the listing department corporate relationship department ...bandra (e), mumbai- 400051, script code...

Date: July 23, 2020 To, To, The Listing Department National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai- 400051, Script Code – ADSL Corporate Relationship Department BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai 400 001 Script Code: 532875 Dear Sir/Madam, Subject: Intimation pursuant to Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. In compliances with Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, enclosed herewith is the copy of the Newspaper Publication of the Notice of Board Meeting of Board of Directors is scheduled to be held on Thursday, July 30, 2020 in Business Standard (English Language) and Nava Kaal (Marathi Language). Kindly take the same on record and oblige. Yours faithfully, For Allied Digital Services Limited Sd/- Nitin Dhanji Shah Chairman and Managing Director DIN: 00189903 Mob: 7400093934

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Page 1: The Listing Department Corporate Relationship Department ...Bandra (E), Mumbai- 400051, Script Code – ADSL Corporate Relationship Department BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,

Date: July 23, 2020

To, To,

The Listing Department

National Stock Exchange of India Limited

Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex,

Bandra (E), Mumbai- 400051,

Script Code – ADSL

Corporate Relationship Department

BSE Limited

Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,

Dalal Street, Mumbai 400 001

Script Code: 532875

Dear Sir/Madam,

Subject: Intimation pursuant to Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure

Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

In compliances with Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)

Regulations, 2015, enclosed herewith is the copy of the Newspaper Publication of the Notice of

Board Meeting of Board of Directors is scheduled to be held on Thursday, July 30, 2020 in Business

Standard (English Language) and Nava Kaal (Marathi Language).

Kindly take the same on record and oblige.

Yours faithfully,

For Allied Digital Services Limited


Nitin Dhanji Shah

Chairman and Managing Director

DIN: 00189903

Mob: 7400093934

Page 2: The Listing Department Corporate Relationship Department ...Bandra (E), Mumbai- 400051, Script Code – ADSL Corporate Relationship Department BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,



Over the years, we haveheard stories aboutcelebrities like Michael

Jackson, Mike Tyson, DonaldTrump and Vijay Mallya goingbroke, and some even filed forbankruptcy. However, it is rareto hear about individual bank-ruptcy/insolvency cases inIndia because the laws aremuch tougher, and of course,social stigma. The good thing isthat you can do so even if youowe someone as little as Rs 500,according to the existing lawwhich is almost over a centuryold. No wonder, the processcan be excruciating. SureshSurana, founder, RSM Indiasays: “Bankruptcy arises wherea person is unable to pay hisdebts. However, a person isconsidered bankrupt onlywhen he is adjudged as one bythe judicial authorities.”

Though the Insolvency andBankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC)came into effect on December2, 2016, and has rules for indi-vidual bankruptcy too, theyhave not been notified yet. SaysSandeep Bajaj, Founder &Managing Partner, PSLAdvocates & Solicitors: “At pres-ent, in respect of IndividualInsolvency and Bankruptcy, theproceedings are governed bythe Presidency TownsInsolvency Act, 1909 (applica-ble to proceedings to be insti-tuted before the High Courts ofCalcutta, Bombay and Madras)and the Provincial InsolvencyAct, 1920 (which applies to therest of India). Once the provi-sions of the Code are notified,the repeal Section 23 of theCode shall come into force andthe aforementioned statutesshall cease to affect.” Note thatthe provisions of both the Actsare similar.

Gopal Bohra, Partner, NA

Shah Associates says: “The pre-vailing bankruptcy laws do notdistinguish between salaried orself-employed individuals. Anindividual who owes a debt to aperson and is not able to dis-charge the same owing to hisdeteriorating financial condi-tions can apply for bankruptcy.

The process: Once you havedecided to file for bankruptcy,you need to approach a lawyerto file a proposal in the court,along with the necessary docu-mentation. After analysing ifthe conditions for filing have

been met, the court may acceptor reject the petition. Once youfile the petition, a hearing dateis announced and the courtappoints an interim receiverwho takes immediate posses-sion of the property of thedebtor. Aishwarya Satija,research fellow, Vidhi Centrefor Legal Policy, an independ-ent legal advisory group,explains: “Under the IBC,there’s an automatic staymechanism in place. But underthe current laws, you can apply for a stay order from thecourt, and it can give a stay on

any legal proceedings againstthe property or assets of thedebtor.”

Adjunction: On the hearingdate, if the court finds that yourpetition is satisfactory, it willpass on “order of adjunction”which will make you – thedebtor – an undischargedinsolvent. After this, the court-appointed officer will sell offyour property, if any. The mon-ey recovered after the sale willbe distributed among thedebtors. Adds Borah: “The dis-tribution will be made in order

of priority. First bankruptcyexpenses, workmen’s dues,secured creditors and unpaiddues of employees will be dis-tributed, and after that, anysurplus leftover will be distrib-uted to Central Governmentand State Government. In casethe bankrupt has any pastincome tax outstanding liabil-ity, the same will be paid ifthere is any surplus availableafter discharging other credi-tors in the order of the priority.The remaining income tax lia-bility after the distribution willcease to exist.” It is importantto note that while the insol-vency proceedings are pendingbefore the court, you can applyfor a minimum maintenanceamount but it is a discretionaryrelief that varies from case to case.

Finally, you need to collectthe “absolute discharge certifi-cate” from the court, which willhappen only once the entireprocess of distribution is fin-ished. The court considersmany parameters; for instance,is the insolvency resulted dueto misfortune. Was there anyfraudulent activity or dishon-est conduct on part of thedebtor? After this, remaining,unpaid debts are cancelled.Creditors cannot force him torepay the debt amount. Youmay not be able to get a cleanchit regarding all debts, if youowe the government or havecommitted any financial fraud,you will have to cough up themoney. Satija says: “The crite-ria to establish your inabilityto pay the debt, takes time too.”

