the libby herald (libby, mont.) 1912-06-20 [p ] · ..the libby herald.. pubitshed every thursday by...

.. The Libby Herald.. PUBITSHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 G. E SH{A WLER - - Business Mgr. Entered as second-class matter August 77, 1911, at the postotlice at Libby, Mon tans, under the Act of Mtarch 3, 1879. 1 THITRSDAY. JUNE 20, 1912. The Enreka baseball team will t play the Libby nine next Sunday 9 on the local gronnds. This con- test is expected to finrnish an ex- n citing game and draw a " large c crowd. One game hids beeni play ed between these rivals, in which the Eurekas nosed out by one score in h the loth. The local attorneys representing eg the county in the suit of Roht. Reid against the road and bridge bond issue, have gone to Helena to at appear before the supreme court in t1l the case set for today, the 2oth. p) 0, A. Britell and Mark Porter, both of Fortine, visited in Libby St Monday. They were in the city T9 with Henry A. Austhusen, who is applying for naturalization papers. fi The report of WV. R. Otis, lo al weather observer, for the week end- ding l a st Saturday, shows the filtst tor three days were clear andI the re- co, maining four partly clcudy nt rec cloudy. The last three days gave ii a precipitation of o.o8, 0.08 and lvi 0. 12 respe, ti-ely. The warmnist tilt was on the I ith, with 88 above; Th the coolest was last Saturday with to 37 above. This latter day also showed the ,;li;ghtl ,t range of tein- perature, the miiaxiiiitn being 52 above. GRA H. 1V. Rouse of Troy wa-; a Herald caller lamt Friday, Miss Rose LaCharity has re- turned from Spokane, where she is atteiiling school, for the silin iier vacat ion. bet', C Greely Pomeroy, the well known & Eureka lawyer, was in Libby MOn- R day on business connected with the pen Griumm estate. , Flank Guimm was down from Fortine Monday on business cin- i1 nected with his mother's estate. Al coiti Deputy Shet iff Wave Brown of ien Eureka was in Libby Tuesday. 13 B. F. Howard, owner of the Her- ald building, las one of the larg- est and hauilsomest tlags in town fluttering in the breeze from the home which harbors this great palladium of free thought and fi e speech. Long may she wive - not one, but both. W. I, 1 Donovan was striken laht Saturday morning with a severe attack of spinal meningitis and was removed to the Sacred Heart hospi- tal, at Spokane. J. J. Hiibhard has received lis; stamps and batteries for his mill- ing plant, and as soon as it is taken to the properties in the West Fisher it will he set tip and put in opei i- lion. This group of claims is ninong the rschest of the district and good results are anticipalt-d from their milling operation. Pre- tically all of the machinet y for this plant was made in Kalispell The city council held no meet- ing Monday evening for lack of a quorum. Miss Carrie Downing keft Fi idav for Rochester, Minm , swhere she will undergo an operation for goitre at the Mayo brothers hospital. Judge Erickson was in Liibi!., Thunsday and Friday to attend to some judicial matters of this (1s- trict. Nick Michaels went tip to t' West Fisher yesterday to do rep! sentafion work on his claims, and will be gone until fall. Valley County (Glasgow) Iad:- pendent : Last Thursday moruii.g C. Myers received a box of fish from Libby that were sent to him by E. Swetnam, formerly of this place. They were several muessei of mountain trout, and Mr. Swet - nam has the thanks of all whc were fortunate enough to recei.'e portion ot the shipment. Governor Norris has appointed W. R. DTawson of Jenning", 1). T. Wood of Troy, XV. W. Blew of Libby, Sant McCarty of l''ireka and F. N. Dickerhoff of lIral dele- gates to the Good Roads congress to he hel at Anaconda Julr ti and 9 next. E. G. Shaffroth, a Knlipell auto man, visited Libby the first of the week. It is not probable that Libby will have a 4th of July celebration this year-at least not upon an orguized, extentive scale. The Libby Cubs expect to play at Bonnets Ferry on the . 