the minneapolis journal (minneapolis, minn.) 1904-06-14 [p 9]. · 2017-12-12 · the wedding of...

,J 9i t/Htyfi W "* W V*f VS TUESDAY EVENING, THE MINNEAPOLIS. JOURNAL, JUNE 14, 1904. 9 The wedding of Miss Helen Blitz and John Russell Norton was quietly solem- nized* at 5 30 o'clock this afternoon at the home of the bride's parents, Dr and Mrs Adolph Blitz, 1726 Nicollet avenue Only the immediate family witnessed the ser- vice, which was read by Rev Marion D Shutter. Mr Russell and hia bride went east for a trip and on their return they will spend the summer at the lake. The wedding of Miss Emily Scheck, daughter of Mrs Fred Scheck, and Louis Keller took place this afternoon at 3 30 o'clock in St Charles' church The bride wore her golng-away gown of champagne color, with a white hat, and carried bride rose* Her onlv attendant was the bride- groom's sister, Miss Josephine Keller, and Joseph A Scheck was best man Rei Father Cleary read the service, which was followed by a supper at the home of the bride's mother. Mr and Mrs Keller will leave this evening for St Louis and Chi- cago and they will be at home after July 16 at 2420 E Twenty-fourth street Miss Adeline Riedell entertained at a thimble bee this afternoon at her home on Chicago avenUe for Miss Katherine Davles and the guests spent an hour sewing for the bride Luncheon wa* served from a table decked in pink and •white with roses, carnations and ferns and a cluster of lilies of the vallei marked the bride's place The name cards had Cupids for adornment and bore lines characteristic of each guest Minneapolis friends have recolved invi- tations for the marriage of Miss Page Morris, daughter of Judge and Mrs Page Morris of Duluth, and Willis Smith Gil bert which will take place next Tuesday in St Paul's Episcopal church, Duluth The service will be followed by a break- fast for a group of relatives and near friends and Mr Gilbert will take his bride to Washington to reside Miss Mor- ris has visited in Minneapolis and is well known among the younger set She will have her three sisters as her attendants Professor and Mrs J YKisaker of Luther seminary, Hamllne, have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter Tora to Rev N A Larsen of Minot, N D, which will take place in Luther seminary chapel Thursday, JUne 23, at 5 o'clock. Friday evening Mit.3 Anna Kittle- son of 3308 Tenth avenue S entertained for the bride at supper, and covers were placed for eleven The decorations weie in red and green with carnations and feins and ribbons Each guest brought a recipe for a favorite dish, and they were presented to the bride in a dainty hand-painted case as a souvenir of the e^eniIlg Present were the Misses Lilla and Dagnay Frich of St Paul, Misses Josephine Eda and Anna Simonsoen, Miss Clara Peterson the Misses Inga and Tora Tlvisaker Misses Anna and Corinne Kit- tleson and Mrs M Sethman Last evening the Misses Frich had a party for the brjde at their St Paul home The wedding of Miss Alice Rodgers and Donald Currie of Minneapolis will take place to-morrow at the home of tTie bride's mother in Springfield 111 Miss Rodgers is a niece of Mr and Mrs A W Scott who with Miss Shepherd have gone to Springfield to attend the wedding Mr CujEriej and ble«toride wU$ha at hanoe after July IB a t 32 A s h street, Bryn Mawr. Mr and Mrs A O Case of 2009 Bryant avenue S announce the engagement of their daughter Nell to Walter Newman -Chase of Toledo Ohio The wedding will take place in July. Mrs Washington Yale has issued cards for an afternoon coffee to be given Mon- day afternoon at her home on Nicollet avenue for her guests, Mrs Emery and Miss Heme Miss Leonore Peck entertained a group of young women yesterday afternoon at her home on Fourth street SE for Miss Elsie Thompson, a bride of to-morrow. Flowers and foliage made the rooms pret- ty and music and games were the diver- sions A pretty affair of last week was given for Miss Nora Murphy, a bride of to- morrow by the Misses Mary and Ger- trude Phelps at their home, 409 Ninth street S A unique feature was the serv- ing of the refreshments by the bridegroom Carroll B Spring, and Fred Phelps The guests numbered twenty of Miss Murphy's girl friends Mrs George H Rosenqulst entertained for Miss Lillian Matson, whose marriage to W I Stanchfleld takes place Thurs- day evening at a hosiery shower Satur- day afternoon The rooms were decked with vines and red carnations Miss Mat- son was «eated in a chair, tied with a bow of white tulle, under a white parasol dec- orated with A ines and red hearts and showered with the dainty packages A guessing contest furnisned much amuse- ment, and Miss Edna Matson won the prize. daughters, Misses Helen and Alice Plllsbury, will leave th* first of July for their new home in PittHfield, Mass 0. C. PillBbury remains in Minneapolis Mrs Olgu \on W. Haskell and children bare gone to their summer home pn Prince Edward Island Mrs Maud Merrifleld Larson of Alexandria, Minn , is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. J. 8 Men mold Pansy Itebeknh lodge. No 04, I O O F , will give a card party Saturday evening at 820 Mcollet avenue. Miss Pear] EBtelle Weston has gone to Boston, Mass to spend the summer on the eastern coast of Massachusetts The Klinbull Dancing club will give a party this evening in Kimball Music hall, Nicollet ave- nue and Eighth street Misses Estelle and Gertrude Hutcbins have gone to Maiden Hock, Wis , to visit their grandmother Mrs R. K Patterson. Miss Katharine L White left last evening to attend the dedication ceremony of the White Memorial Llbrarj, at Whitewater, Wis Le^is B Lawrence of Washington, D 0 is spending his vacation With his parents, Mr. and Mrs W M Lawrence, 1922 Clinton avenue. Mrs Harold Osgood Ayers and twin daughters, Anna and Alice, left last evening for home after a visit at the Plllsbury residence on Tenth street S Rev and Mrs L L Lansing have gone to New \ork to be present fit the golden wedding of Mrs Lansing s brother and sister, Mr and Mrs C B Hill Mrs C F. G Raikes and children of St Louis, Mo. are