompson WOUld take the

hullding of now suhways (01 New Torkcity entirely from the h inds Of the com-mission and place it with th- Mayor orthe Board of Estimate. Witt) power toappoint a hoard of engineers to takecharge of the work.

It Is Senator Thompson's contentionthat the superv'slon of suhwav construc-tion is a purely local function whichshould fall to no power outside of theCtty itectf. Instead of a emm'esion ap- -pointed by the Governor while the citymots thO hills, the Senator thinks, theCity should have control over that forwhich tt pays.

Ills general plan Is somewhat similartO that outlined In a hill introducedby him in the last l.erlature. thoughmodified by the revelations that have,come to the committee In recent hear-Ing-

He thinks that the law shouldforbid 'i Commissioner to hold stock in

public Utility corporation tn the nameof his wife or any other n.

The proposed slngl commission wouldconsist of seven members three t whomwould coma from tip state, it woulddevote tts attention to the fixing ofrates, the prevention of discrimination.the regulation of stock and bond issuesand the giving of adequate service bypublic service ooeporetione.

The present metropolitan cmniissinnrequired appropriation of IM0 0.0 00 forthe coming rear. Senator Thompsonbellovss that a third would n cut fromthis amount by placing the supervisionIn the hands of the city government,other ehangos would bring abOUt addl- -

taonal sconomlea He auggeets that thesa lane of commissioners he cut from?K..""H to $lo. ( a year.

Another member of the committee tsIn favor of a plan for provldtns for atatewtdc commission of five members,

With powers similar to those projHtsetlby Benaitor Thompson, The committee-men differ, however. In one Importantdel ail. Senator Tli- impSOP! ivmimis-lo- n

would have three e membersto ait on affairsj tx luslvst)1and three oitv memberi to sit on cityaffairs exclusively, with a general chair-man. The other cionunlt teaman containplates no such division of duties.

Suggestions have been nwdS) fromVartOUS sources that the DOWCT tO exam-n- f

ga meters In the city be trans-ferred from the commission to theDapnrimant of Water Supply. Gas andelectricity. A bill to this effect Willvery probably he Introduced In the comitir session 'f the Ieirislat ure. I

The Thompson COmmKtOS will renumetomorrow its hsarlnga on the action ofCommissioner Wood In connection withthe signal contracts.


iieiinrtnifiit of i it Ir i ii.trii on let .Ian. t:

Prison reform ihs housing problemthe lmmisranl qusstloni country i f andrural bettermant srs some f the topicsthat will '' conaldersd t ihe meeting fthe sromana dspartmenl ( the NationalCivic Federation which will msel at thaNew WlHard Hotel tn Wnehlngton Jan-uary 7

The platform of the dopartmsnt onprison rsform Includsi the elimination ofpolitics from ths managemsnt of cor- -

reetionni insttiuciona, ina asvsioiimsai otcharacter of the prisoner and widervelopmsnl or ths syatsm of state uas ofprison la lor.

The federation naa a commit tSB Wnlcnhas devoted much time to the stud ofcondlttona of women in rural commus)lien and will make un Imports nt reportat th.e mSOttng. The fsdsratlon alsoplans further work In the way of

home and foreign relief to thean well as to the direct Bufferera

from ths war in Burops, Interestingreports will he mule with rsgsrd to theImmigration of women to this countryfrom BurODS after t iie war


Mne Prtearners tm wnitina faTaatlfy Osaaf Mm !.Wiiitk Plains. N. V Dec SC. When

th, members of the Westchester countyGrand Jury resume then- Itujulry into

minimis at Sing Sing prisonmoili ng the remainder of the witnessesin ihe Intereal of Warden Osboms willbe beard, after which Diatrlct AttorneyWeeks will rapidly wind tip Ihe State'sxrlil.nna

Nine prisoners arc still confined in theWhile I'lnlns Jail, three of whom willtestify this week. These nnui are fromOomotock prison, having been trans-ferred from Smg Sing by Supt. Rile)'.II Is said they will be used to contra-- 1

diet certain statements made by WardenOsborne when he was before the QrandJury In reference In certain felonies

It now develops that nearly everyprison official who has been dischargedpy Warden Osborne has started courtpro ceedings reinstatement. Warden Osborne has Just filed his return tothe alternative writ of mandamus, ob-

tained hy Hugh S Sullivan. :i formerkeeper. Sullivan said he was a veteranof the Spanish war and was dischargedwithout a bearing. The warden In hireturn says Sullivan was found IntOxl- -

,.aied while on duty


Ilaillinenlels nt ( imnrrled WithUsers llnns. He Mays.

