the memphis daily appeal. (memphis, tn) 1858-10-24 [p ]. · his isriasttlobs reeearcb, and clipped...

a iff DAILY APPEAL. aUIiDAT JICSKm01-..-.OCTQBE- E 21, 1838. .13fficial Journal " of the Ci$y,a " '' "' C Largest Circulationin the City. Beadingiratter on Sversffiage. A BBOCH0BK, Muitralltg ' the Services of Dovglt to ikt ,T, .. Democratic Tarlf. Oar frlencUjr Democratic cotemriorarT the jltelmtkt aaa dose us tha honor to mtkrjjp his leading firit columns Tfstenlar morning froa nuneroBa email extra eta, "'hteted outTy his isriasttloBS reeearcb, and clipped hy bta eharp scissors from AsALt Afferent' dalea. The tyet of reprodeelng these ex- tracts, at the jireseattixa, seems to be, as well gather froa the lacid coameota as we can thereoo, to establish the fact, beyond all that the Attxal, cHiriBg the late et Cewgreis, adrocsted the admission of Kaae, wh the L compter) csostita4M with eetrgy aad warmth, and severely rendeqned I be caM ot Messrs. Crittenden asd frees tfec Swatb, asd of Mr. Dareus, from tlte Kxtb, in opposing that eettlement. Such Is th fact. Had the .irsIancAe indicted us (pea this charge, ie a feraal sutBeer, we steeM have promptly plead gaiKj,ad avowed er retdteess to saffer aH the ceweejtjf&ccs of tS5 tbe&et, moral, legal Ard physical; sod thus haw save! oar esterprislng cottmpefary the labor aad pains .of searching aver oM files, and erf MiHag bis killrhg editorial. "We sot aly rHtftataed the policy if adaitfciag Karws, a a Rata into tbe TJtrj, seder the Lecomp-- n rewtttatiaa, and aphcld, defended and eu nracel the 'Adtaiaiatratioa in this policy, ewwiaatly aad xealocsly, bat with eejBal warmth aad seal, o cobfoand thf eaumles of the Lecaanrtah eoaatitutloe, aad invoke apea their heads I tit popular dls- - jaWsafr. We did not spate Mr. Douglas, ot war twi party, awe thaa Cuttemdek ad Bell, mt tha American oreaaisatMa. . W tken betied Hut H waa the dasiga of' Mr. Omjsus to toUUr abandon tbe BaaaciaUc party and wile bis frtaas with ttee of the Black Kf sablicattg. We ibeagbt we saw evUtaec" ia ibc charge of the Waeh-iagte- a (fctea, that Dmaua, Seward aad Cbittekbsk bad farmed a coalition to organ, law a new party, le opposition to the Democ- racy, aad we so aasosaced ear conviction. Front the very BepiBnlng of Douglas' defec-U- m fram tbe y alley of the Administration and est tbe Dsansctaej, we expressed er distrust f Mat ia beM terms, whboat palliation, equiv-- eatiaai at reserve. Bat we were disappointed la these speculations. Tbe 'Kansas question w settled by Caegress apen the baais of the Kaglssh ceafereajee prepeaitioa. The colli tie, predicted by tbs WaaMngton Omen, and wbiebwe tee appreb ended after reading the DsueVs article, was never farmed, or al least BaocNjs never made hlmeelf a party to such eealittea, tbat has ever came te ear knewledge. .After tbe adjavrameat ef Congresa, Doimlas renamed te IUiaeia aad commenced a thorough eanwicj of tbe State, hi oppcakien te the de signs at the Black Bfpsblicaae. and in at and abie advocacy ef the principles of tbe Bemeeratic party, whtch-excet- any ef his farmer eaTerte in defence ef the Sooth. It is . trae that Mr. Dooolab dees net confess his error aa the Leeemptac qaestfea. He main-tai- yet tbat he eccapied tbe proper position a tbat eiMStioa. Yet he avers tbat it has been Battled by tbe Irgislattoo ef Congress, and de clares hie willingness to with the Aeniaistratioa and with tbe Democratic party "berealter upon all oaesUeos that are likely to artee. At tbe tame time he assails Ms Black Repablican antagonists with the same fiery and crasMaa; jptecttaa, wrtbeeH tbat peoderoM and saretrfag logic, and with tbe cenvinciog array jwf eaabbera facts tbat be ever has at bis com mama, aad tbat have mate htm in past days the acknowledged cbampiea ef tbe Seath and of ibe Democratic wrtv ie tbe United States Tbat we regretted the aafartaaate division ia tbe Daawcraer br which Mr. Docolas e- - rieaeejr damaged bis fatare hepes aad pres- - peets, we care net to dear. Ia tbe bKternees ef aar aaaagenitm aad ia tbe "grief" of tee lag aa wba bad ee leag proved "faithful nmsag tbe fertfaleee," and a head and should en UHer tbaa tbe tallest ia ear camp, we felt tbat tbere had been treachery most fool. Bat wbea tbe storm had ceased, and we saw this Mate champion of a policy we condemned and deaptted, go back among hi coaatitaeato aad galtaatty jeia iseae, boM aad direct, with tbe Terr Stack RsfwUtcaas with whom we bad saapsetd him to be la alliance, could we besi-ta- te coaid any trae Seathera man hesitate nmieb ot tbe two to prefer Stetm en A. DacLAS or AbxAham Liscoln, tbe cbosea aecsieeeef tbe Btaek RepabHeaae? The is-s- ae pracrJcally it betwaen these two, aa much aa emj" be said abaat other candidates, Baccac is set ia tbe race, aad ought not to be. Tbe asaa who denounced the Kansas act and ctKalated tbe iafaaeae Cefia handbill, as Is charged by Senator Dbuslas, aad never de Bead, tbat we have sees, we take it, ought not to aasieaaaot be any great favorite with Demo eraee anywhere, aad especially with Southern Democrats. We have ever regarded, therefore, tbc aMSK as practically narrowed dawn, as be- -. twees Dmcui and Lincoln, and though it may be said tbat Docglas, with his great tal-ea- ts can da a more harm than Lincoln, w aek with confidence, dees aay man, who baw read DoceLAs' speeches ia the present caavase ia IHiaoie, hooeetly betie-- e that be eoatemiilaien aa abandoaaent ef the Deme- - rattc party and a war arson its principles? ErFaa K tbere be a reasonable doabt, we bad raSfcer rufc DoateLAs, with hia present noble, patriotic, aad generally sound positions with Ms able and efaojateat defence of Southern rurbtt, and with hia declarations of future poli cy, tbaa, ae Southerners, to soil our hand by evens indirectly giving aid and comfort to as rtte an AboGtiotiM and base a " nigger-w- or tatpper " as Liscolk. Were we te contribute, theeajb ie tbe least manner, to the election of Lweour, we should feel that we had forfeited eur daim forever te championship in the Dame cratic areata, as moeh as if we bad denounced anl qaottioaed tbe high Seathera tone of such men as Johk C Calhsuv or Ibe lamented Qcitmas. Kay, we will go yet farther, aad here dietiBetiy', in order tbat the Ma Jonele mey make as maeb capital aa poeelb!e eat of oar position, tbat aa severely as we bare candimasd a4 denounced tbe political cosdact of Jsm. J. Cmttkoen and John Bell, and as little respect as we entertain for them as JSoutfaea Senators aBd statesmea, if faey wars "itie eppnaiatt rf Abium LiKoouior Seoater ffoce IUinoia, we sboeid not beeitate to sufpert either oiabeai in piofereacc to tbe Blaefc Re-pt- iif au. Btr eraliava alioady aasplifiol tbt article a, greater length tbaa we designed to de wboa we aommmead. Oor-oal- y oaTence, ia tbe eyes of tbe Aafanefa, has bees the decided preference we have glvea Mr. Dooolab ever Lincoln Id the present iabweetiag contest ta Itknois. We have not proposed at any time to make any test of uptaieu upon ibis oueetiocj, or to set up a docpetmm over tbe seatimeats of ethers. Neitlter wilt we regard such tost or detpetiim, wbea set op by ethers, whether it be by our respected eaaporary,orcvea by tbe highest authority ia tbe Government. We will spurn ech a toot as degrading to an dependent Democrat aad a freema b, come from whom it 'may. Aad ia support of tbia determination, we wuold simply cite the late preference shown by eor worthy chief, Mr. Bochanas, for J no.' W. FoaNET the vilest of political reeegades for a seat ia the United States Senate frem Peaatyivnaia. This esamplc oaiy proves that the President may make a grave mistake seme-time- s in his political preferences, and that he may be deceived ia regard to the purposes ef men. Why then sboald the members of the Democratic party be bound by the Admiaiatra-tree- a preference absolute!, for Ibe o&ce of Senator from a sovereian State, and why should any Democrat attempt ta erect such a despotism in the party ? We shall oppose It aad pretaet agaiest K to tbe last. In conclusion, we with to remind oar cotem-pera- ry ot the emuent services of Judge Doug- - tbe Democratic party, in times past hew be was'tbe impetuous conqueror in every conflict always for the South, and never fltocatajg but iBe-oa- e time. It is tartly legitimate to array in evidence a man's, past eharacterBd geaeral' services, in paHiatioa for an error, especially when he de- clares himself that the issues are dead, and when be Is bo7 bund ably and gallantly con- tending for tte principles of that great party which ftuds in swgle antagonism to tbe Abo- litionists aBd BiaeKBepabMcacB. In crdscHiat WBmay raore'aphically pre-ae- nt Lbse jwst eervices of tJaige'DoroLAs, we borrow teerlaaguage of an able Democratic last wfnter, and sfi rounded by all the doubt and distrust which that fierce conflict engendered, did not hesitate ' m . . jms .... h X 4k-- K n iVto bare mjltrtaat to ice aiora ; FiHvocite'of the adalaalon efSKansas Diraseii, J)oriM."drawlBg the following grapme, elo quent and truthfnl picture of bis eminent ser-yjc- ts o the Democratic party, the Republic and the &XHD. says mis earnest " u Kn ureit pf the times has causedius moreo erieft than fha) which w have experienced on aecoust'of the disaffection of Stephen A. Doug-H- e was the brirht particular atar ," ritise the South bad watched with high . -- ij uyjico rr -- j.., t the American people. Indeed, he had dis tanced all hit compeers In the race to greaV; : ness. vr ua a vigorous intellect Ce corarjinea a cosrsgeous heart, and possessed much of those popalarj.elfaenJs'Whleh rtade Henry Clay the ideal of tbe American Deonle. In fact. Mr. jjooflsaas cotuiillte the great departed Sage J. , or .Asaiana in many respects, tie Dai mucn ci ms lnssiration or renins much or that na tive strength of Intellect which captivated tht 1 . v t T .1 a r n. v i' 1 juuiat uuit- - .uikc uki. vriaj lie is doic, ar- dent and imrwlelve which, with a chivalry, intrepidity or spirit, and a vigorous under-standin- g, renders him a formidable champion upon any question. In a word. Mr, Douglas has a most gigantic intellect; but we fear that tbe cloud which has recently overebadowedhls fame will eclipse tbe rainbow hopes that span- ned Its early dawalng. We cannot, however, find it in our heart to assail Stephen A. Doug- las. We shall clln to blm until we are f ullv satitfied tbat be has In bis heart somttblrp of that treassn which saturated the corrupt heart oi fliamo van Duren. we stui nave a vivid recollection of the gallant manner in which Mr. Deaglas has defended the South. It was really terresuing amid me sickening and loath some exnibltion of northern fanaticism to witness tne sterling devotion to tbe Constltu tion uhich tbe "Little Giant " manifested. "During the darkest hears of the conflict-inde- ed throughout the whole of the fierce con test from the firing of the first gun to tbe mo meet when James Buchanan was ArrUA Prml deat, Stephen A. Douglas stood by tbe South in her struggles and her perils, fearless of con sequences, aad regardless of the assaults which were thundered upon his head. Duriag the battle, Mr. Douglas' bearing was eminently praiseworthy. Without pausing in bis onward career wnaeat anaurrr a sine e svllaui uithouUtbe Joss of temper, ever cabs In mo menta wheBfhe was dtssecifbg and displaying the enormity of Fremontlrm, he presented an example to all public men when beset by oppo- nents, or surrounded by adverse circumstances. No crisis found him absent, His voice and his vote was always for tbe South. The whole AbeiHkm pack pursued him with remorseless fury. ISMicHle. falsehood and invective were showered upon ms head. Every step which he took was, as it were, amid the curses or the enemy, who had sworn to destroy him. Every opeecu at maae was caiummatea ana camca-tured- x Everyvote which he gave was falsified or derided. But like the rock on which the waves at tiebceaq burst, Stephen A. Douglas was uhraoved'by the Abolition fury. He knew the great lesson of knowioc bow to wait. The disatfeeliooAf such a mauls a national calami ty, and is certainly a source of heart-fe- lt regret to those friends who stood by him when those v,rose cauietieis BoweuampieMng were pour log upon bis personal aad political character tbe full vials of their bitter and unscrupulous wrath- - " The false and hypocritical praise which is now being scatterH along his tortuous path- way by former enemies, will cot compensate Judge Douglas f jr tbe devotion of thousands of attached friends and aJmirers, who look upon ms present position wttD mourning, we shall be loth to nart comoanv with Stenhen A. Douglss. His true, bis position is not accepta nce to us, ana inat ne Kaads la opposition to tbe Administration ; but still, we believe he uas no sympatny wjm the Black Republican!. But should Mr. Douglas persist in his determi- nation to destroy bis good name " Little Giant" as be is, he trill not be a political Sampson te pull down with his fall tbe Demo- cratic temple. Tbe uniform fate of every de- serter from the Democracy, should be a warn- ing to Mr. Deaglas, and we trust, as we believe, he will net permit his bright fame to be eclipsed in the dark cloud of Black Republicanism." - Mr. Douglas has Justified fully tbe high hope expressed in bis behalf in the laet sen- tence, just quoted. Moat emphatically "be has net permitted bis bright fame to be eclipse4 in tbe dark cloud of Hefbas proved himself as the ''Mack knight" In Ivanhoe, in all his encounters with tbe demon which our contemporary aa strongly depreca ted. And new, we claim tbat honor and appro val should greet the return of this callant knigbt to tbe arms of his friends. It is proper to remark, If there are any of our readers not recognize this extract, that it ia from tbe celamns of the .Memphis .LWy .frwiameAe of January 15, "ia Ibe year ef oar Messed Lord, 1S5S." THE ILLINOIS CAKY2.ES. According to our telegraphic advices yea terday mereiBg, the Democratic skies are brighteuiag in Illinois. nt Bsick- - isbiboe has addressed a letter te the Demo cratK state Central Committee, urging upon tbea tbe necessity and importance of the re turn ef Mr. Douglas to the SeBate. He re. gards tbe LecomptoB question as a dead issue, awl, although, be cannot approve of the cwrte pursued by Mr. Douglas on tbat ques tiec, last sessioa ef Congress, he is cot ameng these who peeeess a "serene irxkfTer Mice," but iaows uetv to cuoose between Dooulas ami Lincoln between Democracy aad Black Republicanism. We feel no hesi- tancy in aeeerttag, as our serieas conviction, tbat Biee-teet- of the people of the South and West are with him. As another cheering alga, the telegraph also Informs us tbat tbe Administration candidate for CengTess, in tbe Third Congressional Dis trict of Illinois, baa withdrawn from the can vass, and advises bis friends to support such men for tbe Legislature as will vote for tbe of Douglas. These are comforts b!e indications, aad Just such as might be ex pected to foHaw on the heels ef tbe recent elections in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. Tbe Democracy everywhere are beginning Lproperly to appreciate the folly of dissension and division in their ranks, growing out of tbe .LeeemptoB imbroglio. The question Is sow a dead issue. It will never come up sgain, aad even if it were possible to deter raise, with the minutest accuracy, as to who was right and who wrong en that question, it would not compensate for the disintegration and disruption of tbe National Democratic eraaizitlon. We hope our friends every- where will think of theee facts, and yield to them their just wtigbt ia the balance of their unbiased and unprejudiced JuJgments. BR. NEWTON OR TBE OLD SCHOOL PBS3- - BYTE&I&XS. At the request of the author, we this morn ing make room for an article of Reverend A. Newton, of Mies., of the New School Presby terian Church, with reference to the action on tbe subject of slavery of tbe Old School Pres byterian Church of tbe United States. Oar columns are open to the explanation or legitimate comments of tbe other party, aBd jro publish the article ef Dr. Kewtox, fer general iaformatioe. Oorreisoadeneo. Unarms. OeUber 53. 1568. Mtj. Gin. Dm Cadet De Baza. Bruce Ctntv Dear Doc: We, tbe UBderaigaed, the more grateful and. appreciative lovers of the legili mite " Drams," aa nightly rendered by you and your distiaguiehed compeer?, take great pleasure ia tendering yeu a grand complimen tary benefit at sack a time aa may suit your in- - cUaaaioB and eoaveateBce. We, dear sir, have recognised year artistic genius as displayed ia leaping over the many I thrown in your way by tbe mana- ger, prompter aad public, and have determined as a class ef your admirers that yea as an ar tist of the first water, sball triumph over all. Hoping, therefore, that you will accept our unlimited tender, we most respectfully remain your admirers and friends. Signed, Major-Gener- Calto Smith, G LIS ERAL PeKTO JoNCS, Colonel Bosejt Bbown, Caitain Bbitt Barker, Colonel Watch Wacole, Doctor Tigek Tdomuttok, Dsctob Tair TseLLur, Majob Beavk Bdkoomb, Oaptaiw Tbat Truckle, General Jasox Juggle, Colonel Bxrre Bullextioeb, Ef quire Fioo Fisto, aad 1000 ethers. C&nr'a Gaiett, I VESirius October 31, 1868 J To iljar-Gentr- el Calto Smith and olhm ; Gentlemen Dogs : Your very kind and flattering note, tendering me a grand compli- mentary benefit, has just been banded to me at tbe " Ke.ntel," and while I feel grateful to you fer tbe rsaBner in which you have made known joar wishes te my behalf, aa well as for the generous aad praiseworthy spirit which thus prompts their expression, yet, notwith standing ray high appreciation or your kind-aeu- e, I must in justice to my own feelings aad to character, decline your obliging tender. My reasons for this are many, of which, let the mention of a few suffice. In the first place, I have, during my stay of here, been treated like a deg, which I have borne with that patience characteristic of my species. Yet, gtaUemea, I would not have you infer that 1 am wanting in a proas coa- - scioueaees et abrilty to Uke tbe "bark" effl of anything that has ever appeared on tbe Memphis .biarci. ' ?' In the.second place, I havsjbeensadly neg- - Ieclejd by the cjssgeratnt. the probpter aBd my tall wbin'fc'aBchmsIAe tolSbve on tbe the prompter having refused to give me oe the que. and the public having refused to give I cotem'poraryywho, even In the mTdt-- f theJtpabllc. Thetcrsiagemenbhavlngplnebed'q cootesfforXecoaptoB, me loose ontoursts or applause, uonquci, common to tie-mor- distinguished stars wltn wbomll.rank.'' - , And In tne Ultra place, l rouna more or true canine svmsatbr and consideration behind the curtain thin in front, by reason of which my audience nightly dwindled to IDe common place affair of doggish greeting, until my "tark rota" have . died away without even an appre- - . - . If H.If.ClJ r us tati but l near tna prorantor'a can to re hearsal and must " oa u." Allow me, therefore, my dearly chetlihed and distinguished friends, to subscribe myself affecllonatsly, yours, JJ0K UABLQS UE flAZAN CONET. The. First Ballaoa Bacs la Araerlea Tbres illctnsia tbs Alratpatt Biitttlrnl t FomUisOlncinutlXsfQlrsr . The craud balloon race, .between Professor H. Stetrter and Monsieur Eucune Godard. . . I t V - urew an immenie crowa to me vieitiltv Of the L.UV Arf yesterasy aiternoon. in lue loclo-aur- e wtre some seven or eight hundred persii, but the surrounding streets were ao choked up with people, horsia and vehicles, that It was