visiting Mrs J D Hutchlns, Mrs Raikes mother, of 2119 Third avenue S, for the sunimei Mrs E W Bruce of 121 Eleventh street S has us guests the Misses Drucllla Palat and Florence Cannon, both of St Paul Several nffuirs will be glv»a for them this week Minneapolis people at New York hotels are as follows VValcott, S. C Tooker. Navaire W J Held, \lbert J E Barre, H Pinter, St Denis, W A Burt, Dr 0 B. Putnam. Groton, S D — Hoffman C B Collins Duluth—Spalding, J. T Condon A bazar will be given in Dania hall. Fifth street and Cedar avenue, bv tho Society Ruth of the Norwegian Danish Baptist chuich this evening Supper will be Berved from 5 to 8 o clock and i n entertainment w ill be given by the orchestra C B. Eustls has let his residence in Spruce place to Miss Ada Palmer Walker, prima r «onna with the Garden Opera company Miss Walher will be at home theie for the summer, with her father, who has recently come from Mel- bourne, Australia, to Join her » LAKE MINNETONKA The new clubhouse of the Minnetonka Boat club is finished and the rooms are completely furnished In the main room the furnishings are in the fashionable mission style, and comfortable settees and chairs are placed about Handsome orien- tal and Navajo rugs are scattered all over the floor, and the window curtains are of beautiful imported madras The light coming thru the quaint Dutch windows gives a cosy effect which is heightened at night, when the light from the chan- delier and wall candelabra are turned on Off from the main room Is a small room reserved for a ladies parlor In it are eas> chairs, chiffonniers of birchwood with cheval glasses and full-length mirrors A comfortable couch with a handsome rug over it invites the weary to rest In the small anteroom there are tables and chairs and a telephone for the private use of the club members The piazza facing the lake shore and running around toward the south has furnishings of rustic chairs, steamer chairs and lockers, and makes a delightful place to watch the happenings OR the lake, and especially the races Thursday evening the members of the club will open their quarters with a pretty ball The large ballroom in the beach casino will be used for dancing and the entertainment committee of the club will receive in the clubrooms * Miss Higbee entertained at a house party from Friday to Saturday at the Higbee cottage at Cottagewood The guests were a group of young men and women from the city The Higbees will not be at the lake this summer, but will come out off and on during the season Harry W Jones is building a summer home for himself adjoining the Willis Walker cottage at Deephaven It will stand on the point of land across the bay from the Minnetonka club The hous^ will be unusually „artistic In lts^ archi-. tecture and the selection of the site »y Mr. Jones is believed to be the fippfe- runner of an exceptionally fine settlement on this part of the Gibson property. VeryWcdlthy in search of quality in everything, drink Champagne because it is the best irrespective of price...But it might interest you to Know that it costs one-half as much as foreign champagnes, since it pays no duty or ocean freight '"harRcs. HOLY ANGELS GRADUATES The the Twenty-fifth Anniversary pf Academy Celebrated Monday. To-morrow afternoon the graduates of the Holy Angels academy will hold their exercises in the asserilbly hall of the acad- emy The young women to receive grad- uating honors are Misses May Dwyer, Jes- sie Black, Mary Kelly, Loretta Garvin, Sara O'Leary, Mary Kennedy and Mary Spellman Miss Spellman will be valedic- torian Thursday afternoon the gradu- ates will entertain their friends at an in- formal reception at the academy Thuis- day evening the senior music pupils will give a recital, and the final affair of the commencement exercises will take place at the Bijou opera-house Monday after- noon and evening, when the young woman of the academy will make their ap- pearance in "Elizabeth of Thunngia," a drama in five acts The occasion will be doubly interesting to the many friends of th<* students, as it marks the twenty- fifth anniversary of the school in Minne- apolis The sale of tickets is large and the exchange will commence Thursday morning at 9 o'clock at the Bijou box office A subtle charm, alluring attractive- ness is given by Satin-Skin Powder— both protects and beautifies, 3 tints. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. F C Bryant has returned from St. J A McLaughlin are in St. Mrs Louis Dr and Mrs Louis Mrs D P Lemen of 1817 Fourth street SB, lias zone to Indiana to visit relatives Mrs Harvev Bncha ach of Flnley, N D , is the guest of her aunt Mrs D Kerser Miss Susan Smith left last evening to spend the summer with relatives in Meicer, Pa Miss Edith Cooke has gone to Montreal to spend the summer with her grandparents Mrs Henry Sherry of Grand Forks, N p , is the guest of her sister Mrs D C Race Mrs B Pnbil of St Louis is the guest of her mother, Mrs A Schroeder of Chestnut ave nue Mrs Howard O Ayer and her twin daugh- ters left last night for their summer home in Danville Vt Mrs Eugene W Paige and her TONKA NOTES Mrs V C Cook of St Paul was the guest of Mrs W H Merrick at Cottagewood over Sun- dnr Miss Edith Hov-kev left Saturday night for St Lori* to «pend three weeks with her sister, Mrs Albert Hangman Mi and Mrs Hausman will come home with Miss Hookey Mr and Mrs Clarkson Lindley and children are nt the Dibble cottage at Breezy Point Mr ind Mrs Eugene Best and Mr and Mrs C Faries are occupying cottages at Breezy Ponint Judge and Mrs Best spent Sunday with them Mr and Mrs R B Clark and family are at Keewnydln Cottagewood for the summer Mr and Mrs John S Tucker Spent Sunday at Hotel Keewaydln Mr and Mrs L M Lane were over Sunday guests at Hotel Keewavdln, Cottagewood Mr and Mrs H C Evers spent Sunday at Cottagewood and were guests at Hotel Keeway- dln H G Legg and G H Heinrlch were at Hotel Cottagewood over Sunday Mi and Mrs Conover and Albert J Kayser were guests at Hotel La Moine Cottagewood over Sunday Mr Kayser and Miss