the man and the cave

The Man and the Cave Living by Faith

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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Although instantly through adoption we become joint–heirs with Christ. We do not instantly take on the complete nature of Jesus. It is a process of being renewed to be more like our Savior.


Page 1: The Man and the Cave

The Man and the Cave

Living by Faith

Page 2: The Man and the Cave

There was man who walked many years following the voice

of God.

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He wasn't tall, handsome or excellent in


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He was a simple man who just liked to hear the voice

of God.

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So day by day he followed and one day Gods voice led him into a cave.

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Upon entering he noticed a small lamp at the mouth of the cave. The man was told to light the oil lamp and walk forward. He noticed the lamp didn't give much light but it was enough

to see what was in front of him.

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So he walked forward following the voice of God. Soon he came to an area with a large container of oil and enough food and water to last a few months. Realizing God wanted him to stay awhile in the cave he settled in. The first few days he found very pleasant as God confirmed His love for the man.

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But then the man started hearing not just the voice of God but a rustling in the cave. He wanted to get up and leave very badly but he couldn't bring himself to walk away from the voice of God. Finally one day having all he could stand he asked God.

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Man "What is making that sound?"

God "It is the lion of fear."

Man “Why did you lead me into a cave that had a lion?"

God “I didn’t”

Man “Did the lion come in after I entered?"

God “No"

Man "Then how did he come to be here?"

God “He entered with you."

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Man “I didn't see him.“

God “No you didn't but I did. He has walked with you many years.“

Man “I never noticed him. “

God “No, you didn't, because of all of the noise. That is why I led you here.“

Man “Make him leave.“

God " He is your companion not mine."

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Just then the lion walked into the light and opened his mouth to let out a great roar. The man noticed the lion had no teeth. But just the sight of this lion and his stature was enough to make the man tremble even more in fear.

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The man whisperedMan "God why doesn't he have teeth?"

God answered loud and clearGod “I took them away just as I did his claws."

The man whisperedMan "But still he is very large."

God answered loud and clearGod “Yes, you have fed him many years."

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The man whisperedMan "Why has he never attacked me.“

God answered loud and clearGod "He has, you just didn't realize it. And you and him together have attacked others."

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Upon hearing this, the man quit trembling and realized the times he had been used by the lion of fear. This made him sick to know God has witnessed what he had done. The man decided he wanted the lion of fear to leave but he didn't know how to make this happen.

Turning to God he asked

Man “What must I do to make this creature leave?”

God “Use what I have given you.”

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The man thought about all of the things God had given him over the years. He pondered how he had been given freedom in Jesus. He pondered and He pondered about the goodness of God. He started to glow with all of the love God had poured out on him. He began to sing a song of praise to God for all of his mercy towards man. He became so wrapped up in praising God he didn't even notice the lion had left.

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Later that evening the man asked God

Man “Is there more lion?"

God "Yes"

Man “How will I make them leave?"

God “You won't. We will. And you will know when the time is at hand."


Although instantly through adoption we become joint–heirs with Christ. We do not instantly take on the complete nature of Jesus. It is a process of

being renewed to be more like our Savior.

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Story written by Sharon Deann Daniels