Impossible to move about. Aa many aa thirty or forty thousand people must hare been in tbe nelehborhood of the Lot. The balloons were Inflated without anv acci- dent, and a llttls after fonr were nearly ready for starting. About this time Monaleoc J-- Ci Belman toek hia aerial flight iu the Nllgira, and made a beautiful ascenalon a little to the east ot north. Stelner and Godard then made their way up- ward, and moved off a little to the east in splendid style, and, until after sundown, were closely watched. Stelner took the lead, ar.d when laat visible, appeared much higher than Godard, but the Issue of the contest cannot now be determined They will stay up as long as they can conveniently, which may bq from one to three or f oar days. Monsieur Belman stated that It was his in- tention to enter the lists with the distinguished amateurs, and go further and higher, if possi- ble than either cf them. He bad no doubt, as we bare said, of bis ability to remain up three weeks, and had serious lntentloa of eolnir to the North Pole and returning home by way of me tqwaior. Monsieur Belman will probably prove tbe greateat uHonaut living or dead, and will, we presume, be enabled in a few months to ascend unassisted by a balloon. H. B. Since writing the above Monsieur Belman has come dowD, bavir.g" alighted about five o'clock at Gleodale. He was visible last eveBlpsr at nine o'clock on th corner of Fourth and Tine to the naked eye, though some very Donee, but mistaking, people would insist upon staring at him greatly to the annoyance of his modesty through smoked glass and tele- scopes, regardias him as a celestial-terrestri- al pDeoomenon, nair comet and Dale eclipse. Lzbakox, Mosbay, October 1865 p. M Tbe balloon passed about four miles west of Lebanon at sunset. Stelner wa's from one and a half to two miles ahead of Godard. Both were going in a northerly direction. MiDDLETowrr, October 187 20 r. m. Tbe balloons passed here at seven o'clock, being di rectly north Their lights aro still in sight, Godard went down when about twenty miles from the city, but Immediately afterwards arose. Datxom, October 188 r. si. One balloon passed about ten miles South-we- st of this citv. about half an hour ago, and is still in sight--, It Ltas fallen considerably witnin the last half hour, and is now quite in the bcrixon. Tbe other balloon has not been eeen. Zer.ia reports that the balloons passed there at 6.40 r. m. The balloon seen at Middletown and Davton must have been Belman's. A message from Chilicotbe says that the balloons were seen going in a North-easterl- y direction at &20 p. u. The balloon seen at Davton must have been Belman's. Dayton reports (ten o'clock') a balloon di rectly overhead, going in an easterly direction. Cleveland, October 19. Godard came down about iialf past ten o'clock last night near Menroevitle, and Stelner at eleven o'clock, one mile from SaBdosky. Tbe latter ears be Intended crossing the Lake, but got drowsy and lost some ot his ballast, and changed bis mine. Yellow Fxveb. Reports. The Xatrhez Ceuriir, of the 19-- says : Health or the Citt. We regret that we cannot acnouoce the health of tbe city as im- proving. The cold weather of tbe erst and middle of last week has been succeeded by warm aaya aau cooi clems, renuering tnose who are unacclimated still more liable to ex- posure and attack. We bear of some few new ciss of fever on tbe Hill,andin widely differ ent parts of the city. Since our last report C"'-- evening, eix o'clock.) to last f Monday) evening, at the same hour, there were ten deaths six by yel- low fever and four of other diseases. Of the six, three were from " uader the Hill," and three on the Hill. Tbe week's mortality is sixteen; eight by yellow fever (and of these four " under the Hill," aBd eight by other diseases (and of thea two were from tbe State Hospital.) The total mortality in the city (Including both hospitals), from the 27th ot July to the 18th of October, inclusive, has been 90 of which 30 have been by yellow fever. At least two-thir- of these last have been from " un der tbe Hill." The Vieksburg iritg of the 21st, jays : health or the Uitt. mere was one death from yellow fever in the city yesterday, and two at tbe City Hospital. The SoulAren of the same date reports: Health or YicxeBuaG. We heard of but few new cases of fever yesterday, and only four deains iron tbat disease, two from the Hospital and two from the city. The Frtt Trader of the same date has the following: The fxvEK. rrom reliable sources, we learn that, in addition to tbe forty-si- x cases of yellow fever reported as under treatment, by tuc visiting committees or tne Katcnez Chari- table Association, there are some ten or more other cases ; the committees in several nis tricts reporting only those which tbe Associa tion is attending to. This is cot our idea of tbe duty cf those committees ; whilst they are to give attention to those who may require their services, they should report all who are sick with the ever, that the people generally may know to what extent it has spread in the city. Health. We cannot as yet Inform our ab- sent friends of any abatement cf the fever here. Since last noticing its progress, (Mon- day,) mny new cases have been 'reported. Bate Jfonge .Idwcatt, Oct. 14. Lola Mostez A Splurge at Some or the Cleest. At her lecture on Rome, on Wednesday evening, at New York, Madame Lola Moktez took occasion to make some re- marks in regard to the course of the provision- al Episcopal bishop of the diocese, in the mat- ter of the Rev. Mr. Hott, of a very severe character. Tbe bishop and some ot the clergy censured Mr. Hott for accepting aid from Lola. She referred to this fact as follows: " Who are these men tbat would bar you aad me from doing a good act, and would rather lock the doors ot comfort and instruction cn the poor, than they should be- - blessed by a hand which will not be moved by their dictation? (Loud applause.) How many churches will bs built, and how many poor will be feil by money wbleh they will give? (Applause. A voice 'Not one in a thou- sand.') It is reserved for me to read these blind bigots a lesson, and to tell them tbat they are not Christians but Pharisees. They belong to the same class of bypocrits who condemned the Saviour because be ate and drank with publicans and siuners, (applause,) and they appear to be just as full of the head- - etrons devil of intolerance as thev were In the old time. They are certainly very impudent and very bold devils when they enter into the breast of professing Christians in such a free aBd enlightened ian! as America, bucb Moo ted intolerance would be bad enough in Tim- - oucioo, or tne iejee islands, out in America it is like a foul spot upon tbe fright sun. (Ap- plause.) I am going to Europe in a few days, and when I come back, which I certainly will do, (applause,) may be I will give a course of lectures to raise a fund to send missionaries to Christianize tbe clerical Pharisees (loud laueb and applause,) who had rather tbe poor and desolate should not have tbe Gospel preached ie loem, tuaaioai uie means euouii be lurntsn-e- d by your patronage of your bumble servant. entreat the prayers of this congregation for an su:a uemguieu ana miserable sinners. (Applause.)" Monument to Gen Quitman. At a meet ing of the Executive Committee of tbe Central Quitman Motumect Association, held at Natchez, on the 9th Inst., the following reao lutions were adopted : Reiolvtd, That a building committee cf three be appointed, for plans and specifications for tbe Qsitman Monument to be erected on the Bluff in the city of Itatchez, the estimated cost ot toe monument not to be less than $25,000 nor more than $50,000. That said plats and specifications be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval. That the sum of $300 be paid to the party whose plans and specifications shall be adopted. KtiolTtd, mat said building committee shall also examine into, and report to this Ex rcutive Committee, a suitable place on the Blaffin Natchez for tbe erection of said monu ment, embracing disensiona of the ground and cost or ins same. How to ckt Cuba A New Scheme. The Albany Mas and drgus undertakes to solve the problem or cuDa la an article which we copy this morning. SlaveB, it assumes, on the joint autnority or uumooldt and expert enee, are constantly decreasing in Cuba. An imperative demand for laborers is thus crea ted. The effectual stoppage (not an easy un dertaking) of the African slave trade to that Island would compel Ibe planters to look else- where t, to tbe United States for their supply whicD could only be obtained through annexation. x.rco, iuoa mult be compelled seek admission into tbe American Confed eracy. Annexation once accomplished, a large alave trade from the border States to Cuba, would, at cmee. grow up, the effect of which would be to drain Virginia, Maryland. Delaware. Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri their negroes tbs exportation from those States amounting to eight or ten million dollars annually. White labor would come in to sup- ply the vacsncy tbus created, until eventually slavery should be driven South within, tbe tropics. There are points in tbs article from the jttlas and jirgvs worthy of consideration, and for tbat reason we giv It, Bat it over- looks tbe question whether the slave-breedi- States would not be incited by a greatly Im proved maiKe:, not oniv to Keep tnelr s'ock good, but to increase it. If alave-raisi- ne jetuojd become lrarjcenBelynore profitable by the aequiiftioa ot Cuba, it is. cot easy to see uow Virginia, Maryland, ate, could tnereby made free States. Perhaps the iiei and Argti can tell T. Times, 7th inst The Seiult ia Indiana Oesnotratle Btata Tick IV- - et Eectel. The following Is'lhc genefal reiulPSf the re- cent election In this State, so far as the returns, official anal reported, Indicate up to yeaterday : Ttia STATU TICKET. DtntrrtiieiMjjTUUi UeyuHtin euJttVliH Ptr.t DKttlct... ill! fll'b Ii.uris) S ft flwofrl DIt(ttt,.,...S,S-ltl- k IHtHUtwMiwail Tbirt puirltt ailMk lUMrKt. T0J rana unuui,... I eia NIMtf HHWI....I ,10 rtPtk PUIiittt., TtMatmuiM ...... sat in T.HI 7,m PtmKiatto Bttlerlti,! .ill i This calculation la made wan tbe votes at (or tbo can4ldJt tt Sfenty of State, McC ure and re He. and from me omeiaire- - tutl . In ahoiit f.iTtvpouatlm. The vote varies ...... ror iuo qiiiarrm ranuiaaies uftau mo iickci, and It la' probable' that the majorities for a portion of lb eatidiiutes win exceed mat elven for McClure. We think the entire State ticket elected by majorities ranging from 1,500 to 2,500. CONOaUJIONAl. TOTE, ' DtmttTttlc O rtttlUn rirt DHtrlt. XT E. KMtet I.M aval - W. 11. Emlte.......t.8Tt . - Talrl " w llexe Data,.... SIT 'oorln w a. HtimtB l.vra mib " B. Xi'rr J,ia Sixth ' AO feller 1044 Sorealh JehnQ-DiT- 165 EUhth ' Juaea WHra NislU Bctnler Oalf ix 1.311 Tnth " Cturleafltft 1,1 Klirtnth JotmU.rctUt Tio 4,016 II 158 8:V In eatlmatln: this vote, it must be taken into consideration mat Hovey, Carr la the Third, and Davis, ran independent Democratic can dldatea. lkqislatukk-skhat- b. CtmwrtibDltlntBTer........... .10 Democrat elected.. II lodjpenlent Denacrata tlecud 4 35 Ufoabticaas bslctni ever. . J RepnWlctt elected 13 as norsn. Republican! etecled.. ..S4 Detaocrata " . ..46 BepiiblleanniMltr The above estimate iacladea four Demo crats elected as Independent candidates This will give tbe Opposition a majority ef eight on joint ballot, If they all act together. We hope to bs able to publish the omcial result upon tbe State ticket. (J5?"Tbe next elections to come off Louisiana on tbe 1st of November; New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois and Mieh igan on Ibe 2d; Maryland on tbe3J; Wiscon- sin on the 4tb, and Delaware on tbe 9th of the same month. These States choose eeTeuty. six members ot Congress. The Glorious News rxoat California Fully Confirmed. By tne arrival of the steamer from Aspinwall, we have been put in possession or. our regular lilesor Laluornia pa pers. The political intelligence is more cheer ing for the Democracy than was received by the previous arrival. It now appears that tbe Democratic majority for Supreme Judge, tbe only Mate omeer .running, is nearly b.uoo. The Senate eUnds twenty four Democratic to to ten Black Republican. The House has firty-fiv- e Democrats to twentv-fiv- e raensrels. Tbe Sacramento Union says the contest is of de- cisive 'moment, as affecting tbe political com plexion of California, and as showirte tbe per manent position which she is to occupy in her State and Federal relations. Tie uue tca$ made. Party lines were distinctly drawn, Tbe Issue was madeojainit tkeAdminutrati&a, and all the heterogenous elements (just as in Pennsylvania on Tuesday) that make up tbe Upposltlon, were gainered against it. As an evidence of tbe fiidelity of the native citi zens of California, an Incident Is related of Don Julian Yerdogo, who led up his ten sons to the ballot-bo- x and placed in the band of each tbe stralgnt Democratic ticket, wnlcri was accord' ingly duly deposited therein, after which tbe old gentleman advanced and deposited ms oai lot. This righteous act was greeted with ap plause by all present N. T. 2fevct. itev. uwek iovejot's advice to the Champaign Couktt Republicans " Hang Evert Irishman You can Find." While in this place, on the 13th, on bis canvassing tour, the Rev. Hon. Owen Lovejoy was in confer ence with a number of bis special Republican friends at the " Doane House," in West Ur- - bana,to whom be gave the following advice: I'ott tmgU to raise a lot or regulators. AND UANG EV ERY IRISHMAN BY THE NECK that yju can find in the revRfyf They nave been imported by Douglas; be has given jou.uuo to navs mem imported " We have not a word of comment to make upon this advice of Mr. Lovejoy. No one but a black-hearte- d fiend would attempt to Incite bloodshed and murder by giving such advice. We give tbe above larguige of Mr. Lovejoy as taken down at the time, by B. Kelly, Esq , of West Urbana, and furnished us by him. crousa .iu.j uopiiuviior., uci ioia. Hon. Ctrcs Edwards. A letter from Al ton to the Snriocfield Rtzitttr. states, tbat this gentleman has declared for Douglas, and quit tne nepuDiican party, wita woicu ne may flave oeen connected ror a snort time, uyrus Ed wards Is one of tbe best men In Illinois. He was for a long while the head of, and the meet esteemed man In, the Whig party of Illinois. He was their candidate for Governor in tbe palmiest days of thepirty,and tbeir candidate for senator, and tney always weiit to nis sup. port with the greatest alacrity. He is vet a bale, hearty gentleman, who has retired from public lire, but wbo yet reels an interest in what is going on, and be was present at tbe great debate, in Alton on Friday last, and beard what each of the candidates had to say. He has now declared for Douglas, and what Whig is there in Illinois who will not follow his ex ample? it. Louis IiqnMicmn. Mascc Bozzakis' Daeohtea Helene Box zarls, for some years one of the maids of hon- or ot the Queen of Greece, aid so conspicuous ror ner extraordinary beauty as is become one of tbe most attractive lions at Athens, and to cause a just sensation among the English tourists visiting tbe city of Minerva, is the daughter ef tbe Suliot hero. She is now mar ried to a Frenchman, formerly a member of the corps of tbe gallant Paithelleaes, at pres ent Colonel in tbe Greek army, and bead cf tbe Military Academy at tbe Prrsi', and has become the moiner of a blooming family. The Rival Balloohists A dispatch from Cleveland yesterday, slated tbat Prof. Steiner had alighted at eleven o'clock, tbe evening pre- vious, Bear Sandusky, and Glanl at half-pa- st ten In tbe vicinity of Monroeviile. As Steiner was up half an hour longer than Godard, tbe victory, we presume, belongs to ie American, Tbe frofcseor relumed to the city last even. ing, and we learn that Godard also arrived at nis quarters at Uie bontbgate House. Cincin nati Ecqxirtr. Practical Amalgamation. A man and his wife, Henry and Mary Washing'on, were arraingeu ror disorderly conduct before Justice McFall ) esterday, and held te bail Henry Is a gcnaine Ainun, ensi nis wire a not Ill-l- a vored white woman. She ought to be com- pelled to live in Guises, for the remainder of her life. Female tastes are certainly unac countable. Linctnnali M.nquirtr. CmSCS GAIETi'. L8SSKB A'D U 1NAQK2... ....W. H. CRT IP. MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 25. TMCSr atoearattce f tbia niMt 1 af tto mcm im.,. J leas OoraeJlan al Intrflin, Mr J. K. UnRDOOlI, who wl 1 appear in Ma cnat persocatftR ef HAHLBT, w cipja bsaiaecafc vvrauoB DI I rill nirae. Oaaracteis t Uxiri. Whitltr. D.OrU WHiUms. Heart. BBtoi. Mra Ceaa Hurt ttn. Lawa. aid nib. era Ta ceaetnte with tbi eleiaat petue c wed eslllhd SCALE Or PUCES Dn Ctrtie. Farqsette cata BaleesreTFaiaUj Orrcte ......M White Gauerr .36 Cel ndaarterr .t BexOfSeeep-- e Uatlr Xrr S A. Hi t I r k. PLANTATION AND NEGROES FOIt S.tLE. 1Y7BwlIl aril our tl'ctat'oa tBBonfliwecemelr.oae VY UIbiseS twaeret, beiweeo sea asd fee o( whtth 1 la cwtlra'lon, tin naaared mre H oeadaaed, and set more tbaa 100 acre are ict(t to lasaeatiea bj the hlabejt water eTer kfiowii We cat (asd wevtd If e) divMe thl Into two irani. mtihk a portion or wmrn iran to eaen. If It wosld ctt a parchsxr, we wwM fell twantp haadi, th stock, cors, fodder, he, with the Iiad. Tfcla lied Is Vitbln faer nuaa of Cm Tw rlrer. ever a xood road, near Osreton'a ritntatka. Mr. RtW oa tbe pre- - cuara wiu aaow For terms, at,n rrfar to JLn W. TiopklBi, Xs ot or app'x te tu at Oasloq. Uhs Prtl-lawt- lla wnlTEBBAD &. HRABD. CLERK'S SALE OF TQWK LOTS. Tho Union Inn in Raleigh ? T) T rlrte ef a decmUI trier niad bj tbe Omit XJ Conn or B&aisr corral; at Its Septeaiber Tvrm, ISJS, la the ease of Joi. IU IlarrUlMi and wire, aad others vs. K. U Ssilth and others I will sell ta the hiiheit bMder, at piblicooUrr. In front cf the ceart hotx dosr. In Raklib.ou MONDAY, the Slh diy of Dcoembt? next, three lots known anl dxU-t- eI aa lb rxaa of the tewn of Balelth aa lots Nos 1 acd 2, ! Mock M," and No. I ia block K " heretofon oecspUd hr Mrs Ann Smith, deceased and known aa th' Dnlen Isn. Terms One-t- bl d rash, tbe rrsHne os a credit of ens asd two rears In eqnal icstalmesls. BdOd with arcrsv. cd arcarltr naalred far lh defend parmenta and a lien reiaioM stu tae cntira pnrcesae ruener l paid. Oitobtr IS, ISM Y. D L. SlUWART, Clerk. ALSO At the fame llnw and place, tbe administra tor wui sol ai pastrc sale, ibe stock or hora. Boca and cattle, farmtas atrns ls, heowSaM andkHeheafsniltim bchmrlsg to the estate et Ana Smith, deora. cd. Tsrma made ksovn en the Car of sua la thi ahire ij effrred the he t stand and opportnnl'j far a ptrson wlihtnr to czste n the bate! beslness. The lets aretracioos. wuballlhe necesaarr staWss. henasa. &e. lacu-us- j uuur b. nmrii. Aam'r. LUMBER, LUMBER! TTST recetred, IW sawed Toa' OskTeeclcrFrsla. A J foil auortraeat cf Reasoned Lnr btr cn hand. Oee Inch, one ard a half, and two Inch Pise, Poplar, Cypres s and Ooo Sills, Jtlit. Btodlnf. IVeatherhoardisx, heat Floorl I, htetbln?, Shingiea, tic. A aa. a laraelot af cbeaonamou lcmber. Ail wish ta ralnce rar ateck bj the first ef Jannarr. 