Carrie Kay set will come out Saturday to stay for several weeks with a party of friends Mrs F. L Hamilton is preparing to entertain a houseful of guests as soon as the weather is settled Mr and Mrs H C Morse and Frank Morse ar° occupying the Will Sammls cottage at Cottagewood for the season Mr Morse enter- tained Mr Irsfleld ovei Sunday Mrs E W Runyan and family have opened their cottage at Cottagewood for the summer Mr and Mrs George R Lyman are in their cottage at Llnwood Mr and Mrs C F Potter are occupying a cot- tage In Gideons Bay * Mr and Mrs Trank Mowry have the Ridgeway cottage at Cottagewood Dr H B Child Is attending the St Louis ex- position BURNETT'S EXTRACT OF VANILLA Used exclusively by all leading hotels and clubs. WHAT WOMEN WANT TO KNOW YOU CANT BUY A safer or more reliable ^remedy for the Stomach, Liver or Kidneys than the celebrated Hostetter's Stomach Bitters With a 50-year record of wonderful cures back of it, no strong- er argument for a trial can be pre- sented. Hostetter's Bitters STOMACH] has never been known to fail in cases of Poor Appetite, Indigestion, Constipation, Biliousness, Nervousness, General Debility, Dyspepsia or Malarial Fever. Get a Bottle to- day and test its merit for your own satisfaction. The genuine has our Private Stamp over the neck. By Marion Alcott Prentice. To Oil a Pine Floor.—Can you give me a recipe for oiling a soft pine floor so It will have a gloss? Ella. A hard-oil finish is usually the most satisfactory for a soft pine floor, it is really a light varnish and will give a ^ery pretty gloss The oil may be ob- tained at any flrst-class paint store by the quart or gallon, and is made in light and dark shades The light oil is the most expensive and gives a clear amber color while the dark Is about the shade of ordinary varnish and is suitable for medium shade and dark woods To avoid errors, get the oil at a flrst-class shop and insist upon hard-oil, explaining the purpose for which you require it You did not give the dimensions of the room, hence I cannot tell you how much oil will be required, and, too, a good deal depends upon the absorbent nature of the wood To obtain the b a st results fill all cracks v/lth putty mixed with a little plaster of pans to harden it, clean the floor thoroly so that every mark and smirch will not show thru after oiling When absolutely dry apply the oil, working lengtnwise of the boards and Using a new, wide, flat brush I emphasize new, as a brush which has e\er been used for paint, even if carefully cleaned, would spoil the bril- liancy of the oil Let the coat ©f oil dry for three or four days, a week would be better, and then give a second coat This second coat will improve the gloss, as well as give a harder surface to the wood After oiling do not use the floor for two weeks if it is possible to avoid doing so, for if it is allowed to dry perfectly the wearing qualities of the oil will be greatly In- creased After the floor is oiled for the first time the results will be somewhat disappointing, but if you will allow the oil to dry, as «uggested, subsequent oll- ings will be found very satisfactory. Miss Whittaker, a prominent club woman of Savannah, Ga., tells how she was entirely cured of ovarian troubles by the use of LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. DEAR MBS. PTNKHAM:—r heartily recommend L-ycLia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as a Uterine Tonic and Regulator. I suffered for four years with irregularities and Uterine troubles. No one but those who have experienced this dreadful agony can form any idea of the physi- cal and mental misery those endure •who are thus afflicted. Your "Vegef table Compound cured me within three months. I was fully restored to health and strength, and now my periods are regular and painless. What a blessing it is to be able to obtain such a remedy when so many doctors fail to help you. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is better than any doctor or medicine I ever had. Very truly yours, Miss EAST WHITTAKEB, 604 39th St., W. Savannah, Ga." S5000 forfeit If original of above letter proofno genuineness cannot be produced. The testimonials 'which we are constantly publishing from grateful women prove beyond a doubt the power of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to conquer female diseases* QUESTION FOR TO-MORROW Sulphur for the Skin.—My grandmother says there Is nothing like sulphur and molasses for the skin. Do you think*lt will clear the complexion? Janet. ^% FO 0 D Tired babies become rested babies when fed on Mellin's Food. Mellin's Food nour- ishes. You will be glad that you Sent for a sample of Mellin's Pood when you see how eagerly baby takes it. MELLIN'S FOOD CO., BOSTON, MASS., ^ "' A SENSIBLE MOTHER ' ! Proud of her children's teeth, con- sults a dentist and learns that the beauty of permanent teeth depends on the care taken of the first set. SOZODONT Liquid and Powder ' Shouldfeeused. The Liquid to pen- etrate into the little crevices and puri- fy them, the Powder to polish the outer surface and prevent the accu- mulation of tartar. ^ N |J3 Forms: liquid, Powder, Paste. * 19-in. Guaranteed Black Taffeta... - This is the best value ever offered at any silk department in the Twin Cities. Some would say "an 85c quality." AQrf* Thurs. special, yard.. *MF1# T THE SHOPT HOUR STORE , NIC0LLEJAVE-F1R3TAVE SO-F1FTH ST Fine Embroidered Swisses... 