the little river news (ashdown, little river county, …...h. f. miller’s shop. george lomon will...

•j»-:-4*-;-4*--*fr-»-! THE CLOTHES WE CLEAN, PRESS AND REPAIR REPRE- SENT PAINSTAKING EFFORT Not a Suit. Skirt or overcoat leaves this place without our knowing that it is O.K. I Our work tnust be II so well done that it i will please the critic. That’s Work Well Done. May we do it I I for You? **. > U !: H THE BEST IH EDUCATION I STATE AGRIClil .TUEAL g I SCHOOL AKK H r TTAUNOLIA H 1-4*-! 4*-' + *«•_ T ‘We Are Not Satis- fied Unless You Are’ V CLEANING, PRESSING and ALTERATIONS 4 f T 4 Agency BLAIR’S IDEAL LAUNDRY Pa:is, Texas All Work Called For and 4 ? £ 4 4 4 Deli ivereu. 4 4- * 4 HOMf. LJYS TLB. (.0. Phone 151. *?* !-•!* !-***'. •*! ;je -V -*J»- •A* Here is a message to suffering tv omen, from Mrs. \V. T. Price, of Public, Ky.: “I suf- fered 'with painful...”, she writes. ‘‘I got down, with a weakness in my back and limbs...! felt helpless and dis- couraged... I had about given up hopes of ever being well again, when a friend insisted I Take Hie Woman’s Tense I began Cardui. In a short while I saw a marked difference... 1 grew stronger right along, and it cured me. I am stouter than I have been in years.” If you suffer, you can appreciate wliat it. means to ba strong and weli. Thousands of wo- men give Cardui the credit for their good health. It should help you. Try Cardui. At all druggists. B-73 If your brain don’t work right and you feel tired and lazy, you may be sure your system is clogged up some- where. You should take Prickly Ash Bitters. Men who use it know it is a thorough system tonic and bowel puri- fier. It invigorates and strengthens both body and brain.. Price $t.2£ per ••’tore special agent. COUNTY NEWS OF INTEREST Ogden Hews. i Ogden. Sept. 25—(Special) The ; rainy weather is indeed putting our progressive farmers behind with their I cotton picking but don't get discour- aged, Mr Farmer, you’ll come out on top as you all ways do. Rev. and Mrs. S. K, Burnett and 1 daughter, Georgia Belle, spent Sunday I with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Crouch, and j Rev. Burnett filled his regular ap- j pointment Sunday afternoon in the I school auditorium. Miss Marguerite Rudd, who is at- tending school in Texarkana, spent. I Saturday and Sunday with her parents. I Mr. ami Mrs. Rov Budd of this city, j Miss Laura Van Hook left Friday | at noon for Little Rock to attend the i teachers’ rally. | Hr and Mrs. I. X. Hutt were in Ash- down Tuesday afternoon. Smith Grimes and Jim Cummins of Ashdown were visitors here Sunday c v'ening. John and Kmmett Smithson of Oil City. La., are spending a, few days at home this week. Artie Patterson and Joe Collins were callers here Sunday evening. Miss Rose of New Orleans is spend- ing a few days with her aunt, Mrs. R. L. Bounders this week* Miss Mary McDowell, Miss Laura Van Hook and Miss Addie Crouch spent a few days in Ashdown iast week taking the teachers examination. Mr. and Mrs. Griff Goodman of Tex- I arltanu spent Sunday in this city, the guests of friends and relatives. Mrs J. H. Furlow,-^Misses Ethel, Minnie and May Smithson and John Smillmon weer in Ashdown Tuesday al'tei noon. Quite a few from here attended the shi.v in Ashdown Tuesday evening. ,im.:her enjoyable time was had Saturday evening at Pine Prairie by our favorite dancers, when Mr. and Mrs G. W. McDowell throw open their hospitality and entertained them with an old fashioned dance, along with ice ( i cam and cake. People who don’t know us down here don’t luuea any idea what a jolly good ! making" bunch, we are. Come down land gi\e us a visit; would bo glad to j have you to our Sunday schools, Ep- | worth League, S. 1. A„ and etc. #VVe ! always like visitors. .Misses Irene 1 lutcliisonn and Jewel McDowell of Pine Prairie were visitors here Sunday evening. Several from our town attended the Methodist revival at Ashdown Tuesday and Wednesday nights. They were de- lighted with the beautiful singing and I lliPIJli illg UIUI1. The pretty store building being | built for the occupancy of D. L. Co- field and the pretty little bungalow Mid Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Furlow will soon be completed. \v ho said Ogden wasn't progressing. Mr. and Mrs. Ode Cox and son. Her- bert, of Fouke. are spending a week with friends and relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. \Y. S. Crouch were in Ashdown Tiwsday. Mr and Mrs. !