1 th with the Juniors of that pla e, for a purse of $25. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Switzer, yesterday eveningi June 19, a boy. IM\rs. J. W. Barrett war down from Whitefish to visit over Sn n- dJa with her hushaud. Montgonierv C. Rice, allorneyt for the llinoie & Montana Mining companyt reports that he hay jti received a patent to it, lode claim, in the W\Xest Fisher. The.e claims, lying on Lake cieek, are known ;s the Giant, Snutnnit antl I k iew. Thi, company ha= alwavs platied to do development woi k a; -oon as patents ,hould isite. GRAND 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION AND OPENING DAY OF ELKS CONVENTION. Kalispell, Montana, July 41h. The proirami for the daay has heen outlined as follow:; Chairmuan, Hon. J. 1. Erirksci. Mulsic by the hand. Reading 1)c'laration of ltii1- aendence. Song-PtStar Spang;led Banner. Oration-Hon. P. N. Bern ii. coug---Aner is . Mnuic by Elikr hand. Monster parade of bandi is, milii ti t onipanies, -tldiers, teoietie-, child-i en, antomnoi)ile" anti foarts. Iand concerts. Baseball. Baseball. NliscellaTneoT" athletic sport, oT the streets, Grand free music carnival, 7:3 to TO p. Ti. Mar niti'entt elect iral display. Roller skating; and dancing on pavement First 'enuTe east. Grand blll, opera house, to p. In, NEWS OF 16 YEARS AGO (items culled front oil Troy Ilities On Wed etisdav, Jlute 17, Boll ;itifli shot and killed Jack 'Tauer in the alit Tiet saloon at Libby Trarier called Mi if- ert to the saloon dour and actuse1t hiit of hia'ing circulated a story adun hint which aias causing hilt some ttoitulle. Seifert denied the accusation and Tanwr~te struck himi, when Stifert ran away ss iuth Tracer alter hint for ,anme distame Le fore lie g tt away. Some twenty m11inutet later Seifert reatIpenltt ii at tih . 'hiwt saloon uoor with a 45 io wincheltti !i without a moment's warning the.1 at Thraner The hall enltert"d the lei! t near the itidontwn. A; Trater str k the floor a second shot was filed wihw' cuiei tAd the shouitlt'r. Nine or tiI ti'd solis istr' ii tiw salohitn and witn''*e, the trageti,. They all 'i;: Trau e ' "t': . lived a few mi"nutes and that it ti n, : cold blooded tuitrder. Scifert p self defense and thought ie would cir''oe out all right. 1). T. Wotod, (. 1; Thavi,, W il. !01hn1 sonl, 11. 1). Whiting. S. J. hto b T. J. tarker XV. A. A Rai uoitld Thos. l Rlobt. XX'atson and Xe ti Jiohttrisot, i. o I0 Troy, went to Spokane as wite,.te. in the Raymomid- jlohnson suit for ii) intit - est iin thit Ktey'stone Mtii'. A wa',houtt titee milt", west of ILibbyI" 'tcLtied a ,.e' 'et atc.ticnt to a west' otn I Great No thi'i n treight trait. 'Tfe ht'iih water had iunderminei l the track a' I ti' trati t'vet'l in, the engine turned I i it, siie across the track an11 eighteeu' c-rs tumtbled itto the river. Bartels, 'oxe' and articles of merchandise went fati t down the river, including a portion o' boxcar. No lives were lost or a si oie injured, though there were rumor; that one or two trantps riding blind btaigige were probably trownetl. A telliuorr5y ses track was hbilt arttnd the wreck to per- t tit the retmlption of tiallic. '1o It ia2 :,iinoticed that a New Vii l A com pany, liell lv I , M go e0 y, haid been orgiti:cd olith $75,()00 capital to develop TL:t Fe creek tali: and put in ted extensive ih draulic utorkings. Three .teamteis Itre Inuning on tin- Supper }'. tteial tit ween Fotit Steele and J elliing"; The 1'lint-1: )al" freithlt tra hi' k1 was fllur ht""1 bI, tilt Nortth Star 111inin' le- comupanty, whuh %%a, ,rnlinp flit 7,011 tons of ire to the t . eat falls smelter. ndC The Times, aunnouniedl in flaring head lines that it tst 'Rt'Mtc inlue antd itll at the r'epnihhlval natlonal conventiol', Ito antt that Ith- sptlvti' ttiesgcit mtihlityv int he comfort at lie gauthrine . Al Ml jiIl-,\ was noutinaied on the st hiallot l% a vote ifii ', toin 260, for