The BUM received the followingdespatch la l nlghl frOBI Cleofonte a ni- -

panini, the Impresario, who is in chl- -

cago"Prom a number of Inquiries emanat-

ing from cw York concerning the twoweek season of French opera to lav

olvan under my direction at the Man- -

ngtttin i mora House It I Intimated thatOscar llammerstein, In some remote orindirect way. has some connection orhail some inftuanc In directing It anilthat ihe engagement hostile and antagonlatlo to the m tro polltan operaHouse.

"I want to take quick opportunity ofrefuting both Intimations, Mr- Himmarwteln Is in no wuy, directly or In

directly, connected with, nor has hebean consulted or had any knowledgeof thiH engagement, which la mtlrelyupon nay own responsibility, i vimt'leased. however, to have Mi. Hammerstein's expression of confidence and a- -

Jileri.llloll."I do not nor have Ihe sllglnest

intention of antagonising in any par- -

i.cular my raltUlOflg Willi 'he Metro1 ti opi r i Company, wtiloh are en- -

ilrelv amicable and will, I am sure,lu ie SO."


n Ll BBlthe Kflv nEXCELLENT J m 81PP0RTIN0 C



IHJunttr mM



I flv I ISThe OlObg Theatre had a long tenancy

with "HMO'Chln," but "Stop! book)Listen !" which wag seen th, re for thefirm time un Saturday night, will un-

doubtedly linger Jut us long The now

musical piece is primarily intended to'display the talent of Gab) Utatyg, whlob

it doea to the highest power and. more(over, proaenta her more alluringly than

she Wg ever before seen here.In many ways she is if possible

mora ploaalng "uhk poraon to ths eyetha n sh used t. N and certainly hepM to th-- I'Hr mors Irresistibly. Bhs

lorn r 't dance ta Mrs, Caatls and aomsof her ooUoasrues do. as thousjh n hitha i hi ns th- v could nol help doing,hut acojUlred gresi faclllt)Slllv o sue rain' .O inis 'niinrj 11r.11,

and some srace. She is an beautifulas aver, psrhapa improved by her siiiit-nes- a

In boma phyafrca. rsipectSi althoughIn others -- in her arms for Instance,Which were more faultless when theyerere plumper and In every apparitionthsrs la the agreeable Impression of adesire to plea se.

That maki B potent appeal when Iti auccsssful, Oaby beelya was delightful :n all she did. and therefore her evi-

dent anxiety to 'o her beat warmedthe heart of the audleme to her Herfrocks were beautiful, her hats as gro- -

tsaqUS SB ever and. wlirther as therhorus a'.rl or the star, she was a figureof unchanging and animated loveliness

it Ii the aupposed of a young



Court Uphold! Riffhi f Km

ployee to Reject ChrUt-iii- ii


A t sot under contract With an em- - '

ployer may return Christmas gift re-

ceived from 'he employer without fearof being discharged in anger by theglvi r under a del ISlOO ol the p, e

Term of tht Supreme Court,Tlie court heard the appeal In a suit

brought b Morn Prachtman to compeli ir Charles U Pox, a tlentlst, to paydamages for discharging bun because he j

returned s Christmas gift sent by Dr.Fog, a day or so before last Ohrlstmaain gave Prachtman a pair of cuffbnks. but on Chrletmaa eve rrachtman!returned them with ths following note, j

"Am returning with many thanks youfValuable set Of. cuff link- - because I haveal least tour sets of diamond set buttons which are practically doing no ser-

vice whatevei Since they will only haveto lay around I would prefer to have yougive tlieni l" some one vv no lUld makeuse of them,

Again thanking ou for yourgenerosity, I remain.