•! M. Van!look leit for a few days stay in Joplin, Mo.. Thurs- day. Troy Holmes, who has been em- ployed at the garage, left loi iiis home I at Richmond Tuesday. The V M. C. A. meeting was en- joyed Sunday evening at the School .Vudi' iriuin. Miss Ruth Wilson of Foreman was the dinner guest of Miss Mary Mc- Dowell Friday. --o- Foreman Item, Foreman. S-pt 26 ••ml service* were h | noon lor Mrs 1.mis .at her home vorv s j (la-- M'e. :(> 11 : hoc 1 Mrs I! P Diiid I '’..a': rt and i 'harks. (lay in< nine von Colo., whore they : t!;.i sun nicr. j Mrs K G Cam from Fnreka Sprit: j to onl' i her .u-ugui 1 and ChrisUnc. in j .Miss l>ol1i< I iav | t her, Jo! u, le: t M villo to enter tlie l ! sas. 'The members of I several guests spt I lernoon with Mrs Wednesday. At a It ! assisted by Miss served a delicious s ! Fun- ad Tuesday after- Mason, who died uiddcnk on Mon- ti o'clock. ;ay and children, r< s 'lied W- din '.J in do Springs. i\. been sp mding ladl in > 1 TnT.ed < be- nt < allege. ■: ir.s and her bro- irnlay for l’gyotti- Tii'ersity of Arkail- the VIV Club and m a delightful af- .lames I)ollur!:kle ite hour the hostess Blanche Hollarhide, plate luncheon. Mrs. nova Cheevcr of Hot Springs is waiting her daughter, Mrs. I). A. Cook, this week. Dr. I„. C. Shake I ford returned from Texarkana Tuesday, where lie has been under treatment for a very pain- ful attack of blood poison. Oak Hl§! $ews Oak Hill. Sept. 2r>.— (Special)—Miss I Mora Hinton was the a nest of tin* ! Misses Wood Sunday. Miss Sadi McCall lots returned from j Hatton, where she had been visiting i her niece, Mrs. Wilson. I Mr. and Mrs. .1 E. Patterson were shopping in Ashdown Saturday. School closed Friday tor the child- ren's cotton picking vacation. Miss Mattie Hell Turner end Henry Chauncoy visited at T. W. Meall s Sun- day afternoon. Walter Johnson, Claude Brown. Frank a id John Patterson were at Mr Millers’ Monday. ' Kenneth Farnest has changed his route now. going towards Ashdown on Sunday afternoon. Little Bruce Covey is much better today, after a very severe illness. Misses Mavine Patterson and Myrtle McCall. Mr. Bolin. Robert Harris and Charley Chauncey attended the singing at Elmore Sunday afternoon, There will be a pie supper at the school house Saturday night Septem- ber 27, to raise money for books for the singing school. Misses Maude Hinton and Elizabeth Wood spent Sunday with Mrs. H. C. Davis. Would Have Lights. Horatio, Sept. 24.—A movement has been started here to build a water works {yud electric, light plant. The movement has the support of the ma- jority of the property owners. Wallace News. Wallace, Sept. 24.— (Special)— Cody Trammill, John Lowrey and Miss Mar- tha Miller are attending school at iForenran. Mrs. Washby is having a house built on Main street. If you want' your horses shod go to H. F. Miller’s shop. George Lomon will shoe them. j H. F, Miller ma le a trip to Foreman Tuesday. Come to Walker’s gin to have your i 'cotton ginned. He will give you aj s uare deal,. ■The rain has stopped cotton pick- ing in the bottoms. If you want your outside stock !c ught see Geo human at Foreman! 'route one. He will get them for you. j Any one having lost a cow and calf! marked crop off left ear, write Geo. I Lamon, Foreman, R. 1, and he will get them. That is his occupation these j j days. 1 Mr. Kirk of the poor farm has com- pleted his big cow barn. Jim McCandliss is preparing to build Ri new house. Pon’t forget the debate October 7. and continuing three days. Prairie News. Prairie, Sept. 25.—(Special) More rain this week. ! Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Smith visited Mr. Smith's toother, at Miller Saturday and Sunday. The dredge boat is still at work. Jim Fause ot (he dredge boat is vis- iting his sister and mother. Mrs. A P. | i Smith and Mrs J. F. Fouse this week. ! George Lamon visited Charlie Smith Monday night. I John Pnllem was on the Prairie one day last week looking after business. S. S. Troxell and family have moved | to Foreman on account of sickness. Mrs. R. A. Brock and children have returned from Stales, O'kla. where thev: have been visiting the former’s mother.; ! Joe Dollarhide motored down on the j Priarie one day last week. Charley Smith hauled hay last week! from Laynesport. I. V. Perkins is having a new room put in his house on his lower farm this week. The work is being done by | Mr* Hill and Mr. Henry Kinnedy. Everybody seems to have enjoyed themselves at the dance at Mr. and Mrs. Will Massey’s Friday night. We hope they will give another. Mrs. Jim Seargant visited Misses Florence and Vader Smith Tuesday. Miss Vader Smith visited near Arden last week. Jones’ Community News. .Tones- Community, Sept. 24.