the link - issue 19

The magazine for the linked congregations and community of the West Kirk of Calder and Polbeth Harwood The Link

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The Link The magazine for the linked congregations and community of the West Kirk of Calder and Polbeth Harwood


Page 1: The Link - Issue 19

The magazine for the linked congregations and community of the

West Kirk of Calder and Polbeth Harwood

The Link

Page 2: The Link - Issue 19

Rev David A Albon BA MCS 01506 870460

The Manse, 27 Learmonth Crescent

West Calder EH55 8AF

[email protected]

West Kirk Session Clerk Stewart MacRae 01506 872486 23 Westmuir Road West Calder EH55 8EX [email protected] Treasurer William Calder 01506 871281 25 Harburn Road West Calder EH55 8AJ [email protected]

Polbeth Harwood Session Clerk Marian Kinsman 01506 871125 12 Langside Crescent Polbeth EH55 8UW [email protected] Treasurer Tom Griffin 01506 438038 60 Easter Bankton Murieston Livingston EH54 9BE [email protected]

News Editor

Colin Dempster 01506 414565

140 Staunton Rise

Dedridge West Livingston EH54 6PA

[email protected]

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The Link Issue 19

June 2007

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“I’ll be right there to show them what roads to take, Make sure they don’t fall into the ditch” –

Isaiah 42:16 [The Message, the Bible in Contemporary Language] Everyone was busy and I was bored. Since the morning was bathed in sunshine, I strolled down the farm track, deeply rutted and clogged with mud from the previous day’s rain. It was a lovely walk: the swallows dipped and dived round the farms and outhouses; skylarks rose from the field, their song ascending into the soft sky; a pair of curlews rushed to disguise the position of their nest as I passed. After a while, I wandered back up the lane, and found an adventurous lamb, which had struggled through a fence and got separated from the rest of the flock. It saw me coming and ran terrified up the lane in front of me. I stopped. It stopped, bleating pathetically. I shouted for the better half to help me but the cement mixer was too loud and my own bleating went unheard. There followed a merry dance between the two of us to the music of churning mixer and high-pitched wailing. I advanced, the lamb retreated, I circled, it circled; I slithered to the left, it slipped to the right; I stumbled wildly, it rammed its head into the barbed wire fence. I struggled round it, reached the heavy farm gate, and untied the rope. I managed to drag the gate open about a foot and then tried to talk the poor, demented lamb through: “Come oan, then, no’ that way, dinnae be silly, it’s all right,” It still leapt in every direction. Although I had visions of the whole flock escaping through the gate, I moved back and gave the lamb space. It found the opening and scampered wildly across the field to the safety of its mother and the flock. An unlikely shepherdess, I leant on the gate laughing at my own and the lamb’s antics. And gradually the morning peace descended again. Life’s like that, isn’t it. We get ourselves into all sorts of trouble, rushing in different directions, taking the wrong road, worrying about making the wrong decisions, till eventually we stop for guidance. And the Good Shepherd is there, standing back, wisely watching for us to find Him again, and showing us the right road.


Kangaroo Words A Kangaroo Word is one which carries within its spelling (in normal order) a smaller word which is a perfect synonym for itself. For example, note how the word BLOSSOMS contains, in its natural sequence, the synonym BLOOMS. Listed below are several more of these marsupial members of the dictionary. So hop to it and see if you can find the synonym hiding in each one. Answers are on the back page. 1. EVACUATE 6. INDOLENT 11. PERAMBULATE 16. SPLOTCHES 2. ENCOURAGE 7. PRATTLE 12. PINIONED 17. SLITHERED 3. PROSECUTE 8. DIVERSIFIED 13. JOVIALITY 18. PERIMETER 4. CALUMNIES 9. RAMPAGE 14. CONTAINER 19. CURTAIL 5. RAPSCALLION 10. MATCHES 15. REGULATES 20. RESPITE