Dr Fox regarded the tons of the noteas insulting, and promptly dischargedfSrachtman, who sued to recover thesalary he would have received during theterm of his employment tinder the con-- I

tract, The trial Judge In the City t'ourtdismissed the complaint, but on appealIhe Appellate Term i oversell the Judg-

ment and ordered B new trial. JusticePhtlbln, writing the opinion, said

"The protection the law gives In suchcase should be staled, others maysuffer from compulsory acceptance ofsuch favors through Ignorance of ihelrlegal ri"hls. The said letter cannot beregarded a disobedient or wanting indue courtesy and rsspeel In ihe exerciseof appellant's right to reject the gift,and, therefore, neither it nor such refusalfurnished aaeousis reason ror uisvor,

"The tone 01 the communication would

rather Indicate a desire to make theperformance Of an unpleasant duty aapainless as possible In i mdaiice withthe spirit and the praotloa of the Im

portant an l exuctlng profession or wnienhot h appellant id respondent were mem- -


From lotion to Peanuts.BeslNQf ISI4) Mo., I ec I'll Panne-

of southeastern Oklahoma, unable lo finda market for Ihelr Inst veiir'a cotton litsuv thing like reasonable prices, turnediheii atisntlon this vent to growingpeanuts.


look- - FIGHT


jaalt : :

A BOVE, Joseph Mlttlty andtho Mitgnzine (iirls; btlow,

(Jahy Deslys.

ehorua uiri through lb effort, of i preparent to the top of her profession whichma gag the story of the play, it ,nab)egthe second act to lie played in Honolulu,thereby adding a tiew note to thetnlae ngtfano of mualcal pi s.

Mile. 1, sly i w.i- aurroujided by entert. liners who could h.ivc carr.ed anyentcitainment to triumph Harry I'ox.who can be as vulgar as the rest ofthem when he i not held in check, inthe new place is really humorous andamuglng In all Ins stiie. It had neverseemed thai be ( o u id be so genuinelyfunny and yet he fren from his cue- -

ternary nocullarltlea, which are not at .illwhat a Olobe Tlie.itie audience wouldhave enjoyed. Iioyle and I'ixon eversince they appeared at the Winter tlar-de- n

have befn recognlged as agll, andskilful dancere, but in the new playthey show character and humor lii theirdancing and proved themselves at thefirst chance excellent corned,. ins Are




Mites Appear in AiiiiuhI

ilav at Comeclv Theatre.

The Comedy Theatre became Fairyland last night for one night at least.Ijlttle feet tripped and danced over Itsstage and shining little faces bowedover It footlights to a delighted audi-ence of father and mothers and friendwho hUd come t see and to applaud thestage children very own t'nrlsirnaspcrf"rm.inre.

There were thirty-fiv- e of them :n It i

and a hundred at least In the audietcej

From every branch of "the profession"Ihe little actms and actress,. came,from the in ivies i The Mine Hud " and"Uaddv lamg Legs," tiut every oneloved every minute spent on the stageand from the scststlo CrlSS behind thescenes It might h-- gathered that thespirit of ChrtStmal was there too

Kvrry year fur four years Ihe StageChildren's Kuiiil. Inc. ha given an en-

tertainment nt ChrlSUrssS time, the chil-

dren rhemselve paying all( of the ex-

penses and Inviting their families andfriends

The mi littlest children ui the inae!WSra Katlierlne Roberts, who Is :, yearsold: Mav Morlssev. who is . also. HabvHums, who Is going on and SidneyBumUCh, Who IS All were dressed illColonial DOStUmSg They danced a mln- -

uet With only an occasional glance attheir mamas In Ihe wings And therewa elghtyearold Dorothy strong.whom everybody even the other little

t girls' mamas voted the prettiest of all.singing her first song and getting greatapplause.

There were any number of other Utile!i boy Slid girl whom everybody has seen

In the movies or on the stage, singingami dinning toe dancing, loo ur givingImitations and recitations Just us wellas uny grownup on the Htage- - -- and ths


.oldest was only 13. Then, right, on thestage, was a big Christina tree, and on'It hung a hundred kodaks and a hundredboxes of candy. After the show thechildren got their presents, amid moreapplause.

