the meaning of life = caramel

20 Minutes: The Meaning Of Life and Success Is In Caramel Gene Keenan [email protected] April 26, 2012 Thursday, April 25, 13

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Post on 13-May-2015




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The focus of this presentation is on sharing. Advertising agencies are really bad at sharing ideas and information within the industry. This shows the consequences of not sharing. It is juxtaposed against the music and food industries which are built on the paradigm of sharing. It contains some recurring themes from previous presentations This was a Keynote presentation. Unfortunately, Slideshare is still not supporting Keynote so you will be missing the presenter notes so it may seem a little disjointed or confusing. While doing the presentation I started with a pot of water and some sugar. While I presented, the water evaporated and the sugar started to caramelize. By the time I finished the presentation the sugar had turned to caramel. The point being that things change fast. Our clinging to an idea instead of sharing in those ideas results in them becoming irrelevant. If the concept of caramel had never been shared we would not have all the great things you can make with caramel. The idea you have today will be 10x different and better tomorrow when it is shared. This is a presentation I gave last year at the M-Love conference in Monterey California. The M-Love is the best conference I have been to. It is focused on the exchanging of ideas and community building. It includes workshops on harnessing the brain power of all attendees. I would highly recommend this conference to anyone wanting to expand their view of the wireless space and the world.


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20 Minutes:The Meaning Of Life and Success Is In Caramel

Gene [email protected] 26, 2012

Thursday, April 25, 13

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My time working for the Grateful Dead, how it has changed my view of the world and specifically my view of advertising as an ad man

The spirit of sharing

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A few things I am not going to talk about:

• Media’s lack of appreciation for creative

• Creative’s lack of appreciation for media

• Everyone’s lack of understanding around the use of data

• Our shoe horning of bad ad formats into new spaces (because we misunderstand the medium)

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some background

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I Live Here

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not on the space stationThursday, April 25, 13

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IThursday, April 25, 13

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I Live Here

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no scarcity of ideas

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innovation dies when sharing stops

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as i said, i work in advertising

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idea sharing scarcity

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we talk at each other, instead of dialoging

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nobody digging past the top surface

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competitive advantage?


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“MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE”Thursday, April 25, 13

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Ideas are like milk; they have a short shelf life before they spoil

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these are the kinds of things advertisers fret over from a consumer perspective

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There are plenty of other industries that share and are successful

let’s look at music and foodThursday, April 25, 13

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I used to work for these guys

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• Sharing freely drives success in life and love

• Very few things involving human behavior are actually new

• Digital only amplifies existing human behavior: It does not create new ones

• Things change fast... like burning sugar

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sharing and ideas

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that you can give away your “product” and still make money

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What the big media owners think of this idea

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"It is ridiculous to believe that you can give product away for free and be more successful. I mean it defies the laws of nature."

- Dan Glickman - Chairman and CEO of Motion Pictures Association of America

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Let’s test this

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what made them so special?(from a media perspective)

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Free Music! Free Music! Free Music!Thursday, April 25, 13

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The band allowed the

recording and sharing

of tapes of their concerts

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Dateline: October 27, 1984 | The first day tapers were officially allowed to bring their gear in and record Grateful Dead shows, in a special section set aside just for them.


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Number of shows recorded out of total playedThursday, April 25, 13

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Effect on the audience/band

Tape Trading



850 sold out shows in a row=


Net Effect

Music can be free and artists can still thrive financially.

my time with the GD

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Band Insight

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where all the money was made

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changed their thinking on what was really valuable

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recorded music were their initial “ideas”

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How it worked: Media Perspective

initial media

The Product Media

Circle Of Gratitude

Grateful Dead Live Concerts

Tape Trading of those live


song ideas

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10 copies made from seed tape

10 copies made from seed tape

10 copies made from seed tape

10 copies made from seed tape

10 copies made from seed tape

10 copies made from seed tape

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10 copies made

10 copies made

How it worked: Fan Perspective

6,0004 Gen

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A typical Grateful Dead fan tape collection

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Live Music Now Rules!

Recorded music (owned media) is

now used as advertising by

many bands who make their money

through live performances

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A free live music archive

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A listing of every show ever played. If you knew three songs in a row you

could find the show


Fan reviews of every single Grateful Dead concert

10 VOLUMES 3 VOLUMESThursday, April 25, 13

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a couple of points:

sharing made the Dead successful and their model now works for 1000‘s of other bands

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social media?

not a new idea

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user generated content?

not a new idea

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STEAM Online

WATER Postal

ICE In person

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food and cooking

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what does this have to do with advertising?

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sharing ideas

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music & food

two things that are always shared with other people.

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ideas are worthless unless shared

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The sugar and water in the pot at the begining of the presentation is now caramel.

Change happens fast

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thank you

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