the lucky baseball bat - libraryaware

Princ Princess Cor ess Cora and the a and the Cr Croc ocodile odile by Laura Amy Schlitz Unhappy queen-in-tr Unhappy queen-in-training Cor aining Cora receiv eceives a pet cr es a pet crocodil ocodile fr e from her om her fairy g fairy godmother odmother. It immediat It immediatel ely disrupt disrupts her mundane dail s her mundane daily routine. outine. Choc Chocola olate F te Fev ever er by Robert Kimmel Smith Henry l Henry loves chocolat es chocolate mor e more than e than an anything ything, but when he br , but when he break aks out in s out in br brown spot own spots fr s from e om eating t ating too much oo much of it, thing of it, things g s get str et strang ange and e and exciting! citing! Cody and the F Cody and the Foun ountain tain of Happiness of Happiness by Tricia Springstubb When summer camp is cl When summer camp is closed and osed and her par her parent ents ar s are str e stressed out by essed out by their new job, Cody is sur their new job, Cody is sure her e her summer is ruined. summer is ruined. But a l But a lost cat ost cat helps her meet a new friend, and that ma helps her meet a new friend, and that may be y be enou enough t gh to s o save her summer! e her summer! Series. Series. 8 Class P 8 Class Pets + 1 Squirr ets + 1 Squirrel el [Divided by [Divided by] 1 Dog = ] 1 Dog = Chaos Chaos by Vivian Vande Velde A dog chases a squirr A dog chases a squirrel int el into an o an el elementary school one night ementary school one night cr creating monumental ating monumental chaos. chaos. Series. Series. Juana & L Juana & Lucas ucas by Juana Medina A spunky y A spunky young girl fr oung girl from om Col Columbia l umbia loves pla es playing with her ying with her canine best friend and r canine best friend and resist esists boring school activities, especiall boring school activities, especially learning English. arning English. But then her But then her famil family t y tells her that a special trip ells her that a special trip is planned t is planned to an English-spe o an English-speaking place. aking place. Series. Series. Cody Harmon, King of Cody Harmon, King of Pets ets by Claudia Mills Animal l Animal lover Cody, who liv er Cody, who lives on a es on a farm, isn't a fan of thir farm, isn't a fan of third gr grade. ade. When his class host When his class hosts a s a pet-show fundr pet-show fundraiser, he sees a aiser, he sees a chance t chance to shine. o shine. But the high But the high entr entrance fee chall ance fee challeng enges Cody t es Cody to fig o figur ure out a e out a differ different w ent way t y to ent o enter all of his pet er all of his pets. Series. s. Series. Lost! A Dog Called Bear ost! A Dog Called Bear by Wendy Orr Thing Things g s go fr o from bad t om bad to worse when o worse when Log Logan's dog runs a an's dog runs away just as he y just as he is mo is moving fr ving from the farm t om the farm to a new o a new home in the city. home in the city. Once ther Once there, he e, he meet meets a girl named Hannah at the s a girl named Hannah at the Rainbow Str ainbow Street Shel eet Shelter er. Tog ogether ether the they find a number of animals in need of a g y find a number of animals in need of a good ood home--and a surprise that just might be the best home--and a surprise that just might be the best thing in the worl thing in the world.. d.. Thir Third Gr d Grade S ade Stinks! tinks! by Colleen O'Shaughnessy McKenna When Lucy Diaz bring When Lucy Diaz brings Miss s Miss Tingl Tingle flowers on the first da e flowers on the first day of y of thir third gr d grade, Gor ade, Gordie finds out right die finds out right away ther y there is g e is going t oing to be o be pr probl oblems, especiall ems, especially when Lucy y when Lucy manag manages t es to g o get Gor et Gordie in tr die in troubl ouble. e. Mo Moving Up: ving Up: Gr Grea eat Books f t Books for or Kids in Gr Kids in Grades 2-4 ades 2-4

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PrincPrincess Coress Cora and thea and theCrCrococodileodileby Laura Amy SchlitzUnhappy queen-in-trUnhappy queen-in-training Coraining Coraarreceiveceives a pet cres a pet crocodilocodile fre from herom herfairy gfairy godmotherodmother.. It immediatIt immediatelelyydisruptdisrupts her mundane dails her mundane dailyyrroutine.outine.