It was all great success, because thechlldroi and Ihelr ftlends were happyand because I'rof. .1. (I. K Small hadtrained them ami Mis. Nellie Thornshad helped him and there wan HarneyBernard to act us thu prologu, and tellwhat was going to happen, Everybodyhad a men y time, ev en If It was Hut dayafter Christmas.

BuropeM star shows tnprovrmcnt sinc Broadway

Audiences Last saw Her.


the- to he the Stnt(of the future.'

Joseph Hatttlty, WhO not only a

graceful and skilful dancer U

agree.itde and lympathetlo poroonallty,wa- - Oaby Doalyga dancing partner, and

I.iior was amuilng In the fewscenes be bad. Nothing delighted thenudlen.e moie than Ihe ete: "8toi!Ixjok' Listen:" which the comodlaniang and danced Then the ragtime

..'...,.i ,.i..i ihe necotnl act. I

with a burleaqua In which the Inn centHUM th.- nuraulna villain, the :nur- -

dered father and tile Xoutlg lover aildanced t,, the most gyncopntod nuts!thai irvinx Berlin could conceive of,

turned out 10 be in original and amus-ing close o the act.

Only Tentpeel and Sunshine In ''TeachMe to Love" did not appear to lit intotheir HiirrouniliiiK. and while Bluaaoms, , .. iang only one gong II waa enoughHut she was ei chaetened her newatmosphere as Harry i'ox. Harry Pit-,r- r

hag been limited by Mr Wiling.ham to one d.ince In the las; act. whichi curlouel enough the most danger.on me now to le! 111 anyplav on the New York HUge HOW Mr.Dillingham could hava porattaded him-

self t allow Mr Pllcer to ,io anythinggo dangorow It la not easy to under- -

etand Mr Pllcer even f.,11 down ap ir of atalra on the hack ,.f hi, negk,o the degree of hi devotion to ar; loat-

he unders1,olitoix-r- HcQuinn designed the acenery

iu'i cosimnes, whloh are intoraotinglymodorn Ig their fantaetlc character.The scenery in particular, with It

qUAlnt and Imaginative backgrounds.waa an appropriate irame.

The color aoheme familiar from Mr.Qulnn'a work suite : he stage well forthe group, which it H Burnald, had

i ingeniously arranged. H B Smithprovided the story and the lyric were

'attributed to Mr. Berlin, who bad satu-rate! the entertainment in fascinatingand melodious syncopation It looks agif nil Ihe factor had succeeded In land,ng Mr Dillingham With another "Chin

i "htn" on his hinds.



Investment of Bt00,000Planned for Improvement

in Madismi Square,

Ice Skating, the reigning fashion, isto claim Madison Square Qafden, Itwas announced yesterday that, insteadof preparing lo have the old landmarkrazrd for office buildings, as was i lajiue.1some time asn. an investment of $:inn,nno:s to be made in Improvements whichwill make the place the largest rink In

th world.The many oth. iv itles of the i lar- -

den are to go on an before, it is understood, but in between home shows, hox-- ''ng matches and other attractions thefloor of the house will be flooded andfrozen Monster ice balleis are to he

.held there, according to Manager HarA. Cochrane, with Skating races, amateurhockey games, curling, ami exhibitionsby professionals, At ihe same lime anIndependent rink will be provided forthe public. The tirena can be dividedinto three t inks, the outer one forminga race track with seven laps to th- mile

Warren ft Wetniore. the architects,have planned the changes to he madeIn the building after a special study ofthe Herlin ice palace and other famousplaces of the soil A great DSVrt of theinvestment will go to install new ptumb- -

Ihgi retiring rooms an, other OOmfortSnow inciting at me uarusn. n is plannedto have restaurant service with the Uut- -

nig. as In Berlin, so msl skaters mayline at the rink and watch the I, e ballet,ind then return to the floor at Its con- -



ealslntlxe llenrtnas on City'sFinn nee llcopen Tn-iln- ,.

The Brown legislative committee ln- -

vehtlgallng the llnanceH of New Yorkcity will rssoms its hearings pis hoped that the discussion of osntrs!!nation will be completed this week andthat Hie matter of pension funds inthe various departments may be goneInto.