lhe opposititn. IlHobart of New Jer, v was nominated ft Ill vice president on the ist iallot, receit IIt itig 533 votes After the vote on silveti t, twenty ihree delegates out of the con veition, including Senator Teller of Col otado, Seiiat .r Ilnhois oft idaho, Senaltu Pettigrew of tioutil Dakota nilt Repre ly seutatie it tullltttn of Alonlialla. The 11 detnol l atis v nti n was iilled ftl a July 7 at Chliic llth, tilt wt'; attrlactin ' t1lt usual attention heronte of the strength tiht- free silk - ti ittm t eit showintot in flth party. e ( F'ourt itPii l. . til l: It d fii ot ln Vent furia, where they tuul Immi in Match to find soint t i unns. Teuhi did fiit find ttilU i atilt m intt , ti it t brought l ai k It Iot"kett anId two Itp rot s. t Afonny to lone on approl'ved Si. el-it y A. 1,. Thompsoni 'I~c o fatT- ' r. t it- iM 16, l9:', ! tn id hid' mairrked rll'i1i ii , TibiiSihle Ii :ai Appli''CI l t t tioll, t '" 6, 1912 Knotenai," and ; ashre'std 1~ the Siuper visor, Forlest S-"rvice, J,ibbo, Montana, will bt I ceivti d ip to anti it cl ult i t ' 21-t di y of' I te, 19ti , tt, all ther ulerch anlab:," lice vu-tlar marl-h -, or des.1:irntirl f r rln ttime I)% the 1"olr,l ntiicr, amt ,Ill tIll ne han i)be Ile nI C cedar, *,taidnhat-of dowtn, 1l":ited oni ii area to it i it hue Rt] h l .i t nal t l i ti ti It i 1 - In t It t l t, >.1 of Itl mleritrr creel., trio fihe Natliniial fare'. bonnll'L y, in alppro".itu telly "ection 1 "1' ;o IL. \ 1' ., use.: inet - , WWII e tendin; nil 10' virlk fo, a distantc" ,l appto..imalely founr mnilr" in the Font,' + umi Naitienal fort-,t, ?tlbnenta t, e:,ltituat,-d s!! to ht be ot) lire mul1 t-al at r~ pole';, _ .,.. ft t~ i1-1 ft lit 1, upth, I,o 0 liI'e :Ind dr,1! ceda~r pole-t 4o ft to ;,) it ill knoIth, aInd 250 lift, anld dt"ad ril~ar 11111 r' 'I t,1 i! il 1'lene th, mo11re nr lr:"' : nil 2,,,.). crl.1. posIt"; 5 ft in l,,it h -,ll lu l '-I Il u s ." t e ,nounifereu,'e at th: *unatll 4'1d, and too lonear ft of reduar linny bel(twrt y in andl 1 lit. in anonemter at the ',mrll tend and uot monre that to ft in l en1th t(,1 ea( h piece, andl I cord or mart e'o ctvl.n ehulitle hnlf ill -I-,- or I,,:.. T il 1 .1 i lrs" thanlIr finc r jr . ' porle;, 11, ' iI ?n'nf,' polrs 121 I`. 2(,'v:" ,1 t2lze f>r 25 ail' Ile f ar toi :- po1les, 14(` toit ', > ''; p,)le ., 2nf 11 7"polles 291' 11 r i")'17" Molt,: ," I lot . p'd 0d, , 4=,' 1) ".r i' 1 ,". -'li for "t'rs" tail-', a ul t .I I m 1~" II: it. for pole , Innvl r 111 .0, IIn i" 11-It, 2 per linear It. llt ird:0r i1 li '9 pl). pas;t for (leadt redr 0t auol 1,- 1e cord for ,hi jvie hoil:;, %%i11 lie III0 errrd, and It dep~rmit It ,,,',, II I:bb to the order of the Wte";tt rn ilunIt.m; :,e tion11a Bank ll 7,i:;;oula, MoI1ntana, wit i hr searl 10 that hank Pr 1 a 1 L 1'1[ uil " li untlted to the Fore' F1 Sup n 1",,f T'un1btr upmn volt'[ chaim tu: ' revlenate-I lnu n Thle r htp1 1 t1) rejeei ;iii, ,I l ni ll 'hid, " I, " p served, For [int'el' idetl ualtn11,. :nd regulation, )'overnint' sot, ", adhinI r Skrel', o li t, b ",l p 1" itior, 1.100' , 11m A; tenv B . MAIIDEN III Lawyer PrLl tint iV :;Lte and I- . S t.,n l and 1M0n1'II MIJiTI TIM~OTHY1 MILLER 1' .Land C',tni ,i, luer Notary Publlic. 1.I il[V - - MONT t N A NOTICE FOR tl'lCl.t,\TfON. to i parini.(nt of Ill f I mtvr '. II' . 11t1d \9iJent Iali ell, it i ' n lii. It i i' e, 1.. Ni tict i". h tatin ghivp 1:1 Ro i hud heonard le- uf Tiny, Muntan 3, wh,, ona luly a;, 190; madube htom 'tnt et rti tr~v N,). 2oI;,ler ial No ( tr lot, lit ti 6ii Aii0l it NWiititi i Vt, u t wsil .5- rang~e 3.3 \\ , M"ontMII n ta mer oha , hast filet notice of intplc tion o t) a t ok fintal five year proof i to istablisti sha i ti tht land abvire deiictril d, (il fort' T llt Miller, a 1'. S. Coh 5 1arinsi t it U r Lincsiln county, Multiiiiit, on it i rth eiy of J lty, 1t 12. Pline t tit u'' woiltnI sats: hoome, Stonteehest oft ILilby,, .Montanae W. A. tae, allac v e.ti tim ati's antd ames; Ogt; all of T'roy, :11,111 wma. ANDo,:\W W. SWANHv:V. Rr;,imes First halt June : L~ast phul itti NOTlICI' O!' FI'RlF 1'I'T(RI sroib er, your c wiiei. win .sir;t iiiu You art' h1,t h\ lot' t, l that in t r, d ancee with ,rtctiont 2"21 of thw !: vstd Sthttet of reqtued I d Setxta'i i hit eti ptruted upon thw IGohh a (;air m":.'