the lutheran church of our savior the...

This month of May is complete with many celebraons. For the church year we have: Ascension Day (May 14); Pentecost (May 24); and Trinity Sunday (May 31). For families and our naon we have Mother’s Day (May 10); Me- morial Day (May 24); plus various opportunies for graduaons and weddings. I struggled with a core thought, with all these happen- ings, and I realized the variety and busy-ness reflects much of what is occurring at LCOS in this me of transion. A verse from the les- sons for Pentecost came to mind: “I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17) This is what I see happening at LCOS; a me of visions, dreams, and ministry. It is a real blessing to see so many disciples connue ministry during this transion. Some might say is it’s denial of reality, while others would see it as a commitment to connue ministry, I say it is a mixture of both and that’s good. The mes, they are a-changing, but we need to hold on. This means ministry connues, but it reflects commit- ments by ALL of us. Prophecy, vi- sions, dreams are not limited to a few, but given each of us as we serve LCOS, our community, and the world in which we live. What a powerful statement of faith is made when we acknowledge the gis God has given us and use them to His glory in service of others. What a powerful witness that says of a people of God going through a transion. During this month of May, as we are empowered by His Spirit through ministry opportunies such as “What on Earth Am I Here For?” and serving in new and various ways – let the won- der of ministry connue to flourish and grow – sons and daughters will prophesy, young men will see visions, old men will dream dreams! LCOS – you are a “chosen peo- ple, a royal priesthood, a holy naon, a people belonging to God that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his won- derful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are a people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” (1 Peter 2:8-10) Dear Fellow Disciples: S : Mother’s Day is May 10th: the Board of Ed will be holding a fundraiser on that day. See page 11 for details Pentecost is May 24th. See page 12 to learn about this Holy Day. Memorial Day will be celebrat- ed on May 25th. The office will be closed on that day. VBS Registration is now live on our website. Visit lcosreho- to register. Registra- tion is limited to 75 children so be sure to register early. Our ministry would not be suc- cessful without our volunteers. Keep watch for your chance to volunteer! V OLUME 37, I SSUE 5 M AY 2015 20276 Bay Vista Road Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 The Voice THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR Council Meeting Minutes 2-7 AARP Smart Driver 7 Stewardship 8 Why do we do that? 9 LOL News 10 Education 11 About Pentecost 12 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Phone: 302-227-3066 E-mail: [email protected]

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Page 1: THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR The 2015.pdf• Mother’s Day is May 10th: the Board of Ed will be holding

This month of May is complete

with many celebra�ons. For the

church year we have: Ascension

Day (May 14); Pentecost (May

24); and Trinity Sunday (May 31).

For families and our na�on we

have Mother’s Day (May 10); Me-

morial Day (May 24); plus various

opportuni�es for gradua�ons and

weddings. I struggled with a core

thought, with all these happen-

ings, and I realized the variety and

busy-ness reflects much of what is

occurring at LCOS in this �me of

transi�on. A verse from the les-

sons for Pentecost came to mind:

“I will pour out my Spirit on all

people. Your sons and daughters

will prophesy, your young men

will see visions, your old men will

dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17)

This is what I see happening at

LCOS; a �me of visions, dreams,

and ministry. It is a real blessing

to see so many disciples con�nue

ministry during this transi�on.

Some might say is it’s denial of

reality, while others would see it

as a commitment to con�nue

ministry, I say it is a mixture of

both and that’s good. The �mes,

they are a-changing, but we need

to hold on. This means ministry

con�nues, but it reflects commit-

ments by ALL of us. Prophecy, vi-

sions, dreams are not limited to a

few, but given each of us as we

serve LCOS, our community,

and the world in which we live.

What a powerful statement of

faith is made when we

acknowledge the gi8s God has

given us and use them to His

glory in service of others. What

a powerful witness that says of

a people of God going through a


During this month of May, as

we are empowered by His Spirit

through ministry opportuni�es

such as “What on Earth Am I

Here For?” and serving in new

and various ways – let the won-

der of ministry con�nue to

flourish and grow – sons and

daughters will prophesy, young

men will see visions, old men

will dream dreams!

LCOS – you are a “chosen peo-

ple, a royal priesthood, a holy

na�on, a people belonging to

God that you may declare the

praises of Him who called you

out of darkness into his won-

derful light. Once you were not

a people, but now you are a

people of God; once you had

not received mercy, but now

you have received mercy.” (1

Peter 2:8-10)

Dear Fellow Disciples:

S������ ���� �������: • Mother’s Day is May 10th: the

Board of Ed will be holding a

fundraiser on that day. See page

11 for details

• Pentecost is May 24th. See

page 12 to learn about this Holy


• Memorial Day will be celebrat-

ed on May 25th. The office will

be closed on that day.

• VBS Registration is now live on

our website. Visit lcosreho- to register. Registra-

tion is limited to 75 children so

be sure to register early.

• Our ministry would not be suc-

cessful without our volunteers.