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The Link Issue 19

June 2007

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West Kirk Guild Report A large group of ladies and some gentlemen set off on Saturday 19th May. It was a cool morning but fortunately the heavy rain showers only came when we were in the bus. We stopped at Baxters at Blackford for our morning coffee and a chance to spend time in the shop full of kitchenware, groceries, gifts and clothes. We then went on to the Scottish Liqueur Centre just north of Perth at Bankfoot. As is the norm on Guild outings it was time to eat again! This time delicious home made soup and cakes. Scottish Liqueurs are blended at the centre and we could sample the unusual flavours before deciding what to purchase. We then went on our merry way to Pitlochry and an hour or so to wander around the shops, eat again if wished in the many cafes, before our high tea in Fishers Hotel. We had a lovely run home in the evening sunshine with the countryside looking at its best. A magnificent rainbow followed us thorough Fife where we could see both ends of the arc at ground level. However we did not find the elusive pot of gold! Yet another most enjoyable end to a good Guild session.

Jill Murray (Joint Secretary)

West Kirk Fundraising Group Report The Choir and friends had a very successful Candy Bar in May, raising the excellent sum of £600. Very many thanks to all who helped in any way. The buffet lunch run by our group will have passed by the time you read this and we hope you enjoyed it. The Candy Bars have been very well supported and our thanks go to everyone who comes along. We have raised the funds that were required to help redecorate the church, which is a great achievement. There will be a break until Saturday 1st September when we hope to welcome you again. Have a good summer whether at home or on holiday – hopefully a nice warm one again.

Jill Murray (Convener)

Christian Aid Forth Bridge Cross This year the sponsored walk in support of Christian Aid will be on Saturday 23rd June from 2 pm. Sponsorship form can be obtained from Rosanna Rabaeijs 01506 871259. Last year 12 people completed the walk and contributed over £800 towards the national total of £70,000. We would like to improve on our total this year so if you cannot take part in the walk, then please give generously to those who may ask you to sponsor them. The Christian Aid contact at Polbeth Harwood is Eleanor Davidson 01506 873590.

All the best


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The Link Issue 19

June 2007

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Life & Work – June Issue

The Editorially Independent Magazine of the Church of Scotland

Gambling With The Future The rise of the game of chance and the growth of online gambling is the focus of a major feature in this month’s Life and Work. Whilst the Church of Scotland maintains its historic opposition to all gambling on both theological and pastoral grounds, of larger concern is challenging the growth of the gambling culture and attempting to minimise its impact. No Quick Fix Editor Lynne McNeil suggests that improved financial education and money management should be offered by High Street banks rather than simply promoting financial products. She also suggests that simple micro credit schemes would be more beneficial to poor communities in need of regeneration rather than the ‘get rich quick’ fixes offered by the bright lights of super casinos.

Finding The Light Perthshire poet Kenneth Steven explains how he believes it is the job of writers to make readers see the world anew. He explains how he draws inspiration from the Celtic Christian world in his work. A ‘Still Small Voice’ In a rare interview, Jean Vanier, founder of the worldwide L’Arche community, says he believes the future lies in community, not competition.

“The whole question for humanity is how to help the strong and the weak to live together. It’s about people coming together and each one finding their place. The Power of Kindness The Very Rev James Simpson reflects on the Book of Ruth and the impact of kindness. “When I was at university it was clever people I admired most. Now it is kind people”, he concludes. Dramatic Christians Elizabeth McKay questions how Christians are portrayed in TV soaps and dramas. “Ministers of the Kirk are dour and unyielding while English vicars are jolly good sorts but rarely have anything to say that is worth taking seriously” she comments. Last Word Muriel Armstrong questions the Kirk’s obsession with membership and suggests a regular audit of church attendance would give a more realistic picture of church life. And more … monthly columns for elders and young people; book reviews; travel, lively letters; news from far and near; monthly prayer; prize crosswords … all for £1.60!

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The Link Issue 19

June 2007

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West Kirk – Rota Information

West Kirk Crèche Rota

17th June

Olive Gibson

24th June

Melanie Dickson

1st July

Val Occardi

8th July

Margaret Farquhar

West Kirk Tea Rota Contact Olive Gibson 01506 871291 Note: Tea Makers, please bring milk.

