the legrand legacy generation 1- part 2

Legrand Generation 1 Part 2- Carried Away

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Post on 19-Nov-2014



Self Improvement

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Page 1: The Legrand Legacy Generation 1- Part 2


Generation 1 Part 2- Carried Away

Page 2: The Legrand Legacy Generation 1- Part 2

Last time Anette married Phil, and was blessed with not one, but four bundles of joy. Ug. Don’t ask me why I use that mod. Again, Ug. But before we get to them…

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“hi, I’m the new and improved Simself. And to avoid awkward conversation…”

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“… this is my house. I know, as a simself, I could have a mansion, but I wanted something a bit more homey feeling.”

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“And I really like how my kitchen turned out. It’s one of my favorite rooms. Anyway, I won’t bore you with a tour.”

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“I’ll just cut to the chase and head on up to my writing room.”

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I walked in and found it full to the brim.“Hi Author.” Jason waved.“Is there a party I don’t know about?” I asked, raising my eyebrow.Jason laughed. “I don’t believe so.”“Get a room lovebirds.” Juliette grumped.

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Anette disappeared and Phil made an annoyed response.

“Holy Cow!” I freaked. “Where did Anette go?”

And then Phil also disappeared.

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“You’re the one that made this and your bedroom work this way.”I just stared at him.He sighed. “You wanted ideas to flow, right? That’s why you made these two rooms similar.”“Jason, you still aren’t making any sense.”“To put it simply, we are figments of your imagination.”

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“But your real, sort of. You’re part of the game.”“Not really. See, we aren’t the same people wandering around your neighborhood.”“But how could you be a figment of my imagination, I’m not controlling you.”“He said simply, dear.” Juliette said.

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“That was the closest thing he could think of to compare us to. We aren’t real, but we sort of are. You know us, and these rooms take that and make us. We then take on an identity of our own, essentially becoming a person that cannot exist anywhere, but in this house. We only appear in these two rooms, but then we can travel throughout the house. We can also go poof if we want to. It can be rather fun.”

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“So, your glimpses of people in this mini-verse, that I’m stuck living with, because you guys have your own say in what you do.”“Exactly!” Juliette ecstatically clapped her hands.Ug. I think I prefer the house with quads.

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Phil was very disappointed in himself. He had made such a big mistake that he got himself fired. He knew he had to find a new job, and fast, to provide for his large family.

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After that, Phil came in and helped with the birthdays. Anton is the boy who most likely has his father’s nose. Brielle is the blond, the only blond of the four. They believe that she will look very much like her father when she is older.

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Charnell looks quite a bit like Anton. And Desiree is the only one who did not inherit her father’s nose. She also has her mother’s eye color.

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Soon thereafter, Phil found a job. He didn’t really like it, and it didn’t pay well, but at least it was something. He would keep looking for something better. But in the meantime, at least he had something.

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To be honest, there really isn’t any purpose to this slide. I just wanted to get a picture with all four of them in it.Suffice it to say that they had their birthday party this evening.

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“Now that we’re children, I’ve been trying to come up with ways we can start making money. The thing is that they all sounded very boring. Then I saw a band on T.V. That would be so fun, what if we did that for money when we are older?” Anton said as he bounced.“That sounds cool, but what can we do now?” Brielle stopped jumping.“All the kid stuff doesn’t amount to anything, not to mention that sitting all day at a lemonade stand sounds very boring.”

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Brielle took a huge leap.“What if we start practicing for the band, so that we can be awesome!”Anton frowned. “That also sounds boring. And again, that is still later.”“It’s called a goal Anton. Goals are fun. The little ones leading up to the fun one are often boring though.”“So, a little boredom now equals lots of fun later?”“Yep!”

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“Okay, then lets start practicing now!” Anton shouted as he leapt of the bed. Brielle beat him to it. “Careful jumping off, the ground is hard.” Brielle said. Anton didn’t hear her as he jumped.“After all, the sooner we get through the boring stuff, the sooner we get to have fun!” He said.

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Anton stopped. “I just realized that we don’t have any instruments.”“That’s okay. We can learn the names of notes and that sort of thing, until we get some.”Brielle smiled and skipped away. “I have a feeling there is so much to learn!” She called over her shoulder.Anton scratched his head. “Notes have names?”

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“Anette, I quit my job today.”

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“What!? We have four kids to support!”

“It’s okay. I got my dream job. It’s not as much pay, but with a few promotions, we’ll be fine.”