While it isn’t an easy deci-sion, the process is also com-plicated and time-consumingespecially since we are stuck inthe older law. Not many havewalked down this path, par-tially because of the social stig-ma, partly because of old rules,partly due to fear of approach-ing lawyers and courts. AjayShaw, partner, DSK Legal, says:“There is why there is animmediate need to usher in theindividual insolvency provi-sions under the IBC. The IBCis a composite framework thatcontemplates a fair and order-ly process for dealing with the insolvency situation forindividuals. It is expected tomake the process more time-bound than what the currentlaws provide.”

J Abhilash Krishna bought asubscription scheme floated byCompetition Review, a Delhi-basedprivate limited company, for itsmagazine Competition SuccessReview. The scheme provided that aperson buying an annualsubscription would be entitled to anadditional complimentarysubscription. Krishna paid ~900 forthe annual subscription and afurther amount of ~200 towardsdelivery charges. And hegave two addresses – oneof Bijapur and the otherof Pune, for receipt of thetwo subscriptions.

Since the magazinewas not received by himat his Bijapur address,Krishna had a legalnotice issued but did notreceive any response.Krishna then filed acomplaint before theDistrict Forum for Bijapur. Thecompany sent a letter stating that itwas being run by an 80-year oldperson who would not be able toattend the hearing. The letter alsostated that the terms and conditionsgoverning the subscriptionprovided that all disputes would besubject to Delhi jurisdiction andwould be decided by a sole arbitrator to be appointed by the company.

The Bijapur District Forumconcluded that it did not have thejurisdiction to entertain thecomplaint in view of the arbitrationclause, and also because it lackedterritorial jurisdiction since thecompany was located in Delhi.When Krishna challenged the orderbefore the Karnataka State

Commission, which concurred withthe view and dismissed his appeal.Krishna then approached theNational Commission andrequested that the revision should be decided on merits on thebasis of his written submissionswithout requiring him to attend the hearings.

The National Commission reliedon its own judgement in Aftab Singhv/s Emaar MGF Land and Ors. whereit had reiterated that the view takenby the Supreme Court of India inFair Air Engineers v/s N K Modiwould remain unaltered even afterthe amendment of the Arbitrationand Conciliation Act. Theinterpretation of the law in Aftab'scase was upheld by the SupremeCourt. So the Commissionconcluded that an arbitration clausein an agreement would neither oustthe jurisdiction of the consumer foranor debar a party from availing ofthe additional remedy availableunder the Consumer Protection Act.

It held the complaint to bemaintainable.

The NationalCommission observedthat the Forum that failedto consider that a part ofthe cause of action wouldoccur at the place wherethe magazine was to bedelivered but was notreceived by thesubscriber. Since one ofthe two subscriptions for

the magazine was to be delivered toKrishna at his Bijapur address, theNational Commission held that theForum has erred in exercisingjurisdiction even though thecomplaint was maintainable before it.

Accordingly, by its order of July13, 2020, delivered by Prem Narain,the National Commission set asidethe orders of the District Forum aswell as the State Commission. It heldthe complaint to be maintainable. Italso ordered a refund of the entireamount paid by Krishna along withdelivery charges of ~1,100. Inaddition, ~5,000 was awarded ascompensation and ~4,000 towardslitigation costs.

The author is a consumer activist

Both the DistrictForum and StateCommissiondismissed thecase claimingthey did not haveterritorialjurisdiction. TheNationalCommission setaside their orders

Where does magazinejurisdiction lie?


�Minimumthreshold:~1,000 (Couldrise to ~1 lakh)

�UnderIBC, an individual can applyforbankruptcy even if the spouse is workingand has regular income

� If the loan is joint,both the borrowers are requiredto file for insolvency proceedings if unable to repay the debt

�Who caninitiate:Debtors andCreditors

�Authorityforinitiating:Debt RecoveryTribunal

�Privacy:Authority issuespublic notice innewspapers

�Proceedings can beinitiatedagainst anyindividual who defaults indebt repayment

When broke, apply for bankruptcy But it has to pass a tough judicial test due to archaic laws



Extract of consolidated unaudited financial results for the quarter ended 30 June 2020

(` In Crore)

(` In Crore)

Sr. No. Particulars Year ended31.03.2020(Audited)

Quarter ended30.06.2020(Reviewed)

Quarter ended30.06.2019


Revenue from operations

Profit before tax

Profit for the period (attributable to owners of the company)

Total comprehensive income (attributable to owners of the company)

Paid-up equity share capital

Other equity (as shown in the Balance Sheet of previous year)

Basic and diluted earnings per share (`) (not annualised)(Face value of `10 each)

Key standalone financial information is given below:

Sr. No. Particulars

Total income

Profit before tax

Profit after tax

By order of the Board of DirectorsFor Bajaj Holdings & Investment Limited

Pune22 July 2020

Sanjiv BajajManaging Director and CEO







































CIN: L65993PN1945PLC004656Registered Office: Mumbai - Pune Road, Akurdi, Pune 411 035

Website: | E-mail ID: [email protected] | Telephone: +91 20 27472851

Year ended31.03.2020(Audited)

Quarter ended30.06.2020(Reviewed)

Quarter ended30.06.2019


Note: The above is an extract of the unaudited financial results for the quarter ended 30 June 2020 which have been reviewed by the Audit Committee, approved by Board of Directors at its meeting held on 22 July 2020, subjected to limited review by statutory auditors and filed with the stock exchanges underRegulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended. The full format of the aforesaid financial results is available on the website of the Company, BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of India Limited i.e., and respectively.