(Special) Plenty ot rain now. .lav Hoffman and wife were in Fore-!1 man Tuesday. Miss Birdie Patterson’s foot has been unite sore, but is better at this ! writing .1. B. Ritter and son. Russell, were j transacting business in Foreman Tues-j day. We are informed that Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huddleston have gone to good I old Missouri. Mr. V. ('. Hogvofe Mill teach school at Miller this winter, it is learned. W. ('. Hogan is building a new sweet potato house. ^ Mrs. v. c Hoarefe and children arc | moving to Foreman this week, so the older children can attend school this \ winter. We were wrongly informed as to the] (arms of Mr Rachel. Henry, Pond,: T W. Miller, .h nny Green. W \. enhunt and Benton Ashcraft, being sold as appeared in last week's item-. Can't von subscribe for the Lit V Rhor News? Set- C. H. Rettnum ami he will take year subscription tit $1.50 a tear. j Kv, cv farmer should save all of the ; t'l'ni -(ft’s ;! -it I n can. Seed will b1 sett lfc ill, ft;., lit plice i '* K v 5. Wilton 1 25. 1 Sp. cial) M and Mrs >" <’•n-n pr visited friend it I’aCneTn last Sunday. •Ice Stoker from Ben Lomond visited sister, Mrs V. O. Fairbui n Tues- day. Mrs Kenie Waldrop visited home folks in Ashdown Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Waldrop were i shopping in Wilton Wednesday. Rev. C. S. Wales of Ashdown is con-j | ducting a meeting at the Baptist church this week. Rugene Phillies went to Ashdown 1 Wednesday. I Burton Ninsworthy lett Friday tor ! Fayetteville to enter the university. Those who have telephones are re-; j ouested to pay their phone hills the (first of each month, or service "ill he | discontinued. F. G. Brown, the Ben Lomond drug-j “i.-.t, was a Wilton visitor Wednosdav. Frank Lee from Mena visited with friends here this week. Florence Clumcev from Ashdown was here on business Wednesday. Jodie Walker front Allene was here Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Haines from Ashdown came to Wilton Sunday and will make their home here. Mr Haines will work for George Bell of this place. Miss Terry from Vivian. La who has been visiting Mrs. W. it Morris^ returned home Monday. The Wilton school gives an open session of its literary society in the school chape] on Saturday night. Hot chocolate and cake will he served. The! proceeds "‘ill be used in beautifying the interior of the school building.; Fveryone is cordially invited. | Marvin News. Marvin Community. Sept. 24.—Mr. Charley Tults and A. L Scott made a business trip to Ashdown Saturday. Messrs. Walter Johnson. Marvin Forehand of Vandervoort catne down to pick cotton for the Fawcett Bros,. Airs. Mary Scott. Mrs Willie Tram-1 mell visited Mrs. H D. Warricks last Sunday Mr. and Mrs H. F. White of Wallace neighborhood visited Uncle Dubs Sun- day afternoon. Mr. C. P. Fawcett and Mr. Fred Hen- sley visited Ui\cle Dubs Sunday after-1 noon. Remember the date of the debate at Marvin, Octobir 7. “Uncle Dubs." Hicks News. Hicks, Sept. 25.—(Special) iVPss Norwood met witj tiie Hicks Agncil- tiira 1 •' iuli September 19th. A number cf members were present. This i- the first mottint; wo have had in a 200 1 while After all business was attyvj- M to wo tuljotnned to meet th first ’l hnrs*»ay night in October, diw ts Beth ( ow ing and VVilla Price of Ash- down worn Visitors to the club. Blrchey Mahaffey of Fayetteville was a Hicks visitor this week. Miss Ethel Treas visited relatives in Ashdown last week Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. Matthews were lfaraIonia visitors the first of the week. Mrs. P. H. Oliver and baby were Hie guests of VV. H. Treas and family Wed- nesday. Mrs. .1. X. Phillips was shopping in Wilton Wednesday. •Ioil 11 Quarles was in Ashdown on business Wednesday. Allas Grace Phillips entertained a number of friends with a party Mon- day night. Aliss Marie Johnston of Ashdown was the guest of relatives Sunday. V G. S' 'plums was in Ashdown Wednesday, A number of the Elmore singers were over Sunday night. Mtntia News. Arkinda, Sept. 25.— (Special)—0. D. Jennings went to Foreman Thursday. Aliss Effie Wilnieth is rapidly im- proving now. Prof,- Albert Hall was here last Sunday. Prof. Hall will ter.eli a mu- sic school here in about three weeks. Gland Bonnie is right sick now. Geo. W. May was here from Ha- worth, Okla., this week. Rev. G. A. Allhands went to Foreman Monday on business. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M Dollar is fast improving after an at- tack of typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. W,. A. Dollar, who re- cently moved from here to Idabel. will move back to Arkinda early this fan. Mr. Dollar knows where Jhe goose hangs tin' highest. Prof. F. T. Edson was in town Thu- rsday from the Blaeklands. Bob Key is still in the market for ;i buggy. Bob is getting tired riding horseback. A Mr. Brunstum came in from Texas riutrsday looking for a location. Henry Horton went to Foreman l'hursday. Troy Kirkland looks sad now since Ilia girl departed lor western Okla- homa. If it don't quit raining so much we will just have to let it keep raining. -o-- Wmfhrcp News, Winthrop. Sept. 25.—(Special)—Mr uul Mrs. James Hendrix anil children ;>!' 'Texarkana were pleasant guests if Mrs. Pendergast. Mr. J. O. Dildy was in Texarkana ast week. Mrs. W. T. Young ot' Ashdown at- ended the O. 10. S. banquet here Tues- lay evening. Airs. Ai ry Davis, who has been ill, s in Ashdown this week visiting her laughter, Mrs. Frank Dang .Mr. McBryde left Wednesday for A oil' C ity, Texas, for a short visit. Mrs. I. O. Dildy returned Saturday Tom Tqxarkaa, where she has been aider medical treatment and has uu- lergone an operation. Mw and Ms. Jim'Carrol and chinl- •en of Texarkana were the guests of dr. and Mrs. S. F. File Sunday. aD. and Mrs. >0 K. Dillon are the annul parents ol a new boy. Mrs> Tom Click returned Sunday, nter having been in the sanitarium tor a, week, where she has undergone m operation. Drainelt Sweeney returned Thurs- 11;.y after a few weeks visit in L’exa- iHM'Ks ic ; u’immvi ■!;:nt :: <>"• oi ! ex-trkniui c ij He Named P, *>„ Judge. v. id. v 1 1’’: uds I, of Attorney William Dei Estes, oi Tex- arkana. say they are almost certain c i\\ the! he will tie named by Presi- dent Wilson as the successor of the i: te Judge Gordon Russell as federal district judge of this district. News received from Washington that both Senators Culberson and Sheppard have announced that they will support the candidacy of Mr Estes is given as inie of the chief reasons for the in- creased confidence that he will re- ceive the appointment. -—o- points now in (jinraoL Purchase Minority Holding of Million* aire Mayor oi Octroi!. Detroit, Sept. 2d. Control of all stock in the Ford Motor Company lias been secured by Henry Ford and bis son, Fdsel, il was announced here to- luy, through purchase of the minor- ity holdings of James C'ouzens, mil- lionaire mayor of Detroit, and former rice president of the company. ,'!s$235 sswsaeassraEv relf i*.lit* ra Kevt iiraiic'ma <;. / pa i* % R \'-Z& ‘Cl a’ori Oh ’.vv ] y u it S 1 com® didn't :•,.;? :r:ht. Because hi b S S/tKiHG POWDER Is always ;: •. It’s worth wait: or for. Always wel- come. Never shiiKs its work. Never fails. Ne\er wastes rr nutes or materia1 and I hvo?c it’s pure nd whole: if, as.,t 'or :.i o: sv'll inyrecih n:s a h;.’e ’em approved officially by the U. S. Food Author UK You so. e when you buy it—y save ivhm you use it. rir-L Quality A v.;:i(ls FOR SALE Cash or Easy Payments AH the land and timber formerly owned by the Nashville Lumber,Company, in Howard, Sevier, little River and Hempstead Counties. f VWP\ \ INC & .Wfl 11 \M \ Bank of Na hvilie Building Nashville. Arkansas LUNDS FOR SALE. Mcnev to Loan on Emuroved Farms. 4 J i % 4> £ 1,000 acres good upland far sale at $20 per acre * I-8 or more cash, balance in 7 equal annual paj f menls at (> per cent per annum. Also good impro' | ed upland farms from $30 to $50 per acre on san '4. terms. Will take Liberty Bonds in part paynie * or all payment and pay 105 cents on the dollar I 'f- them. | See me if you want to buy land. * H, C. HODGES, Notary Public. 4 (H'l lti; l\ s VMM USON Hi Ashdown, Arkaust 3- QUICK SHIPMENTS On Farm Saw MilW^. Portable Saw Mills, Mounted Saw Mills. Stat- ionary Saw Mills. Saw Mill Feeds, Saw Mill Set Works. Saw Oust Blowers, Saw Oust Conveyors, Slab Conveyors, Live Rolls, Log, .lackers, Log Hauls, Log Turners, Bang Edgers, Lumber Trimmers, Short Log Bolters, Latn Macmnes, Shingle Machines, Swing Saws. Table Cut-Off Saws. Planers and Matchers. Sur- facers, Wood Top Saw Benches. Iron Top Saw Benches, All Iron Saw Benches, Portable Saw Benches, Variety Wood Workers, Band Saws, Sanders, Turning Lathers, Baring Machines, Knife Grinders. Emery GrinderMandrels, Cir- cular Saws, Drag Saws, Wood Splitters, Wood Bundlers, Mounted Wood Saws, Engine!.', Boilers, Log Carts, Pulleys, Shafting, Boxes and Hangars. Excelsior Machine WILLIAMS MILL MANUFACTURING COMPANY OF ARKANSAS V TEXARKANA, lT. S. A. Farm and Mill Machinery. Saw Mill Machinery, Wood Working Machinery, Grist Mill s. Peed Mills, Hay %esses. Threshers an Engines, from one horse to twenty-five horse power.

