the messianic matot 2012: the hidden end times message from yhvh to israel

The Messianic Matot 2012: The Hidden End Times Message From YHVH To Israel

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Page 1: The Messianic Matot 2012: The Hidden End Times Message From YHVH To Israel

The Messianic

Matot 2012:The Hidden End Times

MessageFrom YHVH To Israel

Page 2: The Messianic Matot 2012: The Hidden End Times Message From YHVH To Israel

Matot and Mishpatim have something in common.

They both are sending us a message about the intentions of the Father toward Israel, His people; His Son's Bride and Priests that serve Him and the Father's Daughter. We'll get to that last point in a little bit.

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Num 30:1 Moses spoke to the heads of the tribes of the people of Israel, saying, "This is what the LORD has commanded.

Num 30:2 If a man vows a vow to the LORD, or swears an oath to bind himself by a pledge, he shall not break his word. He shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.

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Num 30:3 "If a woman vows a vow to the LORD and binds herself by a pledge, while within her father's house in her youth,

Num 30:4 and her father hears of her vow and of her pledge by which she has bound herself and says nothing to her, then all her vows shall stand, and every pledge by which she has bound herself shall stand.

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Num 30:5 But if her father opposes her on the day that he hears of it, no vow of hers, no pledge by which she has bound herself shall stand. And the LORD will forgive her, because her father opposed her.

Num 30:6 "If she marries a husband, while under her vows or any thoughtless utterance of her lips by which she has bound herself,

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Num 30:7 and her husband hears of it and says nothing to her on the day that he hears, then her vows shall stand, and her pledges by which she has bound herself shall stand.

Num 30:8 But if, on the day that her husband comes to hear of it, he opposes her, then he makes void her vow that was on her, and the thoughtless utterance of her lips by which she bound herself. And the LORD will forgive her.

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Exo 21:7 "When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do.

Exo 21:8 If she does not please her master, who has designated her for himself, then he shall let her be redeemed. He shall have no right to sell her to a foreign people, since he has broken faith with her.

Exo 21:9 If he designates her for his son, he shall deal with her as with a daughter.

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Exo 21:10 If he takes another wife to himself, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, or her marital rights.

Exo 21:11 And if he does not do these three things for her, she shall go out for nothing, without payment of money.

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Two different sets of rules in the Torah.

A set for men and a different set for women.

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Yeshua divorced the House of Israel.

Then, WHY?…

Israel was never out of YHVH's family despite that divorce?

Why she still had a relationship with Yeshua's Father even AFTER the divorce?

Why she was still the Father's Daughter?

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Exo 21:7 "When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do.

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Who was the man that "sold" his daughter? Pharaoh!

Our FATHER purchased that daughter.

That's what "redeem" means.

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re·deem  (r-dm)

1. To recover ownership of by paying a specified sum.

2. To pay off (a promissory note, for example).

3. To fulfill (a pledge, for example).

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4. To set free; rescue or ransom.

5. To save from a state of sinfulness and its consequences.

6. To restore the honor, worth, or reputation of.

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Exo_13:15 For when Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let us go, the LORD killed all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man and the firstborn of animals. Therefore I sacrifice to the LORD all the males that first open the womb, but all the firstborn of my sons I redeem.'

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Everyone born of the Spirit, the Ruach, - male or female - is a firstborn

This is a spiritual principle.

This explanation will likely be new to many Believers.

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Exo 21:7 "When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do.


Male slaves represent those people who have retained the choice to pay off their own debt and then leave their master's house.

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Female slaves represent those who have been born of the master's house.

Don’t be confused by the terms ‘male’ and ‘female’.

These represent a “spiritual” status.

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Scripture gives us many different pictures of YHVH's plan. For instance, we know that the Bride and the Priesthood are two different terms for the same status for Israel. 

And we know that the House of Israel and the term "Ephraim" are two different expressions for the same group of people. 

We also know that the Tree of Life, the Torah and Yeshua are all the same entity.

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The spiritual principle is this:

Both firstborn males and female slaves are both bought, redeemed.