612, V. K. Industrial Estate, 10-14 Pais Street, Byculla (W), Mumbai 400 011Tel. No. (022) 23075677 / 23074585, Fax No. (022) 23080022Email : [email protected] Website :


ParticularsQuarter Ended Year Ended

31.03.2020 31.03.2019 31.03.2020 31.03.2019Audited Audited Audited Audited

Total income from operations 2002.90 2395.29 7622.39 8397.25Net Profit / (Loss) for the period(before Tax, Exceptional and / or Extraordinary items) 44.73 128.05 221.54 404.25

Net Profit / (Loss) for the period before tax(after Exceptional and/or Extraordinary items) 44.73 128.05 221.54 404.25

Net Profit / (Loss) for the period after tax(after Exceptional and / or Extraordinary items) -27.96 71.97 99.66 292.17

Total Comprehensive Income for the period[Comprising Profit / (Loss) for the period (after tax)and other Comprehensive Income (after tax)]

-28.90 71.03 98.97 291.23

Equity Share Capital 739.10 739.10 739.10 739.10Reserves (excluding Revaluation Reserveas shown in the Balance Sheet of previous year) 1880.17 1880.17 1781.20

Earnings Per Share (of Rs. 10/- each)(for continuing and discontinued operations)Basic: -0.39 1.10 1.35 3.95Diluted: -0.39 1.10 1.35 3.95

Notes:1. The above is an extract of the detailed format of audited Financial Results filed with the Stock Exchange

under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.2. The Above audited financial results have been reviewd by the Audit Committee and taken on record by the

Board of Directors at their meeting held on 21st July, 2020.3. The financial results for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2020 have been prepared in accordance

with the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 (Ind AS) prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act 2013 and other recognised accounting practices and policies to the extent applicable.

4. The figures for the quarter ended March 31, 2020 and March 31, 2019 are the balancing figure between the audited figures in respect of the full financial year and the published figures of nine months ended December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018 respectively.

5. The full format of the Financial Results are available on the Stock Exchange website and


Abhishek PatelPlace : Mumbai Managing DirectorDate : 21.07.2020 DIN: 05183410

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Regulation 47 read with Regulation 29 and 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and any amendments thereof, a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on Tuesday,July 28, 2020, inter alia, to consider, approve and take on record the audited financial results (Standalone and Consolidated) for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2020.The said notice can be accessed on the Company�s website and also on the website of the Stock Exchange


Managing DirectorPlace : MumbaiDate : July 23, 2020


612, V. K. Indl. Estate, 10/14Pais Street, Byculla (W) Mumbai 400 011

Email : [email protected] :



Pursuant to the Regulation 29(1)(a) read with Regulation 47(1)(a) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, (as may be amended from time to time). Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on Thursday, July 30, 2020 to consider, approve and take on record the Un-audited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended June, 30, 2020 along with Limited Review Report amongst other matters.Further pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 read with amendments thereto and referring to the clarification regarding trading restrictionperiod given by NSE vide letter dated April 02, 2019 vide Ref No: NSE/CML/2019/11 and BSE vide its letter dated April 02, 2019 vide Ref No. LIST/COMP/01/2019-20, the Trading Window for dealing in the securities of the Company was already closed for all Designated/Connected Persons from July 01, 2020 till the end of 48 hours after declaration of financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2020.The aforesaid notice is also available on the Company’s website at and may also be assessed on Stock Exchanges website where the shares of the Company are Listed at and

REGD. OFFICE: Premises No.13A, 13th Floor, Earnest House, NCPA Road, Block III, Nariman Point, Mumbai- 400021

CIN:L72200MH1995PLC085488PHONE: 022-66816400; WEBSITE:www.allieddigital.netE-MAIL:[email protected] / [email protected]



Place: MumbaiDate: 23.07.2020


Sd/-CS Neha Bagla

Company Secretary

Page 3: The Listing Department Corporate Relationship Department ...Bandra (E), Mumbai- 400051, Script Code – ADSL Corporate Relationship Department BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,

2 [email protected] /navakalofficial| | |_w§~B©, Jwédma 23 Owb¡, 2020


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‘w§~B©bm 24 Vmg amhÿZ KaH$m‘ H$aUmar ‘wbJr hdr. nJma 6000/- 8928230493 {NCC200086}

d°Z {S>brìhar n°H$s¨J hoëna, nJma 13500 Vo 18000. ‘wbo nm{hOoV. g§nyU© ‘w§~B©gmR>r 9594655506 {NCC200085}

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amÁ¶mVrb nXdrÀ¶m A§{V‘ dfm©À¶m narjo~m~V AÚmn {ZU©¶ Pmbobm Zmhr. narjm§Mm {df¶ ~mOybm R>odyZ nwT>rb dfmªÀ¶m Aä¶mgH«$‘m§gmR>r ‘w§~B© {dÚmnrR>mZo àdoe à{H«$¶m gwê$ Ho$br Amho. ‘w§~B© {dÚmnrR>mer g§b¾ Agboë¶m ‘hm{dÚmb¶m§‘ܶo Am{U ‘mݶVmàmá {ejU g§ñWm§‘ܶo àdoe KoD$ BpÀN>Umè¶m {dÚm϶mªgmR>r ‘w§~B© {dÚmnrR>mMr àdoenyd© Am°ZbmBZ Zmd Zm|XUrMr à{H«$¶m gwé

H$aʶmV Ambr Amho. nXdr Aä¶mgH«$‘mÀ¶m n{hë¶m ¶m dfm©gmR>r àdoe KoD$ BpÀN>Umè¶m {dÚm϶mªZr ‘w§~B© {dÚmnrR>mH$S>o àdoenyd© Am°ZbmB©Z Zm|XUr H$aUo A{Zdm¶© AgUma Amho. Am°’$bmBZ àdoe KoʶmgmR>r 24 Owb¡ Vo 4 Am°JñQ> 2020 n¶ªV AOmªMr {dH«$s H$aʶmV ¶oB©b.

16 Owb¡bm ~mamdr narjm§Mm ~moS>m©Mm {ZH$mb Omhra Pmë¶mZ§Va 18 Owb¡nmgyZ {dÚmnrR>mZo àdoe nyd© Am°ZbmBZ Zmd Zm|XUr gwê$ H$br Amho.