The five Borough Presidents are stillto he heard on the centralization schemesof Mayor Mitchct anil Comptroller I'leii- -

dergast contemplating Hie abolition ofcounty and possibly borough lines. Allare expected to stand strongly againstsucli action, city Chamberlain Bruerewill also read an exhaustive statementon the pension funds of Hie city, Thecommittee plana to hold hearings up tothe convening nf the legislature onJanuar b.

Ornco r!oi(t will rivi1 hor atlen- -

lion n.xt lo the revival nf Shri Idan's I

rom1y. "The School of H' .uHlal," whichfm im iirirrm t'u to iui uno nitolre of the PlmrhOVM She will not lie

able to carry out thin tmMtlvni Mtwmo

at onoe. however, a the puMlfl ileelreto iee "Major llarhai;i" mnst he satl- -

nen. mill cie-.- rn , jw. a. HP. ' I

time o keen that It will M a ionu I

time before all Hie anillence Miat are In- -

terentert In the t1ay have the time toro to the Playhotme. It le for thin rea-eo- n

jthat Mini QMfM m) havo lo

break her rule 9 to a four KrwtU run I

of hII the ptOCM ."he revive. this e- -

nottMl MHM will. 01 COttltWi play

.Kw Vor.l'. In which flu- inaile IWll aucce at Hie New 'l lieaire. She lUM

the bMUtlfUl OOtlOfy anil cowtume ofthat proJiicilon ami file ha about heractor enough to cat the play No

of the performance have boonnuifle public, but it ll no' a risk topropheev that l,oul i 'alvert will haveMr Pffor, while Ponwoj Toarl, KrnemlAWtOII aii'l the other meillbor of thecompany will llml congenial robs In

the most Important of MN QooriO'ltevlval. I

Pavi'l telaco Kill boffin rehoaroala for the now production planntriby him and iliarle Krohlnali beforeihe manager wa ilrowncil on the Ij4i0l

Uma The author of the new pi.",.f.eorge Hca rhOrOUgh. Who wrote "The

l.ure" himI ether plays. Including "Theniel " The drama devoted to Wettem life.

Herbert Bearbohm Tree win make hifirst appoaranct befor the cainerg heroIn "Macbeth." Unet he w in acl oceneafrom the same play in the vaudeville '

theatredraco Hiking, John Flood and hverett

Buttorfleld u boon engaged for "The(ihlo Ijidy," the new play of MouthTarklngton and Julian Btrooi

"The Masked Model." with Ihe bOOk(and lyric b) ihe Brotheri Smith and

music by ''ail Voeae, will aoott be ir,,-- I

duced under the direction of Btanlel(Vawlcy and Julian Alfred In thocontpany are Krank Ikmno. John Voiin.Thomas I'onkey. Kugene Kevere. Kath- -

rlne Clalloway and Kthel I 'u fro,

Intereatlng rontraat" are lo he '

served tow In the tune of th theatreticket, s'x for a mualcal show whichha just I n produced on Broadwayfor a night during 'lie present weekbrought $13 each, or $90 for the enter-tainment of a party of six. who sat In

the orchestra A popular farce al atheatre on Korty second sir,t was sufb-,-ien- t

of s magnet to have seat- - sellingat til apiece on Saturday night Al

a small theatre in which a populnr starI noting, there has never been a sealfor sale at lee-- than since the open-

ing performanceNow go to the other extreme tine

il.eatre I actually giving tickets away."This ticket when signed by the re-

cipient of ibis letter may be exchangedat the box office of the - Theatrefor the best two seat unsold for anyperformance of - Por this enter-tainment no price is asked.

Then there are In between, Of course,various price for entertainment whichdepart more or les from the box Office




Federal .irf"t BeWcve Two

Negro Waffon Drivers Had

Woman Aeeompllce

Wii.MiNoTON. Dal., Pec t Virtuallyall of the stock, ismd.- - and "tin r neg

'!. naner taken from a registered n

much here have been f r,d by

Federal officers.Most Of the securities which were not

recovered S Short time a'ter Ihs dis-

covery of the robbery, scattered ahuitthe mall wagon, were found later at thehome of the two negroel accused of thotheft This lol consisted of a registeredpa 'kttge from Lslrd Co., local brokers,with nek" and stocks to ihe amount ofHTl.300.