“Phil, we were barely making it by as it was.”

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“Don’t worry Nettie. Everything will be fine. It will work itself out.”

Anette closed her eyes and willed herself to believe him.

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“Mom, what are you doing?” Desiree asked curiously.“I’m finding a job, sweetheart.”“Isn’t that what dad’s do?”Anette circled one for a golf caddy. “Yes, well Moms can too. Especially when Dads choose to leave a decent job for their dream job, even though it is a lower salary.”“But, what does a lower salary have to do with anything?”

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Anette sighed and folded the newspaper. “Desi, do you know what a salary is?” Desiree thought for a moment and then shook her head. “You see, it is the amount of money that someone makes over a given period of time.”Desiree thought about it for a second. “So dad is making less money, so Mom needs to help make some.”“Exactly.”

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“So your going to be gone a lot. Do you not want to be here?” Desiree’s eyes began to well with tears.Anette wrapped her up into a hug. “Don’t worry Desi. I love you very much, but when you love someone, sometimes that means making sacrifices. Sometimes loving someone means spending less time together, so that they don’t have to suffer.”

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“Desi, I feel like no one likes me at school.” Charnell said a few days later.

“It’s because you don’t fit in.” Desi said.

“But I really want to fit in. I’ve been trying really hard, but what am I doing wrong?”

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“It’s probably because you look stupidly childish in that reindeer shirt and pigtails.” Desiree said without even looking up from her homework.

Charnell looked down unseeingly at her homework. I suppose I am stupid and childish. No wonder no one likes me. She put her homework away and went to sit on the couch.

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Desiree stood up and looked at her sister. “So all we have to do is make you look as amazing as you are inside.”

Charnell looked up at her in shock. “You mean you don’t think I’m stupid and childish?”

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Desiree laughed, “Why would I think that.”“You just said you did.”“No, I said your outfit made you look it. So if you try a look more suitable for you, then everyone won’t think that.”Charnell smiled.

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“I know!” Desi practically screamed. “I have another one of these orange dresses hanging in mom’s room. We can be twinners!”Charnell grinned.“Tomorrow morning it is, then!” Desi said.

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“Awsome! Now we just need to do your hair. Don’t worry, mommy taught me how to use a curling iron when she had to get a job, so that I could do my own hair!” Desi said.

Charnell shuffled her feet. She wasn’t so sure how excited she was to have her sister using something that hot around her head.

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“I think I might have gotten a little carried away…”

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“I think she looks amazing!” Brielle said. “Avast ye fair maiden, I have come to kidnap thee!”

“O’ Pirate ye compliments are kind. Watch out, for my sister is behind thee. She can take thee down,” Charnell said.

“Avast, me thinks it is time to retreat to yonder school bus.”

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The next day they sat around talking.“Mom’s been sick lately, why do you think that is?” Charnell asked.“Are you sure she’s even sick? Just because someone spends more time in the bathroom and their bedroom, doesn’t mean they are sick.” Anton said.

Brielle laughed. “If that’s not sick, I don’t know what is!”

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“I’ll bet magic has mom sick.” Desi said.

“Why magic?” Anton asked.

“Because it is mysterious, just like this sickness.”

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“I don’t think it’s magic.”

“But what else could it be?” Charnell asked.

Brielle shrugged her shoulders.

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“Maybe it was Aliens! They’re mysterious, too!”

“Yeah!” Charnell said. “They abducted her while we weren’t watching, and the experiments made her sick!”

“I dunno Nelli…” Anton trailed off.

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“I guess it is kinda silly. Like saying mom’s makeup is making her sick.” Brielle responded.

They were quiet for a minute.

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“Maybe she’s pregnant.” Anton said quietly.

“The Alien story was more entertaining. At least it was fun to talk about.” Charnell said. Flopping onto her back.

“Way to kill the mood with choosing a realistic answer,” Desi said.

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“I think mom is just getting older.” Brielle chirped.The four of them laughed.

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“Phil, I’m scared.”“Why?”“Hmm.. Let’s see. We have less money than before, I’m pregnant, so I can’t go to work, and I’m pregnant so that means more people to worry about.”Phil looked up into her eyes.

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And pulled her into a hug. “Don’t worry. Things have a funny way of working out. Anyway, don’t think of it as worrying, but as extra love.”“That sounds cheesy Phil.” Anette giggled.Phil just smiled.

That wraps up this chapter. Stay tuned for babys! Ug…