100 pieces, white and tinted grounds, pretty designs and colorings; equal in style and appearance to best imported Swisses. Sold regularly at 25c; special at yard... 122c The Opportunity of the Season I We f^ y m we Our Final Clearance Sale of SUITS... ' Second Floor Fifth Street, Front, for women, misses and girls. We are determined to close out every Suit in stock by July 1st. Just two weeks to do it in. To that end we have reduced prices to one-half and one-third former prices; which means the greatest values you have ever known of, in high class ready-to-wear suits* To start this clearance with a rush we will give in addition to the extraordinary price reductions AAllhk Amnttnt. S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with cash purchases in Women's, 1/Umm? nmUIMlU Misses', Girls' Suits and Garment Dept., Wednesday, June 15. Altho selling has been heavy you will find here the largest and choicest assortments of suits in the Northwest. Every garment marked in plain figures. None have been reserved. NOTE...At this sale we cannot make refunds or exchanges, or send goods on approval. The Entire Stock Divided into Six Lots, as Follows: $1650 Suits $6.95 $ Lot 1—We offer choice of our entire stock of Women's and Misses' Suits, made of fine broadcloths, cheviots, and imported fancies, all new this season; in black and colors; our reg- ular selling prices $1650, $15.00, $13.7* and $12.50, at this sale Lot 2—Your choice of our entire stock Women's and Misses'Suits, made of Panama, Broadcloth, Etamine Cheviots and fancy ^ Novelties;«all strictly high*P class goods in new and exclus- ive styles. Our regular prices $21.50, $20.00 and $19.50, Clearance Sale Price Lot 3—Women's and Misses' Suits, made of fine Cheviot, Panama, Etamine Cheviots, Fancy Scotch Novelties, in fl> handsome Eton, Blouse ^P and Coat styles, skirts walking or dress lengths; black, colors. Unrestricted choice of our $27.50, $25.00, $23.50 lines, this sale Lot 4—New Spring Suits for Women and Misses, swell, high class goods, made in the best pos- sible manner; very d^ newest styles, made ^P of the finest fabrics, some with silk drop skirt; black and colors. Regular prices $35, $32.50, $30, $28.50, f o r . . . $ Lot 5—Swell, High-class Voile, Panama, Broad- cloth, Cheviot and Novelty Suits; exclusive styles, nandsomest garments shown this season; some with silk drop skirts, black and colors; skirts walking or dress lengths; choice of $48.75, $42.50, $40, $37.50 S u i t s .... Lot 6. Choose as y o u wish from our swell Nov- elty suits and snow pieces, made of finest French Voile andfineim- ported novelty clotha; ' only one or two of a kind; Suits worth up to $85- $ 32 .50 June Sale Women's Strap Slippers... Starts Wednesday. Over a thousand pairs at much less than manufacturer's cost. Slippers in plain or fancy style. Slippers suitable for all occasions. Slippers at lower prices than you ever bought same values for. Wednesday, first day; better come early as possible. * ^ Women's $4.00 Patent Colt Lace Slippers, black jet bead- ing on vamp and straps, aluminum French ti^O Qft heels; June sale price, pair.» ipfisvu Women's $4 Patent Colt §-Strap Slippers, extreme two-inch French heels; June sale ^*0 f*Q price, pair • V «F Women's $3 Slippers, ten styles; patent kid, patent colt and vici kid\ French heels, 2, 3 and 4-strap styles, plain or hand beaded vamp; June sale fl^ <fl Q O price, pair ^P 1 B5FO Women's $2.50 Slippers, with French heels, in patent leather or vici kid, lace or two-strap C^l fSQ styles; June sale price, pair " ^ 1 m%M *r Other Items That Are Interesting. Women's $1.25 Kid Juliets, excellent Women's $2.00 Patent t Leather or vici kid Slippers, in ribbon ties or 2 and 4-straps, French tf£ 4 Jfr ^ or opera heels; June sale price, pair ^P • wrW%W Women's $1.50 Patent Leather or vici kid Slippers, French or leather heels, lace, 3 or 4- fl£ 4 4 A straps; June sale price, pair *P I • I %W Women's $1.50 Plain One-Strap Slippers, flexible hand- turned soles, opera heels; June sale price, Cfeftf* pair. house slippers; June sale price, pair 89c Children's 65c Ankle or Two-Strap Patent Leather Slippers, turned leather soles; sizes 2 to 5; JB Of* June sale price, pair. *§*5FO For Wednesday only we offer every pair of our Infants' 50c soft sole 1 shoes, ankle ties, two-strap and four-strap slippers; sizes 1 to 4, in all the fancy colors, at, Q A ^ Misses' $1.25 Patent leather three- strap slippers; June sale A Of* price, pair w mFlir Are you finding it difficult getting tan oxfords? If so, come here. We are showing eight styles for women, in all sizes, at the uniform price of 9 3 . 0 0 a pair. Bluchers, new four-button and plain lace; some of our $3.50 values among them. 1 I I Special Semi-Annual Clearing Sale g* Our Finest Laces... at Half and Less Former Prices. Almost our entire large and up-to-date stock of fine Laces has been reduced to about a Half and a Quarter Former Prices. The Hew Buyer insists on the stock beingreduced to tne lowest possible point before inventory, July 1st. Some of these reductions may seem ridiculous but time is short, and other stocks have to be cleared up also. This is a rare chance to supply future wants, and should create a sensation in Lace selling. Imitation Ciuny Insertings, and Bandings; white and ecru,.. Edges, Insertings, Bandings... Entire Stock of <* < Hand-Made Linen Cluny Laces and Insertings^.. Entire Stock of M "^„- w *&- Wool and Linen Yak Laces, ~ Insertings, Edgings... Entire stock of rilT * $&: White Silk Laces, Edges, Regular prices were 50c and $1.00, reduced to yard, 25c nrices were & yard, now 35c $1.50 Prices were $1.00 to $4.50 a fd.; now, yard 35c $1.75 Regular prices were $1.00 to $4.00 a yard, now yard Prices were. 35c to $1.00 a ^ y yard; now, yard .r^ffl&rtingsandBwdiniZy^ to 35C Entire StOCk ^ / S T ^ ^ f e ^ M ^ ^ ^ P r i c e s were 25c toJLOOayard; ^ Fancy Brabant Moons ***i gg^'TSWj* ^ S\& —', ,and Bandings,!^" O C * 25C Prices were 20c and 25c; now yard 10c Almost the entire stock of ' Venise Laces, white and ecru, Scores of the finest qualities. Regular prices were $1.00 up to $5.75, *3i Almost the entire stock of Edges, In^rtings* Bandings. Sw 25c to $2-85 •Finest qualities. Regular prices i VeniseGaloonsand Appliques mm^; 75to &'VT%jS • - in white, cream and ecru,., i OC to !pl • / O ^Regular prices were 39c to $5 k S^ _a"_X BSfd J" n0w Wood Fibre Laces and •* JtK black, white and cream,.. IOC to $2.50 The entire stock of Finest , $ * ^ Regular pnces were 75c $5,75 $ Chiffon Appliques, in white, % a *** now atlesa «*»*** cream, black or delicate colors. 5}5C to. S2.T5 Beautiful for weddtnQ ocdvns or eveiivno dreeeee. *^ ^^ ^* ^ ^ ^™ ^^