Keep watch for your chance to



MAY 2015


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, DE



The Voice


Council Meeting Minutes 2-7

AARP Smart Driver 7

Stewardship 8

Why do we do that? 9

LOL News 10

Education 11

About Pentecost 12



e: 3











Page 2: THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR The 2015.pdf• Mother’s Day is May 10th: the Board of Ed will be holding



Pa? Brown announced Social ministry delivered 30 Easter boxes to ESL students and members of

the church. ScoA Freber said the Praise band sang at the sunrise Easter service on the boardwalk.

He said there were over 300 in aAendance. There were 5 or 6 Ministers from the area churches in

aAendance also.

Board of Congrega"onal Life: SubmiAed by Todd Lennox

Met March 1st

Equipment: Full credit has been given for the returned toaster. A different toaster was purchased in

the month of March.

Fundraiser: The team is brainstorming an event for Spring/Summer.

Lent Soup and Salad: Dinners went well. The weather had some nega�ve impact on aAendance.

New Member Lunches: Lunches were provided for the new member classes for the 5 weeks prior to


Events: Easter Brunch on 4/5/15, Lunch for “What on Earth Am I Here For?” kick off on 4/12/15, Din-

ner for “What on Earth Am I Here For?” wrap-up.

Recrui"ng: Each member has been challenged to recruit someone to join our team.

Serve Safe Training: We are sending 3 members of the Congrega�onal Life team, 1 from Educa�on,

and 1 from Interna�onal Student Dinners to Serve Safe training on April 22. The cost is $130.00

each. The individual boards will pay for their people to go to the training.

Board of Educa"on: SubmiAed by Gwen Kunkle

Met March 26th


~ Our request to have the older Sunday School kids serve at the Praise service on the 3rd Sunday of

the month instead of the 2nd Sunday was approved by the Board of Worship. We’ll start doing this

in May. It should work out really well as the Youth Group also meets on the 3rd Sunday of the

month. We are going to invite the 6th grade students to serve on Youth Sundays as well by handing

out bulle�ns.

~ Looking into another new curriculum, Spark by Augsburg Fortress, for the older students. We

should have samples some�me in May that will include a video and workbooks. This curriculum can

be downloaded on the computer which will be more cost-effec�ve than paying for shipping. The

curriculum itself looks to be thought-provoking and thorough.

~ We are looking to reconfigure which age groups take Sunday School together. The 6th and 7th

grade students will have class together and the 8th grade students and up will be in a separate class.


~ We have been advised that Ed Kovacs due to other commitments with the Life Guards, has fin-

ished his part and now Lou Jones will con�nue �ll May when Pastor Les will finish.

~ June 7th is Confirma�on Day and we will have 5 students being confirmed.

~ Next year we will have 12 students!


~Deposit has been given to Camp Mount Luther and our week secured!

~ We are hoping to schedule Temple Talks to discuss VBS on 4/26 at all 3 services.

Council Meeting Minutes

Page 3: THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR The 2015.pdf• Mother’s Day is May 10th: the Board of Ed will be holding

~ Vicki Miller has prepared a sign up board that is FANTASTIC! This board will go up the day of the

Temple Talk for all 3 services for volunteers to sign up to help with VBS.

~ Vicki gave Pa? Brown 100 of the VBS leAers with registra�on forms to be handed out to the ESL

students. We are going to try and have an ad on the Beach Life Website, the Beachcomber and the

Cape GazeAe. This will be by middle to end of May at the latest.


~ Jim McDonald started with kudos to the Board Of Ed, MaA, Vicki and Geri for all they have done

for the youth of the church and their enthusiasm and commitment to something that has been

needed for a long �me.

~ He thanked the Board of Ed for the $250.00 dona�on for the van however he hasn’t heard back

from them?

~ Women's Bible Study is studying Psalms.

~ Men’s Bible Study is doing great and the men are stepping up and taking the lead since Pastor

Schaefer le8. They are working on the Mosaic Covenant and use the Serenity Bible that has lessons

built into it with ques�ons in the margins.

~ The Wednesday 1PM mid-week class, Crossways Year 1 is a course on serving.

~ The Adult Sunday Class is studying the Parables.

~ “What On Earth Am I Here For?” already has 70 people signed up between all the classes.

Board of Elders: SubmiAed by Lou Jones

Met March 19th

Current Ac"vi"es

Pastor’s Report: Pastor Stano told us about his trip to Spain.

Sr. Deb’s Report: Sr. Deb reported on her ac�vi�es during February.

Mid-day prayer service going well.

The Prayer Bible Study will end March 23.

The Women’s Bible Study has had good aAendance – 20-22 every week.

Women’s retreat on March 28.

Led a Retreat in Virginia.

Encouraged us all to par�cipate in “What on Earth Am I Here For?”

Communion Records: Nothing to report.

Shut-in Communion: Sr. Deb distributed a list of shut-ins and folks who haven’t been to church in a

while. She encouraged us to call these folks and/or send cards.

II. Old Business

The Elder-of-the-Day schedule will be posted.

Darlene updated us on progress with the Shepherds Program. She and Barb are looking for more

folks to help with this program.

III. New Business

New members will be taken in on April 12.

Board of Property Management: SubmiAed by Merv Nester

Met March 9th

Merv noted that there is a large white truck parked on the back end of our lot taking up four parking

spaces. Merv will aAempt to determine the owner and if the truck is not moved within a week he

will call the police and have it towed. The owner will be responsible for paying the towing cost. The


Page 4: THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR The 2015.pdf• Mother’s Day is May 10th: the Board of Ed will be holding

LCOS trailer and float will then be moved to the end parking spaces allowing room for more cars to be

parked closer to our buildings.