! Ituart/ lutde iniint, clbitus, ,titn n ! in West Visi;ht tm Hoor);rni-c 1 Un~i , , trict, it) 1.inemitn outntty, 10 !! ,, th -: u of runt hul !rsd i.! n . t oAper d4,y the ve iiad' . t m her 31, t0 o. andl Itr<eem',< ;, order to ht eel ,,tic) cainst he, ', ," Andl it' within timely clay, -tart th, nn tine of pttblication you fail of win t to coutribute your proportion of t.thli ex- pendliture, be~ing flth stin of ;;:" {; ('. r each claim for each year, \otur 'nte~rest in said claims will heroine. us 'cr said section of the Rvvisted t n :'es; of the IVuited States, the prop'rty o~f ft(. nu, scriber, your co owner, \\ht, ,tots made the required expenditure. Nick M~i Reis. Apr. 1, l9t2-Julyv 4 SHOES SHOES - - SHOES Latest Styles an' I Shapes in Button and Lace Shoes and Oxfords for Spring just arrived F. M. Plummer Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing Hardware And Everything to Eat Kootenai Deal in all kinds of Real Estate and Real Estate Improvements. Loc ate Land Parties on choice Fruit and Dairy lands. Investment Make a specialty of Koo- tenai Valley lands, but SCompany will buy and sell in all parts of the county OFFICES IN LIBBY AND TROY At Hotel Richards, Libby - At F. B. Callow's, Troy City Drug Store R. SAILEL, Propr. Oldest Drug House in Kootenai Valley A Full Line of A. D. S. Remedies Toilet Preparations, Brushes, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED They are Quite Effetive 0.11d. "_ for a-lormunent, mnol our bra+relets are , l:,a'le in no miany differenut 'A"le , am l in flth, qult" de,,igns of ill.- 'pho lis ith'; nat, lIit tlw" n o't lastli~llmus tna h. call ht, Witle . 1t,"e n rsupply them in all m 'linethti'ls of precious stone',, anal thevI in tke i rich anal hanilsomeic wk-odin ift or offering to your ';ife or fiat LIBBY JEWELRY COMPANY .. 1. M. BROWN, Mgr. 11. . 0. Building The First National Bank of Libby Open 1 for Vusinesi Jln. 19, 1910 CAPITAL $25.000.00 -- RESOURCES $200,000.00 (liiICIRS C. I;1 LU l; INS, President AP. 1' P \I\M'R, Vice-Pre,. CIIES'1'TR A. AiDAMS, Cashier 1. J. CORTRIIIT, Asst. Cashier. J)IR.ICTORS J `S ITON'FCTIEIsT 1. AV. i)OE F. MT. PLU'MIMER C. Fl LI'KEN'S CHIESTER A. ADAMS G. W. MIILLETT"I E. A. SOLUTHW\ICK *+*4 f *.***ff4* * t" lw EST BEER O1r beer is 1 dii fromtn the Patuous + Montana 10rley and Bohemian } HOps :1pu Led Ir ni Europe... Kalispell Ma2ing & Brewing Company *KAIISPI T T - - -- MONTANA. g CITY DRAY -AND- TRANSEER HOWE BROTHERS, Proprs. Prompt Service and Careful Delivery... I just right in a Monarch Malleable Range It's Hot Blast Fire Box con- sumes every particle of fuel . ad all the gases. T 'I here's no waste of fuel in a Monarch. The Monarch Malleable Range is the best range for summer use. Being constructed of malleable iron, it heats and cools off quickly. The Moonarch needs less fuel than meo t raugeTh, his means less coal to c: rry.-i-:sy wood to split -- fewer --.. s to handle, The perpet. ually pIslished top of the Monarch re- lieves the h'uew_.ife of the hot, smutty task of blacking a stove. Call and sce the Monarch. Let -s show you its many ad- f vantacs cnad conveniences. __ Yon surely be interested. Fleek & Fleek Elgin Shirts CUTTER & CROf TTE, Makers Soft, unstarcehd finish, military collar and French cufrs are most comfortable and we have prepared to meet the demand for them from our newly received stock of the latest ideas, at prices that will in- terest you. Remember, that Elgin Shirts wear better, fit better and are better than others that are offered you at higher prices. Call and examine them and buy all you can use. Libby Commercial Company

