the minimiser

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  • 8/6/2019 The Minimiser



    The minimiser

    sorry but thats not my job



    Presented By: Shawn Williams-Reid

  • 8/6/2019 The Minimiser


    People do things for different reasons

    In trying to understand human behavior,

    there is a basic principle that applies to all

    our actions. People do things to gratify

    their own selfish needs, and not necessarily

    to satisfy others.

    Another way to put it is; people see things,respond to stimuli and react in different


    Lets take into consideration the elements of

    TRAITS versus

    CHARACTERISTICSEmpirically it is

    proven that these two play an important

    role in understanding differences in


    Traits are inherited behaviors, while

    characteristics are learned behaviors( thru

    the process of socialization)

    It is imperitive to comprehend that traits cant be

    changed, or modified because they are fixed parts

    of ones neurological hard wiring -brain- (similar

    to a computers (RAM/ROM) However,

    characteristics on the other hand can be changed

    since they are acquired through external

    influences and experiences.

    Traits are responsible for the foll: traits drivesthe choices that we make.

    Traits establish our value system, principles and

    core beliefs, serves as a code of conduct. And

    produces the behaviour we use as ethical and

    morale compasses.

    Traits deals with the development of our natural

    talents, and influences their express (eg) my love

    for singing, dancing and music, although I dont

    perfect the art , but is always singing or dancingnevertheless.

    Traits directs our emotional reactions and our

    rational responses to experiences or situations.

    Traits generates our perceptions, both internally,

    influencing how we apply them.

  • 8/6/2019 The Minimiser


    Traits Continue---

    Most importantly choosing the people we are attracted to those we work

    earnestly to avoid.

    Characteristics on the other hand are Learned Behaviors',

    thru nature/nurture process.

    They are elements that reflects our conditioning, meaning other persons

    perception, opinions, criticism. Social expectations and experiences.

    Formation of learned habits, attitudes. Comfort zones that ultimately impact our

    quality of life.

    Motivation behind characteristics of development is to ensure acceptable

    behaviors, thus, we fit into a social structure without deviating from acceptable


    However, in doing so there is the creation of much false perception we have of

    ourselves, the ones that inhibit what we become and creating a balance between

    success, mediocrity, and failure

  • 8/6/2019 The Minimiser


    So its just plain for good business to want to invest in their staffs personal

    development, and create ways to harness their strengths, weakness and talents.

    While productivity and managing information is the driving force in todays

    corporate environment, realistically its the individual interaction among customers,

    clients, vendors, and employees that gives and organization, its competitive edge,

    and differentiating it in this ever-changing global economy.

    A working environment can be hazardous to ones health, especially in a company

    that places more value on profit margin than it does on its staff.

    Therefore its important to change the perception of business and become attuned

    to peoples needs, take time to cultivate their individuality, and figure out what

    motivates them.. Understanding personality is the first step, because its where

    insight is garnered as to what makes everyone ticks.

    People are different its obvious:

    In understanding people we must face the fact that we all do not perceive things

    the same way.

    We all have our preferred style that expresses itself in the way we work, and

    interface with others.

    Every style has inherent strengths and weaknessestherefore no style is better or

    worse than other, but do not always apply to every situation.

    Individuals with a clear understanding of personality styles tend to communicate

    more effectively and are less prone to conflicts with different type of


  • 8/6/2019 The Minimiser


    There are challenges to working, and or managing a diverse work

    population. Managing diversity is more than simply acknowledging

    differences in people.

    Today, more than ever, globalization requires more interaction

    among people from diverse cultures, beliefs and backgrounds.

    People no longer live and work in an insular marketplace; they are

    now part of a worldwide economy with competition coming from

    nearly every continent. For this reason, profit and non-profit

    organizations need diversity to become more creative and open to

    change. Maximizing and capitalizing on workplace diversity hasbecome an important issue for management today.

    Diversity is generally defined as: acknowledging, understanding, accepting,valuing, and celebrating differences among people with respect to age, class, ethnicity,

    gender, physical and mental ability, race, sexual orientation, spiritual practice and

    public assistance status

    Diversity is beneficial to both associates and employers. Although

    associates are interdependent in the workplace, respecting

    individual differences can increase productivity.

  • 8/6/2019 The Minimiser


    Managing, dealing with, or working with differing personalities and skill

    set is a continuous challenge in any work place, social group, or cohabiting

    environment. People often find different ways of handling their ownprojects, time, and deadlines or react to stress, coaching, and criticism


    So, a Manager, Team lead, and Team members need to be adoptive and

    adjust to these varying differences, while ensuring that assigned tasks gets

    completed and companys Goal and objectives are met.