Merv confirmed that he was pleased with the snow plowing and sal�ng done this winter by a new per-

son and will offer him a contract again next year.

Gary raised the ques�on of what problem may exist that is causing large amounts of standing water to

be in the front parking lot near the large green u�lity box. Gary and Merv will review the water bills for

the past year in an effort to determine if the water might be a result of a con�nuing underground pipe


As the March Council mee�ng was postponed due to weather, we have not yet received approval to

begin the process of hiring a part-�me sexton to clean the Fellowship Hall and restrooms on Saturday

as needed and to do several other custodial jobs which are not in the contract with Tid-E- Clean

Merv will run addi�onal power lines and water pipes under the front parking lot exit that is between

the labyrinth and the sand sculpture. He will then contact the company which runs our drip lines to re-

direct the lines as needed to include new plan�ngs both around the church building and the sand

sculpture. Once that is done we can move forward with mulching planted areas as needed and working

on crea�ng the new smoking area near the sand sculpture in order to move smokers away from the

entrance to the narthex.

All present agreed that there is a need to do some pain�ng in the Fellowship Hall and the Narthex in

order to make LCOS appear loved and cared for. We took a walk around these areas and determined

just which walls and areas needed to be painted. Merv will request that members volunteer to help

Board of Social Ministry: SubmiAed by Carole Peterson

Met March 18th

It was voted to send $100 toward the purchase of a van for West Rehoboth and another $100 to Lu-

theran World Relief in support of women farmers in Africa and other countries.

ESL has ended for this semester. Several requests for grants are being prepared.

The Sandwich Brigade has been resurrected with great enthusiasm. There are 22 people preparing

sandwiches for the Soup Kitchen now with hopes for more par�cipants in the future.

The CRC homeless shelter closes on April 1. Area churches have stepped up to help with the problems

during the winter and more plans are being made for assistance during the summer.

The Social Ministry commiAee is working to improve the Volunteer Resource Booklet.

The new Helping Hands arm of Social Ministry will be in opera�on soon. It will focus on helping mem-

bers be safe and secure in their homes as well as giving our members ample opportunity to volunteer

to assist in these projects.

During several holiday �mes throughout the year, Mountaire donates hundreds of boxes of food to var-

ious churches and other charitable organiza�ons. LCOS will be the recipient of 30 food boxes this Easter

season. They will be picked up and distributed to a number of our members as well as others who will

benefit from extra food.

Board of Stewardship: SubmiAed by Pastor Bob Mordhordt

In lieu of the regular April Stewardship Board mee�ng Bob Mordhorst, former Stewardship Chairman Al

D'Annunzio and Jim McDonald met to review the excellent stewardship material Jim brought back from

a fall District mee�ng of stewardship/finance representa�ves from District congrega�ons. Among the

many resources obtained, one in par�cular outlined the du�es of a stewardship board. From this re-

Council meeting minutes (continued)


Page 5: THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR The 2015.pdf• Mother’s Day is May 10th: the Board of Ed will be holding


source the various tasks of a stewardship board were listed with job descrip�ons. They are: Talent and

Service Coordinator, Financial Giving Coordinator, Wills and Deferred Giving Coordinator, and Finan-

cial Planning and Money Management Coordinator. The final two tasks will require finding persons

with skills to help members desiring assistance with these two aspects of Chris�an stewardship. At

our May mee�ng the en�re Board will be tasked with assigning responsibility for each of these areas

of Chris�an stewardship and se?ng goals for the remainder of the year.

Board of Worship: Submi;ed by Donna Egolf

Worship Mee�ng: March 19th

Marge: The high school students read and usher at the praise service the 2nd

Sunday of every month.

They would like to switch to the 3rd

Sunday and the older students who have been confirmed would

also assist with communion. A8er a short discussion it was decided that we would have them switch

Sundays and the students would read, usher and assist with communion. An elder or one of the other

adult communion assistants would be scheduled with the student for communion. This new schedule

starts in May since the April schedule is already in place. Marcia Pokoyski, Steve Girard, and Barb

Morris were no�fied of the change. Donna Egolf will be scheduling the communion assistants for the

praise service.

Hester: The flowers are ordered for Easter: 63 azaleas and 31 lilies. We also discussed the flower fund

being in the red. We will follow up with ScoA Skelly and have him run a report for 2014. We will order

new member flowers for April 12th


Beverly: We received the new linens which were purchased through Virginia Sigler’s memorial fund.

Melonie: Rainer Gruber approached her about trying to get sound (from the service)in the kitchen.

We will look into this. Also, he made a sugges�on about changing the service �mes. A8er a discussion

the worship commiAee thought un�l we have a permanent pastor that is not a change we should


Donna: The decora�ons for Easter will be put up on April 4th

at 10 am.

Pastor’s Report

The �me has moved quickly – we have moved through the Lenten Season and are now into the East-

er Season. Much ministry con�nues here at LCOS thanks to Sister Deb, Pr. Bob, and all of you. I am

ever grateful to share this �me with you. I hope and pray it is as much a blessing for you as it is for

Carol and me.

