the maya

The Maya Chapter 23 Notes Video -- Maya Pyramids of Chichen Itza -- National Geographic

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The Maya. Chapter 23 Notes Video -- Maya Pyramids of Chichen Itza -- National Geographic. The Development of Mayan Civilization. “Mesoamerica”- what is it? Landscape: rainforests, grasslands, swamps, thick jungles. Origins. Took ideas from the Olmec (1200-500 BCE) Olmec: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 2: The Maya

The Development of Mayan Civilization

“Mesoamerica”- what is it? Landscape: rainforests, grasslands, swamps, thick jungles

Page 3: The Maya


Took ideas from the Olmec (1200-500 BCE) Olmec:

Est. farming villages Created trade routes First to use a sun calendar

YouTube - Legends of the Hidden Temple - The Leopard-Skin Cloak of Annie Oakley (full episode, part 3)

Page 4: The Maya

Pre-Classic (2,000 BCE-300 CE)

Simple houses & compounds

Public buildings for Govt. & Religion

Hieroglyphic writing

Page 5: The Maya

Classic (300 CE-900 CE) & Post-Classic (900 CE- 1500 CE)

Independent States- (40 cities!) Observatories /temples/pyramids/palaces Astronomy & Math-

Northern cities prosper- (Yucatan Peninsula)- others disappear? Why?

Page 6: The Maya

Class Structure

Social Pyramid- layers represent social classes of different rank or status The Ruler-(halach uinic- “true man”)–God King Nobles & Priests-

Only people who knew how to read or write PRIESTS-rituals, sacrifices, future

Merchants & Artisans- sea, river, road trade routes Peasants- backbone of Mayan Society Slaves-

Born into slavery & sometimes sold Criminals/War Prisoner’s

Page 7: The Maya

Family Life

Roles Men- work in the fields/ hunted & trapped animals/built

buildings (temples, palaces)/ soldiers Women- cooking, cleaning, childcare, sewing

Coming of Age Ceremony- 12(F) 14(M)- Confessions, cleansing, reciting

Page 8: The Maya

Marriage Customs

Girls-14 Men- 20 Negotiated by village atanzahab (matchmaker)

Specific Criteria negotiated Hut built behind bride’s parents

Page 10: The Maya

Sacred Calendar

2 calendars Daily- based on sun

18 months of 20 days + 5 unlucky days= 365 days total sacred/ritual- tzolkin or Sacred Round

13 months of 20 days= 260 days total 2 cycles:

Numbers 1-13 20 day names representing Gods

Plant, hunt, cure, do battle Video -- Maya Doomsday Prophecy -- National Geographi


Page 11: The Maya

Challenges Facing Mayan Farmer’s

Maize, beans, squash, chili peppers Difficult -> dense forests, little H2O, poor soil

Mountains VS lowlands Slash & Burn- ? Drained swamps, cleared hillsides

Page 12: The Maya

End of Classic Period

900 CE, Maya had abandoned the jungles---why???? Theories:

Populations grow faster than farming could sustain Drought, dry weather Uncontrolled warfare Invaders from central Mexico

2 million Maya still remain in Chiapas

Page 13: The Maya

End of Classic Period Theories:

Populations grow faster than farming could sustain Drought, dry weather Uncontrolled warfare Invaders from central Mexico

2 million Maya still remain in Chiapas