1 win a 11 low fer cash. M X COCHRAN, Battsressd waahttcton street OK th alsht r tt KHh Inst., from "tho stables ot Medtox Qrores, a VALI3S coctaislaf aooa Ta cablt paper , so h aa netra and ecooants, on plrcs cf joSd plate, half an onnea cf tola foil, a Colt's R VtXn. and ten or af 'ren dstlara In allrer. The Tails hetoEcs to Dr. a Wrs. the Tapers tetrf TalnaW to h'm and cona e"ta Tt tinier will b ltteTaltr rewarded bj Iratln; It at tbe abors stables, orwher ha can pt U. ATTOSlt E r AT xaw, haa reamd hia u.w black on Union street, t v doors east 1 corner of af in aid Pnlcn afreets. ocle--tf Just Received f ( BARRELS AnezBasr Uonntaln Bj WhlstT I U warranted paje. SHAM S3 s UJ0TV OClo PiiirfiSEniinis, " ' OBITUARY. Berlik lonor, Ko 1T0.F A. M FArL'RUBT.Tenn unoser ia, a, u. bmk A Ta Special CoaranclcaUon of tha Lode r heM an tbs dar and al tha disco aboT tta tJ. brethren Laabert. Pieaatt aad Ike. lb osmmltlee amx.lnted pnafct-- d the ftllowlca pr-sr- aid reatittcmr, whrcn tnettoo, were enan- - tmonsir aooptea to wit : IIERias, Ibe Sapreoelrant Master of the Unl Ters haarls th course of Hia ail wla FroTldenor, seen proper to caU from h'nre oar belorcd brother, BoLIRO nAKCn, w.rsaiprai Msiwr or iom ixmt wwwi his rrstdeces neaf Stalibsrj. Trnn., cm tbe 14 dar ot October, 1843, alter an eiteedlntty palatal ad mtrac-tednises- s) and sharlna dreptr In th centra! sorrow which the said metancbMit' nent haa proJorerf, snl dc- - HrtBitom-ltc:to- ar sfailetlltj on the moprnrai occa-lio- n, bolt R's-tT-- d That Inthsfe th clear Branch. tbs FrattrnttrandeoiactacitT hare sastalocd an itrerara-ti- e litu aa a friend aad erolber, h waa track, cpea aad senerona; as a phllsnlhrerlit, liberal b ea'la'of ll; ner l!t htai nrantwsredt as a Mssra, eiaa-cia- rr I aa a ha band, ktal and anectloute : aa a father. rana ana aosiiaet ia wiar trv'r tui mn. wh knew hln beat, Iwri llm ratst 1 " P we rejoice that in las Honrs left pTessicg reiirmontais is anr tAa la hit Mraat RrsslTed. Tbat w slacerlT sTrnsathlnwlU tb widow and orpbana of enr drratt'd brother t tb-- tr setsr bs-- reaTemrat, aed can trturssr : coraroriw, wiy iwij rnr tears. ' sr hasbaiX and father was a wortar Matoa and VtHin know Inrlr cntr ' RaetTrd, That th rannUrs et this LaCis, ss a lokm of tha TtnryKl and citeem ther f et far the metn-- rr tf w daeeaaed hralhar will wear Ike csnsl tndf of tnonrulnc for tbtrtr cars. R anl red. Ttiat the of this Lodr will attcnl tbe lateral of oar deeiaied brctber 'trx Urates, ta Bonasr, tbe 7& oarer ftaremoer That tbardlawlns prsarcbl and reex4aUs be spread a pan tbe record" rf thli Lodire. end tbsta otpr be transmitted to- - th wtdw aad famlr t the de- ceased, and h.t tha same be pcbllsbed la the iMemthla Christian AdeKtte,MeniphlWeeklr Appeal and Botl- - ts' ueroccrat. A tree opref th mlnntes. Attest: ocHlawIt J. O FRRWEIT. fecrr Strayed or Stolen. tha Bsderslcned on then'abl t th FaOM 0;ttr. two tbrre rear !d MDLS I ems an Iron arar HOB3X MOLE, th others mat rorral MARX RHL8. wltn a mr in ins forehead and wait spot on thtlerl hip I both shed be- fore. A ltborsl reward will Ni i leen for Ihi relorn ft theen t the nnderslaned at SMITu at rOBTEU'd, no 13 Frant Raw. Menthls, Tenn. eettdSUwlt JAMSl A,ASnF0D. For Sale A Bargain. A FOCR STORT BU3IXKS nOU-- B on AC- - , O. ams street, near the Woniara nseaei, ntw nnlerartntof (ISUprr anaaa. If appllra-tla- n la mad ronn. a hartaln win be effrretbr whlth aa of the best InTestmenls In th.' dtyra'Tbe mate. Applrto BUADLBr, WILlON et Ctl., ocM-l- w Moabr Jt Unat'a Bleck, Front Row. For Keait. A U0C33 with Bto rooms aad atl rKcesssrr , IX, ant haeuat, wlibln flr mlnntes walk ef Cenrt Square. There Is attached a garden ( an aero of fronnd. Arr.rrto KK. RICH ARD OK nUXT, Greenlaw Batr.laia. Dr. J. B. (Gentry, fcrriBE wall inewn OcaUal r mniroit 1- - Kp., wt'keeei t ancca that wiH be at ColiiiBbsf, Kit J.. o tbe lets (fxielli) ot XaTeabu, to remain Xaor ven'bs. Alter watch hU1itr at L8racir. Ttoir.. ihm bectsslmr lUnb 16, ic&?.sa.-rnt- i llin-- t aivlplaeet ill te trerare4 to atlcd to all dlieuei or Ibe ere TM Doctor K alio prepare! with Uitruments lo perform all r org kit ose'all'ni pertalstnt to th erraiwnai treat irrliTmatisalBall Its form. 4 Bei-ebT- Got Monhtal. Itro. J. J. Crittenden, Frankfort. XT-- i K U wiateriral a. Mrmp&t.? Trna. JotnR.tfiCi nahan, B'l'or Hcmpbli Appeal; John T, Wood fin. O. r Jorjv Varthall onntr. Mlta 3 L. II. Tomltn. Of tn St rarker, Jicimtj. Teen ; RoM dlecn. Kxq , Lai,rEE, Teen ; J103 ncsaon, lieniuvtcoi. Tea a jar. Krwin. B"i , aenairy coflMj-- . Tern , i. t. Settle DasTiUt. Ml" ! II T. Jastr, Weit Point, Ark.; uaoieiunni uipier, His. tn Apple Brandy. 1UST RSCEIVEU, a osnaiznment of pare Apple J Branlr, from BsraTl Drarr, of Sou'hampUm emn- - tr. Vlrzlslt, oil aadmellow. O. COLKMAN It CO. Gall for ynnr Premiums A TV b MILLKb'd (tars, on MONUAT. ta JS'.b il inet. . w re thrj w III b- - dtleered, and persons ne tKtlaz this Mle will bare to inl to Banish fer their praaalais. m. D L cTEw A&T,Eortsrr ecM-- lt Just Recciveil. K. A BBLS. T. BtrrUjn'a Ei'ra FUor. UU 360 he XM W. R. and B. D Cheese. 60 tejs W R. Bat'er ICO battels Hi or riellslck Cbsrspitc 69 Mil oWB-inrtj- Rre TThUkr. Also, Sera- -, Mclaae, Ctfree, Tea, Tibjcej. CUare, Oranges, Kati, Sardines, Sic , Sec., for sate by a r runa, ocJl Xo. S3 Froat Bsw. iiOOKS FOR LIBItAi:iE. CALHODN'3 WOarS, (lecantlr beand. In 6 eels worke. elezantlj bonai la S Tta. warks coasplet?. Modern Brttl-- h Bssrt'U. MtrlaBxeworth'swgrsa.ln 10 rets. Varer 7 Vorela, flaety boned. In II eels. Baton's nisUrr of the Celled Statea, .n ? To'a. Addlson'a works Tols. Ooldsaltb'a works. Is 4 eels. Leiah Una '( wnks, 4 toIs. Jthsssn's Urea ef tha Foets, 3 rets BaswtH'a IJfoof Jahnson.4 rots. Alison's UK lory of Enrepe, 7 rrrfj. Bnrke'a works, St!. Raaaall'a Ufa of JeSeracn, 3 Tots. All of wh ch hire jnttbeen recelted, snd fsrtslebr WH . BTSSMiB a. CO., oril Under ftd FeMowa' Hall KEW LAff BOOKS F0U SALE. rTILUABD on Tenters and Fnehasers. XX Tha Law f Teaiers and Purchasers of Beil Pro- - penr- - CJ rrancts unusrd. 2 retimes la or. ABtm and Ames on CorrwatUri. ritlh teHtWa, en- - iiiwy 1 r, iu, estarxn aoa rorrecrea. RedSeld on the Law of Bill wars. Bishop on Criminal Law, ret 24. Brawn on the Statnie of Franda. Bntllsh Law anl 4117 Reports, 40 Tetrraet, with Di.ot. BrUbtlj's Analrtteal Dljes of the Laws tf the Halted cities rrom 1.39 to 1557 tndnilre. Tloblnson'a Practice, toI. i. atent'a Comnieatarles, new edltlan. 9 ABdrewa on the Beream Laws. Arkansas BrporV, IS vols Kemcckr Beportf, 11 to! For. ale 1 7 CLEiTIB i. VADEK. 2 No 3tt Main street Old Line for IVapoIcon, Arkansas and iinue KiTfr . J C. UfUAMfrrR.Csptaln; A. G. FJLGER, Cerk, rrHl States Mall S. earner (SS9ctah EATBFRISDRE harln; the mall IjdLJS 'oeiran ror tne ccx: rear reira, ihs -1- 11 w?t." karei Meiaphla eyeiy MOHPAT ta4"SSBSBH TnuRSDAT. at 3 o'clock r si . poiltlrrlr; and Jfapo tern.TeryTCZaDAT acd FBIDAT, at lo'ivtr at THrenih tlckrta to all rotati, at rein'ar rstes. Captain MeMaasna wl'i ure Ms ruallrlded attention to the want of bis fileiits nrrm tie lire Fortreltht orpaaea; ar-p- lT m beard, MisT V rt DOB. SJ Front Bow. er to oe era PPTAL, ALOIO 4. CO., Agents. Tho Old Dominion Coffee Pot HA3BrC01IB A noCSXn.'LD WORD The Old Dominion Co flee Pot MAKE3 A DEVEAOE D3L10 OC3 AS XECTAB. Tiii! Old Dominion Coffee Pot TAKES LESS C0FFXE TITAN ANT OTTIXB. The Old Dominion Codec Pot MACES BETTER COrFKS THAN AKT OTHEB, For tal;, wboler ale and reta.1, at Ingraliam ft, I.ecf,' HOUSE FUKXISHI.G DEPOT, ITo. e Monroo etroet odl of Tns 3Iarsball County, 'yiss., Agrlcn'taral AND Mccliauical Association, At Molly Springs! THE Mem his nd Charleston RsUread Ocmpioy will Exmrslen Tickets from all ititlons at which tbsrearaascnt'jt QHATTD JTJKCTIOIf STATION, Good tro-- the ISlh to th 33th cf Oct bcr, (both days In- - aEsiecj 10 Tirnors u ine rsir or me aoore namna asso- - rlat on on Ibe 77. 2? and 23th dars ef October. The pa. merit cf ONE FAR? will entitle xxcarsf.ctsts to retain trip, FREE. Secure tickets at otMce", as Dondnctors will nat sell Excursion Tkksts Inm rexn'ar Statlena. ARTiCLKS INTENDED FOa EXniBITtON wtH be carried to Grand Jnnctlan Station at ternlar tariff rates. Sail articles will r BBTOBNRD FEE B, npon th acrnt .r shipper preaentlna the Oompsny's receipt, aiert-tenc- that tea freUht has been pall to the Fair, and rcieeslcc in rjospanr rrera ai, rcaponsbll'r ror ls or aim ce wsaierer in tneir retn-- n iraaipjrtatltn. B. ATIR3, oca I It SnperlsteleBt. Water Works. wtl' be a mretior r the StoekhoMera tn the TnERZ Witer ITsiks Cmran7" at tbecScaof w. A. Blithe, ea the IStn D AT OF NO VKM BERN XT at 10 o'clock, fer lb farpoie ot orsantilsc under tree prarutani or d, h. j.hiusui, Tl. C. BRlNCEXET. PT. F. BARRT. oeMMI gjraailesttneTS. Notice. aAnANbelni a this Stale, WILLIAM hereSr take notice that J. norne, Joatlce ef the Feac f this ettr. haa Sxed the trial ef an attach ment esecs.ed eroa his rnda. la laror of GejifsA. Adam , six soatks after tbedit ot Its execution. ItfOS. H. SASR1XLL, of. 313 w Attorney for r.afntlff S&O Reward. WILL pay the abare reward fjr lb spprthen. , I ila and deltrery to m at Memphis, Tenceseee, 1 ror afro RtCncL. 9-- DiscRrvnow Bta k. we!rh abont 115 ls..J h ral iMe. liitk Hna. low for head, looks snlky except when sraUlmr, abont 8 feet 3 Inches hljh ; left my prem- ises on Wed' esdsy. Suite ruber 15, 1663 P. S. I will pay (Nit ianht oat of lh Stat, or )ZU IT WHCIa. CT. Information Wanted. tie last trip of ths'teamar J 0. 8wn. from DURING v.w when tt heat (aided at KfbiIiI.. enTwtf ani taTSclf lot iff at the wharf-boa- t, intend'Eg to remain here, and whte I waa retfre bj Irank VS. they drew on the attf e piaar. ana 1 coma noi aet off. She U aomewhete In tbe city, and an7 Inform a- - 11m a. In h.r wh.r.nanta WUI O idibubuj rewi. She la abnt to rears cM, po maraea. iair CENRT BAKukTr, ai aira. ucrcra ., odl jt Front Row. For Mire, a vr a? nn fa uiv srrwvl rYik Apply lo A wtUA- - BoDaKBS, o. IT Jeffirenn street. MOULDISKS FOR PICTURE FRAMES 3.50O Tcct of Moulniarx. Oilt nnd Imllatlonno.eivood. " r - jr Plalu nud Waved - Jfciv Stylea. neautiful Patterns. Pictures Framed to Order. Call and aea at Geo. P.itlison & Co'j. oca For Ment. SMALL ST0IH, wlt situated la a Broker's efflce), iMUUser'a stcre, atoUttshoP cr any small bas-t- . Reward. hlfbi sosnaefhUlrontlcathont. 1 V."""7m ShOTsrcrart If apprthesded eat II taken la th Btat. j is :"" ' M. M. B ALP WIN. OC3-2- Blempbicy Tenn. TTAB ttla day been ac vj w" I tha reception or r-- ""' TTXU Sl PIKaCB. oc3-I- s Clotfiing, crdthin?r ' WSemBnc-- r aaMoa WSOKBSDAT M0SKISO at FllMrosM OtttWac, Psrnlshrai uoods, ate, on tbe ocrcer of Oosrt and Main streeta, andnnunaecntu doa jdont . . . M. O. OATOB Ja BON, e!S.lw Atctl' cwra sad Ktal Xstate Brokers. NIGHT SALES. A. 8. LETT & CO. I WILL COMtESCX THEIR. NtOHT iAX.ES This, Tuesday, sept, tilsti AND OONTINUE DrRINO TUB SBA30N. Goods all warranted a represented. Clothing, Dry Moods, &cl ' T iep2I A S LETT Anetlotieu. Or VALUABLE ARKANSAS LANTjS, AT ATJGTIOW. rJt WBDRMDAT. lee Bib day if tVaceraUrL IJM. J atlases, a k . w be so-- In iron! ol the CettmtTdal H. at la Meapbls. Trnkeseeo, at pnklte ane- - tten. 1DO rti"ti tew ana Taiaasse Laics, (be- ta iny aetectien.,) sltnired la !leisilr;l toeraly, Araanxa-- , in TownahtpIS swfth, raaraas, 0,ll, Es. Tiwnaktp It. an-t- t, 'isci . 7 8, . II. IJ. Eatt TowasMpIS no-t- fc, iance 7 8 t, 10, II, Kast TonbHlS, sertk. rancra7. 1. East. I IEIUII or 8AL One ttlrd tlaeh.ihebalaac taona and two I'ara; sata t tea also wHl aw t d lecnrl- - ty, heartnt lamest freta data 't ale, and a lien wtfl be retslaedaw the lard far ln defeeiM psyraertat Bart laeds are ta t eesad br aiCMisent f tt parties la Inter-e- st ferdlTHIen. The ps'llmlar seilocx aad yarts of aeetlaau can a sees and foil parilcniaia fifes at tha ef fleeo' WKterihiK h. recher, Jrrfarsen st. Meaatda. ann.eswuia tkik. TnnRnTON WLiUFF CITY. i nSURASCE C03IPASY 0V 3IE3IPUIS. OffKe Bsnk BclMlnr, Mala stre-- ttlid dxr sonlh of aiaus"). Capitol, $200,000. JAS. w CROCKER Secretary. T. W. WILtlNSON Frssldent. niBECTOSJ OHAS. rOTTKR, BENS.T LAIRD, S. M. GATES, M. J. WlCtS, t v. wn.riNsnN rpniS Company, cetapoaed ef one hnndred ac4 thirty X of the business raea of Memphis, fa now ready fer butrrea, with a si pee secartty to trie Uiaared. and the cash oa band ta pay any Immediate was We solicit tb pa trocareef hepnblle far Fire, Hirer and Marine Risks, and promise a prompt settlement or all Kwsee. anslJ-dl- r Look and Head! TJROF. FABK'B MA8I0 JE1IEL FIOTORXS. ooty A u eeais. oa-- as caata. oaty 35 cents 1 ar iu re proee, no plctares nun qakker, run raada better, and n"n mads cheaper Ther can't ba beat. A K'eat ra h for the MAGIC FITTUES. enrner af i Cr oa an--t Ma'Ji streets, eppe site Lehman's drynood aiore oiai 1 Administrator's Notice. A LLpenweuhaTiBZ claims asslut the estate of r. f B. KeOy. deeeaaad, are henbr netllad la present thsm prapvly astbentlcated by law, r they win be bar ren:, lorre ny ins oa jrrraen eveer. -- e per- sons Indsbled lathe estate. wlB reasa orma farward and aetUe wlthaat delay. O. NLAN, Adra'r, 0330 JeffaTua ttret, batveen Sacssd aad rktrd A Card to ladies. ANNIE 7 HAMMARSXOLD b-- ji t lalarm thaladlcasfMemphlat at ah will air l'strno- - tlans la the followim Fancy works. t!s : SUk asd Dot. ton Embroideries, Cntehet and It'lttrd Work, created Braioldeiy. Wooeted Raised Work. Woosted Indian Work and Tapestry. Wax Flawera snd Frntt Rosln Fruit. Oractsa aad Orleotat FalsttBf , Halt Work of a.1 deacrlptl ns. Mrs U. will aire nrcata to order, drawtsts fer SUk Embrelderl'e, ad all klara of IlslrJe'rtry, with neat-ne- sa ant eHepatell Mra. n. can b f.nd at tif ttsa at hr residence, north end of Promenade street. TWO HUNDRED LTS, that I will lease for tea RESIDENCE eay lenaj Alai acmfrtaaMOtUirRsldeoe. D. B. WAODXLt. ec!S-2- Pnloa Btck- - "Wanted, Immediately, 10 000 T0XS OF COTTOS SEED. AS the Agent fer th percbase of Cotton Seed for th district af I lei leaio ta call th allen-U- n of riaattrs la my card Far art load, leead, clean Sasd, I B fxr ash ea de- livery Sbipteywarmerehsnis. or to FRANC Q. TAFERS, Memphis, Tenn. P. 8 In eases of contract road rroferly, 1 win f sacka. F. 0. O WILLIAM S. FLIPlTir', (Uteef Colnmata,) A TTTJRNET AND COtTNSELLOR AT LAW, NubtHle, r. TeoBeeaee, praetlosa Law in all the Ceorta at Naah-Tll- ta and la Maary a"H TsUiaaaoa oanntie. CoHertloas In any part of MrMIe Teaaeasee premptlT attended ta. OFFIOE-Cher- ry street, near Cesprr's Bnlrdtnx. sepU-dtaw- 5t GOGG1S at 1IOL.T, gEiekali cornmssiorv , A!ID FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AejEnTa ros the sale or Manufactured Tobacco, Lent-Tobacco- , and Cigars, Corner of Mala and Ccl strseta, MEMPHIS, TENN. SELLING, as they d, eieroilrHy on Commlsitn, th-- y ta acpply tha trad at aa lew rate aa the same grade af Tobscej cin he boaaht in any market. oc3t DR. J. It. HILL, ptFFICE oiraer Mala and Aama atrreU, Memphis, W Tennessee ocis-i- m dla dame Jerome 3 'rtBE.wYr.d reafiwnrd Ftaaet Reader, th sreatest fir- - 1 Inr woadsror hazs haa arrlrei, and casbe seen at the Wbltemire rjaeae, No. 115 Adamestre't. estrsnco. ty ta cttll n of Memphis and th snrrannd- - lf eosctry at large, whs wish le cansoit and listen ts rj- -r rermittona r ine nasi, oieteni aad fstnre cf their lire She wilt enable Tea to reeonr loit property, w II glre mtorrr.atlaa a aH has loess matter, nenry leyaetes, loeiee, lawssita, tery iKkets: wii cc 15e inr parteera. friends aed enemies, aa thMkh she bad kawn them tor years; shows the Kkevee of roor foto.e wlfeerhns- - nano. in hit. arraira an waa Beyer knewn to rm : all who are In troaMa. aor.Ttaeatc decelret, fly to her fjr aiTten. ree aescTseaaaii iscawa wsicn .met Knman ty, and glrea ir aerlptacnsl n medicine. She win rtee en-- tlratatla'asties, for her stay 1 short. Oomatnc price awr $1. of 17 lw Trust finle T)T Tlrtns ef atwdiyd da ef trn.teieceted AJ to ns by E H t. M.rtah Daibie' sn--I B. A. Master, Irs tee, to aecere ceitsln deat doe to the Memphta BsiMtns; tal L-- Assrcts- - 1 ton, w- - wrM am fer e tab, to th btsheit bl Mir. In frant of t'.eedoo .f J. Harea, Ksq , In th c'ty of Memphis, on tho 73 1 day of Naeeraber at 1 oeeck, the f ..kwlag prorerty, rs., betsa ta tha city ef Memphis: B1eBlog al th aonthweat corn- -r ef ematrr Tot No (01. on itralaht Itae with what la ksrwa si th Arseeal grenads on Adsn s street ; thenee ea.twsrrHy with Adama street any reet: tstnc nortawaraiy ace honored aad fa'tr Itht and on half fet. para'let with tb west line of salt cjnBlrr tot 5t ; Ueeei wrstwardlr nsralM with Adama street S3 feet, andthecer! aoathward!ytte he-- ainmair. Ant saeeM tt snore not H far ssrasleet to pay said deb's, we wl'l sen la shares of th slock of the Mrraphli Dal ding and Ivan As odatlen. trauttmd as ooiiateral aeenrtty. Tbe title Is terettd tt b' (eel. bat we sen only aa llB.teee . A 14 OP WIN, J O 3RIFFINO Adoption. A GENTLEMAN la th eeeatry, bailee last his wife, h. a a pretty fsmile chsM tf atikt months oM. which ho ha no raana f taksat ear of nta .bj ct Is to place It where It wl'l red re knlre a actl attaotleB, as K weaMotbtrwarraled aaanig near'. Any person minx u aaapiiaeearaa, ar recetee it Into tbeir r.mHy, wui pees see rvp aneee a " w 1 lli A . Dei N.. P O , Memshla WHA.P.F-B0A- T MESSENGER For Sale! T WILT, sell at peltate aale tbe VTbarl- - JL Rial MESSEbGHR Bow li ing at the fJot at renter stroct. Thas is a aiaaach. icaod boat, hartac keen bosk'd and aS doaHe bottom pat oa. at a larse eiptae and la rell adatttd for d.lsx a Wharface aad notel batlarss. Usee cabin well f oral-be- WtH be reed o reasonable terms. Apply ra biard, ef hr letter, te J A3 ?. ROBERTS, oc302a; Memphis. Tenn. Wanted. A SITCATI0N la Memphis as BCOOKESPBR IX. SALaMAN by a sonag man wbo bai expenenca in bj'h dry sood aad xrecerr stares. St'lstaetorr reoom- - mtndstlos sir as to qaatiscallen and ability. Address. J. E. SPARES. ocM-l- SomeeTtne. Owner Wanted. T?OH a here trosibt to M'rainl. by Uie P steamer Fltshnsh, and asctUBed to J. M. Its mien. Th owner wtil pease ceme f irward . pay ehargea. and lata bleu , H1RMSTAD 4. GORE, orSl-S- t Agents for steamer Flisbnsh SO ttcwarfl. flTOLBN. on tha Btsht at lTth ar Sentrm O her, ISM, twenty-eere- e. miles from Mem - aaa, phis, on the ideerstH read, a e MARE MOLE, fear T a a etd. For mare dats2p tktet I wilt pay t3. or $:o for ma e, at Sbeley depst, or aeytnrsrwaire-irweire.- pt once, cheler Detet ocS3-l-m r. B FRTTwN. Wetter. BUILDER! iilemiilB, Tenn. OnOFcn JsaT son street, between Thtri sal Feeitb O AU kind 1 . f jihMrg and repairing ot blrln(S promptly attarded te. ocS-S- m Orindbtones. OA Ann pa-dN- fcetla anl Dedea GrlBd- - JUiUUU atasea. at tow Sitrrrs. UAWEA, SMirn &. 