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Page 1: The Minneapolis journal (Minneapolis, Minn.) 1904-06-14 [p 9]. · 2017-12-12 · The wedding of Miss Emily Scheck, daughter of Mrs Fred Scheck, and Louis Keller took place this afternoon


t/Htyfi W "* W V*f


The wedding of Miss Helen Bl i tz and John Russel l Norton w a s quietly so lem­nized* a t 5 30 o'clock this afternoon a t the home of the bride's parents, Dr and Mrs Adolph Blitz, 1726 Nicollet avenue Only the immediate family witnessed the ser­vice, which w a s read by Rev Marion D Shutter. Mr Russel l and hia bride w e n t east for a trip and on their return they will spend the summer a t the lake.

The w e d d i n g of Miss Emi ly Scheck, daughter of Mrs Fred Scheck, and Louis Keller took place this afternoon at 3 30 o'clock in St Charles' church The bride wore her g o l n g - a w a y g o w n of champagne color, wi th a whi te hat, and carried bride rose* H e r onlv at tendant w a s the bride­groom's s ister, Miss Josephine Keller, and Joseph A Scheck w a s best man Rei Father Cleary read the service, which w a s followed by a supper a t the home of the bride's mother . Mr and Mrs Keller will leave th i s evening for St Louis and Chi­cago and they will be a t home after July 16 a t 2420 E Twenty-fourth street

Miss Adel ine Riedell entertained at a thimble bee this afternoon a t her home on Chicago avenUe for Miss Katherine D a v l e s and the gues t s spent an hour s e w i n g for the bride Luncheon wa* served from a table decked in pink and •white wi th roses, carnations and ferns and a cluster of lilies of the va l l e i marked the bride's place The name cards had Cupids for adornment and bore l ines characterist ic of each gues t

Minneapolis friends have recolved invi­tations for the marriage of Miss P a g e Morris, daughter of Judge and Mrs P a g e Morris of Duluth, and Will is Smith Gil bert which will take place next Tuesday in St Paul 's Episcopal church, Duluth The service will be followed by a break­fast for a group of relat ives and near friends and Mr Gilbert will take his bride to W a s h i n g t o n to reside Miss Mor­ris has vis i ted in Minneapolis and is well k n o w n a m o n g the younger se t She will have her three s is ters a s her a t tendants

Professor and Mrs J YKisaker of Luther seminary, Hamllne , have issued invitat ions for the marriage of their daughter Tora to Rev N A Larsen of Minot, N D , which will take place in Luther seminary chapel Thursday, JUne 23, at 5 o'clock.

Friday even ing Mit.3 Anna Kit t le -son of 3308 Tenth avenue S entertained for the bride a t supper, and covers were placed for e leven The decorations w e i e in red and green wi th carnations and fe ins and ribbons Each gues t brought a recipe for a favorite dish, and they were presented to the bride in a dainty hand-painted case as a souvenir of the e^eniIlg Present were the Misses Lilla and D a g n a y Frich of St Paul, Misses Josephine Eda and Anna Simonsoen, Miss Clara Peterson the Misses Inga and Tora Tlv isaker Misses Anna and Corinne Ki t -t leson and Mrs M Sethman

Last evening the Misses Frich had a party for the brjde at their St Paul home

The wedding of Miss Alice Rodgers and Donald Currie of Minneapolis will take place to-morrow at the home of tTie bride's mother in Springfield 111 Miss Rodgers is a niece of Mr and Mrs A W Scott who with Miss Shepherd have gone to Springfield to at tend the wedding Mr CujEriej and ble«toride w U $ h a a t hanoe after July IB a t 32 A s h street, Bryn Mawr.

Mr and Mrs A O Case of 2009 Bryant avenue S announce the engagement of their daughter Nell to Wal ter N e w m a n -Chase of Toledo Ohio The wedding will take place in July.

Mrs W a s h i n g t o n Yale h a s issued cards for an afternoon coffee to be g iven Mon­day afternoon a t her h o m e on Nicol let avenue for her guests, Mrs Emery and Miss H e m e

Miss Leonore P e c k entertained a group of young w o m e n yes terday afternoon at her home on Fourth street S E for Miss Elsie Thompson, a bride of to-morrow. Flowers and foliage made the rooms pret­ty and music and g a m e s were the diver­s ions

A pretty affair of last week w a s g iven for Miss Nora Murphy, a bride of t o ­morrow by the Misses Mary and Ger­trude Phelps at their home, 409 Nin th street S A unique feature w a s the serv­ing of the refreshments by the bridegroom Carroll B Spring, and Fred Phelps The gues ts numbered t w e n t y of Miss Murphy's girl friends

Mrs George H Rosenqulst entertained for Miss Lill ian Matson, w h o s e marriage to W I Stanchfleld takes place Thurs­day evening a t a hosiery shower Satur­day afternoon The rooms were decked wi th v ines and red carnations Miss Mat-son w a s «eated in a chair, tied wi th a bow of white tulle, under a wh i t e parasol dec­orated w i t h A ines and red hearts and showered wi th the dainty packages A g u e s s i n g contest furnisned much a m u s e ­ment , and Miss Edna Matson won the prize.

daughters, Misses Helen and Alice Plllsbury, will leave th* first of July for their new home in PittHfield, Mass 0. C. PillBbury remains in Minneapolis

Mrs Olgu \on W. Haskell and children bare gone to their summer home pn Prince Edward Island

Mrs Maud Merrifleld Larson of Alexandria, Minn , is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. J. 8 Men mold

Pansy Itebeknh lodge. No 04, I O O F , will give a card party Saturday evening at 820 Mcollet avenue.

Miss Pear] EBtelle Weston has gone to Boston, Mass to spend the summer on the eastern coast of Massachusetts

The Klinbull Dancing club will give a party this evening in Kimball Music hall, Nicollet ave­nue and Eighth street

Misses Estelle and Gertrude Hutcbins have gone to Maiden Hock, Wis , to visit their grandmother Mrs R. K Patterson.

Miss Katharine L White left last evening to attend the dedication ceremony of the White Memorial Llbrarj, at Whitewater, Wis

Le^is B Lawrence of Washington, D 0 is spending his vacation With his parents, Mr. and Mrs W M Lawrence, 1922 Clinton avenue.