Our trip to Spain was a wonderful except for me ge?ng someone’s cold the last day. It has taken me

at least two weeks to adjust to the jet lag and cold but just in �me for Holy Week.

I have been making communion calls. I also con�nue to visit some commiAee mee�ngs but not all as I

see a powerful ministry occurring even when the Pastor is not present.

I am working with Sister Deb, Pr. Bob, and Jim on the exci�ng spiritual growth ministry of “What On

Earth Am I Here For?“ I hope and pray that each of you is an ac�ve par�cipant – for leadership sets

the tone for the en�re community.

I will also be mee�ng with the second year confirma�on class in prepara�on for their confirma�on on

June 7. I am grateful to Ed and all involved in this ministry. Please keep our young people and their

families in your daily prayers.

I have also finished registering and now have my badge from Beebe Hospital. I have made several vis-

its there also.

Page 6: THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR The 2015.pdf• Mother’s Day is May 10th: the Board of Ed will be holding


Deaconess Report

For month of March 2015

-Monday Midday Prayer (5 sessions)

-When God’s People Pray Bible Study (6 sessions)

-Women’s Bible Study on Psalms (2 sessions)

-Prayer Shawl Ministry (1 session)

-Crossways Bible Study (4 sessions)

-Mee�ngs aAended: What on Earth Planning (3 mee�ngs), Elders, Sand Dollars, Book Club, Social

Ministry, and ESL Board mee�ng

-Represented LCOS at SED Pre-Conven�on Mee�ng in Laurel, MD 3/7

-Assisted with new member class 3/1 & 3/8

-Assisted with Wednesday Lent worship (4 services)

-Sunday worship assistant (3/1, 3/15, 3/29)

-Facilitated retreat at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Springfield, VA 3/14

-Co-led Women’s Retreat 3/28 (48 in aAendance)

-Par�cipated in closing celebra�on for ESL 3/26

-Led session on Lutheranism for Epworth UMC confirma�on class 3/18


What on Earth Am I Here For? Study April 12-May 23

Call Commi;ee Report: SubmiAed by ScoA Freber

Met Tuesday March 31st

LeAer sent to district office with poten�al pastor nomina�ons. These were provided by the congrega-

�on over a 3 week period.

Sole agenda item was to complete Sec�on 4 of the congrega�onal profile. This was accomplished and

final edi�ng will finalize next week with the en�rely completed document provided to the District

President no later than April 15th


The Call CommiAee was given the opportunity to replace ScoA Freber as Chairman since he has also

taken posi�on as President of church Council. The commiAee wants ScoA to con�nue in the Chair-

man’s posi�on.

Financial Review

Financial Secretary’s Report: SubmiAed by Dick Steinle

General Funds $38, 782.31

GF Weekly Goal 9,500.00

Average GF Received Weekly 7,756.46

Designated Funds 3,936.49

Memorials 225.00

Monthly Total $42,943.80

Council meeting minutes (continued)

Page 7: THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR The 2015.pdf• Mother’s Day is May 10th: the Board of Ed will be holding


Worship AAendance for Month

8 AM: 332 945

AM: 382 1115

AM: 361 Wednesday 7 PM: 173

AAendance for Educa�on

Adult week-day:73 Adult Sunday School: 10 Children’s Sunday School: 6.

Total weekly aAendance for educa�on: 90. Total church AAendance for month: 1,338.


Council Vacancies: Council vacancies were discussed. Lou Jones agreed to be chairman of a Nom-

ina�on CommiAee. Merv Nester and Renee BenneA will also serve on the commiAee.

Retreat Groups: Donna Egolf gave a report on “Youth Group Growth”. A report from the Out-

reach group was handed out. We did not have a report from the Elder Care or the Stewardship



Homeless: Following discussion it was decided this issue would be tabled un�l Linda Crawford

talked with L-RAC and ScoA Freber talked to some people at Epworth and the CRC. During the

discussion it was decided we will welcome these people into our church but some boundaries

must be set. We want them to share God’s ministry by aAending our services and then also wel-

come them to fellowship.

CONSTITUTION and BY_LAWS UPDATING: Sister Deb will provide ScoA with some possible

names of people who might be willing to serve on a commiAee for these issues.

MYERS - BRIGGS PERSONALITY TEST: ScoA ask if each Council member would take this test and

report their code back to the Secretary.

COUNCIL MEETINGS: The Council mee�ngs will be moved back a week in June, July, September,

and December.


May 2nd

– Sand Dollar’s Game Day

June 20th

– Social Ministry Dinner

Other Business

Vaca�on Bible School – July 27 – 31st


RespecWully SubmiAed

Shirley Fleegle, Recording Secretary

The next mee�ng will be May 5, 2015 at 6:00 pm.


Smart Driver™ Course is the na�on’s first and largest refresher course

for drivers age 50 and older. It has given millions of drivers the skills and tools they need to drive

safely on today’s roads, allowing them to remain independent for many years to come. In fact,

97% of those who take it change at least one driving behavior. And the best part? There are no

tests to pass - just useful informa�on to keep you safe on the road!. For more informa�on, or to

register, contact Andy Mollura at [email protected]. This course Is the basic course for any-

one who hasn’t taken it in the last couple of years.