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Page 1: The Little River news (Ashdown, Little River County, …...H. F. Miller’s shop. George Lomon will shoe them. j H. F, Miller ma le a trip to Foreman Tuesday. Come to Walker’s gin



Not a Suit. Skirt or

overcoat leaves this

place without our

knowing that it is O.K. I

Our work tnust be II

so well done that it i

will please the critic.

That’s Work Well

Done. May we do it I

I for You?

**. >

U !: H




1-4*-! 4*-' + *«•_ T

‘We Are Not Satis-

fied Unless You Are’ V




T 4


Pa:is, Texas

All Work Called For and




4 4 4

Deli ivereu. 4

4- *


HOMf. LJYS TLB. (.0. Phone 151.

*?* !-•!* !-***'. •*! ;je -V -*J»- •A*

Here is a message to

suffering tv omen, from Mrs. \V. T. Price, of Public, Ky.: “I suf- fered 'with painful...”, she writes. ‘‘I got down, with a weakness in my back and limbs...! felt helpless and dis- couraged... I had about given up hopes of ever

being well again, when a friend insisted I


Hie Woman’s Tense I began Cardui. In

a short while I saw a

marked difference... 1 grew stronger right along, and it cured me. I am stouter than I have been in years.” If you suffer, you can

appreciate wliat it. means to ba strong and weli. Thousands of wo-

men give Cardui the credit for their good health. It should help you. Try Cardui. At all druggists. B-73

If your brain don’t work right and

you feel tired and lazy, you may be

sure your system is clogged up some-

where. You should take Prickly Ash

Bitters. Men who use it know it is a

thorough system tonic and bowel puri- fier. It invigorates and strengthens both body and brain.. Price $t.2£ per

••’tore special agent.


i Ogden. Sept. 25—(Special) — The ; rainy weather is indeed putting our

progressive farmers behind with their I cotton picking but don't get discour- aged, Mr Farmer, you’ll come out on

top as you all ways do. Rev. and Mrs. S. K, Burnett and

1 daughter, Georgia Belle, spent Sunday I with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Crouch, and j Rev. Burnett filled his regular ap-

j pointment Sunday afternoon in the I school auditorium.

Miss Marguerite Rudd, who is at- tending school in Texarkana, spent.

I Saturday and Sunday with her parents. I Mr. ami Mrs. Rov Budd of this city, j Miss Laura Van Hook left Friday | at noon for Little Rock to attend the i teachers’ rally. | Hr and Mrs. I. X. Hutt were in Ash- down Tuesday afternoon.

Smith Grimes and Jim Cummins of Ashdown were visitors here Sunday c v'ening.

John and Kmmett Smithson of Oil City. La., are spending a, few days at home this week.

Artie Patterson and Joe Collins were callers here Sunday evening.

Miss Rose of New Orleans is spend- ing a few days with her aunt, Mrs. R. L. Bounders this week*

Miss Mary McDowell, Miss Laura Van Hook and Miss Addie Crouch spent a few days in Ashdown iast week taking the teachers examination.

Mr. and Mrs. Griff Goodman of Tex- I arltanu spent Sunday in this city, the

guests of friends and relatives. Mrs J. H. Furlow,-^Misses Ethel,

Minnie and May Smithson and John Smillmon weer in Ashdown Tuesday al'tei noon.

Quite a few from here attended the shi.v in Ashdown Tuesday evening.

,im.:her enjoyable time was had Saturday evening at Pine Prairie by our favorite dancers, when Mr. and Mrs G. W. McDowell throw open their hospitality and entertained them with an old fashioned dance, along with ice

( i cam and cake. People who don’t know us down here

don’t luuea any idea what a jolly good ! making" bunch, we are. Come down land gi\e us a visit; would bo glad to

j have you to our Sunday schools, Ep- | worth League, S. 1. A„ and etc. #VVe ! always like visitors.

.Misses Irene 1 lutcliisonn and Jewel McDowell of Pine Prairie were visitors here Sunday evening.

Several from our town attended the

Methodist revival at Ashdown Tuesday and Wednesday nights. They were de-

lighted with the beautiful singing and

I lliPIJli illg UIUI1.

The pretty store building being | built for the occupancy of D. L. Co-

field and the pretty little bungalow Mid Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Furlow will

soon be completed. \v ho said Ogden wasn't progressing.

Mr. and Mrs. Ode Cox and son. Her-

bert, of Fouke. are spending a week

with friends and relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. \Y. S. Crouch were in

Ashdown Tiwsday. Mr and Mrs. !•! M. Van!look leit for

a few days stay in Joplin, Mo.. Thurs-

day. Troy Holmes, who has been em-

ployed at the garage, left loi iiis home

I at Richmond Tuesday. The V M. C. A. meeting was en-

joyed Sunday evening at the School .Vudi' iriuin.

Miss Ruth Wilson of Foreman was

the dinner guest of Miss Mary Mc- Dowell Friday.