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Male slave:





From H5647; a servant: - X bondage, bondman, servant , (man-) servant. [bond-]

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Apparently a primitive word; a maidservant or female slave: - (hand-) maid (-woman,) maid (-servant).


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Exo 21:8 If she does not please her master, who has designated her for himself, then he shall let her be redeemed. He shall have no right to sell her to a foreign people, since he has broken faith with her.

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A primitive root; to cover (with a garment); figuratively to act covertly; by implication to pillage: - deal deceitfully (treacherously, unfaithfully), offend, transgress (-or), (depart), treacherous (dealer, -ly, man), unfaithful (-ly, man), X very.

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From H898; a covering, that is, clothing; also treachery or pillage: - apparel, cloth (-es, -ing), garment, lap, rag, raiment, robe, X very [treacherously], vesture, wardrobe.

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It was the FATHER who brought Israel out of Egypt and it was the "stretched out arm", Yeshua, that was there when it happened.

Yeshua is the stretched out arm, the right arm of the Father.

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Deu_5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.

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If she displeases Him, He can marry her to His Son.

What did Israel 3 times before getting to Mount Sinai? She displeased the Father, so He married her to His Son! But here's the beauty of it:

Exo 21:9 If he designates her for his son, he shall deal with her as with a daughter.

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Exo 21:9 If he designates her for his son, he shall deal with her as with a daughter.

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Exo 21:10 If he takes another wife to himself, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, or her marital rights.

Exo 21:11 And if he does not do these three things for her, she shall go out free, without payment of money.

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Num 30:1 Moses spoke to the heads of the tribes of the people of Israel, saying, "This is what the LORD has commanded.

Num 30:2 If a man vows a vow to the LORD, or swears an oath to bind himself by a pledge, he shall not break his word. He shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.

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Num 30:3 "If a woman vows a vow to the LORD and binds herself by a pledge, while within her father's house in her youth,

Num 30:4 and her father hears of her vow and of her pledge by which she has bound herself and says nothing to her, then all her vows shall stand, and every pledge by which she has bound herself shall stand.

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Num 30:5 But if her father opposes her on the day that he hears of it, no vow of hers, no pledge by which she has bound herself shall stand. And the LORD will forgive her, because her father opposed her.

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Our Father is our Suzerain King.

Our Father is the King; Yeshua is the vassal king and we become servants of the vassal king directly and the Covenant or Suzerain King directly.

Kings have sons AND daughters.

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Num 30:6 "If she marries a husband, while under her vows or any thoughtless utterance of her lips by which she has bound herself,

Num 30:7 and her husband hears of it says nothing to her on the day that he hears, then her vows shall stand, and her pledges by which she has bound herself shall stand.

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Num 30:8 But if, on the day that her husband comes to hear of it, he opposes her, then he makes void her vow that was on her, and the thoughtless utterance of her lips by which she bound herself. And the LORD will forgive her.

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YHVH forgives her even when she says something stupid like: 

Hos 2:4 Upon her children also I will have no mercy, because they are children of whoredom.

Hos 2:5 For their mother has played the whore; she who conceived them has acted shamefully. For she said, 'I will go after my lovers, who give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, my oil and my drink.'

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What will cause the Suzerain King to have a different relationship with the Daughter who plays the whore against the King’s Son?

When the Son and Messiah, returns to earth and destroys the Whore's lovers.

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It will also happen at judgment day. That's what it means when in Mishpatim it says: 

Exo 21:10 If he takes another wife to himself, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, or her marital rights.

Exo 21:11 And if he does not do these three things for her, she shall go out for nothing, without payment of money.

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And in Matot where it says: 

Num 30:9 (But any vow of a widow or of a divorced woman, anything by which she has bound herself, shall stand against her.)

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How will these things happen to her?

YHVH told Noah that He would not always tolerate mankind.

The promises made the daughter in Matot and to protection afforded the "woman" in Mishpatim will come to an end.

These are not perpetual promises given forever or as an everlasting situation.

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Mishpatim: There is coming a day when the Father, the Suzerain King will no longer provide for this daughter of His.

Matot: There is coming a time when this woman will have a status that is no longer connected to our Father, the King.