Page 8: THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR The 2015.pdf• Mother’s Day is May 10th: the Board of Ed will be holding

Monday Mid-Day Prayer con�nues at 12pm. The service consists of a brief litany and a

�me of group and individual prayer. Prayer requests are gathered from the congrega�on

on Sundays and prayed over at this service. We also pray for each member of our con-

grega�on, as well as the churches in our area and circuit. The service will lasts about 20

minutes and is informal. Please join us!


The disciples were

thrilled. They had their Lord

back in their presence once

again. Since His Resurrec�on,

He had appeared to them

and others several �mes.

They were s�ll a liAle con-

fused, though, when He

talked about “wait[ing] for

the gi� [His] Father prom-

ised” (Acts 1:5), and, then,

“He was taken up before their

very eyes, and a cloud hid

Him from their sight” (Acts


You can imagine their

bewilderment. He had died

and been buried and then

had risen from the dead! He

had walked among them and

taught them again, and now .

. . He is taken up into the

clouds. No wonder they

stood there – probably with

mouths agape – looking into

the sky where they had last

seen Him.

It took “two men

dressed in white” (Acts 1:10)

to bring them back to their

senses. “ ‘Men of Galilee,’ ”

they said, ‘why do you stand

here looking into the sky?

This same Jesus, Who has

been taken from you into

Heaven, will come back in the

same way you have seen Him

go into Heaven’ ” (Acts 1:11).

Back they went to Je-

rusalem. Their eyes were no

longer on the clouds, but

they were s�ll looking at Je-

sus. They waited. They

prayed. They chose another

disciple. And they waited

some more – all the while

looking at Jesus.

Whom are you look-

ing at? Yes, Jesus has ascend-

ed. We can only imagine His

joyful, triumphant return as

all the hosts of Heaven wel-

comed back the risen, victori-

ous Savior. Because He is

that Savior, because He is the

Author and perfecter of our

faith, “let us fix our eyes on

Jesus” (Hebrews 12:2).

Through His Word and Sacra-

ments, He will lead us in His

ways; He will teach us obedi-

ence and self-sacrifice; He

will teach us love for our

neighbors. With joyful and

generous hearts, we cele-

brate the new life that Easter

brings us by sharing the mes-

sage of the Cross and the

Empty Tomb with all who will

listen. Keep looking at Jesus

un�l in Heaven you see him

face to face!

Whom Are You Looking At?

As we focus on Christ, our chief steward, we

will find joy in our service.

“. . . Jesus . . . for the joy set before Him

endured the cross . . .” (Hebrews 12:2)

Prayer Ministry

Page 9: THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR The 2015.pdf• Mother’s Day is May 10th: the Board of Ed will be holding

Our Chancel Choir is in need of a few more women’s voices. Just like any

group, travel, illness and other commitments result in an absence. And

just like any group, many “hands and voices” make light work. Ladies of

the congrega�on, please consider joining us. We can figure out a solu�on

to anything that may be holding you back. Join the fun!


Why do we worship the way

we do at LCOS? Why do we

pray the prayers we pray, re-

peat the creeds we recite,

work through the liturgy, and

sing the songs we sing? All of

the elements of our Sunday

services replicate acts of wor-

ship found in Scripture and in

the historical development of

the Chris�an Church. Seeing

what we do in this light can

help us see our tradi�ons as

more than “we’ve always

done it that way.” Instead,

we can see that the Church

has been “doing it that way”

for a sacred reason for a long


Each month in 2015, we will

explain a por�on of our wor-

ship service. When you un-

derstand the “why”, hopeful-

ly it will add a new level of

meaning to the o8en repeat-

ed words and give you a re-

newed sense of peace and

connectedness with God

when you par�cipate in wor-


Sharing the Peace

Passing the peace is a tradi-

�on rooted in Scripture that

embodies our iden�ty as

peacemakers (MaA. 5:9; 2

Cor. 5:20) and trains ours

hearts, hands, and tongues in

the ways of peace.

From the beginning Chris�ans

have exercised this prac�ce.

“Peace be with you” is a

gree�ng Jesus himself used

with his disciples (Luke 24:36;

John 20:19, 26). The apostle

Paul opened each of his

leAers with the words “Grace

and peace be with

you” (Rom. 1:7; 1 Cor. 1:3; 2

Cor. 1:2).

The gesture is simple, but the

meaning is profound. When

we extend our hand to an-

other, we iden�fy with Jesus,

who extended his life to the

point of death to make peace

with humanity (Col. 1:20-21).

What’s more, in the midst of

divisions we symbolize our

unity through handshakes

and hugs (Eph. 2:14-21). Like-

wise, when we regularly pass

the peace we prac�ce God’s

call to make every effort to

maintain the bond of peace

(Eph. 4:3).

Seeking Singers

Why do we do that? The “sharing of the peace” is

a way of saying that you are

‘right’ with those around you.

That there are no quarrels or

ill feelings – that you are pre-

pared to take communion

with them too. It’s important

that each member of the con-

grega�on be on good terms

with everyone else, having

dealt with any issues prior to

taking communion together.