AmVmn¶ªV 67,514


Am§Y« àXoe gaH$maZo emim gwê$ H$aʶmMr VmarI {Z{üV Ho$br Amho. amÁ¶ gaH$maZo {Z{üV Ho$boë¶m VmaIoZwgma, amÁ¶mV 5 gßQ>|~anmgyZ emim gwê$ Ho$ë¶m OmVrb. ‘mÌ, ˶mdoiMr n[apñWVr nmhÿZ {ZU©¶mV ~Xb XoIrb hmoD$ eH$Vmo, Ago gaH$maH$Sy>Z gm§JʶmV Ambo Amho.

amÁ¶mMo ‘w»¶‘§Ìr dm¶.Eg. OJZ ‘mohZ aoÈ>r ¶m§Zr amÁ¶mVrb {ejU ì¶dñWm nwÝhm gwé H$aʶmgmR>r ~¡R>H$ ~mobmdbr hmoVr. ¶m ~¡R>H$sV AZoH$ ‘hÎdmMo {ZU©¶ KoʶmV Ambo. ~¡R>H$sZ§Va {ejU‘§Ìr

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Vo nwT>o åhUmbo H$s, Omo n¶ªV emim gwê$ hmoV ZmhrV, Vmon¶ªV {dÚm϶mªZm ˶m§À¶m Kar aoeZ {Xbo OmB©b. VgoM Am§Y« àXoe gaH$ma nwT>rb gÌmnmgyZ àr-àmB‘ar åhUOoM EbHo$Or Am{U ¶yHo$Or XoIrb emim§‘ܶo gwé H$aʶmMm {dMma H$arV Amho. {OëhmñVamda g§¶wº$ g§MmbH$ ñVar¶ nX V¶ma Ho$b§ OmB©b, OoUoH$éZ amÁ¶mVrb {ejUmMr nmVir gwYmabr OmD$ eH$Vo, Agohr ˶m§Zr ¶mdoir gm§{JVbo.


ZjbdmÚm§À¶m CÎma JS>{Mamobr S>rìhrOZ H${‘Q>rZo Xodar Vmbw³¶mVrb {MMJS> nmobrg R>mʶmA§VJ©V ¶oUmè¶m ‘JaS>moh n[agamV ~°Za bmdë¶mZo ‘moR>r Ii~i CS>mbr. ~°Za‘ܶo 28 Owb¡ Vo 3 Am°JñQ> Xaå¶mZ ehrX gámh gmOam H$aʶmMo AmdmhZ H$arV Zjb ZoVm Mmé ‘wOy‘Xma d H$ÝhmB© M°Q>OuÀ¶m {dMmam§Zm AmË‘gmV H$aʶmMo AmdmhZ Ho$bo Amho. VgoM gámh {Z{‘Îm JmdmV H$m¶©H«$‘ Am¶moOZ H$aʶmMo AmdmhZ ¶m ~°ZaÀ¶m ‘mܶ‘mVyZ H$aʶmV Ambo. A{Vg§doXZerb Am{Xdmgr ZjbJ«ñV Aer AmoiI Agboë¶m ‘JaS>moh n[agamV H$mhr {Xdgm§nydu geñÌ nmo{bgm§H$Sy>Z bmoH$m§Zm aoeZ H$mS>©, lmdU~mi ¶moOZm, g§O¶ Jm§Yr {ZamYma ¶moOZoÀ¶m bm^m϶mªZm ¶moOZoMm bm^ ¶oWrb bmoH$m§Zm {‘idyZ {Xbm Amho. ˶mM à‘mUo XmoZeo Hw$Qw>§~m§Zm AÞYmݶ {H$Q>Mo dmQ>nhr H$aʶmV Ambo. ‘mÌ ZjbdmÚm§Zr ¶m H$m¶©H«$‘mMm {damoY Xe©{dV ¶m n[agamV ~°Za bmdʶmV Ambo Amho.


Am¡a§Jm~mX‘ܶo AmUIr 99 OUm§Mm H$moamoZm MmMUr Ahdmb ~wYdmar gH$mir nm°{P{Q>ìh Ambm. ˶m‘wio AmVmn¶ªV 11 hOma 765 H$moamoZm~m{YV AmT>ibo. ˶mn¡H$s 6 hOma 497 ~ao Pmbo Va 408 OUm§Mm ‘¥Ë¶y Pmbm. gܶm 4 hOma 860 OUm§da CnMma gwê$ Agë¶mMr ‘m{hVr {Oëhm àemgZmZo {Xbr.

‘§Jidmar H$moamoZmÀ¶m é½Ug§»¶oV

nwÝhm ‘moR>r dmT> Pmbr AgyZ {Xdg^amV 425 Zdo é½U AmT>iyZ Ambo. ˶mV nm{bHo$À¶m nmUr nwadR>m {d^mJmV H$m‘ H$aUmè¶m 3 A{^¶§Ë¶m§Mm g‘mdoe Amho. Va 36 VmgmV AmR> OUm§Mo CnMma Xaå¶mZ ‘¥Ë¶y Pmbo AmhoV. ‘§Jidmar ì¶mnmè¶m§Mr H$moamoZm MmMUr Ho$ë¶mZ§Va 107 ì¶mnmar H$moamoZm~m{YV Agë¶mMo g‘moa Ambo Amho. AmVmn¶ªV 398 ì¶mnmar H$moamoZm~m{YV Agë¶mM {ZînÞ Pmbo Amho.


na^Ur {OëømV H$moamoZmMm {diIm dmT>V AgyZ AmO ~wYdmar na^Ur eha Am{U nyUm© ¶oWrb XmoZ H$moamoZm~m{YV d¥Õm§Mm ‘¥Ë¶y Pmbm. ˶m‘wio na^Ur {OëømVrb H$moamoZm ~itMr g§»¶m 16 da Jobr. Joë¶m 24 VmgmV na^Ur {OëømV 43 H$moamoZm~m{YV Zì¶m é½Um§Mr ^a nS>br. na^UrÀ¶m {Oëhm é½Umb¶mVrb H$moamoZm g§H«${‘V H$jmV CnMma KoUmè¶m 75 dfu¶ d¥ÕmMm nhmQ>oÀ¶m gw‘mamg