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Page 1: The Libby herald (Libby, Mont.) 1912-06-20 [p ] · ..The Libby Herald.. PUBITSHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 G. E SH{A WLER - - Business Mgr. 77, Entered as




G. E SH{A WLER - - Business Mgr.

Entered as second-class matter August77, 1911, at the postotlice at Libby, Montans, under the Act of Mtarch 3, 1879. 1


The Enreka baseball team will tplay the Libby nine next Sunday 9on the local gronnds. This con-test is expected to finrnish an ex- n

citing game and draw a " large ccrowd. One game hids beeni play edbetween these rivals, in which theEurekas nosed out by one score in hthe loth.

The local attorneys representing egthe county in the suit of Roht.Reid against the road and bridgebond issue, have gone to Helena to atappear before the supreme court in t1lthe case set for today, the 2oth. p)

0, A. Britell and Mark Porter,both of Fortine, visited in Libby StMonday. They were in the city T9with Henry A. Austhusen, who isapplying for naturalization papers. fi

The report of WV. R. Otis, lo alweather observer, for the week end-ding last Saturday, shows the filtst torthree days were clear andI the re- co,maining four partly clcudy nt reccloudy. The last three days gave iia precipitation of o.o8, 0.08 and lvi0. 12 respe, ti-ely. The warmnist tiltwas on the I ith, with 88 above; Ththe coolest was last Saturday with to37 above. This latter day alsoshowed the ,;li;ghtl ,t range of tein-perature, the miiaxiiiitn being 52above. GRA

H. 1V. Rouse of Troy wa-; aHerald caller lamt Friday,

Miss Rose LaCharity has re-turned from Spokane, where she isatteiiling school, for the silin iier

vacat ion. bet',

CGreely Pomeroy, the well known &

Eureka lawyer, was in Libby MOn- Rday on business connected with the penGriumm estate. ,

Flank Guimm was down fromFortine Monday on business cin- i1nected with his mother's estate. Al

coitiDeputy Shet iff Wave Brown of ien

Eureka was in Libby Tuesday. 13

B. F. Howard, owner of the Her-ald building, las one of the larg-est and hauilsomest tlags in townfluttering in the breeze from thehome which harbors this greatpalladium of free thought and fi espeech. Long may she wive -not one, but both.

W. I, 1 Donovan was striken lahtSaturday morning with a severeattack of spinal meningitis and wasremoved to the Sacred Heart hospi-tal, at Spokane.

J. J. Hiibhard has received lis;stamps and batteries for his mill-ing plant, and as soon as it is takento the properties in the West Fisherit will he set tip and put in opei i-

lion. This group of claims isninong the rschest of the districtand good results are anticipalt-dfrom their milling operation. Pre-tically all of the machinet y for thisplant was made in Kalispell

The city council held no meet-ing Monday evening for lack of aquorum.

Miss Carrie Downing keft Fi idavfor Rochester, Minm , swhere she willundergo an operation for goitre atthe Mayo brothers hospital.

Judge Erickson was in Liibi!.,Thunsday and Friday to attend tosome judicial matters of this (1s-trict.

Nick Michaels went tip to t'West Fisher yesterday to do rep!sentafion work on his claims, andwill be gone until fall.

Valley County (Glasgow) Iad:-pendent : Last Thursday moruii.gC. Myers received a box of fishfrom Libby that were sent to himby E. Swetnam, formerly of this

place. They were several muesseiof mountain trout, and Mr. Swet-nam has the thanks of all whcwere fortunate enough to recei.'eportion ot the shipment.

Governor Norris has appointedW. R. DTawson of Jenning", 1). T.Wood of Troy, XV. W. Blew ofLibby, Sant McCarty of l''irekaand F. N. Dickerhoff of lIral dele-gates to the Good Roads congressto he hel at Anaconda Julr ti and9 next.

E. G. Shaffroth, a Knlipell automan, visited Libby the first of theweek.

It is not probable that Libby willhave a 4th of July celebration thisyear-at least not upon an orguized,extentive scale.

The Libby Cubs expect to playat Bonnets Ferry on the .1th withthe Juniors of that pla e, for apurse of $25.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. ElmerSwitzer, yesterday eveningi June19, a boy.

IM\rs. J. W. Barrett war downfrom Whitefish to visit over Sn n-dJa with her hushaud.

Montgonierv C. Rice, allorneytfor the llinoie & Montana Miningcompanyt reports that he hay jtireceived a patent to it, lode claim,in the W\Xest Fisher. The.e claims,lying on Lake cieek, are known ;sthe Giant, Snutnnit antl I k iew.Thi, company ha= alwavs platiedto do development woi k a; -oon as

patents ,hould isite.