Foreman Item, Foreman. S-pt 26

••ml service* were h

| noon lor Mrs 1.mis .at her home vorv s

j (la-- M'e. :(> 11 : hoc 1 Mrs I! P Diiid I '’..a': rt and i 'harks. (lay in< nine von

Colo., whore they : t!;.i sun nicr.

j Mrs K G Cam from Fnreka Sprit:

j to onl' i her .u-ugui 1 and ChrisUnc. in j .Miss l>ol1i< I iav | t her, Jo! u, le: t M villo to enter tlie l

! sas. 'The members of

I several guests spt I lernoon with Mrs

Wednesday. At a It ! assisted by Miss served a delicious

s ! Fun- ad Tuesday after-

Mason, who died uiddcnk on Mon-

ti o'clock. ;ay and children, r< s 'lied W- din '.J in do Springs.

i\. been sp mding

ladl in > 1 TnT.ed

< be- nt < allege. ■: ir.s and her bro- irnlay for l’gyotti-

Tii'ersity of Arkail-

the VIV Club and m a delightful af-

.lames I)ollur!:kle ite hour the hostess Blanche Hollarhide, plate luncheon.

Mrs. nova Cheevcr of Hot Springs is

waiting her daughter, Mrs. I). A. Cook, this week.

Dr. I„. C. Shake I ford returned from Texarkana Tuesday, where lie has been under treatment for a very pain- ful attack of blood poison.

Oak Hl§! $ews Oak Hill. Sept. 2r>.— (Special)—Miss

I Mora Hinton was the a nest of tin* ! Misses Wood Sunday.

Miss Sadi ■ McCall lots returned from j Hatton, where she had been visiting

i her niece, Mrs. Wilson. I Mr. and Mrs. .1 E. Patterson were

shopping in Ashdown Saturday. School closed Friday tor the child-

ren's cotton picking vacation. Miss Mattie Hell Turner end Henry

Chauncoy visited at T. W. Meall s Sun- day afternoon.

Walter Johnson, Claude Brown. Frank a id John Patterson were at Mr Millers’ Monday.

' Kenneth Farnest has changed his route now. going towards Ashdown on

Sunday afternoon. Little Bruce Covey is much better

today, after a very severe illness. Misses Mavine Patterson and Myrtle

McCall. Mr. Bolin. Robert Harris and Charley Chauncey attended the singing at Elmore Sunday afternoon,

There will be a pie supper at the school house Saturday night Septem- ber 27, to raise money for books for the singing school.

Misses Maude Hinton and Elizabeth Wood spent Sunday with Mrs. H. C. Davis.

Would Have Lights. Horatio, Sept. 24.—A movement has

been started here to build a water

works {yud electric, light plant. The

movement has the support of the ma-

jority of the property owners.

Wallace News. Wallace, Sept. 24.— (Special)— Cody

Trammill, John Lowrey and Miss Mar- tha Miller are attending school at iForenran.

Mrs. Washby is having a house built on Main street.

If you want' your horses shod go to H. F. Miller’s shop. George Lomon will shoe them.

j H. F, Miller ma le a trip to Foreman Tuesday.

Come to Walker’s gin to have your i

'cotton ginned. He will give you aj s uare deal,.

■The rain has stopped cotton pick- ing in the bottoms.

If you want your outside stock !c ught see Geo human at Foreman! 'route one. He will get them for you. j

Any one having lost a cow and calf! marked crop off left ear, write Geo. I Lamon, Foreman, R. 1, and he will get them. That is his occupation these j j days.

1 Mr. Kirk of the poor farm has com-

pleted his big cow barn. Jim McCandliss is preparing to build

Ri new house. Pon’t forget the debate October 7.

and continuing three days.

Prairie News. Prairie, Sept. 25.—(Special) More

rain this week. ! Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Smith visited Mr. Smith's toother, at Miller Saturday and Sunday.

The dredge boat is still at work. Jim Fause ot (he dredge boat is vis-

iting his sister and mother. Mrs. A P. | i Smith and Mrs J. F. Fouse this week. !

George Lamon visited Charlie Smith Monday night.

I John Pnllem was on the Prairie one

day last week looking after business. S. S. Troxell and family have moved |

to Foreman on account of sickness. Mrs. R. A. Brock and children have

returned from Stales, O'kla. where thev: have been visiting the former’s mother.;

! Joe Dollarhide motored down on the j Priarie one day last week.

Charley Smith hauled hay last week! from Laynesport.

I. V. Perkins is having a new room

put in his house on his lower farm this week. The work is being done by | Mr* Hill and Mr. Henry Kinnedy.

Everybody seems to have enjoyed themselves at the dance at Mr. and Mrs. Will Massey’s Friday night. We hope they will give another.

Mrs. Jim Seargant visited Misses Florence and Vader Smith Tuesday.

Miss Vader Smith visited near Arden last week.

Jones’ Community News. .Tones- Community, Sept. 24.(Special)

Plenty ot rain now. .lav Hoffman and wife were in Fore-!1

man Tuesday. Miss Birdie Patterson’s foot has

been unite sore, but is better at this ! writing

.1. B. Ritter and son. Russell, were j transacting business in Foreman Tues-j day.

We are informed that Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huddleston have gone to good I old Missouri.

Mr. V. ('. Hogvofe Mill teach school at Miller this winter, it is learned.