‘¥Ë¶y Pmbm. Vo ehamVrb B³~mb ZJa ¶oWrb a{hdmer AgyZ ˶m§Zm 18 Owb¡bm CnMmamgmR>r XmIb H$aʶmV Ambo hmoVo. ‘mÌ, CnMmamXaå¶mZ ˶m§Mm ‘¥Ë¶y Pmbm. ˶mZ§Va H$mhr doimVM nyUm© ¶oWrb 61 dfu¶ d¥ÕmMm XoIrb CnMmamXaå¶mZ ‘¥Ë¶y Pmbm. Vo nyUm© ¶oWrb emñÌrZJa ¶oWrb a{hdmer AgyZ 17 Owb¡bm ˶m§Zm na^UrÀ¶m H$moamoZm g§H«${‘V H$jmV XmIb H$aʶmV Ambo hmoVo. ¶m XmoZ H$moamoZm~m{YVm§À¶m ‘¥Ë¶y‘wio na^Ur {OëømVrb H$moamoZm ~itMr g§»¶m AmVm 16 Pmbr.


A{^ZoVm gwem§V qgh amOnyV ¶m§À¶m ‘¥Ë¶yZ§Va ~m°{bdyS>‘Yrb KamUoemhrda Am{U H$mhr {Z‘m©Vo {X½Xe©H$m§À¶m XmXm{Jar~m~V H§$JZm amUmdV ¶m§À¶mà‘mUoM AZoH$ OU Amamon H$arV AmhoV. AmVm {d»¶mV boIH$ MoVZ ^JV ¶m§Zr {d»¶mV {Z‘m©Vo d {X½Xe©H$ {dYw {dZmoX Mmoàm ¶m§À¶mda Ii~iOZH$ Amamon Ho$bm Amho. ˶m§Zr {dYy {dZmoX Mmoàm ¶m§À¶m nËZr AZwn‘m Mmoàm ¶m§Zm {Q‰>Q> H$ê$Z IS>gmdbo Amho H$s, Vw‘Mo nVr {dYy {dZmoX

Mmoàm ¶m§Zr ‘bm AmË‘h˶m H$aʶmgmR>r ^mJ nmS>bo hmoVo. MoVZ ^JV ¶m§À¶m ¶m Iwbmem‘wio àM§S> Ii~i ‘mObr Amho.

gwem§V qgh amOnyV ¶m§Mm eodQ>Mm {MÌnQ> ""{Xb ~oMmam"" dê$Z ¶m {MÌnQ>mMo boIH$ MoVZ ^JV Am{U {dYy {dZmoX Mmoàm ¶m§Mr nËZr d {MÌnQ> g‘rjH$ AZwn‘m Mmoàm ¶m§À¶m dmX {Z‘m©U Pmbm hmoVm. ¶m {MÌnQ> {MÌnQ>m~m~V MoVZ ¶m§Zr ¶mnydu {Q‰>Q> Ho$bo hmoVo H$s, gwem§VMm AIoaMm {MÌnQ> ¶m AmR>dS>çmV [abrO hmoV Amho. ‘r gd© g‘rjH$m§Zm gm§JoZ H$s, hþemarZo {bhm Amoìha

ñ‘mQ>© ~ZdyZ H$m‘ H$ê$ ZH$m. H$mhrhr {bhÿ ZH$m. {Zînj Am{U g‘OyVXma ~Zm. ˶mda AZwn‘m Mmoàm ¶m§Zr nbQ>dma Ho$bm hmoVm H$s, g‘OwVXmanUmMm ñVa ¶mnojm Imbr OmUma Zmhr. Agm {dMma H$mhr OU H$aVmV. ‘mÌ Varhr XþX£dmZo Vmo ñVa KgaVmoM! ˶mda g§Vmnboë¶m boIH$ MoVZ ^JV ¶m§Zr åhQ>bo Amho H$s, ""{dYy {dZmoX Mmoàm ¶m§Zr H$moUVrhr bmO Z ~miJVm {MÌnQ>mÀ¶m H$hmUrer g§~§{YV gd© nwañH$ma ñdV… KoVbo. ˶m§Zr ‘mPm An‘mZ Ho$bm. ˶m§Zr ‘bm AmË‘h˶m H$aʶmg ^mJ nmS>bo hmoVo.


{~hma‘ܶo H$moamoZmMm àmXþ̂ m©d {Xdg|{Xdg dmT>VM Mmbbm Amho. ˶mVM AmVm g‘ñVrnya {OëømVrb {gìhrb gO©Z Ama. Ama. Pm ¶m§Mo H$moamoZm AmOmam‘wio CnMma gwê$ AgVmZmM {ZYZ Pmbo Amho. ¶m~m~V g‘ñVrnya {OëømMo {Oëhm g§nH©$ A{YH$mar F$f^ Hw$‘ma ¶m§Zr

gm§{JVbo H$s, AmO gH$mir gmV dmOVm nmQ>Um‘Yrb Eåg é½Umb¶mV S>m°. Pm ¶m§Mo {ZYZ Pmbo. nwT>o Vo åhUmbo, 13 Owb¡ amoOr S>m°. Pm ¶m§Zr H$moamoZmMr bmJU Pmbr hmoVr. ˶mZ§Va ˶m§Zm CnMmamgmR>r nmQ>Um ‘Yrb Eåg é½Umb¶mV XmIb H$aʶmV Ambo hmoVo. CnMmam Xaå¶mZ S>m°. Pm ¶m§Zr AmO AIoaMm œmg KoVbm.

