the miracle of the method - study guide - fort garry mb...

Experience the Miracles of Christmas Sermon Study Guide – FGMB Advent 3 - “The Miracle of the Method” December 13, 2015 Scripture Readings: Isaiah 40:1-11, Philippians 2:1-18, 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 Discussion Questions: 1. In Isaiah 40:1-11, the prophet brings words of comfort and compassion to God’s people in exile. The hope that is promised is the presence of God with His people, Good News! What are the circumstances in your life that cause you to call out for God’s presence? What would it look like in your life for God to make the road smooth? What are two ways that you have seen God’s glory revealed in your circumstances? 2. What are three of your favourite words to describe God? In Philippians 2, we read of the radical way in which God comes to be with us – through Jesus’ emptying of self. This does not mean he is “less divine” but that he is able to reveal himself in a way we can understand. What are some of the things we have seen in Jesus that reveal God the Father more clearly? What are two popular religious ideas about God that we do not see revealed in Jesus? 3. The idea of God becoming flesh and blood (incarnation) is hard to understand. Even more miraculous is that God invites us to be participants in revealing Himself to the world. Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 out loud. Do you see yourself in this passage? Which part describes you? What are some ways that you have been “boasting in the Lord” in this Advent season? 4. The incarnation reveals to us that God’s ways are miraculous and beyond our understanding. Philippians 2:12-13 says that we are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling and that God is actively at work within us. Share with your small group, what is one way that God has worked miraculously in your own life to transform you and/or accomplish His purposes? Take time to give thanks in prayer for what God has done. Take Action: Look for an opportunity this week to accept the invitation to partner with God and become an incarnation of love for someone who needs Good News. Additional Resources: “The Earth” – by Anne Sexton: Karl Barth on Incarnation: Understanding “Kenosis”:

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Experience the Miracles of Christmas Sermon Study Guide – FGMB

Advent 3 - “The Miracle of the Method”

December 13, 2015 Scripture Readings: Isaiah 40:1-11, Philippians 2:1-18, 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 Discussion Questions:

1. In Isaiah 40:1-11, the prophet brings words of comfort and compassion to God’s people in exile. The hope that is promised is the presence of God with His people, Good News! What are the circumstances in your life that cause you to call out for God’s presence? What would it look like in your life for God to make the road smooth? What are two ways that you have seen God’s glory revealed in your circumstances?

2. What are three of your favourite words to describe God? In Philippians 2, we read of the

radical way in which God comes to be with us – through Jesus’ emptying of self. This does not mean he is “less divine” but that he is able to reveal himself in a way we can understand. What are some of the things we have seen in Jesus that reveal God the Father more clearly? What are two popular religious ideas about God that we do not see revealed in Jesus?

3. The idea of God becoming flesh and blood (incarnation) is hard to understand. Even more

miraculous is that God invites us to be participants in revealing Himself to the world. Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 out loud. Do you see yourself in this passage? Which part describes you? What are some ways that you have been “boasting in the Lord” in this Advent season?

4. The incarnation reveals to us that God’s ways are miraculous and beyond our understanding.

Philippians 2:12-13 says that we are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling and that God is actively at work within us. Share with your small group, what is one way that God has worked miraculously in your own life to transform you and/or accomplish His purposes? Take time to give thanks in prayer for what God has done.

Take Action: Look for an opportunity this week to accept the invitation to partner with God and become an incarnation of love for someone who needs Good News. Additional Resources: “The Earth” – by Anne Sexton: Karl Barth on Incarnation: Understanding “Kenosis”:

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