00. Bargains In Hardware. rs yoa wisn eargtina ta uaraware. cau npon X ectlS rtAwrr sxirn co. Tabic and Pocket Cutlery. TR aajortmaat 1 Tery lars. and w ar teaHef lower prices than at aay ether eatabHshmeet In the fcl n awes. Bsnrrt Jt CO. 310 Dozen thoppiufr Axes, fV the foUawlnx brands : '3 tv Oellins," Dual's.1 V " L'pptncott'a," "LewU," 'tt UoHIrs" and "Blodjatt Toal Company," for sa'e at Eastebjs fsiccs. oci nAwai. SHiTn at co, Sundries. a rAKILt.A Curdai. Utioa Rope, 60 bale Oiknra. iV Log, Ox, Traoe, Fifth, Stretcher Stay and Toagne Chaina ; Bar Iran and Steel, Tin Kate, Bar Tin I ISO bnadlea Sheet Iran, asonei, ror sue ai reoacea prire. HAWKS, SKIT" & CO.. oclS tot snd S0 Msln street. Removal mrtH Blair dtr Insnrance rompaoy has rtmaied its I cffl to th Bank Balldmrs, Mala street, third d-- SOSth f MSdlKB MB-- 1 CLARK J. MORTON. AND FORWARDING DIERCIIANT. Mo. 0, Locust atroot, St. Louis. ClOaMI&SlON rouatad. and parttcnlar attention o:deT. Refer, toMaisra. Meachaa tc. Galbrrath. Farrlnrtia h. neii Sample. MltckeU . Co, M. i Hl-k- s, Xaj., Fratl cat Bank of Memphis, Msscptus , and to msrebaata r ner-al- ly of St loajs. oCtT-t- Blank Checks, Notes, Sc. WATSON ct BEAHD a rtf! assortment of Blsnk Checks. Notes aad HATE Ixthing. Ill M- s- cdo-lr- a BOX M ATfUF ACT0 B Y PRITCHETT & nitOTf N, HAV.'NG ljca'.ed it th Jsrcllcn f tu Ralelrh road eet are prepare to CU all orders with nea neta aad dlapet.h Sum af .11 eia-- nmin en order aid ialtrered oa (h abartext loaf a. These wiah- - lee anrtsu g tn laeir una wobm da wast ta ale then a esD ttia-i- - ""PUster snd Ccrarri BARRELS bt Oelalnad P.'aatar. ISAbsrra't 100 le Oemst CLA3X i HARRIA arU-- tl Commercial JBLotelsj, 5 0k y OB. 1 "w nr t 1 1 n i ii j j u u iu. n. tl Importers, Jobbers AND 3tU5Tr jSLXJCMizm es op Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, 314 MAIN STKF.ET, MBtTlPHll?. TEBUB Cosh, or City Acceptances. One Price and No Deviation. No Goods Delivered until Set- tled for. No Exchange after Kale Octolier 24, 1S58. To mtet tbe eefivsoiesce ef all vre will keep op0 from 6 in tbe ateraiag to 10 at night; ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, INFANT'S EVIBROI'D R0BK8, INFANT'S EMBROl'D WAISTS, INFANT'S EMBROl'D CLOAKS, INFANT'S MERINO UNDERVE6TS, MISSES WORSTED ROBES, MISSES BEREGB EVENING ROBES, MISSES NIGHTGOWNS, MISSES COTTON CI1BMISBS, MISSES COTTON, Wot aad SILK HOSE, MISSES MERINO UNDERVBST3, MISSES Plain and HssiBwei HDKF5, MISSRS MARSEILLES SETTS, MISSES HOOP SKIRTS, LADIES NIGHT GOWNS, p LADIES FINE CHEMI8BS, LADIES NEEDLE WORK DRAWERS, LADIES NEEDLE WORK SKIRTS, LADIES MERINO UNDER VESTS, LADIES SILK DNDERVEST3, LADIES RETIRING CAPS, LADIES HOOP SKIRTS, FINE TULLE CAPES. FINE VALENCINNES CAPES, FINE VALENCINNES BERTHES, FINE POINT LACE BERTHES, FINE VAL. aBd POINT SETTS, FINE VAL. atr4 POINT COLLARS, FINE Hosilea ami Brasstlts COLLARS. WHITE MARSEILLES SETTS, COLORED MARSEILLES SETTS, WHITE and COL'D LINEN SETTS, WHITE and BLACK CRAPE SETTS, WHITE bd4 BLACK CRAPE COLLARS, NEGRO KERSEYS and BLANKETS. SPEED, DONOH0 & STBANGE, Maiu St., itlcmphis. oc2tllwaw T. H. CLABK .. 8. WILXINS....THfl. HILL. CLABK & . CO L, V ill N .' WATCBjMABJERS, Jewelers, SILVEESMITHS AND ENGUAVEHS, IMF0RTEU3 AND BSALBR3 IN WATCHES, CLOCKS. SILVER AND PLATED WAKE, O- - XT . Fancy iioods, Jewelry, &.c OUR FALL ASD 1TIXTER ST01K, T7IMBRAGIXG oa ef the beat aeteated aad Ik bet I JJJ Tarlety of jKxl-er- .r ffereel aa ta awhw. nr arecoasUatlyreestslagaJladtsMlat sAyVas u cxda la oar Una, and weald can the atliaaaua of aauuhasers and other to examine ear saaek. Auisag aar testHar aruaea may ce tenaa 1TATCHE8, Beth GsHtMHrer. Hmttec Oaees aad Opta Faeee, rrem ice ai maawsacaesiesaT LAfiasc. raesa, QeatTa aad Ceceahagea. DtasaaJ, Oeal. Kale aad EvaeraM Qema Pearl Ssta tar BrMal Fiwaaati Coral, Lara, TaraaatiltiarBst, Hair Kssraeeed aad Plain Jewelry. ' Yd, Fob, and Heard Csalsaj LadKi OtiiWalxes, Raw aSLEaamMUwita. Dhv-- masas, ac SIIsTEa. Tea Seta, Cotfe Oras.rHchee s, GeMets. WatVss, Fatka, areoiia, uaiea, ris, jruo,uaie ana tie isreaa EAlTei.Caats-s- , Batter Dkhea, lp Bawls, a a Alio, SILVER rLATBD OOODa, cf theaewest states. ariaa vJ, ct uui iraearta. airaa aesaeea, QaMeta and WattervaBaiaM. CLOCK.!. great rarlety of Clock, ot Frtsch and American Manuraetare, RUNS, Importsd to onr own order, frem tha beat maker tn anreoe. una letvmtaaimenas. ail kinds Flshsls, Cotta., Traatera, Dean, Adams (a Dean, aad A Ben's Pateat, nanetsg Cslrei, Kane, tie. SPECTACLES. Gold, Silver an.l SteelTrames, , Pebbles, . . Perls- - r r-- ail. ii ' i.uiJtce, ctasnoi. asm fsfoer KIB8C. TABLE AND POCKET CDTLtRT OF ALL KINDS. UXailAYlXf. Seals and Pre! fer Iisir'stlbart and Banks, P ais acq urnaiueaiai inmas am .rauuif uarca, . lntaeteakatyleof Ua art. Jewelry made to order and repaired. Watches repaired br exparienced workmen. All work warranted. 2Yo. 1 Clnrli'B.'rlnrble niocfe. lr $20 Boward. or atoatn Inia as at tha ralr Oreaad on LOST a mct.4 hook roatslafns M tnmeeey. a not. on J O. DaSiery fir between ilxteeaand dollars I also, a cola sa AC. Edmtnd-eo- n asd Wra. jfarfan for etihtoenta hrndref dcHars. a certificate of depoettof t. D. TBSl.m i 2t Oa. . for two hnndred aad sIxly.BT dollara. and inndry otktraeies aed rPra. Tea absr reward wist teraM en dettTsry of pocket hook asd .oalsnta tomar to J D wm-as- XCe. TH03 A. IB3DALS. , ocl-t- w ' gB F . WILLIAMS' OF StiLR!&59tlIllIjIj& AND Iodide of ?Eyts&ijijocLl mBSWs&ii r;aedr ! new efArrd to fhi era manpy-wli- ai thecanfidesc of IU aspsiylB; the sat ata aeLahl X prrparaltan of S srisparll and lis sdjaneta. Ill pertlenlsrry aip'seahte le Oaraale mem. TeSr. and other dlsesaeaot the Ek!J laSsmBslloa :t the xanoas, Sheanattsa, tc. FRa sead : Fram the KaahrKe Gsiatt. I To tbe ArruCTEP. Araecg atl t fit nwOMts t which the attesaaoa of the pahrss la so HiaaiaHj call d thnnxhthenewsesperpms arotlierraedtnise, there Is no ssea which w place ahasher iiikaiete taaa Wil- liams' CoopaaM Extract of SarasyarWa aaei ledtd or Falaua, prepared IB tbts city by r. B. T. WTaBsssi. Aa a speadrand effecstT remed fer Serexata. Oferealc Sera rye CTeers, Drne-at- a, Llrer Cosastaenta, aaat a naaaaer ef ether " 18a that S ah la bttf to." t a is rsplel7 gsleed Bebile faeer wbctemr laaselaeed. Ia this ar wt'hta th paU three years we haa wtnir! maB7 laataaca rf is rearOctsteBeias eHaeae: STStraaa Cader tl heU:h reatertng taftoncea we hare seeBthelean yrptlc stlw iteeag la asaadr sal wealthy ta Kb; the warns-wh- had :00c beta the prostrate TVCrm ef dtaeaae, rtrwl ic health aad the an Im meat or lire; aad kef eat aBd adaltTtetlaa to sererfele eatirefr irsrssnttrera the beat of that MrisM-fSSt- et aa. Oae laslaaw- - the later k 14 was psrtteaiarty graitfylac ta as A llaasa hey, sped three yean, te when we ar- - teehed by the asicasaiel ef ha man uea, waa say aem ilia aaajatrd wsth ear eyes. Ha aaffered the aaoet neratU'ssat pata, aad at itava t seemed lbmI , 1:M. liil a-- aald ) the ss .t staht The Bare eaatarataf asadlcat aaall wa laaal yel. and ,wBtt ateld kls treatm-atwl-th aw aaataareaSalaeilciiaa sad eaer ewewaich nirarao'hwatMla rather can rest aadbatew,katall. It aeeat. wtta hat asttbt ta llataa Eawy Hiapireat wvraaaaUy Adeas4.hythMawaeh4 wstamed aad txserieaced its graat earatrre aaaistat. ta try Dr. WilUaaaa' Sarsspait ia and Is oats ef Fataeaa. They da sa. aad te-a-y Mraa taase waa taraaaaVkHSI thaw and ask God' hteeaaac apaa the aravs aster r tars aserfMee Ta Btt'e hay aaw eerasy has faraser aseel heastau aad ht eyaarearsnettattieeyw!!. May ae that haa weaasaS thai ear aaea htaa.awtaea a and klad heamtaewsr Hs rastMet Messaafs asaa ear liniraas Taacg tewairaia, Br. B. Y HTBIiaai P t bottle or Si. Fee aale by WARS t XaMS. si rHwawaaa anei (sMCESsaas to lams, tucm a cf.) WHOJLSSAJLiSS AND KETAIL Booksellers AND TATIOKTER.S, Ko. Muln street, Icmplils, krty for aate at the lowest prleee, a larse aaaertBvast of LAW, MEDICAL, THEOLOGICAL, SCHOOL AAD HiSCSLLASrlttS Al,' ta afiUses af Bibles and Prayer Books, la e?ery Tirietx MaAae. ' k rit" reur:y ail u- - onr wtiuu Ut - TiXUtm. SCHOOL j BOOKS ! Thar respeotratly Mrwe the Uteatiaa ef ECKOOL TBACH3M to thatr uasweal aa BOB) aery exteaata, esaspraalai the the awat T.saablr war aew en aaa. BXAPcIIS. BOOKS I Theer stock af BLAnc EOOtB Is ooarrlete, rasaradwe erery scrtesfc,a a ACCTirT, SB: 1 aaa ind BUM KAiflNTK SOOU. Berry TSrtety at Ceatmea aad Faaey Stationery, laelartlat; WetttM aad Fan ass, SOm Msasat aaary - snl.taaa sad rea, la. QwtlK, tat. CJ Bookaeaaaa, Xanaaaia, Taoehers, Lahrarte rt - - -- ,, M E- J- O. aatsy itsrchiajC wlB Sad It seeth ta thetr balere at ta searehaee af bs raSBar tBaea SB Sbb aaaaa. a I a- can eetatn ierrds frasn a ta aiaan ejatllles a a sill a, at abort asstie. aaat a a was,B daac ea Bs itasa ea--i lrS&Mwawia VAUOaa". irjarat &. ayiWBAhf't ITiscfUaiuous- - C. oilliiller, Opiiciutt, U lirCFACTtrBBK OF A SKWLT 1KTBTlts AltO IMPROVED SPECTAaK. g-xEl- Z BBALBttlX JjgSs CLOCKS WiTCilia jinriiLRY. 311 Sift in Street, belr ifntH, ( 071 ifc Steieuri tt 'roraae's MUdt,) aad ether adeaore tn aea. aa SPssttTsXCX to be dtaa, rr.isti dtaueaoa. can r. Stud with the a laasreaea 9n.taclea, e as to eaaaas them ta see the Baaet aotrn ns thHr aMSa u wall aa t yeet ctAatderabte distance off. Staesir re aaaaa mu ut setMiaa waa Bare eeew taaiweewopeaay anpiiiia)iis n aaahala tkraaaa ae caaatry iiniaeass; to be a As, als, leader H aro. scary that I aawaud carltaa the ll Jbtfc asalaat each Tsaefcra, aaI nsete t my leaatalaaa I aire aa Aarats. Bar will I safr aay Srectaewe ta be seal y perseaa haTtas na kaledw at the rye It Is mr aaeaenal experteBC IB wtta, tanaesayeWs eaTaieee that reader each uatevraal .aUafactaoa. S. B. Spectacles acraratelT adjasted W the eye -- a as te eaabte Ike weerer te ncraoe the aaost aatrate rtnatay. meat, either by day er eead.elaht, with 1 relict set aad saUafactias. withaet occaSoatac taaA aaae f '.f er falbrae te the ereaa geaeraary eerlsaed of flti- -i raeerted In M fraate TJtoeks, Watcwn aad Jewelry earrfatty repaired at short neeMe and wasraBted aatlafae-lor- y. jeanttwawHoly 1I4SDWABE, IROJV, KT AILS, ASB CASTINGS, AT Reduced Prices for Cash, Or Approved Paper. THE BBaMMBwBS ABE SfV BBSMTUiS TKBIR Kail Sspply ef UarJvrare, Freea the AMERICAX MANUFACTURERS, A.VB BT Spoclnl Importrttion. THOU ehqIiAttd ahd gsbhany. TatMrirsa otra Resident Agent iu Europe, W ar tnabUd I tai nlsh All Goods of L'utopeaa Jleaar.ctBre, At Very Red safari Rites, A ad wa soslest a sksoenselaatAai at eat sacat ry nasekaten et aH kladt. WX OAX AXD WIU. TO C on ntry Merchants, All SomU ha car Ira at m laaOTJaT" riCTJHES Ashe caa boy Uarm la any Beaten or Seaaaeim Market Cash Buyers Solicited. BAWE3. BXITK & CO , oclS--tr 3C4 and 366 Ma a Mnet. ROYAL avana aezt OrdlTLir; Trawta( of 0' Beyai Haaa.a THE cuadacted hr the Baaotati Sowe sweat, theCavUta Reeerai t Caba. wtp take place at Haraaa ea SATCHDAY, Soveialer Cth, 1S58, s 324,000!! BOJtTBO XtTXB&c) 7 OBBINAHIO CAPITAL PRIZE ieo IPrUacf-- I ,.$iS),aas Frtmef H.Me " of., oa,ow ie les t " of., aseo l " et Stf 1 - of.. is.ooa It " at S9 1 " of.. SB g,e. , , ,, i. A.,lndfl. IIM , , n , aaeata$0,C00i 4 ef tv to tMi t of $4e ae $15,000; ief toata$,es. CT Whole TtcksU : Si Qaaaaters Frtse cashed at ssgkl at S per eeait. dtsaiaat. BUnoa aH selTest Banks taken at Far. AdrawrmiwBIrlrwardeda"aaath reseat comes kitoBii. Comrcanicatlaa addreseed t BOX BOBBKSifBZ. (care of CKyFost, Charleston, 3. O.) aatll the Sth ef NTmber, wHI he atteaeed te efl-tw- tf Change of Itepot. the Ifarahalt Feeaaie law. slat, was TBKBatroaeef eertlile Depot, aastradcf at Fsyette where Ibay wHI And a ready ceBieyaac by the Hrtu. F ret I. whehaTea(od saiptr or hera,b sw ad a Brat rate hack. J B BOV8LAH. ecla-daw- WAT-O- tSc Bf ARD, O SIS Vara strear, hae na rweiTed aaeateaetTe aaaertsmt rf MBPIC A L BOOKS, which ther r. seBlaK Tery lew A'--w a aaneaeref aew aad ratnisl- - tt BahBjcalaaa Barn saw. LMetary aad BCeauaw. eeia Ins To Gontraotors. ACTORS II Ih.tted as aaad ta arcpeesla t COVTB th- - K.yer within arse. a dais, for the waaVsaac mt a M BEKT HOtra aceesdtac to claaa aad spcebk atleaalyaic ta the etc af tte Cltr Hecwaeer. The etractor to a crat et th recefpta iieaa the stall reals o the beadle fa-- s stTa ywjd of year.. tMt-- er with the asMBt ilsalsanHail cash aaeecrtsthn paraaea ef the enaatrectloe, ta Cltr resrr hr( the rUhl t lejala'e the mark- -t hoar. c. eell td H D BAtrSB. lf,war. Raven, rtacon & Oo.'s Piauos, PI.lMMi i ram thewel known meastfactarers EIGHT Ritcb, Bscea fa Ce TT. have keen seB-- tof t I. af Plane far eerenl rear aaat, aad erery testraaveat baa UtartaMy ataea raileot aa terse. toe OarattcHwIlbesaeae a the saaa'actaraea ta Xew Tk focTl afcktlNXET Sr. 09. Hnllct, Davis & Co.'a Pianos. SEVERAL FIAXOS aft TeeHTCd frem the ulebrated at X.aars HaKet. Darts St Oa . Baa-- ton Thea riaae bar the leapfeeed Irva Frsaae Fa- - rent -- napensl a BrKS ad French Acttoa For teach, laaeawdearahtmw thwy ar net aarpasaed. Fer ear Tery low by tn If cEUVKET CO. iTm. Knabi & Cs.'s Pianos. EartcaaetoBlyreeelilac rlAK03 from thta srreat Saathern rianah Factery, to which we wrad eaHth altenltoa et Berrta-er- a Thery are Jtliur cehDrat,! f. r talr hesntirsl and unsense Tolneie ef tone, aad wit ormBir fawcrably with the best Plaaaa the wetld "a pevdao We hare to antra this week, rneef tbenvat awpera Flano tn the Seslh-er- s eeaatry. Frsce a I,too. yisltars and pnrehaaera ar socldte.! to call at ear ftaa ITarerooma aad examine them. fortl XcEIXXET it CO. Great Rtdnction in Prices of Pianos. deter Ined to ese oar erSarts te make if HAVING ear estawltelrmesl ia partlcaiar,) head- - qoartersrer ine aaie or rr ia n the seetaera caaatry, we hare made aeca arranrTrtl. a, ith the maaaXaetar-e- rs of Fl.Be that we wl I be enabled te make at least 10 per teas dednetks frees tae ssml price ea an Flssea sow oy nt TturhircBTtaorathatTaa;ifl-lu- c th best Plane cheaper thsa hu rrer h fort bees o3st4 ia xemphl Pnrchasera win obllce by ex-- amurac ta ranos. aaa ascertain ta pro at MCEINNET St 0O 'B. Isightc, JTcwSon & Bradbury's i'lanos. inperlor riANOS Irut reeelred from the eslah- - 1ST.? xeeeea. Ldrnie, ftewun et era err. ahlihaa.r.irbelar.1 KewTirtsrlees. Fram the ac-- 4aired repntattan of thra Flano Fortes, farther notice f rant na will not ae necessary, wnn ersrr assarainw that purchasers wt I get a No 1 Flan, w snMntt then for thetr tnspectlen. reCTl XcTJNVKT X CO. P. AlUIOLX .........- - A itirx. nfli,n fc etit.iL,. AT LATT, BeHcttera to. Chancery and ATT03KETS Aeenta. Jardato. Hl. WW ll rrcmpt attealloa to 3 bsataeas csafidad ta them profea-stoaar- Safer to the past as an htex f the fatal. wiyzt-aatw- iy Two nlnles Lost and One Fonad. or were st.sen frees raw, a aerrol RTBATBD fltjtul 7ba sair! la braadad with th ratter " I Th aascxisaia . nw -- nnnil Wit .SS feTfOO TheSS mnnwertn paatnre tea mHe framJfssfasJ Oa tne asmsiass, a z. v -- . - fc ptsee t"m wsa lb l-- r Mcit-- " aad t. new "i ay poas.' le Ca.: at AT Fr. at Sew. otfl-t- f B. D. XABIB3. AtHsu. Mseweedi Tewn A CARD JfEsT FIRM. Ihae tbaa aay usueietrd wuh as ta Ch AarlK a . i haslraeaa, Mr. J O BW1XABTD t style T the Bras wljh (i. B. LtK'Hia at This ariiTiiaaianawei eaiSis aa t daissa ea. r,. . atleaaaaBlath sVeal Batate haaaaea. Sa all ate r. Ml. BWUA1TB arafl ate his eatoibastoemlatsaeeedtotael anisalBiiiiaiiel tefahetatsatr AbB M, I o. a. tscsi -- J c aaaai.A .r C. B. LOCKE it CO., AUCTIONEERS, GerJ Atr;8riti iatj Heal tmUte inker? 22 Maui street, 'lewr Ha tiara. ibXsaartpaEXait , vjkntsi. r AllTlctrijlB ATTcaTioa Tea salt ar C1TF 0P CITTJIT FMPBKTT, UXI 9CBJF AXD arABBAirrB MMncHAXDisM, y sa roes, nnunTvmx ' HICUC3 STOCK, C 7 ar fany prraiareM to aiuavt to ri n uaan i s sekes of erery daeciiattoa AD Beaea sa Has wi, caavaad with Trf-i- r ithsnilii illissls I mAelB V4 COIHasWHaUtTS eaMctSae Ub-- -, vasw awraere i CITY AND SUBUBBAlf LOTS AT AUCTMHf, WB will MIX la rxat ef Mratoae hawaw. .V. : Ifaea Hret. a PBIBAT IIT, raeSBh af tae aaB. ,h, aaejaVdawtwerty. re- - w : fV IOh ka tha AaaMtara sa sis.toa ea " a a, aaoaa kaaf ssalaa taeaa aas n aad .dtosasa. tha real - et aft Tiaasaaas Trass. Oa h.U cash, eateaca ha C IB aad t afstlawBBaM. Ato. a UK rrer SS ht a m Martha street it Tcmia taa aa rj aaaataa, baiaac waa. A see ea lOTea Hals ateeet. aaar -- it; mi r Tart'ty TTaet. Trna a.h. ea B LskCEB i CO a1 aetleaeer ard Bjeel MHatmWnkr,. SUBURBAN LOT For S&le. XXT aa fwr aeks n heaataral Swheueaa Ut r S VV seer. It so annate ca the rew aBatoL.Be r. hwt.era the lesicarac of Cat Meleaa aat the . Thrre ia a .Tall rei.tre' M i: with aeemt c t csaawet. tae halaace la eovaeed with a Baeaeeeat T' ad lat wfl, as a jhtar fceod. aeartwaebn-aa- achcol hoax, aed u ,,' or a beat leto ra it- - . ctatty tt the etty. A treat bareava aaB beeareei t riy apvcl. ut For lartVr tartvcalara ao-l- w So S. LOCK . BVewl BataaeBrwk, r H m LOTS! AT ASJCTISiY. 0! WN-easaA- the- - 3d .vwawtor, Web, ae-- . sesHa;,we wfl set! ra COBIKTm, jaBBB , 20O city Tanas S, IS atMl 1( wa Mk credit, the Beat ae - be raekss d. itoftexh I. ntwal.d SS ant' TeaB MlSBBhsa. at h laeaaahlaaad ka'b-ah- a aed the Mil . aade'heeBalsnad.. Th aUahurf Bafraad aM tal st Utsa aotat. Taeaeey aarresradtrajCernuh aa alts, aral-h- r a' t "eat ljsd aar aararalsaral lruiiis. Bardha'a wt i e a- -? ' wraaa H w.dua 11 art lea, aad ib. ' aaar aaa eat, This place kbeeatoMcB-aBBMaawthlaaba- thaaa y ar-- , aadaawhwapaaea-'a'tes- i abewalaw. Caefeath hat a ra F.aaaCeW ta .aceresewj cr--- ar aad sisy aaBBlaataSaa aat.b: araUi SaeSterea aad Fate's it la eesiksel ' w an , I skesei. Hitanlsaaan. aad eaterps saaer a wetoihie a', ' aa sllasetaer eetoaasaas aasas'ae; aww kwtoad saahetea h. Thatarasawf ba saaa asa kaaaawL aad -- Bres' a feat aawaoraaewia to lai Sililm The sae wai aw ie-U- and wubae r un tl M LiMBIBlv sssa wa AaetaMieera aad Baal awtes Bae'kere TXUEM VTBLT, olwlCxk.WtoTawd Iner-- the aasaans ef iar year. Urrad waawa aaa. A . . 0,w-- S 1 X aelAw- - k ci SILKS. A few Vary Pae Doabl Slriirt Silks to Arrive on XraacUty. FINE SHAWLS NBST 'WEEE. Socles ami lAmws. Oai CONSiGM M RKT BLAf K, mOWS, DRIB AD GKAI T KKKE8SBK iBASS. WHITE AXD GRAY LlaVSEYS. oet7 TAYLOR de M'BWB ! Cures Oiiarmntled. CA.VCiiKS KM) S(JKPUIaA CV1HD ! PAarall.a'n caataraaBB tuslrmoaiwa, r the a i.,wuls a--m wui Cast carat Bear ht kbUs : afr. Bta. nam It years' staC. Jte. Chewstaaa (. 19 yaara" staedarB. Brr. Feter Cwrp, aft D . IB Vm Pat- -. i. BajMsta Watktaa, ta Sost te has paasfAl' At drees, JIB A tPTOat, xr wWHWiT The Fair is Qves THE Plffl Ml COME ! THE Saetay Arl alter .1 Soctoty was aaawt at Ik Rroaad. aa BATiraOAT the lad Best , tor tbe Eectseaef Qwkrera far the ease tsy ae Attheaametn-raadpi- ae Frawlaaa wMBeaattrere. aidpaM oat to s e aaee-eef- al eDCayeartoi B Alao, aB resaeaa haataz arcaaat saslaaat th Use. at. The aaerr. hen aaJ an latereatod, are raeiy aelsctud to atten '. All perase harta, artlctoa reaaetatBE at the Fa r Sreaaws will earl aad take them away a seam a -- rac. Be saee t, eaB S,r year paean news oa Bet, day, and are farther treabke te yearsel.e. By seder et tbe B. ard, txS-- M. i' L STBWABjT. Seer. t ere CUST0M-H0US- S SALOON. THISeaiahtasaawat. lnca- t- ea TTaloe street, tn ta- - ca ot heaarea haataKheen taor- - oeah'y rwreated aud reacted Is saw tarty t pea far theaec naasititlo. cf Ito aaatorare aadfrlaada The aaeseat Ltotaca ta' Wlaps. aad the freshest yaters, win ba awrredta all waa Bsasf It witb IhMr aatreaate. St. S. XfMIUPI r ocSB-l- Fer Ben FrsBklia. TPST reewred in atore aad far aaea to aha lea SB J 10 aies iTaer's fMMeetaei aVhBH-p-- y BS ' OadBraadr. aa ' OHFertWaaa, 10 OM Xaeearn Wpaa, 69 ' CM Claret Wtoe. JS.S99 OKara A. 3 UttTT A. CJO. . y. S.y iraa.iisaee HUGH D. ORBEB. ATTORNBT AT LATA, Xralas.Tiasaiiui , wl the (Vaata rt Mtntaiss. taWTsasiiaia ct.. celt and the S)aseaM aad FacSsrat 01 Is . Jaeteo aad wtftattsad pssaipUy to the OwOeettoa r haaii m Veil Tennessee aad KerSh Mtsiaiitpat. ursM.E-.i- iw asa ef t aaa strews. tw oeera east Wet" est Sea $50 Eeward. T WILL aire Ua after, reward swiaBaa. A aBewed y uv ror ta apaesasaslea aad OwSti.- - rr ie rneef my aetra raaa TOX. rt i I ta at ehMk-O- ooacer of ratoer s'eaJer fraaa. alsat 1 tee S or j hih and has the eesa-re- a, kaaks aalr tt Mack aeoe.. r eye to as.rly wreessw awj. ah i ash taeHbatHSAtoafaay aeraalsh itssete. Re as sheet ew-- ed. pct-- tl X. X. TBJCSBtTAXT. SrSSSRS. sTATSOX Jr. BEARD, aVe. 313 Mala Street. HATB last Meerral a faeta siserteBent ef HBCOaD rad XEXakB-- VBwaar aaarV CeaaArad-Beaa- e aad Feaey atataaacty, ate., whssei they .Mwiiunwwiyrwn. SeeahJ-aS-