Mrs Harold Osgood Ayers and twin daughters, Anna and Alice, left last evening for home after a visit at the Plllsbury residence on Tenth street S

Rev and Mrs L L Lansing have gone to New \ork to be present fit the golden wedding of Mrs Lansing s brother and sister, Mr and Mrs C B Hill

Mrs C F. G Raikes and children of St Louis, Mo. are visiting Mrs J D Hutchlns, Mrs Raikes mother, of 2119 Third avenue S, for the sunimei

Mrs E W Bruce of 121 Eleventh street S has us guests the Misses Drucllla Palat and Florence Cannon, both of St Paul Several nffuirs will be glv»a for them this week

Minneapolis people at New York hotels are as follows VValcott, S. C Tooker. Navaire W J Held, \lbert J E Barre, H Pinter, St Denis, W A Burt, Dr 0 B. Putnam. Groton, S D — Hoffman C B Collins Duluth—Spalding, J. T Condon

A bazar will be given in Dania hall. Fifth street and Cedar avenue, bv tho Society Ruth of the Norwegian Danish Baptist chuich this evening Supper will be Berved from 5 to 8 o clock and i n entertainment w ill be given by the orchestra

C B. Eustls has let his residence in Spruce place to Miss Ada Palmer Walker, prima r«onna with the Garden Opera company Miss Walher will be at home theie for the summer, with her father, who has recently come from Mel­bourne, Australia, to Join her »

LAKE MINNETONKA The new clubhouse of the Minnetonka

Boat club is finished and the rooms are completely furnished In the main room the furnishings are in the fashionable miss ion style, and comfortable s e t t ee s and chairs are placed about Handsome orien­tal and Navajo rugs are scattered all over the floor, and the window curtains are of beautiful imported madras The l ight coming thru the quaint D u t c h windows g ives a cosy effect which is he ightened a t night, when the l ight from the chan­delier and wall candelabra are turned on Off from the main room Is a small room reserved for a ladies parlor In it are eas> chairs, chiffonniers of birchwood wi th cheval g lasses and ful l - length mirrors A comfortable couch wi th a handsome rug over it invites the weary to rest In the small anteroom there are tables and chairs and a telephone for the private use of the club members The piazza facing the lake shore and running around toward the south has furnishings of rustic chairs, s teamer chairs and lockers , and makes a delightful place to w a t c h the happenings OR the lake, and especial ly the races

Thursday evening the members of the club will open their quarters wi th a pretty ball The large ballroom in the beach casino will be used for dancing and the entertainment commit tee of the club will receive in the clubrooms *

Miss Higbee entertained a t a house party from Friday to Saturday a t the H i g b e e cot tage a t Cottagewood The gues t s were a group of young m e n and w o m e n from the city The Higbees will not be at the lake this summer, but will come out off and on during the season

Harry W Jones is building a summer home for himself adjoining the Wil l is Walker cottage a t Deephaven I t will s tand on the point of land across the bay from the Minnetonka club The hous^ will be unusual ly „artistic In lts^ archi-. tecture and the select ion of the s i te »y Mr. Jones is believed to be the fippfe-runner of an exceptionally fine se t t l ement on th i s part of the Gibson property.

VeryWcdlthy in s e a r c h of q u a l i t y in everything, dr ink

Champagne b e c a u s e it is the best — irrespect ive of price...But it might in teres t you to Know that it cos t s one-half a s m u c h a s foreign champagnes , s ince it pays no duty o r o c e a n freight '"harRcs.


The the Twenty-f ifth Anniversary pf Academy Celebrated Monday.

To-morrow afternoon the graduates of the Holy Angels academy will hold their exercises in the asserilbly hall of the acad­emy The young w o m e n to receive grad­uating honors are Misses May Dwyer , Je s ­sie Black, Mary Kelly, Loretta Garvin, Sara O'Leary, Mary Kennedy and Mary Spellman Miss Spellman will be valedic­torian Thursday afternoon the gradu­ates will entertain their friends a t an in­formal reception a t the academy T h u i s -day evening the senior music pupils will g ive a recital, and the final affair of the commencement exercises wil l take place at the Bijou opera-house Monday after­noon and evening, w h e n the young woman of the academy will make their ap­pearance in "Elizabeth of Thunng ia ," a drama in five acts The occasion will be doubly interest ing to the m a n y friends of th<* students , a s i t marks the t w e n t y -fifth anniversary of the school in Minne­apolis The sale of t ickets is large and the exchange will commence Thursday morning a t 9 o'clock at the Bijou b o x office

A s u b t l e c h a r m , a l l u r i n g a t t r a c t i v e ­n e s s i s g i v e n b y S a t i n - S k i n P o w d e r — b o t h p r o t e c t s a n d b e a u t i f i e s , 3 t i n t s .

PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. F C Bryant has returned from St.

J A McLaughlin are in St.

Mrs Louis

Dr and Mrs Louis

Mrs D P Lemen of 1817 Fourth street SB, lias zone to Indiana to visit relatives

Mrs Harvev Bncha ach of Flnley, N D , is the guest of her aunt Mrs D Kerser

Miss Susan Smith left last evening to spend the summer with relatives in Meicer, Pa

Miss Edith Cooke has gone to Montreal to spend the summer with her grandparents

Mrs Henry Sherry of Grand Forks, N p , is the guest of her sister Mrs D C Race

Mrs B Pnbil of St Louis is the guest of her mother, Mrs A Schroeder of Chestnut ave nue

Mrs Howard O Ayer and her twin daugh­ters left last night for their summer home in Danville Vt Mrs Eugene W Paige and her

TONKA NOTES Mrs V C Cook of St Paul was the guest of

Mrs W H Merrick at Cottagewood over Sun-dnr

Miss Edith Hov-kev left Saturday night for St Lori* to «pend three weeks with her sister, Mrs Albert Hangman Mi and Mrs Hausman will come home with Miss Hookey

Mr and Mrs Clarkson Lindley and children are nt the Dibble cottage at Breezy Point

Mr ind Mrs Eugene Best and Mr and Mrs C Faries are occupying cottages at Breezy Ponint Judge and Mrs Best spent Sunday with them

Mr and Mrs R B Clark and family are at Keewnydln Cottagewood for the summer

Mr and Mrs John S Tucker Spent Sunday at Hotel Keewaydln

Mr and Mrs L M Lane were over Sunday guests at Hotel Keewavdln, Cottagewood

Mr and Mrs H C Evers spent Sunday at Cottagewood and were guests at Hotel Keeway­dln

H G Legg and G H Heinrlch were at Hotel Cottagewood over Sunday

Mi and Mrs Conover and Albert J Kayser were guests at Hotel La Moine Cottagewood over Sunday Mr Kayser and Miss Carrie Kay set will come out Saturday to stay for several weeks with a party of friends Mrs F. L Hamilton is preparing to entertain a houseful of guests as soon as the weather is settled

Mr and Mrs H C Morse and Frank Morse ar° occupying the Will Sammls cottage at Cottagewood for the season Mr Morse enter­tained Mr Irsfleld ovei Sunday

Mrs E W Runyan and family have opened their cottage at Cottagewood for the summer

Mr and Mrs George R Lyman are in their cottage at Llnwood

Mr and Mrs C F Potter are occupying a cot-tage In Gideons Bay *

Mr and Mrs Trank Mowry have the Ridgeway cottage at Cottagewood

Dr H B Child Is attending the St Louis ex­position

BURNETT'S EXTRACT OF VANILLA Used exclusively by all leading hotels and clubs.