Zdr {X„r - bm°H$S>mD$Z‘wio AZoH$m§da ~oamoOJmarMr Hw$èhmS> H$mogibr Amho. AW©ì¶dñWog§X^m©Vhr AZoH$ V‚Ämm§Zr qMVm 춺$ Ho$br Amho. Ago AgVmZmM XþgarH$S>o ‘ܶ àXoe‘Yrb amZrnya ¶oWrb ImU ‘mbH$mbm M¸$ 10.69 H°$aoQ>Mm {ham gmnS>bm Amho. ¶m {hè¶mMr qH$‘V 50 bmI én¶m§nojm A{YH$ Agë¶mMo g‘OVo Amho. AmZ§Xr bmbHw$edmhm Ago ¶m ImU ‘mbH$mMo Zmd Amho. ˶mZo hm

{ham ñWm{ZH$ gaH$mar A{YH$mè¶m§À¶m Vmã¶mV {Xbm Amho. Amü¶m©Mr ~m~ åhUOo Joë¶m AmR>dS>çmV ¶mM ImUr‘ܶo AmZ§Xr ¶m§Zm {ham gmnS>bm hmoVm. ‘mÌ Vmo AmVm gmnS>boë¶m {hè¶mBVH$m ‘m¡ë¶dmZ ZìhVm. Xaå¶mZ bm°H$S>mD$ZZ§Va n{hë¶m§XmM nÞm {Oëøm‘ܶo EdT>m ‘m¡ë¶dmZ {ham gmnS>ë¶mMo gaH$mar A{YH$mè¶m§Zr åhQ>bo Amho.

Zdr {X„r - bS>mI‘ܶo {Z¶§ÌU aofoOdi MrZ ~amo~a g§Kf© {Z‘m©U Pmboë¶m {R>H$mUr AmVm g¡Ý¶ ‘mKmarMr Am{U g¡{ZH$ g§»¶m H$‘r H$aʶmMr à{H«$¶m nyU©nUo Wm§~br Amho. {VWo EH$ àH$maMr H$m|S>r {Z‘m©U Pmbr AgyZ VUmdmMr pñWVr hr XrK©H$mi amhUma Amho. ˶m Ñï>rZo ̂ maVmZo Amnbr V¶mar gwé

Ho$br Amho. {Z¶§ÌU aofoOdi MrZZo Or, g¡Ý¶ VQ>~§Xr C^r Ho$br Amho, ˶mbm à˶wÎma XoʶmgmR>r åhUyZ ^maVmZo gwÕm Amnbo {VVHo$M g¡{ZH$ V¡ZmV Ho$bo AmhoV. ¶m g¡Ý¶ VwH$S>¶m§Zm XrK©H$mimgmR>r {VWoM R>odʶmMr ^maVr¶ bîH$amMr V¶mar Amho. 14 Owb¡bm µH$m°ßg© H$‘m§S>g©‘ܶo Mm¡Ï¶m ’o$arMr MMm©

Pmbr. ˶mZ§Va g¡Ý¶ ‘mKmarMr H$moUVrhr hmbMmb Pmbobr Zmhr. nyd© bS>mI‘ܶo EHy$U Mma {R>H$mUr ^maVr¶ Am{U {MZr g¡{ZH$ Am‘Zo-gm‘Zo Ambo hmoVo. ˶mn¡H$s XmoZ {R>H$mUr g¡Ý¶ ‘mKmarMr à{H«$¶m nyU© Pmbr Amho. nwT>À¶m ’o$arMr MMm© hmoB©b H$s, Zmhr ¶m~Ôb A{Z{üVVm Amho Ago gyÌm§Zr gm§{JVbo.


Am§Y« àXoe gaH$maZo emim gwê$ H$aʶmMr VmarI {Z{üV Ho$br Amho. amÁ¶ gaH$maZo {Z{üV Ho$boë¶m VmaIoZwgma, amÁ¶mV 5 gßQ>|~anmgyZ emim gwê$ Ho$ë¶m OmVrb. ‘mÌ, ˶mdoiMr n[apñWVr nmhÿZ {ZU©¶mV ~Xb XoIrb hmoD$ eH$Vmo, Ago gaH$maH$Sy>Z gm§JʶmV Ambo Amho. amÁ¶mMo ‘w»¶‘§Ìr dm¶.Eg. OJZ ‘mohZ aoÈ>r ¶m§Zr

amÁ¶mVrb {ejU ì¶dñWm nwÝhm gwé H$aʶmgmR>r ~¡R>H$ ~mobmdbr hmoVr.

¶m ~¡R>H$sV AZoH$ ‘hÎdmMo {ZU©¶ KoʶmV Ambo. ~¡R>H$sZ§Va {ejU‘§Ìr Am{X‘bmnw gwaoe ¶m§Zr gm§{JVbo H$s, emim CKS>ʶmgmR>r gaH$maZo 5 gßQ>|~aMr VmarI {Z{üV Ho$br Amho, na§Vw ˶mdoiMr n[apñWVr nmhÿZ, ˶mdoirM A§{V‘ {ZU©¶ KoʶmV ¶oB©b.Vo nwT>o åhUmbo H$s, Omo n¶ªV emim gwê$ hmoV

ZmhrV, Vmon¶ªV {dÚm϶mªZm ˶m§À¶m Kar aoeZ {Xbo OmB©b.

VgoM Am§Y« àXoe gaH$ma nwT>rb gÌmnmgyZ àr-àmB‘ar åhUOoM EbHo$Or Am{U ¶yHo$Or XoIrb emim§‘ܶo gwé H$aʶmMm {dMma H$arV Amho. {OëhmñVamda g§¶wº$ g§MmbH$ ñVar¶ nX V¶ma Ho$b§ OmB©b, OoUoH$éZ amÁ¶mVrb {ejUmMr nmVir gwYmabr OmD$ eH$Vo, Agohr ˶m§Zr ¶mdoir gm§{JVbo.