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Page 1: The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1858-10-24 [p ]. · his isriasttloBS reeearcb, and clipped hy bta eharp scissors from AsALt Afferent' dalea. The tyet of reprodeelng these



aUIiDAT JICSKm01-..-.OCTQBE- E 21, 1838.

.13fficial Journal" of the Ci$y,a" '' "' C

Largest Circulationin the City.

Beadingiratter on Sversffiage.


Muitralltg 'the Services of Dovglt to ikt

,T, .. Democratic Tarlf.Oar frlencUjr Democratic cotemriorarT the

jltelmtkt aaa dose us tha honor to mtkrjjp

his leading firit columns Tfstenlar morning

froa nuneroBa email extra eta, "'hteted outTy

his isriasttloBS reeearcb, and clipped hy bta

eharp scissors from AsALt Afferent'

dalea. The tyet of reprodeelng these ex-

tracts, at the jireseattixa, seems to be, as wellgather froa the lacid coameotaas we can

thereoo, to establish the fact, beyond allthat the Attxal, cHiriBg the late

et Cewgreis, adrocsted the admission of

Kaae, wh the L compter) csostita4M witheetrgy aad warmth, and severely rendeqnedIbe caM ot Messrs. Crittenden asdfrees tfec Swatb, asd of Mr. Dareus, fromtlte Kxtb, in opposing that eettlement. Such

Is th fact. Had the .irsIancAe indicted us

(pea this charge, ie a feraal sutBeer, westeeM have promptly plead gaiKj,ad avowed

er retdteess to saffer aH the ceweejtjf&ccs of

tS5 tbe&et, moral, legal Ard physical; sod thushaw save! oar esterprislng cottmpefary thelabor aad pains .of searching aver oM files,and erf MiHag bis killrhg editorial. "We sotaly rHtftataed the policy if adaitfciag Karws,a a Rata into tbe TJtrj, seder the Lecomp-- n

rewtttatiaa, and aphcld, defended and eunracel the 'Adtaiaiatratioa in this policy,

ewwiaatly aad xealocsly, batwith eejBal warmth aad seal, o cobfoand thfeaumles of the Lecaanrtah eoaatitutloe, aadinvoke apea their heads I tit popular dls- -

jaWsafr. We did not spate Mr. Douglas, otwar twi party, awe thaa Cuttemdek adBell, mt tha American oreaaisatMa. . Wtken betied Hut H waa the dasiga of' Mr.Omjsus to toUUr abandon tbe BaaaciaUcparty and wile bis frtaas with ttee of theBlack Kf sablicattg. We ibeagbt we saw

evUtaec" ia ibc charge of the Waeh-iagte- a

(fctea, that Dmaua, Seward aadCbittekbsk bad farmed a coalition to organ,law a new party, le opposition to the Democ-

racy, aad we so aasosaced ear conviction.Front the very BepiBnlng of Douglas' defec-U-m

fram tbe y alley of the Administration andest tbe Dsansctaej, we expressed er distrustf Mat ia beM terms, whboat palliation, equiv--

eatiaai at reserve. Bat we were disappointedla these speculations. Tbe 'Kansas questionw settled by Caegress apen the baais of theKaglssh ceafereajee prepeaitioa. The collitie, predicted by tbs WaaMngton Omen, andwbiebwe tee appreb ended after reading theDsueVs article, was never farmed, or al leastBaocNjs never made hlmeelf a party to sucheealittea, tbat has ever came te ear knewledge..After tbe adjavrameat ef Congresa, Doimlasrenamed te IUiaeia aad commenced a thorougheanwicj of tbe State, hi oppcakien te the designs at the Black Bfpsblicaae. and in at

and abie advocacy ef the principles oftbe Bemeeratic party, whtch-excet- any ef hisfarmer eaTerte in defence ef the Sooth. It is

. trae that Mr. Dooolab dees net confess hiserror aa the Leeemptac qaestfea. He main-tai-

yet tbat he eccapied tbe proper positiona tbat eiMStioa. Yet he avers tbat it has been

Battled by tbe Irgislattoo ef Congress, and de

clares hie willingness to with theAeniaistratioa and with tbe Democratic party"berealter upon all oaesUeos that are likely toartee. At tbe tame time he assails Ms BlackRepablican antagonists with the same fiery andcrasMaa; jptecttaa, wrtbeeH tbat peoderoM andsaretrfag logic, and with tbe cenvinciog array

jwf eaabbera facts tbat be ever has at bis com

mama, aad tbat have mate htm in past days theacknowledged cbampiea ef tbe Seath and ofibe Democratic wrtv ie tbe United States

Tbat we regretted the aafartaaate divisionia tbe Daawcraer br which Mr. Docolas e- -

rieaeejr damaged bis fatare hepes aad pres- -

peets, we care net to dear. Ia tbe bKterneesef aar aaaagenitm aad ia tbe "grief" of teelag aa wba bad ee leag proved "faithfulnmsag tbe fertfaleee," and a head and shoulden UHer tbaa tbe tallest ia ear camp, we felttbat tbere had been treachery most fool. Batwbea tbe storm had ceased, and we saw thisMate champion of a policy we condemned anddeaptted, go back among hi coaatitaeato aadgaltaatty jeia iseae, boM aad direct, with tbe

Terr Stack RsfwUtcaas with whom we badsaapsetd him to be la alliance, could we besi-ta- te

coaid any trae Seathera man hesitatenmieb ot tbe two to prefer Stetm en A.DacLAS or AbxAham Liscoln, tbe cboseaaecsieeeef tbe Btaek RepabHeaae? The is-s- ae

pracrJcally it betwaen these two, aa muchaa emj" be said abaat other candidates,Baccac is set ia tbe race, aad ought not to be.

Tbe asaa who denounced the Kansas act andctKalated tbe iafaaeae Cefia handbill, as Is

charged by Senator Dbuslas, aad never de

Bead, tbat we have sees, we take it, ought not toaasieaaaot be any great favorite with Demoeraee anywhere, aad especially with SouthernDemocrats. We have ever regarded, therefore,tbc aMSK as practically narrowed dawn, as be- -.

twees Dmcui and Lincoln, and though itmay be said tbat Docglas, with his great tal-ea- ts

can da a more harm than Lincoln,w aek with confidence, dees aay man, whobaw read DoceLAs' speeches ia the presentcaavase ia IHiaoie, hooeetly betie-- e that beeoatemiilaien aa abandoaaent ef the Deme--rattc party and a war arson its principles?

ErFaa K tbere be a reasonable doabt, we badraSfcer rufc DoateLAs, with hia present noble,patriotic, aad generally sound positions withMs able and efaojateat defence of Southernrurbtt, and with hia declarations of future policy, tbaa, ae Southerners, to soil our hand byevens indirectly giving aid and comfort to asrtte an AboGtiotiM and base a " nigger-w- or

tatpper " as Liscolk. Were we te contribute,theeajb ie tbe least manner, to the election ofLweour, we should feel that we had forfeitedeur daim forever te championship in the Damecratic areata, as moeh as if we bad denouncedanl qaottioaed tbe high Seathera tone of suchmen as Johk C Calhsuv or Ibe lamentedQcitmas. Kay, we will go yet farther, aadhere dietiBetiy', in order tbat the MaJonele mey make as maeb capital aa poeelb!eeat of oar position, tbat aa severely as we barecandimasd a4 denounced tbe political cosdactof Jsm. J. Cmttkoen and John Bell, andas little respect as we entertain for them asJSoutfaea Senators aBd statesmea, if faey wars"itie eppnaiatt rf Abium LiKoouior Seoaterffoce IUinoia, we sboeid not beeitate to sufperteither oiabeai in piofereacc to tbe Blaefc Re-pt- iif

au.Btr eraliava alioady aasplifiol tbt article a,

greater length tbaa we designed to de wboa we

aommmead. Oor-oal- y oaTence, ia tbe eyes of tbeAafanefa, has bees the decided preference wehave glvea Mr. Dooolab ever Lincoln Id thepresent iabweetiag contest ta Itknois. Wehave not proposed at any time to make anytest of uptaieu upon ibis oueetiocj, or to set upa docpetmm over tbe seatimeats of ethers.Neitlter wilt we regard such tost or detpetiim,wbea set op by ethers, whether it be by ourrespected eaaporary,orcvea by tbe highestauthority ia tbe Government. We will spurnech a toot as degrading to an dependentDemocrat aad a freema b, come from whom it'may. Aad ia support of tbia determination,we wuold simply cite the late preference shownby eor worthy chief, Mr. Bochanas, for J no.'W. FoaNET the vilest of political reeegadesfor a seat ia the United States Senate fremPeaatyivnaia. This esamplc oaiy proves thatthe President may make a grave mistake seme-time- s

in his political preferences, and that hemay be deceived ia regard to the purposes efmen. Why then sboald the members of theDemocratic party be bound by the Admiaiatra-tree- a

preference absolute!, for Ibe o&ce ofSenator from a sovereian State, and whyshould any Democrat attempt ta erect such adespotism in the party ? We shall oppose Itaad pretaet agaiest K to tbe last.

In conclusion, we with to remind oar cotem-pera- ry

ot the emuent services of Judge Doug- tbe Democratic party, in times pasthew be was'tbe impetuous conqueror in everyconflict always for the South, and neverfltocatajg but iBe-oa- e time.

It is tartly legitimate to array in evidence aman's, past eharacterBd geaeral' services, inpaHiatioa for an error, especially when he de-

clares himself that the issues are dead, andwhen be Is bo7 bund ably and gallantly con-

tending for tte principles of that great partywhich ftuds in swgle antagonism to tbe Abo-

litionists aBd BiaeKBepabMcacB.In crdscHiat WBmay raore'aphically pre-ae- nt

Lbse jwst eervices of tJaige'DoroLAs, weborrow teerlaaguage of an able Democratic

last wfnter, and sfirounded by all the doubt and distrust which

that fierce conflict engendered, did not hesitate '

m . . jms .... h X 4k-- K niVto bare mjltrtaat to ice aiora ;

FiHvocite'of the adalaalon efSKansas Diraseii,

J)oriM."drawlBg the following grapme, elo

quent and truthfnl picture of bis eminent ser-yjc- ts

o the Democratic party, the Republic and

the &XHD. says mis earnest

" u Kn ureit pf the times has causedius moreoerieft than fha) which w have experienced onaecoust'of the disaffection of Stephen A. Doug-H-e

was the brirht particular atar ,"ritise the South bad watched with high

.-- ij uyjico rr -- j.., t

the American people. Indeed, he had distanced all hit compeers In the race to greaV; :

ness. vr ua a vigorous intellect Ce corarjinea acosrsgeous heart, and possessed much of thosepopalarj.elfaenJs'Whleh rtade Henry Clay theideal of tbe American Deonle. In fact. Mr.jjooflsaas cotuiillte the great departed Sage J.,or .Asaiana in many respects, tie Dai mucnci ms lnssiration or renins much or that native strength of Intellect which captivated tht

1 . v t T .1 a r n. v i' 1juuiat uuit- - .uikc uki. vriaj lie is doic, ar-dent and imrwlelve which, with a chivalry,intrepidity or spirit, and a vigorous under-standin- g,

renders him a formidable championupon any question. In a word. Mr, Douglashas a most gigantic intellect; but we fear thattbe cloud which has recently overebadowedhlsfame will eclipse tbe rainbow hopes that span-ned Its early dawalng. We cannot, however,find it in our heart to assail Stephen A. Doug-las. We shall clln to blm until we are fullvsatitfied tbat be has In bis heart somttblrp ofthat treassn which saturated the corrupt heartoi fliamo van Duren. we stui nave a vividrecollection of the gallant manner in whichMr. Deaglas has defended the South. It wasreally terresuing amid me sickening and loathsome exnibltion of northern fanaticism towitness tne sterling devotion to tbe Constltution uhich tbe "Little Giant " manifested.

"During the darkest hears of the conflict-inde- edthroughout the whole of the fierce con

test from the firing of the first gun to tbe momeet when James Buchanan was ArrUA Prmldeat, Stephen A. Douglas stood by tbe Southin her struggles and her perils, fearless of consequences, aad regardless of the assaults whichwere thundered upon his head. Duriag thebattle, Mr. Douglas' bearing was eminentlypraiseworthy. Without pausing in bis onwardcareer wnaeat anaurrr a sine e svllauiuithouUtbe Joss of temper, ever cabs In momenta wheBfhe was dtssecifbg and displayingthe enormity of Fremontlrm, he presented anexample to all public men when beset by oppo-nents, or surrounded by adverse circumstances.No crisis found him absent, His voice and hisvote was always for tbe South. The wholeAbeiHkm pack pursued him with remorselessfury. ISMicHle. falsehood and invective wereshowered upon ms head. Every step which hetook was, as it were, amid the curses or theenemy, who had sworn to destroy him. Everyopeecu at maae was caiummatea ana camca-tured- x

Everyvote which he gave was falsifiedor derided. But like the rock on which thewaves at tiebceaq burst, Stephen A. Douglaswas uhraoved'by the Abolition fury. He knewthe great lesson of knowioc bow to wait. ThedisatfeeliooAf such a mauls a national calamity, and is certainly a source of heart-fe- lt regretto those friends who stood by him when thosev,rose cauietieis BoweuampieMng were pourlog upon bis personal aad political charactertbe full vials of their bitter and unscrupulouswrath- -

" The false and hypocritical praise which isnow being scatterH along his tortuous path-way by former enemies, will cot compensateJudge Douglas fjr tbe devotion of thousands ofattached friends and aJmirers, who look uponms present position wttD mourning, we shallbe loth to nart comoanv with Stenhen A.Douglss. His true, bis position is not acceptance to us, ana inat ne Kaads la opposition totbe Administration ; but still, we believe heuas no sympatny wjm the Black Republican!.But should Mr. Douglas persist in his determi-nation to destroy bis good name " LittleGiant" as be is, he trill not be a politicalSampson te pull down with his fall tbe Demo-cratic temple. Tbe uniform fate of every de-

serter from the Democracy, should be a warn-ing to Mr. Deaglas, and we trust, as we believe,he will net permit his bright fame to be eclipsedin the dark cloud of Black Republicanism." -

Mr. Douglas has Justified fully tbe highhope expressed in bis behalf in the laet sen-

tence, just quoted. Moat emphatically "behas net permitted bis bright fame to be eclipse4in tbe dark cloud ofHefbas proved himself as the ''Mack knight" InIvanhoe, in all his encounters with tbe demon

which our contemporary aa strongly deprecated. And new, we claim tbat honor and approval should greet the return of this callant knigbtto tbe arms of his friends.

It is proper to remark, If there are any ofour readers not recognize this extract,that it ia from tbe celamns of the .Memphis.LWy .frwiameAe of January 15, "ia Ibe yearef oar Messed Lord, 1S5S."

THE ILLINOIS CAKY2.ES.According to our telegraphic advices yea

terday mereiBg, the Democratic skies arebrighteuiag in Illinois. nt Bsick- -

isbiboe has addressed a letter te the Demo

cratK state Central Committee, urging upontbea tbe necessity and importance of the return ef Mr. Douglas to the SeBate. He re.gards tbe LecomptoB question as a dead issue,awl, although, be cannot approve of thecwrte pursued by Mr. Douglas on tbat questiec, last sessioa ef Congress, he is cotameng these who peeeess a "serene irxkfTer

Mice," but iaows uetv to cuoose betweenDooulas ami Lincoln between Democracyaad Black Republicanism. We feel no hesi-tancy in aeeerttag, as our serieas conviction,tbat Biee-teet- of the people of the Southand West are with him.

As another cheering alga, the telegraph alsoInforms us tbat tbe Administration candidatefor CengTess, in tbe Third Congressional District of Illinois, baa withdrawn from the canvass, and advises bis friends to support suchmen for tbe Legislature as will vote for tbe

of Douglas. These are comfortsb!e indications, aad Just such as might be expected to foHaw on the heels ef tbe recentelections in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana.Tbe Democracy everywhere are beginning

Lproperly to appreciate the folly of dissensionand division in their ranks, growing out oftbe .LeeemptoB imbroglio. The question Issow a dead issue. It will never come upsgain, aad even if it were possible to deterraise, with the minutest accuracy, as to whowas right and who wrong en that question, itwould not compensate for the disintegrationand disruption of tbe National Democraticeraaizitlon. We hope our friends every-where will think of theee facts, and yield tothem their just wtigbt ia the balance of theirunbiased and unprejudiced JuJgments.


At the request of the author, we this morning make room for an article of Reverend A.Newton, of Mies., of the New School Presbyterian Church, with reference to the action ontbe subject of slavery of tbe Old School Presbyterian Church of tbe United States.

Oar columns are open to the explanation orlegitimate comments of tbe other party, aBd

jro publish the article ef Dr. Kewtox, fergeneral iaformatioe.

Oorreisoadeneo.Unarms. OeUber 53. 1568.

Mtj. Gin. Dm Cadet De Baza. Bruce CtntvDear Doc: We, tbe UBderaigaed, the more

grateful and. appreciative lovers of the legilimite " Drams," aa nightly rendered by youand your distiaguiehed compeer?, take greatpleasure ia tendering yeu a grand complimentary benefit at sack a time aa may suit your in- -cUaaaioB and eoaveateBce.

We, dear sir, have recognised year artisticgenius as displayed ia leaping over the many I

thrown in your way by tbe mana-

ger, prompter aad public, and have determinedas a class ef your admirers that yea as an artist of the first water, sball triumph over all.Hoping, therefore, that you will accept ourunlimited tender, we most respectfully remainyour admirers and friends. Signed,

Major-Gener- Calto Smith,G LIS ERAL PeKTO JoNCS,

Colonel Bosejt Bbown,Caitain Bbitt Barker,Colonel Watch Wacole,Doctor Tigek Tdomuttok,Dsctob Tair TseLLur,Majob Beavk Bdkoomb,Oaptaiw Tbat Truckle,General Jasox Juggle,Colonel Bxrre Bullextioeb,Ef quire Fioo Fisto, aad 1000 ethers.

C&nr'a Gaiett, IVESirius October 31, 1868 J

To iljar-Gentr- el Calto Smith and olhm ;Gentlemen Dogs : Your very kind and

flattering note, tendering me a grand compli-mentary benefit, has just been banded to meat tbe " Ke.ntel," and while I feel grateful toyou fer tbe rsaBner in which you have madeknown joar wishes te my behalf, aa well asfor the generous aad praiseworthy spirit whichthus prompts their expression, yet, notwithstanding ray high appreciation or your kind-aeu- e,

I must in justice to my own feelings aad to

character, decline your obliging tender. Myreasons for this are many, of which, let themention of a few suffice.

In the first place, I have, during my stay ofhere, been treated like a deg, which I haveborne with that patience characteristic of myspecies. Yet, gtaUemea, I would not haveyou infer that 1 am wanting in a proas coa- -scioueaees et abrilty to Uke tbe "bark" efflof anything that has ever appeared on tbeMemphis .biarci. ' ?'

In the.second place, I havsjbeensadly neg- -Ieclejd by the cjssgeratnt. the probpter aBd

my tall wbin'fc'aBchmsIAe tolSbve on tbethe prompter having refused to give me oe

the que. and the public having refused to give I

cotem'poraryywho, even In the mTdt-- f theJtpabllc. Thetcrsiagemenbhavlngplnebed'qcootesfforXecoaptoB,

me loose ontoursts or applause, uonquci,common to tie-mor- distinguished stars wltn

wbomll.rank.'' - ,And In tne Ultra place, l rouna more or true

canine svmsatbr and consideration behind thecurtain thin in front, by reason of which myaudience nightly dwindled to IDe common placeaffair of doggish greeting, until my "tarkrota" have. died away without even an appre- -. - .I f H.If.ClJ r

us tati but l near tna prorantor'a can to rehearsal and must " oa u."

Allow me, therefore, my dearly chetlihedand distinguished friends, to subscribe myselfaffecllonatsly, yours,


The. First Ballaoa Bacs la Araerlea Tbresillctnsia tbs Alratpatt Biitttlrnl


FomUisOlncinutlXsfQlrsr .

The craud balloon race, .between ProfessorH. Stetrter and Monsieur Eucune Godard.. . It V -urew an immenie crowa to me vieitiltv Of the

L.UV Arf yesterasy aiternoon. in lue loclo-aur- e

wtre some seven or eight hundred persii,but the surrounding streets were ao choked upwith people, horsia and vehicles, that It wasImpossible to move about. Aa many aa thirtyor forty thousand people must hare been in tbenelehborhood of the Lot.

The balloons were Inflated without anv acci-dent, and a llttls after fonr were nearly readyfor starting. About this time Monaleoc J-- Ci

Belman toek hia aerial flight iu the Nllgira,and made a beautiful ascenalon a little to theeast ot north.

Stelner and Godard then made their way up-ward, and moved off a little to the east insplendid style, and, until after sundown, wereclosely watched. Stelner took the lead, ar.dwhen laat visible, appeared much higher thanGodard, but the Issue of the contest cannotnow be determined They will stay up as longas they can conveniently, which may bq fromone to three or foar days.

Monsieur Belman stated that It was his in-

tention to enter the lists with the distinguishedamateurs, and go further and higher, if possi-ble than either cf them. He bad no doubt, aswe bare said, of bis ability to remain up threeweeks, and had serious lntentloa of eolnir tothe North Pole and returning home by way ofme tqwaior.

Monsieur Belman will probably prove tbegreateat uHonaut living or dead, and will, wepresume, be enabled in a few months to ascendunassisted by a balloon.

H. B. Since writing the above MonsieurBelman has come dowD, bavir.g" alighted aboutfive o'clock at Gleodale. He was visible lasteveBlpsr at nine o'clock on th corner of Fourthand Tine to the naked eye, though some veryDonee, but mistaking, people would insist uponstaring at him greatly to the annoyance ofhis modesty through smoked glass and tele-scopes, regardias him as a celestial-terrestri- al

pDeoomenon, nair comet and Dale eclipse.Lzbakox, Mosbay, October 1865 p. M

Tbe balloon passed about four miles west ofLebanon at sunset. Stelner wa's from one anda half to two miles ahead of Godard. Bothwere going in a northerly direction.

MiDDLETowrr, October 187 20 r. m. Tbeballoons passed here at seven o'clock, being directly north Their lights aro still in sight,Godard went down when about twenty milesfrom the city, but Immediately afterwardsarose.