YOU CANT BUY A s a f e r or m o r e r e l i a b l e ^ r e m e d y for t h e S t o m a c h , L i v e r or K i d n e y s t h a n t h e c e l e b r a t e d H o s t e t t e r ' s S t o m a c h B i t t e r s W i t h a 5 0 - y e a r r e c o r d of w o n d e r f u l c u r e s b a c k of it, n o s t r o n g ­e r a r g u m e n t f o r a tr ia l c a n b e p r e ­s e n t e d .


Bitters STOMACH] has never been

known to fail in cases of Poor Appetite, Indigestion, Constipation, Biliousness, Nervousness, General Debility, Dyspepsia or Malarial Fever. Get a Bottle to­day and test its merit for your own satisfaction. The genuine has our P r i v a t e Stamp over the neck.

By Marion Alcott Prent ice . T o Oil a Pine Floor.—Can you give me a

recipe for oiling a soft pine floor so It will have a gloss? Ella. A hard-oil finish is usually the most

sat isfactory for a soft pine floor, i t is really a light varnish and will g ive a ^ery pretty g loss The oil m a y be ob­tained a t a n y flrst-class paint store by the quart or gallon, and is made in l ight and dark shades The l ight oil is the m o s t expens ive and g ives a clear amber color while the dark Is about the s h a d e of ordinary varnish and is suitable for medium shade and dark woods To avoid errors, g e t the oil a t a flrst-class shop and insist upon hard-oil, explaining the purpose for which you require it You did not g ive the dimensions of the room, hence I cannot tell you how much oil will be required, and, too, a good deal depends upon the absorbent nature of the wood To obtain the b a s t results fill all cracks v/lth putty mixed w i t h a little plaster of p a n s to harden it, clean the floor thoroly so that every mark and smirch will not show thru after oiling W h e n absolutely dry apply the oil, working lengtnwise of the boards and Using a new, wide , flat brush I emphasize new, a s a brush which has e \ e r been used for paint, even if carefully cleaned, would spoil the bril­l iancy of the oil L e t the coat ©f oil dry for three or four days, a week would be better, and then g ive a second coat This second coat will improve the gloss, a s well as g ive a harder surface to the wood After oil ing do not use the floor for t w o w e e k s if i t i s possible to avoid doing so, for if it is al lowed to dry perfectly the wear ing qualit ies of the oil wil l be greatly In­creased After the floor is oiled for the first t ime the results wil l be s o m e w h a t disappointing, but if you wil l allow the oil to dry, a s «uggested, subsequent oll-ings will be found very satisfactory.

Miss Whittaker, a prominent club woman of Savannah, Ga., tells how she was entirely cured of ovarian troubles by the use of LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.

DEAR MBS. PTNKHAM:—r heartily recommend L-ycLia E . P i n k h a m ' s V e g e t a b l e C o m p o u n d as a Uterine Tonic and Regulator. I suffered for four years with irregularities and Uterine troubles. No one but those who have experienced this dreadful agony can form any idea of the physi­cal and mental misery those endure •who are thus afflicted. Your "Vegef tab le C o m p o u n d cured me within three months. I was fully restored to health and strength, and now my periods are regular and painless. What a blessing it is to be able to obtain such a remedy when so many doctors fail to help you. L y d i a E . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is better than any doctor or medicine I ever had. Very truly yours, Miss EAST WHITTAKEB, 604 39th St., W. S a v a n n a h , G a . " — S5000 forfeit If original of above letter proof no genuineness cannot be produced.

The testimonials 'which we are constantly publishing from grateful women prove beyond a doubt the power of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to conquer female diseases*


Sulphur for the Skin.—My grandmother says there Is nothing like sulphur and molasses for the skin. Do you think*lt will clear the complexion? Janet . ^%

FO 0 D Tired babies become rested babies when fed on Mellin's Food. Mellin's Food nour­ishes.

You will be glad that you Sent for a sample of Mellin's Pood when you see how eagerly baby takes it.



Proud of her children's teeth, con­sults a dentist and learns that the beauty of permanent teeth depends on the care taken of the first set.

SOZODONT Liquid and Powder '

Should fee used. The Liquid to pen­etrate into the little crevices and puri­fy them, the Powder to polish the outer surface and prevent the accu­mulation of tartar. ^N

|J3 Forms: liquid, Powder, Paste.


19-in. Guaranteed Black Taffeta... -

This is the best value ever offered at any silk department in the Twin Cities. Some would say "an 85c quality." A Q r f * Thurs. special, yard. . * M F 1 #



Fine Embroidered Swisses...

100 pieces, white and tinted grounds, pretty designs and colorings; equal in style and appearance to best imported Swisses. Sold regularly at 25c; special at yard... 122c

The Opportunity of the Season I Wef^ym we

Our Final Clearance Sale of SUITS... ' Second Floor Fifth Street, Front,

for women, misses and girls. We are determined to close out every Suit in stock by July 1st. Just two weeks

to do it in. To that end we have reduced prices to

one-half and one-third former prices; which means the greatest values you have ever known of, in high class

ready-to-wear suits* To start this clearance with a rush we will give in addition to the extraordinary price reductions

A A l l h k A m n t t n t . S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with cash purchases in Women's, 1 / U m m ? n m U I M l U Misses', Girls' Suits and Garment Dept., Wednesday, June 15.

Altho selling has been heavy you will find here the largest and choicest assortments of suits in the Northwest. Every garment marked in plain figures. None have been reserved.

