the modern consumer decision journey

B r a n d s a b ilit y t o d e li v e r o n p r o m i s e a n d q u a lit y o f p r o d u c t i s c r i t i c a l EMBRACING THE MODERN CONSUMER DECISION JOURNEY The emergence of agile micro competitors, the ubiquity of mobile devices and the proliferation of digital media offers today's always-on shopper unparalleled access, choice and buying power. Accompanying this reality is a deluge of unconnected and unstructured data, events and records against which the conventional analytics approaches of global brands stand little chance towards revealing the many “whys” surrounding consumer behavior and intent. Instead, the military-proven concepts of signals intelligence can uncover a deeper understanding of the consumer decision journey, as well as the relative opportunities within each critical stage, to drive optimal engagement and consumption. Signals Analytics ( transforms the world’s unconnected data into real time actionable insights to enhance customer experience, optimize product launches and propel breakthrough innovations. By utilizing our augmented intelligence and decision science platform, consumer goods executives can stay ahead of always-shifting consumer wants, needs and demands, as well as drive deeper omnichannel engagements and greater brand loyalty to win in today's ultra competitive and increasingly fickle marketplace. CONSIDER (Initial Consideration) PART 2 BUY With brand awareness most critical, are your marketing messages aligned with the latest consumer trends or fads? Are audiences responding favorably to your brand image or are competitors winning the battle? Are your advertising channels truly effective and optimized? A successful path to purchase requires optimized omnichannel experience. Do you understand how to rapidly close the gap between purchasing intent and propensity to buy? Is your customer engagement strategy aligned to specific needs and behaviors? START calls this: I N F I N I T Y L O O P E V A L U AT E AD V OC A T E In the transition from a consumer to a customer, is brand connectivity fully understood? Are they passive or aggressive in sharing feedback? And can unmet and undermet needs be discovered for future product development efforts? L O Y A L T Y L O O P A n ticip atin g co n su m er needs and aligning E X P E R I E N C E th e bra n d exp erie nce to this is vital F M O T F irs t M o m e n t o f T r u t h Can you discover and understand the impact of third-party reviews, key opinion leaders and digital body language? Do you understand brand preconceptions, relevance and connectivity indicators beyond “likes,” “retweets” and “clicks?” Z M O T Z e r o M o m e nt o f T r u t h PART 1 Do you understand the initial “whys” behind consumer experience, sentiment and satisfaction? Are customers sharing their reasons for purchase? Are early impressions positive, neutral or negative? Which digital channels are they most utilizing? T M O T T h ir d M o m e n t o f T r u t h S e c o n d M o m e n t o f T r u t h S M O T UMOT Ultimate Moment of Truth BOND With the blending of digital and physical experiences, are you anticipating different interaction points with your brand or product? Are these interactions aligned with and geared towards satisfying consumer needs and adaptable to changes? With consumers now brand champions, can you ensure they will enter the “Loyalty Loop” – not get lost in the “Infinity Loop” – by determining brand affinity traits and amplifying them via preferred channels, as well as continuously engaging in consumer centric innovation?

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Post on 23-Jan-2018



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Page 1: The Modern Consumer Decision Journey


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The emergence of agile micro competitors, the ubiquity of mobile devices and the proliferation of digital media o�ers today's always-on shopper unparalleled access, choice and buying power. Accompanying this reality is a deluge of unconnected and unstructured data, events and records against which the conventional analytics approaches of global brands stand little chance towards revealing the many “whys” surrounding consumer behavior and intent. Instead, the military-proven concepts of signals intelligence can uncover a deeper understanding of the consumer decision journey, as well as the relative opportunities within each critical stage, to drive optimal engagement and consumption.

Signals Analytics ( transforms the world’s unconnected data into real time actionable insights to enhance customer experience, optimize product launches and propel breakthrough innovations. By utilizing our augmented intelligence and decision science platform, consumer goods executives can stay ahead of always-shifting consumer wants, needs and demands, as well as drive deeper omnichannel engagements and greater brand loyalty to win in today's ultra competitive and increasingly fickle marketplace.

CONSIDER (Initial Consideration)



With brand awareness most critical, are your marketing messages aligned with the latest consumer trends or fads? Are audiences responding favorably to your brand image or are competitors winning the battle? Are your advertising channels truly e�ective and optimized?

A successful path to purchase requires optimized omnichannel experience. Do you understand how to rapidly close the gap between purchasing intent and propensity to buy? Is your customer engagement strategy aligned to specific needs and behaviors?


calls this:






In the transition from a consumer to a customer, is brand connectivity fully understood? Are they passive or aggressive in sharing feedback? And can unmet and undermet needs be discovered for future product development e�orts?





Anticipating consumer needs and aligning




the brand experience to this is vital


First Moment of Truth

Can you discover and understand the impact of third-party reviews, key opinion leaders and digital body language? Do you understand brand preconceptions, relevance and connectivity indicators beyond “likes,” “retweets” and “clicks?”



Moment of Truth


Do you understand the initial “whys” behind consumer experience, sentiment and satisfaction? Are customers sharing their reasons for purchase? Are early impressions positive, neutral or negative? Which digital channels are they most utilizing?



Third Mom

ent of Truth

Second Moment of T



UMOTUltimate Moment of Truth


With the blending of digital and physical experiences, are you anticipating di�erent interaction points with your brand or product? Are these interactions aligned with and geared towards satisfying consumer needs and adaptable to changes?

With consumers now brand champions, can you ensure they will enter the “Loyalty Loop” – not get lost in the “Infinity Loop” – by determining brand a�nity traits and amplifying them via preferred channels, as well as continuously engaging in consumer centric innovation?