Datxom, October 188 r. si. One balloonpassed about ten miles South-we- st of this citv.about half an hour ago, and is still in sight--,It Ltas fallen considerably witnin the last halfhour, and is now quite in the bcrixon. Tbeother balloon has not been eeen.

Zer.ia reports that the balloons passed thereat 6.40 r. m. The balloon seen at Middletownand Davton must have been Belman's.

A message from Chilicotbe says that theballoons were seen going in a North-easterl- y

direction at &20 p. u. The balloon seen atDavton must have been Belman's.

Dayton reports (ten o'clock') a balloon directly overhead, going in an easterly direction.

Cleveland, October 19. Godard camedown about iialf past ten o'clock last nightnear Menroevitle, and Stelner at eleven o'clock,one mile from SaBdosky. Tbe latter ears beIntended crossing the Lake, but got drowsyand lost some ot his ballast, and changed bismine.

Yellow Fxveb. Reports. The XatrhezCeuriir, of the 19-- says :

Health or the Citt. We regret that wecannot acnouoce the health of tbe city as im-

proving. The cold weather of tbe erst andmiddle of last week has been succeeded bywarm aaya aau cooi clems, renuering tnosewho are unacclimated still more liable to ex-

posure and attack. We bear of some few newciss of fever on tbe Hill,andin widely different parts of the city.

Since our last report C"'-- evening, eixo'clock.) to last f Monday) evening, at thesame hour, there were ten deaths six by yel-low fever and four of other diseases. Of thesix, three were from " uader the Hill," andthree on the Hill.

Tbe week's mortality is sixteen; eight byyellow fever (and of these four " under theHill," aBd eight by other diseases (and of theatwo were from tbe State Hospital.)

The total mortality in the city (Includingboth hospitals), from the 27th ot July to the18th of October, inclusive, has been 90 ofwhich 30 have been by yellow fever. At leasttwo-thir- of these last have been from " under tbe Hill."

The Vieksburg iritg of the 21st, jays :

health or the Uitt. mere was onedeath from yellow fever in the city yesterday,and two at tbe City Hospital.

The SoulAren of the same date reports:Health or YicxeBuaG. We heard of but

few new cases of fever yesterday, and onlyfour deains iron tbat disease, two from theHospital and two from the city.

The Frtt Trader of the same date has thefollowing:

The fxvEK. rrom reliable sources, welearn that, in addition to tbe forty-si- x cases ofyellow fever reported as under treatment, bytuc visiting committees or tne Katcnez Chari-table Association, there are some ten or moreother cases ; the committees in several nistricts reporting only those which tbe Association is attending to. This is cot our idea oftbe duty cf those committees ; whilst they areto give attention to those who may requiretheir services, they should report all who aresick with the ever, that the people generallymay know to what extent it has spread in thecity.

Health. We cannot as yet Inform our ab-sent friends of any abatement cf the feverhere. Since last noticing its progress, (Mon-day,) mny new cases have been 'reported.Bate Jfonge .Idwcatt, Oct. 14.

Lola Mostez A Splurge at Some orthe Cleest. At her lecture on Rome, onWednesday evening, at New York, MadameLola Moktez took occasion to make some re-

marks in regard to the course of the provision-

al Episcopal bishop of the diocese, in the mat-

ter of the Rev. Mr. Hott, of a very severecharacter. Tbe bishop and some ot the clergycensured Mr. Hott for accepting aid fromLola. She referred to this fact as follows:

" Who are these men tbat would bar you aadme from doing a good act, and would ratherlock the doors ot comfort and instruction cnthe poor, than they should be- - blessed by ahand which will not be moved by theirdictation? (Loud applause.) How manychurches will bs built, and how many poorwill be feil by money wbleh they will give?(Applause. A voice 'Not one in a thou-sand.') It is reserved for me to readthese blind bigots a lesson, and to tell themtbat they are not Christians but Pharisees.They belong to the same class of bypocritswho condemned the Saviour because be ate anddrank with publicans and siuners, (applause,)and they appear to be just as full of the head- -etrons devil of intolerance as thev were In theold time. They are certainly very impudentand very bold devils when they enter into thebreast of professing Christians in such a freeaBd enlightened ian! as America, bucb Mooted intolerance would be bad enough in Tim- -oucioo, or tne iejee islands, out in America itis like a foul spot upon tbe fright sun. (Ap-plause.) I am going to Europe in a few days,and when I come back, which I certainly willdo, (applause,) may be I will give a course oflectures to raise a fund to send missionaries toChristianize tbe clerical Pharisees (loud laueband applause,) who had rather tbe poor anddesolate should not have tbe Gospel preachedie loem, tuaaioai uie means euouii be lurntsn-e- d

by your patronage of your bumble servant.entreat the prayers of this congregation for

an su:a uemguieu ana miserable sinners.(Applause.)"

Monument to Gen Quitman. At a meeting of the Executive Committee of tbe CentralQuitman Motumect Association, held atNatchez, on the 9th Inst., the following reaolutions were adopted :

Reiolvtd, That a building committee cf threebe appointed, for plans and specifications fortbe Qsitman Monument to be erected on theBluff in the city of Itatchez, the estimatedcost ot toe monument not to be less than$25,000 nor more than $50,000. That saidplats and specifications be submitted to the

Executive Committee for approval. That thesum of $300 be paid to the party whose plansand specifications shall be adopted.

KtiolTtd, mat said building committee shallalso examine into, and report to this Exrcutive Committee, a suitable place on theBlaffin Natchez for tbe erection of said monument, embracing disensiona of the ground andcost or ins same.

How to ckt Cuba A New Scheme.The Albany Mas and drgus undertakes tosolve the problem or cuDa la an article whichwe copy this morning. SlaveB, it assumes, onthe joint autnority or uumooldt and expertenee, are constantly decreasing in Cuba. Animperative demand for laborers is thus created. The effectual stoppage (not an easy undertaking) of the African slave trade to thatIsland would compel Ibe planters to look else-

where t, to tbe United States for theirsupply whicD could only be obtained throughannexation. x.rco, iuoa mult be compelled

seek admission into tbe American Confederacy. Annexation once accomplished, alarge alave trade from the border States toCuba, would, at cmee. grow up, the effect ofwhich would be to drain Virginia, Maryland.Delaware. Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri

their negroes tbs exportation from thoseStates amounting to eight or ten million dollarsannually. White labor would come in to sup-ply the vacsncy tbus created, until eventuallyslavery should be driven South within, tbetropics. There are points in tbs article fromthe jttlas and jirgvs worthy of consideration,and for tbat reason we giv It, Bat it over-looks tbe question whether the slave-breedi-

States would not be incited by a greatly Improved maiKe:, not oniv to Keep tnelr s'ockgood, but to increase it. If alave-raisi- ne

jetuojd become lrarjcenBelynore profitable bythe aequiiftioa ot Cuba, it is. cot easy to seeuow Virginia, Maryland, ate, could tnereby

made free States. Perhaps the iiei andArgti can tell T. Times, 7th inst

The Seiult ia Indiana Oesnotratle Btata TickIV-- et Eectel.

The following Is'lhc genefal reiulPSf the re-

cent election In this State, so far as the returns,official anal reported, Indicate up to yeaterday :

Ttia STATU TICKET.DtntrrtiieiMjjTUUi UeyuHtin euJttVliHPtr.t DKttlct... ill! fll'b Ii.uris) S ftflwofrl DIt(ttt,.,...S,S-ltl- k IHtHUtwMiwailTbirt puirltt ailMk lUMrKt. T0Jrana unuui,... I eia NIMtf HHWI....I ,10

rtPtk PUIiittt., TtMatmuiM ...... satin

T.HI 7,mPtmKiatto Bttlerlti,! .ill i

This calculation la made wan tbe votesat (or tbo can4ldJt tt Sfenty of State,

McC ure and reHe. and from me omeiaire- -

tutl. In ahoiit f.iTtvpouatlm. The vote varies......ror iuo qiiiarrm ranuiaaies uftau mo iickci,and It la' probable' that the majorities for aportion of lb eatidiiutes win exceed matelven for McClure. We think the entire Stateticket elected by majorities ranging from 1,500to 2,500.


DtmttTttlc O rtttlUnrirt DHtrlt. XT E. KMtet I.Maval - W. 11. Emlte.......t.8Tt . -

Talrl " w llexe Data,.... SIT'oorln w a. HtimtB l.vramib " B. Xi'rr J,iaSixth ' AO feller 1044Sorealh JehnQ-DiT- 165EUhth ' Juaea WHraNislU Bctnler Oalf ix 1.311

Tnth " Cturleafltft 1,1Klirtnth JotmU.rctUt Tio

4,016 II 158

8:VIn eatlmatln: this vote, it must be taken into

consideration mat Hovey, Carr la the Third,and Davis, ran independent Democratic candldatea.

lkqislatukk-skhat- b.CtmwrtibDltlntBTer........... .10Democrat elected.. IIlodjpenlent Denacrata tlecud 4

35Ufoabticaas bslctni ever. . JRepnWlctt elected 13


Republican! etecled.. ..S4Detaocrata " . ..46

BepiiblleanniMltrThe above estimate iacladea four Demo

crats elected as Independent candidates Thiswill give tbe Opposition a majority ef eight onjoint ballot, If they all act together.

We hope to bs able to publish theomcial result upon tbe State ticket.

(J5?"Tbe next elections to come offLouisiana on tbe 1st of November; New York,New Jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois and Miehigan on Ibe 2d; Maryland on tbe3J; Wiscon-

sin on the 4tb, and Delaware on tbe 9th of thesame month. These States choose eeTeuty.six members ot Congress.

The Glorious News rxoat CaliforniaFully Confirmed. By tne arrival of thesteamer from Aspinwall, we have been put inpossession or. our regular lilesor Laluornia papers. The political intelligence is more cheering for the Democracy than was received bythe previous arrival. It now appears that tbeDemocratic majority for Supreme Judge, tbeonly Mate omeer .running, is nearly b.uoo.The Senate eUnds twenty four Democratic toto ten Black Republican. The House has firty-fiv- e

Democrats to twentv-fiv- e raensrels. TbeSacramento Union says the contest is of de-

cisive 'moment, as affecting tbe political complexion of California, and as showirte tbe permanent position which she is to occupy in herState and Federal relations. Tie uue tca$

made. Party lines were distinctly drawn,Tbe Issue was madeojainit tkeAdminutrati&a,and all the heterogenous elements (just as inPennsylvania on Tuesday) that make up tbeUpposltlon, were gainered against it. As anevidence of tbe fiidelity of the native citizens of California, an Incident Is related of DonJulian Yerdogo, who led up his ten sons to theballot-bo- x and placed in the band of each tbestralgnt Democratic ticket, wnlcri was accord'ingly duly deposited therein, after which tbeold gentleman advanced and deposited ms oailot. This righteous act was greeted with applause by all present N. T. 2fevct.

itev. uwek iovejot's advice to theChampaign Couktt Republicans " HangEvert Irishman You can Find." While inthis place, on the 13th, on bis canvassing tour,the Rev. Hon. Owen Lovejoy was in conference with a number of bis special Republicanfriends at the " Doane House," in West Ur- -bana,to whom be gave the following advice:

I'ott tmgU to raise a lot or regulators.AND UANG EV ERY IRISHMAN BY THENECK that yju can find in the revRfyf Theynave been imported by Douglas; be has givenjou.uuo to navs mem imported "

We have not a word of comment to makeupon this advice of Mr. Lovejoy. No one buta black-hearte- d fiend would attempt to Incitebloodshed and murder by giving such advice.

We give tbe above larguige of Mr. Lovejoyas taken down at the time, by B. Kelly, Esq ,of West Urbana, and furnished us by him.crousa .iu.j uopiiuviior., uci ioia.

Hon. Ctrcs Edwards. A letter from Alton to the Snriocfield Rtzitttr. states, tbat thisgentleman has declared for Douglas, and quittne nepuDiican party, wita woicu ne may flaveoeen connected ror a snort time, uyrus Edwards Is one of tbe best men In Illinois. Hewas for a long while the head of, and the meetesteemed man In, the Whig party of Illinois.He was their candidate for Governor in tbepalmiest days of thepirty,and tbeir candidatefor senator, and tney always weiit to nis sup.port with the greatest alacrity. He is vet abale, hearty gentleman, who has retired frompublic lire, but wbo yet reels an interest inwhat is going on, and be was present at tbegreat debate, in Alton on Friday last, and beardwhat each of the candidates had to say. Hehas now declared for Douglas, and what Whigis there in Illinois who will not follow his example? it. Louis IiqnMicmn.

Mascc Bozzakis' Daeohtea Helene Boxzarls, for some years one of the maids of hon-or ot the Queen of Greece, aid so conspicuousror ner extraordinary beauty as is become oneof tbe most attractive lions at Athens, and tocause a just sensation among the Englishtourists visiting tbe city of Minerva, is thedaughter ef tbe Suliot hero. She is now married to a Frenchman, formerly a member ofthe corps of tbe gallant Paithelleaes, at present Colonel in tbe Greek army, and bead cftbe Military Academy at tbe Prrsi', and hasbecome the moiner of a blooming family.

The Rival Balloohists A dispatch fromCleveland yesterday, slated tbat Prof. Steinerhad alighted at eleven o'clock, tbe evening pre-vious, Bear Sandusky, and Glanl at half-pa- st

ten In tbe vicinity of Monroeviile. As Steinerwas up half an hour longer than Godard, tbevictory, we presume, belongs to ie American,

Tbe frofcseor relumed to the city last, and we learn that Godard also arrived atnis quarters at Uie bontbgate House. Cincinnati Ecqxirtr.

Practical Amalgamation. A man andhis wife, Henry and Mary Washing'on, werearraingeu ror disorderly conduct before JusticeMcFall ) esterday, and held te bail Henry Isa gcnaine Ainun, ensi nis wire a not Ill-l- a

vored white woman. She ought to be com-pelled to live in Guises, for the remainder ofher life. Female tastes are certainly unaccountable. Linctnnali M.nquirtr.



TMCSr atoearattce f tbia niMt 1 af tto mcm im.,.J leas OoraeJlan al Intrflin, Mr J. K. UnRDOOlI,who wl 1 appear in Ma cnat persocatftR ef HAHLBT,w cipja bsaiaecafc vvrauoB DI I rill nirae.Oaaracteis t Uxiri. Whitltr. D.OrU WHiUms.Heart. BBtoi. Mra Ceaa Hurt ttn. Lawa. aid nib.era Ta ceaetnte with tbi eleiaat petue c wed eslllhd

SCALE Or PUCESDn Ctrtie. Farqsette cataBaleesreTFaiaUj Orrcte ......MWhite Gauerr .36Cel ndaarterr .t

BexOfSeeep-- e Uatlr Xrr S A. Hi t I r k.


1Y7BwlIl aril our tl'ctat'oa tBBonfliwecemelr.oaeVY UIbiseS twaeret, beiweeo sea asd fee o( whtth

1 la cwtlra'lon, tin naaared mre H oeadaaed, and setmore tbaa 100 acre are ict(t to lasaeatiea bj thehlabejt water eTer kfiowii

We cat (asd wevtd If e) divMe thl Into twoirani. mtihk a portion or wmrn iran to eaen.

If It wosld ctt a parchsxr, we wwM fell twantphaadi, th stock, cors, fodder, he, with the Iiad. Tfclalied Is Vitbln faer nuaa of Cm Tw rlrer. ever a xoodroad, near Osreton'a ritntatka. Mr. RtW oa tbe pre- -cuara wiu aaow

For terms, at,n rrfar to JLn W. TiopklBi, Xsot or app'x te tu at Oasloq. Uhs

Prtl-lawt- lla wnlTEBBAD &. HRABD.


Tho Union Inn in Raleigh ?

T) T rlrte ef a decmUI trier niad bj tbe OmitXJ Conn or B&aisr corral; at Its Septeaiber Tvrm, ISJS,la the ease of Joi. IU IlarrUlMi and wire, aad others vs.K. U Ssilth and others I will sell ta the hiiheit bMder,at piblicooUrr. In front cf the ceart hotx dosr. InRaklib.ou MONDAY, the Slh diy of Dcoembt? next,three lots known anl dxU-t- eI aa lb rxaa of the tewnof Balelth aa lots Nos 1 acd 2, ! Mock M," and No.I ia block K " heretofon oecspUd hr Mrs Ann Smith,deceased and known aa th' Dnlen Isn.

Terms One-t- bl d rash, tbe rrsHne os a credit of ensasd two rears In eqnal icstalmesls. BdOd with arcarltr naalred far lh defend parmenta and a lienreiaioM stu tae cntira pnrcesae ruener l paid.

Oitobtr IS, ISM Y. D L. SlUWART, Clerk.

ALSO At the fame llnw and place, tbe administrator wui sol ai pastrc sale, ibe stock or hora. Boca andcattle, farmtas atrns ls, heowSaM andkHeheafsniltimbchmrlsg to the estate et Ana Smith, deora. cd. Tsrmamade ksovn en the Car of sua

la thi ahire ij effrred the he t stand and opportnnl'jfar a ptrson wlihtnr to czste n the bate! beslness. Thelets aretracioos. wuballlhe necesaarr staWss. henasa.&e. lacu-us- j uuur b. nmrii. Aam'r.

LUMBER, LUMBER!TTST recetred, IW sawed Toa' OskTeeclcrFrsla. AJ foil auortraeat cf Reasoned Lnr btr cn hand. OeeInch, one ard a half, and two Inch Pise, Poplar, Cypres sand Ooo Sills, Jtlit. Btodlnf. IVeatherhoardisx, heatFloorl I, htetbln?, Shingiea, tic.

A aa. a laraelot af cbeaonamou lcmber. Ail wishta ralnce rar ateck bj the first ef Jannarr. 1 win a 11 lowfer cash. M X COCHRAN,

Battsressd waahttcton street

OK th alsht r tt KHh Inst., from "tho stables otMedtox Qrores, a VALI3S coctaislaf

aooa Ta cablt paper , so h aa netra and ecooants, onplrcs cf joSd plate, half an onnea cf tola foil, a Colt'sR VtXn. and ten or af 'ren dstlara In allrer. The TailshetoEcs to Dr. a Wrs. the Tapers tetrf TalnaW toh'm and cona e"ta Tt tinier will b ltteTaltr rewardedbj Iratln; It at tbe abors stables, orwher ha can pt U.

ATTOSlt Er AT xaw, haa reamd hiau.w black on Union street, tv doors east 1

corner of af in aid Pnlcn afreets. ocle--tf

Just Receivedf ( BARRELS AnezBasr Uonntaln Bj WhlstTI U warranted paje. SHAM S3 s UJ0TV


PiiirfiSEniinis," 'OBITUARY.

Berlik lonor, Ko 1T0.F A. M FArL'RUBT.Tennunoser ia, a, u. bmk

A T a Special CoaranclcaUon of tha Loder heM an tbs dar and al tha disco aboT ttatJ. brethren Laabert. Pieaatt aad Ike. lbosmmltlee amx.lnted pnafct-- d the ftllowlcapr-sr- aid reatittcmr, whrcn tnettoo, were enan- -tmonsir aooptea to wit :

IIERias, Ibe Sapreoelrant Master of the UnlTers haarls th course of Hia ail wla FroTldenor, seenproper to caU from h'nre oar belorcd brother, BoLIRO

nAKCn, w.rsaiprai Msiwr or iom ixmt wwwihis rrstdeces neaf Stalibsrj. Trnn., cm tbe 14 dar otOctober, 1843, alter an eiteedlntty palatal ad mtrac-tednises- s)

and sharlna dreptr In th centra! sorrowwhich the said metancbMit' nent haa proJorerf, snl dc- -HrtBitom-ltc:to- ar sfailetlltj on the moprnrai occa-lio- n,

boltR's-tT-- d That Inthsfe th clear Branch. tbs

FrattrnttrandeoiactacitT hare sastalocd an itrerara-ti- elitu aa a friend aad erolber, h waa track, cpea aad

senerona; as a phllsnlhrerlit, liberal b ea'la'of ll;

ner l!t htai nrantwsredt as a Mssra, eiaa-cia- rr

I aa a ha band, ktal and anectloute : aa a father.rana ana aosiiaet ia wiar trv'r tui mn.wh knew hln beat, Iwri llm ratst 1 " P we rejoicethat in las Honrs left pTessicg reiirmontais is anrtAa la hit Mraat

RrsslTed. Tbat w slacerlT sTrnsathlnwlU tb widowand orpbana of enr drratt'd brother t tb-- tr setsr bs--reaTemrat, aed can trturssr : coraroriw, wiy iwijrnr tears. ' sr hasbaiX and father was a wortarMatoa and VtHin know Inrlr cntr '

RaetTrd, That th rannUrs et this LaCis, ss a lokmof tha TtnryKl and citeem ther f et far the metn-- rr tfw daeeaaed hralhar will wear Ike csnsl tndf of

tnonrulnc for tbtrtr cars.R anl red. Ttiat the of this Lodr will attcnl

tbe lateral of oar deeiaied brctber 'trx Urates, taBonasr, tbe 7& oarer ftaremoer

That tbardlawlns prsarcbl and reex4aUsbe spread a pan tbe record" rf thli Lodire. end tbstaotpr be transmitted to- - th wtdw aad famlr t the de-

ceased, and h.t tha same be pcbllsbed la the iMemthlaChristian AdeKtte,MeniphlWeeklr Appeal and Botl- -

ts' ueroccrat.A tree opref th mlnntes. Attest:ocHlawIt J. O FRRWEIT. fecrr

Strayed or Stolen.tha Bsderslcned on then'abl t thFaOM0;ttr. two tbrre rear !d MDLS I

ems an Iron arar HOB3X MOLE, th othersmat rorral MARX RHL8. wltn a mr in ins

forehead and wait spot on thtlerl hip I both shed be-

fore. A ltborsl reward will Ni i leen for Ihi relorn fttheen t the nnderslaned at SMITu at rOBTEU'd, no13 Frant Raw. Menthls, Tenn.

eettdSUwlt JAMSl A,ASnF0D.

For Sale A Bargain.A FOCR STORT BU3IXKS nOU-- B on AC- - ,

O. ams street, near the Woniara nseaei, ntwnnlerartntof (ISUprr anaaa. If appllra-tla- n

la mad ronn. a hartaln win be effrretbrwhlth aa of the best InTestmenls In th.' dtyra'Tbemate. Applrto BUADLBr, WILlON et Ctl.,

ocM-l- w Moabr Jt Unat'a Bleck, Front Row.

For Keait.A U0C33 with Bto rooms aad atl rKcesssrr ,

IX, ant haeuat, wlibln flr mlnntes walk efCenrt Square. There Is attached a garden ( anaero of fronnd. Arr.rrto

KK. RICH ARD OK nUXT, Greenlaw Batr.laia.