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Rev 18:7 As she glorified herself and lived in luxury, so give her a like measure of torment and mourning, since in her heart she says, 'I sit as a queen, I am no widow, and mourning I shall never see.'

Rev 18:8 For this reason her plagues will come in a single day, death and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire; for mighty is the Lord God who has judged her." 

Our King has this widow thing all worked out. He's not going to die! SHE IS!

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And how about the divorce thing? The vow of a divorced woman shall stand. How will our King's son's betrothed wife become a divorcee? 

It will happen when believers take the mark of the beast.

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Deu 24:1 "When a man takes a wife and marries her, if then she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some indecency in her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce and puts it in her hand and sends her out of his house, and she departs out of his house,

Deu 24:2 and if she goes and becomes another man's wife,

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Deu 24:3 and the latter man hates her and writes her a certificate of divorce and puts it in her hand and sends her out of his house, or if the latter man dies, who took her to be his wife,

Deu 24:4 then her former husband, who sent her away, may not take her again to be his wife, after she has been defiled, for that is an abomination before the LORD. And you shall not bring sin upon the land that the LORD your God is giving you for an inheritance.

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Taking the Mark of the Beast =

Divorcing Yeshua!

No longer the King's daughter and no longer the Son's betrothed.

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The same idea repeats itself in Matot regarding a woman and her husband. The husband here is represented by Yeshua who is the husband of the betrothed Bride.

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Num 30:10 And if she vowed in her husband's house or bound herself by a pledge with an oath,

Num 30:11 and her husband heard of it and said nothing to her and did not oppose her, then all her vows shall stand, and every pledge by which she bound herself shall stand.

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Num 30:12 But if her husband makes them null and void on the day that he hears them, then whatever proceeds out of her lips concerning her vows or concerning her pledge of herself shall not stand. Her husband has made them void, and the LORD will forgive her.

Num 30:13 Any vow and any binding oath to afflict herself, her husband may establish, or her husband may make void.

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Num 30:14 But if her husband says nothing to her from day to day, then he establishes all her vows or all her pledges that are upon her. He has established them, because he said nothing to her on the day that he heard of them.

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Num 30:15 But if he makes them null and void after he has heard of them, then he shall bear her iniquity."

Num 30:16 These are the statutes that the LORD commanded Moses about a man and his wife and about a father and his daughter while she is in her youth within her father's house.

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Male / Female

Son / Priest

Daughter / Bride


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Son_4:9 Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse; thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes, with one chain of thy neck.

Son_4:10 How fair is thy love, my sister, my spouse! how much better is thy love than wine! and the smell of thine ointments than all spices!

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Son_4:12 A garden inclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed.

Son_5:1 I am come into my garden, my sister, my spouse: I have gathered my myrrh with my spice; I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey; I have drunk my wine with my milk: eat, O friends; drink, yea, drink abundantly, O beloved.

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Israel is YHVH's beloved

Gen_29:18 And Jacob loved Rachel; and said, I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter.

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Jer 31:1 At the same time, saith the LORD, will I be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be my people.

Jer 31:2 Thus saith the LORD, The people which were left of the sword found grace in the wilderness; even Israel, when I went to cause him to rest.

Jer 31:3 The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.

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Hos_11:1 When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt.  

Mal_1:2 I have loved you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob, 

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Rev_3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

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Another term of endearment: The apple of His eye

Deu_32:10 He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye.

Psa_17:8 Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings,

Pro_7:2 Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye.

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Lam_2:18 Their heart cried unto the Lord, O wall of the daughter of Zion, let tears run down like a river day and night: give thyself no rest; let not the apple of thine eye cease.

Zec_2:8 For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.

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The Song of Solomon is about THIS love between Yeshua and Israel who is also the daughter of the King!

Israel is called ‘daughter’ AND ‘son’.

Israel is called ‘child’.

Israel is called ‘woman’.

Israel is called ‘whore’.

These refer to Israel the nation!

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The hidden meaning of Matot and Mishpatim is one of incredible love…

A love that refuses to let Israel go!

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The Messianic

Matot 2012:The Hidden End Times

MessageFrom YHVH To Israel