Offering and Offertory

Just as we respond to the

hearing of God’s Word in

prayer, praise, and thanksgiv-

ing, we also respond in the

Offering by returning a por-

�on of the treasure He has

given us.

The Offertory is sung as the

congrega�on’s offering is

brought forward and present-

ed before the altar. The

words of one of our Offertory

hymns come from Psalm 116

and join our offering as a sac-

rifice of praise for all that our

Lord has done for us.

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LCOS Book Club News

May’s book selec�on is Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult. For more than a dec-

ade, Jenna Metcalf has never stopped thinking about her mother, Alice, who

mysteriously disappeared in the wake of a tragic accident. Refusing to be-

lieve she was abandoned, Jenna searches for her mother regularly online and

pores over the pages of Alice’s old journals. A scien7st who studied grief

among elephants, Alice wrote mostly of her research among the animals she

loved, yet Jenna hopes the entries will provide a clue to her mother’s wherea-

bouts. Desperate to find the truth, Jenna enlists two unlikely allies in her

quest: Serenity Jones, a psychic who rose to fame finding missing persons,

only to later doubt her gi�s, and Virgil Stanhope, the jaded private detec7ve

who’d originally inves7gated Alice’s case along with the strange, possibly

linked death of one of her colleagues. As the three work together to uncover

what happened to Alice, they realize that in asking hard ques7ons, they’ll

have to face even harder answers. As Jenna’s memories dovetail with the

events in her mother’s journals, the story races to a mesmerizing finish. We

will meet on May 18 at 4:30pm – all are welcome to join us!

Women’s Bible Study

Our Women’s Bible Study

con�nues with our series

What on Earth Am I Here

For? through May 19. We

will take a break for the sum-

mer and resume our

mee�ngs in September.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

We are taking a break for the

month of May to allow for

the What on Earth study and

will resume our mee�ngs on

June 9 at 9:30am. Keep

those shawls and baby blan-

kets coming!

LOL Women’s Ministry News

(Ladies of LCOS)

The Sand Dollars May mee�ng will beheld on Tuesday, May 26th at 10 AM. Sister Deb Lennox

will be presen�ng “The Footsteps of Paul: Part Two”, which is a sequel to the presenta�on

she gave last year. This mee�ng marks the end of our program year and, as always, we are

celebra�ng with our tradi�onal Salad Luncheon. Our project for the month will be the Lord’s

Cupboard—a list of items for this ministry can be found on page 24 of your Sand Dollars

booklet. Please also remember to bring your Mites!

Page 11: THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR The 2015.pdf• Mother’s Day is May 10th: the Board of Ed will be holding

Below is a set of ques"ons that we have given our Confirmands to answer.

How many could you answer correctly?



Sunday School is going strong and numbers are up! Please join us each Sunday at 9:45.

Room 1 is for the smaller children, Room 5 intermediate, and Room 6 older youth.

As a fundraiser the Board of Educa�on will be offering poAed plants in exchange for monetary do-

na�ons of any size on Sunday, May 10th.

July 27th

– July 31st

Monday-Friday 9 AM - 3 PM

We are excited to offer the VBS Program “ A Love That Never Ends” Together with

the Staff from Camp Mount Luther and volunteers from this congrega�on we will

experience outdoor ministries close to home! There will be fun, fellowship, and

the Love of God through our day camp program. Day Camp includes games,

sports, Bible study, singing , cra8s, and worship.

Registra�on forms will be available at the church and on the website lcosreho- or by calling the Chris�an Ed Coordinator at 302-858-2659. There will be

a volunteer sign up In the Narthex.

There are several ways you as a congrega�on can be a part of this opportunity!

1. Volunteer for an hour or two or a day at the camp.

2. Host one of the Camp Counseling Staff at your home.

3. Make a dona�on of cra8 supplies or snack item.

4. Make a monetary dona�on.

Sunday School and Chris"an Educa"on Minutes

1) The number of books in the en�re Bible? New Testament? Old Testament?

2) List, in order, the books of the Old Testament

3) List, in order, the books of the New Testament.

4) How many Sacraments do Lutherans have? What are they? What are the visible elements? The invisible

elements? List key Bible passages to support Lutheran belief about theses Sacraments.

5) What is the difference between the Law and the Gospel?

6) What is the significance of the Office of the Keys? Define confession and absolu�on.

7) What is the importance of the date October 31, 1517?

8) What is the importance of the dates October 11, 1962-December 8, 1965?

9) Define the Church year - what are the seasons that make up the church year? What are the significant

colors of each season?

10) What is the basic order of liturgy Lutherans use for worship?

11) What is a lec�onary?

12) What is the purpose of Confirma�on?

13) What is the importance of the date February 21, 1961?

14) Why do you wish to be confirmed?

Page 12: THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR The 2015.pdf• Mother’s Day is May 10th: the Board of Ed will be holding


About Pentecost and Ascension

The Feast of Pentecost is celebrated each year on the fi8ieth day a8er Easter and ten days a8er the

Feast of the Ascension. The Feast is always celebrated on a Sunday. This year it falls on May 24th.