Dr. J. B. (Gentry,fcrriBE wall inewn OcaUal r mniroit

1-- Kp., wt'keeei t ancca that wiHbe at ColiiiBbsf, Kit J.. o tbe lets (fxielli) otXaTeabu, to remain Xaor ven'bs. Alterwatch hU1itr at L8racir. Ttoir.. ihmbectsslmr lUnb 16, ic&?.sa.-rnt- i llin-- t aivlplaeet

ill te trerare4 to atlcd to all dlieuei or Ibe ere TMDoctor K alio prepare! with Uitruments lo perform allr org kit ose'all'ni pertalstnt to th erraiwnaitreat irrliTmatisalBall Its form. 4

Bei-ebT- Got Monhtal. Itro. J. J. Crittenden,Frankfort. XT-- i K U wiateriral a. Mrmp&t.? Trna.JotnR.tfiCi nahan, B'l'or Hcmpbli Appeal; John T,Woodfin. O. r Jorjv Varthall onntr. Mlta 3 L. II.Tomltn. Of tn St rarker, Jicimtj. Teen ; RoM dlecn.Kxq , Lai,rEE, Teen ; J103 ncsaon, lieniuvtcoi.Tea a jar. Krwin. B"i , aenairy coflMj-- . Tern , i. t.Settle DasTiUt. Ml" ! II T. Jastr, Weit Point, Ark.;uaoieiunni uipier, His. tn

Apple Brandy.1UST RSCEIVEU, a osnaiznment of pare AppleJ Branlr, from BsraTl Drarr, of Sou'hampUm emn- -tr. Vlrzlslt, oil aadmellow. O. COLKMAN It CO.

Gall for ynnr PremiumsA TV b MILLKb'd (tars, on MONUAT. ta JS'.bil inet. . w re thrj w III b- - dtleered, and persons ne

tKtlaz this Mle will bare to inl to Banish fer theirpraaalais. m. D L cTEw A&T,Eortsrr

ecM-- lt

Just Recciveil.K. A BBLS. T. BtrrUjn'a Ei'ra FUor.U U 360 he XM W. R. and B. D Cheese.

60 tejs W R. Bat'erICO battels Hi or riellslck Cbsrspitc69 Mil oWB-inrtj- Rre TThUkr.

Also, Sera- -, Mclaae, Ctfree, Tea, Tibjcej. CUare,Oranges, Kati, Sardines, Sic , Sec., for sate by

a r runa,ocJl Xo. S3 Froat Bsw.

iiOOKS FOR LIBItAi:iE.CALHODN'3 WOarS, (lecantlr beand. In 6 eels

worke. elezantlj bonai la S Tta.warks coasplet?.

Modern Brttl-- h Bssrt'U.MtrlaBxeworth'swgrsa.ln 10 rets.Varer 7 Vorela, flaety boned. In II eels.Baton's nisUrr of the Celled Statea, .n ? To'a.Addlson'a works Tols.Ooldsaltb'a works. Is 4 eels.Leiah Una '( wnks, 4 toIs.Jthsssn's Urea ef tha Foets, 3 retsBaswtH'a IJfoof Jahnson.4 rots.Alison's UK lory of Enrepe, 7 rrrfj.Bnrke'a works, St!.Raaaall'a Ufa of JeSeracn, 3 Tots.All of wh ch hire jnttbeen recelted, snd fsrtslebr

WH . BTSSMiB a. CO.,oril Under ftd FeMowa' Hall

KEW LAff BOOKS F0U SALE.rTILUABD on Tenters and Fnehasers.XX Tha Law f Teaiers and Purchasers of Beil Pro- -penr- - CJ rrancts unusrd. 2 retimes la or.

ABtm and Ames on CorrwatUri. ritlh teHtWa, en--iiiwy 1 r, iu, estarxn aoa rorrecrea.

RedSeld on the Law of Bill wars.Bishop on Criminal Law, ret 24.Brawn on the Statnie of Franda.Bntllsh Law anl 4117 Reports, 40 Tetrraet, with

Di.ot.BrUbtlj's Analrtteal Dljes of the Laws tf the Halted

cities rrom 1.39 to 1557 tndnilre.Tloblnson'a Practice, toI. i.atent'a Comnieatarles, new edltlan. 9ABdrewa on the Beream Laws.Arkansas BrporV, IS volsKemcckr Beportf, 11 to!For. ale 1 7 CLEiTIB i. VADEK.

2 No 3tt Main street

Old Line for IVapoIcon, Arkansas andiinue KiTfr .

J C. UfUAMfrrR.Csptaln; A. G. FJLGER, Cerk,rrHl States Mall S.earner (SS9ctah

EATBFRISDRE harln; the mall IjdLJS'oeiran ror tne ccx: rear reira, ihs -1- 11 w?t."karei Meiaphla eyeiy MOHPAT ta4"SSBSBHTnuRSDAT. at 3 o'clock r si . poiltlrrlr; and Jfapotern.TeryTCZaDAT acd FBIDAT, at lo'ivtr atTHrenih tlckrta to all rotati, at rein'ar rstes. CaptainMeMaasna wl'i ure Ms ruallrlded attention to the wantof bis fileiits nrrm tie lire Fortreltht orpaaea; ar-p- lT

m beard, MisT V rt DOB. SJ Front Bow. er tooe era PPTAL, ALOIO 4. CO., Agents.

Tho Old Dominion Coffee PotHA3BrC01IB A noCSXn.'LD WORD

The Old Dominion Co flee PotMAKE3 A DEVEAOE D3L10 OC3 AS XECTAB.



For tal;, wboler ale and reta.1, at

Ingraliam ft, I.ecf,'HOUSE FUKXISHI.G DEPOT,

ITo. e Monroo etroetodl

of Tns3Iarsball County, 'yiss., Agrlcn'taral


Mccliauical Association,At Molly Springs!THE Mem his nd Charleston RsUread Ocmpioy will

Exmrslen Tickets from all ititlons at whichtbsrearaascnt'jt

QHATTD JTJKCTIOIf STATION,Good tro-- the ISlh to th 33th cf Oct bcr, (both days In- -aEsiecj 10 Tirnors u ine rsir or me aoore namna asso- -rlat on on Ibe 77. 2? and 23th dars ef October.

The pa. merit cf ONE FAR? will entitle xxcarsf.ctststo retain trip, FREE.

Secure tickets at otMce", as Dondnctors will nat sellExcursion Tkksts Inm rexn'ar Statlena.

ARTiCLKS INTENDED FOa EXniBITtON wtH becarried to Grand Jnnctlan Station at ternlar tariff rates.Sail articles will r BBTOBNRD FEE B, npon th acrnt.r shipper preaentlna the Oompsny's receipt, aiert-tenc-

that tea freUht has been pall to the Fair, and rcieeslccin rjospanr rrera ai, rcaponsbll'r ror ls or aim cewsaierer in tneir retn--n iraaipjrtatltn.

B. ATIR3,oca I It SnperlsteleBt.

Water Works.wtl' be a mretior r the StoekhoMera tn theTnERZ Witer ITsiks Cmran7" at tbecScaof

w. A. Blithe, ea the IStn D AT OF NO VKM BERN XTat 10 o'clock, fer lb farpoie ot orsantilsc under treeprarutani or d, h. j.hiusui,


oeMMI gjraailesttneTS.

Notice.aAnANbelni a this Stale,WILLIAM hereSr take notice that J. norne, Joatlce

ef the Feac f this ettr. haa Sxed the trial ef an attachment esecs.ed eroa his rnda. la laror of GejifsA.Adam , six soatks after tbedit ot Its execution.

ItfOS. H. SASR1XLL,of. 313 w Attorney for r.afntlff

S&O Reward.WILL pay the abare reward fjr lb spprthen. ,I ila and deltrery to m at Memphis, Tenceseee, 1

ror afro RtCncL. 9--

DiscRrvnow Bta k. we!rh abont 115 ls..Jh ral iMe. liitk Hna. low for head, looks snlky exceptwhen sraUlmr, abont 8 feet 3 Inches hljh ; left my prem-ises on Wed' esdsy. Suite ruber 15, 1663

P. S. I will pay (Nit ianht oat of lh Stat, or)ZU IT WHCIa. CT.

Information Wanted.tie last trip of ths'teamar J 0. 8wn. from

DURING v.w when tt heat (aided atKfbiIiI.. enTwtf ani taTSclf lot iff at the wharf-boa- t,

intend'Eg to remain here, and whte I waa retfre bjIrank VS. they drew on the attf e piaar. ana 1 coma noiaet off. She U aomewhete In tbe city, and an7 Inform a--11m a. In h.r wh.r.nanta WUI O idibubuj rewi.She la abnt to rears cM, po maraea. iair

CENRT BAKukTr, ai aira. ucrcra .,odl jt Front Row.

For Mire,a vr a? n n fa uiv srrwvl rYik Apply lo

A wtUA- - BoDaKBS,o. IT Jeffirenn street.


3.50O Tcct of Moulniarx.

Oilt nnd Imllatlonno.eivood." r - jr

Plalu nud Waved -

Jfciv Stylea.

neautiful Patterns.Pictures Framed to Order.

Call and aea at

Geo. P.itlison & Co'j.oca

For Ment.SMALL ST0IH, wlt situated la a Broker's efflce),

iMUUser'a stcre, atoUttshoP cr any small bas-t-


Reward.hlfbi sosnaefhUlrontlcathont. 1 V."""7mShOTsrcrart If apprthesded eatII taken la th Btat. j is :"" 'M. M. BALP WIN.


Blempbicy Tenn.TTAB ttla day been ac vj w"

I tha reception or r-- ""' TTXU Sl PIKaCB.oc3-I- s

Clotfiing, crdthin?r 'WSemBnc-- r aaMoa WSOKBSDAT M0SKISO

at FllMrosM OtttWac, Psrnlshraiuoods, ate, on tbe ocrcer of Oosrt and Main streeta,andnnunaecntu doa jdont . . .

M. O. OATOB Ja BON,e!S.lw Atctl' cwra sad Ktal Xstate Brokers.



This, Tuesday, sept, tilstiAND OONTINUE DrRINO TUB SBA30N.

Goods all warranted a represented.Clothing, Dry Moods, &cl '

Tiep2I A S LETT Anetlotieu.


ARKANSAS LANTjS,AT ATJGTIOW.rJt WBDRMDAT. lee Bib day if tVaceraUrL IJM.J atlases, a k . w be so-- In iron! ol the

CettmtTdal H. at la Meapbls. Trnkeseeo, at pnklte ane- -tten. 1DO rti"ti tew ana Taiaasse Laics, (be-ta iny aetectien.,) sltnired la !leisilr;l toeraly,Araanxa-- , in

TownahtpIS swfth, raaraas, 0,ll, Es.Tiwnaktp It. an-t- t, 'isci . 7 8, . II. IJ. EattTowasMpIS no-t- fc, iance 7 8 t, 10, II, KastTonbHlS, sertk. rancra7. 1. East. I

IEIUII or 8AL One ttlrd tlaeh.ihebalaac taonaand two I'ara; sata t tea also wHl aw t d lecnrl- -ty, heartnt lamest freta data 't ale, and a lien wtfl beretslaedaw the lard far ln defeeiM psyraertat Bartlaeds are ta t eesad br aiCMisent f tt parties la Inter-e- st

ferdlTHIen. The ps'llmlar seilocx aad yarts ofaeetlaau can a sees and foil parilcniaia fifes at tha effleeo' WKterihiK h. recher, Jrrfarsen st. Meaatda.

ann.eswuia tkik. TnnRnTON


nSURASCE C03IPASY 0V 3IE3IPUIS.OffKe Bsnk BclMlnr, Mala stre-- ttlid dxr sonlh of

aiaus").Capitol, $200,000.

JAS. w CROCKER Secretary.T. W. WILtlNSON Frssldent.

niBECTOSJOHAS. rOTTKR, BENS.T LAIRD,S. M. GATES, M. J. WlCtS,t v. wn.riNsnNrpniS Company, cetapoaed ef one hnndred ac4 thirtyX of the business raea of Memphis, fa now ready fer

butrrea, with a si pee secartty to trie Uiaared. and the cashoa band ta pay any Immediate was We solicit tb patrocareef hepnblle far Fire, Hirer and Marine Risks,and promise a prompt settlement or all Kwsee.

anslJ-dl- r

Look and Head!TJROF. FABK'B MA8I0 JE1IEL FIOTORXS. ootyA u eeais. oa-- as caata. oaty 35 cents 1 ar iu reproee, no plctares nun qakker, run raada better,and n"n mads cheaper Ther can't ba beat.

A K'eat ra h for the MAGIC FITTUES. enrner afi Cr oa an--t Ma'Ji streets, eppe site Lehman's drynoodaiore oiai 1

Administrator's Notice.A LLpenweuhaTiBZ claims asslut the estate of r.f B. KeOy. deeeaaad, are henbr netllad la presentthsm prapvly astbentlcated by law, r they win be barren:, lorre ny ins oa jrrraen eveer. -- e per-sons Indsbled lathe estate. wlB reasa orma farward andaetUe wlthaat delay. O. NLAN, Adra'r,

0330 JeffaTua ttret, batveen Sacssd aad rktrd

A Card to ladies.ANNIE 7 HAMMARSXOLD b--ji t lalarm

thaladlcasfMemphlat at ah will air l'strno--tlans la the followim Fancy works. t!s : SUk asd Dot.ton Embroideries, Cntehet and It'lttrd Work, createdBraioldeiy. Wooeted Raised Work. Woosted IndianWork and Tapestry. Wax Flawera snd Frntt RoslnFruit. Oractsa aad Orleotat FalsttBf , Halt Work of a.1deacrlptl ns.

Mrs U. will aire nrcata to order, drawtsts fer SUkEmbrelderl'e, ad all klara of IlslrJe'rtry, with neat-ne- sa

ant eHepatellMra. n. can b f.nd at tif ttsa at hr residence,

north end of Promenade street.

TWO HUNDREDLTS, that I will lease for teaRESIDENCE eay lenaj

Alai acmfrtaaMOtUirRsldeoe.D. B. WAODXLt.

ec!S-2- Pnloa Btck- -

"Wanted, Immediately,10 000 T0XS OF COTTOS SEED.

AS the Agent fer th percbase of Cotton Seed for thdistrict af I lei leaio ta call th allen-U- nof riaattrs la my card

Far art load, leead, clean Sasd, I B fxr ash ea de-

livery Sbipteywarmerehsnis. or toFRANC Q. TAFERS,

Memphis, Tenn.P. 8 In eases of contract road rroferly, 1 win f

sacka. F. 0.

WILLIAM S. FLIPlTir',(Uteef Colnmata,)

A TTTJRNET AND COtTNSELLOR AT LAW, NubtHle,r. TeoBeeaee, praetlosa Law in all the Ceorta at Naah-Tll- ta

and la Maary a"H TsUiaaaoa oanntie.CoHertloas In any part of MrMIe Teaaeasee premptlT

attended ta.OFFIOE-Cher- ry street, near Cesprr's Bnlrdtnx.sepU-dtaw- 5t

GOGG1S at 1IOL.T,gEiekali cornmssiorv

, A!ID

FORWARDING MERCHANTS,AejEnTa ros the sale or

Manufactured Tobacco, Lent-Tobacco-,

and Cigars,Corner of Mala and Ccl strseta,


SELLING, as they d, eieroilrHy on Commlsitn, th-- yta acpply tha trad at aa lew rate aa the

same grade af Tobscej cin he boaaht in any market.oc3t

DR. J. It. HILL,ptFFICE oiraer Mala and Aama atrreU, Memphis,W Tennessee ocis-i- m

dladame Jerome 3'rtBE.wYr.d reafiwnrd Ftaaet Reader, th sreatest fir- -

1 Inr woadsror hazs haa arrlrei, and casbe seenat the Wbltemire rjaeae, No. 115 Adamestre't.estrsnco. ty ta cttll n of Memphis and th snrrannd- -

lf eosctry at large, whs wish le cansoit and listen tsrj- -r rermittona r ine nasi, oieteni aad fstnre cftheir lire She wilt enable Tea to reeonrloit property, w II glre mtorrr.atlaa a aH hasloess matter, nenry leyaetes, loeiee, lawssita, tery iKkets: wii cc 15e inr parteera.friends aed enemies, aa thMkh she bad kawn them toryears; shows the Kkevee of roor foto.e wlfeerhns- -nano. in hit. arraira an waa Beyer knewn to rm : allwho are In troaMa. aor.Ttaeatc decelret, fly to her fjraiTten. ree aescTseaaaii iscawa wsicn .met Knmanty, and glrea ir aerlptacnsl n medicine. She win rtee en--tlratatla'asties, for her stay 1 short. Oomatncprice awr $1. of 17 lw

Trust finleT)T Tlrtns ef atwdiyd da ef trn.teiecetedAJ to ns by E H t. M.rtah Daibie' sn--I

B. A. Master, Irs tee, to aecere ceitsln deatdoe to the Memphta BsiMtns; tal L-- Assrcts- -1 ton, w- - wrM am fer e tab, to th btsheit bl Mir. In frantof t'.eedoo .f J. Harea, Ksq , In th c'ty of Memphis,on tho 73 1 day of Naeeraber at 1 oeeck, the f ..kwlagprorerty, rs., betsa ta tha city ef Memphis: B1eBlogal th aonthweat corn- -r ef ematrr Tot No (01. onitralaht Itae with what la ksrwa si th Arseeal grenadson Adsn s street ; thenee ea.twsrrHy with Adama streetany reet: tstnc nortawaraiy ace honored aad fa'trItht and on half fet. para'let with tb west line of

salt cjnBlrr tot 5t ; Ueeei wrstwardlr nsralM withAdama street S3 feet, andthecer! aoathward!ytte he--ainmair. Ant saeeM tt snore not H far ssrasleet topay said deb's, we wl'l sen la shares of th slock of theMrraphli Dal ding and Ivan As odatlen. trauttmd asooiiateral aeenrtty.

Tbe title Is terettd tt b' (eel. bat we sen only aallB.teee . A 14 OP WIN,


Adoption.A GENTLEMAN la th eeeatry, bailee last his wife,

h. a a pretty fsmile chsM tf atikt months oM. whichho ha no raana f taksat ear of nta .bj ct Is to placeIt where It wl'l red re knlre a actl attaotleB, as KweaMotbtrwarraled aaanig near'. Any person

minx u aaapiiaeearaa, ar recetee it Into tbeir r.mHy,wui pees see rvp aneee a " w 1 lli A .

Dei N.. P O , Memshla


T WILT, sell at peltate aale tbe VTbarl- -JL Rial MESSEbGHR Bow li ing at thefJot at renter stroct. Thas is a aiaaach.icaod boat, hartac keen bosk'd and aSdoaHe bottom pat oa. at a larse eiptae and la relladatttd for d.lsx a Wharface aad notel batlarss. Useecabin well f oral-be- WtH be reed o reasonable terms.Apply ra biard, ef hr letter, te

JA3 ?. ROBERTS,oc302a; Memphis. Tenn.

Wanted.A SITCATI0N la Memphis as BCOOKESPBR

IX. SALaMAN by a sonag man wbo bai expenenca inbj'h dry sood aad xrecerr stares. St'lstaetorr reoom- -mtndstlos sir as to qaatiscallen and ability.

Address. J. E. SPARES.ocM-l- SomeeTtne.

Owner Wanted.T?OH a here trosibt to M'rainl. by UieP steamer Fltshnsh, and asctUBed to J. M.Its mien. Th owner wtil pease ceme f irward .

pay ehargea. and lata bleu ,H1RMSTAD 4. GORE,

orSl-S- t Agents for steamer Flisbnsh

SO ttcwarfl.flTOLBN. on tha Btsht at lTth ar SentrmO her, ISM, twenty-eere- e. miles from Mem - aaa,phis, on the ideerstH read, a eMARE MOLE, fear T a a etd. For mare dats2ptktet I wilt pay t3. or $:o for ma e, at Sbeley depst, oraeytnrsrwaire-irweire.- pt once, cheler Detet

ocS3-l-m r. B FRTTwN.

Wetter.BUILDER!iilemiilB, Tenn.OnOFcn JsaT son street, between Thtri sal FeeitbO AU kind 1 . f jihMrg and repairing ot blrln(Spromptly attarded te. ocS-S-m

Orindbtones.OA Ann pa-dN- fcetla anl Dedea GrlBd- -JUiUUU atasea. at tow Sitrrrs.

UAWEA, SMirn &. 00.

Bargains In yoa wisn eargtina ta uaraware. cau nponX ectlS rtAwrr sxirn co.

Tabic and Pocket Cutlery.TR aajortmaat 1 Tery lars. and w ar teaHeflower prices than at aay ether eatabHshmeet In the

fcl n awes. Bsnrrt Jt CO.

310 Dozen thoppiufr Axes,fV the foUawlnx brands : '3 tv Oellins," Dual's.1V " L'pptncott'a," "LewU," 'tt UoHIrs" and"Blodjatt Toal Company," for sa'e at Eastebjsfsiccs. oci nAwai. SHiTn at co,

Sundries.a rAKILt.A Curdai. Utioa Rope, 60 bale Oiknra.iV Log, Ox, Traoe, Fifth, Stretcher Stay and ToagneChaina ; Bar Iran and Steel, Tin Kate, Bar Tin I ISObnadlea Sheet Iran, asonei, ror sue ai reoacea prire.

HAWKS, SKIT" & CO..oclS tot snd S0 Msln street.

RemovalmrtH Blair dtr Insnrance rompaoy has rtmaied its

I cffl to th Bank Balldmrs, Mala street, third d--

SOSth f MSdlKB MB-- 1



FORWARDING DIERCIIANT.Mo. 0, Locust atroot, St. Louis.

ClOaMI&SlON rouatad. and parttcnlar attentiono:deT. Refer,

toMaisra. Meachaa tc. Galbrrath. Farrlnrtia h. neiiSample. MltckeU . Co, M. i Hl-k- s, Xaj., Fratl catBank of Memphis, Msscptus , and to msrebaata r ner-al- ly

of St loajs. oCtT-t-

Blank Checks, Notes, Sc.WATSON ct BEAHD

a rtf! assortment of Blsnk Checks. Notes aadHATE Ixthing. Ill M- s- cdo-lr- a


HAV.'NG ljca'.ed it th Jsrcllcn f tu Ralelrh roadeet are prepare to CU all orders

with nea neta aad dlapet.h Sum af .11 eia-- nmin enorder aid ialtrered oa (h abartext loaf a. These wiah- -lee anrtsu g tn laeir una wobm da wast ta ale then aesD ttia-i- -

""PUster snd CcrarriBARRELS bt Oelalnad P.'aatar. ISAbsrra't100 le Oemst CLA3X i HARRIA

arU-- tl

Commercial JBLotelsj, 5


1 "w n r t 1 1 n i iij j u u iu. n. tl

Importers, JobbersAND

3tU5Tr jSLXJCMizm es opFancy and Staple


TEBUBCosh, or City Acceptances.One Price and No Deviation.No Goods Delivered until Set-

tled for.No Exchange after Kale

Octolier 24, 1S58.

To mtet tbe eefivsoiesce ef all vre will keep

op0 from 6 in tbe ateraiag to 10 at night;












MISSES Plain and HssiBwei HDKF5,















FINE Hosilea ami Brasstlts COLLARS.







SPEED, DONOH0 & STBANGE,Maiu St., itlcmphis.


T. H. CLABK .. 8. WILXINS....THfl. HILL.


C O L, V ill N .'








O-- XT .

Fancy iioods, Jewelry, &.c

OUR FALL ASD 1TIXTER ST01K,T7IMBRAGIXG oa ef the beat aeteated aad Ik bet IJJJ Tarlety of jKxl-er- .r ffereel aa ta awhw. nrarecoasUatlyreestslagaJladtsMlat sAyVas u cxdala oar Una, and weald can the atliaaaua of aauuhasersand other to examine ear saaek. Auisag aar testHararuaea may ce tenaa

1TATCHE8,Beth GsHtMHrer. Hmttec Oaees aad Opta Faeee,

rrem ice ai maawsacaesiesaT LAfiasc. raesa,QeatTa aad Ceceahagea.