  • 8/6/2019 The Minimiser


    We are not all the same, neither are we socialized the same way. We are from various cross sectors

    of life, different social background, and are entrenched in our own values, morale's and religious


    For decades researchers theorized that our personalities stay pretty much the same for our entire

    lives. Some Theorist argues that, our personality is set from the early childhood years and remains

    the same throughout our lives until we die.

    There are empirical evidence supporting that there are certain personality traits which were observed

    in childhood, that remains present when the individuals reaches adulthood.

    Christopher Nave Doctoral Candidate at the University of California; from his studies posits

    that, we remain the same person, but understanding our individual personality is significant to the

    environment in which we exist. We must be adaptable in our capacity to dealing with and handling

    situations faced on a daily basis.

    What matters most is how you see yourself, accepting your flaws and your

    short comings, working on your weakness, thus they dont over power your


  • 8/6/2019 The Minimiser


    Stanford Psychologist Carol Dweckargues: People are influenced by external

    factors or by a plethora of other variables which can or may, occur from time to

    time resulting in changes in ones personality.

    Dweck used the example of:

    the huge difference between an individual who sees intelligence as a trait

    which can not be changed, and one who believes that he/shecan improve by various means.

    Instances of this nature are referred to as fixed or growth mindsets, usually

    occurring during childhood.

    They can be extremely influential to ones personality because they play a very

    integral part in influencing their achievement and motivation.

    Achievement and motivation play a significant role in developing social and

    business relationships.

    They also determine how the individual deals with; failures, solve conflicts, and

    how much he/she is influenced by rejection.

  • 8/6/2019 The Minimiser


    The Minimiser


    The Payroll department needed to make structural changes tothe office space, as a new team is slated to take up residence

    in the area. Team members were asked to participate in

    rearranging the cubicle lay out, shredding of paper, and the

    packing away of items that were no longer used for future


    One individual continuously complain in the most puerile

    manner that she would not be helping as her job description did

    not say that she formed a part of the facilities staff. However,

    her comments were ignored and other members of the team

    relentlessly carried out the task completing it in time for the

    stated deadline.

    Upon Introduction of the new team, the SBU manager openly

    thanked the team for their restructuring efforts, and awarded

    them a complimentary day off. Although this particular

    individual had not participated, she also benefited from the

    gesture of having a day off resulting in a long weekend.

  • 8/6/2019 The Minimiser


    When approaching a minimiser for help with a task outside of their normal

    duties it is important to take the time to explain the following:

    1. Show them the bigger picture.

    2. What is the significance of the assigned task

    3. What will be the outcome, and how their participation makes a difference

    4. Minimisers rarely hear compliments, due to their lack of participation, so

    try a little flattery.

    For e.g.. I know you are busy, but I was wondering if you could help me with

    this spreadsheet since you are the only one around with clear knowledge

    of the program.

    Make your comments as genuine as possible, they will strike a positive cord.

  • 8/6/2019 The Minimiser


    Effective leadership, according to Fred Fiedler, is a matter of personality

    and the ability to relate to other human beings.

    There is no one best style of leadership. Instead, a leader's effectiveness

    is based on the situation.

    Thus its important to identify the varying personality traits and pair them


    Group industrious individuals who are given assigned tasks for new work

    activities along with a minimiser run the risk of the minimiser draining the

    energy away from the group, but more likely than not, the minimiser may

    however feel the need to make a meaningful contribution.

    Observing a minimiser we could conclude that they are just plain lazy. In

    reality individuals with this personality trait are so stuck in a rut, that they

    cant seem to find their way out. Their personal life may be in turmoil and

    its all they can think about, thus every thing else in life seems


    When proposing new assignments and changes within the structuralenvironment to minimisers, be mindful of the fact that they often feel like

    they lack the necessary skills. So show your awareness and offer your

    support. Tell them you are aware that they may have never handled a

    situation like this before, but, there will be a workshop or training session

    and if they wish they can team up with others, and participate.

    Upon their completion, make sure you commend them for their efforts.

    And even give them future task similar to the one before.

  • 8/6/2019 The Minimiser


    Understanding your personality trait is important to all aspect of your

    life whether you are making career choice or building a personal


    Only when you evaluate and know yourself honestly will you be able to

    make positive decisions resulting in ultimate satisfaction.

    Attitude is an important part of the foundation upon which we

    build a productive life. A good attitude produces good results, a

    fair attitude poor results, a poor attitude poor results. We each

    shape our own life, and the shape of it is determined largely by

    our attitude.

    -M. Russell Ballard

    Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything

    that happen to you, knowing that every step forward is a steptoward achieving something bigger and better than your current


    -- Brian Tracy