NOTE...At this sale we cannot make refunds or exchanges, or send goods on approval. The Entire Stock Divided into Six Lots, as Follows:

$1650 Suits


$ Lot 1—We offer choice of our entire stock

of Women's and Misses' Suits, made of fine broadcloths, cheviots, and imported fancies, all new this season; in black and colors; our reg­ular selling prices $1650, $15.00, $13.7* and $12.50, at this sale

Lot 2—Your choice of our entire stock Women's and Misses'Suits, made of Panama, Broadcloth, Etamine Cheviots and fancy ^ Novelties;«all strictly high*P class goods in new and exclus­ive styles. Our regular prices $21.50, $20.00 and $19.50, Clearance Sale Price

Lot 3—Women's and Misses' Suits, made of fine Cheviot, Panama, Etamine Cheviots, Fancy Scotch Novelties, in fl> handsome Eton, Blouse ^ P and Coat styles, skirts walking or dress lengths; black, colors. Unrestricted choice of our $27.50, $25.00, $23.50 lines, this sale

Lot 4—New Spring Suits for Women and Misses, swell, high class goods, made in the best pos­sible manner; very d^ newest styles, made ^ P of the finest fabrics, some with silk drop skirt; black and colors. Regular prices $35, $32.50, $30, $28.50, for. . .


Lot 5—Swell, High-class Voile, Panama, Broad­cloth, Cheviot and Novelty Suits; exclusive styles, nandsomest garments shown this season; some with silk drop skirts, black and colors; skirts walking or dress lengths; choice of $48.75, $42.50, $40, $37.50 Suits . . . .

Lot 6. Choose as y o u w i s h

from our swel l N o v ­elty suits and snow pieces, made of finest French Voile and fine im­ported novelty clotha;

' only one or two of a kind; Suits worth up to $85-

$ 32 .50

June Sale Women's Strap Slippers... Starts Wednesday. Over a thousand pairs a t much less than manufacturer's cost.

Slippers in plain or fancy style. Slippers suitable for all occasions. Slippers at lower prices than you ever bought same values for. Wednesday, first day; better come early as possible.

* ̂

Women's $4.00 Patent Colt Lace Slippers, black jet bead­ing on vamp and straps, aluminum French ti^O Q f t heels; June sale price, pair.» ipfisvu

Women's $4 Patent Colt §-Strap Slippers, extreme two-inch French heels; June sale ^ * 0 f * Q price, pair M» ™ • V «F

Women's $3 Slippers, ten styles; patent kid, patent colt and vici kid\ French heels, 2, 3 and 4-strap styles, plain or hand beaded vamp; June sale fl^ <fl Q O price, pair ^P 1 B 5 F O

Women's $2.50 Slippers, with French heels, in patent leather or vici kid, lace or two-strap C ^ l f S Q styles; June sale price, pair " ^ 1 m%M * r

Other Items That Are Interesting. Women's $1.25 Kid Juliets, excellent

Women's $2.00 PatenttLeather or vici kid Slippers, in ribbon ties or 2 and 4-straps, French tf£ 4 Jfr ^ or opera heels; June sale price, pair ^P • wrW%W

Women's $1.50 Patent Leather or vici kid Slippers, French or leather heels, lace, 3 or 4- fl£ 4 4 A straps; June sale price, pair * P I • I %W

Women's $1.50 Plain One-Strap Slippers, flexible hand-turned soles, opera heels; June sale price, C f e f t f * p a i r .

house slippers; June sale price, pair 89c

Children's 65c Ankle or Two-Strap Patent Leather Slippers, turned leather soles; sizes 2 to 5; JB O f * June sale price, pair. *§*5FO

For Wednesday only we offer every pair of our Infants' 50c soft sole

1 shoes, ankle ties, two-strap and four-strap slippers; sizes 1 to 4, in all the fancy colors, at, Q A ^

Misses' $1.25 Patent leather three-strap slippers; June sale A O f * price, pair w mFlir

Are you finding it difficult getting tan oxfords? If so, come here. We are showing eight styles for women, in all sizes, at the uniform price of 9 3 . 0 0 a pair. Bluchers, new four-button and plain lace; some of our $3.50 values among them.



Special Semi-Annual Clearing Sale g* Our Finest Laces...

at Half and Less Former Prices. Almost our entire large and up-to-date stock of fine Laces has been reduced

to about a Half and a Quarter Former Prices. The Hew Buyer insists on the stock beingreduced to tne lowest possible point before inventory,

July 1st. Some of these reductions may seem ridiculous but time is short, and other stocks have to be cleared up also. This is a rare chance to supply future wants, and should create a sensation in Lace selling.

Imitation Ciuny Insertings, and Bandings;

• white and ecru,..

Edges, Insertings, Bandings...

Entire Stock of <* < Hand-Made Linen Cluny

Laces and Insertings^.. Entire Stock of M " ^ „ - w *&-

Wool and Linen Yak Laces, ~ Insertings, Edgings...

Entire stock of r i lT * $&: White Silk Laces, Edges,

Regular prices were 50c and $1.00, reduced to yard,

25c nrices were & yard, now

35c $1.50 Prices were $1.00 to $4.50 a fd.;

now, yard

35c $1.75

Regular prices were $1.00 to $4.00 a yard, now yard

Prices were. 35c to $1.00 a ^ y yard; now, yard

.r^ffl&rtingsandBwdiniZy^ to 35C Entire StOCk ^ / S T ^ ^ f e ^ M ^ ^ ^ P r i c e s were 25c toJLOOayard;

^ Fancy Brabant Moons * * * i g g ^ ' T S W j * ̂ S\& —', ,and Bandings,!^" O C * 2 5 C

Prices were 20c and 25c; now yard

10c Almost the entire stock of ' Venise Laces, white and ecru,

Scores of the finest qualities. Regular prices were $1.00 up to $5.75,


Almost the entire stock of Edges, In^rtings* Bandings. Sw 2 5 c t o $ 2 - 8 5

•Finest qualities. Regular prices

i VeniseGaloonsand Appliques mm^;75to&'VT%jS • - in white, cream and ecru,., i O C t o !pl • / O

^Regular prices were 39c to $5 k S ^ _a"_XBSfdJ"n0w Wood Fibre Laces and •*

J t K black, white and cream,.. I O C to $2.50 The entire stock of Finest , $ * ̂ Regular pnces were 75c *°$5,75

$ Chiffon Appliques, in white, % a *** now atlesa «*»*** cream, black or delicate colors. 5 } 5 C to. S 2 . T 5

Beautiful for weddtnQ ocdvns or eveiivno dreeeee. * ^ ^^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ™ ^ ^