DtasaaJ, Oeal. Kale aad EvaeraM QemaPearl Ssta tar BrMal FiwaaatiCoral, Lara, TaraaatiltiarBst, Hair Kssraeeed aad

Plain Jewelry. 'Yd, Fob, and Heard CsalsajLadKi OtiiWalxes, Raw aSLEaamMUwita. Dhv--

masas, ac

SIIsTEa.Tea Seta, Cotfe Oras.rHchee s, GeMets. WatVss, Fatka,

areoiia, uaiea, ris, jruo,uaie ana tie isreaaEAlTei.Caats-s- , Batter Dkhea, lp

Bawls, a aAlio, SILVER rLATBD OOODa, cf theaewest states.

ariaa vJ, ct uui iraearta. airaa aesaeea,QaMeta and WattervaBaiaM.

CLOCK.!.great rarlety of Clock, ot Frtsch and

American Manuraetare,

RUNS,Importsd to onr own order, frem tha beat maker tn

anreoe. una letvmtaaimenas. ail kinds Flshsls,Cotta., Traatera, Dean, Adams (a

Dean, aad A Ben's Pateat, nanetsgCslrei, Kane, tie.

SPECTACLES.Gold, Silver an.l SteelTrames,, Pebbles,. . Perls- -

r r-- ail. ii 'i.uiJtce, ctasnoi. asm fsfoer KIB8C.


UXailAYlXf.Seals and Pre! fer Iisir'stlbart and Banks, P aisacq urnaiueaiai inmas am .rauuif uarca,

. lntaeteakatyleof Ua art.

Jewelry made to order and repaired.Watches repaired br exparienced workmen.

All work warranted.2Yo. 1 Clnrli'B.'rlnrble

$20 Boward.or atoatn Inia as at tha ralr Oreaad onLOST a mct.4 hook roatslafns M tnmeeey.

a not. on J O. DaSiery fir between ilxteeaanddollars I also, a cola sa AC. Edmtnd-eo- n

asd Wra. jfarfan for etihtoenta hrndref dcHars.a certificate of depoettof t. D. TBSl.m i 2t Oa. . for twohnndred aad sIxly.BT dollara. and inndry otktraeiesaed rPra. Tea absr reward wist teraM en dettTsryof pocket hook asd .oalsnta tomar to J D wm-as-

XCe. TH03 A. IB3DALS. ,

ocl-t- w '

gB F . WILLIAMS'OF StiLR!&59tlIllIjIj&


Iodide of ?Eyts&ijijocLlmBSWs&ii r;aedr ! new efArrd to fhi era manpy-wli- ai thecanfidesc of IU aspsiylB; the sat ata aeLahlX prrparaltan of S srisparll and lis sdjaneta. Ill pertlenlsrry aip'seahte le Oaraale mem. TeSr.

and other dlsesaeaot the Ek!J laSsmBslloa :t the xanoas, Sheanattsa, tc. FRa sead :

Fram the KaahrKe Gsiatt. ITo tbe ArruCTEP. Araecg atl tfit nwOMts t which the attesaaoa of the pahrss la so HiaaiaHj call d

thnnxhthenewsesperpms arotlierraedtnise, there Is no ssea which w place ahasher iiikaiete taaa Wil-

liams' CoopaaM Extract of SarasyarWa aaei ledtd or Falaua, prepared IB tbts city by r. B. T. WTaBsssi. A aa speadrand effecstT remed fer Serexata. Oferealc Sera rye CTeers, Drne-at-a, Llrer Cosastaenta, aaat a naaaaeref ether " 18a that S ah la bttf to." t a is rsplel7 gsleed Bebile faeer wbctemr laaselaeed. Ia this ar wt'htath paU three years we haa wtnir! maB7 laataaca rf is rearOctsteBeias eHaeae: STStraaa Cader tlheU:h reatertng taftoncea we hare seeBthelean yrptlc stlw iteeag la asaadr sal wealthy ta Kb; the warns-wh-

had :00c beta the prostrate TVCrm ef dtaeaae, rtrwl ic health aad the an Im meat or lire; aad kefeat aBdadaltTtetlaa to sererfele eatirefr irsrssnttrera the beat of that MrisM-fSSt- et aa. Oae laslaaw-- the later k14was psrtteaiarty graitfylac ta as A llaasa hey, sped three yean, te when we ar- - teehed by the asicasaiel ef haman uea, waa say aem ilia aaajatrd wsth ear eyes. Ha aaffered the aaoet neratU'ssat pata, aad at itava tseemed lbmI , 1:M. liil a-- aald ) the ss .t staht The Bare eaatarataf asadlcat aaall wa laaal yel.and ,wBtt ateld kls treatm-atwl-th aw aaataareaSalaeilciiaa sad eaer ewewaichnirarao'hwatMla rather can rest aadbatew,katall. It aeeat. wtta hat asttbt ta llataa Eawy

Hiapireat wvraaaaUy Adeas4.hythMawaeh4 wstamed aad txserieaced its graat earatrre aaaistat. ta tryDr. WilUaaaa' Sarsspait ia and Is oats ef Fataeaa. They da sa. aad te-a-y Mraa taase waa taraaaaVkHSI thaw andask God' hteeaaac apaa the aravs aster r tars aserfMee Ta Btt'e hay aaw eerasy has faraser aseel heastau aad hteyaarearsnettattieeyw!!. May ae that haa weaasaS thai ear aaea htaa.awtaea a

and klad heamtaewsr Hs rastMet Messaafs asaa ear liniraas Taacg tewairaia, Br. B. Y HTBIiaaiP t bottle or Si. Fee aale by WARS t XaMS.

si rHwawaaa anei

(sMCESsaas to lams, tucm a cf.)



TATIOKTER.S,Ko. Muln street, Icmplils,krty for aate at the lowest prleee, a larse aaaertBvast of


Bibles and Prayer Books,la e?ery Tirietx MaAae. ' k rit" reur:y ail u- - onr wtiuu Ut -



Thar respeotratly Mrwe the Uteatiaa ef ECKOOL TBACH3M to thatr uasweal aa BOB)aery exteaata, esaspraalai the the awat T.saablr war aew en aaa.

BXAPcIIS. BOOKS ITheer stock af BLAnc EOOtB Is ooarrlete, rasaradwe erery scrtesfc,a a ACCTirT, SB: 1 aaa ind BUM


Berry TSrtety at Ceatmea aad Faaey Stationery, laelartlat; WetttM aad Fan ass, SOm Msasat aaary -

snl.taaa sad rea, la. QwtlK, tat.CJ Bookaeaaaa, Xanaaaia, Taoehers, Lahrarte rt - - --,, ME-J- O. aatsy itsrchiajC wlB Sad It seeth ta thetr balere at ta searehaee af bs raSBar tBaea SB Sbb aaaaa. a I a-

can eetatn ierrds frasn a ta aiaan ejatllles a a sill a, at abort asstie. aaat a a was,B daac ea Bs itasa ea--ilrS&Mwawia VAUOaa". irjarat &. ayiWBAhf't

ITiscfUaiuous- -

C. oilliiller, Opiiciutt,U lirCFACTtrBBK OF A SKWLT 1KTBTlts


IMPROVED SPECTAaK.g-xEl- Z BBALBttlX JjgSsCLOCKS WiTCilia jinriiLRY.311 Sift in Street, belr ifntH,

( 071 ifc Steieuri tt 'roraae's MUdt,)

aad ether adeaore tn aea. aaSPssttTsXCX to be dtaa, rr.isti dtaueaoa. can r.Stud with the a laasreaea 9n.taclea, e as to eaaaasthem ta see the Baaet aotrn ns thHr aMSa u wall aa tyeet ctAatderabte distance off. Staesir re aaaaa mu utsetMiaa waa Bare eeew taaiweewopeaay anpiiiia)iis naaahala tkraaaa ae caaatry iiniaeass; to be aAs, als, leader H aro. scary that I aawaud carltaa thell Jbtfc asalaat each Tsaefcra, aaI nsete t my leaatalaaaI aire aa Aarats. Bar will I safr aay Srectaewe ta be

seal y perseaa haTtas na kaledw at the rye It Ismr aaeaenal experteBC IB wtta, tanaesayeWseaTaieee that reader each uatevraal .aUafactaoa.

S. B. Spectacles acraratelT adjasted W the eye --a aste eaabte Ike weerer te ncraoe the aaost aatrate rtnatay.meat, either by day er eead.elaht, with 1 relict set aadsaUafactias. withaet occaSoatac taaA aaae f '.f iaaa.seer falbrae te the ereaa geaeraary eerlsaed of flti- -iraeerted In M fraate TJtoeks, Watcwn aad Jewelryearrfatty repaired at short neeMe and wasraBted aatlafae-lor- y.





Reduced Prices for Cash,Or Approved Paper.


Kail Sspply ef UarJvrare,Freea the


Spoclnl Importrttion.THOU

ehqIiAttd ahd gsbhany.TatMrirsa otra

Resident Agent iu Europe,W ar tnabUd I tai nlsh

All Goods of L'utopeaa Jleaar.ctBre,At Very Red safari Rites,

A ad wa soslest a sksoenselaatAai at eat sacat

ry nasekaten et aH kladt.


C on ntry Merchants,All SomU ha car Ira at m

laaOTJaT" riCTJHESAshe caa boy Uarm la any Beaten or Seaaaeim Market

Cash Buyers Solicited.BAWE3. BXITK & CO ,

oclS--tr 3C4 and 366 Ma a Mnet.


aezt OrdlTLir; Trawta( of 0' Beyai Haaa.aTHE cuadacted hr the Baaotati Sowe sweat,theCavUta Reeerai t Caba. wtp

take place at Haraaa ea

SATCHDAY, Soveialer Cth, 1S58,s 324,000!!BOJtTBO XtTXB&c) 7 OBBINAHIO

CAPITAL PRIZE ieoIPrUacf-- I ,.$iS),aas Frtmef H.Me

" of., oa,ow ie lest " of., aseo l " et Stf1 - of.. is.ooa It " at S91 " of.. SB g,e., , ,, i. A.,lndfl. IIM , , n ,

aaeata$0,C00i 4 ef tv to tMi t of $4e ae$15,000; ief toata$,es.

CT Whole TtcksU : Si QaaaatersFrtse cashed at ssgkl at S per eeait. dtsaiaat.BUnoa aH selTest Banks taken at Far.AdrawrmiwBIrlrwardeda"aaath reseat

comes kitoBii.Comrcanicatlaa addreseed t BOX BOBBKSifBZ.

(care of CKyFost, Charleston, 3. O.) aatll the Sth efNTmber, wHI he atteaeed te efl-tw- tf

Change of Itepot.the Ifarahalt Feeaaie law. slat, wasTBKBatroaeef eertlile Depot, aastradcf at Fsyette

where Ibay wHI And a ready ceBieyaac by the Hrtu.F ret I. whehaTea(od saiptr or hera,b sw ada Brat rate hack. J B BOV8LAH.


WAT-O- tSc Bf ARD,O SIS Vara strear, hae na rweiTed aaeateaetTeaaaertsmt rf MBPIC A L BOOKS, which ther r.

seBlaK Tery lew A'--w a aaneaeref aew aad ratnisl- -tt BahBjcalaaa Barnsaw. LMetary aad BCeauaw.

eeia Ins

To Gontraotors.ACTORS II Ih.tted as aaad ta arcpeesla tCOVTB th- - K.yer within arse. a dais, for the

waaVsaac mt a M BEKT HOtra aceesdtac to claaa aadspcebk atleaalyaic ta the etc af tte Cltr Hecwaeer.The etractor to a crat et th recefpta iieaa the stallreals o the beadle fa-- s stTa ywjd of year.. tMt-- er

with the asMBt ilsalsanHail cash aaeecrtsthnparaaea ef the enaatrectloe, ta Cltr resrr hr( therUhl t lejala'e the mark--t hoar. c.

eell td H D BAtrSB. lf,war.

Raven, rtacon & Oo.'s Piauos,PI.lMMi i ram thewel known meastfactarersEIGHT Ritcb, Bscea fa Ce TT. have keen seB--

tof t I. af Plane far eerenl rear aaat, aad ererytestraaveat baa UtartaMy ataea raileot aa terse. toeOarattcHwIlbesaeae a the saaa'actaraea ta XewTk focTl afcktlNXET Sr. 09.

Hnllct, Davis & Co.'a Pianos.SEVERAL FIAXOS aft TeeHTCd frem the ulebrated

at X.aars HaKet. Darts St Oa . Baa--ton Thea riaae bar the leapfeeed Irva Frsaae Fa--rent -- napensl a BrKS ad French Acttoa For teach,laaeawdearahtmw thwy ar net aarpasaed. Fer earTery low by tn If cEUVKET CO.

iTm. Knabi & Cs.'s Pianos.EartcaaetoBlyreeelilac rlAK03from thta srreat Saathern rianah

Factery, to which we wradeaHth altenltoa et Berrta-er- a Theryare Jtliur cehDrat,! f. r talr hesntirsl and unsenseTolneie ef tone, aad wit ormBir fawcrably with thebest Plaaaa the wetld "a pevdao We hare to antrathis week, rneef tbenvat awpera Flano tn the Seslh-er- s

eeaatry. Frsce a I,too. yisltars and pnrehaaeraar socldte.! to call at ear ftaa ITarerooma aad examinethem. fortl XcEIXXET it CO.

Great Rtdnction in Prices of Pianos.deter Ined to ese oar erSarts te make ifHAVING ear estawltelrmesl ia partlcaiar,) head- -

qoartersrer ine aaie or rr ia n the seetaera caaatry,we hare made aeca arranrTrtl. a, ith the maaaXaetar-e- rs

of Fl.Be that we wl I be enabled te make at least 10per teas dednetks frees tae ssml price ea an Flsseasow oy nt TturhircBTtaorathatTaa;ifl-lu- c

th best Plane cheaper thsa hu rrer h fort beeso3st4 ia xemphl Pnrchasera win obllce by ex--amurac ta ranos. aaa ascertain ta pro at


Isightc, JTcwSon & Bradbury'si'lanos.

inperlor riANOS Irut reeelred from the eslah--1ST.? xeeeea. Ldrnie, ftewun et era err.ahlihaa.r.irbelar.1 KewTirtsrlees. Fram the ac--4aired repntattan of thra Flano Fortes, farther noticef rant na will not ae necessary, wnn ersrr assarainwthat purchasers wt I get a No 1 Flan, w snMntt thenfor thetr tnspectlen. reCTl XcTJNVKT X CO.

P. AlUIOLX .........- - A itirx.nfli,n fc etit.iL,.AT LATT, BeHcttera to. Chancery and

ATT03KETS Aeenta. Jardato. Hl. WW llrrcmpt attealloa to 3 bsataeas csafidad ta them profea-stoaar-

Safer to the past as an htex f the fatal.wiyzt-aatw- iy

Two nlnles Lost and One Fonad.or were st.sen frees raw, a aerrolRTBATBD fltjtul 7ba sair! la

braadad with th ratter " I Th aascxisaia. nw -- nnnil Wit .SS feTfOO TheSS

mnnwertn paatnre tea mHe framJfssfasJOa tne asmsiass, a z. v -- . - fc

ptsee t"m wsa lb l-- r Mcit-- " aad t. new "i aypoas.' le Ca.: at AT Fr. at Sew.

otfl-t- f B. D. XABIB3.

AtHsu. Mseweedi Tewn

A CARD JfEsT FIRM.Ihae tbaa aay usueietrd wuh as ta Ch AarlK a .

i haslraeaa, Mr. J O BW1XABTD tstyle T the Bras wljh(i. B. LtK'Hia at

This ariiTiiaaianawei eaiSis aa t daissa ea. r,. .

atleaaaaBlath sVeal Batate haaaaea. Sa all ate r.Ml. BWUA1TB arafl ate his

eatoibastoemlatsaeeedtotaelanisalBiiiiaiiel tefahetatsatr

AbB M, I

o. a. tscsi --J c aaaai.A .rC. B. LOCKE it CO.,AUCTIONEERS,

GerJ Atr;8riti iatj Heal tmUte inker?22 Maui street, 'lewr Ha tiara.

ibXsaartpaEXait , vjkntsi.rAllTlctrijlB ATTcaTioa Tea salt arC1TF 0P CITTJIT FMPBKTT,

UXI 9CBJF AXD arABBAirrBMMncHAXDisM, ysa roes, nnunTvmx '

HICUC3 STOCK, C7 ar fany prraiareM to aiuavt to ri n uaan i s

sekes of erery daeciiattoa AD Beaea sa Has wi,caavaad with Trf-i- r ithsnilii illissls I

mAelB V4 COIHasWHaUtTS eaMctSae Ub-- -,

vasw awraere i


WB will MIX la rxat ef Mratoae hawaw. .V. :Ifaea Hret. a PBIBAT IIT, raeSBh af

tae aaB. ,h, aaejaVdawtwerty. re-- w :fV IOh ka tha AaaMtara sa sis.toa ea" a a, aaoaa kaaf ssalaa taeaa aas n

aad .dtosasa. tha real - et aft TiaasaaasTrass. Oa h.U cash, eateaca ha C IB aad t


Ato. a UK rrer SS ht a m Martha street itTcmia taa aa rj aaaataa, baiaac waa.A see ea lOTea Hals ateeet. aaar --it; mi r Tart'ty

TTaet. Trna a.h. ea B LskCEB i COa1 aetleaeer ard Bjeel MHatmWnkr,.


XXT aa fwr aeks n heaataral Swheueaa Ut r SVV seer. It so annate ca the rew aBatoL.Be r.

hwt.era the lesicarac of Cat Meleaa aat the .Thrre ia a .Tall rei.tre' M i: with aeemt c tcsaawet. tae halaace la eovaeed with a Baeaeeeat T'

ad lat wfl, as a jhtar fceod. aeartwaebn-aa-achcol hoax, aed u ,,' or a beat leto ra it- - .

ctatty tt the etty. A treat bareava aaB beeareei triy apvcl. ut For lartVr tartvcalara ao-l- w So

S. LOCK BVewl BataaeBrwk, r


0! WN-easaA- the-- 3d .vwawtor, Web, ae-- .sesHa;,we wfl set! ra COBIKTm, jaBBB ,

20O city S, IS atMl 1( wa Mk credit, the Beat ae -

be raekss d.itoftexh I. ntwal.d SS ant' TeaB MlSBBhsa. at

h laeaaahlaaad ka'b-ah- a aed the Mil .aade'heeBalsnad.. Th aUahurf Bafraad aM talst Utsa aotat.

Taeaeey aarresradtrajCernuh aa alts, aral-h- r a' t"eat ljsd aar aararalsaral lruiiis. Bardha'a wt i ea--? ' wraaa H w.dua 11 art lea, aad ib. 'aaar aaa eat, This placekbeeatoMcB-aBBMaawthlaaba- thaaa y ar-- ,aadaawhwapaaea-'a'tes- i abewalaw.

Caefeath hat a ra F.aaaCeW ta .aceresewj cr---ar aad sisy aaBBlaataSaa aat.b:araUi SaeSterea aad Fate's it la eesiksel ' w an ,

I skesei. Hitanlsaaan. aad eaterps saaer a wetoihie a', '

aa sllasetaer eetoaasaas aasas'ae; aww kwtoadsaahetea h. Thatarasawf ba saaa asa kaaaawL aad --

Bres' a feat aawaoraaewia to lai SililmThe sae wai aw ie-U- and wubae r un

tl M LiMBIBlv sssawa AaetaMieera aad Baal awtes Bae'kere

TXUEM VTBLT, olwlCxk.WtoTawd Iner--the aasaans ef iar year. Urrad waawa aaa. A . .

0,w-- S 1 X aelAw- - k ci

SILKS.A few Vary Pae Doabl Slriirt Silks

to Arrive on XraacUty.


Socles ami lAmws.Oai CONSiGM M RKT



oet7 TAYLOR de M'BWB !

Cures Oiiarmntled.CA.VCiiKS KM) S(JKPUIaA CV1HD !

PAarall.a'n caataraaBB tuslrmoaiwa, r thea i.,wuls a-- m wui

Cast carat Bear ht kbUs :

afr. Bta. nam It years' staC.Jte. Chewstaaa (. 19 yaara" staedarB.Brr. Feter Cwrp, aft D . IBVm Pat- -. i.BajMsta Watktaa, taSost te has paasfAl' At drees,

JIB A tPTOat, x rwWHWiT

The Fair is QvesTHE Plffl Ml COME !

THE Saetay Arl alter .1 Soctoty was aaawt at IkRroaad. aa BATiraOAT the lad Best , tor tbe

Eectseaef Qwkrera far the ease tsy aeAttheaametn-raadpi-ae Frawlaaa wMBeaattrere.

aidpaM oat to s e aaee-eef- al eDCayeartoi BAlao, aB resaeaa haataz arcaaat saslaaat th

Use. at. The aaerr.hen aaJ an latereatod, are raeiy aelsctud to atten '.

All perase harta, artlctoa reaaetatBE at the Fa rSreaaws will earl aad take them away a seam a -- rac.

Be saee t, eaB S,r year paean news oa Bet, day, andare farther treabke te yearsel.e.

By seder et tbe B. ard,txS-- M. i' L STBWABjT. Seer. tere

CUST0M-H0US- S SALOON.THISeaiahtasaawat. lnca- t-

ea TTaloe street, tn ta-- caot heaarea haataKheen taor--oeah'y rwreated aud reacted

Is saw tarty t pea far theaec naasititlo. cf Ito aaatorareaadfrlaada The aaeseat Ltotaca ta' Wlaps. aad thefreshest yaters, win ba awrredta all waa Bsasf It witbIhMr aatreaate. St. S. XfMIUPI r


Fer Ben FrsBklia.TPST reewred in atore aad far aaea to aha lea SB

J 10 aies iTaer's fMMeetaei aVhBH-p-- y

BS ' OadBraadr.aa ' OHFertWaaa,10 OM Xaeearn Wpaa,69 ' CM Claret Wtoe.

JS.S99 OKara A. 3 UttTT A. CJO. .y. S.y iraa.iisaee

HUGH D. ORBEB.ATTORNBT AT LATA, Xralas.Tiasaiiui , wlthe (Vaata rt Mtntaiss. taWTsasiiaia ct..celt and the S)aseaM aad FacSsrat 01 Is . Jaeteoaad wtftattsad pssaipUy to the OwOeettoa r haaii mVeil Tennessee aad KerSh Mtsiaiitpat.

ursM.E-.i- iw asa ef t aaa strews. tw oeera eastWet" est Sea

$50 Eeward.T WILL aire Ua after, reward swiaBaa.A aBewed y uv ror ta apaesasaslea aad OwSti.- -rr ie rneef my aetra raaa TOX. rt i Ita at ehMk-O-

ooacer of ratoer s'eaJer fraaa. alsat 1 teeS or j hih and has the eesa-re- a, kaaks aalr ttMack aeoe.. r eye to as.rly wreessw awj. ah i ashtaeHbatHSAtoafaay aeraalsh itssete. Re as sheet

ew--ed. pct--tl X. X. TBJCSBtTAXT.

SrSSSRS. sTATSOX Jr. BEARD,aVe. 313 Mala Street.

HATB last Meerral a faeta siserteBent efHBCOaD rad XEXakB-- VBwaar aaarV

CeaaArad-Beaa- e aad Feaey atataaacty, ate., whssei they.Mwiiunwwiyrwn. SeeahJ-aS-