the material world properties of matter and solutions

The Material World Properties of Matter and Solutions

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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The Material World

Properties of Matterand


Properties of Matter

Matter Matter is anything that has a mass and

volume. Has a certain weight and takes up space.

Matter exists in one of three states or phases: Solid Liquid Gas

Matter has a number of properties, both characteristic and non-characteristic.

Non-characteristic Properties Any property that is NOT unique to a

specific type of matter. These properties help to determine an

unknown substance, but cannot precisely identify it. Mass Volume Temperature Acidity / Alkalinity Colour Etc.

Characteristic Physical Properties

Any property that is unique to a specific type of matter. That is, we can precisely identify an unknown substance using these properties. Melting point: H₂O is the only matter that melts

at 0°C Boiling point: H₂O is the only matter that boils

at 100°C Density: mass per unit of volume. Solubility: Maximum amount of solute dissolved

in a solvent.

Note: Melting point and boiling point were covered in Cycle One. Density and solubility are new this year – more info on the next slides.

Density Why do some objects float and others

don’t? Density! Definition: Mass per unit of volume. Unit: g/cm³ or kg/m³ if the object is

especially large. Instruments: balance, (for mass),

graduated cylinder, (for volume), calculator, (to divide mass by volume).

How to calculate: Find the mass. Divide by the volume. m/V

Solubility Some substances are soluble in others.

This means that they will dissolve. Definition: The maximum amount of

solute that can be dissolved in a solvent.

Unit: g/L often, but there are others as well. %m/V, %V/V, %m/m


Review from Cycle One Mixtures are any type of matter that

contains at least two substances. This means there are two types of particles that can be separated by a physical process. Air, milk and granite are examples of mixtures.

Pure substances are any type of matter made up of one substance, that is, one type of particle. They can only be separated by a chemical process. Water and salt are examples.

Atoms and Molecules


Pure SubstancesMixtures / Solutions



Colloids Solutions

… A heterogeneous mixture is made up

of two substances that are distinguishable to the naked eye. Granite, a $2 coin and vegetable soup are examples.

A homogeneous mixture is made up of two substances, but the they are uniformly mixed and therefore the particles are indistinguishable to the naked eye. Milk and mayonnaise are examples. There are two types of homogeneous mixtures: Colloids Solutions

Colloids Colloids are homogeneous mixtures

in which, when observed with a magnifying glass or a microscope, the various particles are evident.

When milk or mayonnaise are observed under a microscope, their fat particles are easily distinguished from their water particles.

When blood is observed, the various blood cells, platelets and plasma are seen.

Homogenized Milk

Solutions A solution is a homogeneous mixture whose

parts are not distinguishable, even with a microscope or magnifying glass. Generally, solutions are transparent.

Apple juice is made of sugars and other substances which are dissolved in water. A ten-karat gold ring is made of silver and copper, dissolved in gold.

The substance that is dissolved in the solute – sugars and silver and copper in the examples. There is usually less of a solute.

The substance that dissolves the solute is the solvent – water and gold in the previous examples. There is usually more of a solvent.

… We have already looked at many

solutions found in the human body.

Solution Solute Solvent

Urine Urea, salts Water

Sweat Salts Water

Tears Salts Water

Lymph Oxygen, carbon dioxide, salts


Phases of solution

substances(Solute + Solvent Solution)

Solutes Solvent Solution

Gas + Gas gas solution

Oxygen, carbon

dioxide, water vapour,

argon, etc.

Nitrogen Air

Gas + Liquid liquid solution

Carbon dioxide Water Carbonated water

Liquid + Liquid liquid solution

Alcohol, aromatic

substancesWater Wine

Solid + Liquid Liquid solution Salt Water Salt water

Solid + Solid Solid solution Carbon Iron Steel

The phase of matter of the SOLVENT will determine the phase of matter of the solution itself.

Properties of Solutions Solutions have many properties, both

characteristic and non-characteristic, (see earlier in this package).

Solutions have a few other properties that only apply to solutions. This is how solutions are distinguished from each other. Concentration Dilution Solubility

Concentration The concentration of a solution is the

quantity of dissolved solute in a given quantity of solution.

Concentration is determined by calculating: C = m / V Where C is Concentration in g/L, m is

mass of the solute in g, and V is volume of the solution in L.

… A solution is said to be concentrated

when it contains a large amount of solute.

This would be like adding an extra spoonful of Kool-Aid than the recipe calls for. You drink would be darker and more sugary.

So, in order to increase the concentration of a solution, simply add more solute.

Dilution Dilution is a lab technique that

involves decreasing the concentration of a solution by adding more solvent.

Adding more of the solvent will dilute your solution.

Examples: Adding water to frozen juice concentrate to make juice.

Most concentrated

Less concentrated

Least concentrated

Solute varies, solvent costant

Most concentrated

Less concentrated

Least concentrated

Solubility There is a limit to the amount of solute

that can be added to a solvent. The maximum amount refers to solubility.

Unsaturated If the solution contains less than the

maximum amount of solute. Saturated

If the solution contains the maximum amount of solute.

Supersaturated If the solution contains more than the

maximum amount of solute.

Solubility depends on many factors: Nature of the solvent Temperature

Nature of the Solvent: Some solutes do not dissolve well or at

all in certain solvents, so it is important to know the solvent.

Salt dissolves easily in water, but not in oil – hydrophilic.

Substances that dissolve easily in oils are called lipophilic.

Temperature The solubility of many substances,

particularly solids, increases as temperature increases. This is why it is easier to make juice with

warm water than cold. Gases, however, become less soluble

when temperature increases. This is why fish populations are affected

during summer heat waves – less oxygen in lakes.

A warm can of soft drink releases more carbon dioxide when opened than a cold one.