W. ('. Hogan is building a new sweet potato house. ^

Mrs. v. c Hoarefe and children arc | moving to Foreman this week, so the older children can attend school this \ winter.

We were wrongly informed as to the] (arms of Mr Rachel. Henry, Pond,: T W. Miller, .h nny Green. W \. enhunt and Benton Ashcraft, being sold as appeared in last week's item-.

Can't von subscribe for the Lit V Rhor News? Set- C. H. Rettnum ami he will take year subscription tit $1.50 a tear. j

Kv, cv farmer should save all of the ; t'l'ni -(ft’s ;! -it I n can. Seed will b1 sett lfc ill, ft;., lit plice

i '* K v 5.

Wilton 1 25. 1 Sp. cial) M and Mrs >" <’•n-n pr visited friend it I’aCneTn last Sunday.

•Ice Stoker from Ben Lomond visited sister, Mrs V. O. Fairbui n Tues-

day. Mrs Kenie Waldrop visited home

folks in Ashdown Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Waldrop were

i shopping in Wilton Wednesday. Rev. C. S. Wales of Ashdown is con-j

| ducting a meeting at the Baptist church this week.

Rugene Phillies went to Ashdown 1 Wednesday. I Burton Ninsworthy lett Friday tor

! Fayetteville to enter the university. Those who have telephones are re-;

j ouested to pay their phone hills the (first of each month, or service "ill he

| discontinued. F. G. Brown, the Ben Lomond drug-j

“i.-.t, was a Wilton visitor Wednosdav. Frank Lee from Mena visited with

friends here this week. Florence Clumcev from Ashdown

was here on business Wednesday. Jodie Walker front Allene was here

Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Haines from Ashdown

came to Wilton Sunday and will make their home here. Mr Haines will work for George Bell of this place.

Miss Terry from Vivian. La who has been visiting Mrs. W. it Morris^ returned home Monday.

The Wilton school gives an open session of its literary society in the

school chape] on Saturday night. Hot

chocolate and cake will he served. The! proceeds "‘ill be used in beautifying the interior of the school building.; Fveryone is cordially invited.

| Marvin News.

Marvin Community. Sept. 24.—Mr. Charley Tults and A. L Scott made a business trip to Ashdown Saturday.

Messrs. Walter Johnson. Marvin Forehand of Vandervoort catne down to pick cotton for the Fawcett Bros,.

Airs. Mary Scott. Mrs Willie Tram-1 mell visited Mrs. H D. Warricks last Sunday

Mr. and Mrs H. F. White of Wallace neighborhood visited Uncle Dubs Sun- day afternoon. ■

Mr. C. P. Fawcett and Mr. Fred Hen- sley visited Ui\cle Dubs Sunday after-1 noon.

Remember the date of the debate at

Marvin, Octobir 7. “Uncle Dubs."

Hicks News. Hicks, Sept. 25.—(Special) — iVPss

Norwood met witj tiie Hicks Agncil- tiira 1 •' iuli September 19th. A number cf members were present. This i- the first mottint; wo have had in a 200 1 while After all business was attyvj- M to wo tuljotnned to meet th • first ’l hnrs*»ay night in October, diw ts Beth ( ow ing and VVilla Price of Ash- down worn Visitors to the club.

Blrchey Mahaffey of Fayetteville was a Hicks visitor this week.

Miss Ethel Treas visited relatives in Ashdown last week

Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. Matthews were lfaraIonia visitors the first of the week.

Mrs. P. H. Oliver and baby were Hie guests of VV. H. Treas and family Wed- nesday.

Mrs. .1. X. Phillips was shopping in Wilton Wednesday.

•Ioil 11 Quarles was in Ashdown on business Wednesday.

Allas Grace Phillips entertained a number of friends with a party Mon- day night.

Aliss Marie Johnston of Ashdown was the guest of relatives Sunday.

V G. S' 'plums was in Ashdown Wednesday,

A number of the Elmore singers were over Sunday night.

Mtntia News. Arkinda, Sept. 25.— (Special)—0. D.

Jennings went to Foreman Thursday. Aliss Effie Wilnieth is rapidly im-

proving now. Prof,- Albert Hall was here last

Sunday. Prof. Hall will ter.eli a mu-

sic school here in about three weeks. Gland Bonnie is right sick now.

Geo. W. May was here from Ha- worth, Okla., this week.

Rev. G. A. Allhands went to Foreman Monday on business.

The little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M Dollar is fast improving after an at- tack of typhoid fever.

Mr. and Mrs. W,. A. Dollar, who re-

cently moved from here to Idabel. will move back to Arkinda early this fan. Mr. Dollar knows where Jhe goose hangs tin' highest.

Prof. F. T. Edson was in town Thu- rsday from the Blaeklands.

Bob Key is still in the market for ;i buggy. Bob is getting tired riding horseback.

A Mr. Brunstum came in from Texas riutrsday looking for a location.

Henry Horton went to Foreman l'hursday.

Troy Kirkland looks sad now since Ilia girl departed lor western Okla- homa.