ChocChocolaolate Fte Fevevererby Robert Kimmel SmithHenry lHenry loovves chocolates chocolate more more thane thanananythingything, but when he br, but when he breeakaks out ins out inbrbrown spotown spots frs from eom eating tating too muchoo muchof it, thingof it, things gs get stret strangange ande andeexxciting!citing!

Cody and the FCody and the Founountaintainof Happinessof Happinessby Tricia SpringstubbWhen summer camp is clWhen summer camp is closed andosed andher parher parentents ars are stre stressed out byessed out bytheir new job, Cody is surtheir new job, Cody is sure here hersummer is ruined.summer is ruined. But a lBut a lost catost cat

helps her meet a new friend, and that mahelps her meet a new friend, and that may bey beenouenough tgh to so saavve her summer!e her summer! Series.Series.

8 Class P8 Class Pets + 1 Squirrets + 1 Squirrelel[Divided by[Divided by] 1 Dog =] 1 Dog =ChaosChaosby Vivian Vande VeldeA dog chases a squirrA dog chases a squirrel intel into ano anelelementary school one nightementary school one nightcrcreeating monumentalating monumentalchaos.chaos. Series.Series.

Juana & LJuana & Lucasucasby Juana MedinaA spunky yA spunky young girl froung girl fromomColColumbia lumbia loovves plaes playing with herying with hercanine best friend and rcanine best friend and resistesistssboring school activities, especiallboring school activities, especiallyylleearning English.arning English. But then herBut then herfamilfamily ty tells her that a special tripells her that a special trip

is planned tis planned to an English-speo an English-speaking place.aking place. Series.Series.

Cody Harmon, King ofCody Harmon, King ofPPetsetsby Claudia MillsAnimal lAnimal loovver Cody, who liver Cody, who lives on aes on afarm, isn't a fan of thirfarm, isn't a fan of thirddgrgrade.ade. When his class hostWhen his class hosts as apet-show fundrpet-show fundraiser, he sees aaiser, he sees achance tchance to shine.o shine. But the highBut the high

entrentrance fee challance fee challengenges Cody tes Cody to figo figurure out ae out adifferdifferent went waay ty to ento enter all of his peter all of his pets. Series.s. Series.

LLost! A Dog Called Bearost! A Dog Called Bearby Wendy OrrThingThings gs go fro from bad tom bad to worse wheno worse whenLogLogan's dog runs aan's dog runs awwaay just as hey just as heis mois moving frving from the farm tom the farm to a newo a newhome in the city.home in the city. Once therOnce there, hee, hemeetmeets a girl named Hannah at thes a girl named Hannah at theRRainbow Strainbow Street Sheleet Sheltterer.. TTogogetherether

thethey find a number of animals in need of a gy find a number of animals in need of a goodoodhome--and a surprise that just might be the besthome--and a surprise that just might be the bestthing in the worlthing in the world..d..

ThirThird Grd Grade Sade Stinks!tinks!by Colleen O'ShaughnessyMcKennaWhen Lucy Diaz bringWhen Lucy Diaz brings Misss MissTinglTingle flowers on the first dae flowers on the first day ofy ofthirthird grd grade, Gorade, Gordie finds out rightdie finds out rightaawwaay thery there is ge is going toing to beo beprprobloblems, especiallems, especially when Lucyy when Lucy

managmanages tes to go get Goret Gordie in trdie in troublouble.e.

MoMoving Up:ving Up:GrGreaeat Books ft Books foror

Kids in GrKids in Grades 2-4ades 2-4

The LThe Lucky Baseball Baucky Baseball Battby Matt ChristopherWhen Marty lWhen Marty loses his loses his luckyuckybaseball bat, and his confidencebaseball bat, and his confidencealalong with it, he wonders if he willong with it, he wonders if he willrrecoecovver both in time ter both in time to help theo help theTigTigers win the championship.ers win the championship.

The Magician's BoyThe Magician's Boyby Susan CooperWhen the magician's apprWhen the magician's apprenticeenticelloses the Saint Georoses the Saint Georgge puppet,e puppet,the angry magician sends thethe angry magician sends theboy tboy to the stro the strangange Land of Ste Land of Storyorytto find Saint Georo find Saint Georgge.e. Once therOnce there,e,

he ends up meeting--and helping--a number ofhe ends up meeting--and helping--a number offamiliar fairy talfamiliar fairy tale chare charactacters ders during his quest.uring his quest.