Kalispell, Montana, July 41h.

The proirami for the daay hasheen outlined as follow:;

Chairmuan, Hon. J. 1. Erirksci.Mulsic by the hand.Reading 1)c'laration of ltii1-


Song-PtStar Spang;led Banner.Oration-Hon. P. N. Bern ii.

coug---Aner is .Mnuic by Elikr hand.Monster parade of bandi is, milii ti t

onipanies, -tldiers, teoietie-, child-ien, antomnoi)ile" anti foarts.

Iand concerts.Baseball.Baseball.

NliscellaTneoT" athletic sport, oTthe streets,

Grand free music carnival, 7:3to TO p. Ti.

Mar niti'entt elect iral display.Roller skating; and dancing on

pavement First 'enuTe east.

Grand blll, opera house, to p. In,

NEWS OF 16 YEARS AGO(items culled front oil Troy Ilities

On Wed etisdav, Jlute 17, Boll ;itiflishot and killed Jack 'Tauer in the alitTiet saloon at Libby Trarier called Mi if-ert to the saloon dour and actuse1t hiitof hia'ing circulated a story adun hintwhich aias causing hilt some ttoitulle.Seifert denied the accusation and Tanwr~testruck himi, when Stifert ran away ss iuthTracer alter hint for ,anme distame Lefore lie g tt away. Some twenty m11inutet

later Seifert reatIpenltt ii at tih . 'hiwtsaloon uoor with a 45 io wincheltti !iwithout a moment's warning the.1 atThraner The hall enltert"d the lei! tnear the itidontwn. A; Trater str kthe floor a second shot was filed wihw'

cuiei tAd the shouitlt'r. Nine or tiI ti'dsolis istr' ii tiw salohitn and witn''*e,the trageti,. They all 'i;: Trau e ' "t': .lived a few mi"nutes and that it ti n, :

cold blooded tuitrder. Scifert pself defense and thought ie would cir''oeout all right.

1). T. Wotod, (. 1; Thavi,, W il. !01hn1sonl, 11. 1). Whiting. S. J. hto b T.J. tarker XV. A. A Rai uoitld Thos. lRlobt. XX'atson and Xe ti Jiohttrisot, i. o I0Troy, went to Spokane as wite,.te. inthe Raymomid- jlohnson suit for ii) intit -est iin thit Ktey'stone Mtii'.

A wa',houtt titee milt", west of ILibbyI"'tcLtied a ,.e' 'et atc.ticnt to a west' otn IGreat No thi'i n treight trait. 'Tfe ht'iihwater had iunderminei l the track a' I ti'trati t'vet'l in, the engine turned I i it,siie across the track an11 eighteeu' c-rstumtbled itto the river. Bartels, 'oxe'and articles of merchandise went fati tdown the river, including a portion o'boxcar. No lives were lost or a si oieinjured, though there were rumor; thatone or two trantps riding blind btaigigewere probably trownetl. A telliuorr5y

ses track was hbilt arttnd the wreck to per-t tit the retmlption of tiallic.

'1o It ia2 :,iinoticed that a New Vii l

A com pany, liell lv I , M go e0 y,

haid been orgiti:cd olith $75,()00 capitalto develop TL:t Fe creek tali: and put in

ted extensive ih draulic utorkings.

Three .teamteis Itre Inuning on tin-

Supper }'. tteial tit ween Fotit Steele andJ elliing"; The 1'lint-1: )al" freithlt tra hi'

k1 was fllur ht""1 bI, tilt Nortth Star 111inin'le- comupanty, whuh %%a, ,rnlinp flit 7,011

tons of ire to the t . eat falls smelter.

ndC The Times, aunnouniedl in flaring headlines that it tst 'Rt'Mtc inlue antd itllat the r'epnihhlval natlonal conventiol',

Ito antt that Ith- sptlvti' ttiesgcit mtihlityv int

he comfort at lie gauthrine . Al Ml jiIl-,\was noutinaied on the st hiallot l% avote ifii ', toin 260, for lhe opposititn.