The Feast commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles on the day of Pentecost, a

feast of the Jewish tradi�on. It also celebrates the establishment of the Church through the preaching

of the Apostles and the bap�sm of the thousands who on that day believed in the Gospel message of

salva�on through Jesus Christ.

The story of Pentecost is found in the book of The Acts of the Apostles. In Chapter two we are told

that the Apostles of our Lord were gathered together in one place. Suddenly, a sound came from

heaven like a rushing wind, filling the en�re house where they were si?ng. Then, tongues of fire ap-

peared, and one sat upon each one of Apostles. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to

speak in other languages as directed by the Spirit (Acts 2:1-4).

This miraculous event occurred on the Jewish Feast of Pentecost, celebrated by the Jews on the fi8i-

eth day a8er the Passover as the culmina�on of the Feast of Weeks (Exodus 34:22; Deuteronomy

16:10). The Feast of Weeks began on the third day a8er the Passover with the presenta�on of the

first harvest sheaves to God, and it concluded on Pentecost with the offering of two loaves of unleav-

ened bread, represen�ng the first products of the harvest (Levi7cus 23:17-20; Deuteronomy 16:9-10).

Since the Jewish Feast of Pentecost was a great pilgrimage feast, many people from throughout the

Roman Empire were gathered in Jerusalem on this day. When the people in Jerusalem heard the

sound, they came together and heard their own languages being spoken by the Apostles (Acts 2:5-6).

The people were amazed, knowing that some of those speaking were Galileans, and not men who

would normally speak many different languages. They wondered what this meant, and some even

thought the Apostles were drunk (Acts 2:7-13).

Peter, hearing these remarks, stood up and addressed the crowd. He preached to the people regard-

ing the Old Testament prophecies about the coming of the Holy Spirit. He spoke about Jesus Christ

and His death and glorious Resurrec�on. Great convic�on fell upon the people, and they asked the

Apostles, "What shall we do?" Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be bap�zed in

the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gi8 of the Holy Spirit"

(Acts 2:38-39).

The Bible records that on that day about three thousand were bap�zed. Following, the book of Acts

states that the newly bap�zed con�nued daily to hear the teaching of the Apostles, as the early Chris-

�ans met together for fellowship, the breaking of bread, and for prayer. Many wonderful signs and

miracles were done through the Apostles, and the Lord added to the Church daily those who were

being saved (Acts 2:42-47).

The liturgical celebra�ons of Pentecost in Western churches are rich and varied. The main sign of

Pentecost in the West is the color red. It symbolizes joy and the fire of the Holy Spirit. Priests or min-

isters wear red vestments, the altar linens are red, and in modern �mes the custom has extended to

the lay people of the congrega�on wearing red clothing in celebra�on as well.

In the German speaking lands, in Central Europe, and wherever the people of these na�ons have

wandered, green branches are also tradi�onally used to decorate churches for Pentecost. Birch is the

tree most typically associated with this prac�ce in Europe, but other species are employed in differ-

ent climates.

The singing of Pentecost hymns is also central to the celebra�on in the Western tradi�on. Hymns

such as Mar�n Luther's "Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre GoA" (Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord), Charles

Wesley's "Spirit of Faith Come Down" and "Come Holy Ghost Our Hearts Inspire" or Hildegard von

Bingen's "O Holy Spirit Root of Life" are popular.

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Another custom is reading the appointed Scripture lessons in mul�ple foreign languages re-

coun�ng the speaking in tongues recorded in Acts 2:4–12.

In the Middle Ages, cathedrals and great churches throughout Western Europe were fiAed with a

peculiar architectural feature known as a Holy Ghost hole; a small circular opening in the roof that

symbolized the entrance of Holy Spirit into the midst of the assembled worshippers. At Pentecost,

these Holy Ghost holes would be decorated with flowers, and some�mes a dove figure lowered

through into the church while the story of the Pentecost was read. Holy Ghost holes can s�ll be

seen today in European churches.

Similarly, a large two dimensional dove figure would be, and in some

places s�ll are, cut out of wood, painted and decorated with flowers,

to be lowered over the people, par�cularly during the singing of the

sequence hymn, or Veni Creator Spiritus. In other places, par�cularly

Sicily and the Italian peninsula, rose petals were and are thrown from

the galleries over the congrega�on calling to mind the tongues of fire.

In modern �mes, this prac�ce has been revived, and interes�ngly

adapted as well, to include the strewing of origami doves from above,

or suspending them – some�mes by the hundreds – from the ceiling.

In some cases, red fans, or red handkerchiefs are distributed to the

assembled worshippers to be waved during the procession, etc. Other congrega�ons have incorpo-

rated the use of red balloons, signifying the "Church's Birthday" into their fes�vi�es. These may be

carried by worshippers, used to decorate the sanctuary, or released all at once.

This article contains material found on the following websites: and

Ascension Day - May 14

According to the accounts in Scripture (Mark 16:19, Luke 24:51, and Acts 1:2), Jesus appeared to many of

his disciples during the 40 days following his resurrec�on. On the 40th day, he came again to the Apostles

and led them out to the Mount of Olives where he instructed them to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of

the Holy Spirit. Then, as they were watching, he ascended into clouds. As they con�nued to watch, two an-

gels appeared and declared to them that, just as he ascended, Jesus would return in glory.