{dÚm϶mªZr Am°ZbmBZ Zmd Zm|XUr Ho$br Amho. Va 56,129 {dÚm϶mªZr {d{dY Aä¶mgH«$‘mgmR>r AO© XmIb Ho$bo AmhoV. gܶm h‘rnÌ ’$m°‘© ^ê$Z {dÚm϶mªZm H$moU˶mhr EH$m ‘hm{dÚmb¶mV àdoe {Z{üV H$aVm ¶oB©b. ‘ h m { dÚ mb¶ m § Z r g w Õ m h‘rnÌmÀ¶m AmYmao {dÚm϶mªMo VmËnwaVo àdoe {Z{üV H$ê$Z {dÚm϶mªZr H$mJXnÌm§À¶m ‘yi àVr gmXa Ho$ë¶mZ§Va A§{V‘ àdoe Xoʶmg gm§JʶmV Ambo Amho. am¶JS>, aËZm{Jar, qgYwXþJ© Am{U nmbKa {OëømVrb ‘hm{dÚmb¶m§Zm Am°ZbmBZ àdoe à{H«$¶oV AS>MUr ¶oV Agë¶mg qH$dm hr

‘hm{dÚmb¶o à{V~§{YV joÌmV Agë¶mg gwa{jV A§VamÀ¶m {Z¶‘m§Mo nmbZ H$ê$Z ¶m {Oëøm§‘ܶo Am°’$bmBZ à{H«$¶m am~{dʶmMr g§Yrhr XoʶmV Ambr Amho.

Am°ZbmBZ àdoe nyd© Zm|XUr à{H«$¶m 22 Owb¡ Vo 4 Am°JñQ> n¶ªV gwê$ amhrb. Va E°S>{‘eZ ’$m°‘© gmXa H$aʶmMr VmarI 27 Owb¡ Vo 4 Am°JñQ> n¶ªV AgUma Amho. ˶mZ§Va n{hbr ‘o[aQ> {bñQ> 4 Am°JñQ> 2020 amoOr bmdʶmV ¶oB©b. Xþgar ‘o[aQ> {bñQ> 10 Am°JñQ> 2020 amoOr bmdʶmV ¶oB©b. Va {Vgar ‘o[aQ> {bñQ> 17 Am°JñQ> 2020 amoOr bmdʶmV ¶oB©b.

Am§Y«mV ¶o˶m 5 gßQ>|~anmgyZemim gwê$ H$aʶmMm {ZU©¶

‘JaS>moh n[agamV Zjbr~°Za AmT>ië¶mZo Ii~i

Am¡a§Jm~mX‘ܶo AmUIrAm¡a§Jm~mX‘ܶo AmUIr99 OUm§Zm H$moamoZmMr bmJU99 OUm§Zm H$moamoZmMr bmJU


nËZrMm H$moamoZm Ahdmb nm°{P{Q>ìh Amë¶mMo g‘OVmM 65 dfu¶ nVrZo amh˶m Kar Ji’$mg bmdyZ AmË‘h˶m Ho$ë¶mMr KQ>Zm X{jU gmobmnya Vmbw³¶mVrb H$mgoJmd ¶oWo KS>ë¶mZo Ii~i CS>mbr Amho. JmdmV gmo‘dmar a°{nS> A±{Q>OoZ Q>oñQ> {e{~a KoʶmV Ambo hmoVo. ˶mV g§~§{YV 춺$sÀ¶m nËZrMm [anmoQ>© H$moamoZm nm°{P{Q>ìh Ambm hmoVm. AmË‘h˶m Ho$boë¶m 춺$sbm Joë¶m EH$ dfmªnmgyZ AYmªJdm¶y Pmbm hmoVm. ˶mVM nËZrbm H$moamoZm Pmë¶mMo g‘OVmM ˶m§Mo ‘mZ{gH$ g§VwbZ

{~KS>bo.˶mVM ˶m§Zr Amnë¶m KamVrb dmembm Ji’$mg bmdyZ AmË‘h˶m Ho$br .Y¸$mXm¶H$ ~m~ åhUOo ˶m§À¶m nËZrbm H$moamoZm Pmbm Agë¶m‘yio AmË‘h˶oZ§Va Hw$Urhr ˶m§À¶m KamV Omʶmg YOmdV ZìhVo .Vã~b XmoZ Vmgm§Zr nmobrg Am{U Amamo½¶ H$‘©Mmè¶m§Zr Kar nmohMyZ ‘¥VXoh Vmã¶mV KoVbm.

nËZrbm H$moamoZm Pmë¶mMonËZrbm H$moamoZm Pmë¶mMog‘OVmM nVrMr AmË‘h˶mg‘OVmM nVrMr AmË‘h˶m

na^Ur {OëømV H$moamoZmZona^Ur {OëømV H$moamoZmZoKoVbm XmoZ d¥Õm§Mm ~irKoVbm XmoZ d¥Õm§Mm ~ir

Am§Y«mV ¶o˶m 5 gßQ>|~anmgyZAm§Y«mV ¶o˶m 5 gßQ>|~anmgyZemim gwê$ H$aʶmMm {ZU©¶emim gwê$ H$aʶmMm {ZU©¶

boIH$ MoVZ ^JV ¶m§À¶m Ii~iOZH$ AmamonboIH$ MoVZ ^JV ¶m§À¶m Ii~iOZH$ Amamon{dYy {dZmoX Mmoàm ¶m§Zr AmË‘h˶m H$aʶmg ^mJ nmS>bo hmoVo{dYy {dZmoX Mmoàm ¶m§Zr AmË‘h˶m H$aʶmg ^mJ nmS>bo hmoVo

‘ܶ àXoemVrb ImUrV ‘ܶ àXoemVrb ImUrV 10.69 H°$aoQ>Mm {ham gmnS>bm10.69 H°$aoQ>Mm {ham gmnS>bm

bS>mI‘ܶo g¡Ý¶ ‘mKmar à{H«$¶m Wm§~brbS>mI‘ܶo g¡Ý¶ ‘mKmar à{H«$¶m Wm§~brMrZ~amo~aMr nwT>Mr MMm© ’o$ar YygaMrZ~amo~aMr nwT>Mr MMm© ’o$ar Yyga