The prisoners under arrest are albertand K irl Johnson, drivers Of the w agonWhile they deny the offence, post officeInspectors think thai titey have the guiltyparties The package recovered at theirhome was found In an old stove In akitchen shed and an attempt had liecnmade to burn Uta papers.

Federal igent do nol think the menhad more than one i npllce, believedto be a negro woman, who i wingwatched.


T lie He.. Mux I, rn ii m n n i pactsMnalcnl Serx Ice Plans,

BCvsral hundred Jews in the neighihood of the Mt. Morris Baptist Church,Fifth avenue, h,( ween ISstll and IJtthstreets, were Invited In-- week to hearthe Rev. Max Qraumsn, cantor of theWest Bnd Synagogue, sum SI a Jewishmusical service at ihe Ml .Morris Churchnext Hunday. Vsstsrda) il waa an.nouncsd thai tin Rev Mr araumiinwould not sing he. ..use iie had decidedIt wa. not good etlquetli

Rndeavors were madi lasl evening toAnd out if there had hei ti aJiy objectionto his singing among the authoritiesOf the Jewish cllUrCh In the iilv. Mr.

I Qrauman, however, said that was notihe esse, thai ihe matt, r rested entiretywith him, thai he hud declined to singas a matter of principle from Ihe first,and that tie Invitations beating l"sname were sent out oj uon ario mi,, nmr leaner ot uir cnureii, .uo,,u, ,,n,confirmation from bun.

Mr Hudl mid Mr.. ClrtlUman had hesi-

tated about slngini at tlrst. but had colsellted when Mollis A MagJier. piesi- -

dant of the synagogue, had said that heWOUld be proud to hav , him go. He pVCtl

went to the chur'ii for u rehearsal, so.cording lo Mr. Bui II. and did nol lot himknow that he would nol sing until latelast week.

a number of other prombient Jewishsingers will he at tie service, winch isthe third of n serie giving Ihe music ofdifferent organlsatops, a Catholic audMasonic service have preceded.




MALTED MILKCheap substitutes cost YOU ssms price.


Ihfl hiirifrt l.inly of IMftlrtn llw I'lKRf'l plnyhOVM in thjby

worhl brmiM fur thtl lime heinit. ptf.loritien, Itld MVnMfBd nut tU"l nHlpflOdrotM Ktiiir- - at tht HlpflodrOffW'lrhrlMmai parly ;it the bSfitinlltg of'Mirday nwrnlnti it nti without My.

In t or of "(in id hook ' " rainodh lotllTW handle.l oil Ui the known

untVflrfV,With the Hlppodrotnt'i principals

chorus and ballet and some ,r thalrfriends BS an nudlence, the uMlier. dOOT- -men. below stairs, horse ami elephantvalota and s giut everybody around theplaca with the exception of Hiu iiiCharles Dillingham, Director Ti, l Hum-- Iilde, Manager Harry Askm. House Man-- ;agar J, W, statistwa and Head PublicityItomancer .imk a. ltMsohor, came upontha stagt and did stunts up to but hotbeyond the iiiHt-in- the world's longesthook reached out half a city btOCM Hndyanked the amateur artlsta back to lifea nong tha commonplace.

The m imenl the last ballet skater'ia,i ke ked off hei ste,.. si,o,i bootiesnfter the Haturdai nlghl audience haddeparted and tlie company badprimped itself up m h r and his -- finest

fripperies the 10,009 performersi Mr I. ue. lor is speaking) In the Hip.

Ipome troupe piled out Into orchestraand box -- eats and sct'le.l Hick to enjoytne sn iboul to bs provided for themb the ushers and oilier.

Bui from the tune that the natty ladsealll g then. -- elves "ihe HtppodroincQuartet" morning cuats, spat and allthai sori nf thing and m? varloui halghtsthat suggested the up and downs ,,f Itcons, ,, ntloiis iiui-- e' fever chart cameoUt to sing "e'risco" the only psroonswho were nhla to finish anything lhaystarted wa ths p!.,i f huskies hand.ling the hook Th,- - platnon never starteda "ingle Jab with MlS Imok that itcouldn't flu'eh.