If it don't quit raining so much we

will just have to let it keep raining. -o--

Wmfhrcp News, Winthrop. Sept. 25.—(Special)—Mr

uul Mrs. James Hendrix anil children ;>!' 'Texarkana were pleasant guests if Mrs. Pendergast.

Mr. J. O. Dildy was in Texarkana ast week.

Mrs. W. T. Young ot' Ashdown at- ended the O. 10. S. banquet here Tues- lay evening.

Airs. Ai ry Davis, who has been ill, s in Ashdown this week visiting her laughter, Mrs. Frank Dang

.Mr. McBryde left Wednesday for A oil' C ity, Texas, for a short visit.

Mrs. I. O. Dildy returned Saturday Tom Tqxarkaa, where she has been aider medical treatment and has uu-

lergone an operation. Mw and Ms. Jim'Carrol and chinl-

•en of Texarkana were the guests of dr. and Mrs. S. F. File Sunday.

aD. and Mrs. >0 K. Dillon are the annul parents ol a new boy.

Mrs> Tom Click returned Sunday, nter having been in the sanitarium tor a, week, where she has undergone m operation.

Drainelt Sweeney returned Thurs- 11;.y after a few weeks visit in L’exa-

iHM'Ks ic ; u’immvi ■!;:nt

:: <>"• oi ! ex-trkniui c ij He

Named P, *>„ Judge.

v. id. v 1 1’’: uds I, of Attorney William Dei Estes, oi Tex-

arkana. say they are almost certain

c i\\ the! he will tie named by Presi-

dent Wilson as the successor of the

i: te Judge Gordon Russell as federal

district judge of this district. News

received from Washington that both

Senators Culberson and Sheppard have

announced that they will support the

candidacy of Mr Estes is given as

inie of the chief reasons for the in-

creased confidence that he will re-

ceive the appointment. -—o-

points now in (jinraoL

Purchase Minority Holding of Million*

aire Mayor oi Octroi!.

Detroit, Sept. 2d. Control of all

stock in the Ford Motor Company lias

been secured by Henry Ford and bis

son, Fdsel, il was announced here to-

luy, through purchase of the minor-

ity holdings of James C'ouzens, mil- lionaire mayor of Detroit, and former rice president of the company.

,'!s$235 sswsaeassraEv

relf i*.lit* ra

Kevt iiraiic'ma

<;. / pa i* % R \'-Z&

‘Cl a’ori Oh ’.vv ]

y u

it S


com® didn't :•,.;?

:r:ht. Because


Is always ;: •. It’s worth wait: or for. Always wel- come. Never shiiKs its work. Never fails. Ne\er wastes rr nutes or materia1 and I hvo?c it’s pure nd whole: if, as.,t 'or :.i o: sv'll inyrecih n:s a h;.’e ’em approved officially by the U. S. Food Author UK

You so. e when you buy it—y • save ivhm you use it.

rir-L Quality A v.;:i(ls

FOR SALE Cash or Easy Payments

AH the land and timber formerly owned by the

Nashville Lumber,Company, in Howard, Sevier, little River and Hempstead Counties.

f VWP\ \ INC & .Wfl 11 \M \ Bank of Na hvilie Building

Nashville. Arkansas

LUNDS FOR SALE. Mcnev to Loan on Emuroved Farms.

4 J i % 4>

£ 1,000 acres good upland far sale at $20 per acre

* I-8 or more cash, balance in 7 equal annual paj f menls at (> per cent per annum. Also good impro' | ed upland farms from $30 to $50 per acre on san

'4. terms. Will take Liberty Bonds in part paynie * or all payment and pay 105 cents on the dollar I

'f- them.

| See me if you want to buy land. * H, C. HODGES, Notary Public. 4 (H'l lti; l\ s VMM USON Hi Ashdown, Arkaust 3-

QUICK SHIPMENTS On Farm Saw MilW^. Portable Saw Mills, Mounted Saw Mills. Stat- ionary Saw Mills. Saw Mill Feeds, Saw Mill Set Works. Saw Oust Blowers, Saw Oust Conveyors, Slab Conveyors, Live Rolls, Log, .lackers, Log Hauls, Log Turners, Bang Edgers, Lumber Trimmers,

Short Log Bolters, Latn Macmnes,

Shingle Machines, Swing Saws. Table Cut-Off Saws. Planers and Matchers. Sur- facers, Wood Top Saw Benches. Iron Top Saw Benches, All Iron Saw Benches, Portable Saw Benches, Variety Wood Workers, Band Saws, Sanders, Turning Lathers, Baring Machines, Knife Grinders. Emery GrinderMandrels, Cir- cular Saws, Drag Saws, Wood Splitters, Wood Bundlers, Mounted Wood Saws, Engine!.', Boilers, Log Carts, Pulleys, Shafting, Boxes and Hangars.

Excelsior Machine


TEXARKANA, lT. S. A. Farm and Mill Machinery.

Saw Mill Machinery, Wood Working Machinery, Grist Mill s. Peed Mills, Hay %esses. Threshers an

Engines, from one horse to twenty-five horse power. ■ ■ —