the legend of tiriki forest part 2


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Post on 15-Jun-2015



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Part 1 of Week 2 of my Build A City Challenge


Page 1: The Legend of Tiriki Forest Part 2
Page 2: The Legend of Tiriki Forest Part 2

Welcome back to Tiriki Forest! When we last left my little sim universe we’d plopped one playable sim into the hood. I broke a rule in the very first update *cough* used the gypsy matchmaker to find my spouse when I’m not allowed to use services *cough*

Whoops? Oh and I got a genie lamp so we also added our first community lot The Fish Hut to the hood and thus a second sim to my little neck of the woods. So that means we get to visit 2 households this week. None of that sounds familiar huh? Well go check out chapter one.

In this part you’ll get a glimpse of what happened in the Gardener household during their first rotation in the hood.


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Everyone say hello to Tafari Gardener. She’s fresh out of CAS with blue skin and custom pink eyes. When I saw the blue genetics on Claire (my gypsy matchmaker) I was like hell yeah let’s have some blue babies running around the hood.

So Tafari here is a Popularity Sim who wants to be best friends with 20 different animals. So not happening sister.

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I’ve decided Tafari can earn extra money by gardening. If her last name wasn’t a clue already. Oh and for those wondering about the first name it’s African. I forget what it means though. All kids in this family will get African names.

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Elle decided to stop over for lunch one day. She and Tafari are now pretty good friends. They’re not BFF yet, but it’s good to see the two ladies get along.

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Despite having some really cool genetics Tafari has been pretty boring this rotation. All she’s done is garden, dig for treasure, and skill build. Until she met Goopy here for whom she has 2 bolts. Good for her. I’ve always liked Goopy.

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These two stalk each other. A lot.

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So they get married. Goopy moved in with 17K and a job in Science which he quit. He’s Romance and wants to become the Law. Not the worst possible LTW, but I don’t know if he’ll get it. And yes I have a hack which lets my sims get any of the LTW’s regardless of aspiration. I like and need variety in my life.

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So since Goopy can’t work I have him take up painting. It’s fitting since Arts and Crafts is his pre-destined hobby.

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Tafari despite her pregnancy continues to tend her rather small garden.

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*crickets chirping* You two aren’t going to do anything fun/interesting on your own are you?

*sigh* tries to start thinking up something to make this family more entertaining.

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Tafari eventually pops into her maternity wear. And she continued to be rather dull.

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Hello, what’s this. So since I need 4 houses before I can put down my military base I decided to move Goopy’s best friend into the house. I turned my back on her for 2 seconds and she proceeds to launch herself at Goopy. She falls madly in love with him, though Goopy remained completely loyal to Tafari. Not even a crush on his side of things.


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Hey where’s my blue skin baby! So apparently that blue skin isn’t genetic like I thought. Actually I don’t even remember where I got it.

Anyway, meet Ashanti Gardener.

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“Oh hey Jan. Goopy? Yeah he’s home. Hang on I’ll get him for you.”

Tafari is completely oblivious to the fact that Jan seems to be stalking her husband.

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Personally, if some woman kept walking into my house at random times every single day and called at least once a day and always asked to speak to my husband I’d start to get a little suspicious. Tafari though isn’t me. She’s taking this all with a wave and a smile.

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She’s also a rather poor mom, and honestly this surprises me. Normally my pop sims make great parents. She’s hardly interacted with Ashanti at all and she always puts her flat on the floor after feeding her.

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Luckily, Goopy makes up for his wife’s lack of parenting skills. He adores Ashanti and is always cuddling her. He’s also the one that rolls wants to teach her to walk, talk, use the potty, and even wants to teach her a nursery rhyme. And no I didn’t give him family as a secondary aspiration. I gave him Fortune.

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Goopy and Tafari still spend a great deal of time doing other things besides looking after their daughter. Goopy paints and Tafari gardens or eats.

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This leaves Ashanti to entertain herself most of the day. She’s taken up drawing, but since Goopy is the only one who interacts with her at all I guess that’s no surprise.

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Tafari given how much you eat it’s a wonder you aren’t the size of a barn. Seriously this was all she did during the rotation. Eat, garden, sleep and stalk her husband.

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So of course something had to be done. Since Goopy apparently is turned on by plant sims, his wife lives in the garden anyway, and her blue skin isn’t going to be passed down to next generations I had her spray the family tree until she turned green.

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My simself thanks you for sticking with us this far. Sorry this chapter was so dull, but honestly there aren’t many ways to make a skilling marathon and eating yourself stupid interesting. But not to worry if they won’t be interesting on their own free will, well then I’ll just have to do things to make them more fun. *cough* making Goopy attracted to plant sims and turning Tafari green *cough*

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End of rotation Stats:

Number of Houses: 2

Number of Playable Sims: 7 (+3)

Number of Owned Lots: 1 (The Fish Hut)

Careers Unlocked: 0

Sim Multiplier: 5 (+1 for first community lot +1 for each house +2 since both houses have 2 generations living in them)

Total Population: 35