Emma and the BlueEmma and the BlueGenieGenieby Cornelia FunkeEight-yEight-yeear-olar-old Emma and herd Emma and herlittllittle doge dog, T, Tristan, takristan, take a magice a magiccarpet ride tcarpet ride to the distant land ofo the distant land ofBarBarakakash tash to help a go help a genie renie recoecovvererhis sthis stololen magical nose ring.en magical nose ring.

My FMy Faather's Drther's Dragonagonby Ruth Stiles GannettA yA young boy runs aoung boy runs awwaay fry fromomhome thome to ro rescue an abused babyescue an abused babydrdragagon helon held captivd captive on Wile on WilddIsland.Island. He must outHe must outwit a series ofwit a series ofwilwild animals and gd animals and get tet to theo thedrdragagon beforon before it is te it is too latoo late.e.

Birthday PBirthday Ponyonyby Jessie HaasWhen Jane rWhen Jane receiveceives a stubbornes a stubbornponpony named Py named Popcorn for heropcorn for herttenth birthdaenth birthday, she must ly, she must leearnarnhow thow to tame her newfoundo tame her newfoundfriend.friend. TTogogether, theether, they gy gallallop,op,cantcanter, and trer, and trot throt throuough her latgh her latestestadvadventurenturee.

The InThe Invisible Dogvisible Dogby Dick King-SmithWhen Janie's parWhen Janie's parentents ars are unable unableetto afforo afford a rd a reeal pet, she inal pet, she invvententssan "inan "invisiblvisible" dog namede" dog namedHenry.Henry. She faithfullShe faithfully feeds, wy feeds, walkalkssand carand cares for Henry until a tes for Henry until a touchouchof magic changof magic changes thinges things.s.

The ShoThe Show Must Go On!w Must Go On!by Kate KliseTTwo mice and a crwo mice and a crow, who trow, who traavvelelwith a cirwith a circus, come tcus, come to the ro the rescueescuewhen a grwhen a greedy con artist takeedy con artist takesesoovver the manager the management of theement of thecircircus.cus. Series.Series.

CaCattwingswingsby Ursula K. Le GuinFFour your young catoung cats with wings with wings ls leeaavveethe city slthe city slums in seums in seararch of a sch of a safeafeplace tplace to livo live.e. TheThey must bry must braavveedangdangers and surers and survivvive adve adventurentureseson their seon their seararch for a home. for a home. Series.

The Missing BaseballThe Missing Baseballby Mike LupicaEight-yEight-yeear-olar-old td twins Zach andwins Zach andZZoe folloe follow clow clues tues to find Zach'so find Zach'smissing signed baseball, all themissing signed baseball, all thewhilwhile competing in Spirit We competing in Spirit Weekeekeevventents at school.s at school. Series.Series.

The QuigleysThe Quigleysby Simon MasonThe unforThe unforggettablettable members ofe members ofthe Quiglthe Quigleey family family--Dad, Mum,y--Dad, Mum,Will, and Lucy-- eWill, and Lucy-- each tach tell a stell a storyorythat showthat shows their hilarious es their hilarious explxploitoitssand is surand is sure te to be enjoyo be enjoyed byed byyyoung and oloung and old alikd alike.e. Series.Series.

SpacSpace Te Taxiaxi : Ar: ArchiechieTTakakes Flighes Flighttby Wendy MassYYoung Aroung Archie accompanies hischie accompanies hisspace taxi father on the latspace taxi father on the late shife shifttdduring which theuring which they ey experiencexperienceadvadventurentures with wormholes with wormholes, anes, anunusual cat, and an eunusual cat, and an evilvilmastmastermind.ermind. Series.Series.

LLulu and the Duck inulu and the Duck inthe Pthe Parkarkby Hilary McKayLulLulu, who lu, who loovves animals, bringes animals, brings ans anabandoned dabandoned duck euck egg tgg to school,o school,eevven thouen though her tgh her teeacher hasacher hasbanned Lulbanned Lulu fru from bringingom bringinganimals tanimals to school eo school evver ager again.ain.