IlHobart of New Jer, v was nominated ftIll vice president on the ist iallot, receitIIt itig 533 votes After the vote on silveti

t, twenty ihree delegates out of the con

veition, including Senator Teller of Colotado, Seiiat .r Ilnhois oft idaho, SenaltuPettigrew of tioutil Dakota nilt Repre

ly seutatie it tullltttn of Alonlialla. The11 detnol l atis v nti n was iilled ftla July 7 at Chliic llth, tilt wt'; attrlactin ' t1lt

usual attention heronte of the strengthtiht- free silk - ti ittm t eit showintot inflth party.

e ( F'ourt itPii l. . til l: It d fii ot ln Ventfuria, where they tuul Immi in Match to

find soint t i unns. Teuhi did fiit

find ttilU i atilt m intt , ti it t brought l ai k ItIot"kett anId two Itp rot s. t

Afonny to lone on approl'ved Si.el-it y A. 1,. Thompsoni

'I~c ofatT- ' r. t it- iM

16, l9:', ! tn id hid' mairrked rll'i1iii , TibiiSihle Ii :ai Appli''CI l t t tioll, t

'" 6, 1912 Knotenai," and ; ashre'std 1~the Siuper visor, Forlest S-"rvice, J,ibbo,Montana, will bt I ceivti d ip to anti itcl ult i t ' 21-t di y of' I te, 19ti , tt,all ther ulerch anlab:," lice vu-tlar marl-h -,or des.1:irntirl f r rln ttime I)% the 1"olr,l

ntiicr, amt ,Ill tIll ne han i)be Ile nI Ccedar, *,taidnhat-of dowtn, 1l":ited oni iiarea to it i it hue Rt] h l .i t nal t l i

ti ti It i 1 - In t It t l t, >.1 of Itlmleritrr creel., trio fihe Natliniial fare'.bonnll'L y, in alppro".itu telly "ection 1"1' ;o IL. \ 1' ., use.: inet - , WWII etendin; nil 10' virlk fo, a distantc" ,lappto..imalely founr mnilr" in the Font,' +umi Naitienal fort-,t, ?tlb nenta t, e:,ltituat,-d s!!to ht be ot) lire mul1 t-al at r~ pole';, _ .,..ft t~ i1-1 ft lit 1, upth, I,o 0 liI'e :Ind dr,1!ceda~r pole-t 4o ft to ;,) it ill knoIth, aInd250 lift, anld dt"ad ril~ar 11111 r' 'I t,1 i!il 1'lene th, mo11re nr lr:"' : nil 2,,,.). crl.1.posIt"; 5 ft in l,,it h -,ll lu l '-I Il u s ." te ,nounifereu,'e at th: *unatll 4'1d, and toolonear ft of reduar linny bel(twrt y inandl 1 lit. in anonemter at the ',mrll tendand uot monre that to ft in l en1th t(,1ea( h piece, andl I cord or mart e'o ctvl.nehulitle hnlf ill -I-,- or I,,:.. T il 1 .1 ilrs" thanlIr finc r jr . ' porle;, 11, ' iI?n'nf,' polrs 121 I`. 2(,'v:" ,1

t2lze f>r 25 ail' Ile f ar toi :-po1les, 14(` to it ', > ''; p,)le ., 2nf 11

7"polles 291' 11 r i")'17" Molt,: ," Ilot . p'd 0d, , 4=,' 1) ".r i' 1 ,".-'li for "t'rs" tail-', a ul t .I I m 1~" II:it. for pole , Innvl r 111 .0, IIn i" 11-It, 2per linear It. llt ird:0r i1 li '9 pl).pas;t for (leadt redr 0t auol 1,- 1ecord for ,hi jvie hoil:;, %%i11 lie III0errrd, and It dep~rmit It ,,,',, II I:bb tothe order of the Wte";tt rn ilunIt.m; :,etion11a Bank ll 7,i:;;oula, MoI1ntana, wit ihr searl 10 that hank Pr 1 a 1 L 1'1[ uil " liuntlted to the Fore' F1 Sup n 1",,f T'un1btr

upmn volt'[ chaim tu: ' revlenate-I lnu nThle r htp1 1 t1) rejeei ;iii, ,I l ni ll 'hid, " I, " pserved, For [int'el' idetl ualtn11,. :ndregulation, )'overnint' sot, ", adhinI rSkrel', o li t, b ",l p 1" itior, 1.100' , 11m A;



III LawyerPrLl tint iV :;Lte and I- . S t.,n l

and 1M0n1'II MIJiTI


1' .Land C',tni ,i, luerNotary Publlic.

1.I il[V - - MONT t N A

NOTICE FOR tl'lCl.t,\TfON.

to i parini.(nt of Ill f I mtvr '. II' . 11t1d\9iJent Iali ell, it i ' n lii. It i i' e, 1..

Ni tict i". h tatin ghivp 1:1 Ro i hudheonard le- uf Tiny, Muntan 3, wh,, onaluly a;, 190; madube htom 'tnt et rti tr~v N,).2oI;,ler ial No ( tr lot, lit ti 6iiAii0l it NWiititi i Vt, u t wsil .5-rang~e 3.3 \\ , M"ontMII n ta mer oha , hastfilet notice of intplc tion o t) a t ok fintalfive year proof i to istablisti sha i ti thtland abvire deiictril d, (il fort' T lltMiller, a 1'. S. Coh 5 1arinsi t it U rLincsiln county, Multiiiiit, on it i rtheiy of J lty, 1t 12. Pline t tit u''woiltnI sats: hoome, Stonteehest oft ILilby,,.Montanae W. A. tae, allac v e.ti tim ati'santd ames; Ogt; all of T'roy, :11,111 wma.