{~hmaÀ¶m Eåg é½Umb¶mVrb{~hmaÀ¶m Eåg é½Umb¶mVrbS>m°³Q>aMm H$moamoZm‘wio ‘¥Ë¶yS>m°³Q>aMm H$moamoZm‘wio ‘¥Ë¶y

nmZ 1 dê$ZAdb§~yZ amhmdo bmJVo. EgQ>r Am{U ~gMr g§»¶m ‘mÌ VwbZoZo ’$maM H$‘r Agë¶mZo MmH$a‘mݶm§Zm XmoZ Vo VrZ Vmg dmQ> ~Kmdr bmJVo. EgQ>rV EH$m grQ>da EH$M àdmgrbm nadmZJr Agë¶mZo àdmgr g§»¶m H$‘r AgVo. ¶m‘wio H$m‘mda OmUmè¶m H$‘©Mmè¶m§Zm amoO gH$mir 5/6 dmOë¶mnmgyZ EgQ>rMr dmQ> nmhV VmQ>H$iV C^o amhmdo bmJVo. ˶mVM EgQ>rV àdoemgmR>r Am¶H$mS>© XmIdmdo bmJVo Vo AZoH$ ImOJr AmñWmnZm XoV ZmhrV. {edm¶ EgQ>r ^mS>o 60 én¶o Agë¶mZo Xa {Xder {VH$sQ>mÀ¶m 120 én¶m§Mm ^yXªS> nS>Vmo. ¶m gd© g‘ñ¶m§‘wio ImOJr AmñWmnZmV H$m‘ H$aUmè¶m§‘ܶo amof ngabm hmoVm. AmO ˶mMm CÐoH$ Pmbm.

gaH$mar H$‘©Mmè¶m§à‘mUo Amåhmbmhr

bmoH$b‘ܶo àdme H$aʶmg ‘w^m Úm. Amåhmbm ZmoH$arda OmdoM bmJVo. H$m‘Y§Xm Ho$bm Zmhr Va OJm¶Mo H$go? Aer àdmem§Mr VH«$ma Amho. AmO ¶m àdmem§Zr Zmbmgmonmam EgQ>r S>onmoV h§Jm‘m Ho$bm. {VWo OmoaXma KmofUm~mOr Ho$br. aoëdo ñQ>oeZda OmD$Z Q´>oZ Wm§~dbr. dgB© nmo{bgm§Zr AmOnwa˶m OmXm EgQ>r gmoSy>Z ˶m§Mr gmo¶ Ho$br. nU ˶m§À¶m g‘ñ¶oda H$m¶‘Mo CÎma emoYbo OmV Zmhr Vmoda hm CÐoH$ hmoV amhUma Amho.

EgQ>r H$‘©Mmè¶m§Mo åhUUo Amho H$s, Amåhr amoO 100 JmS>çm gmoS>Vmo. Am¶S>r nm{hë¶m{edm¶ EgQ>rV ¿¶m¶Mo Zmhr Ago Amåhmbm gm§{JVbo Amho. EH$m grQ>da EH$mM àdmembm nadmZJr Amho. Amåhr H$m¶ H$ê$? BWo MmH$a‘mݶm§~amo~a CJmM àdmg H$aUmaohr Iyn AmhoV.

nmZ 1 dê$ZVgoM H$mo{dS> 19 g§X^m©Vrb ‘mJ©Xe©H$ VÎdo bjmV KoVm, é½UmÀ¶m ‘¥Ë¶yMo H$maU Zm|XdVmZm Vrd« ݶy‘mo{Z¶m gh H$mo{dS> 19 ~mYm g§e¶ ho H$maU Zm|XdʶmV Ambo. ¶m é½UmMm ‘¥VXoh A§Ë¶{dYrgmR>r Kar ZoʶmMr ¶m ZmVodmB©H$m§Mr

‘mJUr hmoVr. ‘mÌ, ‘¥Ë¶yÀ¶m H$maUmMr Zm|X nmhÿZ ‘¥VXoh Kar Zoʶmg nadmZJr Zgë¶mZo g§~§{YV ‘¶V é½UmÀ¶m ZmVodmB©H$m§Zr amof 춺$ H$arV é½Umb¶ àemgZmda Amamon Ho$bm. é½Umb¶ àemgZmZo {Z¶‘mZwgma, hm ‘¥VXoh nmo{bgm§H$S>o gwnyX© Ho$bm.

Xaå¶mZ, g§~§{YV S>m°ŠQ>a AWdm é½Umb¶ àemgZ ¶m§Zm Xmofr YaUo ¶mo½¶ Zmhr. VgoM é½Umb¶mH$Sy>Z VmVS>rZo d ¶mo½¶ AgoM CnMma é½Umbm nwadʶmV Ambo hmoVo. ˶m‘ܶo H$moUVmhr {ZîH$miOrnUm Ho$bobm Zgë¶mMohr nm{bHo$Zo ñnï> Ho$bo Amho.

Hy$na é½Umb¶mV é½UmÀ¶m ‘¥Ë¶yZ§VaZmVodmB©H$m§Mm amS>m! pìhS>rAmo ìhm¶ab

ImOJr H§$nݶm§Vrb H$‘©Mmè¶m§Mm CÐoH$

hadbo Amho

lr‘Vr gw{MVm gwaoe MìhmU, ßbm°Q> Z§. 266, é‘ Z§~a-28, nwînm§Obr H$mo. Am°. hm¡. gmogm¶Q>r, Ama. Eg. gr-9, go³Q>a 2, MmaH$mon H$m§{Xdbr (n), ‘w§~B© - 67, ¶m§À¶m Zmdo Agbobo nwînm§Obr g§ñWo‘Yë¶m KamMo eoAg© g{Q>©{’$Ho$Q> [(à‘mUnÌ $H§«$. 28 (^mJ$ H«§$. 136 Vo 140)] ha{dbo Amho. Var H$moUmg {‘imë¶mg 15 {XdgmÀ¶m AmV AmUyZ XoUo. ‘mo. H«§$. 8450934698

ghr lr‘Vr gw{MVm gwaoe MìhmU