10th June

Katie Albon

Olive Gibson

17th June

Morag Stott

George Stott

24th June

Margo McEwan

Margaret Douglas

1st July

Alison Baxter

Alison McNaught

8th July

Moira McRae

Jill Murray

The Link Collation Rota Meet in Polbeth Harwood at 4 pm

Friday 29th June (Issue 20 – July & August)

Jill Murray Frank Mabbutt Shirley MacRae Stewart MacRae Isobel Young

West Kirk Duty Rota

Door Duty

Car Run

17th June

Jim Allan

May Arnott

Angus Baxter

Robert Hawes

24th June

Richard Bryce

Liz Dyer

Alex Easton

Beryl Henderson

1st July

Jeanette Ferguson

Victor Ferguson

Lorna Graham

Alan Jessiman

8th July

Irene Grindlay

Beryl Henderson

Alan Jessiman

Stewart Munro

West Kirk Flower Rota Whenever we are back in the West Kirk, the Flower Rota will resume as follows. I have not been able to have a look at the list of people who will donate flowers, so if you think it might be you, please check the list and then please would those who are giving flowers make contact with the arranger(s) for the week. Contact, if necessary, Margaret Greenhorn 01506 871139.

Given Arranged Delivered

3rd June

Rosanna Rabaeijs

Ivy Johnstone

10th June

Evelyn Paterson

Irene Grindlay

17th June

Katie Albon

Kathleen Black

24th June

Rosanna Rabaeijs

Moira McRae

1st July

Margo McEwan & Margaret Douglas

Ivy Johnstone

8th July

Evelyn Paterson

Ivy Johnstone

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The Link Issue 19

June 2007

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Polbeth Harwood – Rota Information

Stewart Court Taxi Rota

17th June

Eleanor Davidson

24th June

Margaret Marr

1st July

Charlie Sturrock

8th July

David Prentice

Polbeth Harwood Duty Rota

Door Duty

17th June

Anna Muirhead

Tom Walker

Betty Upton

Margaret Dempster

24th June

Alice Mackay

Kenneth Mackay

Jenny Doyle

Janice Davidson

1st July

Ena Prentice

David Prentice

Wilma Dickson

Lilias Fairley

8th July

Etta Walker

Eleanor Davidson

Effie Halliday

George Halliday

The Link Collation Rota Meet in Polbeth Harwood at 4 pm

Friday 29th June (Issue 20 – July & August)

Jill Murray Frank Mabbutt Shirley MacRae Stewart MacRae Isobel Young

Polbeth Harwood Café Rota

20th June

Wilma Dickson

Jessie Kelly

27th June

Grace Peace

Betty Upton

Janet Walker

4th July

Maisie Baird

Janet Russell

11th July

Frank Mabbutt

Effie Halliday

Polbeth Harwood Cleaning Rota

17th June

Laura Carroll

Petrhona Carroll

24th June

Reeta Griffin

Tom Griffin

1st July

Mary Gray

Josephine Greer

8th July

Dot Cibbald

Norma Wilson

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The Link Issue 19

June 2007

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Feminine Logic Attempting to park her car, a woman dented the bumper of an occupied car at the kerb. She completed an accident form for her insurance company, and asked her husband to check it before posting it. He found everything in order until he came to the question: “What could the driver of the other vehicle have done to avoid the accident?” Her reply: “He could have parked his car somewhere else.”


1. Vacate 6. Idle 11. Ramble 16. Spots 2. Urge 7. Prate 12. Pinned 17. Slid 3. Sue 8. Diverse 13. Joy 18. Rim 4. Lies 9. Rage 14. Can 19. Cut 5. Rascal 10. Mates 15. Rules 20. Rest

Contributions for the next edition … Contributions for the next edition of The Link Magazine must be submitted by the first Sunday after the 15th of the month. For the July and August double issue, this will be Sunday 17th June. Contributions can be sent via email, or handed in person to either Rev David Albon or Colin Dempster.

Paws… for thought

Start every day with a smile and get it over with.

W.C. Fields