According to Augus�ne of Hippo, one of the early church fathers, the Feast of Ascension originated with the

Apostles. John Chrysostom and Gregory of Nyssa, contemporaries of Augus�ne, refer to it as being one of

the oldest feasts prac�ced by the Church, possibly going as far back as AD 68.

Ascension Day Tradi7ons

As an Ecumenical feast, Ascension Day is one of the six holy days where aAendance at Mass is mandatory

for Roman Catholics and Anglicans. The event is generally a one-day public commemora�on, although the

Church, in keeping with earlier tradi�ons regarding fes�vals, offers devo�ons for seven days.

Churches around the world observe many Ascension Day tradi�ons, such as "the blessing of the first fruits,"

in which grapes and beans are blessed. Some churches depict the Ascension of Christ by raising a statue of

Jesus above the altar and li8ing it through a special door in the roof. Other churches have outdoor proces-

sions with torches and banners. In an old Ascension Day tradi�on from England, parishioners carried a ban-

ner bearing the symbol of a lion at the head of the procession, and a second banner bearing the symbol of a

dragon at the rear. This represented the victory of Christ over the devil.

For many Chris�ans, Ascension Day's meaning provides a sense of hope that the glorious and triumphant

return of Christ is near. It is a reminder of the Kingdom of God within their hearts, and of the ever-present

Spirit of God, watching over and protec�ng them as they spread the light of Jesus' truth throughout the


Origami cranes at the Chicago Com-

munity Mennonite Church

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The Lutheran Church of Our Savior

Those Who Serve - May 2015

Crucifers Worship Assistants

May-03 11:15 Barbara Mprris May-03 8:00 Lou Jones & Barbara Morris

May-10 8:00 Darlene Botts 9:45 Bruce & Donna Egolf

May-17 11:15 Pat Campbell-White May-10 11:15 Mel Ettinger & Marge Kunkle

Apr-17 8:00 Pat Campbell-White & Barbara Morris

Elders of the Day 9:45 Barb Morris & Ryan Powell

May-03 Barbara Morris May-24 8:00 Lou & Jones & Bob Fellows

May-10 Darlene Botts & Mel Ettinger 9:45

May-17 Barbara Morris & Pat Campbell-White 11:15 Mel Ettinger & Marge Kunkle

May-24 Lou Jones & Marge Kunkle May-31 8:00 Deb Lennox & Dottie Blakely

May-31 Deb Lennox & Pat Campbell-White 9:45

11:15 Pat Campbell-White & Ken Dietel


May-03 8:00 Readers

May-10 11:15 May-03 8:00 Lana Browne

May-17 8:00 Lizzie Finnegan 9:45 Donna Egolf

May-24 11:15 11:15 Natalie Alexander

May-31 8:00 Nate Price May-10 8:00 Karen Fricia

11:15 Colby Skelly 9:45 Lois Shoemaker

11:15 Lila Mordhorst

Altar Care May-17 8:00 Bill Noweck

May-03 Beverly Tridente 9:45 High School

May-10 Marcia Pokoyski 11:15 Elli Bokeno

May-17 Beverly Tridente May-24 8:00 Jerry Birl

May-24 Marcia Pokoyski 9:45 Louise Dasler

May-31 Donna Fellows & Marcia Pokoyski 11:15 Marcia Pokoyski

May-31 8:00 Barbara Morris

9:45 Bill Brown

11:15 Carol Baker


Margaret Pearson

Suzanne Sanford

Debbi Combs

Kurt FeAerman

Angelo Delapo

Amanda Williams

Harry "Bud" Blanchard

Cathy Spross

Bill Emery

Kyle Hamm

Duke Slusser

Joe Eibling

Tom Olsen

Barbara Kuntz

Keri Davis

Gloria Jacobson

John Walsh

Bill Warner

Edward Roshko

Cindi Grayer

Elaine Lo8in

Lisa Hayden

Dave Kiefer

Paul Hoepfl

Richard Hoepfl

Julie Lewis

Donald Leister

Marilyn Davis


Bob Kardash

George Hutzelman

Fred Oeffner

Brooke Steinle

Candy Todd

Jean Kiefer

Moe Lewis

Francis Heck III

John Fierick

Frank Neimzack

John Malkus

Ron Pokoyski

Maravene Loeschke

Nancy Richardson

Rebecca Smith

Nancy Friedl

Bill Lemeres

John Komarnicki

Carol Maneckshaw

Chester Heydt

Tom Brown

Armed Forces

Brian Akerstrom

Richard Ashton

Robert Ashton

Brandon BartleA

Ryan BoAs

Taylor BoAs

Robert Canario

Jeffrey Fleegle

Freddi Foster

Fred Gellert

John Gellert

Kyle Hamm

Levi Jacobson-Haga

MaAhew Hubbard

Ben Johnson

Cody Johnson

Brad Leary

Davonte Lilly

Dan Lorenz

Franklin Messick

Shawn Morgan

MaAhew Murray


Melly & Linus Adams

Jean Bi?ng

Fred & Kris Dorka

Deanna Haines

Ron Johnson

Mike & Eleanor Kardash

BeAy Lou Cassell

Carole Garwood

For Our Prayers- May 2015