BVen T,.t,. one of the few pro- -

fesalonabt al the Hippodrome who tooka pan in the stag,- proceedings, couldn'tllnlsh What he -- tailed out to do Theannouncement was made for Tote thaihe was about to do H trick and would .like lo havi ihe eteilhtanca of two volun- -leesn, I'p , pped iwo brave horns ladsfrom ihe audtent e,

Then a great sfljuara of canvas wabrought forth for Toto's use At Toto'sdirection tho willing chorus men laydown on the canvas and Toto rolledthem up In the catlVaS securely withninny a turn and fold, And when Totohad contemplated the bulky package forsome time with sorrow In Ins eye heAnally announced loud enough for eventhe two thoughtless volunteers swelter-ing under many crisscross folds that liebad forgotten bow to do the trick.

Toto strolled away then as the can-vas package began lo corns to life amithrow fits and snarl mUftled snarls andotherwise begin to act up a bit angrily.The two dlsrumpled volunteers finallygot out into fresh air again, their in-

voluntary contributions t the successof Toto's trick being VOUl hsafed muchmore merriment by the happy audience,.f players and ths crowds In tha wingsthan by the two chief actor In the rolltying st uiit

A set of tei t.iMc ihlngamhjlgi ofsolid s.lver was presented t , DirectorBumside by the Hippodrome companyXI the i nf the s'.ttfe performance, an- -npuncenn nt 1 ling m ide at the s.-- nielima that in p.te of the fact or per- -haps because of the iui t'i t HickBur side is a stickler tor r w igon

iv nit at,'Uiul the lltppodrom,, stageand dressing rooms the company haddecided to present tp him also a quartbottle of rye. a quart of Scotch and 'aquart of brandy, All three bottles glit-- ,ter,-- Invitingly up near the big Christ

' tree back ,,f The stage apron.Then when Tale Teller l.uescher had

been presented with a bronse slephsnt,which the recipient later was insistingwas solid gold, the dance music stunkUp. Frederic H Crtlger, on,, of thehonored outsiders to he Invited to theparty, started things off hy leading the

iHippodrome's prima donna. Miss BellsStorey, from a box. whereupon every,b, ,v p l. d upon the block long dancingstage

There were salads and sandwiches andthings later and ihere was a punchbOWl Of excellence ,ihv;l..H. regardless ofwhat Dick Htirnside might say Mrand Mrs. Dillingham remained almostto the bltt' r end and so did Harry 8.1Black, Sunnier Oerard, Mr i 'ruger. William ii otewart and many mi


Trlii of llrolhri-- It tuUt Mfiratinl.PI If Ileal Until' I.IIMMV

MAiiinM, III., Dbc. r John, Mlk andBllti WUkUB, iroihT!i. ho worked Intha mtttM tho vill-m- ' ofwere hum Btlsi Uilled b) Manihftl JohnMoDoutfstll Biul iiui ,(".ri Klmbro ;ittin- Wiiknj hottiB (Owday

i.:im ninhl sUCOOUKal tt nl to ihvlrhomi to arrivt thrin for dltttirbtng the

'.!' . Inn ittvor.r.r.K' to his Btorj hfthrcp mn gfBVB hltti a DBBtlrit Tilniornttii hB v. mt to th- i!.ie with Kmi- -

hro aim! ill' ttipU ktlltim followBd MeDomm II Bnd Klmbro wfi a arrestd .iniitr In J.ul B WB 11 ifl


Clip i Ins coupon aud send$1.00 for an al

of four

wn.Mt. V...., &... .... .4Mh

ipttallsm w.i "sung off ii throne"100 inrtnbci of the Church f ihe

So. hii Revolution at a gaihvfingof irtemberg yetttrtfny afternoon inBryani Mall, sixth avenue, near Kor --

second iireot, "Mob music" wn, therevolutionary spark thai dynamic lendersor the new Idea sought tr. fan Into UCtlVt

lifeMrs Igiurs Billot, as drlllmaster, ag.

plained to Ihe congregation ittai by

sinnns mm h force , ould be givento propaganda of any kltyi, In othtrword,, whatever the Individual ice:strongly he can express moreif he congregates with othen wiio feciIhe same thing and sings tlie thought In

unison with I lie oth, reit - a I rue a iiie fact tint no on

man would ever lynch an) one else," Mte.I'ill.oi said, "that no man IndividuallyIs able lo reach the same he. gbls ofspii tual aspiration thai he can obtainthrough ihe concentration of tho mob."