ANDo,:\W W. SWANHv:V. Rr;,imesFirst halt June : L~ast phul itti


sroib er, your c wiiei. win .sir;t iiiuYou art' h1,t h\ lot' t, l that in t r, d

ancee with ,rtctiont 2"21 of thw !: vstdSthttet of reqtued I d Setxta'i i hit etiptruted upon thw IGohh a (;air m":.'!Ituart/ lutde iniint, clbitus, ,titn n ! in

West Visi;ht tm Hoor);rni-c 1 Un~i , ,trict, it) 1.inemitn outntty, 10 !! ,, th-: u of runt hul !rsd i.! n . toAper d4,y the ve iiad' . t mher 31, t0 o. andl Itr<eem',< ;,order to ht eel ,,tic) cainst he, ', ,"

Andl it' within timely clay, -tart th, nntine of pttblication you fail of win t tocoutribute your proportion of t.thli ex-pendliture, be~ing flth stin of ;;:" {; ('. reach claim for each year, \otur 'nte~restin said claims will heroine. us 'cr saidsection of the Rvvisted t n :'es; of theIVuited States, the prop'rty o~f ft(. nu,scriber, your co owner, \\ht, ,tots madethe required expenditure.

Nick M~i Reis.Apr. 1, l9t2-Julyv 4


Latest Styles an' I Shapes in Button andLace Shoes and Oxfords for Spring just arrived

F. M. PlummerDry Goods, Shoes, Clothing


And Everything to Eat

Kootenai Deal in all kinds of RealEstate and Real EstateImprovements. Loc ateLand Parties on choice Fruit

and Dairy lands.Investment Make a specialty of Koo-tenai Valley lands, but

SCompany will buy and sell in allparts of the county

OFFICES IN LIBBY AND TROYAt Hotel Richards, Libby - At F. B. Callow's, Troy

City Drug StoreR. SAILEL, Propr.

Oldest Drug House in Kootenai Valley

A Full Line of A. D. S. RemediesToilet Preparations, Brushes, Etc.


They are Quite Effetive0.11d. "_ for a-lormunent, mnol our bra+relets are

, l:,a'le in no miany differenut 'A"le , am l inflth, qult" de,,igns of ill.- 'pho lis ith'; nat,lIit tlw" n o't lastli~llmus tna h. call ht,

Witle . 1t,"e n rsupply them in all m

'linethti'ls of precious stone',, anal thevI

in tke i rich anal hanilsomeic wk-odin iftor offering to your ';ife or fiat


11. . 0. Building

The First National Bank of LibbyOpen 1 for Vusinesi Jln. 19, 1910

CAPITAL $25.000.00 - - RESOURCES $200,000.00


C. I;1 LU l; INS, PresidentAP. 1' P \I\M'R, Vice-Pre,.

CIIES'1'TR A. AiDAMS, Cashier1. J. CORTRIIIT, Asst. Cashier.



*+*4 f *.***ff4* * t"

lw EST BEERO1r beer is 1 dii fromtn the Patuous+ Montana 10rley and Bohemian} HOps :1pu Led Ir ni Europe...

Kalispell Ma2ing & Brewing Company*KAIISPI T T - - -- MONTANA. g



Prompt Service andCareful Delivery...


just right in aMonarch

Malleable RangeIt's Hot BlastFire Box con-sumes everyparticle of fuel

.ad all the gases.T 'I here's no waste offuel in a Monarch.The


Rangeis the best range for summeruse. Being constructed ofmalleable iron, it heats and cools offquickly. The Moonarch needs lessfuel than meo t raugeTh, his meansless coal to c: rry.-i-:sy wood to split-- fewer --.. s to handle, The perpet.ually pIslished top of the Monarch re-lieves the h'uew_.ife of the hot,smutty task of blacking a stove.

Call and sce the Monarch.Let -s show you its many ad-

f vantacs cnad conveniences.__ Yon surely be interested.

Fleek & Fleek

Elgin ShirtsCUTTER & CROf TTE, Makers

Soft, unstarcehd finish,military collar andFrench cufrs are mostcomfortable and wehave prepared to meetthe demand for themfrom our newly receivedstock of the latest ideas,at prices that will in-terest you.

Remember, that

Elgin Shirtswear better, fit betterand are better thanothers that are offeredyou at higher prices.Call and examine themand buy all you can use.