Tiuee mugs expressing the brothertiood of mnn, sel to the tune. nf wellknown hymns, were thin practiced bythe assemblage, although Mrs. Billotsaid that for the best result to be ob-

tained it w.,s necessary for al least "into partlt'lpati That la the reason thre-u- it yesterday was rather mournfulexample nf man attempting 10 attain"heights of spiritual ssjpl ration."

Mis I. .hot Insisted that every humanhemg ran a, will as he can walk.She continue! "We can't all be opera,t imet-- , but when ihe heart is right it i

Impossible to slug off k " A man in

tlie audience, however, look exception 10

ibis opinion He said hi w is a profes-sional singer and that although mUBlO

was the great cat part of hi Me all thoharmony In ins soui left him as soon a

ntered Bryani Hall, He added Ihafthere something about the environno lit of tha place that left him tUJM

less and that In spue of the rani tinthe was ti entire sympathy With thosocialistic tendencies of the chufdh haould not express In song h.s mutual be- -

lief.Th, re 'v, re many ardent advo ite of

,1,.. i.l .11 t.owcvcr. .s a is e idei il when, foreign born son f Amerlcs irose anagtated vtcorously that whenever liejoined in s chorus of persons with whomhe was .11 gympsthy, ami s song set to apatriotic nr was sung, he could a'va"bis life h! blood b cry bins'' forthe cause

The Rev, llmiek White, pastor of thoChurch of tiie social Revolution, pieceda serious and deeper meat ;ng on theattempt til "mob singing When be ex-

plained thai Its sole Idee, was "to mergethe hearts, minds and mills of men intoi musical melting pot which shouldform a new music namely, .in Amerlcnii music "

After the "mob music ' had It, is .out Mr. White preached a sermon, thesubject of winch was "Chrletlnndom'SChrlBtly Christinas" Although Mr.White appeared before his flock in asort of syncopated dressing gown, whichhe dignities hy nailing it i frock "fhomespun, he impressed all he h.s ,'.- -

dent sincerity lie called Saturday ihemoat hollow mockery of a Christmasday the world has ever sen of coursehe referred the vvtir and said '! Wasa shame that men should quarrel onChristmas day, ' Aid ao it was. Hogbless us. so it was '"


Reluinn ittn in 11, hi Live Hall,Food to n,nun. lion.

According to Prof, Vemon !.. Kelloggof Htauford L' nlvorstty, who returnedfrom Belgium last week, more thanS,000,(IOtl people in Belgium ami northernFrance receive heir dally rations ..f f I

through tin Ci immlsston for Relief inBelgium, which hue lis main olHce at 71Bro.idw i v In October ft,tit, 175 wascollect, d and si snt, a new record in thahistory of Hint. i hie wot ;:.

Since I i, ember I thirteen me; shave lfi Nw York luaded with

and eothltl for t ho warlei T?. alid he to: t he flral 'if he e I

the OOmisllMlotl eXe tn o BVragBteatner h day.

Alexander J. Ilemph il trraauror of tha,otninis"Ti, yet tart la) that money

and clothing were heInn received from ail(part f tha worldt but, In apltB of tii

fanerou BUppty, tlw demand for heit.a at 111 ver; ureal ti ?.. .n- ra Rgi

Btctlona of Ktiropf


Police 'I'll i ii w Professional ItnhttealV on Ida I r II, .me uf I, cm.

OranuSi N. J.. Dec. TI nl.vdue to the burglary in Raa nrangavcsterd.i when Jewelry valued at $4",lino was stolen from the home of CliffordII Kagle, I (forth Walnut street,the prin' o No : shoe In the snowoutside Of window through whichthe burglai supposed to have madehis escape

The poll, lielf, v e the h wa 1"'ieby a clev. profess: noil uker,who in. iv .hie Ii her

inils i liavg

ll mienclose,!.

Foremost Send till'.1 ION for a

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$4 a year 20 Vesey St., New YorkI C Never lias there been a greaterI need forathoutfhtful.ex en-temper- ed

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